Am29BDD160G Known Good Die: Data Sheet Suplement, Revision 1
Am29BDD160G Known Good Die: Data Sheet Suplement, Revision 1
Am29BDD160G Known Good Die: Data Sheet Suplement, Revision 1
July 2003
The following document specifies Spansion memory products that are now offered by both Advanced
Micro Devices and Fujitsu. Although the document is marked with the name of the company that orig-
inally developed the specification, these products will be offered to customers of both AMD and
Continuity of Specifications
There is no change to this datasheet as a result of offering the device as a Spansion product. Any
changes that have been made are the result of normal datasheet improvement and are noted in the
document revision summary, where supported. Future routine revisions will occur when appropriate,
and changes will be noted in a revision summary.
Publication Number 26994 Revision A Amendment +3 Issue Date July 16, 2003
ARCHITECTURE ADVANTAGES ■ Ultra low power consumption
■ Simultaneous Read/Write operations — Burst Mode Read: 90 mA @ 56 MHz max
— Data can be continuously read from one bank while — Program/Erase: 50 mA max
executing erase/program functions in other bank — Standby mode: CMOS: 250 µA max
— Zero latency between read and write operations ■ Minimum 1 million write cycles guaranteed per sector
— Two bank architecture: 75%/25% ■ 20 year data retention at 125°C
■ User-Defined x16 or x32 Data Bus ■ VersatileI/O™ control
■ Dual Boot Block — Device generates data output voltages and tolerates data
— Top and bottom boot in the same device input voltages as determined by the voltage on the VIO pin
■ Flexible sector architecture — 1.65 V to 2.75 V compatible I/O signals
— Eight 8 Kbytes, thirty 64 Kbytes, and eight 8 Kbytes
■ Persistent Sector Protection
■ Manufactured on 0.17 µm process technology
— A command sector protection method to lock
■ SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector (256 Bytes) combinations of individual sectors and sector groups to
— Factory locked and identifiable: 16 bytes for secure, prevent program or erase operations within that sector
random factory Electronic Serial Number; remainder may (requires only VCC levels)
be customer data programmed by AMD ■ Password Sector Protection
— Customer lockable: Can be read, programmed or erased
— A sophisticated sector protection method to lock
just like other sectors. Once locked, data cannot be
combinations of individual sectors and sector groups to
prevent program or erase operations within that sector
■ Programmable Burst interface using a user-definable 64-bit password
— Interface to any high performance processor ■ Supports Common Flash Interface (CFI)
— Modes of Burst Read Operation:
■ Unlock Bypass Program Command
— Linear Burst: 4 double words (x32), 8 words (x16) and
— Reduces overall programming time when issuing multiple
double words (x32), and 32 words (x16) with wrap
program command sequences
■ Single power supply operation ■ Data# Polling and toggle bits
— Provides a software method of detecting program or erase
— Optimized for 2.5 to 2.75 Volt read, erase, and program
operation completion
■ Compatibility with JEDEC standards (JC42.4) HARDWARE FEATURES
— Software compatible with single-power supply Flash ■ Program Suspend/Resume & Erase Suspend/Resume
— Backward-compatible with AMD Am29LV and Am29F — Suspends program or erase operations to allow reading,
flash memories programming, or erasing in same bank
The Am29BDD160G in Known Good Die (KGD) form is WP# Hardware Protection feature is always available,
an 16 Mbit, 2.5 volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines independent of the other protection method chosen.
KGD as standard product in die form, tested for function-
The VersatileI/O™ (VCCQ) feature allows the output
ality and speed. AMD KGD products have the same reli-
voltage generated on the device to be determined
ability and quality as AMD products in packaged form.
based on the VIO level. This feature allows this device
Am29BDD160G Features to operate in the 1.8 V I/O environment, driving and re-
ceiving signals to and from other 1.8 V devices on the
The Am29BDD160G is a 16 Megabit, 2.5 Volt-only sin-
same bus. In addition, inputs and I/Os that are driven
gle power supply burst mode flash memory device.
externally are capable of handling 3.6 V.
The device can be configured for either 1,048,576
words in 16-bit mode or 524,288 double words in 32- The host system can detect whether a program or
bit mode. The device can also be programmed in stan- erase operation is complete by observing the RY/BY#
dard EPROM programmers. The device offers a con- pin, by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling), or DQ6 (tog-
figurable burst interface to 16/32-bit microprocessors gle) status bits. After a program or erase cycle has
and microcontrollers. been completed, the device is ready to read array data
or accept another command.
To eliminate bus contention, each device has separate
chip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#) and output en- The sector erase architecture allows memory sec-
able (OE#) controls. Additional control inputs are re- tors to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting
quired for synchronous burst operations: Load Burst the data contents of other sectors. The device is fully
Address Valid (ADV#), and Clock (CLK). erased when shipped from the factory.
