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11 Journals, Bearings, and Alignment: A. General 11A1. General. The Operator of Any

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11A1. General. The operator of any   sixty-fourths and thirty-seconds of an
piece of machinery should thoroughly inch are not recognized in diesel engine
understand the various adjustments that work; the increment of measure for
are necessary for perfect operation. It is everything is thousandths of an inch.
not enough for him to know merely
which valve to open and close or the There should be a regular routine for
position of maneuvering levers in order checking the different systems of the
to start, stop, and reverse his machine. engine and performing upkeep functions.
He must possess knowledge of the At this time all indications of wear, parts
functioning of each of its systems when renewed, and adjustments made should
he manipulates this gear. He should be be recorded in a systematic log book to
alert to note the difference between be used as a history from which
efficient and poor performance by the information may be obtained at future
sound, smell, and touch of the overhaul periods. This is always done
machinery. Instruments, such as gages, during submarine refit periods and at any
thermometers, and tachometers, other time when it is found necessary.
however, should be the guides that the
operator uses in detecting the approach 11A2. Construction of bearings. The
of trouble so as to take corrective method used in construction of a bearing
measures before anything serious depends upon the type, the bearing
occurs. metals to be used, and the type of use
required. In the case of precision type
The modern diesel engine demands bearings, it is necessary that the two
greater skill on the part of the designer halves form a true circle when finished.
and builder than any other kind of This requires rather ingenious practice,
engine. Likewise in its operation it is and shop procedures will vary.
far from being foolproof and requires
intelligent attention. The adjustments Other than the shop procedure, there are
are precise and to narrow limits. only a few items concerning the
Overhaul and fitting of the pistons, construction of bearings that are worthy
rings, bearings, valves and fuel pumps of mention. The first of these is the
are beyond the capacity of the ordinary question of oil grooves. Bearing
machinist and demand the efforts of a lubrication in the 2-stroke cycle engine is
skilled mechanic. If it is properly more difficult than in the 4-stroke cycle
adjusted, a diesel engine, once started, engine, since in the latter, the point of
will run until it is stopped. The extent contact between bearing and journals of
of its reliability over a long period of both main and crankpin journals rotates
operation depends upon the intelligence around the bearing and assists in the
and skill of its operator. distribution of the oil. In the 2-stroke
cycle engine, the point of contact swings
Care must be used when operating oil back and forth across the lower bearing
engines of any make, regardless of shell and hence, in this engine, it is
whether the engine is of the 2- or 4- usually necessary to provide oil grooves
stroke cycle, vertical or horizontal, air on the unloaded side to carry sufficient
or mechanical injection. The working oil to the loaded half of the bearing.
principles are the same, and the same Where bronze or other flat bearings are
care must be exerted to have everything used as wrist pins, ample grooving must
properly adjusted before starting or be provided. Grooves may be cut axially,
operating the engine. Otherwise, there circumferentially, diagonally, or helically
may be trouble. Every bearing should across the face of the bearing, but should
be adjusted as tightly as possible. This never extend to the edge since this would
is a task for the real mechanic and allow the oil to spill from the bearing. All
should not be entrusted to unskilled grooves should have rounded
personnel. The upkeep of the engine is
an important duty, and one in which the
real engineer shows his value. It should
be kept in mind that measurements of

edges, as the sharp edge of a groove has  surfaces may make physical contact and
a tendency to act as a scraper and may rupture the oil film.
impair the oil film.
From the above, it is obvious that an oil
In order that the flow of oil between the film must be maintained at all times in
bearing halves may not be restricted, order to carry the load. This condition is
bearings are beveled for an arc of about called stable lubrication. When the oil
20 degrees at the joints where the film is destroyed and lubrication of the
bearing halves come together, except bearing depends entirely upon the
for a narrow strip at the ends, where the oiliness of the lubricant, we have what is
full thickness of the metal must be known as unstable lubrication. This latter
retained to prevent the loss of oil. The condition exists when the bearing shaft is
spaces formed by beveling are called running at too low a speed to build up an
oil cellars. oil film or when the bearing is
11A3. Bearing loads. The only
bearings in a diesel engine that require 11A4. Bearing metals. Compared with
careful consideration due to the heavy the journal, the bearing metal should be
loads placed upon them are the main, sufficiently soft so that any solid matter
crankpin, and wrist pin bearings. Other passing through in the oil stream will
bearings are not so limited in size, and wear the bearing instead of the journal.
little attention need be given them in so
far as their ability to carry the load is Roller and ball bearings are frequently
concerned. The following discussion used in diesel engines for smaller shafts,
pertains principally to the above three such as camshafts, and in governors,
heavily loaded bearings that are usually because they greatly reduce the bearing
limited in size by the space available. friction and because their smaller
clearances keep the shaft more rigid. In at
The study of bearing loading brings least one opposed piston type of diesel
two things to mind: 1) the temperature engine of medium power, ball bearings
at which the bearing must operate, and are used as main bearings. For wrist pins,
2) the maximum pressure per unit area roller bearings of the needle type are
that will be exerted upon the bearing. used extensively in other types of large
Too much pressure will squeeze out the engines. With these bearings, lubrication
oil film and ruin the bearing, and too is made simpler, and the amount of
much heat will reduce the viscosity of freedom of motion and friction is
the oil until the film can no longer be reduced.
maintained. Both of these are factors of
loading, although the latter is a product Wood is used in the tail shaft bearings of
of loading and speed of rotation. naval vessels that are submerged in water
and constantly lubricated and cooled.
In a diesel engine operating at variable Lignum vitae is the wood commonly
loads, the successful bearing design is used for this purpose since it is of a
generally the result of experimentation greasy character and extremely hard and
directed toward the discovery of a dense. Other types of materials used for
satisfactory bearing for all loads. The this purpose include hard rubber strips
loads that a bearing can withstand are and phenolic resinous materials.
based upon the assumption that the
surfaces of the journal and bearing are Bronze bearings are used where the
smooth and parallel, that proper pressures are very high such as at the
clearances are provided, and that wrist pin. Here the load on the bearing is
sufficient lubrication is provided. Too the total gas pressure less the inertia of
much oil clearance at the ends of a the piston. In most modern diesel
bearing will cause excessive oil leakage engines, bronze is used as the bearing
and subsequent reduction in load- metal for the wrist pin bearing.
carrying ability. If the bearing were
closed at the ends, the pressure would There is no material known that is
be uniform over its entire length, and suitable for all types of bearings. There
much greater loads could be carried. If are four general types of alloys used
the shafting is of in alignment, or today but each has its own particular uses
vibrates severely, as when running at a determined by the maximum unit
critical speed, the faces of the journal pressure and temperature at which the
and bearing will not be parallel, and the

bearing will operate, and by the   shells are either forged or cast, and the
hardness of the journal. linings are made of lead-base babbitt
Bearing metals should be of such In the naval service the most frequently
composition that the coefficient of encountered bearing metal used in
friction is low. They should be precision bearings is that known by the
sufficiently hard and strong to carry the trade name of Satco. The composition of
load, but must not be brittle. If they are this metal is as follows:
too soft, they will wipe or be pounded
out, destroying the clearance and Percent
reducing the bearing area. In grooved Calcium .30- .70
bearings the grooves will become filled Mercury .40- .90
with wiped metal. When this trouble Tin 1.00-2.00
arises the oil film is squeezed out, the
Aluminum .15- .17
metal is burned, and failure results.
Magnesium 0.00- .05
The four commonly used types of Lead Remainder
bearing linings are: high-lead babbitts, 11A5. Bearing installation and
tin-base babbitts, cadmium alloys, and adjustment. In order to insure its
copper-lead mixtures. successful operation, the bearing must fit
the journal perfectly; the bearing and
The backs for bearings are made either journal surfaces must be smooth and
of steel or bronze in the case of the parallel, and the bearing clearance must
babbitts, while only steel backs are be correct. Too great a clearance will
used for cadmium alloy and copper- allow the oil to spill out at the ends of the
lead bearings. In some bearings, an bearing, while too small a clearance will
intermediate layer of metal is used cause the bearing to run hot. In general,
between the backs and the bearing the least clearance that will allow the
metals. successful operation of the bearing is
The hardness of the above bearing
metals naturally varies with the In the modern high-speed engine the
percentage of alloying employed. In precision type of bearing is generally
general, however, the copper-lead and used. No scraping-in is done, and no
cadmium alloys are the hardest, while shims are used between the faces of the
the high-lead and tin-base babbitts are two halves. The bearing is accurately
the softest. The temperature at which machined to the correct diameter and the
the bearing metals melt is a rough only fitting necessary is an occasional
measure of their degree of hardness, the filing down of the faces of the two halves
softer metals melting at the lower in order to obtain a close and even fit
temperatures. The softness of the when the bearing caps are brought
bearing metal is also a measure of the together. In connection with the fitting of
maximum allowable unit pressure. The precision type bearings, too much
harder the bearing metal, the greater is emphasis cannot be placed upon the
the load that a given size bearing will importance of having the backs of the
carry without failure. bearing shells fit evenly against the
bearing support. Recent experience with
Where two metallic surfaces are bearing failures due to this improper
fitting has shown its importance. The
moving in contact with each other, such areas not in contact fill with oil or air,
as a journal rotating within a bearing, both of which are relatively poor
wear will inevitably take place. Since it conductors of heat, and the transfer of
is easier and cheaper to renew the heat from the bearing is reduced, causing
bearing, the journal should "be harder the bearing temperature to increase. In
than the bearing. Therefore, when using addition, if an even fit is not obtained, a
relatively hard bearing metals, such as flexing of the bearing shell may result,
cadmium alloy and copper-lead, it is causing the bearing metal to crack and
necessary to use a hard alloy steel flake off.
journal or else to harden the surface of
the journal.

The precision type of bearing is rapidly

coming into universal use for crankpin
and main bearings. There is an
increasing use of very thin bearing
linings on steel shells. The

To assure an even fit the backs of   the bearing should be examined at once.
bearings should be fitted to their Also the lubricating oil gage pressure to
supports in the same manner that the the system and the passage of cooling
bearings are fitted to the journal. Since water through the oil cooler should be
the back usually is made of steel, it is checked. Sometimes the overheating may
necessary to file down the high spots be due to foreign matter in the lubricating
rather than scrape them down as is oil. The oil should be rubbed between the
possible with softer bearing metals. fingers to detect the presence of grit or
dirt. An inspection of the filters will also
11A6. Bearing failures. When an reveal any abnormal amount of foreign
engine bearing fails in service it can matter deposited there. Since used oil
generally be attributed to one or more generally is slightly acid, the presence of
of the following causes: salt water may be detected by inserting a
strip of red litmus paper in a sample of
1. Poor operating conditions and the oil. If salt is present to any degree,
improper maintenance such as: the litmus paper will turn blue. If salt
water is detected in the oil, the crankcase
a. Improper or insufficient lubrication. and sump tank should be drained and
refilled with new oil after flushing the
b. Insufficient cooling water. system thoroughly. If possible, the cause
of the salt water in the system should be
c. Grit or dirt in oil. determined. At the first opportunity the
system should be well cleaned to remove
d. Water in oil. any particles of salt that may have been
deposited there.
e. Bearings out of alignment. As a rule, hot bearings may be traced to
one or more of the following causes:
f. Installing the bearing with improper
clearances or uneven bearing surface. 1. Improper or insufficient lubrication.

g. Excessive load on the bearing. 2. Grit or dirt in the oil.

2. Faulty design of the bearing or of the 3. Bearings out of line.

engine itself.
4. Bearings set up too tightly.
a. Improper dimensions of length and
diameter. 5. Uneven surface of bearing or journal.

b. Improper bearing material. 6. Bearing overloaded.

c. Improper lubrication. The lubricant, If the temperature of the bearing

free from all foreign matter, must be continues to rise after the oil supply has
supplied in ample amounts. been increased, the condition known as a
hot bearing arises. The danger of a hot
d. Improperly cooled. bearing lies in the fact that the babbitt
expands until it grips the journal, thus
e. Improperly grooved. causing a constant increase in friction
and heat. When the temperature reaches
f. Improperly baffled. Proper baffles the melting point of the bearing metal,
must be fitted to prevent loss of oil, or the metal will run or wipe.
its passage to adjacent parts of
machinery, such as generator armature, The treatment of heated bearings
where damage would result to the involves two main items: the removal of
commutator. Also in some cases baffles the cause, and the restoration of the
are used to prevent the mixing of water bearing to its normal condition. If the
with the lubricating oil. trouble is due to improper or insufficient
lubrication and is discovered before the
3. The use of inferior lubricants, or the metal has wiped, an abundant supply of
use of a good lubricant which does not oil usually will be sufficient to control
meet the requirements of the piece of the situation and gradually bring the
machinery. bearing back to its normal temperature.
Should the trouble be caused by an
a. Corrosion of bearings. accumulation of dirt on the bearing, the
abundant supply of oil will generally
4. Inferior workmanship and material in flush out
the manufacture of the bearings and
engine parts.

A bearing that is not operating properly

will overheat. When this occurs, and
the reason is not immediately known,
the oil supply to

the impurities sufficiently to permit   condition can become serious enough to

operation. cause bearing failures, and the only
remedy is to machine or grind down the
If the trouble is caused by foreign journal until it is again cylindrical. This,
matter in the oil, the oil will have to be of course, will reduce the diameter and
renovated or renewed. If the bearings necessitate using a bearing of a different
are out of alignment, if they are set up bore in order to effect the proper bearing
too tightly, or if they have been clearances.
improperly fitted, the fault cannot be
fully remedied until the improper Journals should be kept smooth, even,
adjustments have been rectified. This and free of rust at all times. To remove
usually involves stopping the engine. spots of rust or ridges, the journal should
be dressed with a fine file and then
In all cases the temperature of the lapped with an oilstone or with an
bearing can be lowered by slowing oilstone powder. Carborundum may also
down and thus decreasing the amount be used. If Carborundum is used, great
of load on the bearing. If the trouble care must be taken to remove all
has reached an advanced stage, it may particles, as these, if allowed to remain,
be found necessary to stop the engine. will cause cutting and grinding of
When stopped, the bearing cap can be bearings.
eased up a slight amount, thus
increasing the clearance between the When bearings have been removed for
bearing and journal. However, the long periods, such as during a major
greatest care must be exercised in overhaul, it is customary to wrap the
easing up on the bearing cap, for if too journals with canvas in order to protect
great a clearance is given, trouble will them from accidental damage. When this
be experienced from pounding. is done, only new canvas should be used.
There have been cases where journals
When the trouble is inherent in the were wrapped with old rags or burlap
bearing -as for example, if the that contained some acid. The action of
machinery is not properly lined up, or this acid corroded and pitted the journals
the bearings are of insufficient area, or and it was found necessary to renew the
not in proper condition-only temporary entire shaft.
relief can be secured from using the
various means suggested above. The Each time a bearing is removed for any
most effective treatment of a hot reason the journal should be carefully
bearing is probably the operation of the inspected. Any evidence of pitting or
machinery at a low or moderate power general corrosion indicates the presence
until such time as the needed of acid or water, and the lubricating oil
readjustments, changes, or repairs can should be analyzed immediately. When a
be effected. bearing clearance exceeds the allowable
tolerance, or when the bearing fails due
To summarize the treatment for a hot to scoring, wiping, spalling, or cracking,
bearing, the measures to be taken may looseness of the bearing metal, or for any
be selected according to the special other reason, it must be renewed.
circumstances, from the following:
To renew a precision type bearing it is
1. Lubrication. first necessary to have available a spare
bearing. These are manufactured to size
2. Slowing down, and consequent and are available from the manufacturer.
reduction of load, or stopping. They are bored to correct dimensions, so
that only a slight amount of scraping in
3. Cooling water to oil cooler. and filing of the edges of the shell faces
is required to produce an accurate fit.
4. Easing up bearing caps. There seems to be a tendency to renew
Satco bearings before it is necessary. A
Even though relief is obtained by the slight amount of spalling is not
above measures, it should be borne in necessarily an indication that the bearing
mind that once a precision bearing has properties of the metal are destroyed.
wiped, it is necessary to renew the
bearing as soon as possible.

