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M-25 Design Mix

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Report no. : MET/TR/CDM/MT-009576

lssue date : 1.4-1.0-2020
Com mencement date : 26-09 -2020
Page no. : 1-l7

2 Letter reference NAYARA/R EP L/N M C/PALI/2020-21. / LT R / 23 (D AI ED :2s-09-2020)
J Name& Address Agencv M/s RAILSYS ENGINEERS PVT. LTD.
4 Job no. MET/009576
6 Material identification CEMENT- UTLRETECH OPC-43 , 4 BAGS (20.0 & 10.0 )mm COARSE AGGREGATE,
Samole suoolied bv CLIENT
v Condition of sample OK, PACKED
1n Date of sample receipt 25-09-2020
tt Date of samole tested 26 -09 -2020 r O 1.2- t0 -2020
t2 Envlronmental conditions AS PER IS CODE

M-25 DESIGN MIX CONCRETE (As per lS'10262:2019)

Bequired Parameters of Concrete;-

1-) Characteristic comp, Strength required in the field at 28 days. = 25 N/mm2

2)Target Mean Strength in 28 days = 31.6 N/mm2
3) Assumed standard deviation = 4.0 N/mm2
(lS: 456:2000 Table 08)

4) Grade Designation = M-25

5) Maximum size of aggregate = 20,0 mm
6) Minirnum cement content = 300 kg/cum
(ts: +so:zboo rabte os)
7) Maximum Cdment Content = 450 kg/cum
8) Maximum water cement ratio '
= 0,50
9) Degree of quality control = Fair
10) Type of exposure = Moderate
L1) Method of concrete placing = In-Situ/Manual
12) Degree of workability = lnitialSlump 90-100 mm
13) Type of Aggregates =Crushed angular aggregates

a Results refer only to the sample sumifted for testing

a In case the sample is taken back, no further responsibility in case of any discrepancies
a The test report cannot be reproduced vrrtrolly or partly and can't be used as evidence an court of law or by any adverting media
t Sample/ Specimens are not drawn by us
Report no: MET/TR/CM D/MT-009575 Page no. 02

Materlal Suppliedr

Cement Ultra-Tech OPC-43

Admixture SIKA A PLAST 5202 NS (PC Based)
Fine Aggregote (River Sand) M,S,SU P P LI E RS (CH OTI LA, PALI )
Coarse Aggregate P. H. CO NSTRUCTIO N (C H OTI LA, P ALI )

Coarse oqgregates Size 20 mm

Coorse oqqreqotes Size L0 mm

Test Data of Cement:-

Tvpe of cement OPC-43 (lS:269:2015)

Specific Gravity 3.14
Stondqrd Consistencv 29.5 %
t.s.T 7i6 minutes
F.S,T 798 minutes
0i days Compressive Strength of cement 29.70 N/mmz
07 dovs Compressive Strength of cement 37.95 N/rym

Test Data of Fine Agg!'egate:'

Gradinq zone 2noZone (According lS:383:2016)

Fineness Modulus 2,75
silt content 1.84 %
Free Surfoce Moisture Nil
Bulk Density 1.71"5 kq/liter
Water Absorption 1".26 %
Specific Grovity 2.63
Voids % 34.79 %

Test Data of Coarse Aggregatei-

Size 20 mm 70 mm
lmpoct Value L3.11% 13.21%
Flokiness lndex 10.74 % J-J-.55 70

El0ngotion lndex 1_2,14 % 1.4,75 %

Crushinq Value L7.15 % 17,85 %

Free Surface Moisture N# -- Nil

Bulk Density 1,375 kgliter 1,295 kqliter
Woter Absorption 0.50 % 0.52 %
Specific Grovitv 2.58 2.57
Voids % 46.71" % 49.61%
Organic lmpurities Nit Nil
Report no: MET/TR/CMD/MT-009576 Page no. 03

Sieve Analysis of ro.o mmsingle5ized4g:gegate Nonnjnal5ize

Method of Test lS Sieve Designation Percent by weight Standards as per

(mm) Passing 15:383:1970 Reaf.2016
' (Yol
tS:2i86 (part-1)- 1_2.5 1"00 na
L963 10.Q 88.47 85-100
Reoff.2016 4.75 7,85 a-20
2,36 L.36 0-5

