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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,886,250 B2

Liao (45) Date of Patent: May 3, 2005


JP SS-O10385 * 1/1980
JP 62-279,047 * 12/1987
(76) Inventor: Shu-Yuan Liao, No. 8, Industrial Park JP O7-088588 * 4/1995
19th. Road, Taichung City (TW)
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * cited by examiner
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 86 days. Primary Examiner Eric Compton
(21) Appl. No.: 10/397,044
(22) Filed: Mar. 25, 2003 The manufacturing method for an aluminum alloy wheel rim
consists of the following Steps: (1) cutting aluminum alloy
(65) Prior Publication Data material; (2) heating the aluminum alloy material to make a
US 2004/0187312 A1 Sep. 30, 2004
marked center and fillet preformed blank; (3) forging the
marked center and fillet preformed blank into a preformed
(51) Int. Cl................................................... B21K 1/38 blank; (4) punching a central axis of the preformed blank;
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 29/894.324; 29/894.353; (5) forging the punched preformed blank into an enlarged
72/353.2 rough forging blank; and (6) forging the enlarged rough
(58) Field of Search ............................ 29/894.325,894, forging blank to form an aluminum alloy wheel rim. With
29/894.324, 894.353; 72/353.2, 355.4; 301/63.109 this presenting invention the Structural Strength of the wheel
rim is enhanced. In addition, the aluminum alloy wheel rim
(56) References Cited can be manufactured rapidly, thereby enhancing efficient
productivity and improving quality of fabrication of the
2,406,062 A 8/1946 Cornell .................. 29/894.325
3.263,315 A * 8/1966 O’Brien ................. 29/894.324 4 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

cutting the aluminuin

alloy material

forming the marked center

and fillet preformed blank

forming the H-shaped

preformed blank

punching the H-shaped

preformed blank

forming the enlarged

rough forging blank

forming the aluminum

alloy wheel rim
U.S. Patent May 3, 2005 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,886,250 B2

cutting the aluminum

alloy material

forming the marked center

and fillet preformed blank

forming the H-shaped

preformed blank

punching the H-shaped

preformed blank

forming the enlarged

rough forging blank

forming the aluminum

alloy wheel rim

FIG. 1
U.S. Patent May 3, 2005 Sheet 2 of 4 US 6,886,250 B2


FG. 2

Z24.7272 2

FG. 3
U.S. Patent May 3, 2005 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,886,250 B2

FG. 4

F.G. 5
U.S. Patent May 3, 2005 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,886,250 B2

