T Installation Guide (6F2S1910) 1.40
T Installation Guide (6F2S1910) 1.40
T Installation Guide (6F2S1910) 1.40
Installation guide
GR200 series
6F2S1910 (1.4)
GR-200 series
•Current transformer circuit (CT)
Never allow the current transformer (CT) secondary
installation guide circuit connected to this equipment to be opened while
the primary system is alive. Opening the CT circuit will
This document is the installation guide of the GR-200
produce a dangerously high voltage.
series protection relay. For details, please refer to
corresponding user’s instruction manuals.
Doc.# Models GR200 Instruction manuals •Exposed terminals
6F2S1915 GRZ Distance Protection IED Do not touch the terminals of this equipment while the
power is on, as the high voltage generated is dangerous.
6F2S1914 GRL Line differential Protection IED •Residual voltage
6F2S1892 GRB Busbar Protection IED(Decentralized)
Hazardous voltage can be remained in the circuit right
after switching off the power supply. Please wait more
6F2S1931 GRB Busbar Protection IED(Centralized) than 30 seconds until the residual voltage will discharge
under safety level.
6F2S1924 GRT Transformer Protection IED
•Optical terminal
6F2S1927 GRD Multi functional Protection IED CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT.
6F2S1926 GBU Bay Control IED
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
CAUTION •Storage
If the equipment is not installed immediately, it should
•Make sure this wire is connected
be repacked in the original boxes and should be stored
Short-wire between #35 - #37 on the power supply
in dry and clean condition.
terminal block should be connected during in-service.
Recommended storage condition:
(Exception: This wire needs to be detached for
- Temperature: 0°C to +40°C
performing the dielectric voltage test.)
- No condensation
Contact information
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions
Corporation (ESS)
Quality Assurance section
Power Systems Protection & Control Department
Fuchu Operations
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
Case description
•Case Outlie
Front view
LED indicators
Pocket sheet
label for LEDs •IO configuration label
CT/VT connections
Connect wires with screwed terminals (M3.5). For
details, refer to the GR200 Instruction manuals. Use
Operation keys compression plug (ring tongue) type terminals.
Communication connections
Rear view For details, refer to the GR200 Instruction manuals.
•Protective earth Make sure to attach the Detach the wire between
Make connections between the earthing screw wires at original position on #35 - #37 on the power
terminal (M5) and the protective earth of the panel the power supply terminal supply terminal block.
•Hardware nameplate
Confirm rated currents and rated D.C. voltages at the
station. Verify them using the data written on the
Hardware nameplate.
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
Rack installation
6F2S1910 (1.4)
AC current In 1A / 5A
AC voltage Vn 100V - 120V
Frequency 50Hz / 60Hz
DC power supply 110Vdc - 250Vdc (Operative range: 88 – 300Vdc )
Atmospheric Environment
Temperature, IEC 60068-2-1/2 Operating range: -25C to +55C
Storage / Transit: -25C to +70C
Humidity, IEC 60068-2-78 56 days at 40C and 93% relative humidity
Enclosure Protection, IEC 60529 IP52 (Rear: IP20)
Mechanical Environment
Vibration, IEC 60255-21-1 Response - Class 1
Endurance - Class 1
Shock and Bump, IEC 60255-21-2 Shock Response Class 1
Shock Withstand Class 1
Bump Class 1
Seismic, IEC 60255-21-3 Class 1
Electrical Environment
Dielectric Withstand, IEC 60255-27 2kVrms for 1 minute between all terminals and earth
2kVrms for 1 minute between independent circuits
1kVrms for 1 minute across normally open contacts
High Voltage Impulse, IEC 60255-27 Three positive and three negative impulses of 5kV(peak),
1.2/50s, 0.5J between all terminals and between all terminals
and earth.
Mechanical Design
Weight Approx. 10kg (19’’ x 1/3 size), 12kg (19’’ x 1/2 size),
15kg (19’’ x 3/4 size), 25kg (19’’ x 1/1 size)
Installation Flush mounting,
Rack mounting (with the optional mounting kit for sub-size)
Power Supply
Power consumption 15W (quiescent)
25W (maximum)
6F2S1910 (1.4)
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
2. Panel cut out figure (1/1×19 inches) for “Compression type terminal” case
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
2. Panel cut out figure (3/4×19 inches) for “Compression type terminal” case
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
2. Panel cut out figure (1/2×19 inches) for “Compression type terminal” case
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
2. Panel cut out figure (1/3×19 inches) for “Compression type terminal” case
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
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6F2S1910 (1.4)
2. Panel cut out figure (1/3×19 inches) for “Compression type terminal” case
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Document History
Rev. and Section Approved Checked by Prepared
Change place and contents
Date (page) by by
-- First issue T. Kaneko
-- -- --
Aug. 6 2014 Aug. 6
1.1 Added flange cover att. drawing, updated accessories list. K. Oohashi K. Oohashi T. Kaneko
Sep. 11, 2015 Sep. 11 Sep. 11 Sep.11
Corrected TTDV new address K. Oohashi K. Oohashi T. Kaneko
1.2 Sep. 28 Sep. 28 Sep. 28
Oct. 2, 2017 Republished under the spin-off company K. Oohashi K. Oohashi T. Kaneko
Sep. 28 Sep. 28 Sep. 28
Safety Corrected message regarding Fiber optic K. Oohashi M. Ueda T. Kaneko
1.3 precautions (Optical terminal → Class 1 laser product) Feb. 19 Feb. 18 Feb. 18
Feb. 28,2019 Modified mail address at Toshiba Energy Systems & K. Oohashi K. Kobayashi T. Kaneko
Solutions Corporation Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1
1.4 Installation Add new GRS200 (detector relay) in the lists of GR200 H. Amoh G. Suzuki T. Kaneko
June 14,2019 guide instruction manuals May 29 May 29 May 27
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