Ministry of Earth Sciences (Moes)
Ministry of Earth Sciences (Moes)
Ministry of Earth Sciences (Moes)
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More details on posts, qualifications, experience and nature of work
along with link for ONLINE Application Form are available on NCCR website
page :
Date: 20.07.2021
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The details of posts, post codes, eligibility criteria, such as qualification, nature of work and other terms and conditions are given
S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
1 Project Scientist III PS-III-MB1 i. Master’s Degree in Environmental Science/ i. Ph.D. in biological or To carry out R&D studies on
Marine Science / Marine Biology or environmental science or marine litter and
1 Post equivalent from a recognized University / equivalent from a recognized microplastics.
Institute with at least first class not less than University / Institute
Marine Biology - 60% marks. Planning, coordination and
Marine Litter ii. Minimum 7 years experience in research or execution of beach surveys
teaching in the relevant field or collection of independently for marine
water, sediment, marine litter and litter studies, coastal
microplastics and biological samples from cleanup and Swatch Sagar
the coastal and offshore environment. programs of the Ministry.
iii. Experience in handling various analytical
instruments for the analysis of chemical Participation in coastal and
oceanographic parameters. offshore surveys, sampling
and measurements.
Data analysis, preparation
of technical reports,
research publications, etc.
2 Project Scientist III PS-III-MB2 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Biology/Zoology i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology/Zoology Planning and execution of
or equivalent from a recognized University / or equivalent from a recognized field & laboratory R&D
1 Post Institute with at least first class not less than University / Institute. studies related to coastal
60% marks. pollution, marine outfall
ii. Minimum of 7 years experience in seawater monitoring, impact and risk
Marine Biology – assessment of
Toxicology quality criteria development, risk
assessment of contaminants, water quality contaminants like metals
monitoring, planktonology, biomarker &pesticides, independently.
enzyme assays, and histopathological Data processing,
studies. interpretation, analysis and
iii. Experience in designing and execution of preparation of technical
field survey and sampling, isolation and reports, etc.
culture of plankton, laboratory and in-situ
field toxicity experiments for risk
assessment of contaminants.
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
3 Project Scientist-III PS-III-OO3 i. Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical i. Master’s Degree in To carry out R&D studies
Engineering/ Technology or equivalent from Mechanical Engineering/ related to ocean
a recognized University with at least first Technology or equivalent from observations independently
1 Post such as development and
class not less than 60% marks. a recognized University
ii. Minimum of 7 years experience in maintenance of buoys,
Ocean Observations Research and Development in ocean ii. Development of mechanical deployment and retrieval,
observations such as development of data processing,
systems for ocean
mechanical systems, moorings and interpretation, analysis and
observations preparation of technical
deployment and retrieval of buoys, survey,
iii. Experience in analysis and reports, etc.
maintenance of sensors.
design of buoys and mooring Planning and organizing
systems fieldworks related to ocean
observations, buoys,
oceanographic instruments
Undertake shallow water
bathymetry surveys and
data analysis
4 Project Scientist-II PS-II-CG4 i. Master’s Degree in Geology / Applied i. Ph.D. in Geology / Applied To undertake field and desk
Geology/ Marine Sciences / Marine Geology/ Marine Sciences / studies related to short-term
3 Posts Studies/Ocean science & Technology or Marine Studies or equivalent and long-term coastal
equivalent from a recognized University / from a recognized University / geomorphological features&
Institute with at least first class not less than Institute. shoreline changes.
Geomorphology & 60% marks. ii. Experience in field
Mapping measurements for coastal
ii. Minimum three years research experience
processess, coastal Data processing, image
in interpretation of coastal geomorphology, interpretation, analysis and
geomorphology and
beach profiles, shoreline change studies preparation of technical
sedimentology. reports.
and mapping using GIS / Remote sensing
5 Project Scientist-II PS-II-RS5 i. Master’s Degree in Geoinformatics / i. Ph.D. in Geoinformatics / To carryout studies related
7 Posts Geomatics / Remote Sensing/Disaster Geomatics / Remote Sensing to coastal hazards,
Remote Sensing & management or equivalent from a or equivalent or equivalent shoreline changes,
GIS recognized University / Institute with at least from a recognized University / shoreline vulnerability and
impact assessment using
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
first class not less than 60% marks. Institute. various geospatial tools and
(OR) (OR)
B.E / B.Tech in Geomatics/ M.E/ M.Tech in Geomatics /
Geoinformatics/ Remote Sensing / Civil or Geoinformatics / Remote Satellite data analysis,
equivalent from a recognized University / Sensing / Civil or equivalent processing & interpretation,
Institute with at least first class not less from a recognized University Preparation of GIS Maps.
than 60% marks. / Institute.
ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Experience in coastal zone Preparation of technical
in Satellite Data processing, GIS Mapping, management studies, hazard reports.
Web GIS Applications, Shoreline change and vulnerability studies
Studies, Coastal Vulnerability and product related to erosion/ accretion/
development related to coastal zone sea level rise/ climate change/
management using Remote Sensing / GIS Tsunami/ Floods.
iii. Development of algorithms to
extract various coastal/
oceanographic information
from satellite Images.
6 Project Scientist-II PS-II-MS6 i. Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or i. M.E / M.Tech in Geotechnical / To carry out studies related
equivalent from a recognized University/ Ocean Engineering or to marine structures in
2 Posts Institute with at least first class not less than equivalent from a recognized analysis and design and
60% marks. university. detailed engineering.
Marine Structures Planning and execution of
ii. Minimum three years research experience marine geotechnical
in analysis, design and implementation of investigations.
marine/ coastal structures using software Interpretation of design
like STAAD Pro, SACS, Plaxis - 3D. parameters from field
iii. Experience in detailed Engineering for investigations.
coastal structures To carry out analysis and
design of foundations for
marine / Coastal structures.
7 Project Scientist-II PS-II-FM7 i. Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or i. M.E/ M.Tech in Civil / Ocean / To carry out studies related
1 Post equivalent from a recognized University / Hydraulic Engineering or to various coastal
Flood Modelling Institute with at least first class not less than equivalent from a recognized processes, flood modelling,
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
60% marks. university. data processing, analysis
and preparation of technical
ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Experience in Numerical reports.
in coastal processes, numerical flood modelling of free surface flows
modelling and field measurements. and coastal processes using
Planning and execution of
tools like MIKE-21/ HEC-HMS/
field surveys.
HEC-RAS / Delft-3D and field
8 Project Scientist-II PS-II-CD8 i. Master’s Degree in Oceanography/ Marine i. Ph.D. in Oceanography / To undertake coastal
Science / Mathematics / Physics / Ocean Marine Science / Mathematics/ process studies through
4 Posts Science & Technology or equivalent from a Physics or equivalent from a numerical modelling and
recognized University / Institute with at least recognized University / field investigations.
Coastal Dynamics first class not less than 60% marks. Institute.
(OR) (OR) Analysis of oceanographic
B.E / B.Tech in Civil Engineering or M.E / M.Tech in Civil / Ocean data, coastal numerical
equivalent from a recognized University / /Coastal Management or modelling for short and long-
Institute with at least first class not less equivalent from a recognized term forecasts, data
than 60% marks. University / Institute. assimilation and preparation
ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Numerical modelling of coastal of technical reports.
in coastal process modelling/ processes and nearshore
oceanographic measurements/ data dynamics using tools like
analysis. HYCOM / ROMS / MIKE-21 /
iii. Experience in nearshore field
measurements/ sediment transport studies /
handing oceanographic equipment & data
9 Project Scientist II PS-II-MB9 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Biology/ i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology / Field collection & analysis
Zoology/Life Sciences/ Environmental Zoology/Life Sciences/ of marine phytoplankton,
7 Posts Sciences or equivalent from a recognized Environmental sciences or zooplankton and benthos by
University/Institute with at least first class equivalent from a recognized participating in cruises
60% marks. University / Institute. onboard research
Marine Biology – vessels/fishing boats.
Plankton & Benthos ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Good working knowledge in
in marine zooplankton/ collection, taxonomic
phytoplankton/benthic studies. identification, isolation, culture To carry out R&D studies in
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
of marine phytoplankton, marine litter and
zooplankton and benthos. microplastics
iii. Working experience in
biogeochemistry of marine Execution of laboratory and
ecosystems. field experiments on marine
iv. Experience in marine litter or food chain organisms.
Preparation of reports and
10 Project Scientist II PS-II-MB10 i. Master’s Degree in Microbiology/Life i. Ph.D. in Microbiology/Life Field data collection &
Sciences from a recognized University/ Sciences from a recognized analysis of microbial
1 Post Institute with at least first class 60% marks. University / Institute. samples by participating in
ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Research experience in cruises onboard sea-going
in microbiological studies related to onboard field/cruises for vessels and coastal
Marine Biology- environments.