FIG. 6

FIG. 7
US 6,886,250 B2
1 2
METHOD OF MANUFACTURING FOR Optimally and preferably, the marked center and fillet
ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEEL RIM preformed blank is placed in a Setting/forming die to be
forged into an H-shaped preformed blank.
Optimally and preferably, the punched H-shaped pre
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION formed blank is heated at a temperature of 470 C.
1. Field of Invention Optimally and preferably, the enlarged rough forging
The presenting invention relates to a manufacturing blank is heated at a temperature of 470 C.
method for an aluminum alloy wheel rim. Particular refer Optimally and preferably, the finished forging die
ence is made to this manufacturing method wherein the includes two forming dies at two Sides and two punching
Structural Strength of the aluminum alloy wheel rim is heads at front and rear Sides.
enhanced-and improved together with other advantages. Appreciation of further benefits and advantages of this
2. Description of Related Art presenting new invention will become apparent after a
A conventional metallic wheel rim is produced by the careful reading of detailed description with appropriate
lathe blade and technology involving Spinning operation 15 references to relevant accompanying drawings.
techniques and procedures. During the Spinning operation of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE
a conventional wheel rim, the turning lathe blade apparently ACCOMPANYING DRAWINGS
cuts and hence breaks the Structure of metallic crystals of
wheel rim. In addition, the manufacturing duration by Spin FIG. 1 is a flow chart illustrating the manufacturing
ning operation of a conventional wheel rim takes a long method for aluminum alloy wheel rim in accordance with
period of time. As a result, the process by itself actually the preferred embodiment of the presenting invention;
renders weaknesses in the Structure of the wheel rim, while FIG. 2 is a partially cross-sectional view of a marked
reducing productivity and the quality of fabrication of wheel center and fillet preformed blank in accordance with the
rim is diminished. Furthermore, the high temperature at preferred embodiment of the presenting invention;
which a wheel rim blank is Supposed to be maintained at is 25
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a single H-shaped
reduced apparently during long period of manufacturing preformed blank in accordance with the preferred embodi
process, thereby contributing to a lessen Structural Strength ment of the presenting invention;
and quality of a conventional wheel rim.
FIG. 4 is a croSS-Sectional view of an enlarged rough
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION forging blank in accordance with the preferred embodiment
The present invention is to mitigate and/or to obviate the of the presenting invention;
disadvantages confer by conventional manufacturing FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a single preheated
method for a metallic wheel rim. finished forging die in accordance with the preferred
The primary objective of this new invention is to provide embodiment of the presenting invention;
35 FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of an aluminum alloy
a manufacturing method for aluminum alloy wheel rim,
wherein the Structural Strength of wheel rim is enhanced and wheel rim in accordance with the preferred embodiment of
improved over the conventionally produced wheel rim. the presenting invention; and
Another objective of the invention is to provide a method FIG. 7 is a perspective view of an aluminum alloy wheel
for the manufacturing of aluminum alloy wheel rim, wherein 40
rim product in accordance with the preferred embodiment of
its production can be speed up rapidly, and thereby enhanc the presenting invention.
ing efficient productivity while at the same time maintaining DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
the quality of fabrication of the wheel rim. INVENTION
In accordance with this presenting new invention for
industrial method of production, the following Steps illus 45 In reference to the accompanying drawings and with
trate a typical procedure in making aluminum alloy wheel respect to FIGS. 1-6, the manufacturing method for alumi
rim: num alloy wheel rim in accordance with the preferred
(1) cutting a pre-determined amount of aluminum alloy embodiment of the present invention comprises the follow
material; ing steps:
(2) heating and forming the determined amount of alu 50 (1) cutting a determined amount of aluminum alloy mate
minum alloy material to make a marked center and fillet rial for making a metallic wheel rim;
preformed blank; (2) heating and forming the determined amount of alu
(3) forging the marked center and fillet preformed blank minum alloy material to make a marked center and fillet
at high temperature in a Setting/forming die into a preformed preformed blank 10 (see FIG. 2), wherein the marked center
blank; 55 and fillet preformed blank 10 has a cylindrical shape with a
central axis that functions as a basis line to facilitate later
(4) punching a central axis in the preformed blank; forging process of the metallic wheel rim;
(5) forging the punched preformed blank at high tempera (3) heating the marked center and fillet preformed blank
ture in a preheated Setting/forming die of a rough forging 10 at a temperature of 450° C. in a blast furnace, and
blank into an enlarged rough forging blank, and 60 Subsequently forging the marked center and fillet preformed
(6) forging the enlarged rough forging blank at high blank 10 in a setting/forming die into a H-shaped preformed
temperature in a preheated finished forging die to form an blank 20 (see FIG. 3), wherein the marked center and fillet
aluminum alloy wheel rim. preformed blank 10 at high temperature produces a flow and
Optimal Conditions for the Above Steps: expansion effect during the forging process, So that the
Optimally and preferably, the heating of marked center 65 marked center and fillet preformed blank 10 is forged into a
and fillet preformed blank 10 is heated at a temperature of H-shaped preformed blank 20 of the metallic wheel rim
450° C. forge,
US 6,886,250 B2
3 4
(4) punching a central axis of the H-shaped preformed enhancing efficient productivity and improving the quality
blank 20 and placing the punched H-shaped preformed of fabrication of the rim. On the contrary, the Spinning