The wear on journals rotating in

bearings is seldom, if ever, evenly
distributed over the entire surface.
Consequently the journal wears until it
becomes eccentric or egg-shaped. This

11B1. GM elastic coupling. The   the inner driving disk. This helical
crankshaft of the GM 16-278A engine internal gear fits on the outer part of the
is connected to the generator shaft by crankshaft gear and forms an elastic drive
means of an elastic coupling. The through the crankshaft gear which rides
elastic coupling connects the engine to on the crankshaft. The splined ring gear
the generator flexibly by means of is split and the two parts bolted together
radial spring packs. The power from the with a spacer block at each split joint.
engine is transmitted from the inner This makes it possible to engage
ring, or spring holder of the coupling, separately the two parts of the splined
through a number of spring packs to the ring with the crankshaft gear teeth, and to
outer spring holder, or driven member. slide them into position with the idler
A large driving disk connects the outer gear in place.
spring holder to
The parts of the elastic coupling are
lubricated with oil flowing from the
bearing bore of the crankshaft gear
through the pilot bearing.

11B2. F-M flexible coupling. The

crankshaft coupling on an F-M
installation consists of three parts: the
engine coupling driving half, the
laminated rings, and the generator
coupling driven half. The coupling
driving half is fastened to the lower
crankshaft with fitted bolts, and the
coupling driven half is likewise fastened
to the generator shaft. Power from the
engine is transmitted through the
laminated rings by means of a third set of
fitted bolts held in place by ring bolt
Figure 11-1. Elastic coupling cross
section, GM.
Pilot rings between the ends of the
generator shaft and the crankshaft form a
the flange on the driven shaft. The pilot
safety guide in the event of failure of
on the end of the crankshaft fits into a
other parts. Tapped holes for jackscrews
bronze bushed bearing on the outer
and drilled holes for body fitted bolts are
driving disk to center the driven shaft.
provided in the lower flanges of the
The turning gear ring gear is pressed
cylinder blocks. To permit fitting of the
onto the rim of the outer spring holder.
coupling bolts to the generator shaft, it is
necessary to remove the lower and upper
The inner driving disk through which
halves of the end cover back of the
the camshaft gear is driven is fastened
coupling driver half, the lower bearing
to the outer spring holder. A splined
cap, and the lower crankcase side cover
ring gear is bolted to
at the vertical drive compartment.

Guards and two jackscrews of different

lengths are furnished with the tools by
the engine manufacturer for use in
removing and installing the coupling
bolts. The guards protect the bolt threads
and are tapered to facilitate entry of the
bolts when fitting.

When installing coupling bolts in either

set, the shorter jackscrew should be used
for starting the installation and the longer
jackscrew for completing it.

Figure 11-2. Crankshaft coupling, F-M.

11C1. General. Good engine and   good idea as to the status of the
generator performance can be obtained alignment of the equipment. The most
only if the original coupling installation important and most difficult job of
is made with the components in correct alignment is the complete installation, of
alignment and with correct clearances. a generator set. The salient points of
The problem of originally aligning a these installations will be covered in the
generator set and subsequent checking following paragraphs. When the
arise quite frequently during submarine principles involved in a complete
wartime operations. The original alignment job are understood, smaller
alignment, of course, is extremely alignment problems become relatively
important as it greatly influences future simple.
operation and adjustment of the engine.
During navy yard overhauls it is NOTE. Alignment tests and corrective
common practice to take motors and measures should never be undertaken
generators out of the ship for overhaul, when a vessel is in drydock because the
and the young engineer officer or new alignment of the shafting is not the same
leading chief motor machinist's mate is when the vessel is waterborne as when it
frequently called upon to check an is in dock.
alignment job being done by naval
shipyard personnel. It as also become 11C2. Strain gage readings. The strain
routine to check crankshaft alignment gage is basically a micrometer for
to some degree after an engine overhaul measuring the differences in distance
in which many of the engine parts have
been renewed. This may be only a between the two webs or cheeks of a
checking of the crank cheek deflections crankshaft during a revolution of the
with the use of a strain gage, but even shaft. As previously stated, one of the
this will give the operating personnel a basic alignment procedures is the taking
of strain gage readings. This is a
relatively simple

Figure 11-3. Position of crankshaft for strain gage readings.


Figure 11-4. Measuring crank check deflection with a strain gage.

undertaking but it is important that the  
procedure be followed exactly for best
results. A series of strain gage readings
of a crankshaft gives a measurement of
the crank cheek deflection for various
angular positions of the shaft. The
measurement is accomplished by
placing the gage between the engine
crankshaft cheeks. The gage should be
installed with its two endpoints in the
crankshaft prick-punch marks. The
crankshaft should be turned to its initial
position so that the gage will be as
close to the top position as possible
without touching the connecting rod.
The dial of the strain gage is then set on
zero, and the crankshaft is slowly Figure 11-5. Using hydraulic jack to
jacked over to subsequent positions as adjust height of generator body for
shown in Figure 11-3 and the readings proper vertical alignment.
taken. When taking the readings, the
gage should not be allowed to rotate In all modern submarines the engines are
about its end-points. attached to a generator rather than
directly to propeller shafts. When a
After the readings have been taken for generator is being installed, it should be
one revolution of the crankshaft, they originally placed as nearly as possible in
should be compared, and the maximum final alignment. Subsequent procedure is
crank deflection obtained. Large as follows:
variations in the individual readings
indicate some type of misalignment in 1. Attach the driven half of the crankshaft
the installation. coupling to the driver half by installing
the outer row of bolts around the
11C3. Alignment of engine coupling. Tighten the bolts evenly.
crankshaft with one bearing
generator. This type of installation is 2. Secure the generator shaft to the
that normally found on F-M generator flexible coupling by installing coupling
sets. There are many recognized bolts through the flange on the end of the
methods of accomplishing alignment of generator shaft into the driven flange of
engine and generator. The following the coupling.
procedure is one method and is
discussed more from the standpoint of 3. Check the strain gage measurements to
alignment principles than of a determine whether or not the coupling
standardized alignment procedure. operation has affected the original
reading. If a large change is noted at a
Generators and crankshafts that are particular position of the crankshft, it
being coupled together must be in indicates that the coupling has placed a
alignment. This condition is attained by strain on the crankshaft.
moving the shaft bearing supports 4. Check the thickness of the flexible
vertically and horizontally until the two coupling with a micrometer. The
halves of the coupling are true to each measurements should be made at the top
other or until the axes of the two shafts and bottom, inboard and outboard.
coincide at the point where they are Compare the measurements with
coupled. The operation usually involves
movement of the entire generator

In the following alignment it is

assumed that the engine is already
located. Before starting alignment, the
amount of crankshaft cheek deflection
should be known and recorded in order
to be able to make a comparative check
during and after the alignment has been
completed. The crankshaft cheek
deflection readings should agree within
approximately 0.002 inches.

Figure 11-6. Using portable block and Figure 11-7. Measuring generator thrust
jack screw to adjust generator body for bearing clearances.
proper lateral alignment.
Figure 11-8. Using portable block and Figure 11-9. Measuring crankshaft
jack screw to adjust generator for thrust bearing clearance toward control
proper thrust clearance. end of F-M engine.

the established dimension stamped on  

the flange by the manufacturer. For
example, the manufacturer's dimension
is 5.225 inches. The outboard
measurement as made with the
micrometer is 5.250 inches. The
inboard measurement is 5.200 inches.
This indicates that the generator shaft is
placing a strain on the inboard side of
the coupling and is probably also
affecting the strain gage reading on the
crankshaft. Therefore, the generator
casing and shaft must be moved
outboard 0.025 inches to balance the
readings on the coupling and to remove
the strain from the crankshaft.
Normally, this should bring the strain Figure 11-10. Measuring crankshaft
gage readings back to the original thrust bearing clearance toward
readings. generator end of F-M engine.

If a difference in the measurement of and generator thrust bearing clearances.

the coupling, against the stamped
dimension, occurs at the top or bottom 6. Measure the crankshaft thrust bearing
of the coupling, the generator casing clearances by inserting a feeler gage
and shaft will necessarily have to be between the crank cheek and the face of
raised or lowered to effect a balanced the bearing (Figure 11-9), and between
condition. The height of the generator the vertical drive gear and the generator
casing and shaft may be adjusted by end of the bearing face (Figure 11-10).
means of hydraulic jacks placed under The total clearance should measure
the casing as shown in Figure 11-5. between 0.004 and 0.010 inch evenly
When the proper height is attained, distributed on both sides. If the clearance
block up the casing, remove the jacks, on one side is greater than on the other, it
and install shims between the feet and will be necessary to move the generator
the permanent pedestals on the deck. shaft in one direction or the other to
balance the measurements.
The generator shaft and casing may be
moved inboard or outboard by Any movement of the shaft will affect
installing a portable block and jack the clearances at the generator thrust
screw against the edge of the side foot bearing. It may also affect the strain gage
mountings of the casing as shown in readings and the setting of the flexible
Figure 11-6. To check the distance of coupling. Additional movement,
the movement, attach a dial indicator therefore, of the shaft, or the casing may
on the opposite pedestal with the be necessary to bring about a balanced
indicator pointer touching the edge of condition. A check should be made after
the opposite foot of the casing. every move and steps taken to correct
any offset condition which may have
5. Remove the generator thrust bearing been brought about by a previous move.
cap and measure the generator shaft
thrust bearing clearances (Figure 11-7). 7. Movement of the generator casing, or
The clearances should measure 0.0075
inch (approximately) at each end and
on each side of the bearing in an F-M
installation. If it is found, for example,
that there is no clearance at the thrust
face away from the engine, the
generator casing must be moved toward
the engine 0.0075 inch with a portable
block and jack screw (Figure 11-8).
This operation, however, should not be
accomplished until the crankshaft thrust
bearing clearances have been measured,
since it is possible that only one
movement of the casing will be needed
to correct both crankshaft

the shaft, will probably have some   than on the other, the crankshaft must be
effect on the generator air gap (the moved in whichever direction will
space between the armature windings balance the clearances. This may be
and the pole pieces). The air gap must accomplished with a pinch bar placed
be uniform around the diameter of the between the crank cheeks and the engine
armature. The clearance should be kept framework. After clearances have been
within the limits specified by the balanced, the crankshaft must be blocked
manufacturer of the generator. Air gap with hardwood wedges placed between
measurements are taken with long the crank cheeks and the framework, to
thickness gages furnished for this prevent movement of the crankshaft
purpose. The gages are inserted during the coupling operation.
between the armature winding and each
pole. When the air gap is found to be 3. Determine the amount of fore-and-aft
greater at the top than on the bottom, movement of the elastic coupling. This
the generator casing will have to be measurement is made by placing the
lowered by loosening the jacking pointer of a dial indicator against the face
screws located on the side feet of the of the outer driving disk of the coupling.
casing. If the gap is greater at the The indicator may be secured to the
bottom, the casing must be raised with upper half of the coupling housing and
the jacking screws, and shims inserted the pointer should touch the driving disk
between the side feet and the pedestals. near the center. The coupling is then
forced as far forward or aft as possible,
Assuming that the shaft alignment has with a pinch bar, and the dial indicator is
been completed and is true, it will be set on zero. Make a prick-punch mark on
necessary to secure the rear foot of the the face of the outer spring holder in line
generator casing to the rear pedestal with the jacking gear pointer. Then force
with a C-clamp. This will hold the the coupling as far as possible in the
alignment of the shaft while the casing opposite direction and make another
is moved for adjustment of the air gap. mark. The dial indicator reading denotes
the full fore-and-aft movement of the
After attaining a balanced air gap, coupling, which normally is about 0.0125
correct shims should be installed. A inch. In order to divide the coupling
complete recheck of all clearances thrust evenly between the engine and the
should be made to verify the alignment generator, the coupling must now be
installation. This check must include moved to the center of its thrust or
another set of strain gage readings. 0.0625 inch using the dial indicator as a
Before this final check, the generator guide. Make a third prick-punch mark
casing should be rigidly secured in between the two previously made. This
position with a C-clamp to prevent any mark is the reference mark used to check
possible movement of the casing. the center of the coupling thrust after
alignment has been completed.
11C4. Alignment of engine
crankshaft with two-bearing 4. Remove the outer driving disk from
generator. This type of installation is the coupling and bolt it to the flange on
typified by the GM generator set. The the generator shaft. Check the amount of
GM engine is connected to the deflection of the face of the disk with a
generator by means of an elastic dial indicator by turning the generator
coupling. A procedure to follow in armature one complete revolution. The
aligning a generator to the coupling is deflection should not exceed 0.001 inch.
as follows: Next, place the indicator pointer against
the rim of the disk, rotate the shaft one
1. Take strain gage readings to revolution, and check the amount of
determine the amount of crank cheek deflection. This measurement should also
deflection. The maximum permissible be within 0.001 inch. If the amount of
deflection in a GM engine is 0.0035 deflection, on either the face or the rim of
inch. The measurement should be re- the disk, is greater than 0.001 inch, the
recorded for reference after completing condition may be corrected by loosening
the alignment. the bolts and recentering the disk or by
cleaning the inner surfaces of both disks.
2. Check the engine crankshaft thrust
bearing clearances with feeler gages.
Clearance should total approximately
0.030 inch, equally divided on both
sides of the bearing. If the clearance is
greater on one side of the bearing

Figure 11-11. Elastic coupling, outer Figure 11-12. Elastic coupling, inner
driving disk removed, GM. spring holder removed, GM.
Figure 11-14. Elastic coupling, outer
Figure 11-13. Mastic coupling, outer driving disk mounted on generator, GM
driving disk mounted, GM.