Microbiology marine/coastal environments. collection of biotic and abiotic
samples for microbial analysis.
iii. Good working knowledge in Isolation, culture and
isolation, culture and identification of pathogenic
identification of microbes bacteria.
especially bacteria.
Data processing, analysis
and preparation of technical
reports and manuscripts.
11 Project Scientist II PS-II-MB11 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Biology/Zoology i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology or Field data collection
or equivalent from a recognized University / equivalent from a recognized &analysis of plankton /
1 Post Institute with at least first class not less than University / Institute. benthic samples by
60% marks. participating in cruises
ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Good working knowledge in onboard sea-going vessels.
Marine Biology –
Toxicology in toxicological studies on marine plankton, collection, isolation, rearing
invertebrates, fishes, biomarker enzyme and culture of (plankton and Execution of laboratory and
assays, genotoxicity and histopathological non-plankton) marine field experiments on marine
studies. organisms. food chain organisms for
deriving toxicity values.
iii. Field sampling, in-situ
experiments, conduct of
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
laboratory toxicity tests and
working knowledge in the
biochemical assays, molecular
and histopathology
12 Project Scientist II PS-II-MB12 i. Masters Degree in Marine Biology/ Zoology/ i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology / Coral reef health
Marine Sciences from a recognized Zoology/Marine Sciences from monitoring, restoration and
1 Post University / Institute with at least first class a recognized University / transplantation of coral
not less than 60% marks. Institute. reefs.
Marine Biology- ii. Minimum three years research experience ii. Experience in coral reef Field data collection and
Coral Reef Studies in coral reef monitoring and ecology / coral monitoring, restoration and analysis of macrobenthic
reef restoration studies. reef resilience studies. communities in reef
iii. Authorized certificate of SCUBA diving iii. Good knowledge in data ecosystems using LIT and
skill. processing by using various quadrant method.
statistical software packages. Preparation of reports and
research publications.
13 Project Scientist II PS-II-PO13 i. Master’s Degree in Oceanography/ i. Ph.D. in Oceanography / To undertake the coastal
Marine Science / Mathematics / Physics or Marine Science / Mathematics process studies through
2 Posts equivalent from a recognized University / / Physics or equivalent from a numerical modelling and
Institute with at least first class not less than recognized University / field investigations
Physical 60% marks. Institute.
Oceanography ii. Minimum three years research experience Analysis of oceanographic
in coastal process modelling / ii. Numerical modelling of coastal data, coastal numerical
oceanographic measurements/data processes and nearshore modelling for short and
analysis. dynamics using tools like long-term forecasts and
iii. Experience in nearshore field HYCOM / ROMS / MIKE-21 / data assimilation.
measurements/ sediment transport studies/ Delft-3D/ WAVEWATCH-III,
handing oceanographic equipment & data etc.
14 Project Scientist II PS-II-MC14 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Science/Marine i. Ph.D. in Marine Science/ To participate in cruises for
Chemistry/ Chemical Oceanography Marine Chemistry/Chemical collection of samples
3 Posts /Environmental Sciences or equivalent from Oceanography/Environmental and analysis of various
a recognized University/ Institute at least Sciences or equivalent from a chemical parameters such
Marine Chemistry first class not less than 60% marks. recognized University/ as nutrients, dissolved
ii. Minimum three years research Institute. gases.
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
experience in coastal or marine ecosystem ii. Should have adequate
and pollution studies knowledge in developing Execution of laboratory and
methods or indices to assess field experiments related to
the coastal pollution. coastal pollution
iii. Should have adequate assessment.
experience in handling of
analytical instruments like Preparation of reports and
Auto-Analyser, Coulometer, research publications
Auto Titrators, TOC analyser
15 Project Scientist II PS-II-CS15 i. Master’s Degree in Computer Science / i. Ph.D. in Computer Science / To maintain a geospatial
Computer Applications or equivalent from a Computer Applications or database related to
2 Posts recognized University / Institute with at least equivalent from a recognized shoreline management and
first class not less than 60% marks. University / Institute development of Web GIS
(OR) (OR) application related to coastal
Computer Science change system.