blank20 in a Setting/forming die of a rough forging blank for operation of the conventional wheel rim takes a few minutes,
later processing into enlarging and forging process, thereby decreasing productivity while concurrently dimin
(5) heating the punched H-shaped preformed blank 20 at ishing the quality of fabrication of the wheel rim. In
a temperature of 470° C. in a blast furnace, and Subsequently addition, the temperature of the wheel rim blank at high
forging the punched H-shaped preformed blank 20 in a temperature is reduced apparently during the long period of
preheated Setting/forming die of a rough forging blank into time, thereby further decreasing the Structural Strength and
an enlarged rough forging blank 30 (see FIG. 4), wherein the quality of the conventional wheel rim.
enlarged rough forging blank 30 has a profile Similar to that Although the invention has been explained in relation to
of the wheel rim to facilitate later procedures, and its preferred embodiment(s) as mentioned above, it is to be
(6) heating the enlarged rough forging blank 30 at a understood that many other possible modifications and
temperature of 470 C. in a blast furnace, and Subsequently variations can be made without departing from the Scope of
forging the enlarged rough forging blank 30 in a preheated 15
the present invention. It is, therefore, contemplated that the
finished forging die 50 (see FIG. 5) to form an aluminum appending claim or claims will cover Such modifications and
alloy wheel rim 40A (see FIG. 6), wherein the enlarged variations that fall within the true Scope of the presenting
rough forging blank 30 is Squeezed at high temperature and new invention.
extruded in the preheated finished forging die 50 to produce What the invention claims:
a flowing effect, So that the enlarged rough forging blank 30 1. A manufacturing method for an aluminum alloy wheel
is forged and formed between the forming dies 51 and 51, rim, comprising the following Steps:
and the punching heads 55 and 56 of the preheated finished
forging die 50, thereby forming an aluminum alloy wheel (1) cutting a determined amount of aluminum alloy mate
rim 40A. rial;
Finally, the aluminum alloy wheel rim 40A is processed (2) heating and forming the determined amount of alu
25 minum alloy material to make a marked center and
by heat treatment and mechanical working procedures, fillet preformed blank that are placed in a Setting/
thereby forming an aluminum alloy wheel rim product 40 as forming die to be forged into an H-shaped preformed
shown in FIG. 7.
Accordingly, the manufacturing method for the aluminum blank;
alloy wheel rim in accordance with the preferred embodi (3) forging the marked center and fillet preformed blank
ment of the present invention is illustrated briefly as follows. at high temperature in a Setting/forming die into a
preformed blank, wherein the marked center and fillet
First of all, a determined amount of aluminum alloy performed blank at high temperature produce a flow
material is heated, forged and formed in order to make a and expansion effect during the forging process,
marked center and fillet preformed blank 10 and a H-shaped (4) punching the central axis of the H-shaped preformed
preformed blank 20. Then, the H-shaped preformed blank 20 35
blank at a high temperature and placing the punched
is punched and forged to form an enlarged rough forging H-shaped preformed blank in a Setting/forming die of a
blank 30 which has a profile similar to that of the wheel rim. rough forging blank;
Then, the enlarged rough forging blank 30 is Squeezed at
high temperature and extruded in the preheated finished (5) forging the punched preformed blank at a high tem
forging die 50 to produce a flowing effect, so that the 40 perature in a preheated Setting/forming die of a rough
enlarged rough forging blank 30 is forged and formed in the forging blank into an enlarged rough forging blank, and
preheated finished forging die 50, thereby forming the (6) forging the enlarged rough forging blank at a high
aluminum alloy wheel rim 40A. Finally, the aluminum alloy temperature in a preheated finished forging die to form
wheel rim 40A is processed by heat treatment and mechani an aluminum alloy wheel rim, wherein the finished
cal working procedures, thereby forming an aluminum alloy 45 forging die includes two forming dies at two Sides and
wheel rim product 40 as shown in FIG. 7. two punching heads at front and rear Sides;
In the processing manner described above, when the whereby, the metallic crystals of aluminum alloy being
aluminum alloy blank is Squeezed and extruded during the disposed at an extended State in high temperature and
forging process, the metallic crystals of aluminum alloy is therefore the structure of metallic crystals of the alu
disposed at an extended State in high temperature and 50 minum alloy being not broken when the aluminum
therefore the structure (of metallic crystals) of the aluminum alloy blank is Squeezed and extruded during the forging
alloy is not broken. Thus, this manufacturing invention proceSS.
conferS Superior Structural Strength on wheel rim, and this 2. The manufacturing method for an aluminum alloy
Structural Strength is greater than the conventional wheel rim wheel rim in accordance with claim 1, wherein the heating
that is made by lathe blade and the Spinning operation 55 of the marked center and fillet preformed blank is heated at
technology. In comparison, during the Spinning operation of a temperature of 450.
the conventional wheel rim, the turning lathe blade appar 3. The manufacturing method for an aluminum alloy
ently cuts and breaks the Structure of metallic crystals. In wheel rim in accordance with claim 1, wherein the punched
addition, the duration for (1) the enlarged rough forging preformed blank is heated at a temperature of 470.
blank 30 is forged between the forming dies 51 and 51, and 60 4. The manufacturing method for an aluminum alloy
(2) the punching heads 55 and 56 of the preheated finished wheel rim in accordance with claim 1, wherein the enlarged
forging die 50, last for only a few seconds, so this effectively rough forging blank is heated at a temperature of 470.
means that the aluminum alloy wheel rim 40A under the
presenting invention can be manufactured rapidly, thereby k k k k k

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