After obtaining deflection readings   with feeler gages. The thrust should be
within 0.001 inch, the bolts, the driving evenly divided between the two sides. If
disk, and the generator shaft flanges the thrust clearance is greater on one side
must be marked so that they may be than on the other, the generator housing
replaced in their respective positions must be moved until a balanced condition
when the generator is coupled to the is attained.
elastic coupling. Before removing the
flange, the dowel holes must be reamed 8. Remove the hardwood blocks securing
for the body-bound dowels. Dowels the crankshaft. Recheck the engine
and dowel holes must also be marked crankshaft thrust bearing clearances and
so that they will be replaced in their the setting of the elastic coupling in
respective positions. relation to the center prickpunch mark. If
either the bearing or the coupling has
5. Remove the driving disk from the moved, the condition must be corrected
generator shaft and reinstall it on the by moving the crankshaft, the coupling,
elastic coupling. or the generator. If any move is made, it
will be necessary to recheck the engine
6. Install the upper half of the elastic crankshaft thrust, the coupling, and the
coupling housing. Move the generator generator thrust bearing.
toward the engine. Approximate axial
alignment may be attained with the When all clearances are correct, a strain
jacking screws on the generator feet. gage reading must be taken and checked
Inboard and outboard alignment may be against the recorded original reading. A
attained by use of portable blocks and change in the strain gage reading
jack screws working against the edges indicates misalignment, a condition
of the generator feet. When an which, at this point, can be corrected
alignment as nearly perfect as possible only by moving the generator.
has been attained, the generator is
moved farther toward the engine and After perfect alignment has been
the generator shaft carefully inserted attained, measure the space between the
into the bore of the driving disk. generator feet and the pedestals and
install suitable shims. Back off the
Align the marked dowels with their generator feet jack screws so that the full
corresponding dowel holes. If the weight of the generator will be on the
generator is properly aligned, the shims. Another strain gage reading must
dowels will slide into their dowel holes. then be taken to check whether or not the
No attempt should be made to force the shims have affected the setting of the
dowels. If they cannot be inserted by generator. If a change is noted, it can be
hand, the generator must be moved corrected by cutting down or adding to
until perfectly aligned. the thickness of the shims. If no change
is noted, drill the dowel holes and install
After installing the dowels, secure the the dowels; then drill the bolt holes and
coupling to the generator shaft flange install the bolts.
by installing the tap bolts.
A final check is made by rotating the
7. Remove the generator thrust bearing engine with the jacking gear several
cap, then remove the bearing. Carefully revolutions in the direction of rotation
inspect and clean the bearing. Replace and then rechecking all clearances. A
the lower half of the bearing and check slight variation in clearances, if found at
the thrust clearances this time, is permissible.
12A1. General. The General Motors 8-   access to the crankcase. Eight are located
268 or 8-268A engine is used on board on one side and seven on the other. The
modern submarines as an auxiliary remaining handhole is covered by the air
engine. It is located in the lower flats of maze which may be moved. Seven of the
the after engine rooms, and may be covers are of the safety type, each having
used for directly charging the batteries four spring-loaded plates, which in an
or carrying the auxiliary load, and emergency, relieve any undue pressure in
indirectly for ship propulsion. The GM the crankcase.
8-268 is an 8-cylinder, in-line, 2-cycle,
air started engine rated at 300 kw The main bearings are lubricated from
generator output at 1200 rpm. In the lubricating oil manifold located in the
general, the individual parts of the crankcase.
engine are similar to, but smaller than
the corresponding parts in the GM 16- b. Crankshaft. The crankshaft is a heat-
278A. For example, the camshafts, treated steel forging finished all over,
exhaust valve and rocker lever
assemblies, injectors, pistons, cylinders,
having eight connecting rod throws or
liners and connecting rods are almost crankpins 45 degrees apart. The
miniature replicas of the 16-278A parts. crankshaft is held in the cylinder block
The main differences between the by nine main bearing caps. The bearing
engines appear in the construction and at the drive end of the engine acts as a
design of the various systems such as combination main and thrust bearing.
the scavenging air, exhaust, lubricating Lubricating oil is supplied under pressure
oil, and fuel oil systems, as well as in from a main manifold located in the
the fact that the 8-268 is an in-line crankcase, and is forced through tubes to
engine. the crankcase crossframes, where it flows
through oil passages to the main
12A2. Engine stationary and moving bearings. From the main bearings the oil
parts. a. Cylinder block. The cylinder flows through drilled holes, in the
block is the main structural part of the crankshaft to the adjoining crankpin and
engine. It is composed of forgings and lubricates the connecting rod bearing.
steel plates welded together, combining The combination main and thrust bearing
strength with light weight. journal No. 9 is not connected by drilled
holes to a crankpin. There is a 1/4-in.
The upper and lower decks of the diameter radial oil hole in the surface of
cylinder block are bored to receive the this journal into which a capscrew, with
cylinder liners. The space between the the head ground off enough to clear the
decks is the scavenging air chamber. bearing seat, may be inserted for rolling
The bore in the lower deck is out the upper shell.
constructed with a groove which serves
as a cooling water inlet for the liner. c. Elastic coupling. The power from the
The cylinder liners are located in the engine crankshaft is transmitted through
cylinder block by means of dowel pins spring packs from the inner spring holder
in the upper deck. of the elastic coupling, or flywheel, to the
outer spring holder, and from there
The camshaft bearing lower support is through the driving disk to the generator
an integral part of the cylinder block armature shaft flange. A pilot on the end
located at the extreme top of the block. of the crankshaft fits into a ball bearing
The bearing cape and bearing supports in the armature shaft. The turning gear
are match-marked and must be kept pinion engages a ring gear shrunk on the
together. rim of the outer spring holder.

The forged transverse members in the The inner cover of the elastic coupling,
bottom of the cylinder block form the through which the camshaft gear train is
main crankshaft upper bearing seats. driven, is fastened to the outer spring
Again the bearing caps and bearing holder. A helical
supports are match-marked and must be
kept together.

Fifteen removable handhole covers


Figure 12-1. Blower end control side of GM 8-268 auxiliary engine.


Figure 12-2. Blower end exhaust header side of GM 8-268 auxiliary engine.
Figure 12-3. Longitudinal cross section of GM 8-268 auxiliary engine.
Figure 12-4. Transverse cross section of GM 8-268 auxiliary engine.

Figure 12-6. Lubrication of main

Figure 12-5. Cutaway of frame, GM 8-
bearings, GM 8-268
into full contact when the cap is fully
internal gear, cut in the inner bore of
tightened. A drilled hole in the lower
the elastic coupling cover, meshes with
shell fits on a dowel pin in the cap. The
the crankshaft gear, forming a splined
dowel pin locates the lower shell in the
drive connection to the crankshaft gear
bearing cap and prevents both the upper
which has a loose mounting on the
and lower shells from rotating.
Each bearing shell is marked on the edge
The bearing bore of the crankshaft gear.
of one flange. For example, 2-L-B.E.
hub receives oil that flows from the
indicates that the shell so marked is for
adjacent main bearing through passages
the No. 2 main bearing, the lower bearing
in the crankshaft. The parts of the
shell, and the flange so marked must be
elastic coupling are lubricated with the
toward the blower end of the engine. The
oil that flows from the bearing bore of
main bearing nearest the blower end of
the crankshaft gear hub.
the engine is the No. 1 main bearing.
Upper and lower bearing shells are not
d. Main bearings. Each main bearing
consists of an upper and a lower
double-flanged, bronze-backed,
Crankshaft thrust loads are taken by the
precision bearing shell. The
rear main bearing. The thrust bearing
centrifugally cast lining is a high lead
shells are the same as the other main
bearing metal called Satco which
bearing shells except that the bearing
contains a special hardener.
metal is extended to cover the flanges.
Each main bearing cap is marked with its
The lower shell is mounted in the
bearing number and is marked Blower
bearing cap and the upper shell in its
End on the side that should face the
seat in the cylinder block crossframe.
blower end of the engine.
The joint faces of the upper and lower
bearing shells project a very small Lubricating oil enters the oil groove in
amount above the seat and cap. That is the upper shell through a hole in the top
to insure that the backs of the shells and then
will be forced

flows to the lower shell. The bearing of upper and lower bearing shells. The
surface of the lower shell has an oil bearing shells are lined with Satco metal
groove starting from the joint face at and are of the precision type. Each
each side and extending partially connecting rod bearing shell is marked
around the inner surface of the shell. on the edge of one flange. For instance,
1-L-B.E. indicates the shell is marked for
e. Pistons. The pistons are made of an the No. 1 connecting rod, and lower
alloy cast iron. The bored holes in the bearing shell, and the bearing flange so
piston pin hubs are fitted with bronze marked must be toward the blower end of
bushings. The outer ends of the bore for the engine. No shims are used between
the full-floating alloy steel piston pin the connecting rod and the bearing cap.
are sealed with cast iron caps. The upper and lower bearing shells are
not interchangeable.
A cooling-oil chamber is formed by an
integral baffle, and the piston crown The lower shell is mounted in the bearing
lubricating oil under pressure flows cap and the upper shell in its seat in the
from the top of the connecting rod, connecting rod. The joint faces of the
through a sealing member, into the upper and lower bearing shells project a
cooling chamber. The oil seal is a very small amount above the seat and
spring-loaded shoe which rides on the cap. This is to insure that the backs of the
cylindrical top of the connecting rod. shells will be forced into full contact
The heated oil overflows through two when the cap is fully tightened. A drilled
drain passages. hole in the lower shell fits on a dowel pin
in the cap. The dowel pin locates the
Each piston is fitted with six cast iron lower shell in the bearing cap and
rings, four compression rings above the prevents both the upper and lower shells
piston pin and two oil control rings from rotating.
below. These rings are of the
conventional one-piece, cut-joint type. The piston pin is of the full floating type.
The piston pin bronze bushing is a shrink
f. Connecting rods. The connecting rod fit in
is an alloy steel forging. The
connecting rod bearing in the lower end
of the connecting rod consists
Figure 12-7. Cross section of piston, GM 8-268.

the upper hub of the connecting rod.  

The ends of the pin oscillate in the
bronze piston pin bushing hubs of the

g. Cylinder liner. The cylinder liner is a

cylindrical alloy iron casting with cored
annular spaces between the inner and
outer surfaces between the inner and
outer surfaces through which cooling
water is circulated. The liner is
accurately bored to a smooth finish.

The cylinder liner is held in the engine

block by the lower deckplate and a
recess in the upper deckplate. The Figure 12-8. GM 8-268 cylinder liner
cylinder head forces the liner against cross section showing cooling water
the cylinder block. The lower deckplate passages.
has a groove that serves as the water
inlet into the passages in the cylinder Cooling water flows from the cylinder
liner. It is made watertight by two liner into the head and then flows into the
synthetic rubber ring gaskets, called water jacket of the exhaust manifold.
seal rings. The cooling water flows up
through the cylinder liner and into the Each cylinder head is fitted with four
cylinder head through ferrules made exhaust valves, the unit injector, rocker
watertight by synthetic rubber gaskets. lever assemblies, air starter distributor
The air intake ports, through which valve, an over speed injector lock, the air
scavenging air from the blower enters starter check valve, and the cylinder test
to supply the cylinder with fresh clean
air, are located around the and safety valves.
circumference of the liner. When the
piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, i. Rocker lever assembly. Each cylinder
these ports are completely open and the head is equipped with three rocker levers,
air space above the piston is charged two of which operate the two pairs of
with fresh air. exhaust valves, and the third operates the
injector. The rocker levers are made of
The joint between the cylinder liner and alloy steel forgings. Bushings are pressed
the cylinder head is made gastight by into the lever hubs and are reamed for a
an inner bronze gasket while an outer bearing fit on the rocker lever shaft.
copper gasket which has notches in it
serves to seat the head squarely against The three rocker levers rock on a fixed
the cylinder liner. The drain plug in the shaft which is clamped in a bearing
lower part of the jacket of the cylinder support. They are fitted with cam rollers,
liner should be removed for draining which operate in contact with the exhaust
water when freezing temperatures are and injector cams. Each of the three cam
expected and an anti-freeze solution is rollers turns on a bushing and the
not in use. bushing turns on a sleeve that has a loose
mounting on the roller pin. Each of the
h. Cylinder heads. The engine cylinders exhaust valve rocker levers operates two
are fitted with individual cylinder heads valves
which are made of alloy cast iron.
Studs in the cylinder block hold each
head against the cylinder liner flange.
The joint between the head and the
liner is made gastight with an inner
bronze and an outer copper gasket. The
outer gasket serves to seat the head
squarely on the liner. The shallow
milled grooves show leakage of exhaust
gas or water.

The head is also fastened to the vertical

wall of the cam pocket with tap-bolts.
The joint is made oiltight with a
synthetic rubber gasket.

through a bridge. Each of the valve   the sequence of events essential to the
rocker levers is fitted at the valve end operation of the engine will be in the
with a nutlocked adjusting screw, proper order. The forged steel crankshaft
which has a hardened ball end that fits gear, which is driven by, the crankshaft
into the ball socket in the valve bridge. through the elastic coupling, is keyed on
The injector rocker lever is fitted at the a split collar and drives the camshaft gear
injector end with a nut-locked adjusting through the crankshaft and camshaft idler
screw, which has a hardened ball at the gears. A spacer ring is doweled to the
lower end. This ball is fitted with a crankshaft gear.
hardened steel flexibly mounted shoe.
The shoe bears on the injector plunger Steel-backed babbitt-lined bearing shells
follower and transmits the rocker lever support the inner and outer hubs of the
motion to the injector plunger. forged steel helical idler gears. The inner
and outer supports are bolted and
The rocker lever shaft is made of alloy doweled together before being mounted
steel and is ground to size. The shaft is in the camshaft drive housing. The fuel
clamped in the bearing support by two oil pump and governor are driven from a
bearing caps and is held in its correct gear that meshes with the lower idler
location by a dowel pin in one of the gear. A pair of bevel gears drives the
bearings. A rocker shaft thrust plate is vertical governor shaft which is mounted
bolted to each end of the shaft, and a in ball bearings.
plant fiber gasket is placed in the joint
between the thrust plate and the rocker The lower idler gear also drives the quill
lever shaft. The bearing support is shaft gear, which is splined for the quill
fastened to the cylinder head with two shaft that drives the blower and accessory
studs and positioned by two dowels, gear trains. A splined coupling, which
and is also held against the head by two rotates in the babbitt-lined center bearing,
of the cylinder head hold-down studs. joins the two sections of the quill shaft.

