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A+distinction Biology

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UNIT 1.0
PAPER ONE (1) Type Questions (Multiple Choice)
1 The diagram shows a compound microscope.

What are the labelled parts 1, 2 and 3?

1 2 3
A Eye Piece Objective Lens Stage
B Eye Piece Objective Lens Mirror
C Objective Lens Eye Piece Stage
D Objective Lens Eye Piece Mirror

Associated Facts and Reasoning

1 That is where the observers eye is directed.
2 The lens which is directed to the specimen.
3 Where a specimen slide is placed

Correct Answer is A.


2 The diagram below shows a plant cell.

A 1, 2, 3
B 2, 3, 5
C 3, 4, 5
D 1, 4, 5

 Protoplasm consists mainly of cytoplasm and
 In this case membrane is also included because it
encompasses both cytoplasm and nucleus.

Correct answer is B
3 The diagram illustrates the effect of osmosis on a plant cell that has
been placed in liquid Q for several minutes.

What type of liquid is Q?

A Distilled water
B Isotonic solution
C Hypertonic solution
D Hypotonic solution

Associated Facts and Reasoning

 Distilled water has no solute in it.

 Isotonic solution: Two solution having the same osmotic
pressure across semi-permeable membranes. This allows for
free movement of water across the membrane without
changing the concentration of the solution on either side.
 Hypertonic solution: This is the type of solution that has a
greater concentration of solutes on the outside of a cell
when compared with the inside of a cell. Therefor the liquid
in the cell moves out to dilute the outside solution.
 Hypertonic: A solution that has less solute and move water
than another solution.

The correct answer is C

4 The diagram below shows five different cells as seen through a

A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 3 and 4
D 4 and 5



1. It is an animal cell. It has no cell wall.

2. It is a disc shape i.e red blood cell.
3. and 4. both have cell walls.
5. It is a male reproductive cell i.e spermatozoon?

Correct answer is C
5 What parts of a plant are affected when the cell is immersed in
concentrated sucrose solution? Cell
A Wall and Membrane
B Wall and Cytoplasm
C Cytoplasm and Vacuole
D Membrane and Cell wall


 The cell will lose liquid to go and dilute concentrated

sucrose solution. Cytoplasm and Vacuole contain

Correct answer is C
6 The diagram below shows a cell from a leaf of a plant. Which of the
labelled part below stores salts?


 In a plant cell water and dissolved mineral salts are

stored in a vacuole.

Correct answer is C

7 The diagram below shows three specialized cells found in a human

What is cell R, S and T?

Cell X Cell Y Cell Z
A Blood Nerve Muscle
B Muscle Blood Nerve
C Nerve Muscle Blood
D Muscle Nerve Blood

R: is Muscle
S: is Red blood cell
T: Nerve cell

Correct answer is B
8 The diagram below shows four different animal cells as seen through a

What are these cells called?


1 2 3 4
A Neuron Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell Muscle Cell
B Muscle Cell White Blood Cell Red Blood Cell Neuron
C Muscle Cell Neuron Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell
D White Blood Cell Muscle Cell Red Blood Cell Neuron

1. Muscle
2. White Blood cell
3. Red Blood Cell
4. Neuron

Correct answer is B
9 The diagrams below represent cells of blood components.

Which of the following correctly identifies the function of blood

component cell?

1 2 3
A Carry oxygen Engulf Bacteria Blood clotting
B Blood clotting Carry oxygen Engulf Bacteria
C Engulf Bacteria Blood clotting Carry oxygen
D Carry oxygen Blood clotting Engulf Bacteria

Associated Facts and Reasoning.

1. Represents red blood cell, which carries oxygen.

2. Represent white blood cell, which engulf bacteria.
3. Platelets which produce fibrinogen which help in clotting of blood.

Correct answer is A

10 The diagram below shows a plant cell

Which labelled part controls the movement of substances into and

out of the cell?

Associated Facts and Reasoning.

A. Represent cell wall

B. Represent cell membrane
C. Cytoplasm contains fluid and salts.
D. Vacuole store substances e.g mineral salts

Correct answer is B
11 Some stages in the preparation of the epidermis of an onion for
observation under a microscope are listed below.
1. Focus the microscope
2. Place the epidermis in a glass slide
3. Peel the epidermis from an onion
4. Over the epidermis with a cover slide
5. Add iodine solution to the epidermis
Which one of the above is the correct order leading to the
observation of the onion epidermis?

A 2 4 3 5 1
B 3 1 4 5 2
C 3 2 5 4 1
D 2 4 1 3 5


Associated Facts and Reasoning.

Peeling is done first. Placing the peel of onion on a

glass is second step. Dropping iodine to the onion peel
is the third step

Correct answer is C
12 Which of these cells can move on its on?

A 1 and 3
B 1 and 4
C 2 and 3
D 3 and 4
Associated facts and Reasoning

 Cell ‘1’ is a red blood cell which is carried around the

body by plasma
 Cell ‘4’ is a plant cell which is stationary.
 Cell ‘2’ is a sperm cell which is able to swim with the
help of its tail.
 Cell ‘3’ is a white blood cell. Though carried around
the body by plasma, it is able to move within the
plasma toward foreign body to engulf it.

Correct answer is C
13 The diagram shows a cross section of a dicot stem and root.

Which labelled region contain xylem vessels?
A P and R
B P and S
C Q and R
D Q and S
Associated facts and Reasoning

In a dicot stem the xylem are found on the inner

side whiled the phloem are on the outside. In
case of a root xylem form a star and phloem are
in the gaps

Correct answer is C
14 The diagram shows a section through the root meristem.


Which of the labelled parts is the region of cell division, elongation,
and cell differentiation?
A Cell Division Differentiation Cell Elongation
B Cell Division Cell Elongation Differentiation
C Differentiation Cell Elongation Cell Division
D Cell Elongation Cell Division Differentiation

 Cell division takes place near the root tip.
 Cell elongation takes place below meristem
 Cell differentiation takes place where root hairs
begin to rom and maturation takes place.

Correct answer is C
15 The diagram shows a longitudinal section through a dicotyledonous
root. Which of the labelled parts produce auxins?

 A is where cell differentiation takes place.
 B is cell elongation. Which takes place only after cell
 Auxin is produced in the root tip
 ‘D’ represents root cap.


Correct answer is C.
16 The diagram below represents a cross section of a part of a plant.

From which part of the plant was this section cut?

A Monocotyledonous root
B Dicotyledonous root
C Monocotyledonous stem
D Dicotyledonous stem
Associated facts and Reasoning

 In a monocotyledonous root xylem vessels

alternate with phloem vessels

Correct answer is A
17 The diagram below shows a cross section through a part of the plant.

Which part(s) are responsible for transportation of amino acids and



Amino acids Sucrose


Phloem vessels transport food substances

(sugars, amino acid) to all parts of the plant

Correct answer is B
18 Which of the following correctly identifies the types of root system?

Couch-grass Dandelion
A Tap root Fibrous root
B Adventitious roots Fibrous root
C Tap root Adventitious roots
D Fibrous root Tap root


 Couch grass has no tap root while dandelion has

tap roots.
 Couch glass has roots that come from the node

Correct answer is D


19 The diagram shows a longitudinal section through a phloem.

Name a substance that is conducted across the sieve plates.

A Glucose
B Starch
C Sucrose
D Proteins


 Phloem transport starch from leaves to all parts of

the plants where it is converted to other sugars,
proteins and oil.

Correct answer is B

20 The figure below shows the longitudinal section of a maize seed.

Which of the labelled parts grow into roots?



 The plumule in the maize seed is placed away from the stalk.
The radicle which develops in a root lies on the side of the

Correct answer is C
21 The diagram below shows part of a growing root.

Identify the region on cell differentiation and specialization.


 Tips of the root is the region of cell division, which is followed

by region of elongation. In the region of maturation, where cell
differentiate, seen by root hairs.

Correct answer is A


22 The diagram shows a section through a leaf, seen under a microscope.
In which part is the carbon dioxide concentration lowest on a sunny


 Most of the photosynthesis takes place in the

palisade cells. Most of the carbon dioxide is used
and there is high concentration of oxygen which
has been produced by the process of

Correct answer is B
23 What structures help not hair cells to take up water?

A Contractile fibres
B Thick outer wall
C Large surface area
D Cell membrane.


 Root hairs have a large surface area which

helps them to absorb water.

Correct answer is C


24 Diagram below shows the internal structure of a dicotyledonous leaf.
Which labelled part plays a role in conducting of mineral salts and
water to the leaf?

 The main vein which consist of xylem
and phloem vessel is found at the
middle of the leaf.

Correct answer is C
25 The diagram below shows the transverse section of a dicotyledonous
root, which of the labelled tissues contain meristematic cells?



 The meristematic cells form a

boundary between xylem and phloem.
The broken line does just that

Correct answer is C
26 The diagram below shows a longitudinal section of the root tip of a
flowering plant.

Which of the regions marked 1-4 is the region for maximum growth,
differentiation and cell division?
Maximum growth Differentiation Cell division
A 1 2 4
B 3 4 2
C 2 1 3
D 4 3 2

 Near the tip of the root, cell division takes
place. Cell maturity takes place near the
root hairs and maximum growth in the
region of root hairs

Correct answer is C


27 The diagram shows a longitudinal section of a primrose flower.
Which of the parts labelled A, B, C, D or D shows that the flower is

 Insect are attracted to the bright colour of
petals and the sweet juice found in the nectar.

Correct answer is B
28 The diagram below shows a flower of a grass species.

The flower is pollinated by?

A Birds
B Insects
C Water
D Wind


 The flower has exposed lose and hanging
anthers. The stigma is also hairy.

Correct answer is B

29 The diagram below shows an underground stem.

What name is given to the underground stem?

A Corm
B Tuber
C Rhizome
D Runner

 The plant consists of fibrous roots and the
previous years growth has shrivelled.

Correct answer is A


30 The diagram below shows a human eye in section.

What happen to the circular muscle at P, when the eye focuses a near
object in dim light?
A Contract Relax
B Contract Relax
C Relax Contract
D Relax Contract

 In the darkness Q will relax (go flat) thereby
pulling the muscle to pull backward hence the pupil
opens wider in order to accommodate a near object
in the dark

Correct answer is A
31 What is the name and function of the tooth illustrated below?


Name Function
A Canines Tearing of flesh
B Canines Biting and cutting of food
C Incisors Biting and cutting of food
D Molar Crushing and grinding of food


 Canines are sharp with straight edge

 Incisors are sharp chisel shaped with chisel edge

Correct answer id D
32 The diagram shows the muscles which control the size of the pupil in
an eye.

How do these muscles make the pupil larger?

Circular Muscles Radial Muscles
A Contract Contract
B Contract Relax
C Relax Contract
D Relax Relax


 Radial muscle will pull backward making the circular

muscles open wider, thus pupil becomes larger.

Correct answer is C


33 The skeleton system found in insects is the
A Endoskeleton
B Exoskeleton
C Hydroskeleton
D Eposkeleton


 An insect does not have bones.it has an

external chitinous material which forms the
shape of an insect.

Correct answer is B
34 The diagram shows bones of the fore arm.

Between which points can a hinge joint form?

A 1 and 3
B 1 and 4
C 2 and 3
D 2 and 5

Associated facts and Reasoning

 The diagram showing part 4 and 3 is for the lower arm

which consists of radius and ulna. Part 4 is where a piece of
bones for the arm are connected. The bone with part 1 and 2
is humerus, whose part 1 fit into part 3 to from hinge joint.

Correct answer is A


35 The diagram below shows anterior view of the two bones from the
vertebral column.

From which regions of the vertebral column are the two bones found?
A Thoracic Cervical
B Thoracic Lumba
C Lumba Thoracic
D Cervical Sacral

Associated facts and Reasoning

 The lumba vertebra has a number of projections,

while the thoracic vertebra has a long neural spine.

Correct answer is C
36 The diagrams below show a cross section of the three type of blood
vessels drawn to scale.


What are these blood vessels called?
A Veins Artery Capillary
B Capillary Veins Artery
C Veins Capillary Artery
D Artery Capillary Veins

Associated facts and Reasoning

 Arteries have very think walls to with stand pressure as

they carry blood pumped direct from the heart.
 Veins are thin walled as they are very far from the
heart as they carry blood at low pressure.
 Capillaries are very thin walled and only one cell thick
to allow diffusion of gases, nutrients and waste

Correct answer is D
37 The diagram below shows the internal structure of the heart.

Identify valve X and vessel Y.


Valve X Vessel Y
A Bicuspid Pulmonary Vein
B Tricuspid Pulmonary Artery
C Semilunar Aorta
D Semilunar Vena Cava
Associated facts and Reasoning

 Blood vessels Y is connected to the right ventricle and has

two branches each going to a particular lung. It is therefore
a pulmonary artery.
 Value X is located in the right atrium. It is the tricuspid

Correct answer is B
38 The diagram below shows a section through the human hear.

Which sequence shows the flow of deoxygenated blood through the

A 1, 2, 3, 4
B 4, 3, 2, 1
C 5, 6, 7, 8
D 8, 7, 6, 5


Associated facts and Reasoning

 Deoxygenated blood enters the heart through the

vena cava. It reaches the right atrium, to the right
ventricle and out of the heart through the pulmonary
artery. In this case 1, 2, 3, and 4

Correct answer is A
39 The diagram below represents a blood capillary in the leg with
adjacent cells. Arrows represent movement of substances between
blood and cells.

Which arrows represent, carbon dioxide, oxygen and glucose?

Carbon dioxide Oxygen Glucose
A 1 2 3
B 1 3 2
C 2 1 3
D 3 3 1
Associated facts and Reasoning
 Oxygen and glucose enter the cells from blood
capillaries. In the cells the process of respiration
takes place where oxygen burns glucose to form.
Carbon dioxide is a waste product and is taken out of
the cells through the capillaries.

Correct answer is A


40 The diagram below shows the human brain seen from the rear side.

The parts labelled X and Y are

A Cerebellum Medulla Oblongata
B Hypothalamus Cerebellum
C Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum
D Pituitary Gland Hypothalamus

Associated facts and Reasoning

 Hypothalamus is at the centre if the brain, Pituitary
gland is not part of the brain. It is part of the
endocrine system. Therefore, X is Medulla
Oblongata and Y is Cerebellum

Correct answer is C


41 The diagram below shows the alimentary canal and associated

Which numbered structures produce digestive enzymes?

A 1, 2, 3, 6
B 1, 2, 4, 5
C 2, 3, 4, 5
D 2, 4, 5, 6

Associated facts and Reasoning

The salivary gland in the mouth produces amylase which contain an
enzyme called ptylin. Stomach produces gastric juice which contains
Small intestine, pancreas produces pancreatic juice which contains
amylase, trypsin and lipase.
Second part of the small intestine produces i.e ileum produces a
number of enzymes i.e maltase, lactase, lipase etc.

Correct answer is B


42 The diagram below shows a capillary bed.

What are the names of the fluids found at X, Y and Z?

A Plasma Lymph Tissue fluid
B Plasma Tissue fluid Lymph
C Lymph Plasma Tissue fluid
D Lymph Tissue fluid Blood

Associated facts and Reasoning

 Lymphatic vessel carries fluid.
 Capillary caries blood which consist of many other components (plasma,
red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, nutrients and waste products.
 In between the structure in the diagram are tissue fluids.

Correct answer is D
43 The diagram below shows the skull of a goat.


What is the dental formula for the goat?
3 1 3 1
A 𝑖 , 𝑐 , 𝑃𝑚 , 𝑚
3 1 2 1
0 0 3 3
B 𝑖 , 𝑐 , 𝑃𝑚 , 𝑚
3 1 3 3
1 0 0 3
C 𝑖 , 𝑐 , 𝑃𝑚 , 𝑚
1 0 0 3
2 1 2 3
D 𝑖 , 𝑐 , 𝑃𝑚 , 𝑚
2 1 2 3

Associated facts and Reasoning

A goat belongs to a group of animals called herbivores.
Such animals have no incisors on the upper jaw. They
have a hard pad instead, which is used as a chopping
board for grass. They also don not have canines on the
per jaw. And this space is called a diastema.

Correct answer is B
44 The diagram below shows the kidney and associated structures while
the table list the percentages of certain components found within
structures P and Q.
Concentration in Concentration in
structure P% structure Q%
Urea 0.03 2.00
Glucose 0.10 0.00
Amino acids 0.05 0.00
Salts 0.72 1.50
Proteins 8.00 0.00


Deduce the function of the kidney based on information given in the
A Removal of excess glucose from the blood.
B Removal of urea and salts from the blood.
C Removal of excess amino acids from the blood
D Removal of excess proteins from the blood.
Associated facts and Reasoning
The part labelled Q is ureter which carries waste
products urea (urine) and excess salts to the urinary
bladder, in readiness for expulsion from the body.

Correct answer is B
45 The diagram shows the respiratory organs of a fish.
In which of the labelled parts will gaseous exchange take place?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Gaseous exchange takes place in the gill. The gill
filaments have many protrusions called gill lamellae,
which increase the surface are for absorption of oxygen.

Correct answer is C


46 The diagram shows part of the nephron from a kidney.

Apart from water, what other substance are present in the fluid Y.

Glucose Mineral ions protein urea

A     KEY
B     = present
= absent
C    
D    

Associated facts and Reasoning

Excretory products by the kidney contain chiefly urea, uric
acid, ammonia compounds, sodium chloride and crystals of
drugs in water a soluble compound.
In this case excretory products are urea and mineral ions.

Correct answer is B


47 The diagram shows a section through the human skin.

How do the structures numbered 1, 2 and 3 help to regulate the body

temperature on a hot day?
1 2 3
A Produce less sweat Relaxes vasoconstricts
B Produce less sweat Relaxes vasodilates
C Produce more sweat Contracts vasoconstricts
D Produce less sweat Contracts vasodilates

Associated facts and Reasoning

 When it is hot the blood vessels widen and come close
to the surface (vasodilates), thereby losing more heat.
 Sweat glands produce more swear as a result more
heat is carried with it. Thus cooling of the body takes
 Erector muscle contracts and makes hair upright to
lose more sweat.

Correct answer is D


48 The diagram below shows part of a spinal reflex arc.

At which labelled parts is the neurotransmitter released?