B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/ M.Tech in Computer
Information Technology or equivalent from Science/Information
a recognized University / Institute with at Technology or equivalent
from a recognized University To design, develop and
least first class not less than 60% marks. implement programming
/ Institute with at least first
ii. Three years R&D experience in handling class not less than 60% languages or other GIS
oceanographic data, database marks tools to create custom
management, customized tools, Web and applications on coastal
ii. Work experience / good hazards, maintain
GIS application development for coastal knowledge in the development databases, develop
zone management aspects. of web applications for the customized geospatial tools
coastal environment using for web portals.
.NET, Database (SQL Server,
iii. Knowledge in Arc Engine, Arc
Java Script API including open
source GIS tools.
iv. Programming skills using
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
oceanographic data analysis
and knowledge in numerical
16 Project Scientist–II PS-II-IN16 i. B.E./B.Tech in Electrical/ Electronics / i. Strong technical knowledge in To carry out oceanographic
Communication / Instrumentation or handling oceanographic and data collection,
1 Post equivalent from a recognized University / meteorological instruments deployment, retrieval and
Institute with at least first class not less than such as ADCP, ADV, DWR, maintenance of data buoys
60% marks. RCM, RTK GPS, water quality and other oceanographic
Instrumentation instruments.
ii. Minimum three years experience in ocean buoys, communications
and coastal field observation, data system and other related
collection, handling oceanographic instruments.
equipment and their maintenance. ii. Experience in mooring
preparation / deployment and
field observation in the marine
17 Project Scientist–I PS-I-FM17 i. B.E / B.Tech in Civil Engineering or i. Experience in Numerical To carry out studies related
equivalent from a recognized University / modelling of free surface to various coastal
1 Post Institute with at least first class not less than flows and coastal processes processes, flood modelling,
60% marks. using tools like MIKE-21/ data processing, analysis
HEC-HMS / HEC-RAS / and preparation of technical
Flood Modelling reports.
Delft-3D and field
Planning and execution of
field surveys.
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
iv. Experience in satellite and
radiometer data collection and
processing related to optical
parameters, water quality, chl-
a etc.
20 Project Scientist-I PS-I-CD20 i. Master’s Degree in Oceanography / Marine i. Ph.D. in Oceanography/ To carry out R&D studies
Sciences/Physics/Mathematics or Marine Sciences / Physics/ related to various ocean
3 Posts equivalent from a recognized University / Mathematics or equivalent and coastal processes and
Institute with at least first class not less than from a recognized University/ shoreline management-
60% marks. Institute related aspects, data
Coastal Dynamics processing, analysis and
(OR) preparation of technical
M.E / M.Tech in Civil /
B.E/B.Tech in Civil Engineering or reports.
Ocean/ Coastal
equivalent from a recognized University /
management or equivalent
Institute with at least first class not less Planning and execution of
from a recognized
than 60% marks. fieldworks related to coastal
University / Institute.
ii. Research experience, related survey and numerical
to oceanographic data modelling of coastal
collection, ocean dynamics, processes.
shoreline morphology,
coastal dynamics and related
iii. Experience in application of
analytical/ numerical tools
21 / LITPACK/SWAN/ Delft-
iv. Exposure to design/analysis/
development of shoreline
management plans/ coastal
protection schemes
21 Project Scientist I PS-I-MB21 i. Master’s Degree in Marine i. Ph.D. in Marine Field data collection &
5 Posts Biology/Zoology/Life Sciences or equivalent Biology/Zoology/ Life analysis of plankton/
Marine Biology – from a recognized University/Institute with Sciences or equivalent from benthic samples by
participating in cruises on-
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
Plankton & Benthos at least first class 60% marks. a recognized University / board sea-going
Institute. vessels/fishing boats.
ii. Should have experience in
collection, taxonomic Execution of laboratory and
identification of marine field experiments,
phytoplankton, zooplankton & Preparation of reports and
benthos. manuscripts.
22 Project Scientist I PS-I-MB22 i. Master’s Degree in Microbiology/Marine i. Ph.D. in Microbiology/ Life Field data collection &
Science / Life sciences or equivalent from a Sciences or equivalent from analysis of microbial
1 Post recognized University/Institute with at least a recognized University / samples by participating in
first class not less than 60% marks. Institute. cruises onboard sea-going
ii. Research experience in vessels and coastal
Marine Biology- environments.
Microbiology collection, isolation, culture
and identification of microbes
especially bacteria. Collection, culture and
identification of microbes
especially bacteria.