Sieve4na$s's oi zo-o mm Single Sized Aggr.egate Naminal Size

Method of Test l5 Sieve Designation Percent by weight Standards as per

' {mm} Passing lS:383:1970
(%) Reaf.2016
tS: 2386 (part-1)- 40.Q 100 L00
1963 20.0 90,i0 85-100
Reaff.2016 10.0 4.74 a-20
4.75 0,85 0-5

Sleve Analysis fine aggregate:-

Method of lS Sieve Designotion Percent by weight Possing Standards os per lS:383:1970

Test {mm) { %") Reof.2016 (2nd Zone)
10.0 100 100
lS:2i85 4.75 96.40 9Q-100
(port-1)-1963, 2.36 84.60 75-100
Reqff.20L5 J.18 71.45 55-90
0.600 48.95 \t 3s-59
0.300 19.80 8-30
0.150 4,25 0-10

C,onf ormingt-ogradingZone:oltable_4oJ,!Sll83

lS sieve Analysis coarse ass. Fraction % of different fraction Remarks

size mm l% -(20 mm) ll% - (10 mm) l'SQo/o |- 50% Combined limits
40.0 100 100 s0.0 s0.0 100 100
20,0 90.30 100 4s.15 50.0 95.15 90-1.00
1d,O 4.74 88.47 2.37 44.24 46.61 25-5s
4.75 0.85 7.8s 0.43 3.93 4.36 0-10
2.36 1.36 0,68 0.58

Gradation (Sieve Anplysis) after certain trials, Blending of all aggregates in following proportion and its
Gradation is being proposed:- -,
All-in-Aggregates Final proportioning of All -l n- Aggregates under:-

Report no: MET/TR/CMD/MT-009576 Page no.04

Allin tc e no. l-0 of lS 383:2016

lS Sieve lndividual Grading % Passing % Blendine the sieve
Designation (A) (B) tc) Combined Limits as
(mml (B) (c) 7o passing per lS
20.0 mm 10.0 mm 3Ls% in all in 383:2016
R. sand 32.5% 35.0 %
40.0 100 100 100 32.s 32.5 35.0 100 100
20.0 90.30 100 100 29.35 32.5 3s.0 96.8 95-100
4.75 0.0 7.85 96.40 2.55 33.74 36.3 30-50
0:600 0.0 0.0 48.95 t7.t 77.1 10-35
0.150 0,0 0.0 4.50 r.o 1..6 0-6

Gradation Graphs:-

Bwer Sand-Curye Chart


(J 50
'6 40


0.01 '' o.1o 10.00

lS sive size in mm
i i

Blending of all-in-aggregates Graphs:-



'6 8o.o

b 60,0

40.0 p+j
zo.o i-ii
I ri
0.0 i--,
0.01 1.00
lS sieve size (in mm)
Report no: MET/TR/CMD/MT-009575 Page no.05

Refereneelfollowing is codesllRC publication have been followed for conduction

The suitable tests on materials and trials on design mix.

rs 383-1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural source for concrete.
rs 2386-1963 Methods of tests of aggregate for concrete.
ts 456-2000 Code of practice for plain & reinforced concreie.
$74262-2AL9 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design.
SP 23 Hand book on concrete mixes.

Iarg3i Stlength For Mrx Proportion ing

A. Characteristic Strength (f.1) at 28 Days - 25 N/mmz

B. Target mean Strength (f.-) at 28 Days -31.G N/mm2
C. Assumed Standard Deviatiorr (SD)- 4 N/mm2
D. Tolerance Factor {f)- 1.65
Selestiron of \,vater cement !'atio& admixture Dosages:-

Water cement ratio = 0.50

As per table 5-lS: 456-2000 Maximum w/C Ratio = 0.50
We take on trial based W/C Ratio = 0.49

water contenl = 175.4lit. /m3

Required Slump = 90-100 mm
Estimated Water Content required slump = t76.4lit/m3
% Super plastici3er by weight of cement = 0.80 %
% Super Plasticizer
Required = 2.88 lit./m3
Final Water Content after using admixture 10 % less in water content =158.76 lit./m3
FinalWater Cement Ratio = 0,44

Catculation of cemenl content it

. a'