The rocker lever assembly is lubricated The overspeed trip weight assembly and
with oil received from one of the the camshaft gear are bolted and doweled
camshaft bearings. The oil flows from to a hub that also serves as a bearing
the top of the camshaft bearing through journal for this assembly. The hub is
a tube to the plate connection that is splined to fit on the end of the camshaft.
fastened to one end of the rocker lever
shaft. From this connection, the oil Lubricating oil for the camshaft drive
flows through drilled passages in the gear train and bearings is piped from the
rocker lever shaft to the three bearings end of the lubricating oil manifold in the
in the rocker lever hubs. cylinder block. Oil is supplied under
pressure to the hollow camshaft through
A drilled passage in each of the rocker the camshaft gear bearing. Open jets
lever forgings conducts the lubricating spray oil on the gear teeth.
oil from a hole in the hub bushing to
the camshaft end of the lever. The Complete dynamic balance of the engine
rocker lever motion permits oil to flow is obtained by balance weights mounted
intermittently under pressure from the in a certain relation to each other on the
hole in the shaft, through one hole in gears in the front and rear gear trains.
the bushing and rocker lever to the cam
roller. The bearing in each of the cam k. Accessory drive. The accessory drive,
rollers receives oil through drilled holes located between the end of the crankcase
in the roller pin and in the bearing and the blower, consists of a train of
bushings. helical gears driven from the camshaft
j. Camshaft drive. In 2-cycle engine drive gear train through the quill shaft.
operation the camshaft rotates at the The gears in the accessory drive are
same speed as the crankshaft. The match-marked with a definite
camshaft drive gears are located at the relationship to the match-marks on the
power takeoff end of the engine. They gears in the camshaft drive gear train, to
transmit the rotation of the crankshaft maintain the
to the camshaft. It is necessary to
maintain a fixed relationship between
the rotation of the crankshaft and the
rotation of the camshaft so that

Figure 12-9. Cross section of camshaft, GM 8-268.

relationship between the balance   steel backed and babbitt lined, are held
weights in both trains. on their seats in the cam pocket with
bearing caps.
The accessory drive gear drives the
upper idler gear. This upper idler gear There are four cams for each cylinder.
drives the lower idler gear. A plate with The two outer cams operate the exhaust
a splined hub for driving the lubricating valves, and the center cam operates the
oil pump is bolted to the hub of the injector. The fourth cam, which is
lower idler gear. The fresh water and narrower than the other three, operates
sea water pump drive gears are driven the air timing valve.
from the lower idler gear. The hubs of
the water pump drive gears have a The camshaft drive end of the camshaft
spline cut in the bore for the fresh water is splined for a driving connection in the
and sea water pump shafts. The hubs hub of the camshaft gear which is driven
which project from each side of the from the crankshaft gear through a train
lower idler and water pump gears run in of idler gears.
steel-backed babbitt-lined bearings
mounted in the inner and outer bearing Lubricating oil under pressure is supplied
supports. These bearing supports are to the camshaft bore through the splined
bolted together and the assembly is drive connection. The oil is then
fastened in place on the inside of the delivered to the camshaft bearings
accessory drive housing. through radial holes in the camshaft. Oil
Lubricating oil is piped to the accessory for lubricating the rocker lever
drive from the main lubricating oil mechanisms flows through tubes from
manifold in the cylinder block. Oil lines the camshaft bearing caps.
and connecting pass ages in the bearing
supports supply oil to the bearings in m. Engine control. The governor, which
the drive. is located at the generator end of the
engine, controls the engine speed for any
The accessory drive cover should be setting.
removed periodically and the gear train
inspected for excessive wear of any The movement of the governor power
parts. Lubricating oil lines and passages mechanism is transmitted through lever
should be checked periodically to and link connections to the injector
insure that they are not broken or control shaft in the cam pocket. Each fuel
clogged. All nuts and capscrews should injector rack is connected to a control
be tight. shaft lever through a slipjoint link. A
micrometer adjusting screw on this link
1. Camshaft. The camshaft is of the increases or decreases the amount of fuel
one-piece type with integral case- injected into the combustion chamber.
hardened cams and bearings. The
bearing bushings, which are A slip joint is connected to each injector
rack so that in case the control rack in
one injector binds, the compression of
the spring in

the slip-joint link allows normal   filter on the cylinder head to a jumper
operation of the other injectors. Each tube that supplies the injector. The
spring is preloaded to limit the force injector inlet contains another filter to
that can be applied by the governor to further prevent solid matter from
move the injector control racks. When reaching the spray valve.
the link is either shortened or
lengthened by a load greater than its The surplus fuel is bypassed in the
assembly load, the spring is injector and flows through another filter
compressed. in the injector outlet passage so that any
reverse flow of fuel cannot carry dirt into
The start and stop lever is used for the injector. The surplus fuel passes from
manual control when starting or the injector through a tube to a fuel bleed
stopping the engine, and its movements manifold, which is the bottom pipe in the
are transmitted through a connection multiple oil pipe assembly. The fuel from
that provides for unrestricted governor this bleed manifold flows to the metering
control when the start and stop lever is block, through the metering valve which
latched in the RUN position. The sets up enough resistance to maintain the
governor connections to the injector required pressure in the fuel supply
control shaft include an extensible manifold, and then flows back to the
spring-loaded link which permits the clean fuel oil tank.
injector control shaft to be turned
manually without moving the governor Fuel oil leakage from the injector plunger
power piston. and bushing is drained through an
injector body ferrule, through a cylinder
When the governor or any part of the head passage into a manifold connection
injector control system is renewed, the clamped between the cylinder block and
governor power piston should be linked cylinder head. The injector drainage is
in the correct relation to the injector conducted through this connection to the
rack. second manifold from the top in the
multiple oil pipe assembly and then it
n. Overspeed trip. The overspeed trip flows through the drain to the fuel oil
mechanism stops the injection of fuel tank or bilge.
oil to the combustion chambers when
the engine speed exceeds 112 percent b. The unit injector. On this engine, the
of rated speed. fuel pump and spray valve are combined
into a single and compact unit called a
The overspeed trip weight assembly, unit injector, which meters the fuel and
mounted on the camshaft gear, is fitted also atomizes and sprays it into the
with a spring-loaded flyweight. The cylinder. This injector is similar to that
spring tension is adjusted so that, at a used in the GM 16-278A and its
predetermined engine overspeed, the operating principle is identical. The unit
centrifugal force moves the flyweight injector is held in position in a water-
radially until it strikes a roller latch, cooled jacket in the center of the cylinder
releasing the spring-actuated injector head: At the lower end, the injector forms
lock shaft in the cam pocket at each a gastight seal with the tapered seat in the
engine cylinder. The injector lock cylinder head. All the injectors in this
carries a lever on the shaft that moves a engine are alike and interchangeable.
pawl engaging a notch on the injector Fuel is supplied through jumper tubes
rocker lever. The injection of fuel stops with spherical type gasketless
when the locked rocker lever holds the connections.
injector plunger at the lower end of its
pumping stroke. The pumping function of the injector is
accomplished by the reciprocating
The overspeed trip is manually reset motion of the constant stroke injector
with a hand lever on the shaft which plunger which is actuated by the injector
projects from the camshaft drive cam on the engine camshaft, through the
housing. injector rocker lever.

12A3. Fuel oil system. a. Description. The position of the plunger, and thereby
The fuel oil pump draws oil from the the timing, is adjusted by means of the
clean fuel oil tank and forces it through ball stud and lock nut at the injector end
the fuel block and the fuel oil strainer of the rocker lever.
and filter. From the filter, the oil flows
to the fuel supply manifold, which is The quantity of fuel injected into each
the third pipe from the top in the cylinder, and therefore the power
multiple oil pipe assembly, and then developed in
through a small jet

that cylinder, is varied by rotating the  

plunger by means of the injector
control rack. A rack adjustment (called
the microadjustment) located on the
control linkage permits balancing the
load of each cylinder while the engine
is running,

c. Fuel block. The fuel block is located

under the exhaust manifold at the
camshaft drive end of the engine and in
front of the fuel oil pump. The fuel
block contains a metering valve, a
priming valve, and an adjustable
pressure relief valve.

d. Jet filters. The cylinder head jet Figure 12-10. Cross section of Northern
filters are located on each head, just fuel oil pump used on GM 8-268 engine.
above the exhaust manifold connection.
The element in each cylinder head is of or both filtering units. In normal
the edgewise-wound metal ribbon type. operation both filtering units are in
This filter is correctly assembled when operation.
the helical spring and cap are placed
over the long end of the filtering The arrows under the valve handles show
element to hold the element flange the positions of the valve handles for
against the shoulder at the inner end ofusing either one or both of the units. The
the filter wall. flanges are also marked IN and OUT
indicating the direction of flow of fuel oil
e. Fuel pump. The fuel oil pump is through the filter. When the valve
located under the exhaust manifold at handles are between the two positions
the camshaft drive end of the engine indicated on the valve handle base, or
and is of the positive displacement, with the valve handles directly above the
spur gear, rotor type. Fuel enters the inlet and outlet flanges, fuel oil is passing
pump through the top port in the end of through both units. If the valve handle on
the pump and is discharged from the the IN end of the filter is in one of the
lower port on the side of the pump. positions indicated by the arrow on the
Each pump gear is keyed to its shaft by casting, the valve handle on the OUT end
a pin. of the filter must be in the corresponding
position. The flow of fuel oil to the
engine will be stopped if both valve
f. Fuel oil strainer. The fuel oil strainer handles are not pointing in the same
contains two straining units, each with direction when using only one filtering
an inner and outer winding. The space unit.
between the windings on the inner and
outer elements is 0.001 in. 12A4. Lubricating oil system. a.
Description. The lubricating oil pressure
Fuel oil enters the strainer case, flows pump, mounted directly below the
through the outer and inner windings, blower, draws hot oil from the oil pan
through the center of the elements, and through a strainer in the
out through the strainer head. Provision
is made for using either one or both
strainer units. When the handle on the
unit is shifted to the No. 1 position, the
oil is flowing through the No. 1 unit.
This applies also to the No. 2 position.
When the control valve is in the Both
position, oil is flowing through both
units. This is the position of the control
valve for normal operation. The
positions of the control valve and the
number of the corresponding straining
unit are cast into the strainer head at the
control valve.

g. Fuel oil filter. The fuel oil filter is a

duplex filter with provisions for using
either one

pump suction line. A spring-loaded   upper connecting rod conduct lubricating

pressure relief valve is built into the oil to the piston cooling chamber in the
discharge passage of the pump body, top of the piston.
which bypasses excess oil into the
engine oil pan. The pump forces the oil The camshaft drive gears are lubricated
through the strainer and the cooler into with oil from the generator end of the
the engine lubricating oil system. The lubricating oil supply manifold in the
engine inlet connection, on the blower engine block. Oil is piped from this
and pump drive housing, is fitted with a manifold to the camshaft drive gear
spring-loaded relief valve. The spring bearing support and to the lubricating oil
pressure is adjusted by means of a distribution block in the camshaft drive
regulating screw to maintain the correct housing. Lines from the distribution
pressure. Any surplus oil is returned to block carry oil to the other gear bearings
the oil pan. in the camshaft drive and the mating
teeth of the gears in the camshaft drive.
Lubricating oil is supplied to the The lubricating oil from the camshaft
lubricating oil manifold in the cylinder drive housing is returned to the engine oil
block. From this manifold, oil is forced pan by the camshaft drive housing
through tubes to the crankcase scavenging pump.
crossframes, where it flows through oil
passages to lubricate the main bearings. Oil under pressure is supplied to the
The crankpin bearings are lubricated camshaft bore through the splined drive
with oil received from an adjacent main connection. The oil is then delivered to
bearing through oil passages in the the camshaft
crankshaft. Oil holes in the

Figure 12-11. Cutaway view of GM 8-268 lubricating oil pump.


Figure 12-12. Lubricating oil suction

strainer, GM 8-268. Figure 12-13. Cutaway of lubricating oil
cooler GM 8-268.
bearing through radial holes in the
camshaft. Oil for lubricating the rocker draws the oil from the camshaft drive
lever mechanism flows through tubes housing and returns it to the engine oil
from the camshaft bearing caps. This pan. The generator bearing scavenging
oil also furnishes lubrication for the pump draws the excess oil from the
valve assembly. The oil then drains to generator bearing and returns it to the
the oil pan. engine oil pan. The pump housing is
made in four separate parts: the bearing
The blower and accessory drive gear flange, the generator bearing scavenging
bearings receive oil from the blower pump housing, the camshaft drive
end of the lubricating oil pressure housing scavenging pump housing, and
manifold in the engine block. Oil for the lubricating oil pressure pump
the blower bearings and gears is housing. The driving gear shaft bearings
received from the relief valve are located in the pump housing. The
connection on the main lubricating oil driven gears, fitted with bronze bushings,
manifold, and then is conducted rotate on the stationary idler gear shaft.
through the tubes under the rotor
housing to passages in the blower c. Strainers. Two types of strainers are
endplates, and returned to the oil pan. used in this installation. The lubricating
oil suction strainer is located in the pump
b. Lubricating oil pump. The attached intake line at the blower end of the
lubricating oil pump unit is mounted engine and strains the oil entering the
below the blower. The pump unit is of pump from the engine lubricating oil pan.
the positive displacement, helical gear The straining element is made of wire
type, and consists of a lubricating oil screen and is in the shape of a cylinder.
pressure pump, a camshaft drive The pump draws oil through the open
housing scavenging pump, and a end of the strainer element and sends it
generator bearing scavenging pump. out through its side.
The lubricating oil pressure pump
supplies lubricating oil to the engine.
The camshaft drive housing scavenging

Figure 12-14. SALT WATER COOLING SYSTEM, GM 8-268 AND 8-268A.

Figure 12-15. FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM, GM 8-268 AND 8-268A.

The other strainer in the system is the   manifold and into the cylinder liners
supply line strainer which is similar to through the lower deckplate in the engine
the strainer found in GM 16-278A block. The water is then pumped upward
engines. The strainer case contains a to the cylinder heads through the ferrules
cylindrical straining element of the in the top of the liner. From the cylinder
edgewise-wound metal ribbon type. A head the cooling water flows to the water
handle on the top of the unit is used to jacket around the exhaust manifold, to
revolve the straining element under the fresh water and lubricating oil
metal cleaning blades. The strainer coolers, and back to the pump. The fresh
should be cleaned frequently when the water system is filled through the
engine is running, by turning the expansion tank. Control of the fresh
cleaning handle one or more complete water temperature is by means of a
revolutions. temperature regulator identical with that
found on 16-278A engines.
The direction in which to rotate the
cleaning handle is indicated by an d. Fresh water and salt water pumps.
arrow. The pressure drop through the The fresh water and salt water pumps are
strainer is an indication of the condition of the, centrifugal type. Water enters the
of the straining element. center of the impeller and is thrown
outward through the impeller vanes by
The other lever on the strainer operates the rotating motion of the pump.
the bypass valve. When the lever is in
the ON position the lubricating oil is The pump impeller is keyed to the
flowing through the strainer. When the tapered end of the driving shaft and
lever is in the BYPASS position the oil rotates in the pump housing on two pairs
is flowing directly through the head of of replaceable bronze wear rings.
the unit, and the strainer case and
element can be removed and cleaned. A packing sleeve is keyed to the shaft
The ON and BYPASS positions are and butts against the impeller. A
indicated on the strainer case. watertight seal is provided by three 1/8-
in. square plastic metallic packing rings
d. Lubricating oil cooler. The that fit in a recess of the packing sleeve.
lubricating oil is cooled in a Harrison This packing is tightened by rotating the
type cooler that is made up of a core locking sleeve with a spanner wrench,
assembly and an enclosing case. The thereby compressing the packing. The
oblong tubes enclose a series of baffles sleeve is locked in place with a setscrew.
which form a winding passage for the The packing gland must be removed and
flow of oil. The tubes are fastened to the setscrews loosened before the locking
header plates at the ends. The core sleeve can be tightened.
assembly is permanently attached to the
casing. A finger, locked to the shift with a
setscrew, throws off any water that may
12A5. Cooling system. a. General. The work its way along the shaft toward the
cooling system is of the closed type, ball bearing. The ball bearing is pressed
employing fresh water to cool the on the shaft and can be removed only
engine, with salt water in the generator with the bearing puller furnished for this
air coolers and acting as the cooling purpose. This bearing is lubricated by
agent in the fresh water cooler. splash from the accessory drive. A
leather seal prevents the oil from leaking
b. Salt water system. The salt water out of the bearing housing.
pump draws water from the sea chest
through a strainer and forces it through e. Fresh water cooler. The engine water
the engine water cooler and out through is cooled in a Harrison type cooler
the overboard discharge. The pump consisting of a core assembly and an
also forces sea water through a branch enclosing case. The oblong tubes are
line to the generator coolers. The valve baffled to form winding passages for the
controlling the flow of salt water flow of engine water. The tubes are
through the generator coolers should be fastened to header plates at the ends. The
set to keep the temperature of air in the core assembly is permanently attached to
generator at the temperature specified the casing.
in the manufacturer's instruction book.
12A6. Air intake and exhaust systems.
c. Fresh water system. The fresh water a. General. An air blower scavenges the
pump forces the water into the engine engine
Figure 12-16. GM 8-268 water pump disassembled.
cylinders by forcing air through the From the manifold the water passes
intake ports in the liners as the pistons through an elbow into the expansion
approach the end of their power tank. (See Section 12A5.)
strokes. This air forces out the burned
exhaust gases through the open exhaust Thermocouples for measuring the
valves in the cylinder head. temperature of the exhaust gases from
each cylinder are located in the manifold.
Air is drawn by the blower through an
intake silencer and is discharged b. Blower. The blower consists of a pair
through a distributor manifold into the of rotors revolving together in a closely
air box surrounding the cylinders. Air is fitted housing. Each rotor has three
admitted to each cylinder when the helical lobes which produce a continuous
piston uncovers the intake ports. These and uniform displacement of air. The
ports are designed to produce a swirling rotors do not touch each other or the
flow of air upward through the cylinder surrounding housing. Air enters the
toward the exhaust valves which open housing at one side and fills the spaces
for the discharge of the exhaust gases. between the rotor lobes as they roll apart.
This results in complete scavenging and The air is carried around the cylindrical
filling of the cylinders with clean air. sides of the housing, into the closed
spaces between the lobes and the
The exhaust gases from each cylinder housing, and is forced under pressure to
are discharged into a water-jacketed the discharge side of the housing as the
manifold, which in turn discharges the lobes roll together. Then the air passes
gases into one of the main engine through a distributor manifold into the air
exhaust pipes (usually No. 3ME) and box around the cylinder liners.
thence to the atmosphere.
Each rotor is carried by a tubular serrated
The cooling water flows from each shaft. Endwise movement is prevented by
cylinder head into the water passages of two taper pins. No gaskets are used
the manifold. between the

  hexagon head lockscrew, threaded in the

rotor shaft, holds a thrust collar as a
spacer between the gear hub and the end
of the rotor, maintaining the clearance
between the rotors and the blower