Each device requires only a single 2.5 or 2.6 Volt Hardware data protection measures include a low
power supply (2.5 V to 2.75 V) for both read and write VCC detector that automatically inhibits write opera-
functions. A 12.0-volt VPP is not required for program tions during power transitions. The password and
or erase operations, although an acceleration pin is software sector protection feature disables both pro-
available if faster programming performance is re- gram and erase operations in any combination of sec-
quired. tors of memory. This can be achieved in-system at
The device is entirely command set compatible with VCC level.
the JEDEC single-power-supply Flash standard. The Program/Erase Suspend/Erase Resume fea-
The Unlock Bypass mode facilitates faster program- ture enables the user to put erase on hold for any pe-
ming times by requiring only two write cycles to pro- riod of time to read data from, or program data to, any
gram data instead of four. sector that is not selected for erasure. True back-
ground erase can thus be achieved.
The Simultaneous Read/Write architecture provides
simultaneous operation by dividing the memory space The hardware RESET# pin terminates any operation
into two banks. The device can begin programming or in progress and resets the internal state machine to
erasing in one bank, and then simultaneously read reading array data.
from the other bank, with zero latency. The device offers two power-saving features. When
The device provides a 256-byte SecSi™ (Secured addresses have been stable for a specified amount of
Silicon) Sector with an one-time-programmable time, the device enters the automatic sleep mode.
(OTP) mechanism. The system can also place the device into the
standby mode. Power consumption is greatly re-
In addition, the device features several levels of sector duced in both these modes.
protection, which can disable both the program and
erase operations in certain sectors or sector groups: AMD’s Flash technology combines years of Flash
Persistent Sector Protection is a command sector memory manufacturing experience to produce the
protection method that replaces the old 12 V con- highest levels of quality, reliability and cost effective-
trolled protection method; Password Sector Protec- ness. The device electrically erases all bits within
tion is a highly sophisticated protection method that a sector simultaneously via Fowler-Nordheim tun-
requires a password before changes to certain sectors neling. The data is programmed using hot electron injec-
or sector groups are permitted; WP# Hardware Pro- tion.
tection prevents program or erase in the two outer- Electrical Specifications
most 8 Kbytes sectors of the larger bank.
Refer to the Am29BDD160G data sheet, publication
The device defaults to the Persistent Sector Protection number 24960, for full electrical specifications on the
mode. The customer must then choose if the Standard Am29BDD160G in KGD form.
or Password Protection method is most desirable. The
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Pads relative to die center.
Pads relative to VCC.
Standard Products
AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is
formed by a combination of the following:
Am29BDD160 G T 64 C DP E 1
This number refers to the specific AMD manufacturing process and
product technology reflected in this document. It is entered in the
revision field of AMD standard product nomenclature.
I = Industrial (–40°C to +85°C)
E = Extended (–40°C to +125°C)
H = Super Extended (–40°C to +145°C)
A = 40 MHz
C = 56 MHz
See Product Selector Guide and Valid Combinations
Am29BDD160 Known Good Die
8 Megabit (1 M x 16-Bit/512 K x 32-Bit) CMOS Flash Memory—Die Revision 1
2.5 Volt-only Program and Erase
Surftape Packaging
Direction of Feed
Orientation relative to
leading edge of tape
and reel
16 mm
DC Parameters
Wafer Sort 1 Functionality
Data Retention
24 hours at 250°C
DC Parameters
Wafer Sort 2 Functionality
DC Parameters
Wafer Sort 3 Functionality
High Temperature Programmability
Incoming Inspection
Packaging for Shipment Wafer Saw
Die Separation
100% Visual Inspection
Die Pack
Industrial (I) Devices
Ambient Temperature (TA) . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Extended (E) Devices
Ambient Temperature (TA) . . . . . . . . –40°C to +125°C
VCC Supply Voltages
VCC for regulated voltage range. . . . . . 2.5 V to 2.75 V
VIO Supply Voltages
VIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.65 V to 2.75 V
Operating ranges define those limits between which the
functionality of the device is guaranteed.
CMOS Compatible
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Erase/Program Operation – KGD Devices
at 145°C
Parameter Description All Speed Options Unit
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR specified location. The aforementioned provisions do
AMD NON-VOLATILE MEMORY DIE not extend the original limited warranty period of any
Die or Wafer(s) that has either been replaced by AMD.