A. Adopted water cement ratio - 0.44

B. Cement content - 350 kg/m3
C. Water Content - 158.76 kglm3

Proportion of Volume of Coarse Aggregate & Fine Aggregate

Corrected proportion of volume of coarse = 0.55 -

Aggregate for water cement ratio = 0.44

Volume of coarse aggregate = 0.55
Volume of Find aggregate = 0.35 I

eaicula,tionof conerete volume

. -+
According to lS: 10262 L.0 % entrapped air
Totaf Vof ume of concrete 1 cum = 1.000 x 1.0 o/o
= lQ
1000-L0 = 990 cum'
.*, -

Ble-nding-ratio of coars-e a ggrega te

20 mm
Report no: MET/TR/CMD/MT-009576 Page no.06

The Mix Proportion Calculation

The mix calculation per unit volume of concrete is follow:

Total Volume of Concrete 1 Cum

R Volume of cement (mass of cement/sp.gr. of cement)*(r/g9o) = o.rr6 cum
C. Volume of water (mass of water/sp.gr. of water)(t/990) = o.160 cum
D. Volume of Admixture (mass of admixture/sp.gr. of water)(r/99o) = o.oo3 cum
F Volume of all aggregate {A(B+c+D)} = 0.711 cum
F Volume of coarse aggregate {E*volume of CA} = 0.462 cum
c. Volume of fine aggregate fE*volume of FA] = 0.249 cUm
LI Mass of 20 mm aggregate (F*volume of :o mm n sp.gr. of zo mm)*!po = !!o.o Kg.
I Mass of 1o mm aggregate (F* volume of to mm* sp.gr. of to mm)*99o = 587.3 Kg.
Mass of river sand (C*volume of sand * sp.gr. of sand )n990
= 648.3 KB.

Water Correction and free Moisture Content

A Cerrection For Water Absorption For C.A (20 mm) 590.0x0.50/100 2.95 kR.
B Correction For Wqter Absorption For C.A (10 mm) 587.3x0.521100 3.05 kg.
C Correction For Water Absorotion For F.A 648.3xL.261100 8.15 ks.
D Free moisture in F/A Nil
E Free moisture in C/A (20.0 & 1"0.0) mm Nil
F Total Woter adding 158.76+2.95+3.05+8. 16 L72.92 Ks'

Test Results:

Cement Consumption (opc-43): 360 kg/m3

Water Cement Ratio: 0.44
Slump Observed:

Concrete Cube test results:

Date of Date of S. no. Age of Volume weiSht Density Load In Compressive Strength (N/mm')
Casti ng I eslrng of Cube Cube in of Cube of cube of Cube ( KN) 07 davs strenstf 28 daVs strength
Days (cc) (c) Cube St. Avg.Comp Cube Avg.comp
04- 10-2020 11- 10-2020 1 07 337s 8195 2.43 674.5 ?9.97
Q4-10-2020 1 1- 10- 2020 2 07 3375 8009 2.3 / 66r.4 29.39 29.44
04-10-2020 1.r-10-2020 07 JJl) 8L47 2.41 o)1, / 28.96
04- 10-2020 ot-1.r-2020 A )9
04-ro-2020 01-rL-2Q20 28
04-70-2020 01-11-2020 6 )a
Report no: MET/TR/CMD/MT-009575 Page no. 07

Trial Mixes Detail for per mr:

w/c Rotio 0.44

Cement 360 kg,
Woter 158.8 kq
Plasticizer 2.88 kg. @030 %
Coorse Aggregate (Angulor Shope) L17L.3 kq.
Fine Aggregate (River Sond) 640,1 kq.
Slump (lnitial) 110!1.0 mm
Averoge Compressive Strength ofter 07 days 29.44 N/mm2
Average Compressive Strength ofter 28 days Awaited


L. Sieve analysis every day for aggregates received to work out the blending proportion
for the concrete work.
2. Finding out the moisture content in sand at site and adjustment of water content.
3. Checking the slump at placing point to ensure smooth flow of concrete.
4. Casting test specimen as per specification for the compressive strength testing through
a calibrated compressive testing machine,
5, The results obtained for mix design are with specific constituents concrete i.e cement,
send, ag$regate and water. lt is suggested that redesign the mix if any one
constituents changed.
6. The ratio by mass of each constituents of concrete for M-25 grade of concrete for
desired workability ahd slump (cement 360 Kg per cum)
7. This test report is based on the laboratory results of the sample submitted by the
8. This mix design is based on washed coarse aggregate(silt free & dry) if wet aggregate
are used necessary adjustment should be made on the mixing water and aggregate
depending upon the amount of free moisture present.

Technical Manager

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