The blower rotor gears are bolted to the

gear hub flanges and are located
angularly by hardened dowel pins. Due
to the importance of having the rotors
roll together without touching, yet with
the least possible clearance, it is
necessary to locate the dowel pins during
the assembly for a given set of gears and
hubs. This is the only adjustment
Figure 12-17. Cutaway of fresh water provided for timing the gears with
cooler, GM 8-268. respect to the rotors.

endplates and the housing due to the Oil passages in the endplates conduct
importance of maintaining the correct lubricating oil under pressure to the
rotor end clearance. A fine silk thread bearings. Oil seals are provided at each
around the housing, inside the stud line, bearing to prevent oil from entering the
together with a very thin coat of non- rotor housing.
hardening gasket compound, provides
an airtight seal. c. Air maze. A breather system is used to
prevent contamination of the engine
Large babbitted bearings in the room atmosphere by heated, fume-laden
endplates accurately locate the rotors in air that otherwise would escape from the
the two half-bores of the housing so engine crankcase. This ventilation of the
that the clearances between the rotor crankcase also reduces the formation of
tips and the housing bores can be held sludge in the oil and prevents the
to a minimum. Both ends of the rotor accumulation of combustible gases in the
bearings at the gear end of the blower crankcase and oil pan.
are made with thrust surfaces that
locate the rotor endwise and prevent Atmospheric air for the breather system
contact between the rotors and the enters the engine through the cylinder
endplates. head cover breathers. The blower draws
air from the crankcase through the air
The power to drive the blower is maze which prevents oil mist from being
transmitted directly to the rotor gear drawn into the blower.
train by a drive shaft that extends
through a passage in the blower The air maze element consists of a
housing. Closely fitted helical rotor
gears are rigidly attached to both rotor number of fine steel and copper wire
shafts to prevent the rotors from screens. Oil laden air is drawn through
touching each other as they roll the air maze screens. The oil deposited
together. Each hub is pressed on the on the screens, drains to the bottom of
serrated rotor shaft. A the air maze housing. This separated oil
is returned to the accessory drive cover
through a drain tube.

12A7. Air starting system. High-

pressure air is piped to a lever-operated
air starting valve. When the lever opens
the valve, it allows the air to flow
through the starting air manifold in the
cam pocket of the crankcase to the
individual air distributor valves or air
timing valves in the rocker lever bearing
support at each cylinder. The distributor
valve is of the poppet type and is
operated from the narrow earn in each
group of four on the engine camshaft.
Starting air from each distributor or
timing valve is conducted

through passages in the rocker lever is opened by the high-pressure starting

bearing support and cylinder head to air and closed by a spring when the
the air starter check valve. The joint starting air from the timing valve is cut
between the rocker lever bearing off. From the check valve the starting air
support and the cylinder head is made   flows into the space above the piston and
airtight with a metal ferrule and a forces the piston downward until the air
neoprene gasket. The air starter check distributor valves closes and the exhaust
valve prevents exhaust gases from valves open.
entering the air starting passage. It
12B1. General. The F-M 38E 5 1/4 7-   12B2. Operation. The opposed piston
Cylinder engine is used as an auxiliary engine is of the solid injection, inlet and
engine on submarine whose main exhaust port, scavenging blower type and
propulsion engines are Model 38D 8 is designed to use a variety of fuels. The
1/8 Fairbanks-Morse engines. Like the two pistons in each cylinder work
GM 8-268 engine, it is located on the vertically against each other, forming a
lower deck level of the after engine single combustion space between the
room and may be used to carry the pistons at the center of the cylinder. The
auxiliary load, to charge batteries and cross sections of the engine show the
indirectly for propulsion. The engine is relative positions of the blower,
of the opposed piston type, with 7 crankshaft, pistons, and generator.
cylinders in line and air started, and is
rated at 300 kw generated output at The engine operates on the two-cycle
1200 rpm. It works on exactly the same principle in which two strokes of each
principle as the F-M 38D 8 1/8, and piston and one complete revolution of
most of the parts are identical in design, each crankshaft are necessary to
the only difference being in the size and complete the cycle. The cycle begins
dimension of the parts. with the movement of the pistons from
their outer dead centers. As the pistons

Figure 12-18. Control side of 7-cylinder F-M auxiliary engine.

Figure 12-19. Longitudinal cross section of 7-cylinder F-M auxiliary engine.
Figure 12-20. Transverse cross section of 7-cylinder F-M auxiliary engine.

inward they cover the exhaust and inlet   Figure 12-20 shows a transverse cross
ports and start to compress the air in the section of the working cylinder.
cylinder. As the pistons approach
combustion dead center, fuel is injected 12B3. Engine main moving and
into the combustion space in a fine stationary parts. a. Cylinder block. The
spray. The fuel immediately starts to cylinder block is the main structural part
burn and expansion follows, forcing the of the engine and is designed to give it
pistons outward and delivering work to the necessary strength and rigidity. It is
the crankshafts. The shafts are constructed of hot rolled steel plates of
connected by a vertical gear drive.
the proper dimensions welded into a
Toward the end of the expansion single unit, combining compactness and
stroke, the lower pistons uncover the strength with lightness of weight.
exhaust ports and allow the burned
gases to escape to the atmosphere Transverse vertical members together
through the exhaust system. Soon with horizontal decks form enclosures,
afterward, the upper pistons uncover housings, and fastenings for the operating
the air inlet ports. At this point the parts of the engine. The four horizontal
pressure in the cylinder is about decks are bored to receive the cylinder
atmospheric. As the inlet ports are liners along the centerline of the engine.
uncovered, the scavenging air under An extension of the block is provided for
pressure in the air receiver rushes into attaching the scavenging air blower at the
the cylinder with a whirling motion, vertical drive end of the engine.
sweeping the cylinder clear of any
remaining exhaust gas and filling it The cylinder block is separated into the
with fresh air for the next compression following compartments:
stroke. The whirling motion or
turbulence of the air is obtained by the 1. The control end compartment which
tangentially cast inlet ports. This forms an enclosure for the timing chain,
turbulence persists throughout the controls, overspeed and timing
injection period and aids in the mixing governors, and drives for the regulating
of the air and fuel. governor and attached pumps.

With this arrangement of the pistons 2. The vertical drive compartment which
and crankshafts as described above, the houses the vertical gear drive that
lower crankshaft will lead the upper interconnects the upper and lower
crankshaft by approximately 12 crankshafts. Used oil from the drive
degrees. The difference in the gears and upper crankcase compartment
crankshaft setting is referred to as the drains down through this compartment to
lower crank lead. The two pistons will the oil pan or engine sump.
be the nearest together when the upper
piston is approximately 6 degrees ahead 3. The upper crankcase compartment
of inner dead center and the lower which forms the bearing saddles for the
piston is 6 degrees past inner dead upper crankshaft bearings and bearings
center. The point midway between the hubs for the camshaft bearings. The
two pistons when they are in this saddles and bearing hubs are drilled for
position is called the piston dead passage of lubricating oil to the bearings
center. from the upper oil header. The used oil
from these parts collects on the floor of
From the foregoing it can be seen that this compartment and drains way from
when the upper piston reaches inner the center of the block toward each end
dead center, the lower piston will have where it passes through openings to the
completed 12 degrees of the expansion engine sump or oil pan.
or power stroke. This causes the lower
piston to receive the greater part of the 4. The air receiver compartment which
expansion force with the result that at extends the full length of the block and
full load about 70 percent of the total completely surrounds the cylinder liners
load is delivered by the lower at the air intake ports, forming a passage
crankshaft. The remaining power is for scavenging air from the blower to the
delivered to the upper crankshaft where inlet ports of the cylinder liners.
it is partially utilized in driving the
scavenging blower. Any residual power 5. The injection nozzle compartments
is transmitted through the vertical drive
gear to the lower crankshaft which is
connected to the generator.

which form enclosures for the injection   cylinder liner jackets which are pressed
nozzles, air start check valves, and on the outside of the liners. They extend
cylinder relief valves. The injection from the bottom of the scavenging air
pump, which is cam actuated, is located inlet ports to a short distance above the
at an angle in the underside of the exhaust ports.
upper crankcase on the control side and
furnishes fuel under pressure to the Openings for the air start check valve,
injection nozzle. cylinder relief valve, and injection nozzle
are located in the liner and liner jacket at
6. The exhaust compartment which the point where the pistons arrive at inner
extends the full length of the block on dead center.
each side. The exhaust decks are bolted
to the block and surround the cylinder The channels directing the cooling water
liner, forming water-cooled passages up and around the cylinder liner are cast
for the exhaust gases from the in between the ribs on the liner. The heat
combustion spaces to the exhaust of combustion that accumulates in the
manifolds. The manifolds are water- cylinders, as well as the heat conducted
cooled welded steel units, bolted to the to the air start check valve, cylinder relief
cylinder block and exhaust decks. valve, and injection nozzle, is transferred
to the cooling water which flows into
7. The lower crankcase compartment these passages through regular fittings
which forms bearing saddles for the from the water jacket of the exhaust
lower main and thrust bearings. These manifold. The water leaves the cylinder
saddles are drilled for the passage of liner near the top of the jacket by means
lubricating oil to the bearings. The used of an outlet pipe to the water header.
oil from the engine collects in the oil
pan or engine sump. c. Crankshafts and main bearings. The
crankshaft is a heat-treated, cast iron
After welding, the block is sand blasted shaft with an allover finish. It is held in
and stress relieved to remove the the cylinder block by main bearing caps.
internal strains at certain vital points. It The bearing at the blower end of the
is then magnafluxed to check for the upper crankshaft and at the coupling end
presence of any construction faults. The of the lower crankshaft act as
various compartments are provided combination main and thrust bearings.
with covers. The upper crankcase The crankshaft is drilled from each main
compartment is closed by a top cover bearing journal to each connecting rod
bolted to the block. The cover has journal so that oil, furnished to the main
several inspection covers along the top, bearing saddles from the oil headers,
one of which is an explosion cover to flows into the crank and into each
relieve any excess pressure built up in connecting rod journal. The combination
the upper crankcase. An explosion main and thrust bearings are not
cover on the control end of the block connected to any connecting rod journal;
above the exhaust nozzle prevents the accordingly they are not drilled, but
possibility of excess pressure building receive their oil from separate tubes
up in the lower crankcase. direct from the oil headers.

The main and thrust bearing saddles are d. Vertical drive assembly. The power
machined together with the forged steel developed by the upper crankshaft is
bearing caps. These are match-marked transmitted to the lower crankshaft by
to show proper position. When a means of a gear drive which is turned by
replacement cylinder block is ordered the crankshaft gear bolted to the blower
the bearing caps are always furnished end of each crankshaft. The drive
in place. assembly consists of two tapered shafts
with pinions, connected together by a
b. Cylinders and cylinder liners. The flexible coupling with laminated rings
cylinders are formed by cylindrical between the hubs, coupling shaft, and
sleeves or liners located on the adjusting flange. The upper and lower
centerline of the engine and spaced to housings contain a large and a small set
correspond with the crankshaft throws. of thrust bearings.
The cast iron liners have specially
designed air inlet and exhaust ports for e. Connecting rod and connecting rod
the passage of scavenging air to, and of bearings. The connecting rod is an alloy
exhaust gases from the combustion steel forging with a closed eye at one end
space. and a removable

The liner cooling spaces are formed by


cap at the other end. The connecting   are the bearings at the blower end of the
rod crankpin bearing is made up of a camshaft stub shaft, which are held in
cap bearing shell and a rod bearing place by a bearing nut. Oil is supplied to
shell. The bronze-backed bearing shells the control end bearings by a pipe that
are lined with a high lead bearing leads directly to the camshaft bearing
composition containing a special saddle from the upper oil header. The oil
hardener and known under the trade flows through the hollow shaft and
name of Satco metal. Each connecting supplies oil to the rest of the bearings by
rod crankpin bearing shell is identified means of the radial holes drilled in the
by a mark stamped on the edge of the shaft.
shell. New shells may be installed
without fitting or scraping. The piston h. Timing chain. The timing chain is the
pin bearing consists of two rows of means by which the rotation of the upper
hardened steel rollers or a bronze crankshaft is conveyed to the camshafts,
bushing fitted in the space between the turning the camshafts at the same rate of
piston pin and the connecting rod speed as the crankshaft. Sprockets are
bushing. fastened to the control end of the
crankshaft, camshaft, and stub shaft. The
f. Piston and piston pin assembly. The chain is guided by special links over the
upper and lower cast iron pistons are crankshaft sprocket, under a timing chain
identical except for the position of the sprocket, and over the camshaft sprocket.
fuel opening in the cup at the top of the It then passes under a tightener sprocket,
piston. The pistons are marked and over the stub shaft sprocket, and under a
should be installed in their proper second timing chain sprocket to the
places, so that the fuel openings line up crankshaft.
correctly with the injection nozzle
openings in the liners. The timing chain is a No. 766 Duplex 1/2
in. pitch, 2 in. wide, center guide, endless
The pistons are connected to their chain of 116 pitches. It is assembled to
respective crankshafts by the piston pin operate the links, to guide the chain on
bracket, piston pin, needle bearings or the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets,
bronze bushing, and forged steel and to operate in slots in the tightener
connecting rods, and are cooled by and timing sprockets.
lubricating oil as described later.
i. Hand control lever. The engine is
Each piston is fitted with seven cast started and stopped by means of a hand-
iron rings, four of which are control lever. This lever has three
compression rings located above the positions: START, STOP, and RUN. In
piston pin and three of which are oil the STOP position, the fuel cutout cam
rings located below the piston pin. Of on the control shaft moves the fuel
these three rings there is one oil injection pump control rod to the no fuel
scraper, one oil drain, and one oil cutter position. When the lever is in the START
ring. position, the control shaft mechanism
moves the air control valve plunger and
The condition of the lower piston and opens the control valve, admitting air to
rings may be observed through the the engine air header and air distributor.
exhaust manifold and ports after the In the RUN position, the engine is under
thermocouple or plain covers have been full governor control.
removed from the manifold.
j. Emergency stop and reset lever. The
g. Camshaft, camshaft stub shaft, and engine is equipped with a hand-operated
camshaft bearings. The camshaft is of emergency stop device, consisting of a
the one-piece type with integral cams push button that operates against the
on a case-hardened alloy steel shaft. overspeed latch and releases the
There is one cam on the camshaft for overspeed stop plunger, shutting off the
each cylinder. This cam actuates the delivery of fuel to the injection pumps.
injection pump plunger. There is only This emergency stop may be connected
one camshaft on this model F-M to the ship's air supply so that it can be
engine. On the other side of the engine operated from the maneuvering room by
from the camshaft is a camshaft stub the use of a quick opening valve to stop
shaft which is used to drive various the engine. When air pressure is admitted
governor auxiliaries and to form a part to the emergency stop housing, the
of the timing chain system. This stub overspeed stop latch is tripped and shuts
shaft is extremely short, extending for off the
the length of one cylinder only.