All transactions relating to unpackaged die under this
agreement shall be subject to AMD’s standard terms THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED IN LIEU
and conditions of sale, or any revisions thereof, which OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR
revisions AMD reserves the right to make at any time IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
and from time to time. In the event of conflict between FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THE
the provisions of AMD’s standard terms and conditions IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
of sale and this agreement, the terms of this agreement NONINFRINGEMENT AND OF ALL OTHER OBLIGA-
shall be controlling. TIONS OR LIABILITIES ON AMD's PART, AND IT
AMD warrants its manufactured unpackaged die OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR AMD ANY
whether shipped to customer in individual dice or wafer OTHER LIABILITIES. THE FOREGOING CONSTI-
form ("Known Good Die," "KGD", "Die," "Known Good TUTES THE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE
Wafer", "KGW", or Wafer(s)) will meet AMD's published REMEDY FOR THE FURNISHING OF DEFECTIVE
specifications and against defective materials or work- OR NON CONFORMING KNOWN GOOD DIE OR
manship for a period of one (1) year from date of ship- KNOWN GOOD WAFER(S) AND AMD SHALL NOT IN
This limited warranty does not extend beyond the first FAC T U R I N G C O S T S , D OW N T I M E C O S T S ,
purchaser of said Die or Wafer(s). DAMAGES RELATING TO BUYER'S PROCURE-
Buyer assumes full responsibility to ensure compliance "COST OF COVER"), LOSS OF PROFITS, REVE-
with the appropriate handling, assembly and pro- N U E S O R G O O DW I L L , L O S S O F U S E O F
cessing of KGD or KGW (including but not limited to ORDAMAGE TO ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT,
proper Die preparation, Die attach, backgrinding, sin- OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL
gulation, wire bonding and related assembly and test OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BY REASON OF
activities), and compliance with all guidelines set forth THE FACT THAT SUCH KNOWN GOOD DIE OR
in AMD's specifications for KGD or KGW, and AMD KNOWN GOOD WAFER(S) SHALL HAVE BEEN
assumes no responsibility for environmental effects on DETERMINED TO BE DEFECTIVE OR NON CON-
KGD or KGW or for any activity of Buyer or a third party FORMING.
that damages the Die or Wafer(s) due to improper use,
abuse, negligence, improper installation, improper Buyer agrees that it will make no warranty representa-
backgrinding, improper singulation, accident, loss, tions to its customers which exceed those given by
damage in transit, or unauthorized repair or alteration AMD to Buyer unless and until Buyer shall agree to
by a person or entity other than AMD ("Limited War- indemnify AMD in writing for any claims which exceed
ranty Exclusions") AMD's limited warranty. Known Good Die or Known
Good Wafer(s) are not designed or authorized for use
The liability of AMD under this limited warranty is lim- as components in life support appliances, devices or
ited, at AMD's option, solely to repair the Die or systems where malfunction of the Die or Wafer(s) can
Wafer(s), to send replacement Die or Wafer(s), or to reasonably be expected to result in a personal injury.
make an appropriate credit adjustment or refund in an Buyer's use of Known Good Die or Known Good
amount not to exceed the original purchase price actu- Wafer(s) for use in life support applications is at Buyer's
ally paid for the Die or Wafer(s) returned to AMD, pro- own risk and Buyer agrees to fully indemnify AMD for
vided that: (a) AMD is promptly notified by Buyer in any damages resulting in such use or sale.
writing during the applicable warranty period of any
defect or nonconformity in the Die or Wafer(s); (b) Known Good Die or Known Good Wafer are not
Buyer obtains authorization from AMD to return the designed or authorized for use as components in life
defective Die or Wafer(s); (c) the defective Die or support appliances, devices or systems where mal-
Wafer(s) is returned to AMD by Buyer in accordance function of the die or wafer can reasonably be expected
with AMD's shipping instructions set forth below; and to result in a personal injury. Buyer's use of Known
(d) Buyer shows to AMD's satisfaction that such Good Die or Known Good Wafer for use in life support
alleged defect or nonconformity actually exists and was applications is at Buyer's own risk and Buyer agrees to
not caused by any of the above-referenced Warranty fully indemnify AMD for any damages resulting in such
Exclusions. Buyer shall ship such defective Die or use or sale.
Wafer(s) to AMD via AMD's carrier, collect. Risk of loss
will transfer to AMD when the defective Die or Wafer(s)
is provided to AMD's carrier. If Buyer fails to adhere to
these warranty returns guidelines, Buyer shall assume
all risk of loss and shall pay for all freight to AMD's
Revision A (December 10, 2002) Alternate CE# Controlled Erase/Program Operation:
changed tDH speed to 2 ns.
Initial release.
Terms and Conditions of sale for AMD Non-volatile
Revision A + 1 (April 21, 2003) memory die
Distinctive Characteristics Revised text following first paragraph.
Architectural Advantages, Single power supply opera-
tion: changed 2.7 Volt to 2.75 Volt. Revision A + 2 (May 9, 2003)
Performance Characteristics
Performance Characteristics, Ultra low power con-
sumption: changed Standby mode: CMOS to 60 µA Ultra low power consumption: changed Standby mode:
max. CMOS to 250 µA