A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 3 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 2 and 4 only

Associated facts and Reasoning

Transmission of messages takes place at points where two neurons meet.
This is called a synapse where fibres of the two neurons come close.

Correct answer is B
49 The diagram below shoes a double circulatory system.


Which vessels carry oxygenated blood?
A 1 and 2
B 1 and 4
C 2 and 3
D 2 and 4
Associated facts and Reasoning
 A blood vessel from the lungs carries oxygenated
 A blood vessel from the heart to the rest of the body
caries oxygenated blood.
 In this case 2 and 4

Correct answer is D
50 The diagram below shows a vertebra.

To which region of the vertebra column does it belong?

A Cervical
B Lumbar
C Thoracic
D Sacral
Associated facts and Reasoning
 It has long neural spines
 It has facets that attribute with one end rib to form a rib cage.

Correct answer is C


51 Which two bones form the ball and socket joint of the shoulder?
A Femur and Pelvic girdle
B Femur and Tibia
C Humerus and Scapula
D Ulna and Humerus
Associated facts and Reasoning
Humerus is the upper bone of the arm which joins
the shoulder bone also known as scapula

Correct answer is C
52 The diagram below shows a skull of an animal.

Identify tooth N and the animal to which the skull belongs.

Tooth N Type of Animal

A Canine Carnivore
B Incisor Omnivore
C Canine Omnivore
D Incisor Carnivore


Associated facts and Reasoning
Canine are pointed and larger than other teeth. They are
used for tearing meat, so prominent in carnivore animals.

Correct answer is A
53 The diagram shows the three blood vessels

In which order would blood flow through these in passing from the
heart through the lungs and back to the heart.
From heart Through Lungs To Heart
A 1 2 3
B 2 3 1
C 3 1 2
D 3 2 1

Associated facts and Reasoning

 Note that blood will move from the heart to the lungs and
back to the heart i.e pulmonary circuilation. The path is
Heart  Pulmonary Artery  Lungs  Pulmonary Vein
 Heart.
 Capillaries are around alveolus in the lungs. (3  1  2)

Correct answer is C


54 The diagram shows an external view of a mammalian heart.

What are the numbered structures?

Aorta Coronary Pulmonary Vena Cava
Artery Artery
A 1 2 3 4
B 1 3 2 4
C 2 3 1 4
D 4 2 3 1

Associated facts and Reasoning

1 is Aorta
2 is Pulmonary Artery
3 is Coronary Artery which supplies blood to the muscles of
the heart.
4 is the Vena Cava

Correct answer is B


55 The diagram shows a section through a joint.

Which labelled part prevents dislocation of the joint?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Ligaments represented by ‘A’ in the diagram holds the bone
together (prevent dislocation) but does not hinder their
Cartilage represented by ‘D’ in the diagram prevents friction and
is helped by synovial fluid represented by ‘C’ in preventing
friction by acting as a lubricant

Correct answer is A
56 The diagram below shows three different organisms.


What kind of skeleton is found in each of these organisms?
1 2 3
A Endoskeleton Exoskeleton Hydrostatic
B Endoskeleton Hydrostatic Exoskeleton
C Exoskeleton Endoskeleton Hydrostatic
D Exoskeleton Hydrostatic Endoskeleton
Associated facts and Reasoning
 Endoskeleton is where the skeleton is found beneath the muscles
e.g mammals.
 Insects have no bones but have hard material (chitin) which form
the outer body and its shape.
 Earth worms have rings of muscles that are filled with fluid i.e

Correct answer is A
57 The diagram below shows a section through the head of a human
being to show parts of the brain.

Identify X, Y and Z.
A Cerebellum Medulla Oblongata Cerebrum
B Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla Oblongata
C Cerebellum Cerebrum Medulla Oblongata
D Cerebrum Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum


Associated facts and Reasoning
 The largest part of the brain is Cerebrum.
 At the base of the Cerebrum is the Cerebellum.
 The other one that appear to come from the spinal cord is the
Medulla Oblongata.

Correct answer is B
58 The diagram shows a transverse section of a spinal cord and nerves.

Which of the labelled structures is a motor neurone?

Associated facts and Reasoning

 The motor nerve has a nucleus head in the spinal cord where it
makes a synapse with the relay neuron. However, the dendrite of the
motor neuron is connected to the effector muscle.
 The sensory neuron has a nucleus head along its length.
 The relay neuron is short and is found in the grey matter.

Correct answer is A


59 The diagram below shows the position of the bicep muscle in a human

What is structure L?
A Tendon
B Ligament
C Cartilage
D Synovial Membrane

Associated facts and Reasoning

The part marked ‘L’ is the end part of the biceps, which
is connect to the bone on the shoulder bone.

Correct answer is A


60 A Vertebra has the following characteristics

Centrum Large
Neural Canal Large
Neural spine Long
Transverse Process Short

What type of vertebra is this?

A Thorax
B Lumba
C Cervical
D Sacral

Associated facts and Reasoning

Thoracic vertebra, has long spine, large neural canal, long
neural spine and transverse process which is short.

Correct answer is A
61 The Diagram shows a defective eye of a person.

Which eye disease is the person suffering from?

A Cataracts
B Glaucoma
C Ulcer
D Conjunctivitis


Associated facts and Reasoning
A cataract is a clouding of the eyes natural lens. The
eyes lens is made mainly of water and proteins which
are clear.


UNIT 1.1
PAPER TWO (2) Type Questions: Section A
1 The diagram shows the longitudinal section of a stem.

a) (i) Which letter in the diagram correspond to cambium, xylem and

(ii) Explain the function of ‘S’ and ‘T’ in the plant.
b) (i) Which letter need companion cells to function properly?
(ii) Which letter in the diagram corresponds to the structure in
which substances can move up or down?

Reasoning Solutions and Answers.

a) (i) T is cambium. Cambium marks the demarcation between xylem
and phloem.
- S is xylem. It is found on the inner side of the cambium.
- U is the phloem. it is found on the outside of the cambium.

(ii) S transport water and mineral salts to all parts of the plant.
T it separate xylem and phloem vessels.


- Its cells divide and multiply to from secondary growth in
plants in which it increases in plants in which it increases in
girth size (increase in diameter).

b) (i) U – Sieve tubes need companion cells. They are made up walls
which are thin and made of cellulose. They have no nucleus.
Companion cells are parenchyma, have protoplasm and nucleus,
thin walled and living.

(ii) S – Depending on region of concentration, substances come up

when concentration is high in the adjacent cells, in order to
dilute it. However, if the concentration is in the soil, substances
move from up to down to dilute the high concentration in the

2 In the diagram shows some specialized cells P, Q and R.

a) Name each of the cell above P, Q and R.

b) (i) state the function of cells P and R.
(ii) Explain the adaption for cells P and Q to their function.
c) Where in the leaf is cell R located?


Reasoning and Answers
a) P = Root hair cell. It has a projection which is a hair itself.
Q = Red blood cell. It has a disc shape
R = Epidermal cell of a plant. It has a rectangular shape.

b) (i) Function P: to absorb water and mineral salts from soil.

Function of Q: to transport oxygen to all parts of the body

(ii) Adaption of cell P: it is one cell thick for easily absorption of

water and substances. It also has a large surface area for
Adaption of cell Q: The red colour is due to the presence of
haemoglobin which is made up of iron. Iron forms a weak bond
with oxygen called oxy-haemoglobin.

c) Cell R is found in the outer layer of the internal structure of the leaf.
It forms the wall of the leaf.

3 The diagram shows some cell take from a vascular tissue of a plant.

a) Identify cells X and Y and structure labelled Z.

b) What is the function of the cells labelled?
(i) X
(ii) Y


(iii) What structure in the human body, performs a similar function
as structure Y?
c) What two conditions are necessary for osmosis to take place?

Associated facts and Answers

a) X = companion cell
Y = phloem cell
Z = sieve plate

b) Functions of:
(i) X: companion cells are living and supply energy to sieve tubes.
(ii) Y: Phloem transport food to different parts of the plant.
(iii) Sieve plate, this is where cells communicate with one another
and dissolved food is passed through the holes during its
transport through the stem.
c) Two conditions are:
- There must be two regions separated by a selectively
permeable membrane.
- There must be a difference in concentration of solution the
two sides



4 The diagram below shows four specialized cells.

a) (i) Using the letters of the cells, identify animal cells and name

Identity Name

(ii) For each named animal cell in (a)(i) above, state one of its
characteristics features.
- Features in animal cell 1
- Features in animal cell 2
b) From cells A and D, name the substance found in the cells which
enables it to perform its specialised function.

Cell Substance Functions


c) Diagram below shows an experiment on osmosis.


(i) From which solution in the diagram above will there be flow of
water molecule by osmosis?
(ii) When will the flow of the water molecules across the membrane
stop by osmosis?
(iii) Suggest one reason why on water molecules can move across
this membrane.

Associated facts and answers.

a) (i) Using the letters of the cells, identify animal cells and name
Identity Name
1 B Red blood cell
1 C Neuron (nerve)

(ii) Characteristics.
- Animal cell 1: has a concave shape i.e thin at the centre and
thick on its circumference.
- Animal cell 2: any features of the following can be given: -


o It is long structured
o Its length is covered with myelin sheath
o One end has a nucleus and a number of dendrons.

b) From cells A and D, name the substance found in the cells which
enables it to perform its specialised function.

Cell Substance Functions

A Sieve plates Allow food to pass through these
sieves from cell to the other
B Cellulose Cell wall is made up of cellulose.
Cellulose makes the cell wall
strong and tough to protect the
inner tissues and substances of
the cell.

c) (i) Solution E.

Reasoning: solution E is dilute. So water will flow to F where

concentration is high. This obeys the definition of osmosis i.e
movement of molecules from dilute solution to concentrated
solution through a semi permeable membrane.

(ii) Water molecules will stop when the solution on either side has
have equal concentration.
(iii) The membrane across the solution is selectively permeable
which means it only allow certain materials to pass through.


5 The diagram shows a longitudinal section through a bean seed

a) Identify the parts labelled I and J

b) Describe the role of the micropyle and structure J\
(i) Micropyle
(ii) Structure J
c) The diagram below shows the position of the plumule exposure of a
seedling to one side light for five days.

(i) Explain the effect of one sided light on the tip of the plumule.
(ii) What is the benefit of this effect to the seedling?


Associated facts and answers.

a) Names of the part I and J.

I = Seed coat
J = Cotyledon (food store)

b) (i)The role of the Micropyle: the role of the micropyle is to absorb

Note that the position of the radicle which is a young root, is
next to the micropyle i.e an opening leading to the inside of a

(ii) The role of the Cotyledon is store food for the young embryo to
be used at germination and before it forms its leaves.

c) (i) Growth hormone (auxin) move from the illuminated side to the
dark side.
- The high concentration of auxin on the dark side causes
faster growth on the same side.
- The faster growth on the unilluminated side than the
illuminated caused the shoot to bend toward light.
(ii) Benefits include.
- A shoot brings its leaves into the best situation for
- Flowers are brought in position where they are likely to be
seen and pollinated by insects.


6 The diagram below shows a plant cell which has been in a
concentrated salt solution.

a) Identify parts labelled A and B

b) (i) What happened for the plant cell to reach this stage?
(ii) State the term given to the cell in this condition.
(iii) How can this condition be reversed?
c) Give one reason why the structure labelled C remained in its
natural state.
d) Give two differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.

Associated facts and answers

a) A = Cytoplasm
B = Chloroplast

* In the cytoplasm that is where nucleus and chloroplast is found.

b) (i) The cell was put in a concentrated salt solution. Due to the
process of osmosis it lost most of its cell fluid to go and dilute the
concentrated salt solution.
(ii) The term used is flaccid.
(iii) To make the concentrated salt solution more dilute than
solution in the cell i.e reverse the osmotic process.


c) Structure C was not affected because it is made up of cellulose
which is tough i.e cell wall.
d) Differences between animal cell and plant cell.
(i) Animal cell has no cell wall while plant cell has a cell wall.
(ii) A plant cell has chloroplast while and animal cell has no

7 The diagram shows a cross section through a spinal cord.

a) Identify the labelled parts M and P in the diagram above.

b) The part labelled N contains some type of fluid. What is the role of
the fluid found in N?
c) Draw the reflex arc on the diagram above.
d) Distinguish between a sensory and a motor neurone.

Reasoning and answers

a) Labelled parts are:

M = Dorsal root
P = Grey matter.


b) The fluid found in N which is the central canal is cerebrospinal fluid.
Its roles are:
- Cushion the brain within the skull.
- Serve as a shock absorber for the central nervous system
- Circulates nutrients and chemicals filtered from the blood
- Removes waste product from the brain.
c) Reflex arc

d) Motor neurone and sensory neurone can be distinguished as

- Cell body of the motor neurone is at one posterior end while
for sensory neurone the cell body is on in its length.
- Motor neurone stimulates the effector muscles while sensory
neurone picks up signals from sense organs.


8 The diagram shows a section through a human tooth.

a) (i) State the name of the parts labelled F and G

(ii) Explain the function of the parts labelled H and I.
b) (i) Explain how tooth decay is brought about.
(ii) Suggest two ways of preventing tooth decay.

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) F = Enamel (out hard part of the tooth)
G = Dentine (living part of the tooth)
(iii) H is the pulp: Contains soft connective tissue which make u
dentine and keep the tooth alive. It has nerve cells which makes
the tooth aware of its surrounding.it react to hotness (heat) or
I is the gum: gum is the muscle that covers the root of the tooth.
This prevent the cold air, sweet stuff, salt staff and hot stuff from
entering which causes sensation to the root of the tooth creating


b) (i) Tooth decay is as a result of failure to obey hygiene rules of the
mouth. The food particles left in between the teeth after each meal
attracts bacteria. In the process of bacteria breaking down the food
particles in the teeth gaps, acid is produced. Acid react with the
calcium in the enamel causing tooth cavities. These cavities may go
up to the dentine and pulp. Once in the dentine and pulp, pain is felt.
Bad smell is produced i.e tooth decay.

(ii) Two ways of preventing tooth decay

- Following hygiene rules of the mouth will prevent tooth
- Cleaning your teeth with a tooth brush twice a day i.e in the
morning after waking up from bed and evening before you go
to bed.
- See dentist regularly for check-up.



9 a) Describe the structure of the synovial joint and explain the

functions of its parts.
b) Differentiate the following:
(i) Tendon and ligament
(ii) Ball and socket joint and hinges joint

Associated facts and Answers

a) The synovial joints are also known as movable joint. The end of the
bones at the end are covered by a layer of cartilage, to create a
smooth slippery surface so that the bound together. The joint is
enclosed by a fibrous capsule and the capsule is lined by a synovial
membrane. Synovial fluid is within the cavity of the membrane. The
bones are held in place by fibrous tissue called ligament.

The functions of the parts of the parts of the synovial joints is as


- cartilage: reduce friction between bones

- synovial fluid: reduces between bones
- synovial membrane: contains synovial fluid
- ligament: keeps the bones together but allows their

b) Differences of the following:

(i) Tendon and ligament
A tendon is a tough, flexible band of fibrous connective tissue
that connects muscles to bones while ligament is a band of


dense white fibrous elastic tissue which connects the ends of the
bones together in order to form a joint
(ii) Ball and socket joint
These are called ball and socket joint because of the shape of the
femur the humerus. The head of the femur and humerus fit into
the cup-like glenoid cavity and acetabulum respectively. Ball and
socket joints allow movement in several directions.

(iii) Hinges joint: It is also a synovial joint but moves in one

direction only. It is formed between two bones or axis. The main
hinge joint is the need and the elbow joint. The diagram is as
shown below.


UNIT 2.0
PAPER ONE (1) Type Questions (Multiple Choice)
1 Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place in a plant.
Which characteristic of living organisms is described by the statement
A Excretion
B Locomotion
C Nutrition
D Reproduction
The process of photosynthesis manufactures food i.e starch or
carbohydrates. Starch is consumed by living organism

Correct answer is C
2 The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate photosynthesis.

What is the name of gas X?

A Carbon dioxide
B Hydrogen
C Nitrogen
D Oxygen


During photosynthesis Oxygen is produced as shown in
the word equation.
Carbon dioxide + Water 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙 starch + Oxygen.

Correct answer is D
3 Which of the following carbohydrates is found in most cell wall of
A Cellulose
B Chitin
C Sugar
D Keratin
 Cellulose is found in plant cells
 Chitin in fungi
 Sugar is a food
 Keratin is a constituent in hair, features, hoots,
claws, horns etc.

Correct answer is B
4 The diagram below shows the apparatus that can be used to
investigate whether carbon dioxide is given off by a potted plant
during respiration.

Which of the following would you expect to observe in the flask

labelled 1, 2 and 3?


Flask 1 Flask 2 Flask 3
A Cloudy Clear Cloudy
B Cloudy Cloudy Clear
C Clear Clear Cloudy
D Clear Cloudy Cloudy

When carbon dioxide dissolves in calcium hydroxide
solution form a cloud. However, when carbon dioxide
dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution forms a clear

Correct answer is C
5 Which of the following is a nitrogenous waste in plant?
A Urea
B Cocaine
C Latex
D Oil

Both plant and animals excrete nitrogenous waste
in the form of urea, uric acid or ammonia.

Correct answer is A
6 Which of the following is not an importance of saprophytic nutrition?
A Decomposition of the following
B Manufacturing of food nutrient
C Produce anti bodies
D Recycling of nutrients
Recycling of nutrient is done by plants. The rest are
done by saprophytic nutrition

Correct answer is D


7 The diagram below shows an experiment to investigate

Under what conditions would the plants produce most bubbles?

Dissolved Light Temperature.
Carbon dioxide
A Present Bright Warm
B Present Bright Cool
C Absent Dim Warm
D Absent Bright Cool

Photosynthesis takes place when carbon dioxide, light and suitable
temperature are present, hence more bubbles will be produce.

Correct answer is A

8 The diagram on the next page shows the experiment used to

demonstrate that carbon dioxide is released during respiration.


What is the function of the aspirator on this exercise?
A To pump out air through soda lime
B To draw air in through the soda lime
C To produce oxygen
D To absorb carbon dioxide
The aspirator does not pump out air, produce oxygen nor absorb carbon
dioxide but it draws in air through the apparatus via the soda lime

Correct answer is B
9 The diagram shows a photosynthesising water plant. The rate of
photosynthesis is measured by bubbles of gas release.