The camshaft bearings are held in place

in the block by special setscrews.
Exceptions to this

Figure 12-21. Engine controls, end view, F-M auxiliary engine.

supply of fuel as described in the   should be inspected to see that it is
preceding paragraph. operating at the correct speed.

k. Overspeed governor. The overspeed In order to start the engine after it has
governor mechanism automatically been stopped by either the overspeed
stops the engine when the main governor or the emergency stop, the
governor fails to hold the engine speed plunger must be returned to its spring-
below the safe maximum of 1290 to loaded normal position. This is
1370 rpm. This mechanism consists of accomplished by moving the reset lever
a weight on the end of, and rotating which in turn moves the reset shaft and
with the camshaft. When an overspeed pulls the stop plunger up, thus
condition occurs, movement of the compressing the spring to a position
governor weights releases the spring- where the overspeed latch will be
loaded stop device as described below. brought up back of the head on the
plunger by the stop latch spring. The
When the predetermined safe speed of reset lever is then in its normal position
the engine is reached, the centrifugal and the engine is ready to operate.
force of the governor weight will
overcome the opposing pressure of a 1. Flexible drive. The flexible drive
spring and allow the governor weight to transmits power from the lower
swing outward and strike the governor crankshaft to drive the governor, air start
lever. This trips the overspeed stop distributor, lubricating oil pump, and fuel
latch and releases the overspeed stop oil and generator bearing drain pumps.
plunger which moves fuel cutout lever
and shaft, shutting off the supply of The pump drive hub is pressed on to the
fuel to the injection pumps. The speed lower crankshaft, and the pump drive
at which the governor weight will strike gear is bolted to it.
the governor lever can be adjusted by
the addition or removal of shims. At The lower torsiongraph drive shaft is
regular intervals this governor

bolted to the end of the louder   and the housing, and between the
crankshaft and aids in holding the hub impellers and bearing plates are reduced
on the shaft. The pump driven gear is to minimum. Under no circumstances
keyed to the pump drive shaft which is should oil be allowed to leak into the
located in the pump drive housing. The blower housing or air receiver.
housing is bolted to the engine block
and supported by the pump mounting b. Oil separator. The engine crankcases,
plate. vertical drive, and control end
compartments are vented by means of the
The power take-off for the air start suction of the blower. A slight vacuum is
distributor and the governor is located produced by suction through an oil
in the pump drive housing and consists separator located inside the blower end
of a gear keyed to the pump drive shaft cover. This should be adjusted to 2 in.
and driving a final spiral gear. maximum water vacuum by the screw on
top of the oil separator in the blower end
The lubricating oil pump is bolted to cover. Passage to the oil separator is
the pump mounting plate and is through the hollow impeller shafts.
connected to the pump drive shaft by a
positive drive coupling. At the end of The separator consists of a metal box,
the lubricating oil pump impeller with small holes drilled in the front piece,
driving shaft is a set of beveled gears filled with copper gimp upon which the
that drive the fuel oil and generator oil collects as the air passes through it.
bearing drain pumps. These pumps are The accumulated oil is drained off each
located on each end of the fuel pump end of the separator, collecting in the
drive housing. lower compartments of the blower and
draining back into the crankcase.
The fresh water and salt water pumps
are driven directly from the pump drive The separator should be removed and
gear. cleaned in kerosene at regular intervals.
The excess oil should be blown from the
13B4. Scavenging system and blower. copper gimp before placing the separator
a. General description. Scavenging air back into service. If for any reason the
is supplied to the cylinders under a separator is neglected, the seepage of oil
pressure of from 2 to 5 psi by means of from the lower crankcase side cover or a
a positive displacement type blower. possible smoky condition of the exhaust
The blower consists of a housing will indicate that it should be cleaned.
containing inlet and exhaust passages
enclosing two three-lobe spiral 12B5. Fuel system. a. Description. The
impellers. Timing gears, driven by a fuel oil supply system is composed of a
gear drive from the upper crankshaft, standby and priming pump, an attached
interconnect the impellers. fuel oil pump, and a fuel oil strainer-filter
with the necessary relief valves and
Air is drawn from the atmosphere piping.
through the air silencer and enters the
inlet passage of the blower. It is moved The standby and priming pump is used to
by the lobes along the walls of the fill the complete fuel system prior to first
blower housing and forced through the starting the engine or after the engine has
outlet passages. Pipes conduct the been over hauled. As the engine starts to
scavenging air to the air receiver turn, the attached fuel oil pump takes
compartments on each side of the over the task of supplying fuel to the
cylinder block. These receivers are the engine and forces the fuel past a relief
full width of the cylinder block and bypass valve through the fuel oil strainer-
extend to the control end compartment. filter to the engine header where each
They completely surround the cylinder individual injection pump is supplied.
liners at the air inlet ports. The The overflow from this header is
scavenging air enters the cylinder under directed, via a relief valve, to the clean
pressure, and sweeps the exhaust gases fuel oil tank. Dirty oil from the injection
out through the exhaust ports, nozzle compartment flows back to the
producing complete scavenging. A leakage tank or to the bilges depending
quantity of scavenging air is trapped in on the particular installation.
the cylinder by the pistons, thus
providing fresh air for the next The capacity of the supply pump is such
compression stroke.

The scavenging air is discharged from

the blower with a uniform velocity due
to the design of the impeller lobes. For
greatest efficiency the clearances
between the impellers, the impellers

Figure 12-22. Fuel oil piping, F-M auxiliary engine.

that a sufficient velocity of fuel is   stroke, lapped plunger, cam-actuated type
obtained in the fuel oil header to insure and is identical in principle to the pump
rapid replacement of fuel as it is used used on the Model 38D 8 1/8 engine. The
by each individual injection pump at pump measures the correct amount of
full speed. fuel and delivers it at the correct moment
to the injection nozzle from which it is
b. Fuel pump. The attached fuel oil injected into the combustion space
supply pump is a positive displacement between the pistons.
pump. It should require no attention
other than an occasional inspection. The injection pumps are enclosed in the
The packing gland should be tightened cylinder block in an inverted position on
or repacked as found necessary. It is the control side of the engine below the
very important when installing pump camshaft. The camshaft is driven through
packing that the rings be cut to the a silent chain by a sprocket on the control
exact lengths. The joints of the packing end of the upper crankshaft. Each pump
should be alternated so that they do not consists of a housing, plunger, barrel,
come in line with each other. Leakage control rack, plunger spring, delivery
should be permitted through the gland valve, delivery valve seat, and delivery
after the packing is first installed. The valve spring. The push rod assembly
gland should then be set up in small transforms the rotary motion of the
increments with several minutes camshaft into linear up-and-down motion
between tightening in order to permit of the plunger.
the packing to adjust itself to the shaft
gradually. The injection pump plunger moves in the
plunger barrel with a constant stroke and
c. Injection system. The injection delivers fuel through the delivery valve
system for each cylinder is made up of and injection tubing to the injection
the injection pump, injection nozzle, nozzle and on to the combustion space in
and the tubing connecting the two units. the cylinder liners. The

1. The injection pump is of the constant


plunger stroke remains constant, and   discharge tubing, no oil can drain out of
the amount of fuel is varied by rotating the tubing. The seating of the delivery
the plunger in the barrel by means of valve causes the injection nozzle to close
the serrated control rack acting upon sharply and prevents a dribbling of oil
and meshing with the pump plunger from the nozzle.
control sleeve.
2. The fuel injection nozzle consists
When the plunger is in its highest primarily of a nozzle body, nozzle spring
position, the fuel inlet port is uncovered housing, needle sleeve, needle, push rod,
and the pump barrel fills with fuel. As spring, filter, shim and nozzle tip. On the
the plunger moves down, the port is down stroke of the injection pump
covered and fuel is delivered to the plunger, fuel enters the injection nozzle
combustion space. Delivery of fuel through the injection tube and is forced
continues until the helical edge of the through the nozzle filter. The nozzle
plunger uncovers the bypass port. Fuel filter removes any foreign matter which
not required for combustion is may have gone through the main filters.
discharged through the bypass port to
the suction header. (See Figure 5-23.) The filter built into this nozzle is
extremely simple. It is a close fit in the
The exact position in the plunger stroke nozzle body with a clearance of .0015 in.
at which the helical edge uncovers the to .0022 in. for fuel to pass from one
bypass port depends on the rotary groove to another. The longitudinal
position of the plunger. When the grooves are connected alternately with
plunger is in the stop or no fuel position the annual grooves so that fuel entering
the vertical groove and the helical edge the annular groove is forced through the
of the plunger keep the bypass port space between the filter and the nozzle
uncovered during the entire plunger body into the annular groove connected
stroke, bypassing all the fuel. to the opposite end of the filter. The
filtered fuel is forced into the chamber
Rotary position of the plunger is through the flutes and holes, into the
controlled by the regulating governor outside of the needle sleeve where it
through its linkage with the fuel control enters the chamber at the face of the
rod and injection pump control rack. needle seat.
The control rack is connected to the
fuel control rod of the governor linkage The fuel under pressure acts against the
at the shifter sleeve and to the injection face of the needle lifting it from its seat.
pump at the plunger control sleeve. The The pressure of the oil is counteracted by
sleeve is toothed at one end and slotted the spring through the nozzle push rod.
at the other end. Lugs on one end of the This permits the pressure of the fuel to
pump plunger fit into the slots of the build up to about 3000 lb. When it
control sleeve. reaches this point, the nozzle needle
opens, allowing fuel to escape through
For an increase in fuel, the shifter the three small holes in the nozzle tip into
sleeve moves the control rack through the combustion space of the cylinder in a
the shifter sleeve key. For a decrease in fine spray. The fast action of the needle
fuel, the control rack is moved by the caused by the fuel, acting on the face of
control rod shifter sleeve spring. This the needle, and the spring counteracting
flexible design is used to actuate the this pressure, insures quick opening and
control racks so that if any of the racks closing of the needle and eliminates
sticks while the engine is running, the dribbling or leaking.
remaining pumps can be operated to
decrease the fuel injected. 12B6. Lubricating oil system. a.
Description. Lubricating oil is supplied
In order to cut out any individual pump to the system under pressure to insure a
while the engine is in operation, the continuous flow of oil to all surfaces
shifter sleeve should be rotated until the requiring lubrication and to the pistons
slot in the sleeve can pass over the for cooling. The system is comprised of
sleeve key of the fuel control rod. This the attached lubricating oil pump, oil pan,
will permit the movement of the strainer, oil separator, filter and cooler
individual control rack to the stop or no with the necessary valves and piping.
fuel position.
An oil gage connection to the gage board
The delivery valve seats when the
pressure of oil in the pump chamber is
relieved. Because of the spring and the
high oil pressure in the

is provided from the discharge of the   circulating water pump, lubricating oil
lubricating oil pump and upper oil pump, fuel oil and generator bearing
header. A marked oil gage stick is drain pumps. A tube from the upper
located at the control end of the oil pan header supplies oil to the automatic
for checking the level of the oil in the timing governor for the operation of that
engine. unit.

The lubricating oil pump, located on The camshaft and stub shaft bearings are
the control end of the engine, draws oil lubricated by pipes from the upper oil
from the oil pan through a strainer and header to the first bearing of each shaft.
discharges it through the filter and Oil enters the hollow shafts and
cooler to the lower and upper oil lubricates the rest of the bearings through
headers. Through branches from these openings drilled radially in the camshaft.
headers, oil is supplied to each main
bearing and to the thrust bearing. From Used oil from the bearings, tappet
the main bearings, oil passes through housing, and pistons collects in the upper
holes drilled in the crankshaft and crankcase compartment where it drains
through tubes swedged into the either toward the control end or toward
crankshaft to each crankpin bearing. the blower end of the block and flows
Oil is then forced through the passages back to the oil pan. Used oil from the
drilled the length of the connecting rod blower gears and bearings collects at the
to the piston pin needle bearings or bottom of the blower inner bearing plate
bronze bushing and to the piston oil and at the bottom of the blower end
pockets for cooling the pistons. An cover. An oil tube connects the blower
opening through the upper crankshaft end cover compartment to the inner
lubricates the timing chain. bearing plate compartment allowing oil
to drain from these areas to the oil pan,
The cooling oil from each lower piston via the vertical drive compartment.
is discharged through the piston cooling
bracket outlet pipe into the sump or oil An oil separator is fastened inside the
pan. Oil from each upper piston is blower end cover and vents the crankcase
discharged through the piston cooling of fumes.
bracket outlet pipe into the upper
crankcase compartment where it can b. Lubricating oil pump. The lubricating
drain toward either end of the engine oil pump is attached to the pump
and flow back to the engine sump. mounting plate on the control end of the
engine below the exhaust nozzle. It is of
Branches from the lower oil header the positive displacement type, driven by
supply oil to the thrust bearing, a pump driveshaft through the flexible
crankshaft vertical drive gears, and coupling. A built-in relief valve is set to
main bearings. The bushings of the operate at 60 pounds' pressure to relieve
flexible pump drive located on the the pump when excess pressure is built
control end of the lower crankshaft, up. Oil from the relief valve flows
receive lubrication through an opening directly into the oil pan.
in the lower crankshaft from the control
end main bearing. The surfaces of the The pump should require very little
lower thrust bearing shell and the attention except for periodic removal for
crankshaft flange are lubricated by inspection and the cleaning and grinding
openings in the bearing shell. of the seat of the relief valve with the
tool furnished for that purpose. When
Connections from the upper oil header reassembling the pump, carefully adjust
supply lubricating oil to the vertical the valve to open at the proper pressure.
drive gears and bearings, to the blower
flexible drive wear rings, to the inner Special pullers are furnished among the
and outer blower impeller bearings, and tools for removing the drive gear, the
to the injection pump tappet housing. timing gear, and drive coupling. Spanner
The blower drive gears are lubricated wrenches are provided for removing the
by a splash system obtained from a locknuts on the drive gear, the timing
special fitting that directs a spray of oil gear, and coupling.
to the gears.
c. Generator bearing drain pump. A
Fittings at the control end of the upper small gear type drain pump, mounted on
oil header supply lubrication to the the front of the attached lubricating oil
timing chain and control mechanism. pump at one end of
This oil drains down and also lubricates
the governor drive and gears,

Figure 12-23. Lubricating oil piping, F-M auxiliary engine.


