The Effects of Advertising: Critical Cartoons
The Effects of Advertising: Critical Cartoons
The Effects of Advertising: Critical Cartoons
1 Critical cartoons
A Warm up
Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the questions below.
1 How many hours of TV did you watch a day when you were a child? When I was a
2 The average child in the USA watches over 40,000 TV commercials each year. child, I . . .
What effect does this have?
3 Why do advertisers spend so much money putting commercials
on children’s TV shows when children have so little money?
In my opinion, . . .
If children watch so much TV, it must . . . I think one reason is . . .
Media link
Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood is a documentary about
the multi-billion dollar industry that sells everything from junk food to
violent video games to children.
For additional media links, go to
2 Core vocabulary
A Scanning and skimming
1 Find and underline the keywords in the text. The first one is done for you. Try to
guess their meanings.
assume behavior brand income industry
label prevent stock trend warn
2 Read the statements below. Which best describes what this text
is about?
A The uses of advertising in society
B The positive effects of brand loyalty
C How advertising can be used to improve our health
2 The subject of the sentence is the same for all three verbs. Write it below.
3 Work with a partner. What do you think ism means? Circle the correct answer.
A an outdoor activity
B a belief or system of beliefs
C thinking too much about something
D Discussion dictation
1 Listen and write down the questions.
1 What were ?
2 What are ?
3 Are cigarettes ?
2 Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions. Be sure to ask follow-up
3 Reading skills
A Pre-reading questions
B Reading
Read the text. Highlight an interesting idea in each paragraph.
E Identifying opinions
Which one of the following sentences best describes the author’s opinion?
Circle A, B, or C.
A Advertising causes us to buy too many things, and this has many negative results.
B Advertising is neither good nor bad; people are free to choose not to buy things.
C Advertising is a useful way to find out about a product.
B Comparing results
Form new groups and compare your advertisements. Discuss the questions below.
1 How many of these products do you buy? How do you feel about them?
2 What words can you think of to describe the products?
3 Do the makers of any of these products use a celebrity spokesperson to advertise?
Which makers? Does this make you want to buy the product?
4 Do any of the products use humor to sell the product? Which ones? Does this make you
feel more positive about the product?
5 Critical thinking
A What does the author mean? inference: a guess
that something is
true or not from the
1 Work with a partner. Read the statements below and decide information you have
if they are suggested by the text on page 4. Write down your
Inference? Where
(Yes/No) (line no.)
1 In the past, products were of a higher quality.
2 Consumerism causes parents to spend less time with
their children.
3 Advertisements are a reliable source of information.
4 Advertising makes people assume that they will find
happiness if they buy something.
B Categorizing
Read the statements below about some of the effects of advertising. Decide if they
sound positive or negative. Check (✔) the boxes. Then compare your answers with
a partner.
Advertising . . . Positive Negative
creates more waste.
means people have to work harder.
increases company profits.
leads to less time with family.
gives more information to customers.
changes bad behavior.
D Discussion
1 Work in small groups. In C, you looked at eight advertising techniques. Read these
statements taken from advertisements. Which techniques do they use? Write 1 to 8
in the chart below.
Advertising statement
This could
ld bbe an example
of greenwashing because . . . The ad doesn’t say Another example of
anything about . . . greenwashing is . . .
Quotable Quotes
Final thoughts . . .