Which factor in the water was limiting?
A Carbon dioxide
B Chlorophyll
C Light
D Water
Water, light and chlorophyll are readily available. As more carbon
dioxide is used, it gets less and less and bubbles will also reduce.

Correct answer is A
10 Which cycles shows the transfer of gases between man and plant
during photosynthesis?

Man produces carbon dioxide during the process of respiration
which is taken up by green plants in the process of photosynthesis.
During photosynthesis green plants produce oxygen which man used
during respiration


Correct answer is A
11 The diagram below is an experiment set up to investigate respiration
in germinating seeds.

What happens to the indicator fluid in the capillary tube?

A Moves towards the test tube because of carbon dioxide intake by
the seed.
B Moves towards the test tube because of oxygen intake by the seed.
C Move away from the test tube because of the output by the seed.
D Remains stationary because carbon dioxide and oxygen intake are

Germinating seeds use oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. In the
experiment however, carbon dioxide produce is absorbed by the
soda lime. There is more air pressure in the inside than the outside
of the test tube. The indicator therefor draws to the test tube.

Correct answer is B
12 The process that can reduce the rate of photosynthesis is?
A Respiration
B Pollution
C Germination
D Transpiration


Associated facts and Reasoning
Respiration, germination and transpiration are temporary
factors that affects photosynthesis. But permanent reduction is
by pollution

Correct answer is B
13 Which of the following graphs shows the effect of light intensity on the
rate of photosynthesis in a pond weed?

Associated facts and Reasoning

The chances are that as light moves away from the plant the
number if oxygen bubbles begin to get less and less

Correct answer is B


14 The graph below shows the results of an experiment measuring the
rate of photosynthesis in a pong plant at different light intensities.

Which of the following are the limiting factors in the experiment at

point Z?
A Carbon dioxide and temperature
B Light intensity and water
C Temperature and water
D Water and carbon dioxide.
Light is available at different intensities, therefore, it will affect
temperature. Water is available but as photosynthesis continues to
take place carbon dioxide will be affected

Correct answer is A
15 Which of the following is the correct word equation for
𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
A Carbohydrates + Oxygen 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙  Carbon dioxide + Water
𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
B Carbohydrates + Water 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙
 Carbohydrates + Oxygen
𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
C Carbon dioxide + Water 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙
 Carbohydrates + Oxygen
𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
D Carbon dioxide + Oxygen 𝐶ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑙𝑙
 Carbohydrates + Water

Associated facts and Reasoning

Photosynthesis is possible when water and carbon dioxide
react in the presence of light and chlorophyll.

Correct answer is C


16 The diagram shows a section through a human thorax.

What changes occur in order for air to leave the lungs?

Muscle 1 Muscle 2 Pressure in thorax
A Contract Contract Reduced
B Contract Relax Reduced
C Relax Contract Increased
D Relax Contract Increased
Associated facts and Reasoning
The diaphragm relaxes to form a dome shaped. Intercostal
muscles also relaxed allowing ribs to move downwards.
Pressure increases forcing air to go out of the lungs.

Correct answer is D
17 The diagram below shows the setup of apparatus to demonstrate
respiration in germinating seeds.


What causes the level of water to rise from level one to level 2 in the
glass tube after six hours of experiment?

A Production of carbon dioxide by germinating seeds

B Absorption of oxygen by the germinating seeds
C Absorption of carbon dioxide by the germinating seeds
D Increased pressure inside the conical flask.
Associated facts and Reasoning
Germinating seeds use oxygen, which leaves low pressure in
the flask. This cause a sanction power through the delivery
tube causing water to rise from level one to level two.
Potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide.

Correct answer is B

18 Which of the following best explains why insects survive without any
oxygen carrying pigment in their blood?
A The body is small and sufficient oxygen can diffuse through the
B Sufficient oxygen is carried dissolved and in the plasma
C The trancheoles conduct oxygen directly to the tissues
D Oxygen is absorbed directly into the tissues at the spiracles

Associated facts and Reasoning

Oxygen diffuse into the tissue via the trancheoles which are
minute tubes

Correct answer is C


19 The diagram below was set up to demonstrate respiration in plants

Which changes would occur to flask 1 and flask 2 after two hours of
Flask 1 Flask 2
A Remained colourless Remained colourless
B Remained colourless Turned milky
C Turned milky Turned milky
D Turned milky Remained colourless

Associated facts and Reasoning

Carbon dioxide turns lime water milky. Since carbon dioxide
is absorbed by potassium hydroxide, flask 1 lime water will
remain clear. However, the potted plant will produce carbon
dioxide which will turn lime water in flask 2 milky

Correct answer is B
20 Which of the following is a difference between aerobic and anaerobic
Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration
A Carbon dioxide is produce No carbon dioxide produced
B Lactic acid is produced Alcohol is produced
C More energy is produced Less energy is produce
D Oxygen not used Oxygen is produced


Associated facts and Reasoning
In 180g of glucose, aerobic produces 2830Kj of energy while
with the same amount of glucose anaerobic produces 118Kj of
Correct answer is C
21 The diagram shows some beans seeds that have been left to germinate
for four days.

Why would seeds in ‘i’ not germinated? This is because the seeds in ‘i’
cannot receive enough?
A Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
B Light for photosynthesis
C Nitrates for their growth
D Oxygen for respiration

Associated facts and Reasoning

One of the conditions necessary for germination is oxygen,
which is required by seeds for respiration, I order to break
down stored starch.

Correct answer is D
22 Between which of the following parts of an insect does gaseous
exchange occur?
A Tissue and spiracles
B Blood and trachea
C Blood and spiracle
D Tissue and trachea


Associated facts and Reasoning
Air is pumped in and out of the trachea by the movement of the
abdomen and wings. Oxygen diffuses through the tissues via the
fluid called smaller tracheoles, while carbon dioxide diffuses out
through the tracheae and partly through the body surface

Correct answer is D
23 The table below shows the percentage of a gas inspired and expired in
human beings.
What gas is being referred to?
Inspired air Expired air
20% 16%

A Carbon dioxide
B Nitrogen
C Oxygen
D Water vapour

Associated facts and Reasoning

The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere by percentage is
20%, when air is inspired 4% is used and 16% is expired.

Correct answer is C
24 Which if the events occur during inspiration in a fish?
Floor of mouth operculum Movement of water
A Lowered Closed Enters
B Lowered Opened Comes out
C Raised Closed Enters
D Raised Opened Comes out.


Associated facts and Reasoning
During inspiration, floor of the mouth is lower, which
reduces pressure and allows more water to enter.
The opercula remains closed

Correct answer is A
25 During a long distance race the body temperature of an athlete begins
to rise. Which of the following changes occur in the body to help return
the body temperature to normal?
Sweating Blood vessels in the skin
A Increases Constrict
B Increase Dilate
C Decrease Dilate
D Decrease Constrict
Associated facts and Reasoning
During racing the body temperature increase causing sweating to
increase. Sweat take heat with it from the body. Similar blood
vessels come close to the surface of the skin (dilate) in order to
release heat. The two activities lower the body temperature.

Correct answer is B
26 Which features of the alveolus decreases the distance over which
oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules diffuse?
A Each alveolus has a large blood supply
B Each alveolus is only 0.2mm in diameter
C There are numerus alveolus in the lungs
D The walls of the alveolus

Associated facts and Reasoning

The distance over which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse
is reduced because the alveolus is only one cell thick.

Correct answer is D


27 Chemicals in tobacco smoke lead to the breakdown of the tissues of
the alveoli walls. What name is given to the condition?
A Bronchitis
B Emphysema
C Heart disease
D Lung cancer
Associated facts and Reasoning
Emphysema is a breakdown of the alveoli the chemical in
tobacco weaken the wall of the alveoli. The crushing of a smoke
bursts some of the alveoli, thereby reducing the intake of oxygen.

Correct answer is B
28 The table below shows the aspect of respiration.
Which one is correct for anaerobic respiration in plants?
Amount of glucose Alcohol Carbon dioxide
per glucose molecule
A High Produced Not Produced
B Low Produced Produced
C High Not Produced Produced
D High Not Produced Not Produced
Associated facts and Reasoning
 Energy produced per 180Kj. (i) Anaerobic 2830Kj. (ii) 118Kj.
 Both produce carbon dioxide.
 Only anaerobic produces alcohol

Correct answer is B
29 Which of the following pairs of words correctly state the function of
ribosomes and mitochondria respectively?
Ribosomes Mitochondria
A Respiration Protein synthesis
B Protein synthesis Respiration
C Transport within cells Respiration
D Protein synthesis Transport within cells


Associated facts and Reasoning
Ribosomes help in the process of protein synthesis while
mitochondria perform cellular respiration i.e it takes in
nutrients from the cell, breaks it down and turns it into energy.

Correct answer is C
30 A piece of glass was left on top of a green grass with two wood
supports to keep it away from the grass as shown in diagram 1. After
48 hours, the piece of grass was removed and an observation, the
grass had changed as shown in diagram 2.

What caused the change in the colour of the grass in diagram 2?

A Lack of water
B Lack of magnesium
C Lack of light
D Lack of carbon dioxide


Associated facts and Reasoning
The yellow plants are under shade due to wooden blocks,
which have not allowed light to be supplied to them. The plant
under the glass block continue receiving high light.

Correct answer is C

31 Which if the following correctly shows the organism and it product of

anaerobic respiration?
Organism Products of its anaerobic respiration
A Bacteria Lactic acid
B Yeast Lactic acid
C Human being Alcohol
D Rhizoid Alcohol
Associated facts and Reasoning
In some cases, in anaerobic respiration bacteria produces lactic acid

Correct answer is A
32 The table below shows the rate of breathing and volume of air
Breathing rate as Product of its
breaths per minute anaerobic respiration
At rest 14 500
After exercise 28 1000
What was the increase in volume of air exchange per minute as a
result of the exercise?

A 7,000cm3
B 14,000cm3
C 21,000cm3
D 28,000cm3


Associated facts and Reasoning
 Breathing rate per minute at rest = 14
 Each breath = 500cm3
 Total volume for 14 breathes = 500cm3 X 14
 Breathing rate per minute after exercise = 28
 Each breath volume of air = 1000cm3
 Total volume for 14 breathes = 1000cm3 X 28
Increase in volume of air exchange =28,000cm3
– 7,000cm3

Correct answer is C
33 Which process is not carried out by all living organism?
A Nutrition
B Photosynthesis
C Respiration
D Reproduction
Associated facts and Reasoning
 All living organisms carry out the following process:
nutrition, respiration and reproduction
 However, not all living organism photosynthesize

Correct answer is B
34 The graph shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air
surrounding a plant measured over a period of 24 hours.


What explains the change in carbon dioxide concentration during the
period X?
Associated facts and Reasoning
 At night plants respire and carbon dioxide concentration
around the plant is high.
 However, during day time, the plant use up carbon dioxide
by the process of photosynthesis

Correct answer is C
35 The diagram below shows an experiment on photosynthesis.

What is the purpose of sodium hydroxide solution and the cotton

Sodium Hydroxide solution Cotton wool
A Supplies water to the leaf in the Supplies carbon dioxide to the leaf in
beaker the beaker
B Removes water vapour from the Absorbs carbon dioxide from the
beaker beaker
C Removes carbon dioxide from the Prevents the entry of oxygen from the
beaker beaker
D Supplies carbon dioxide to the leaf Prevent entry of carbon dioxide in
in the beaker the beaker


Associated facts and Reasoning
 Consider that sodium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide. Lime
water also reacts with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
 In that way carbon dioxide from the atmosphere fails to enter the
 The idea is that the leaf in the beaker should not be supplied with
carbon dioxide

Correct answer is D
36 The colours shown below appear in a series of colour changes when a
monosaccharide is burned with benedict solution.
1. Green
2. Orange
3. Blue
4. Yellow
Which one of the following is the correct order in which the colour
changes would occur?
A 3 1 2 4
B 3 1 4 2
C 2 3 1 4
D 4 3 1 2
Associated facts and Reasoning
Note before heating the colour is blue. As heating processes it
changes to green then yellow finally orange.

Correct answer is B


UNIT 2.1

PAPER TWO (2) Type Questions

1 The diagram below shows part of the respiratory system of an insect

a) Name each of the cell above

b) Explain how oxygen from the atmosphere is able to reach tissue
labelled E.
c) Explain how the energy released from respiration in an insect is
d) State two ways in which the respiratory system shown differs from
that of a fish.

Reasoning and Answers

a) D = Spiracle

E = Muscle cells

b) Oxygen enters the insect through the spiracles which connect to the
main pipe the trachea.
Trachea branches into many tubes called tracheole, which eventually
reaches the tissues.


Movement of abdomen and wings help air to go in and out

c) Energy is used up for:

-Movement of abdomen and wings during the process of respiration
-Flying and ground movement.

d) Air enters insect through spiracles while in fish it enters through

gills. Distribution of air throughout the body is done by a trachea
system in an insect while in a fish distribution is done by blood
vessels system.

2 The diagram below shows the urinary system and it blood supply.

a) Name the structures labelled F, G and H in the diagram above.

b) State two process that are involved in the urine formation.


c) The table below shows the relative quantities of several substances
in the blood in the renal artery and renal vein.

Substance Relative quantities in Relative quantities in

blood in renal artery blood in renal vein
(arbitrary units) (arbitrary units)
Glucose 10.0 9.5
Oxygen 100.0 40.0
Sodium salts 32.0 27.0
Urea 6.0 2.5
Water 180.0 175.0

Explain what happens in the kidney to bring about changes in the

relative quantities of:

(i) Glucose
(ii) Oxygen
(iii) Sodium salts
(iv) Urea

Reasoning and Answers

a) Labelled structures are:

F = Vena Cava
It takes used blood away from the tissues.

G = Ureter
Takes urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder

H = Urethra
Takes urine out of the bladder to the outside.


b) – Ultra filtration
- Selective re-absorption
c) Refer to the table above.
Consider what takes place during the process of ultra-filtration and
selective re-absorption.
Glucose: Most of the glucose is re-absorbed in the blood, excess is
stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. In the table 0.5 glucose
is excreted with urine.
Oxygen: 60.0 units of the oxygen used up, 40 units is retained.
Oxygen is used during respiration in the body tissues, defecation,
metabolism process, working etc.
Sodium Salts: only 5.0 units of the sodium salts excreted the rest are
Urea: 3.5 units of urea is excreted. Less than half is retained.

3 The graph below shows changes in volume of air during breathing in

the lungs of a person.


a) (i) Which letter shows the process of inspiration taking place?
(ii) Suggest activities taking place at P, Q, R.
b) Explain why there is an increase in volume during stage Q.
c) Describe the changes that will take place in the thorax during
inspiration in order to facilitate the increase in volume at stage Q.

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) Recall that breathing involves expansion and contraction of the


Inspiration calls for increase in volume of the chest to allow more

air to go in.

Answer is S

(ii) Stage P = Expiration

Stage Q = Inspiration

Stage R = Expiration

b) During inspiration the chest expands as a results more air goes in,
because a vacuum is created.
c) Inspiration
- Diaphragm contract pushing the ribs outwards
- The intercostal muscles contracts pulling the ribs upwards
- Chest cavity volume increases creating a vacuum that makes to
be drawn.


4 The table below shows of tests on urine samples taken from four
different people, identified as L, M, N and O.
Each sample was tested for the presence of alcohol, glucose and

Person Alcohol Glucose Amino acid Urea

L    
M    
N    
O    

a) (i) from the table above, identify which person is likely to suffer
from diabetes.
(ii)Give reason for your answer in (a)(i) above.
(iii) Suggested a remedy for diabetes.

b) (i) From the table, identify which person has kidney failure?
(ii)Give reason for your answer in (b)(i) above.
(iii) Suggest two remedies for kidney failure.

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) Person M
(ii) Recall that diabetes is lack of proper regulation of sugar in the
Presence of glucose in urine is a sign of diabetes, which M has.
(iii) Remedy can be any of the following:
- Good and well controlled diet. Eat fruits, vegetables. Avoid
refined food, too much sugar, carbohydrates etc.


- Oral medication and insulin
- Do exercises regularly.
- Regular screening for complications

b) (i) Recall what kidney failure is the inability to get rid of waste
products from the body.

There is a build-up of waste products and excess fluids in the

body like the case of O in the table.
Answer is O

(ii) The absence of wasted products in urine. The kidney has failed to
get rid of them.
(iii) The following can assist.
- Take vitamin E
- Take aloe Vera i.e helps reduce urinal calcium.
- Take lemon etc.
- Last resort dialysis machine.



1 a) Explain what is meant by the term respiration.

b) Describe the importance of respiration to living organism.
c) Describe the adverse effect of cigarette smoking on the health of

Reasoning and Answers

a) Recall the definition of respiration.

Respiration is the process by which food is broken down in the cells

of animals and plants in order for organisms to obtain energy.

It is a complex metabolic activity which take place in the

mitochondria of the cell.

Respiration uses oxygen to burn glucose in order to produce

energy. This process can be summarised by the equation below.

C6 H12 O6 + 6O6  6CO2 + 6H2 O6 + 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦

b) Respiration provides cells in the body or plants with oxygen.

It produces energy that is essential for the normal functioning of

the body.

It also expels toxic carbon dioxide.

It is important for the synthesis of essential molecules e.g proteins.

It also maintains body temperature.

c) Cigarette diseases include:

(i) Chronic bronchitis.


(ii) Lung cancer; most cancer is caused by smoking.
(iii) Those with asthma smoking can trigger an attack.
(iv) Long term smoking can cause throat cancer.
(v) Cn cause death. In America 480,000 die each year of cigarette
related diseases

2 a) Explain how leaves are adapted to carry out photosynthesis.

b) How does a plant get and used the following elements?
(i) Nitrogen
(ii) Magnesium
c) Explain how enzymes activity is affected by the PH and
concentration of the substrate.