the fuel pump housing, is driven by a   are identical they are discussed together
beveled gear on the extension of the under the fresh water system.
upper impeller shaft of the lubricating
oil pump. This pump takes the warm c. Fresh water system. The attached fresh
used oil from the closed generator water pump is driven through the flexible
bearings and returns it to the engine oil
pan. Cool filtered oil is furnished to the pump drive from the lower crankshaft
generator bearings by the lubricating oil and draws water from the fresh water
pump. cooler and forces it into the engine at the
base of the exhaust nozzle. From the
d. Suction strainer. The lubricating oil exhaust nozzle, water flows around the
suction strainer is located in the pump jacketed outside of the exhaust manifold,
intake line. All oil from the oil pan thence through fittings into the space
passes through the strainer before between the cylinder liner and jacket on
entering the pump. The strainer consists each cylinder. The heat of combustion is
of a piece of screen supported by a transferred to the cooling water as it
cylindrical shell which is fastened in travels up and around the cylinder liner,
the enlargement in the oil piping. This injection nozzle, air start check valve,
strainer should be removed and cleaned and cylinder relief valve. The water
frequently to insure an adequate supply leaves the jacketed space of the liner by
of clean oil to the pump. means of outlet pipes connected to the
water header on the side opposite the
12B7. Cooling system. a. General. An control side of the engine. The water
adequate supply of cool, clean, soft, flows past a mercury bulb thermometer
fresh water, free of scale-forming where the outlet water temperature of the
ingredients, is essential for proper engine is registered.
operation of the engine. The sodium
dichromate water treatment should be Adjustments are possible so that part of
used. Salt water should not be used for the water can be bypassed around the
cooling the engine. cooler by means of a temperature
regulator similar to that used on the
The cooling system is of the closed Model 38D 8 1/8 engine. All of the
type in which fresh water is circulated cooling passages of the engine can be
through the engine and fresh water drained at the exhaust nozzle. The system
cooler. Salt water is circulated through should be drained if the engine is to be
the fresh water cooler and through the left in freezing temperature with no
generator air cooling system. For more protection.
detailed discussion, the two systems are
discussed separately. In older d. Circulating water pumps. The pumps
installations, salt water is used as the are of the centrifugal type with the water
cooling agent in the lubricating oil entering at the center of the impeller and
cooler, but in later installations, fresh being forced outward by the rotating
water is used. motion of the impeller vanes to the pump
b. Salt water system. The salt water
system consists of an attached salt These pumps require very little servicing
water pump which is driven through the beyond the tightening or replacing of the
flexible drive from the lower packing and the oil retainer ring. The
crankshaft. It draws water from the packing should be tightened occasionally
suction sea chest and strainer, forces it to keep the gland from leaking. If it must
through the generator cooling system, be replaced, the special packing hook
the fresh water and sometimes the should be used to remove the old
lubricating oil coolers, and discharges it packing. The new packing should be cut
overboard. The necessary piping, to the correct length and the joints
fittings, and valves complete the alternated so they do not come in line.
system. A hand-operated three-way The gland nut should then be tightened in
bypass valve is installed in the small increments to allow the packing to
discharge piping from the pump to the adjust itself gradually to the shaft. The
cooler, controlling the amount of salt bearings of these pumps are lubricated
water passing through the coolers and from the gear drive case.
thereby, to some extent, the
temperature of the fresh water and 12B8. Air starting system. The air
lubricating oil to the engine. starting system is furnished with air from
the ship's high-pressure air line or from
Since the salt water and fresh water air bottles. A reducing

valve (3000 to 250 psi), a relief valve,   the valve spring and high-pressure air.
gages, and necessary valves are in the The valve is opened when the hand
piping leading to the engine. On the control lever is moved from STOP to
engine the control valve, the air start START position. The clearance between
distributor, engine starting air header, the valve plunger and the valve stem
pilot air tubing, and air start check should be 1/16 in. This clearance can be
valves, complete the system. adjusted by adding or removing shims
between the valve body and plunger
Engine starting is accomplished by the body.
action of the compressed air on the
pistons in their proper firing order. The The valve will require little servicing
operation is identical with that beyond its removal, and reseating of the
described in Chapter 4 for a Model 38D valve seat with the tools furnished for
8 1/8 F-M engine. When the hand this purpose. After the valve seat has
control lever of the fuel and governor been refaced, the valve should be lapped
control rod is moved from STOP to to make a positive seat and prevent
START position, the machined portion leakage of air from the air inlet piping.
of the control valve plunger acts as a
cam, forcing the control valve open, The air start distributor, located on the
allowing high-pressure air to enter the side opposite the control side of the
engine starting air header and the air engine below the exhaust manifold at the
start distributor. The air chamber of the control end, is properly timed and
distributor housing the pilot valves is marked at the factory. The distributor
under pressure when the control valve directs a flow of air into the combustion
is open. This pressure is greater than chamber of the engine in time with the
the force exerted by the valve springs engine firing order. Under normal
and accordingly it forces the pilot circumstances it will not need to be timed
valves down against the air start cam. again; however, should a new cam be
installed, it must be retimed.
The cam is designed so that the pilot
valves on high cam are closed and The air start check valve is located in the
vented to the atmosphere. The pilot cylinder liner, at the injection nozzle
valves on low cam are open, allowing level, on the side opposite the control
pilot air to enter the pilot tubing from side of the engine. It is actuated by a
the distributor air chamber. The supply of pilot air from the air start
rotation of the cam, which is driven distributor which acts against the
through the flexible pump drive from pressure of the valve spring forcing the
the lower crankshaft, causes the pilot operating piston to open. When the
valves to open in time with the engine piston opens, it releases a charge of air
firing order, admitting pilot air up to from the engine starting air header to the
the air start check valves. The action of combustion space between the pistons in
this valve allows a full charge of air the cylinder liner, forcing the pistons
from the main engine starting air apart and causing the crankshafts to
header to enter the combustion space in rotate.
the cylinder liner, forcing the pistons
apart and rotating the crankshafts. When the air start distributor shuts off
the supply of pilot air to the valve, the
When the engine begins to fire, the spring closes the operating piston. The
hand control lever is moved from air from the engine starting air header
START to RUN position. This raises presses against the balancing piston with
the control valve spring to close the greater force than it does against the
valve, shutting off the air to the engine check valve so that at no time is there
header. The engine starting air header enough pressure to open the valve.
and air start distributor are vented to the
atmosphere through an opening in the The valve is vented to the atmosphere
control valve. When the pressure is through two holes in the valve body.
relieved on the air chamber, the valve Water from the cylinder liner jacket
springs raise the pilot valves free of the enters the space between the check valve
cam, thereby venting all pilot tubing to sleeve and the sleeve water jacket to cool
the atmosphere. the valve and valve body.

The control valve located in the engine 12B9. Exhaust system. The exhaust
header is held closed by the combined system conducts the gases from the
action of engine combustion space through the
exhaust ports to the

atmosphere. The hot gases are forced   line. All of the cooling water passages of
out of the cylinder liner when the upper the engine can be drained through a
and lower pistons uncover the exhaust plugged hole in the exhaust manifold.
and inlet ports The gases enter The exhaust decks and manifolds are
individual exhaust decks connected to doweled in place so that they will line up
the exhaust manifolds mounted in the with other parts after removal or
cylinder block on each side of the replacement. The exhaust manifolds are
engine. The gases pass on through the provided with openings at each cylinder
combined exhaust nozzle at the control for inspection and cleaning purposes.
end of the engine to the exhaust pipe Plain flange covers are furnished for
and on to the atmosphere, usually those openings for the side opposite to
through one of the main engine exhaust the control side of the engine. The covers
valves. The exhaust deck castings and on the control side are quipped with
welded exhaust manifolds contain pyrometers. These instruments indicate
water jackets far the passage of cooling the temperature of the exhaust gases
water from the welded exhaust nozzle, leaving the exhaust ports of each cylinder
through which the water enters the on a single selector indicator on the
engine. A drain plug is provided in the control board.
exhaust nozzle for draining any
condensation in the nozzle, manifold,
or exhaust
13A1. Function and type. The main   The reduction gear assembly consists
diesel engines are directly connected to essentially of two main motor pinions
the main generators which furnish forged and cut integral with the pinion
power to the main motors or battery shafts, one main gear or bull gear which
through the control cubicle. Two types is connected to the propeller shaft, and a
of main drive installations are now in lubricating oil pump gear which is geared
use in modern fleet type submarines. to the inner pinion shaft. The forward
The older type which is at present used ends of the pinion shafts are connected to
in about 95 percent of our submarines their respective motors through flexible
consists of four main motors arranged couplings. Each pinion shaft is supported
in pairs to drive each of the propeller by a cylindrical type bearing at each end.
shafts through a reduction gear. This
type of installation uses a single control The main gear is pressed and keyed to
cubicle. The latest type of main drive the gear shaft. The aft end of the shaft is
installation consists of a split control coupled to the propeller shaft. On the
cubicle and two large, slow-speed, forward end of the main gear shaft is
double-armature motors which are mounted the collar of the main thrust
directly connected to the propeller bearing which absorbs the propeller
shaft. Each section of the split control thrust. The gear and shaft are carried on
cubicle is designed primarily to control two sleeve bearings.
propulsion on its particular side. It is
possible, however, to tie the two sides The sleeve bearings consist of steel shells
of the split cubicle together and lined with babbitt. The bearing shells are
therefore use port engines on the
starboard screw and vice versa. split

This description of reduction gears is

limited to the older type installation.
Each reduction gear reduces the high
main motor speed of approximately
1300 rpm to the propeller shaft speed of
280 rpm. The ratio of reduction is
determined by the maximum efficiency
obtainable from the propellers without
loss of power at varying motor and
propeller speeds.

The gears are single reduction, double

helical type, a right- and left-hand helix
being used to balance the fore and aft
components of the tooth pressure.
These helical gears produce a smoother
action and avoid the tooth check of spur Figure 13-1. Reduction gear, top case
gears. removed.

13A2. Description and operation.

With the exception of minor differences
in design, gear units produced by
various manufacturers and installed on
fleet type submarines today are similar.
Specifications to which they are built
will be found in the manufacturer's
instruction book pertaining to the unit
in question. The two units used on each
ship are alike except that one is for port
propulsion and the other for starboard
propulsion. Facing aft, the port shaft
rotates clockwise, and the starboard
shaft rotates counterclockwise.
Figure 13-2. Sectional views of reduction gear.

and the two halves of each shell are   An accurate record of all repairs,
held in alignment by dowels set in the adjustments, readings, and casualties
lower half. Dowels in the bearing caps should be kept in the machinery history.
prevent the shells from rotating. The
lubrication of the bearings is explained b. Unusual sounds. A properly operating
in Section 13A4f. reduction gear has a certain definite
sound which the trained operator can
13A3. Flexible couplings between easily recognize. The cause of any
pinion and motor shafts. The unusual noises should be investigated,
couplings between the two main motor and the gears should be operated with
armature shafts and the pinion shafts of caution until the source is located and
the reduction gear are of the enclosed remedied.
flexible type. Each coupling consists
essentially of two hubs with external c. Tooth contact. It is essential, for proper
spur gears, and two sleeves with operation of the gears, that the total tooth
internal spur gears. The hubs are pressure be uniformly distributed over
pressed on and keyed to their respective the total area of the tooth faces. This is
shafts. The floating sleeves fit around accomplished by accurate alignment, and
the hubs so that the spur gear teeth are adherence to the designed clearance
permanently meshed. The floating limits. Alignment should be checked at
sleeves are bolted together. the time the gear is installed, during each
major overhaul, and after any casualty
This type of coupling provides severe enough to threaten the alignment.
longitudinal flexibility between the Operating gears with faulty alignment are
driving and driven shafts and thereby detrimental to the life and performance of
permits the pinion to trail the main the teeth. Continued quiet operation and
gear. Movement of the main gear is in good tooth contact are the best
turn limited by the clearance in the indications of proper tooth alignment.
thrust bearing. The coupling permits a
small amount of misalignment of the d. Backlash. Backlash is measured by
hubs to occur without causing locking the main gear in its forward
operational difficulties. However, it is position and then moving each pinion
not advisable to operate continuously just far enough forward and aft to make
with the hubs out of alignment because firm contact each way. The total
the coupling is not intended to function lengthwise movement measured when
as a universal joint. Continuous doing this is the axial backlash. The
operation with the hubs out of backlash will increase with wear, and it
alignment will result in excessive can increase considerably without
friction and gear teeth wear, and causing trouble. The actual longitudinal
eventually will cause a breakdown. movement, as measured at the time the
unit was built at the factory, should be
The couplings are lubricated by a found stamped on all pinion shafts except
continuous stream of oil supplied by spares, and should be recorded in the
the main motor and reduction gear machinery history. This measurement is
lubricating oil pump. Oil enters through the minimum allowable backlash.
a nozzle and after passing between the
gear teeth is discharged through holes e. Flexible couplings. The coupling
in the sleeve. backlash should be checked at regular
intervals to see that it has not increased
13A4. Maintenance. a. Machinery excessively. A dial indicator is used to
history. It is of great importance that measure the total backlash without
the machinery history contain a dismantling the coupling. The one shaft
complete record of the installation from is held stationary, and the dial indicator is
the time of commissioning. Complete mounted on the opposite or moving shaft
installation data as furnished by the with the indicator needle on some Dart of
contractor should be entered in the the coupling housing. By twisting the
machinery index by prospective movable shaft back and forth without
engineer officers at the contractor's allowing the stationary shaft to move, the
yard. This should include the original total backlash will be indicated on the
bearing crown thickness or bridge gage dial indicator.
readings, bearing clearances, thrust
settings and clearances, and tooth
clearances (backlash and root) of the
gear wheel and pinion teeth. It is
essential that these data be on hand
when the alignment is subsequently

The backlash when found should be   g. Bearing wear. The amount of wear of
checked with the recorded initial reduction gear bearings must not be
backlash. If subsequent wear has allowed to become sufficiently great to
increased the backlash to twice the cause incorrect gear tooth contact. The
original amount, replacement of the designed clearances, load diagrams, and
coupling should be considered. methods of measuring bearing wear are
given in the manufacturer's instruction
Since the condition of the bearing book pertaining to the unit in question.
surfaces depends upon the axial
alignment of the shafts, regular 13A5. Special precautions. a. In case of
inspection should include a check to churning or emulsification of the oil in
see that proper alignment is maintained. the gear case, the gear must be slowed or
To check the alignment, the flexible stopped until the defect is remedied.
coupling must first be dismantled. To
accomplish this, the manufacturer's b. If for any reason, the supply of
instruction book should be consulted. lubricating oil to the gears fails, the gears
should be immediately stopped until the
f. Bearings. All of the bearing caps may cause can be located and remedied.
be removed for bearing inspection or
replacement without disturbing the gear c. When bearings are known to have been
case. The pinions are light enough so overheated, gears should not be operated,
that no trouble should be experienced except in cases of extreme emergency,
when rolling out the lower halves of the until bearings have been examined and
pinion bearings once the shaft has been the defects remedied.
d. If excessive flaking of metal from gear
When assembling, all bearing shells teeth occurs, the gears should not be
should be replaced in their original adjusted, except in case of emergency,
positions. Old cement should be until the cause has been determined. Care
cleaned off the mating surfaces of the should be taken, however, to prevent the
bearing caps, end caps, and case, and a entry of the metal flakes into the general
new coat of oilproof cement applied to lubricating system.
these surfaces before reassembling. Do
not permit the cement to contact the e. Unusual noises should be investigated
surface of the bearing. The dowel bolts at once, and the gears should be operated
should be tapped back into position with caution until the cause is discovered
before the bearing cap bolts are and remedied.
f. No inspection plate, connection, fitting,
Before starting the gear unit, sufficient or cover that permits access to the gear
oil should be pumped through the casing should be removed without
system by the standby pump to indicate specific authority of the engineer officer.
pressures not less than 15 pounds on
the two gages and to show steady flow g. The immediate vicinity of an
through the thrust bearing sight flow inspection plate joint should be kept free
indicator. from paint.