Preparation of reports and
research publications
23 Project Scientist I PS-I-MB23 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Biology / Life i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology / Life Field data collection &
sciences or equivalent from a recognized Sciences or equivalent from a analysis of plankton/ benthic
3 Posts University / Institute with at least first class recognized University / samples by participating in
60% marks or equivalent grade. Institute. cruises onboard sea-going
ii. Experience in collection & vessels.
Marine Biology –
Toxicology maintenance of marine
organisms for laboratory Execution of microcosm,
toxicity experiments. mesocosm experiments,
iii. Working knowledge in sample and analytical
processing (water, sediment measurements of organic /
and biological matrices), inorganic contaminants.
analysis of organic and
inorganic contaminants using Preparation of reports and
instruments like ICP-OES, GC research publications
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
24 Project Scientist-I PS-I-MB24 i. Masters Degree in Marine Biology/ Zoology/ i. Ph.D. in Marine Biology / Coral reef health
Marine Sciences from a recognized Zoology/Marine Sciences from monitoring, restoration and
University / Institute with at least first class a recognized University / transplantation of coral
1 Post 60% marks. Institute. reefs.
ii. Good working knowledge on
Marine Biology- ii. Authorized certificate of SCUBA diving skill. the taxonomic identification of Field data collection and
Coral Reef Studies coral reef benthic analysis of macrobenthic
communities. communities in reef
iii. Experience in coral reef ecosystems using LIT and
monitoring, restoration and quadrant method.
reef resilience studies.
Preparation of reports and
research publications
25 Project Scientist-I PS-I-MB25 i. Master’s degree in Marine Biology/ Botany/ i. Ph.D. in Marine Taxonomy and ecological
Marine Science from a recognized Biology/Zoology/Botany/Marine studies of mangroves
1 Post university with at least first class 60% Science from a recognized ecosystems.
marks or equivalent grade. University / Institute.
Marine Biology- ii. Good working knowledge in Field data collection for
Mangroves ii. Should know swimming and skin diving taxonomy and ecology of mangrove zonation and
mangrove ecosystem restoration studies.
Preparation of reports and
research publications
26 Project Scientist-I PS-I-ES26 i. Master Degree in Environmental Science i. Ph.D. in Environmental To carry out R&D studies on
with at least first class 60% marks or Science from a recognized marine litter and
2 Posts equivalent grade. University / Institute. microplastics in marine
(OR) (OR) matrices (water, sediment &
B.Tech. in Environmental M.Tech in Environmental biota) through field surveys
Environmental etc.
Science Engineering/Biotechnology or equivalent Engineering/Biotechnology
from a recognized University / Institute or equivalent from a
with at least first class 60% marks or recognized University/
equivalent grade. Institute
ii. Experience in the collection
and analysis of marine litter
and microplastics in different
environmental matrices.
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
27 Project Scientist I PS-I-CS27 i. Masters Degree in Computer Science / i. Programming skills using To design, develop and
Computer Applications or equivalent from a MATLAB and PYTHON for implement programming
1 Post recognized University / Institute with at least oceanographic data analysis. languages or other GIS
first class not less than 60% marks. tools to create custom
ii. Work experience in office applications on coastal
Computer Science (OR)
automation tools and APP hazards, maintain
B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science / development/ML. databases, develop
Information Technology or equivalent from customized geospatial tools
iii. Experience in installation,
a recognized University / Institute with at for web portals.
configuration, troubleshooting
least first class not less than 60% marks
of Windows and Linux To assist implementation of
systems. office automation and to
carry out installation,
configuration and
troubleshooting of Desktop,
workstation, server, laptop
and printers.
28 Project Scientist I PS-I-IN28 i. B.E./B.Tech in Electrical/ Electronics / iii. Experience in the ocean and Assist in oceanographic
Communication / Instrumentation or coastal observation. data collection,
1 Post equivalent from a recognized University / iv. Strong technical knowledge in deployment, retrieval and
Institute with at least first class not less than handling oceanographic and maintenance of data buoys
60% marks. meteorological instruments and other oceanographic
Instrumentation instruments.
such as ADCP, ADV, DWR,
RCM, RTK GPS and other
related instruments.
29 Project Scientist-I PS-I-MC29 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Science/Marine i. Ph.D. in Marine Science/ To participate in cruises for
Chemistry/ Chemical Oceanography/ Marine Chemistry/Chemical collection of samples and
2 Posts Analytical Chemistry or equivalent from a Oceanography or equivalent analysis of various
recognized University/Institute with 60% from a recognized chemical parameters such
marks or equivalent grade. University/Institute. as nutrients, dissolved
Marine Chemistry gases.
ii. Should have adequate
experience in the collection Execution of laboratory and
and analysis of chemical field experiments related to
oceanographic parameters, coastal pollution
marine ecosystem studies. assessment.