Reasoning and Answers

a) Photosynthesis is the process by which leaves absorb light and

carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates.
Leaves are adapted to perform their function in the following
 They have a large surface area to absorb sunlight and.
 They have a thin margin to allow carbon dioxide to reach the cells.
 They have a green colour (chlorophyll) in order to absorb
 They have a network of veins to help transport carbohydrates and
 Stoma this allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaf.


b) (i) Plants get nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates.
They take them through roots as amino acids, nitrates, nitrites
and ammonia
(ii) Plants take up Magnesium in the form of salts.
These are dissolved in soil water and diffuse into the roots.
From the roots into the stem up to the leaves, transpiration pull
helps to transport the salts through xylem vessels.
Magnesium is used by the plant in the following ways:
 It is used in the photosynthesis process as a building block of
chlorophyll which makes leaves appear green.
 Magnesium enables chlorophyll capture sunlight.
c) Note that acids and alkaline conditions after chemical properties of
Each enzyme works best at a particular level of acidity and
alkalinity i.e PH.
-For Example: Stomach enzymes work well at PH 2, enzymes inside
body cells work well at PH 7.
Although changes in PH affect the activities of enzymes, these
effects are reversible.
an enzyme which is inactive by the a low PH will resume its
activities when its optimum PH is reversed.

On the other hand the increase in substrate concentration, the more

substrate molecules collide with enzymes i.e more products are
As the concentration increase the reaction increase but a maximum
point will be reached when the increase in concentration in
substrate the velocity reaction does not increase.


It reaches what is known as enzyme substrate complex.
Enzyme therefore, have a maximum substrate concentration on
which they can work.
3 a) Describe the following terms of artificial vegetation propagation.
(i) Grafting
(ii) Budding
b) Explain the following terms:
(i) Pollination
(ii) Fertilization

Reasoning and Answers

(a) (i) Grafting

The term grafting mainly refers to a scion which is a shoot or twig

The root stock and the scion must belong to the same species.
A shoot which is the same diameter as the rootstock is inserted on
the rootstock as shown in the diagram next page.

The two are held together by putting a tape.


(ii)Budding involves inserting a bud from a desired plant onto the
rootstock of the same species.

An upside down T cut is made in the rootstock.

Then a bud is inserted into the rootstock which has been grown in
the nursery when it has a pencil thick stem and a light of 30cm.

The process is shown below.

It is wrapped with budding tape so that the bud is in position and

to prevent water going of the budding as it could develop fungus

b) Pollination
(i) Pollination can be defined as the transfer of pollen grain from the
anther to the stigma of the plant of the same species.

There are two types of pollination that is:

Self-pollination and cross-pollination.

Self-pollination mean pollen is transferred from the anther to the

stigma of the same flower. But it can also be of the same variety


Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen grain from the anther to
the stigma of a different variety but of the same species.

(ii)Fertilization is the fusion of male and female gamete.

Fusion of male and female gamete takes place in the ovary.

Fusion of the two sex cell (pollen + ovum) results into a zygote
which develops into an embryo, eventually seed of fruit.



1 Which of the following best explains the significance of transportation

in plants?
A It makes plant
B Promotes respiration in plants
C Causes carbon dioxide to be excreted
D Enables water to move up the plant
Associated facts and Reasoning
Transpiration creates a negative pressure gradient that helps
draw water and minerals up through the plant from it root

Correct answer is D
2 The diagram below shows a photometer used to measure the rate of
transpiration in varying environment conditions.

The table below shows the results obtained during this experiment.
Results obtained
1 2 3 4
Environment High light High Windy electrical Low
condition intensity humidity fan over plant humidity
Time taken for 6 18 2 12
bubble to move

During which environmental condition was transpiration rate highest?


A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Associated facts and Reasoning
It only took 2 minutes for an air bubble to move a 10cm
distance under an electrical fan propelled wind.

Correct answer is C
3 Leaves of two different plants X and Y have blue cobalt chloride papers
fixed on their lower surface. After a period of five minutes, the paper
on the leaf of plant X has turned pink and the other one on plant Y
remains the same.
A Plant X has a greater rate of respiration
B Plant X has a greater rate of transpiration
C Plant X has a greater rate of photosynthesis
D Plant X has a greater rate of translocation
Associated facts and Reasoning
Blue chloride paper turns to pink when it comes in contact
with water. Transpiration is loss of water from plant through

Correct answer is B
4 A green plant starts to wilt. It is then watered and after a short time it
recovers. What process cause this recovery?
A Active transport
B Respiration
C Assimilation
D Transpiration

Correct answer is D


5 The diagram below shows a photometer used to investigate water
uptake by a cut leaf twig.

In which of the following set of conditions the tap need to be used

most often?
A Light, no wind, humidity
B Light, wind, dry
C Dark, no wind, humidity
D Dark, wind, dry
Associated facts and Reasoning
Water uptake is greatly influence positively by light intensity, wind
and dry conditions.

Correct answer is B
6 By what process do phosphate enter root hairs cells of a plant?
A Photosynthesis
B Diffusion
C Active transport
D Osmosis
Associated facts and Reasoning
Although transpiration, diffusion, osmosis and respiration
play a role in the uptake of mineral salts by root hairs.
However active transport plays an important role in the
transport of salts.

Correct answer is C


7 The schematic diagram below shows movement of water in a plant
from the roots to the leaves.

What processes are responsible for the movement of water at points P,

Q R and S?

A Osmosis Osmosis Transpiration pull Evaporation

B Osmosis Transpiration pull Osmosis Evaporation

C Osmosis Evaporation Osmosis Transpiration pull

D Osmosis Transpiration pull Evaporation Osmosis

Associated facts and Reasoning

Water enters root hair by osmosis. It also moves from one cell to
the other by osmosis within the root.
In the xylem vessel of the stem water moves by transpiration pull.
Evaporation at the leaf causes water to move.

Correct answer is A


8 The diagram below shows an experiment to investigate osmosis.

Which of the following statement is true about sugar solution X and

Solution Y?
A Solution Y is more concentrated than solution X
B Solution X is more concentrated than solution Y
C Both solutions X and Y are of equal concentration
D Sugar molecules diffuse out of solution T into solution X

Associated facts and Reasoning

After 30 minutes the visking tubing has reduce is size.
The sugar solution in Y has diffused into sugar solution

Correct answer A
9 In an experiment to investigate transpiration of four identical leaf
shoots were treated as follows.
Shoot 1: upper leaf surfaces covered with Vaseline water proof jelly
Shoot 2: lower leaf surfaces covered with Vaseline water proof jelly
Shoot 3: upper and lower surfaces covered with Vaseline water proof
Shoot 4: untreated
The graph shows the water loss by the four shoots. Which line shows
the result for shoot 1?


Associated facts and Reasoning
Lower surface of the surface has more stomata than the upper surface
hence transpiration occurs more at the lower surface than at the upper
surface. Shoot 4 which is untreated will lose more water than shoot 1.
While shoot 3 will not lose water as both surfaces are covered with
Vaseline jelly. Shoot 2 covered with Vaseline jelly will lose much less
water through the uncovered upper surface

Correct answer is B
10 The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate biological process.

What process are responsible for the movement of water and dye?
Movement of water Movement of dye
A Diffusion Osmosis
B Osmosis Diffusion
C Osmosis Translocation
D Translocation Diffuse


Associated facts and Reasoning
Water is moving dilute region to a high concentrated
coloured sugar solution i.e osmosis, while dye has move from
high concentration to low concentration i.e diffusion.
Correct answer is B
11 The following diagrams show an experimental procedure to
investigate the mineral salt requirement of the rice plant in different
culture solutions.

What would be the deficiency symptoms observed in plant X, Y and

Deficiency symptom Deficiency symptom Deficiency symptom
plant X plant Y plant Z
A Stunted growth Poor root development Yellowish of leaves
B Stunted growth Yellowing of leaves Poor root development
C Poor root development Stunted growth Yellowing of leaves
D Poor root development Yellowing of leaves Stunted growth

Associated facts and Reasoning

Deficiency symptoms of most nutrients are common. In this
case however, stunted is for nitrogen, yellowing is for
magnesium and poor root development is for phosphate.

Correct answer is B


12 Which diagram below shows the effect of increasing humidity on the
transpiration rate of a plant?

Associated facts and Reasoning

As humidity increases, transpiration reduces. It means that when
humidity is low transpiration increases, but as humidity keep increasing,
a point will be reached when transpiration will start to decrease

Correct answer is A
13 During translocation in plant substance X is moved from organ Y to
organ Z.
What is X, Y and Z
A Sucrose Anther Stigma
B Sucrose Leaf Root
C Water Root Leaf
D Water Soil Hair


Associated facts and Reasoning
Sucrose is sugar manufactured in a leaf and it’s translocated
to all parts of the plant including the roots.

Correct answer is B
14 The table below shows the results of samples that were listed.
Sample Iodine Solution Benedict solution Burette reagent
1 Brown Orange Blue
2 Blue/Black Blue Violet

What do the results show?

A Sample 1 contains starch and sugar
B Sample 1 contains starch only
C Sample 2 contains starch and proteins
D Sample 2 contains proteins only

Correct answer is C
15 The diagram below shows process taking place in an organism.

Which numbered part represent the process of respiration?


A 2 only
B 1 and 2
C 1 and 3
D 2 and 3

Associated facts and Reasoning

The term burnt in the diagram refers to respiration.
Respiration is a slow process which takes place in the cells of
the body in order to release Energy for use by the body. Other
terms for burning are combustion and oxidation.

Correct answer is A
16 The diagram below shows chemical digestion of a nutrient in the
human body.

Identify enzyme K and product M

Enzyme K Product M Product L
A Lipase Fatty acids Glycerol
B Lipase Glycerol Fatty acids
C Trypsin Peptide Amino-acids
D Maltase Glucose Fructose


Associated facts and Reasoning
The term lipids refers to fats.
The enzyme that digests (breaks) fats is lipase
Lipase breaks fats into glycerol and fatty acids

Correct answer is B
17 The diagram below shows changing energy requirements with age and
type of occupation.

What is the difference in energy requirement between a boy aged 5

years and a 25 years old adult doing heavy work?

A 8,000Kj
B 10,000Kj
C 12,000Kj
D 14,000Kj


Associated facts and Reasoning
 Pepsin breaks protein in the stomach.
 Trypsin breaks protein in the duodenum.
 Peptide breaks protein in the ileum.

Correct answer is B
18 The diagram shows the digestive system of a human being.

Which two labelled structures do not secrete enzyme into the

alimentary canal?
A J and K
B K and L
C L and M
D M and J
Associated facts and Reasoning
Stomach and duodenum produce enzymes. Liver does not
produce enzymes. Gall bladder produce bile which neutralizes
acids leaving the stomach and emulsifies fats

Correct answer is A


19 Which of the following best describe metabolism?
A Biological reaction involving break down process
B Biological reactions involving building up process
C Reaction involving enzymes in the alimentary canal
D Reaction involving all enzymes in all cells in the body
Associated facts and Reasoning
Metabolism can be defined as chemical process which occur in
living organisms where organic compounds are broken down and
built up. The term metabolism is commonly used to refer specifically
to the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy.

Correct answer is A
20 The apparatus was used to show the movement of water in a glass

Which of the following activities must occur to create an upward

movement of water in the glass tube and which plant tissue can be
represented by the glass tube?
Activity Plant tissue
A Evaporation of water from porous bulb Xylem
B Evaporation of water from focus bulb Phloem
C Evaporation of water from the beaker Phloem
D Evaporation of water from the speaker Xylem


Associated facts and Reasoning
The porous bulb represents the leaf which consist of stomata, through which
water evaporates. The glass tube represents water which transport water from
the soil to the leaf, with the help of transpiration and evaporation.

Correct answer is A
21 Which of the following would be the characteristic of the leaves of a
plant growing in a hot, dry climate?
Stomata Cuticle
A Few Thick and not waxy
B Few Thick and waxy
C Plenty Thick and waxy
D Plenty Thick and not waxy

Associated facts and Reasoning

Plant in hot, dry climate e.g desert have features adapted to
the area, in order to reduce water loss through transpiration.
Leaves have few cuticle and way

Correct answer is B
22 Which of the following graph represent the effect of humidity on the
rate of transpiration?


Associated facts and Reasoning
The less humidity the more transpiration because the
air around the leaves is dry. However, the higher the
humidity the less the transpiration.

Correct answer is D
23 The bar charts show the concentration of oxygen in four blood
samples taken from different blood vessels in the circulatory system of
a mammal.
Which sample was taken from the pulmonary vein?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Pulmonary vein receives from the lungs. Blood

receives fresh oxygen in the lungs. Therefore,
pulmonary vein has high oxygen contents.

Correct answer is C


24 The graph shows the blood glucose concentration of a person after a
meal rich in starch.

During which period after the meal would the secretion of glucagon
begin to rise?
A 1 – 2 hours
B 2 – 3 hours
C 3 – 4 hours
D 4 – 5 hours

Associated facts and Reasoning

Glucagon is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Its role is to
allow the body to regulate the utilization of glucose and fats.
Glucagon is released in response to low blood glucose levels
and events where the body needs additional glucose as glucagon
stimulate the liver to breakdown glycogen to be released into
blood as glucose.

Correct answer is D
25 Which of the following is an effect adrenaline?
A Promoting growth
B Changing glucose into glycogen
C Promoting deamination of proteins
D Changing glycogen into glucose


Associated facts and Reasoning
Adrenaline is said to be the fight of fright hormone. Stimulate
the conversion of glycogen into glucose so that it can be
converted to energy by the process of respiration.
Correct answer is D
26 The table below shows the average daily intake of nutrients of four
pupils who sustained wounds in an accident.
FOOD Pupil A Pupil B Pupil C Pupil D
Protein 35g 100g 85g 60g
Carbohydrate 570g 45g 45g 540g
Fat 105g 25g 50g 25g
Iron 10mg 15mg 30mg 25g
Vitamin C 90mg 95mg 10mg 15g

Associated facts and Reasoning

Good intake of the following will enhance fast healing of
wounds: Protein, Vitamin C
Large quantities intake of the following would delay healing:
fats, carbohydrates

Correct answer is B
27 The diagram shows the movement of digested materials from the gut
to the liver.


What is blood vessel P and nutrients ‘S’ and ‘T’
Blood vessel P Material S Material T
A Hepatic portal vein Glucose Amino acids
B Lateal Fatty acid Amino acids
C Hepatic portal vein Glucose Fatty acids
D Lateal Amino acid Fatty acids

Associated facts and Reasoning

Recall that hepatic portal vein delivers food nutrients to
the liver i.e glucose, amino acid, mineral salts etc.

Correct answer is A
28 The diagram shows an enzyme catalyst reaction.

Which if the following characteristics of enzymes is being illustrated

in the diagram? The enzyme is
A Affected by PH
B Denatured at high temperature
C Protein in nature
D Specific in action
Associated facts and Reasoning
Note that enzymes are specific in nature.
They break down a particular food substance. After that they
are ready to go back to start digesting another substance.

Correct answer is D


29 The diagram below shows the result of three tests on a food sample

Which nutrient were present in the food sample?

A Fat only
B Fat and reducing sugar only
C Fat, reducing sugar and starch
D Reducing sugar and starch only
Associated facts and Reasoning
 Translucent spot, shows presence of glucose
 Red precipitate shows presence of glucose
 Yellow colour in response to iodine solution indicates no starch

Correct answer is B
30 The diagram shows the digestive system of a human being


Which labelled part produces gastric juice?
Associated facts and Reasoning
 Recall that gastric juice is produce in the stomach.
 Liver produces bile from the gall bladder
 Gullet is passage for food
 Larger intestine decomposes the food by means of bacteria

Correct answer is B
31 Peter has blood group AB. He needs blood transfusion.
From which blood group could he receive blood?
A A only
B A and B only
C AB only
D A, B, AB and O



PAPER TWO (2) Type Questions: Section A

1 The diagram below shows the effect of temperature on an enzyme.

a) (i) What is an enzyme

(ii) What is the optimum temperature of the enzyme reaction shown
in the graph above?
b) (i) At what temperature in the graph above is the enzyme
completely denatured
(ii) Give a reason to your answer in (b)(i) above
c) (i) Explain why it is important to measure the body temperature
when a person is sick.
(ii) Propose two ways the body temperature of a sick person can be
brought down to normal.


Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) An enzyme is a substance produced by a living organism, which

acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific reaction.
(ii) 36°C as shown on the graph.
b) (i) 60°C as shown on the graph.
(ii) The graph has dropped to zero from 60°C
c) (i) To determine the cause of the patient’s condition. It determines
the disease, injury or other responsible factors.
(ii) Use aspirin or Panadol to bring down temperature back to
normal. Note that aspirin should not be given to children.
Rest and drink water. High fever cause dehydration
Use a wet cloth rub the body.

2 The diagram below shows the cross section through two different
portions of the human alimentary canal.

a) (i) From which part of the alimentary canal were these cross
sections taken J and K?
(ii) Give reason to your answer in (a)(i) above.
b) Explain the role played by B in the alimentary canal.


c) Name two juices passing through the tube C

Associated Facts, Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) J is small intestine also known as ileum

K is Duodenum

(ii) J: Because it has projection in the inner lining called villi (villus)

K: Because it has a duct which opens into it.

b) Parts labelled B in the represent longitudinal and circular muscles

these contract during peristalsis and push the food down and keep
the food moving on its way through the digestive system.
c) Two juice produced at ‘C’ are: -
- Pancreatic juice
- Bile

Reasoning: Bile comes from the gall bladder in the liver, while
pancreatic juice comes from the pancreas. These open in the


3 The diagram shows the human digestive system.

a) From the diagram above select the letters where:

(i) Egestion occurs
(ii) Pancreatic juice is formed
(iii) Villi are present
b) The stomach produces hydrochloric acid. State two functions of this
acid in the stomach.
c) Describe the role of the liver in
(i) Digestion
(ii) Assimilation

Associated Facts and Answers

a) From the diagram above select the letters where:

(i) Egestion occurs at X
(ii) Pancreatic juice is formed at Y
(iii) Villi are present in W


Reasoning: Villi are projections found in the inner lining of the small
intestine wall.

b) Two functions of Hydrochloric acid, pick any of the following:

(i) Activate inactive pepsinogen to form pepsin.
(ii) It destroys most of the bacteria found in food.
(iii) It stops the activities of salivary amylase.
c) Roles of the liver:
(i) Digestion

Liver has gall bladder which secretes bile. Bile has two functions.
To neutralize Hydrochloric acid in the chime from the stomach.

