Stormwater Drainage
Stormwater Drainage
Stormwater Drainage
Important Note:
Developers are expected to undertake their own study of the required
stormwater management system for the site/proposal. Whilst this
leaflet sets out the minimum details required to be submitted with a
planning application it is a Guide only and it is the responsibility of
developers and landowners to adequately plan for and manage
stormwater on their land.
1.0 Introduction
Stormwater can result in damage to property, loss of income
and, loss of life. It can be a serious threat. It needs careful
planning at the earliest stage to minimize its impact. This
leaflet is for developers, landowners, businesses and the
2.0 Background
In November 1999 Anguilla suffered from two Hurricanes (Jose
and Lenny), which caused damage, estimated to be US$62
Million. This damage resulted from a combination of substantial
rainfall, stormwater, storm surge, wave action and winds.
Whilst no lives were lost many were endangered.
4.0 Special Considerations for Coastal
Coastal developments have a number of special considerations
that must be taken into account when planning a stormwater
management system.
5.0 Guidelines to be used for all major coastal
Temporary storage areas are very effective in preventing
damage by stormwater. Normally there is no detrimental
impact of a well-planned storage system especially if the
location of the overflow pipe is carefully sited.
5.3 Infiltration
cubic metre for every 17-20m2 of area to be drained. It is
recommended that the soakaways be built of a rectangular
design and as wide as possible.
During and after construction it is important to ensure that
soakaways are protected from the influx of large quantities of
sediment as this may lead to ‘clogging’ of ground so that the
soakaway falls to work properly or at all. Forms of soakaway
protection include silt traps, which are regularly maintained.
of water must be submitted with the planning application for
Of Vital Importance
To ensure continuous high quality of water regular maintenance
including clearing and cleaning (and all other necessary
remedial work) must be undertaken to ensure proper
functioning of equipment.
The Physical Planning Department may also require you to
submit the following (you may also find them of use in
developing your Stormwater Management systems).
Gabion Mattresses
Wire mesh box/cage filled with rocks. They limit erosion and
can be used in a variety of locations. They can aid sand dune
reconstruction and shore protection.
They can be built as rock filled trenches incorporating a large
diameter perforated pipe or open structures with blockwork
walls or precast concrete rings.
Silt traps
These devices reduce the water velocity and result in particles
(sand, soil etc.) setting out. They are invaluable at construction
stage of developments when the potential for sediment-laden
water is often greatest. They can have a variety of designs
including wire mesh or natural.
Shore protection structure built perpendicular to the shore;
designed to trap sediment.
Massive structure built along the shore to prevent erosion and
damage by wave action.
Beach profile
Side view of a beach extending from the top of the dune line
into the sea.
Accumulations of wind-blown sand in ridges or mounds that lie
landward of the beach and usually parallel to the shoreline.
8.0 Acknowledgements
Contact Address
Department of Physical Planning
Government of Anguilla
The Valley
British West Indies