Bendix SB-583
Bendix SB-583
Bendix SB-583
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
Printed April 1976
Page 1 of 7 Pages
REASON FOR BULLETIN: I To alert all users of above Bendix Switch Types of
possible personnel hazard.
Maintenance (Spare) Parts Affected: Table 1 to a possible personnel hazard, (II) provides a way
Same as in Table 1. by which a faulty switch can be detected and (III) provides
instructions to cover field repair/replacement of the switch
Compliance: and identification of switches once repaired or replaced.
Parts I and II - Immediate
Part III -As soon as practicable after accomplishment of Part PART I. Possible Hazard Description
Field reports indicate that occasionally switches performing
Detailed Instructions: the "Switch Function" listed in Table 1 have been found to
leave the right magneto "Live" or "Hot."
This bulletin (I) alerts all users and holders of Bendix Aircraft
Ignition Switches listed by function and Part Numbers in
Bendix Engine
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
Printed April 1976
Page 2 of 7 Pages
The condition may exist when the switch Key/Lever is rotated condition described until the switch has been replaced or
slightly past the normal indicated "OFF" position. It has also repaired.
been reported that the switch may stick in this position.
As an added precautionary measure, positive ignition
WARNING grounding prior to correction of a switch fault can be
accomplished by fabricating a jumper lead and temporarily
Should the propeller be moved by hand (as during installing it between the magneto primary ground outlet or
preflight) and a "Hot" magneto condition exist, the terminal of the magneto to a clean engine ground point.
engine may fire and cause injury to personnel.
Using the applicable primary grounding terminal kit selected
All appropriate precautions shall be exercised by all from Table II, assemble a grounding lead.
personnel associated with an aircraft having the switch
Remove the regular aircraft switch lead at the magneto. A log book entry must then be made signifying that the
Install the jumper lead to the magneto and connect the other condition has been corrected.
end to a convenient clean engine grounding point. The
engine will now be inoperative until the jumper leads are
removed and the regular switch leads reinstalled.
Bendix Engine
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
Printed April 1976
Page 3 of 7 Pages
PART II. Switch Fault Detection Procedures. 3. Rotate the switch key or lever to the extreme
Procedure to accomplish compliance and detection of the limit of its travel in the "OFF" position
problem described in Part I is as follows. Procedure A may direction. (This may be slightly past the
be accomplished by observing engine operating during normal "OFF" position of the switch.)
switch positioning. Procedure B may be accomplished by Manually hold the switch control there and
checking, using a continuity devise such as an ohmmeter or observe the continuity device indication.
timing light.
4. Reaction of the continuity device should
Procedure A - Check using engine reactions. indicate that continuity exists between ground
and each individual switch (magneto primary)
1. 1.Observing the engine manufacturers ground lead.
run-up procedures allow the engine to reach
operating temperatures and perform a normal 5. When the switch key or lever is released from
magneto check. the manually held "Past OFF" position, it
2. With the engine at normal idle, rotate the should automatically return to the normal
switch key or lever through the "OFF" detent "OFF" position. Each switch (magneto
primary) lead should indicate continuity from
to the extreme limit of its travel in the "OFF"
position direction. the lead to ground.
3. If the engine continues to run with the switch Any switch exhibiting a "Hot" magneto condition
manually held in the "Past OFF" position, it is detected using either Procedure A or B, should be
an indication that one magneto is still "Hot" or repaired or replaced at the earliest opportunity.
4. When the switch key or lever is released from Light Aircraft Ignition Switches of the rotary action type are
the manually held "Past OFF" position, it primarily mechanical in construction, consisting of springs,
should automatically return to the normal contactors, a contact plate and rotating parts within a
"OFF" position where the "Hot" magneto housing. As is true with most mechanical assemblies,
condition should no longer exist and the switches are subject to wear. Use of either Procedure A or B
engine should die. will detect a switch wear malfunction as well as provide a
5. Any switch exhibiting a "Hot" magneto check on switch-to-magneto circuitry. The procedures
condition when in the "Past OFF" position therefore would be appropriate for inclusion in aircraft
should be repaired or replaced (Ref. Part III) operating routines at periodic check periods.
at the earliest possible opportunity. Part III. Repair or Replacement
Procedure B - Using Continuity Device
A. Switches identified by 10-126XXX and 10-157XXX
1. Remove the switch (magneto primary) leads Series Part Numbers are no longer manufactured
from both magnetos. and are superseded by the 10-357XXX series
Field repair of any of these series switches is not
During switch continuity checks, removal, repair or recommended beyond replacement of the support
replacement, both magnetos are "Hot." Should the plate and switch contacts. It is also recommended
propeller be moved by hand during this time, the engine
that if a new support plate is installed, new contacts
may fire and cause injury to personnel. (3 required per switch) also be installed at the
2. Connect a continuity device between each same time.
switch (magneto primary) lead at the magneto
end and a good ground on the engine.