(ii) Assimilation

Amino acids and glucose are stored in the liver and enzyme
converts them to glycogen.

On diffusion into the cells of the body glycogen is converted into

amino acids and are incorporated into the cells of the body as
new protoplasm.


4 The diagram below shows the movement of coloured solution in a plant.

a) Name the process by which

(i) Water in the solution was absorbed by the plant.
(ii) Coloured solute in the solution was absorbed by the plant.
b) Why was oil put on top of the coloured solution?
c) The diagram shows the cross section of the stem obtained from the
above diagram at the end of the experiment.

(i) Using the X, label the part in the diagram which was stained by
the dye.
(ii) Identify the part labelled X in the diagram in C above.
(iii) Name two substances transported by X and give one function for


Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) Osmosis
(ii) Diffusion

Note: Water moves in root hair cells by osmosis. Since coloured

solute in solution has particles, the particles are taken up by

b) To prevent water from evaporating.

c) (i)

(ii) Xylem
Note: Xylem is found on the inner side of the cambium (bark
(iii) Name of substance: Water

Function: Water is a raw material for photosynthesis in the

manufacturing of starch.

Name of substance: Mineral salts

Function: used in production of food substance in plants. Plants

need mineral salts for their health and building tissues.


5 The diagram shows a longitudinal section through the human heart.

c) (i) identify the parts labelled X and Y in the diagram above.

(ii) Suggest tow structure differences between vessels V and X.
b) Explain why the part labelled Z is thicker than W.

Reasoning and Answers

d) (i) X = Pulmonary Artery

Y = Bicuspid Valve

(ii) –V is the vena cava, that is the main vein. It has thin walls while X
is the pulmonary artery which has thick walls to withstand
pressure from the right ventricle.
- The vena (V) has valves throughout while pulmonary artery has
no valves.
(iii) Recall that Z is the left ventricle and W is the right ventricle.


- The thick muscle is to allow the left ventricle to pump blood to all
part of the body through the aorta.
- While the thin muscle on the right ventricle enables it to pump
blood through a short distance to the lungs and back to the heart
i.e left atrium.
c) (i) The muscles of the heart have their own blood circulation. It
receives blood through the coronary artery.
(ii) Diet is necessary to supply the required amount of nutrient to
the muscles of the heart for it to function properly.
Exercise is also important to keep the muscle of the heart fit. It
also helps to turn excess fats that accumulates on the heart.
Excess fats could bring heart problem in terms of pumping.

6 The diagrams below show the structure of specialised cells in plants.

a) (i) identify the cells A and B.
(ii) Identify the parts labelled C and D.
b) (i) Which diagram shows a closed stoma X or Y?
(ii) Explain how the opening of the stoma is brought about?

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) A = Epidermal cells.

B = Guard cells

(ii) Parts C = Chloroplast

C = Cytoplasm

b) (i) the one with a straight line in between the two guard cells i.e X


(ii) The changes in the turgor pressure in the guard cell can open or
close the stoma.
If more water goes into the guard cell the turgor cell wall is high
(becomes turgid) the stoma opens.
However, if the turgor pressure is low (cell is flaccid) the stoma
closes as the wall of the guard cells meet.

7 The diagram shows a cassava plant with root tubers.

a) (i) Which common food is stored in the root tuber.

(ii) State where this food in the root was manufactured.
(iii) Explain how this food manufactured in (a)(i) above, found itself
in storage form in the root tubers.
b) (i) State the nutrient in the soil which is necessary for
(ii) Suggest how the nutrient is taken up from the soil to the leaves
in the plant above.


Associated facts and Reasoning

a) (i) note that tubers are storage organs. The food commonly stored is
Answer is starch.
(ii) Process that manufactures food in plants takes place in leaves,
through the process of photosynthesis.
(iii) Recall that food manufactured in the leaves is used by the plant
itself. Excess is stored.
Translocation is the process by which food from the leaves is
transported to storage organs through the phloem vessels.
b) (i) Magnesium: it is part of the chlorophyll in green plants
It activates enzymes needed for plant growth.
(ii) Magnesium is taken up by plants in ionic form is Mg+2.
From soil to the root it is taken in by process of diffusion.
In the stem to the leaves it is taken up by transpiration pull in
together with water.


1 a) Explain the process of transpiration.
b) Describe the three environmental factors which affect transpiration.
c) Relate the significance of transpiration to plants and the

Reasoning Solutions and Answer.

a) Transpiration is the loss of water from a plant mainly through the

stomata of leaves.
Transpiration can also occur in the stem.
Water moves from the root hairs to the xylem vessels by osmotic
In the xylem vessels of the stem to the xylem vessels of the leaf water
moves by transpiration pull.
Finally, water reaches the mesophyll up to stoma.
b) - Humidity
- Air movement
- Temperature

Humidity: the higher the humidity the less transpiration.

The lower the humidity in the atmosphere the higher the humidity.

Air movement: on a windy day transpiration is high while on a calm

day transpiration is low.

Temperature: on a hot day transpiration is high as opposed to a cool

day or cold day transpiration is low.

c) Transpiration is important in the following ways.


- Plants supply moisture to the atmosphere which is very
important for rain formation.
- Transpiration helps to cool plants through cooling effects of
- It regulates the amount of water required by a plant.

2 (a) Explain what is meant by the terms

(i) Absorption
(ii) Egestion
c) Describe the process if lipid (fat) in humans.
d) Discuss two common ailment of the alimentary canal.

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) Recall that digestion takes place at various stages in the

alimentary canal.
The essence of digestion is to break down the complex
molecules of food substance into simpler form like glucose,
amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol.
Absorption refers to the food nutrient leaving the small intestine
by diffusing in the blood capillaries of the villi.
Lastly the food nutrients are distributed to all parts of the body.

(ii) Not all food is digested. Some of it will reach the large intestine
undigested e.g cellulose.
This can be said to be waste matter, residue of faeces. This
cannot be kept in the body any longer. This waste has to be
expelled from the body by the contraction and relaxation of the


circular and longitudinal muscle of the large intestine by the
process of peristalsis. That is what is called egestion of
b) Digestion of lipids in humans start in the duodenum. Organic salts
such as sodium glycocholate and taurocholate emulsify liquid fats.
Emulsification breaks fats into numerous droplet increasing the
surface are for enzymes to act.
In the duodenum again the pancreatic lipase catalyses the hydrolysis
of lipids into fatty acids and glycerol.
Finally, in the small intestine lipase from succuss entricus breaks
lipids into fatty acids and glycerol.

c) Common ailment of the alimentary canal are:

(i) Constipation
(ii) Diarrhoea
(iii) Indigestion
Constipation: lack of roughage or fibre in the diet. Causes the sluggish
of the rectum and colon.
Constipation lead to failure to go the toilet.
Indigestion: over feeding of one’s belly puts the digestive system
under overdose conditions. Consequently, the food is not properly
digested. A person feels bloated and have abdominal pains.

Diarrhoea: this is the passing of water stool frequently. The body is

trying to get rid of anything irritating or dangerous. This could lead
to dehydration and dehydration can cause death.


3 a) (i) Explain the importance of transpiration.
(ii) Explain how two environmental factors affect the rate of
b) Describe the role of blood in transporting materials in the body.

Associated Facts and Answers

a) (i) recall that transpiration is the loss of water through the stomata
of the leaves.

This process is important in the following ways:

- It helps in the continuous flow of water through the xylem

vessels of the plant. This is achieved by the force of transpiration
- It helps in the intake of mineral salt. The mineral salts are
dissolved in water, as the water is pulled upward it carries the
dissolved mineral salts.
- It helps cool down the plant through the process of cooling effect
of evaporation. As the water evaporates it carries the heat with it.

(ii) Rate of transpiration changes with environmental factors. The

following are some of the factors. Any of these would be used.
- Wind or air movement: on a windy day the water trapped in the
stomata is blown off and immediately replace by water from the
xylem. The repeated removal and replacement causes the rate to
increase and water loss is high.
When air is still less, less water is removed from the stomata
hence less transpiration.


- Light intensity: Light intensity has influence on the rate of
transpiration. When light intensity is high stomata opens as a
result transpiration rate is high. When it is dark or cloudy,
stomata close and rate of transpiration is low.
- Temperature: The higher the temperature the greater the rate of
transpiration. Similarly, the lower the temperature the lower the
rate of transpiration.
- Humidity: Humidity is the presence of water vapour in the
atmosphere. When humidity in the air is high(saturated) the rate
of transpiration reduce. Similarly, when the atmosphere is dry
the rate of water coming out of the stomata increase i.e
transpiration rate is high.

b) Blood is the main transport of various substances. Note that blood is

composed of many components some of which are directly involved
in the transportation process. The roles are as follows:
- Transport of hormones. These are transported each time they are
required by the organ. Hormones needed on emergencies hence
transported by blood at a high speed e.g adrenaline can be
released when one is fighting to allow one to run faster that one
has ever ran before.
- Carbon dioxide is transported by plasma the liquid part of blood.
Carbon dioxide is not allowed to accumulate in the body. Blood
takes it to the lungs where it diffuses into the capillaries in alveoli
and finally diffuse out of the chest through the nose.
- Blood also transport oxygen to all parts of the body where it is
needed for the process of respiration in order to produce energy


to be used by the body. Red blood cells transport oxygen in the
form of oxy-haemoglobin. This is a weak bond.
- Blood transport digested food and nutrients to all parts of the
body. Plasma transport nutrients such as glucose, amino acids,
glycerol and fatty acids and glycerol, vitamins and mineral salts.

4 (i) Explain the role of the kidney in excretion.

(ii) Explain the role of the kidney in homeostasis.

Reasoning and Answers.

(i) Excretion is the removal of waste products from the body. So the
role it plays is as follows:
- Regulate body temperature
- Regulate PH of the body fluid
- Removal of excess metabolic products from the body
- Regulate amount of water in the body.
- Removal of excretory toxic substances from the body.

(ii) Homeostasis refers to maintaining equilibrium of the body. It

controls the amount of substance such as water, toxic
substances, temperature and salts as follows:
- It keeps the body fluid stead, such as concentration, acidity,
temperature is adjusted so as to remain steady (same).
- In the body chemical reactions are controlled by the enzymes.
These are sensitive to changes; any rise or drop can stop them
from functioning. So the kidney balances all these to create a
conclusive environment for enzymes to work properly.


- All cell membranes control substances which enter and leave
them. High concentration outside the cell, would cause the water
to move out of the body by osmosis and become dehydrated. If
the tissue fluid were to dilute the cells would take up water by
osmosis and cause tissue to swell.


UNIT 4.0
PAPER ONE (1) Type Questions (Multiple Choice)
1 The diagram below shows germinating seedling.

What type of germination are illustrated?

Maize Sunflower Broad bean
A Epigeal Hypogeal Epigeal
B Epigeal Epigeal Hypogeal
C Hypogeal Epigeal Hypogeal
D Hypogeal Hypogeal Epigeal

Associated facts and Reasoning

- Hypogeal cotyledon remains in the soil.
- Epigeal cotyledon come out of the soil
- In the diagram above sunflower is epigeal while
maize and broad bean are hypogeal

Correct answer is C
2 Where in the plant is auxin made and what is its effect on the plant?
Where made Effects
A Leaves Promotes cell elongation
B Root tip Promote cell elongation
C Shoot tip Promotes leaf enlargement
D Stem promotes secondary growth


Associated facts and Reasoning
Auxin are produced in the root tip and shoot tip where they
promote elongation. The pair which suit well is that of the
root tip and promotes cell elongation.

Correct answer is B
3 Which of these plant responses are phototropic?
A A leaf of Venus fly-trap catches a fly that walks on it.
B Daisies open in the morning and close as the dun sets
C The shoot of an indoor plant grows in the direction of the window
D The tendril of a vine twists round a support
Associated facts and Reasoning
Phototropic plant exhibit growth response towards light. A plant
growing towards the window is phototropic. Opening of daisies in
the morning and closing at sunset is not growth response

Correct answer is C
4 Which conditions are necessary for the germination of most seeds.

Light Oxygen Water

A    KEY
B     - necessary
C   
 - not necessary
D   

Associated facts and Reasoning

Water and oxygen are necessary for germination. Water is
used to dissolve food substances stored in the cotyledons,
while oxygen is used in respiration where food is broken

Correct answer is D


5 The diagram shows a shoot which has been placed horizontally. The
shoot begins to grow upwards.

What causes the shoot to grow upwards?

A Increased cell division by meiosis at P
B Increased cell division by mitosis at P
C More cell elongation at P than at Q
D More cell elongation at Q than at P

Associated facts and Reasoning

Light coming from one side effects auxin distribution. The side that
receives light has less auxin while the one away from light has more auxin.
The result is that the side away from light, cell elongate transfer than the
side with light, causing the shoot to grow in a curve towards light.

Correct answer is D
6 The diagram below represents a clinostat used to demonstrate the
response on a seedling to stimuli.
It is set at a rotation speed of one complete rotation.


Which of the following shows the resultant growth of the seedling
after days?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Radicle is geotropic i.e it grows towards the earth while shoot
is phototropic which means it grows towards the sun.

Correct answer is A
7 The diagram below show an experiment set up to demonstrate the
response of maize seedling to light. They are growing in a box with a
hole cut at one end.

Which of the seedling labelled will grow towards light?


A 2 and 3
B 1 and 2
C 3 and 4
D 4 and 1

Associated facts and Reasoning

Growth it takes place below the shoot tip. When the tip is cut
growth stops. However, if tip is put back, growth resumes. The
plant fitted with a foil, the area of response to phototrophic is
covered and will not receive light. Therefore, it will not grow
towards light. The untouched tip will grow towards light.

Correct answer is B
8 Which of the following pairs of stimuli cam affect the distribution of
auxins in plant roots and shoots?
A Light and water
B Gravity and water
C Gravity and light
D Light and chemical
Associated facts and Reasoning
Shoot is positively phototropic i.e grows towards the light.
Root is positively geotropic i.e grows towards gravity or earth

Correct answer is C
9 The diagram below shows a seedling after germination.


Which diagram(s) above show epigeal germination?
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 1 only
D 2 only
Associated facts and Reasoning

In epigeal germination the plumule comes out of the soil

together with cotyledon

Correct answer is D
10 The diagram shows a potted plant which was left in open air four eight

Which environmental conditions caused the change illustrated by the


Temperature Humidity Light intensity

A High High High

B High Low High
C Low High Low
D Low Low Low


Associated facts and Reasoning
The plant is wilting, probable due to lack of water caused by
high temperature, low humidity and high light intensity.

Correct answer is B

11 The diagram shows four flasks which were set up to investigate the
condition needed for germination. In which experiment will the
seedling germinate most quickly?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Note that conditions necessary for germination are oxygen, water

(moisture) and warmth. All the conditions have to be present for
germination to be successful.

- Flask A lacks moisture

- Flask B lack oxygen as water is hot and has killed the seed
- Flask C has all the necessary conditions
- Flask D the temperature is close to freezing point.

Correct answer is C


12 The diagram shows seedlings experiment on the topic response of
shoots to gravity and light.

How has the shoot responded?

To gravity To light
A 
  
B  
C 
  
D 
  

Associated facts and Reasoning

In the two experiment, shoots have changed from horizontal

direction to upward direction, indication of a positive
phototropic response.

Correct answer is C


13 The diagram below shows a maize coleoptile exposed to light. After 6
hours the tip was cut off and place two agar blocks and the later agar
block were placed on two different coleoptile J and K whose tips had
been cut off.

What would be the growth response of the coleoptile V and W?

Coleoptile V Coleoptile W

A Remaining upright Curve leftwards

B Remaining upright Curve rightwards
C Curve rightwards Remaining upright
D Curve rightwards Remaining upright

Associated facts and Reasoning

- Growth hormones (Auxin) in plants move away from the side receiving
light and gather on the shadow side (leeward).
- Growth will be more on the leeward side than the area receiving light,
hence pant grows towards light.
- Agar A received less auxin while agar B hard more auxin.
- Coleoptile W will grow towards light (left) while V will remain upright.

Correct answer is A
14 Which of the following groups of insect is negative phototropic?
A Ants
B Houseflies
C Beetles
D Cockroaches


Associated facts and Reasoning

Negative phototropic means moving away from light. Such

insects like shade. Their eyes are sensitive to light. A
cockroach is such an example, they like habiting in buildings.

Correct answer is D
15 The diagram represents one of the methods of optical propagation.

Which method of artificial propagation is shown?

A Budding
B Fragmentation
C Layering
D Stem cutting

Associated facts and Reasoning

A bud has been taken from one plant to the other. Such an
action is known as budding.

Correct answer is A


16 Which structure is not necessary in a wing pollinated flower?
A Anther
B Ovary
C Petal
D Stigma
Associated facts and Reasoning
All the other parts appear in both plants except petals, which
are only found in insect pollinated flowers. Petals attracts

Correct answer is C
17 The diagram shows the structure of an insect pollinated flower.

Which feature on the diagram shows that the flower cannot be self-
A Presence of petals
B Presence of sepals
C Large anther
D Short filament

Associated facts and Reasoning

The anthers are far from the stigma because filaments are

Correct answer is D


18 What type of asexual reproduction occurs in yeast?
A Budding
B Regeneration
C Crafting
D Binary fission
Associated facts and Reasoning
Cells of yeast reproduce by dividing in twos e.g 1 2  4  8  16 etc.

Correct answer is A
19 The diagram shows Irish potatoes in a natural vegetative propagation.

What type of vegetation organ is shown?

A Bulb
B Corm
C Root
D Stem tuber
Associated facts and Reasoning
Tubers that originates from the stem are known as stem tubers. The
diagram shows just that.

Correct answer is D


20 What type of seed dispersal is shown in the diagram?

A Animal dispersal
B Self-dispersal
C Water dispersal
D Wind dispersal

Associated facts and Reasoning

The pod explodes when dry and seeds scatter.

Correct answer is
21 Which are the names of the following underground stem from which
new plants may arise?


