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Modified Proctor Density Test (WBM) : Description 1 2 3 4 5

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(As per IS: 2720 Part-VIII)

Name of work : Resurfacing of Runway and allied works services at A/F station, Jamnagar
Contract Agreement No. : CE(AF)G/JAM/39 OF 2018-2019
Name of the Contractor : M/s. KCC Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.
Client : Military Engineer Services
Type of Sample: WBM
Volume of mould (V): 2250 cm3
Date of Sampling:
Date of Testing :
Description 1 2 3 4 5
Water Added (%) 0.5% 1% 2% 3%
Wt. of Mould = M1 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310
Wt. of Mould + Compacted Material(M2gm) 6267 6353 6455 6539 6521
Wt. of Compacted sample (M= M2- M1gm)= 1957 2043 2145 2229 2211
Volume of mould = V 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Bulk Density of material γ= M/V gm/cc 1.957 2.043 2.145 2.229 2.211
Container No. 2 20 23 39 36
Wt. of Container= W1gm 52.06 43.45 45.32 44.43 45.63
Wt. of Wet material + container = W2 gm 130.93 132.41 134.43 119.63 139.61
Wt. of Oven Dry material + cont. = W3 gm 126.18 127.24 127.51 112.30 133.65
Wt. of water W4= W2-W3 gm 4.75 5.17 6.92 7.33 5.96
Wt. of Dry material W5= W3-W1gm 74.12 83.79 82.19 67.87 88.02
Water Content, wc % = W4/W5 *100 4.44 6.17 8.42 10.80 13.10
Dry density γd = γ X 100/(wc+100)gm/ cc 1.874 1.924 1.978 2.012 1.955
Weight of Height of Fall
Dia of Mould(cm.)
Rammer (kg.) (cm.)
No. of blows No.of layers OMC % MDD(g/cc)

15 / 10 4.89 45 55 / 25 5 10.80 2.012



Max dry density (gm /cc)

1.950 1.955





4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00

Moisture content (%)

Lab Engineer Contractor’s Rep. J.E.(Civ) ENGR-IN-CHARGE

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