Bendix Engine
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
Printed April 1976
Page 4 of 7 Pages
Table III provides superseding Switch Assembly Part Each Repair Kit contains a new support plate and three new
Numbers as well as Repair Kit Numbers. contacts.
B. To install a new Support Plate and Contacts, c. Directly beneath the support plate are
proceed as follows using Figure 1 as a guide for three contacts, spring loaded against the
parts identification. support plate. Carefully separate the
support plate from the main switch
1. Disassembly and Inspection assembly and remove the three contacts
and springs (3 or 9).
a. Hold switch in a vertical position, support
plate up. d. Retain the springs for use during
reassembly. Discard the old support plate
b. Using firm finger pressure, hold the and contacts.
support plate against the switch housing
while removing the two self tapping e. Inspect remainder of switch assembly for
screws. Retain screws for use during smoothness of operation
Bendix Engine
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
Printed April 1976
Page 5 of 7 Pages
and check the rotor for any visible defects. If any faults are and carefully install support plate to
found, replacement of the complete switch assembly is housing, observing that contacts move in
recommended using Table III for replacement part number recesses.
c. Holding plate against housing, turn key or
2. Reassembly lever through all switch positions. If it
does not turn freely through the detent
NOTE position, recheck contact, springs, and
The support plate contact surface and support assembly.
contacts in kits 10-357510 and 10-357515 are
prelubricated with Beacon P-290 lubricant and d. Once switch operation is satisfactory,
no additional grease is required. reinstall and tighten self tapping screws
holding support plate to switch housing.
a. Reinstall contact loading springs (3 or 9)
in rotor. Position new contacts over e. After switch has been completely
springs so contacts will move into reassembled, check it for ease of
triangular recesses when pressure is operation. There shall be little or no drag
applied. between stops. Check for positive stops
in all positions. Check switch action for a
b. Locate boss on new support plate over positive and free spring return from the
locating slot in switch housing "START" position to the "BOTH" position.
The switch shall not spring back beyond
or "overtravel" the "BOTH" position.
Bendix Engine
Sidney, New York 13838 SERVICE BULLETIN NO. 583
f. For switches with "Push" features, check suitable electrical continuity indicating
lever or key for a free pushing action in device, check the switch for proper
proper switch positions and for proper electrical operation. Refer to Table IV, V,
spring return from pushed position. or VI for the switch type being tested.
There must be a continuity indication
3. Testing between the terminals listed for each
switch position. There must be NO
a. Remove any wires or jumpers which may continuity between these terminals and
be present on the terminals at the rear of any other terminal, between any other
the switch. terminals or between any terminal and
b. Using an ohmmeter, timing light or other the switch housing.
TABLE VI. CONTINUTIY TEST, TWIST TO START - b. Switches repaired under Part III utilizing
PUSH TO PRIME. Repair Kits, P/N 10-357510 or 10-357515
which have a white dot on the plate adjacent
Switch Position Continuity Only to the Bendix marking will be in compliance
Between Terminals with this Bulletin and a log book entry
signifying Bulletin compliance shall be made.
L and GRD c. New replacement switches are identified by a
L and R four digit date code stamped on the switch
S and PR housing under the Bendix part number.
Installation of a switch so identified should be
R L and GRD noted by an accompanying log book entry as
R and unmarked being in compliance.
L R and GRD
R and unmarked Parts Required Per Article:
GRD and unmarked As required, Part III, Table III.
BOTH R and unmarked
Special Tools Required:
START GRD and unmarked None.
S and BAT
L and BO
L and LR Man Hours Required:
BO and LR 1. Check Procedure – Negligible.
2. Repair Procedure - 1/2 Hour
PRIME (twist, push and hold) Same as above, plus
BAT and PR
Weight Change:
4. Identification