A Rhizome Tuber Corm
B Rhizome Corm Tuber
C Tuber Rhizome Corm
D Tuber Corm Rhizome

Associated facts and Reasoning

- Rhizome is a horizontal underground stem i.e P
- Corm is a vertical underground stem i.e R
- Tuber is not a stem, it is a swelling from a stem i.e Q

Correct answer is A
22 How are the seeds of the following fruits dispersed?

A Animal Self Wind
B Animal Wind Self
C Self Animal Wind
D Self Wind animal

Associated facts and Reasoning

P has hooks which cling to animal for or human cloth i.e dispersed
by animal.
Q has wings which enables it to be blown by wind for it to land in a
new area.
R has pods which explode when dry and seeds scatter i.e self

Correct answer is B


23 The diagram below shows a flower of a type wind pollination grass
called ileucine indica.

In the diagram, what feature shows that the flower is wind-

A Club-shaped stigma
B petals
C Nectar gland
D Feathery stigma

Correct answer is D
24 The diagram below shows a pollen grain soon after it landed on the

What process has the pollen grain undergone to appear as shown in

the diagram above?


A Pollination
B Fertilization
C Elongation
D Germination

Associated facts and Reasoning

When the pollen grain landed on the stigma tube, which it gets
stimulation, causing it to develop and penetrates the stigma
and style. This process is known as germination.

Correct answer is D
25 The diagram below shows the fruits of dandelion and sycamore.

How is each dispersed?

Dandelion Sycamore
A Animal Water
B Self Wind
C Wind Wind
D Wind Animal
Associated facts and Reasoning
Dandelion has feathery hairs either from fruit or seed. This makes it
possible to get in the air.
Sycamore has leaf-like from the tree and can be carried by the wing.

Correct answer is C


26 Which if the following is the most important advantage of sexual
reproduction over asexual reproduction?
A It protects its embryo during its early growth
B It ensures the survival and growth of the species
C It allows variation to arise in the offspring
D It produces offspring more often

Associated facts and Reasoning

Sexual reproduction involves fertilization of a male and female
gametes. These have different characteristics from both parents.
Forming and individual with unique characteristics from parents

Vegetative propagation comes from one parent emanating from any

of its parts i.e root, stem, leaf, bud etc. the offspring has the same
characteristics as the parent.

Correct answer is C
27 Which of these correctly identifies a natural and artificial method of
Natural Artificial
A Corms Grafting
B Corms Suckers
C Runners Sucker
D Runners Corms

Associated facts and Reasoning

Corms, runners and suckers fall under natural vegetative
propagation. They come a parent plant and become independent.

Grafting is an artificial propagation technique carried out by man.

A twig is taken from a desired plant and inserted on the other
plant of the same kind.

Correct answer is A


28 Flowers show adaption for wind or insect pollination. Which of these
adaptions are found in wind pollinated flowers?

Anther Nectar Stigma

A Firmly attached Present

B Firmly attached Present Outside flower
C Loosely attached Absent Inside flower
D Loosely attached Absent Outside flower

Associated facts and Reasoning

Insect pollinates flower have anthers and nectar inside flower. Stigma,
depending on flower can be inside or slightly emerge out from flower.

In wind pollinated flowers, both anthers and stigma are exposed. They
have no nectar.

Correct answer is D
29 What type of sexual reproduction is illustrated in the diagram?

A Binary fission
B Budding
C Fragmentation
D Spore formation


Associated facts and Reasoning

When an amoeba is fully grown, the nucleus lengthens and

divides into two equal parts. The cytoplasm also does the
same. Two daughter cells are produced. This process is
known as binary fission.

Correct answer is A
30 The diagram below shows the male reproductive system of a human.

Which labelled structure is responsible for storing male gametes?

Associated facts and Reasoning
Bladder stores urin, urethra is the passage for urine and
sperms, testis manufactures sperms and epididymis stores

Correct answer is D


31 The diagram below shows the side view of the female reproductive

Release of Sperm Fission of sperm/ovum

A 3 2
B 4 1
C 5 4
D 3 1

Associated facts and Reasoning

Sperms are deposited in the vagina and fission f sperm and

ovum takes place in the fallopian tube.

Correct answer is D


32 The diagram represents part of the reproductive system of a female

Where do fertilization, implantation and ovulation takes place?

Fertilization Implantation Ovulation

Associated facts and Reasoning

- Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube
- Implantation takes place in the womb
- Ovulation takes place at the ovary

Correct answer is A


33 The diagram below shows a developing foetus in the uterus.
Where does gaseous exchange between mother and foetus occur?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Gaseous exchange takes place in the umbilical cord and the
uterine wall form a placenta

Correct answer is A
34 The diagram shows the inheritance of sickle cell anaemia in a family.
The allele for normal haemoglobin is represented by H and the allele
for defective haemoglobin by h.

Which child is homozygous recessive?


Associated facts and Reasoning
Let the diagram in the question be finalised. It will give the following results.

hh is homozygous recessive. This means it has an allele for defective


Correct answer is D
35 The diagram below shows the male reproductive system in humans.

Where are sperms produced and where are they stored?

Produced Stored

A 1 2
B 2 3
C 2 4
D 3 4


Associated facts and Reasoning
Sperms are produced in the testis and stored in the

Correct answer is B
36 The diagram below represents the mistral cycle of a female human
during the month of July. Menstruation occurs from 4th – 9th July.

What was the likely day of ovulation?

A 4th July
B 9th July
C 18th July
D 28th July
Associated facts and Reasoning
Ovulation takes place 14 days from the first day of
menstruation. Which means count 14 days from 4th July.

Correct answer is C
37 Which of the following birth control method is hormonal?
A Condom
B Contraceptive pill
C Intrauterine device
D Tubal ligation

Associated facts and Reasoning

Contraceptive pill is hormonal method which suppresses the
process of ovulation.

Correct answer is B


38 The diagram below shows a genetic cross between two plants.

Which of the following would be the genotype of the parent plants?

A TT and TT
B TT and tt
C Tt and Tt
D TT and Tt
Associated facts and Reasoning

There are two genotypes TT and tt. I.e. ¾ are tall and ¼ are

Correct answer is B
39 S pure breading black male mouse is mated with a brown female
mouse and they produce 12 offspring. If the allele for black fur is
dominant to the allele for brown fur, what would be one possible
distribution of fur?
A 6 brown females and black males
B 12 brown
C 9 black 3 brown
D 12 black


Associated facts and Reasoning
There is need to work out to arrive at an answer.

Since black is dominant to brown the outcome is all black.

Correct answer is D
40 The family pedigree below shows the pattern of inheritance of a
genetic disease caused by a sex-linked gene.

What conclusion can be drawn from the diagram?

A Both male and female are carriers

B Only females are carriers
C Only males are carriers
D There are no carriers in the pedigree


Associated facts and Reasoning
The trait of the father cannot be transmitted directly to the
son if the mother is not a carrier. In this case the sons area
affected and it can only happen if the mother is a carrier.

Correct answer is B
41 Which structure are found in the human sperm call?
Sperm Cell wall Haploid
membrane nucleus KEY
A    = present
B    = absent
C   
D   

Associated facts and Reasoning

Animal cells have no cell wall. Therefore, sperm has no cell
wall. It has a membrane. Its nucleus has half genetic

Correct answer is B

42 The diagram below shows the female reproductive system.

In which numbered parts does ovulation, fertilization and

implantation takes place?


Ovulation Fertilization Implantation
A 1 2 3
B 2 1 3
C 2 1 4
D 3 2 4
Associated facts and Reasoning

Ovulation is the first thing that takes place. It is the release of

the ovary. The second activity is fertilization which occurs in
the fallopian tube

Correct answer is B
43 Which of the following is a hormonal and which one is a mechanical
method of contraception?
Hormonal Mechanical
A Condom spermicide
B Condom Intra-Uterine device
C Pill Spermicide
D Pill Intra-uterine device

Associated facts and Reasoning

Pill suppresses the hormones and affect ovulation. Spermicide is
a chemical which is smeared into the vagina to prevent sperms
from swimming i.e chemical method. Condom and intrauterine
device ae mechanical methods

Correct answer is D


44 The following diagram shows a developing foetus in the uterus.

Which of the following shows the composition of blood in blood

vessel P?
Concentration Concentration Concentration of
of glucose of oxygen carbon dioxide
A Low High low
B Low Low High
C High Low Low
D High High High

Associated facts and Reasoning

The blood going into the body is rich in oxygen and food nutrient. These
are used up by the body of the baby for growth and respiration. The blood
leaving the baby’s body carries nitrogenous waste and carbon dioxide
which are of high concentration.

Correct answer is A
45 The following are events which occur during sexual reproduction in
1. Fusion of male and female nuclei
2. Dispersal of seeds
3. Germination of pollen grains
4. Transport of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma
5. Formation of seeds from ovules


In which order do these events occur??

A 5 4 3 2 1
B 4 3 1 5 2
C 3 5 4 2 1
D 2 1 4 5 3
Associated facts and Reasoning
The whole process starts with transfer of pollen grains from
the anther to the stigma. The pollen grain germinates on the
stigma, pushing it down the tube to the ovary through the
style. Then the male and female nuclei fuse to form seeds
which latter get dispersed

Correct answer is B
46 The diagram shows the female reproductive system.

What is the function of the parts labelled X?

A Hormone secretion and implantation
B Production of gametes and hormone secretion
C Production gametes and implantation
D Site for fertilization of ovum by sperm


Associated facts and Reasoning
The ovary produces gametes (ova) and tow hormones
oestrogen and progesterone.

Correct answer is B
47 Which type of production and which type of cells division produces
nuclei half the number of chromosomes?
Type of production Type of cell division
A Asexual Meiosis
B Asexual Mitosis
C Sexual Meiosis
D Sexual Mitosis

Associated facts and Reasoning

The type of reproduction is sexual. It involves the fusion of
haploid gametes from each parent with half the normal
number of chromosomes to make a new cell containing both
parent’s genetic material. Haploid cells are a result of Meiosis

Correct answer is C
48 The diagram shows a woman’s menstrual cycle. On which day is
intercourse most likely to result in the woman getting pregnant?


Associated facts and Reasoning
The egg is released 14 days after menstruation. Fertility is
high between 15th day

Correct answer is C
49 What is the advantage of passive immunity?
A It gives immediate protection
B It lasts longer than active immunity
C It makes anti-bodies very quickly
D It makes the white blood cells produce anti-bodies
Associated facts and Reasoning
Passive immunity makes maternal antibodies which are
passed to the new born immunity system having lasting
effects on the baby’s health such as decreased risk of obesity.

Correct answer is B
50 The diagram below shows a section through the carpel of a flower

Where do pollination and fertilization occur?

Pollination Fertilization
A 1 4
B 2 3
C 3 2
D 4 1


Associated facts and Reasoning
Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther (male)
part of the flower to the stigma (female) part of the flower. Stigma
is 1. Fertilization is the fusion of the pollen grain nucleus and the
ovule nucleus and takes place in the ovary i.e part labelled 4.

Correct answer is
51 Which one of the following is the correct order of events leading to
fertilization in a flower?
1. Germination of pollen grain
2. Transfer of pollen grain to stigma
3. Fusion of male and female gametes
4. Pollen tube entering the micropyle
A 2, 3, 4, 1
B 2, 3, 4, 1
C 2, 1, 4, 3
D 2, 4, 1, 3

Associated facts and Reasoning

The first to take place is transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the
stigma. Germination of pollen grains at the stigma is the step 2. The third
is pollen entering the micropyle. Lastly fusion of male and female gametes

Correct answer is
52 The diagram below shows the development of the ovum in the ovary
at various stages.


Which of the labelled structures A, B, C and D is the corpus luteum?
Associated facts and Reasoning
The corpus luteum is an outcome of a follicle which has released
its ovum. It is characterised by a star at its centre.
Correct answer is A
53 The diagram below shows the male reproductive organ.

Wat which point would a doctor perform a vasectomy operation?

Associated facts and Reasoning

Vasectomy is a process where either the vas-deferens is tied
or a small portion of it is cut out and removed. Both prevent
sperms from being ejaculated.
Correct answer is B
54 The diagram below shows a series of menstrual cycle in human female.


Which of the following best distinguish condition 4?
A Menstruation
B Pregnancy
C Implantation
D Menopause
Associated facts and Reasoning
The process of menstruation and ovulation has come to a halt.
This means pregnancy.

Correct answer is B
55 Which of the following is an inherited disorder?
A Basilar dysentery
B Ring worm
C Leukaemia
D Sickle cell anaemia
Associated facts and Reasoning
Leukaemia is a genetic disease but not and hereditary. Sickle
cell is an inherited lifelong serious disorder. Basically dysentery
is dangerous and highly contagious bacterial infection of the
colon. Cannot be inherited. Ring worm is a common pathogen
that infects the skin, hair and nails of people and animals but
cannot be inherited.

Correct answer is D
56 Which of the following is caused by a mutation?
A Coronary heart disease
B Tuberculosis
C Rhesus factor
D Down syndrome


Associated facts and Reasoning
Down syndrome is usually caused by an error in cell
division called non disjunction. This leaves a sperm or
egg with an extra copy of chromosome. This is a

Correct answer is D
57 Which of the following is the least effective family planning method?
A Contraceptive pill
B Spermicide
C Condom
D Natural method.

Associated facts and Reasoning

Although commonly used, condom is the least effective
control method because it can rapture. However, it is to
prevent contracting STI’s

Correct answer is C
58 The diagram below shows the offspring of the cross between a black
tall white cow.


What are the genotype of the animals labelled P, Q and R?


A Bb BB bb
B BB Bb bb
C Bb Bb bb
Associated facts and Reasoning
The solution to this could be as follows.

Correct answer is B


UNIT 4.1
PAPER TWO (2) Type Questions: Section A

1 a) Mrs Banda delivered a baby in the hospital. Mrs Banda has blood
group O and the father to the girl has blood group AB. Mrs Banda sues
the hospital for giving her a wrong baby whose blood group was O.
Explain using a genetic diagram why Mrs Banda would win or lose the
b) What could have been the correct genotype of the father?

Associated facts and Solution


The results show two genotypes of offspring AO and BO.

Since O is recessive the child is expected to be either group A or B.

Mrs Banda was given a wrong baby who had group O.

Mrs Banda wins the case.

b) The genotype of the actual father could be AO.


2 The diagram shows some fruits from a dicot plant.

a) (i) State the type of dispersal fruit K and H undergoes.

(ii) Give a reason for your answer is (a)(i) for each fruit K and H.
b) (i) Which fruit disperses seeds over a short distance?
(ii) Which dispersal will involve seeds and not the fruit?
c) Give three differences between fruit H and tomato.

Associated facts and Solution

a) (i) Dispersal type for each fruit:

- K: self-dispersal or explosion. (it breaks open) and seeds scatter.
- H: animal dispersal (hooks of the fruit stick to animal’s fur).

(ii) K: When the fruit reaches maturity, it explodes and scatters the
H: The presence of hooks on the pericarp enables it to stick to
fur of animals passing by.
b) (i) K: Seeds cover a short distance because the explosion does not
scatter very far.
(ii) K: The pericarp of fruit remains on the plant. Only the seed


c) 1. The pericarp of fruit H has hooks while the pericarp of tomato is
smooth and shiny.
2. Pericarp of fruit H is hard while pericarp of tomato is fleshy.
3. Fruit H scatters seeds by exploding as type of dispersal while
tomato does not.

3 (a) The table below shows the blood group in humans.


(i) Which two blood groups exist in two forms?

(ii) Which blood group can be donated to any person?
(iii) Which blood group can receive any other group of blood?
b) Outline the five steps involved in blood clotting.

Associated facts and Solutions.

a) (i) - Blood group A.

Reason: it can either be AA or AO:

Its genotype could be I A I A homozygous

Or is I A I O heterozygous

- Blood group B.
Reason: it can either be BB or BO:
Its genotypes could be I B I B homozygous
Or I B I O heterozygous


(ii) Blood group O can be donated to any person:
Reason: Group O has not antigens, so this blood functions quite
safe in other people. They are said to be universal donor.

(iii) Blood group AB.

Reason: Because serum if blood group AB does not have
antibodies to fight against antigen. They are said to be
universal recipients.

c) 1. Tissue damaged and blood vessel cut

2. Platelets and damaged cells at the would produce protein called
3. Fibrinogen is changed to fibrin.
4. Fibrin works on the fibre.
5. Network of fibre traps blood to a blood clot.

4 a) Complete the diagram below by filling in the blank spaces.


i) Ovary Begins rebuilding the
living of the uterus
ii) Thyroxin Thyroid gland
iii) Adrenal gland

b) What happens to the hormone after completing their action in the

target organs?
c) State two ways in which hormones and nerves differ in controlling
body process.


Associated facts and Solutions
a) Complete the diagram below by filling in the blank spaces.


i) Oestrogen Ovary Begins rebuilding the living of
the uterus.
ii) Thyroxin Thyroid gland Increases metabolism rates
and promote growth in
children both mentally and
iii) Adrenaline Adrenal gland It increases heart rate.
Increases blood flow to the
brain and muscles. Stimulates
break down of glycogen.
Stimulates the nervous system
making it alert for danger.

b) Once hormones have served their purpose on their target organs or

tissue, they are destroyed.
c) The main difference is:
- Nervous system uses electrical signals or impulses while, while
hormones use chemical signal.
- Hormones use the blood as their transport system to reach
organs and tissue while nervous system use the neurons (nerve


5 a) Haemophilia is an example of a sex-linked inherited disease arising
from a blood group disorder.
(i) What is a sex-linked characteristic?
(ii) Explain why males are more likely to suffer from sex-linked
diseases than females.

b) Colour blind is another sex-linked disease. Using a genetic diagram,

show the chances of having a colour blind child from a couple made
up of a normal male parent and a carrier female parent.
Use the symbols X R X r .