After starting the unit and securing the h. When gear cases are open, precaution
standby pump, the oil inlet temperature should be taken to prevent the entry of
should not exceed 130 degrees F. foreign matter. The openings should
Bearing temperatures should not never be left unattended unless
exceed 180 degrees F, and the satisfactory temporary closures have
temperature rise should not exceed 50 been installed. Before replacing an
degrees F. At full speed, lubricating oil inspection plate, connection, fitting, or
pressure at the reduction gears should cover, a careful inspection should be
be at least 15 pounds. At any value made by a responsible officer to insure
above 25 percent of full speed, the that no foreign matter has entered or
pressure should not fall below 4 remains in the casing or oil lines.
pounds. For continuous operation
below 25 percent of full speed, the low i. Lifting devices should be inspected
limit pressure is 2 pounds. carefully before being used and should
not be overloaded.
Pressures and temperatures, as well as
the flow through the thrust bearing flow j. Naked lights should be kept away from
indicator, should be observed at regular vents while gears are in operation, as the
intervals during operation. oil vapor may be explosive.

13B1. Description. Lubricating oil for   drops below the minimum pressure
the reduction gears and the main required. The alarm consists of a twin
motors is contained in two sump tanks horn and warning light, both located in
located beneath the reduction gears. Oil the maneuvering room.
is supplied to each reduction gear unit
and its bearings, as well as to the main 13B2. Maintenance. Efficient
motor bearings, by means of a pump lubrication of reduction gears is of the
attached to and driven by the reduction utmost importance. It is essential that oil
gears. The attached pump takes its at the designated working pressures and
suction directly from its sump tank and temperature be supplied to the gears at all
discharges oil directly into the times while they are in operation.
reduction gear through a check valve, a
strainer, a filter, and a cooler. The The proper grade of lubricating oil must
pump discharge line is also connected be used. The oil must be so thin that the
to the discharge side of the lubricating film will be squeezed from between the
oil standby pump. teeth, with resultant damage that may be
beyond repair, nor so heavy that it will
The standby pump is placed in not flow through the restricted oil
operation in the event of failure of one passages.
of the attached pumps, and when the
propeller shaft speed is below 34 rpm. The lubricating system must be kept
The standby system is also used to clean at all times. Particles of lint or dirt
prime the main motor and reduction in the system are likely to clog the oil
gear bearings after a shutdown period. spray nozzles. The lubricating oil must
be free from all impurities such as water,
The piping on the gear unit is arranged dirt, grit, and any particles of metal that
so that the oil flow divides, part of it may enter the system. Particular care
going to the after bearings and inboard must be taken to clean out metal flakes
pinion spray box, and the remainder and fine chippings when new gears are
flowing to the forward bearings, wearing into a working fit. Magnets are
outboard pinion mesh, and the flexible fitted in lubricating oil strainers for this
couplings. purpose.

All of the gear lubricating oil drains The importance of taking immediate
into the lower casing and is returned to corrective measures when salt water is
the sump through a fitting connected to found in the reduction gear lubricating oil
the bottom of the casing. A sounding cannot be emphasized too strongly. The
rod may be inserted into the sump tanks immediate location and sealing of the
for checking the oil level. leak or removal of its source are not
enough. Steps must also be taken to
A hand pump is provided for sampling remove the contaminated oil from all
the contents of the sump tanks. Before steel parts. Several instances have
starting the machinery, samples should occurred where, due to deferring this
be taken from the tanks and examined treatment, gears, journals, and couplings
for presence of water and dirt. When were so badly rusted and pitted that the
the hand pump brings up water, the gears had to be taken out by naval
pump should be operated until the shipyard forces for reconditioning of
water is removed. The engine should teeth and journals. This condition can be
not be started until all of the water is reached in a week or less and may, result
removed. The hand pump is fitted with in burned-out bearings.
one suction line which takes a suction
from either of the two sump tanks. Frequent tests should be made to
determine whether salt water is present in
When filling the sump tanks from the the oil, and the reduction gears should be
filling line, the oil enters the sump inspected through the inspection plates
tanks through the filling and transfer for signs of salt water pitting. The oil
line. New oil may be transferred from level in the bottom of the gear case must
the normal lubricating oil tank to the not rise above the proper height
sump tank by means of the standby predetermined for the particular
pump. installation. If the oil level is too high,
the rotation of the gears will churn and
Low-pressure alarms are installed in the aerate the oil, causing a sudden
supply lines from the reduction gear to
the main motors. The contact maker is
set to close an alarm circuit when the
lubricating oil pressure
Figure 13-3. Schematic diagram of port main motor and reduction gear lubricating oil system.

increase in its temperature. lubrication of gears should be altered or

rendered inoperative without authority
Spray nozzles to gears should be kept   from the Bureau of Ships.
open at all times. No oil spray
apparatus fitted for the
13C1. Description and operation. The  
thrust bearing on the forward end of the
lowspeed gear shaft is manufactured by
the Kingsbury Machine Works. This
thrust bearing restricts axial movement
of the propeller shaft in both the ahead
and astern directions. The principal
components of the bearing are a
rotating thrust collar, which is keyed to
the gear shaft, and stationary shoes with
their load-equalizing supports or
leveling plates. Hardened steel pivots
or rocking levers in the back of each
shoe contact the leveling plates and
allow slight titling to equalize the load.

The shoes are the bearing members in Figure 13-4. Cross section of reduction
this type of bearing. They are supported gear thrust bearing.
in a manner that permits them to tilt
and form a wedge shaped oil film except to see that the necessary
between the shoe surface and the collar. circulation of clean, cool oil is
The total end play permitted by the maintained.
bearing is determined by the thickness
of a spacer which rests against the end Since the bearing surfaces, when
cover. This end play is fixed by the running, are completely separated by oil,
manufacturer at 0.015 to 0.030 inch. there is practically no wear, and
therefore, no take-up is provided except
The reduction gear oil pump supplies by shimming.
oil under pressure at a rate of
approximately 3 gallons per minute. During the general overhaul period, the
This quantity should be sufficient to thrust bearings should be disassembled
limit the normal temperature rise and thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning cloths
between the oil inlet and outlet to about that deposit lint should not be used. A
15 degrees F. The oil pressure required
is comparatively low, because the coarse stone, a scraper, or a file should
passages within the bearing are large. not be used on the collar surfaces.
There are two oil inlets, one at each end
of the bearing, and a single outlet as
shown in Figure 13-4.

The line admitting oil to the bearing

contains a needle valve that may be
operated to obtain the desired flow.
With the valve closed, sufficient oil
will be delivered through a drilled hole
in the valve seat for ordinary running

13C2. Maintenance. During normal

operation, the thrust bearing will
require no attention

13D1. General. Propellers used on   Disk area is the area of a circle whose
modern submarines are of the four- diameter is equal to the propeller
blade solid construction type. There are diameter.
two propellers on each ship, referred to
as the starboard screw and the port PA/DA represents the ratio of the
screw. A knowledge of the design of projected area to the disk area.
the propeller is not important from the
viewpoint of submarine operating Developed area. The helicoidal (curved)
personnel. It is enough to say that the surface of a propeller blade can be
designer has adequately designed the represented only approximately by a
propeller to give optimum operating plane area. The developed area therefore
characteristics under all conditions of approximates the sum of the actual areas
submarine operation, both surface and of the pressure faces of all of the blades.
submerged. It is necessary, however, Note: For convenience all areas are
that submarine personnel have a measured from the maximum hub
knowledge of the terms used in diameter. This introduces a slight error
describing a propeller so as to be able due to the fact that the hub is not
to discuss the subject of propeller cylindrical.
operation more intelligibly. More
important still, they should have some Mean width ratio (MWR) is the ratio of
knowledge of the upkeep and the average width of the developed blade
maintenance of propellers, so as to keep
them in the best possible operating
condition. to the diameter of the propeller.

13D2. Nomenclature. Terms used in Pitch ratio is equal to the pitch divided
describing a propeller and relative to by the diameter of the propeller.
propeller operation are as follows:
Cavitation. When a propeller turns at
The pressure face is the after face of high speed, the resulting high velocity
the propeller blade. It is customary to between the propeller surface and the
design the blade section by using this water, augmented by surface
face for datum line. This is the driving irregularities, tends to form a vacuum
side of the blade which pushes the adjacent to the propeller. When the
water astern when the propeller is in absolute pressure is reduced below the
action. vapor pressure of the fluid, vapor pockets
are formed, which break the continuity of
The suction face is the forward face of flow and reduce the efficiency of the
the blade. As this face is under a propeller. This phenomenon is called
relatively low pressure, small cavitation. When the cavitation bubbles
irregularities in the surface will cause collapse on the blade surfaces due to
cavitation. It is therefore important that condensation, erosion of these surfaces
this surface be maintained fair and results.
True slip, or slip ratio, is equal to unity
Diameter of a propeller is twice the minus the ratio-of the speed of the water
distance from the shaft center to the relative to the propeller in feet per minute
extreme blade trip. divided by the pitch in feet times the
rpm. When the speed of the ship through
Pitch is defined as the distance the the water is used instead of the speed of
blade element would move in one the water relative to the propeller, the
revolution of operating in a solid resulting slip ratio is known as apparent
medium. Unless otherwise defined, it is slip. The difference between these two
the designed pitch and equals the velocities is due to the wake created by
pressure face pitch of the blade section the ship's hull.
at the .7 radius. When the leading or
trailing edge of the pressure face is not S = I- Va / (rpm X pitch) where
a true helix, the design pitch is Va = Velocity of water relative to the
considered to be the pitch of that part of propeller in feet per minute.
the section which is a true helix.
Propeller numbering. Every propeller
Projected area is the area of the has been assigned a serial number for
projection of the propeller blades upon identification and to enable the Bureau of
a plane normal to the shaft axis. Ships to maintain a complete history.
When referring to propellers,
the serial number, drawing number, and   All large, and sometimes small,
the nomenclature appearing on the propellers are brought to their final shape
drawing should be used. by chipping and grinding.

13D3. Propeller inspection and Propeller blade surfaces must be fair and
maintenance. a. Inspection. Whenever free from humps and hollows. Many
the vessel is in drydock, the propeller different blade thicknesses are used at
should be inspected for possible numerous places on the blade and each
damage. If there is reason to suspect must be accurate to less than 2 percent.
that the propeller blades have been Inaccuracies will set up forces that cause
sprung or bent, and the fact is not vibrations resulting in excess noise which
obvious from a visual inspection, the is not acceptable on submarine
pitch should be checked with a installations.
pitchometer. Whenever the propeller is
removed, the tail shaft and hub bore Bent blades cause hydrodynamic
should be inspected for corrosion and irregularities which will cause vibrations
fractures. and sometimes severe damage to struts
and bearings.
Propellers are dynamically balanced to
prevent vibrations. If an inspection and Blade fillets located near the hub should
test show the need of removal of metal be fair and should change uniformly,
to obtain a balance, the metal must be decreasing near the ends. There should
taken from the pressure (after) face of never be any knuckles or sharp corners
the blades. for the water flow to break over. Irregular
contours always result in erosion.
If an inspection shows small pieces
broken off the blades or slight cracks, Blade edges and tips must be maintained
repair may be possible by the hot melt as sharp and clean as called for on the
process. If the breaks or cracks appear propeller drawing. A propeller can
to be so serious that either blade or hub vibrate in many different ways, and each
strength is affected, expert consultants vibration is associated with a definite
should be called in to survey the frequency. Forces that cause vibrations of
damage before any attempt is made to a definite frequency are sometimes the
repair. If there is any question as to the result of blunt edges on the blades near
suitability of the damaged propeller, it the tip, and these vibrations result in a
should be replaced. Pitting or erosion noisy or singing propeller. Propellers are
found during inspection should be dynamically balanced to prevent
considered from the viewpoint of cause vibrations when in service.
and the elimination of the cause if
possible. Fast runs or steady runs under Hub taper. The hub of the propeller is
high power in prolonged heavy weather accurately bored out to receive the
will sometimes erode the backs of the propeller shaft. One or more keys are
blades. This erosion is due to cavitation used to insure a tight fit and to prevent
and usually appears at the tips of the movement between the shaft and the hub.
blades. Erosion under these conditions These keys must fit uniformly and snugly
cannot be prevented, but pitting or in both shaft and hub, and no movement
erosion at any other point on the blades should be permitted. Loose keys work
is usually the result of a fault that can back and forth and may eventually result
be eliminated. in the loss of a propeller.

b. Propeller blade maintenance. The Fairwater cap. The after end of the
casting and machining of the propellers propeller tail shaft is sealed against water
require extreme care to maintain the by a fairwater cap which is filled with hot
relationship between the engineering tallow. Some ships have a separate nut
calculations of proper pitch, diameter, behind the fairwater cap for holding the
and area and the actual physical propeller hub on the tail shaft, and some
dimensions of the propeller. fairwater caps have the nut integral with
the cap. In either case, the cap and nut
Navy propellers are invariably made of must be fitted so that there is no play.
cast solid manganese bronze. Usually The nut is kept from working loose by a
small propellers and frequently large locking key. The faces of the cap must be
propellers (up to destroyer size) are smooth and free of sharp corners or
machined to their true pitch. The irregularities.
tolerance allowed is from 1/2 to 2
percent, the amount depending on the

13D4. Propeller upkeep. It has been   b. As soon as practicable after docking a

found that clean and properly operating vessel, the naval shipyard or repair force
propellers add measurably to the should make a careful examination of the
amount of speed obtainable from a propellers, and any repairs found
given propulsion installation. It has necessary should be undertaken
therefore become the practice to clean immediately so that the undocking of the
the blades of both propellers and vessel will not be delayed.
perform minor repair jobs on the blade
tips at every refit and overhaul period c. The stenciled hub and blade data
of a submarine. It is much easier to do should be verified and recorded at each
this when the vessel is in drydock, but drydocking. Wear of bearings,
the cleaning especially and some repair adjustments made, general conditions
jobs may be accomplished by a diver found, and work performed should be
when the ship is waterborne. The recorded in the machinery history.
cleaning is usually done by an air
operated cleaning tool with little or no d. At each interim and regular naval
difficulty. When the blades are cleaned, shipyard overhaul docking, the hub cap
the diver should, in addition, make a should be removed from each propeller
careful inspection of the tips of the and the propeller nut examined.
blades to check for irregularities, nicks,
and bent sections. These should be e. When repairs are made to propellers,
corrected if the operations schedule the activity performing the work should
make a detailed report, including repairs
13D5. Routine tests and reports. a. effected, condition of propeller, location
Whenever a ship is-docked the engineer and extent of defects, data stamped on
officer (of the ship) should examine the hubs and blades, and pitch
propellers, and the result of the measurements, if taken. Applicable forms
examination entered in the engineering should be submitted if major repairs
log and in the ship's log. affecting pitch and blade dimensions
have been accomplished or if the
propeller was balanced dynamically.

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