Title: Properties of Steel Self Learning Assessment (Problem Set)
Title: Properties of Steel Self Learning Assessment (Problem Set)
Title: Properties of Steel Self Learning Assessment (Problem Set)
Title: Properties of Steel
Self Learning Assessment (Problem Set)
1. What is the unit weight of steel, in KN/m3?
The unit of weight of a steel is defined as the ration of weight of steel to volume of steel. The
unit weight of steel is equal to 78.5 KN/m3
2. What is the difference between elastic Limit and proportion limit in the stress-strain diagram?
Proportionality limit is the point in the stress-strain graph up to which stress is directly
proportional to strain, while elastic limit can be defined as the point in the graph up to which
material comes back to original shape when loads are removed.
3. Download the "AISC Shapes Database" and write the following properties of WT
230x88.5 : A, Sxx, Ixx, Iyy, W, and J. Indicate the version you have used. Use S.I.
AISC Shapes Database Version 14.0 WT 230x88.5
Nominal Weight (W) 88.546 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area (A) 11,354.816 mm2
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) 2,206,026.556 mm4
Moment of Inertia about X-axis (Ixx) 49,531,539.65 mm4
Moment of Inertia about Y-axis (Iyy) 52,445,159.63 mm4
Elastic Section (Sxx) 260,554.318 mm4
5. What are the advantage(s) of using LRFD against ASD in steel design? Discuss and cite
your source(s).
1. LRFD is another tool for design of steel buildings. It provides flexibility to the designer in
selecting design methodology.
2. When dead load is larger as compared to live load then LRFD becomes economical.
3. The behavior at the collapse including ductility, warning before failure are considered in
LRFD. This is not directly possible in ASD method because here the structure is considered
at service stage.
4. Plastic design concepts may be employed in LRFD method but cannot be applied in ASD
5. Every type of load may be given different factor of safety depending upon its probability of
overload, number of occurrences and changes in point of application. But in ASD same
factor of safety is used for different loads.
6. Safer structures may result under LRFD method because of considering behavior at collapse.
But behavior at collapse is not considered in ASD method.
SOURCE: https://knowledge4civil.wordpress.com/2017/03/05/advantages-of-using-lrfd-
2.) Calculate the Block Shear Strength of the Angle bar shown. Use
standard holes. Fy = 250 MPa, Fu = 400 MPa . a.
Consider LRFD , b. Consider ASD
3.) Calculate the Block Shear Strength of the Angle bar shown. Use standard holes. Fy =
250 MPa, Fu = 400 MPa . a. Consider LRFD, b. Consider ASD
Given : A W200x86 compression member is axially loaded and pin-supported at its ends
Properties : A = 11000 mm2, b/tf = bf/2tf = 5.07, h/tw =12.4 , rx = 92.7, ry = 53.3
3.) What is the difference between a compact section from a non-compact section?
A compact section means that the section can achieve the plastic moment with local buckling
on the web or the flange. But a noncompact section is a section that can reach the yields for the lower
and bottom fiber only without causing local buckling to the web or the flange.
wu = 14 KN/m
L1 L1 = 5 m
Pu = 2010 KN
Given : B = 420 mm
N = 420 mm ← W-Shape
t = 50 mm
← Base Plate
Fy = 248 MPa ← Concrete Base
Fu = 400 MPa
f'c = 21 MPa
E= 200000 MPa
W200x86 : bf = 209 mm d = 222 mm