Associated facts and reasoning

a) (i) Genes located on the sex chromosome are said to be sex-linked

and therefore have sex-linkage.
Sex linkage is where certain genes controlling non-sex
character are located on the sex chromosome.
(ii) Males suffer from sex-linked diseases because:
- All sex-linked genes are found on the X-chromosome. X-
chromosome is actually female. Note that there are no
corresponding alleles on the Y-chromosome because it is
shorter than the X-chromosome. As a result, sex-linked
diseases are mostly found in males than in females.

b) To show the chances to have a colour blind child from parents who
- Father is normal X R Y
- Mother is a carrier X R X r


Chances are there:
Reasoning: Result show that:
1 normal female
1 carrier female
1 normal male
1 colour blind male


6 The diagram below shows the inheritance of haemophilia in a family.

a) Taking the allele for haemophilia to be X h , what is the genotype of

the offspring 3 and 7?
b) Offspring 4 married someone with similar genotypes to offspring 7.
(i) Draw a genetic diagram to show the genotypes and the
phenotypes of the offspring.

Associated facts and Solutions

a) Haemophilia is a sex-linked disease.

Females can only be carriers with recessive X h .
Genotype for 3 is:
is male and is normal.
Genotype is:



b) Note that 4 is normal female and also 7 is normal.
4 = normal

7 = normal



1 a) Describe the process of pollination in a flowering plants.

b) Distinguish between insect pollinated and wind pollinated flower.

Reasoning and Answers

a) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the

stigma of a flower. When in search of a sweet juice from a nectar in
a flower an insect e.g a bee, rubs its body on anthers as it enters the
flower. In the process it picks pollen grains which sticks to its body.
On its way out is rubs against the stigma, resulting into depositing
of pollen grains on to it. Pollination takes place as soon as the pollen
grains are deposited on the stigma.

c) The differences between insect and wind pollinated flowers are as

Characteristics of insect pollinated flower.
- They often have sweet scent
- They are usually large
- They produce nectar
- They have bright coloured petals
- They have sticky stigma
- The position of the nectar enables the insect to rub against
anthers and stigma.

Characteristics of wind pollinated flowers.

- They are usually small and ugly.


- They produce large quantities of light Powderly pollen grains
- They have dull bracts (in place of petals)
- The stigma is large and feathery
- The stamen has long filaments
- They have no scent
- They have no nectar

2 a) Describe the special dietary needs of a pregnant woman.

b) Discuss the artificial methods of birth control.

Associated reasoning and solutions

a) Recall that a pregnant woman is in a special stage of reproduction.

She should have enough adequate diet. She should take enough
carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin and mineral salts in order for her
and the baby to health and grow well.
The following are recommended the foods; sweet potatoes, nsima,
Irish potatoes, cassava, to supply energy and carry out some work.
For growth protein sources include milk, eggs, beans, meat,
chicken, fish and many others. Both foetus and mother require
protective foods from, green vegetables, fruits.
It must be mentioned that mineral salts such as calcium,
phosphorus are important for bone formation and iron for
haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Note that lack of the above
requirements, the body of the mother will release the nutrients to
supply to the baby.

b) The following are artificial methods of birth control.

- Condom


- Intra uterine device (IUD)

Condom: This is a rubber sheath which worn on the penis to prevent

semen from getting into the vagina. It the most reliable method and
cost effective. But ensure that it does not get torn or rapture during
coitus. Another precaution is to read the expiry date before using it.

Intra uterine device (IUD): It is a device made up of a plastic. It has a

shape English T copper. It is inserted into the uterus. With the help
of threads, women can check if its inserted properly. It is safe and

3 a) Define growth.
b) Describe the process of growth in plants.
c) Outline the life cycle of a housefly.

Associated facts and reasoning

a) (i)Growth is the permanent increase in size and complexity of

organisms. Organisms grow as they transfer the food they eat into
living materials, which add to their tissues. Plants grow
independently while animals stop when they reach maturity.
Living organism grow in length and girth (diameter).

(ii) Germination is the process during which the embryo develops

into a seedling. Seeds of well-developed dry seeds normally
undergo dormancy. Seeds germinate when conditions are
favourable. Conditions necessary for germination are water,


air, warmth (suitable temperature) and viable seed. Once
conditions are provided, the enzyme in the seed begins to
digest food into the embryo from the food store (cotyledon).
The first part that begins to grow (elongate) is the radical
(young root). It is necessary for the radicle to grow first in
order for it to obtain mineral slats on behalf of the plant as
shown below.

The second part to germinate is the plumule (shoot) which is

illustrated in the diagram below.

Once the seedling has the first folia leaves it will begin to
photosynthesize. It will grow both in length and girth.


b) Insects undergo metamorphosis. Insects lay eggs which hatch to
larvae (maggots) often no resemblance with adults. The larvae
become pupa which develops into an adult housefly. The life cycle is
shown below.

4 a) What is meant by the term hormone?

b) Describe the function of auxin in plants.
c) Relate the effects of auxins in geotropism.

Associated facts and Solutions

a) A hormone is a chemical substance produced by ductless glands

into the body that controls or regulate the activities of certain cells
or organs. Many hormones are secreted by special glands such as
thyroid hormone produced by thyroid gland. Hormones are
directly transported in the blood.

b) The main function of auxin is to help plants grow. They stimulate

plants cells to elongate. Auxins are produced in the epical meristem
of plants. They also elongate root cells down in the ground and
elongate shoot cells up. Auxins help plants grow in girth and repair


c) Auxin is a plant hormone that regulate cell elongation. Geotropism
is the growth response of plants to the pull of gravity.
Growth towards the ground exhibited by roots is known as positive
Growth due to geotropism is as a result of changes in concentration
of the auxin within the plant cells in roots. Consequently, there is an
inhabitation of cell expansion on the lower side producing a
curvature of the roots towards gravity.

Illustration can be shown in the experiment below.

1. Place wet cotton in a petri-dish
2. Place bean seeds in the wet cotton, the hilum should face
different positions
3. Allow the petri-dish to be put upright position

In your diagram Y the radicles curved towards gravity, while the

shoot curved upwards.


5 a) what are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual
reproduction in flowering plant.
b) Explain asexual reproduction in fungi such as rhizopus takes place.
c) Describe the sequence of events which take place in a flower from
pollination to fertilization.

Associated facts and answers

a) Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gamete

(pollen and ovule respectively) resulting into a new offspring
consisting of characteristics from both parents.
Asexual reproduction involves raising an offspring from part of the
plant tissue e.g stem, bud, tuber, corm etc.
The advantages of sexual reproduction include:
- The new offspring has hybrid vigour i.e can resist some diseases
and pests.
- New varieties can be raised which can produce bigger fruits or
grain, can withstand hash conditions e.g drought.
- Varieties that can grow fast that is early maturity can be
b) Note that reproduction in rhizopus fungus occurs as sexual and
asexual. Asexual reproduction takes place when unfavourable
conditions prevail such as drought or hot weather. Fungus is made
up of many lipids (upright tubes) in which are lined nuclei
throughout its length. The nuclei the migrates to the tip and it
swells forming a ball called sporangium. A hypha with a
sporangium at its tip is called a sporangiosphore. The nuclei mature
and becomes spores.


Under favourable conditions sporangium burst and scatter the
spores where they meet good conditions e.g moisture, substrate
and warmth spores germinate.

c) Pollination occurs when pollen grains are transferred from the

anther to the stigma. When a pollen grain lands on the stigma, it
absorbs water and germinates to produce a tube. The tube grows
down the style to the ovary. The molecule of the pollen grain
divides into two to form the tube nucleus and generative nucleus.
Tube nucleus goes to the tip of the tube and directs its growth. The
generative nucleus divides mitotically two made nuclei and follow
the tube, they enter the ovary through the micropyle. Upon
reaching the ovary sac the tube nucleus disintegrates leaving a clear
passage for the two nuclei. One of the male nuclei fuses with the
ovum to form a diploid zygote while the other fuses with polar
nuclei to form triploid endosperm. The fusion of male and female


gamete is known as fertilization. Fertilization has taken place hence
the development of the embryo and the fruit has begun.
See diagram below

6 a) Using the auxin theory, explain the effects of light coming from one
direction on the growth of shoot
b) describe the term taxic response with examples.

Associated facts and answers

a) auxin is a hormone responsible for growth response towards a

stimulus in plants. Light being the stimulus and shoots tends to
grow towards it. This is known as positive phototropic. Plant
growth response towards stimulus is known as tropism. To


examine the auxin theory, a simple experiment can be done. Put a
potted plant that was left in sunlight for 48 hours. Put the potted
plant under a carton box with a small hole made on one side. Leave
another potted plant to act as a control.

After some time, the result was as shown in the diagram below.

The result seen was that light coming from one side the shoot in the
carton box bent towards light while the one for control remained
straight. Conclusion could be that shoots grow towards light.

Why does a plant grow toward light from one direction? Auxin
hormone moves away from the direction of light. The side on which
auxin accumulates grows faster than the direction that has received
light. Consequently, the plant bends towards light.

b) Taxic responses
7 Explain the meaning of the following terms:


(i) Positive geotro-pism
(ii) Positive Phototropism

Associated facts and answers

(i) Geotropism
This is growth movement of part of a plant towards gravity.
Auxin accumulated on the lower side of the root which lies on
the ground. The high concentration of auxin makes the lower
part of the shoot to grow faster while that of the root slower.
This result into the shoot to grow away from gravity (negative
geotropism), at the same time the root bends towards gravity
(positive geotropism)

(ii) Phototropism
This is the growth movement of part of a plant towards a
stimulus. When a shoot receives one sided light, light moves
towards the dark side. The concentration of auxin on the dark
side makes the dark side to grow faster than the side with light.
This causes shoot to bend towards light. This is positive
8 a) Identify causes of infertility in human beings.
b) Describe how a healthy pregnancy can be maintained.
c) Describe safe child birth.

Associated facts and solutions

a) Infertility can be defined as the failure to produce pregnancy.
Cause of infertility can include the following in females:
- Lack of ovulation
- Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes


- Damaged uterus’
- Anti-bodies to sperms
- Damaged cervix

Causes of infertility in males include

- Impotency (inability to have or maintain penis erection)

- Low sperm count
- Absence of sperm
- Premature ejaculation
- Abnormal sperms (no tail, two tails, no head or abnormal shape)
b) During pregnancy, care must be taken to avoid complications. This
can be achieved by the following
- The woman must have adequate and good diet for herself and the
developing embryo.
- Must have light exercises, such as walking.
- Must visit anti-natal clinic regularly.
However, the woman must avoid the following:
- Taking any drugs unless under doctors’ advice
- Drinking alcohol or smoking (these lead to underweight babies,
miscarriage, damage brain to foetus etc)

c) In order to have safe birth the following could be followed:

- Delivery must be taken at the hospital.
- The woman, the attendant and the place of delivery must be
hygienically clean.
- There must be health care providers.
- Expectant mothers must be given child health education.



PAPER ONE (1) Type Questions (Multiple Choice)

1 Which two type of diseases are transmitted through contaminated

A Malaria / Bilharzia
B Malaria / Tuberculosis
C Cholera / Tuberculosis
D cholera / Bilharzia
Associated facts and Reasoning
Cholera and bilharzia are transmitted through contaminated
water. Tuberculosis is air-borne while malaria is transmitted
by Mosquito.

correct answer is D
2 What does the human body produce when live vaccines of measles are
injected into it?


A Antigens
B Antibodies
C Antibiotics
D Antiseptics

Associated facts and Reasoning

When vaccine is introduced in the human body, the body
produces antibodies. This give immunity against measles
antigens make up of vaccine.

Correct answer is B

3 The diagram below shows a food web.

Which organism in the foo web are autotrophic?

A Grass, wheat and dandelion
B Field mouse, dandelion and grass
C Rabbits, grass and field mouse
D Wheat, dandelion and field mouse
Associated facts and Reasoning
Autotrophic means (producer) an organism that makes its
own food from light energy using photosynthesis, mostly
green plants. They are the base of the food chain.


Correct answer is A
4 Which of the following process in the nitrogen cycle occurs in water
logged soil?
A Ammonia
B Denitrification
C Nitrification
D Nitrogen fixation
Associated facts and Reasoning
In water logged soil, nitrates and nitrites are lost through the
process of denitrification, because water logging reduced
oxygen in soil.

Correct answer is B
5 The table below shows the oxygen level. Number of plants and fish in
rivers flowing through four towns.
Town Oxygen Levels Plants Fish
A High Few Many
B High Many Many
C Low Few Few
D Low Many Few
Associated facts and Reasoning
Micro-organism use oxygen to decompose sewage, as a result
oxygen reduces, so aquatic animals such as fish may not
survive, however, plants may thrive (use carbon dioxide)

Correct answer is D
6 The table below show four different diets. Which diet would cause an
individual to suffer from scurvy and anaemia?


 - Nutrition available
A+ DISTINTICTION IN BIOLOGY  - Nutrition not[193]
Associated facts and Reasoning
Lack of vitamin C in diet causes scurvy while lack of iron
causes anaemia.

Correct answer is A

7 The diagram below shows the life cycle of a mosquito.

Carbohydrates Vitamins Proteins iron

A    
B    
C    
D    

Which stage transmit pathogen?

A Adult
B Eggs


C Larvae
D Pupa
Associated facts and Reasoning
Pathogens are germs that cause diseases. An adult mosquito
is responsible for transmitting pathogens. Larvae eat tissues of
other organism. Eggs seem to be harmful as well as pupa.

Correct answer is A
8 An organism being examined under a microscope was found to have
three body parts and three pairs of leap. To which class of organism
does it belong?
A Arachnida
B Arthropoda
C Diplopoda
D Insecta
Associated facts and Reasoning
Insecta is a group of organisms that have a body segmented
into three parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and has six leap.
It can have wings or no wings. Arachnida these have small
head and big abdomen (ticks) and have eight leaps. Diplopoda
refers to all insect, spiders which have jointed leap.

Correct answer is D
9 How is bilharzia transmitted?
A Inhaling contaminated air
B Shaking hands with an infected person
C Swimming in contaminated water
D Walking bare foot on water
Associated facts and Reasoning
A parasite that causes bilharzia is known as Schistosome which is a
flat worm found in water especially rivers, lakes and dams. One can
contract bilharzia if you swim or stand in contaminated water

Correct answer is C


10 The diagram shows the carbon cycle.

What process are represented by P and Q?

A Photosynthesis Photosynthesis
B Photosynthesis Respiration
C Respiration Respiration
D Respiration Photosynthesis

Associated facts and Reasoning

Plant use carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis
which is taking place at Q. however, plants use oxygen at night
for respiration in order to break down carbohydrates, which is
taking place at P

Correct answer is D
11 Which of the following effect of man on ecosystem is reduced by
proper treatment of sewage?
A Acid rain
B Death of fish due to lack of oxygen
C Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere


D Lack of soil nutrients
Associated facts and Reasoning
Proper treatment of sewage reduces micro-organisms
activities on (decomposition) faecal matter. Thereby reducing
excessive use of oxygen. This saves life of fish.

Correct answer is B
12 Match the followi0ng diseases with the causative agents.
Influenza Tuberculosis Malaria
A Virus Bacterium Protozoan
B Protozoan Virus Bacterium
C Protozoan Bacterium Virus
D Virus Protozoan Bacterium

Associated facts and Reasoning

Influenza is caused by virus and Tuberculosis is caused by
bacteria, while Malaria is caused by Protozoan

Correct answer is A
13 The diagram below shows the carbon cycle.


Identify process represented by letter X.
A Photosynthesis
B Decomposition
C Combustion
D Respiration

Associated facts and Reasoning

Plants and animals produce carbon dioxide during the process
of respiration. Animals respire throughout while plants respire
mainly at night.

Correct answer is D

14 The diagram shows part of the water cycle.


What process is represented by X?
A Condensation
B Respiration
C Translocation
D Transpiration
Associated facts and Reasoning
Loss of water from the plant through stomata of the leaves to
the atmosphere is known as transpiration.

Correct answer is D
15 The diagram shows the population of mice on a large farm over a
period of five years.
Year Population size
1 4000
2 4800
3 5200
4 6500
5 500
What could have caused the changes in the population size of mice
between the 4th and 5th years?


A Immunity to disease
B Less pollution
C More predators
D Plenty of food
Associated facts and Reasoning
Less pollution, immunity to disease and plenty of food would
cause the population of mice to increase. More predators
would decrease the population of mice.

Correct answer is C
16 The table shows soil samples A, B, C and D collected from different
fields and their PH are tested.
Which soil sample could be improved by adding lime?

Soil Sample A B C D
PH 6 7 8 9

Associated facts and Reasoning

- PH 7 is neutral soil does not require liming.
- PH 8 – 9 is alkaline soil (hydroxide). Lime is also
hydroxide e.g calcium hydroxide. Lime cannot be added to
alkaline soils.
- However, lime can neutralize acid soil such as PH 6

Correct answer is A
17 The following is a simple food chain
Grass Rabbits Eagle
What could cause the highest increase in rabbits?
A Less grass and fewer Eagles
B Less grass and more Eagles
C More grass and fewer Eagles
D More grass and more Eagles


Associated facts and Reasoning
More eagles and less grass would cause a decrease in the
number if rabbits. However, more grass and few eagles would
cause an increase in the number of rabbits.

Correct answer is C
18 The diagram shows the average oxygen content of a lake during a
period of 5 years.

What occurred in year 2?

A Raw sewage was discharged into the lake
B Some weed grew on the surface of the lake
C The lake was stocked with fish
D The use of herbicides on land around the lake was stopped

Associated facts and Reasoning

The high possibility is that some weed grew on the surface of
the water due to raw sewage which could have been
discharged in the lake

Correct answer is A


19 Which tow poisonous substances are found in motor exhaust fumes?
A Asbestos and lead
B Lead and nitrogen dioxide
C Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide
D Asbestos and carbon dioxide
Associated facts and Reasoning
Exhaust fumes consist of poisonous chemicals such as carbon
dioxide, sulph+ur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, shoot etc.

Correct answer is C
20 Which of the following human activities destroy biodiversity?
A Cutting down of trees for settlement and farming
B Creation of forest reserve and game reserve
C Fishing and hunting bans during the breeding season of animals.
D Recycling of products made from natural resources

Associated facts and Reasoning

Forest and game reserves, fishing and hunting bans and recycling of
products are human activities aimed at preserving biodiversity.

Through cutting down of trees for settlement and farming appears to

be good intention for human survival but are very harmful to
biodiversity. Some species of animals and plants die; others have to
look for new habitants where adaption is a challenge.

Correct answer is A


21 The diagram below shows part of the carbon cycle.

What process is represented by the arrow X?