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
iii. Experience in handling of Preparation of reports and
analytical instruments like research publications
Auto-Analyser, Coulometer,
Auto Titrators, TOC analyser,
30 SRF SRF-MC30 i. Master’s Degree in Marine Science/Marine i. Adequate experience in the To participate in cruises
Chemistry/Chemical Oceanography / collection and analysis of onboard research and sea-
1 Post Analytical Chemistry or equivalent from a chemical oceanographic going vessels for collection
recognized University/Institute with 60% parameters. of water and sediment
marks or equivalent grade. samples for the analysis of
Marine Chemistry various chemical
ii. NET/CSIR-UGC NET/GATE qualification
with two years of research experience in oceanographic parameters.
the analysis of chemical oceanographic
31 SRF SRF-MI31 i. Master’s Degree in Microbiology/Life i. Adequate experience in the Collection and analysis of
Sciences from a recognized University / screening and identification of microbial samples by
1 Post Institute with at least first class 60% marks microorganisms participating in cruises
or equivalent grade. onboard sea-going vessels.
Microbiology ii. NET/CSIR-UGC NET/GATE qualification
with two years of experience in
microbiological analysis preferable in a
32 SRF SRF-MB32 i. Master’s Degree in Zoology/Marine i. Adequate experience in Field collection & analysis of
Biology/Life Sciences or equivalent from a collection, taxonomic marine zooplankton/
Marine Biology recognized University/Institute with at least identification of marine phytoplankton / benthos
first class 60% marks or equivalent grade. zooplankton/marine samples by participating in
ii. NET/CSIR-UGC NET/GATE qualification phytoplankton/marine benthos cruises onboard research
2 Posts vessels/fishing boats.
with two years of research experience in
analysis and identification of marine
zooplankton / marine benthos/marine
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S.N. Post Name, No. of Post Code Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification Nature of work
Posts & Discipline
33 Technical Assistant TA-CH33 i. Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from a i. Two years of experience in To assist the scientists in the
(TA) recognized University. chemical analysis, handling of field collection and analysis of
analytical instruments / samples.
1 Post equipments.
34 Field Assistant (FA) FA34 i. Degree in science or diploma in i. Work experience in coastal To assist the scientists in
engineering or equivalent from a and marine field surveys. the field and laboratory
6 Posts recognized University / Institute. ii. Working knowledge in a R&D activities.
ii. Swimming experience and willingness to laboratory.
work onboard research vessels/fishing
35 Field Assistant (FA) FA35 i. Degree in science or diploma in i. Experience in coral reef Assist the scientists in the
engineering or equivalent from a monitoring, deployment of field for coral reef
3 Posts recognized University / Institute. restoration frames, coral monitoring and restoration
ii. Must have knowledge of swimming and fragment implantation. activities and mangrove
skin diving. ii. Experience in the collection studies.
iii. Working experience in Scientific of seawater, sediment and
Departments/ Laboratory/universities in the biological samples
field of marine sciences.
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General Conditions
1. Applicant must be a citizen of India. All the positions are temporary and on contract
basis. The completion of the period of contract will not confer any right for further
regularisation and permanency at NCCR.
2. The remuneration, age limit will be as per OM No.MoES/25/07/2011-Estt, dated
24.05.2021 of Ministry of Earth Sciences,
3. Instructions on reservations as received from Govt. of India from time to time shall be
4. Age Limit :
The applicant should not have exceeded the age limit specified above as on
01.07.2021. Maximum age relaxation of 05 years is applicable to SC/ST and 3 Years
for OBC applicants. Age relaxation for PwD/Ex-servicemen will be considered as per
Govt. of India rules.
5. Date of birth as recorded in the 10th standard (SSLC/Matriculation) Mark sheet /
Transfer Certificate / Certificate of Domicile / Birth Certificate issued by competent
authority will be accepted as proof of age.
6. Number of vacancies advertised is tentative and the same may increase or decrease
on the basis of the project requirements and directions from the Ministry of Earth
Sciences (MoES).
7. SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EWS applicants should produce the required certificates in the
prescribed format duly signed by the issuing authority at the time of submission of
application by both online and offline. OBC applicants shall produce the required
certificate valid for appointment of posts under the Central Government.
8. The prescribed educational qualifications should have been obtained from recognized
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9. Applicant should ensure that he/she possesses essential educational qualification and
experience in the relevant area as required for the post, for which he/she is applying,
on the last date of filling of online application.
10. In case a particular institute does not have any criteria for first class or equivalent, 60%
marks will be taken as equivalent to first class. In such cases where conversion
formula is not available, CGPA/CPI of 6.75 (for a 10 point scale) will be taken as
equivalent to 60% as per AICTE guidelines.
11. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the
same does not entitle applicants to be called for Interview / Trade test/written test.
Written test will be conducted for PS-1 & SRF posts and trade test will be conducted
for TA & FA posts, prior to the interview.
12. The decision of NCCR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of
applications, mode of selection, will be final and binding on the applicants and no
enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
13. Experience certificate issued from competent administrative authority of the concerned
organization will only be considered.
14. The period of experience for the post / area of work wherever prescribed shall be
counted from the date of acquiring the prescribed minimum educational qualifications,
required for that post.
15. Candidates currently working need to provide the proof of their current employment
with a service / experience certificate from the employer. Appointment order will not be
considered as proof of current employment.
16. Doctorate degree in the relevant field for the applied post will be counted as 03 years
17. NCCR strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women
candidates are encouraged to apply for the posts.
18. Applicants working in Government departments, autonomous bodies, public sector
undertakings and Government Funded research institutions should forward their
applications through proper channel with a certificate that the applicant will be relieved
immediately of his/her duties in the event of his/her selection.
19. To apply, the applicant must fill the online application first and upload the scanned
image of passport size color photograph and relevant self-attested copies of all
semester mark sheets and degree certificate for academic / professional qualifications,
experience certificates, caste certificate, etc, where upload options are given in the
online application form.
20. The hard copy (Print-out) of the application should be accompanied by self-attested
copies of the relevant certificates/supportive documents should reach this office on or
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before the due date. Incomplete applications, not accompanied with the required
certificates and documents or received after the closing date are liable to be rejected.
21. Following documents must be attached along with the physical/hard copy (Print-out) of
Online application form should be sent by speed post ONLY :
i. Color passport size photograph, attached to the application form.
ii. Self attested photocopy of 10th mark sheet / certificate or equivalent, indicating Date
of Birth
iii. Self attested photocopy of 12th mark sheet / certificate.
iv. Self attested photocopies of all degree certificates along with consolidated mark
sheet indicating first class/division and marks.
v. Self attested photocopy of community certificate for SC/ST/OBC categories, if
vi. Self attested photocopies of experience certificates, if applicable.
vii. Relevant certificate copies for PwD/EWS, if applicable.
viii. All other supportive documents relevant to the post applied for, in support of the
application. Applications without any supportive documents will be rejected.
22. The hard copy application along with supportive documents should be sent to The
Director, National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Ministry of Earth
Sciences, 2nd Floor, NIOT Campus, Velachery-Tambaram Main Road,
Pallikaranai, Chennai 600 100 in a cover superscribed as “Application for
<mention Post code> - <Reference no> (For example, for applying the post at
Sl.No.2 of the advertisement qualifications details, the cover should be superscribed as
"Application for PS-III-MB2 - xxxxxx" (where xxxxxx is the system generated
reference no, printed in the online application form).
23. Applicants applying for more than one post should submit separate application form for
each post and the respective hard copies should be sent in separate envelopes. All the
applications placed in a single envelope will not be considered. Candidates are
informed to apply for relevant posts, not exceeding two post codes.
24. Applicants should specifically note that the applications received after the closing date
for any reason whatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered
elsewhere, postal delay etc.) will be rejected.
25. The decision of the Director, NCCR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or
rejection of applications, conduct of trade test and not to fill up all or any of the posts
will be final and binding on the applicants and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained in this regard from any individual.
26. Applicants should produce all the original certificates as and when required.
Discrepancies found in the certificates and the supportive documents or concealing
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the facts will attract the disqualification of applicant. Non-production of the original
certificates at the time of interview will also make the candidate disqualified.
27. The place of posting will be in Chennai or at any other location in India including
Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Islands.
28. Applicant should be willing to undertake field data collection programs, participation in
small boats/ fishing trawlers/research vessels for oceanographic survey.
29. If the number of applicants are reasonably very high, then the applicants will be
short-listed by a screening committee based on academic qualification and
relevant experience. In case of short listing is done by screening committee, then the
committee will adopt suitable criteria for bringing down the number of applicants to be
called for interview.
30. The selection for the posts will be on the basis of performance of the screened-in
candidates in the interview. Director, NCCR reserves the right to decide on the mode
of interview either online/ offline. In case of online interview, all short-listed candidates
will be provided link for attending the online interview and the invitation link will be
communicated separately and candidates should make their own arrangements for
attending interview in terms of connectivity of internet .
31. Applicants have to login to the recruitment portal of NCCR to fill the online application
form and upload documents (in PDF format with file size limitation), as indicated in the
advertisement form.
32. The applicant is solely responsible for the correctness of the information provided in
the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application
is incorrect or false, the candidature is liable to be cancelled, or the appointment will be
33. Incomplete applications (i.e. without photograph, without reference number, without
signature, without relevant certificates/mark sheets/documents and applicable
testimonials, etc.) will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
34. Incomplete applications or applications received after the prescribed time limit will not
be considered.
Any further information regarding this advertisement like date, time and venue of
interview / tests, addendum/corrigendum or any variation in number of
post/cancellation of post. and all future updates will be uploaded on the NCCR website
( only. Therefore, applicants are informed to visit NCCR
website/page regularly (
35. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be
treated as a disqualification for the post
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36. Applicants are requested to read the advertisement details carefully before applying for
the above posts and should follow the prescribed procedure for submission of online
37. Applicants are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail address in the
registration/online application, as all correspondence will be made by NCCR through
the registered e-mail of the applicant.
38. The various steps involved in the recruitment process are: 1) Online Registration 2)
Activate Account 3) Scanned files for color passport size photo (in .png/.jpg and others
in .pdf format with limited file size), community certificate (if needed), all educational
qualification mark sheets/certificates starting from 10th/SSLC/Matric to degree in
separate files, training certificates, experience certificates, list of publications, etc. The
degree certificate or equivalent and consolidated mark sheet are essential and without
the supportive documents, the application is treated as incomplete application and will
be rejected. 4) Apply Online and upload the necessary documents 4) Take print-out of
the online application & sign the application and 5) Send the hard copy application
(duly signed) along with necessary copies of certificates (self attested) and supportive
documents to NCCR by Speed Post.
39. Applicant has to fill the online application and upon submission, each application will be
assigned a system generated reference number.
40. Applicant should upload the educational certificates and relevant documents (in PDF
format with) as listed in the advertisement. Also ensure that the uploaded file name
should not have more than one dot. Applicants are informed to ensure that the file is
uploaded successfully.
41. Applicant will receive an auto generated email regarding their registration, submission
of application details, etc. Applicants are requested to check their spam / junk folder as
there may be a chance of this mail placed at user's spam / junk folder.
42. Applicant has to take printout of the submitted application, duly signed and send to
NCCR, with the requisite self attested copies of all relevant certificates and documents
by speed post. Applicants should ensure that the system generated Reference
Number is printed on the hard copy application form, before sending the
application. The hard copy application without Reference Number (Printed), without
supportive/necessary certificates/documents and / or without signature will be treated
as incomplete application and it will be rejected.
43. The hard copy Application should be sent by Speed Post, addressed to The
Director, National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Ministry of Earth
Sciences, 2nd Floor, NIOT Campus, Velachery-Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai,
22 / 23
Chennai 600 100 in a cover superscribed as “Application for <mention Post
code> - <Reference no> (For example, for applying the post at Sl.No.2 of the
advertisement (table containing post codes, qualifications, etc), the cover should be
superscribed as "Application for PS-III-MB2 - xxxx" where xxxx is the reference no.,
printed in the application form). The hard copy application will be used for screening
purpose and hence applicants are informed to ensure their application is complete in all
44. Applications without the requisite certificates, passport size photograph and signature
of the applicant will be summarily rejected. Passport size color photo should be
attached to the hard copy application. Original certificate should not be sent with the
application form.
45. Applications received through emails or Incomplete applications or applications
received after the prescribed time limit will be rejected. NCCR cannot take any
responsibility for transit and other delays.
46. No Travelling Allowance will be paid for attending the interview / written test, if any.
47. If there is any difficulties in the process of submitting online application, send email
request to with all relevant details including any error message,
screen-shot, etc.
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