A Decay
B Nutrition
C Photosynthesis
D Respiration

Associated facts and Reasoning

Decay takes place in dead matter which produce carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis is the manufacture of food by plants by using carbon
dioxide and water in the presence of light trapped by chlorophyll.
Animals produce carbon dioxide during the process of respiration

Correct answer is D
22 The diagram shows an experiment to find the proportion of air in a
soil sample.


What is the percentage of air content by volume of the said sample?
A 10%
B 20%
C 25%
D 70%
Associated facts and Reasoning

In usual arithmetic 40cm3 of water

+40cm3 of soil
Should give 80cm3 of water/soil mixture
In reality as shown in the diagram above
40cm3 of water
+40cm3 of soil
Should give 70cm3 of water/soil mixture

- Where has the 10cm3 gone?

- Water has sunk into the pure spaces found in soil, which
was occupied by air earlier on. It means water displaced air
from the soil. So 10cm3 has displaced 10cm3 of air. The
volume of air is 10cm3 .
- To calculate the volume by percentage:
Volume of air = 10cm3
Volume of soil = 40cm3
∴ × 100

= 25

Correct answer is C
23 The following organisms are found in the ecosystem.
1. Grass
2. Snake
3. Grasshopper
4. Bird’
Which of the following food chains correctly represent the feeding
relationship in this ecosystem?


A 1 – 2 – 3 -4
B 1–3–4–2
C 2–3–4–1
D 2–4–3–1

Associated facts and Reasoning

Grass is producer, where grasshopper feeds on grass, birds

feed on grasshopper, and finally snake feeds on bird.

Correct answer is B
24 The diagram below shows a simple food web.

Which one of the following organisms in the food we is the primary

A Fox
B Plant
C Rabbit
D Rabbit fleas
Associated facts and Reasoning

Plant is the primary producer. Rabbit which eats plant is the

primary consumer.

Correct answer is C


25 The diagram below shows some stages in the nitrogen cycle.

What is process X?
A Denitrification
B Nitrification
C Nitrogen fixation
D Respiration
Associated facts and Reasoning
The process taking place at X is nitrification. Nitrosomonas
bacteria changes ammonia to nitrites and nitrobactor changes
nitrites finally.

Correct answer is B
26 The flow of energy through an ecosystem is shown.


Which arrow represent the least amount of energy transferred
between organism and the greatest amount of energy lost to the

Least energy Greatest energy

Transferred Transferred
A 1 4
B 1 5
C 4 1
D 4 2
Associated facts and Reasoning
The flow of energy from the produce to primary consumer is
not efficient and constitute 10% only. The greatest loss of
energy is at 1. The least transferred is at 4.

Correct answer is C
27 Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?
A Cholera
C Tuberculosis
D Bilharzia
Associated facts and Reasoning
Cholera and Bilharzia is caused by bacteria.
AIDS is caused by a virus.

Correct answer is B
28 Why is a cholera patient given oral rehydration salt?
A To help prevent dehydration of the body
B To increase antibodies and salt
C To prevent the cholera bacteria from multiplying
D To remove the cholera bacteria


Associated facts and Reasoning
A cholera patient loses a lot of body fluids and salts through
diarrhoea and vomiting. This leaves the patient at high risk of
dying. To replace fluids and salts, oral rehydration is done.

Correct answer is A
29 The diagram below shows a life cycle of a housefly, which stage
spreads the cholera pathogen?

Associated facts and Reasoning

The mobile stage of the life cycle is responsible for spreading
the cholera. The adult stage is very mobile and can fly from a
contaminated areas and spread the pathogen to other areas.

Correct answer is A


30 The following is a food chain

In this food chain, which population has the largest biomass and which
one has the largest population size?
Largest Biomass Largest Population
A Owl Mopane tree
B Owl Small Bird
C Mopane tree Caterpillar
D Mopane tree Owl

Associated facts and Reasoning

Biomass refers to the biological material derived from living or recently
living organisms. In the context for biomass for energy the term is often
used to mean plant material, but it can also apply to animal derived
material. One insect lays thousands of eggs in breeding season, while birds
lay two eggs in most cases. Birds also feed on caterpillar and insects.

Correct answer is C
31 Which part of the carbon cycle involves the release of energy food
substances in all living cells?


Associated facts and Reasoning
The process that release energy in all living things is respiration.
The products of respiration are carbon dioxide and water taking
place at B. At A decay is taking place which produces carbon
dioxide. At C, Photosynthesis is taking place. At D oxygen from
plant is being used by animals.

Correct answer is B
32 A gardener planted some vegetables in a garden on the bank of a
stream as shown in the diagram. At first, the vegetable grows well but
after a while they die.
Which of the labelled sources of pollution is most likely to have caused
the death of the vegetables?


Associated facts and Reasoning
The exhausted gases from train are released into the atmosphere and
blowing wind. Pesticides would kill the living organism in the water.
Factory waste is the most likely cause of death to the vegetables.
Sewage work have no effects as it is downstream.

Correct answer is C
33 In what ways are houseflies and mosquitoes similar?
A They are both vectors of diseases.
B They are both disease causing agent.
C They both feed on blood.
D The lay eggs on stagnant water.
Associated facts and Reasoning
The two insects do not cause diseases; they simply transfer
pathogen from one victim to another. Mosquitoes feed on blood
and houseflies feed on food and left over food. Mosquito lay eggs
in water but houseflies lay eggs in faeces.

Correct answer is A
34 To which of the following phylum does spiders belong to?
A Nematode
B Arthropod
C Annelida
D Animalia
Associated facts and Reasoning
Spiders belong to the phylum Arthropod. The kingdom is
Animalia while the order is araneae and class is Arachnida.

Correct answer is B


35 At which stage(s) is a biological control must effective in the lifecycle
of a mosquito?

A 1 only
B 4 only
C 1 and 2
D 2, 3 and 4

Associated facts and Reasoning

Effective bio control methods include predatory fish which
feeds on larvae and pupa.

Correct answer is D
36 Which of the following is an example of natural immunity?
A Production of antibodies after an infection
B Antiseptic tear fluid spread after an infection
C Vaccination against polio in children
D Taking antibiotics after an infection

Associated facts and Reasoning

Natural immunity implies the body defends itself against

Correct answer is A


37 The graph below shows the birth rate of human beings every five

Which of the following could have been a factor that contributed to

the drop in the birth rate between 1980 and 1990?
A Death rate of adults increased
B Death of infant increased
C Growth rate of adult increased
D Growth rate of infants increased
Associated facts and Reasoning
The drop in the birth rate could be due to high death rate of
adults. Adults are the ones involved in child bearing.

Correct answer is A
38 Which one of the following is as a result of gene mutation?
A Down syndrome
B Sickle cell anaemia
C Klinefelters syndrome
D Turners syndrome


Associated facts and Reasoning
Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disease. The disease is caused
by a mutated version of the gene which helps to make

Correct answer is B
39 The diagram below shows part of a carbon cycle.

What do X and Y represent?

A Respiration Photosynthesis
B Photosynthesis Combustion
C Photosynthesis Respiration
D Respiration Decomposition
Associated facts and Reasoning
The product ‘Y’ is oxygen. Which means that photosynthesis
is taking place. The products at ‘X’ are carbon dioxide and
water. This could be the result of respiration.

Correct answer is


40 A Eucalyptus tree planted in Europe takes about 100 years to reach a
height of 40 meters, while the same tree planted in Zambia takes 20
years to reach the same height.

What is the most likely cause of the difference in the rate of growth?

A Genetic factors
B Mutation factors
C Environmental factors
D Evolutionary factors
Associated facts and Reasoning
The variance in the rate of growth is an environmental factor.
The two plants belong to the same species and probably the same
genetic makeup. The difference in height is due to environmental
conditions such as length of day light, temperature, soil type etc.

Correct answer is C



PAPER TWO (2) Type Questions: Section A

1 The diagram below shows the life cycle of a mosquito.

a) (i) identify two stages in the diagram which are most suitable for
eradicating malaria.
(ii) For each stage identified in (a)(i) above, state how malaria can
be eradicated.
(iii) Suggested two ways in which malaria can be controlled in the
b) What term is given to the mosquito based on its role in the
transmission of malaria?
c) (i) Define pathogen
(ii) Name the malaria causing pathogen.


Associated Facts and Answers
b) (i) Stage 1
Stage 2
(ii) Stage 1: Spraying stagnant water with Kerosene or using oil.
Stage 2: Burry shallow water ponds, break tiny bottles that
could hold water.
(iii) Way 1: use insecticide treated mosquito nets.
Way 2: Residue spray in residential houses.
b) Anopheles Mosquito
c) (i) Pathogen is any organism that causes a disease.
(ii) Plasmodium

2 The diagram below shows a pyramid of biomass

a) (i) identify trophic level B and C

(ii) State the name given to the organism that feed at trophic level C
and B.
(iii) Explain why level C s much smaller than the other levels.
b) Describe the flow of energy in the pyramid.


Associated facts and Answers

a) (i) Trophic level B: Primary Consumer.

Trophic level C: Secondary Consumer.
(ii) Trophic level B organisms: Herbivores (Note that they eat
produce which are mainly plants or green vegetation.
Trophic level C organisms: Carnivores
(iii) The lower of the trophically support the higher members in
terms of their food and energy requirements.
Producers must have a higher rate number of reproduction than
their consumers. This ensures continuity in the flow of energy
and survival of organisms in various trophic levels.
b) Producers are mainly photosynthetic organisms which mainly
refers to plants. These get their energy from the sun during the
process of photosynthesis where food such as starch is
Producers will use some of this energy for their own functions and
partly stored. The remainder is supplied to other consumers in the
food chain. The flow of energy from one level to another in the food
chain in the pyramid diminishes. It is stated that only 10% of
energy is released from one lever to the next.


3 The diagram below shows pyramids of food relationship among
organisms. Its forest and a lake.

a) (i) Identify the organisms found in the trophic level labelled A of

the forest pyramid.
(ii) What if the population of insect in the forest pyramid was
b) (i) What is the ultimate source of energy to both pyramid?
(ii) Explain the differences in energy between trophic levels as you
go up the pyramid.
c) Traces of DDT on a nearby dam were washed by rain in the lake and
were taken up by algae.
Why was there more DDT in organisms in fourth trophic level than
those in the first level?

Associated Facts and Answers.

a) (i) Plants
Reasoning: plants are recognised as producers and fall under
the base of the pyramid for most living things on Earth.


(ii) Reduction in insect population would cause shortage of food
and energy for the higher pyramid level i.e. frogs would
scramble for limited resources.
Reasoning: the lower level in the pyramid should outnumber
the higher level in order to sustain them.

b) (i) >Sun
Reasoning: Both ecosystem of the two diagram depend on
solar energy. The producers kick starts the whole process by
manufacturing food through photosynthesis and pass on to
another level in the pyramid.

(ii) The flow of energy from the producer to primary level is

inefficient where only 10% is passed on. The same applies to
secondary and tertiary level. Each level uses most of the energy
for its purpose such as respiration, excretion, metabolic
activities etc. therefor the end use of energy gets the least
portion, though adequate for utilisation.

c) The population in the higher level in most cases is less than that in
the lower level. The same amount of DDT was shared among a large
population. So each member got a little that was available.
However, the higher level (with small population) had a lot of food
from the lower level as a result each member consumed a lot of


4 The diagram below shows a food web in a given ecosystem.

a) (i) Identify any primary consumer.

(ii) Construct a food chain using three organisms from the diagram
(iii) Using the food chain in (a)(ii) above, construct a pyramid of
b) Distinguish between a food chain and a food wed.
c) Explain why organisms at the end of the food chain have least
amount of energy?

Reasoning and Answers

a) (i) A primary consumer is an organism that feeds direct from the

Answer: Rabbit or Grasshopper


(ii) Food Chain
Answer: Cabbage Rabbit Lion
(iii) Pyramid Energy

b) A food chain is a sequence flow of energy from one trophic level to

another and from producers to consumers through eating and from
being eaten. A food wed is a where many food chains exist in an
ecosystem. Food chains can be linked at different trophic levels
forming what is known as a Food web.
c) Nature has it that the population at the lower level must be higher
than that at a higher level. Transfer of an amount of energy at each
level to the higher level reduces.
Reduction is as a result of utilization of energy at each level by
organisms. Consequently, less energy is transferred to the next level
so on and so forth. The top most organisms receive the least
amount of energy. This does not mean that the top most trophic
level is starved of energy. The energy they receive meet their



1 a) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the carbon cycle.

b) discuss the effect if deforestation on carbon cycle.

Reasoning and Answers


b) Forest use most of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to produce

food and oxygen both required by animals. Deforestation will make
the carbon dioxide to accumulate in the atmosphere. Carbon
dioxide as one of the greenhouse gas is jointly responsible for global
warming and climate change.
Forest are a source of raw materials for timber, farming, boats,
firewood, charcoal etc. Deforestation affects the economy as many


industries would come to a halt. Poverty would spread together
with hunger, disease, prostitution.
Other industries that can be affected are those that deal in tannin,
resin, rubber, pulp.
Forest provide habitation for animals and micro-organisms which
are of biological importance. Deforestation disturbs natural habitat
to the point of losing wildlife as they can no longer survive under
new conditions while others will migrate to new areas. The
ecosystem is greatly affected.
Deforestation causes soil erosion, soil becomes poor and
unproductive. The effects are many and varied, they cannot all be

2 a) Explain what is meant by the term biodiversity.

b) Describe the importance of biodiversity to humans.
c) Discuss factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity.

Reasoning and Answers

a) -Biodiversity is the sum of all the variation in nature, the kind and
number of species.
- This include diversity between species and within species of the
- It refers to the variety of plants and animals in the world.
- These are the terrestrial, marine and other aqua ecosystem and
the ecological complex of which they are part.
b) Biodiversity is important to humans. Each species has a role to play
in the ecosystem (this is called a niche). No matter how small or big


it maybe. When one specie goes extinct, many other species
existence is at stake. We are not separate from nature, the
consequence for people are the same

Humans benefit in the following ways from the ecosystem:

- Stabilizes climate
- Cleans water for drinking
- From crops produce fruits, which are pollinated by insects
- Medicine resource
- Protection from soil erosion
- Firewood, timber
- Meat as a source of proteins
- Biodiversity increases our mental wellbeing.

c) Habitant destruction is responsible for loss of biodiversity. Humans

are the centre of this destruction with a small portion attribute to
natural factors. Human factors include:
- Deforestation (timber, charcoal etc.)
- Over population
- Pollution (industries)
- Land clearing for farms, settlement, road and airport
- Global warming
- Wars
- Mining
- Climate change

Animals, plants living in oceans, forest deserts have been affected by

habitant destruction.


3 a) Explain the term immunity to disease
b) Distinguish between active immunity and passive immunity, giving
one example in each case immunity, giving one example in each
c) Discuss how immunity to disease is reduced.

Reasoning and Answers

a) The term immunity implies the state of being immune especially a

condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially
through preventing development of a pathogenic micro-organism
or by contracting the effects of the products.
b) Active immunity
This is developed when body cells of an individual produce
antibodies in defence to infections or vaccine.
Active immunity last long. It does not have side effects. Its real
efficiency is felt after a long time.
A good example of active immunity comes from the mother’s milk
which is rich in antibodies which give the baby its first immunity.
Passive Immunity
This is when antibodies produced in other organisms are
introduced into an individual to counter antigens like those of a
spider bite poison.
Unlike the early immunity:
- It gives immediate relief.
- It may cause side effects
- It does not last longer than (once it gives relief its excreted)


A good example of passive immunity is the slain. It prevents
organisms from evading the body.

c) An immune deficiency disease occurs when the immune system is

not performing properly. This means an individual has a weak
immune system, thus failure to defend the body from diseases.

Factors that lower immunity includes:

- When immunity soldiers are interfered with there is a reduced

- Stress causes weak immunity. The fight against pathogen is

A weak immune system can easily sarcum to colds, viruses, often

sick and tiredness.

4 a) Describe how nitrogen is cycled within the ecosystem.

b) Describe the importance of each of the physical components of soil.

Reasoning and Answers

a) Recall that consists of processes which continually gets used up and

replenished naturally.
- Nitrogen is taken up by plants and other organisms straight as
nitrogen gas. It has to be converted into nitrogenous compounds
e.g Nitrates.
- Note that nitrogen cycle consist of two sides.
o Process that change nitrogen gas into nitrates and
o Process that changes nitrates into nitrogen.


- Three processes exist that converts nitrogen gas to nitrate. These
o Ammonification: where bacteria decomposes plants and
animal remains into ammonia and ammonium compounds.
o Nitrification: where other bacteria converts ammonium
compounds into nitrates. The bacteria involved in such
reaction are nitrobacter and nitrosomonas.
o Nitrogen filtration occurs in the soil where bacteria
converts nitrogen gas into compounds.

This process is carried out by bacteria such as Azotobacter

and clostridium.

The other bacteria Rhizobium living symbiotically with

legumes plants work together to change nitrogen gas into

- The other process that takes part in fixing nitrogen gasses into
nitrates is lightening. Nitrogen gas combine with oxygen to form
oxides of nitrogen, which combine with rain water to form nitric
acid. Nitric acid combines with metals in soil to form nitrates.
- To complete the cycle, the opposing process which converts
nitrates into nitrogen gas is known as denitrification.
- This is carried out by anaerobic bacteria known as pseudomonas


b) The physical components of soils include:
o Mineral salts
o Organic matter
- Sand and silt particles are inert. They cannot be decomposed, i.e
they don’t supply nutrients to plants.
- However their irregular shape leaves spaces between them to be
occupied by air and water. Their surface is covered by clay
particles, bacteria, humus and salts
- Clay particles are negatively charged and carry positively
charged metallic ions such as potassium, calcium and
- Clay is a viable source of these ions which are needed by plants.
Clay also help to retain water held by capillary attraction
between particles.
- Organic matter is another physical component of soil. It also
known as humus.
- Organic matter is derived from dead and decaying plants,
animals and micro-organisms. Organic matter is important in the
following ways.
o Helps to glue sand, clay together to form a crumbs i.e it
improves soil structure.
o Improves water holding capacity (water retention) since
humus absorbs water
o Improves micro-organism content in the soil as humus
attract micro-organisms.


o Improves air content as the as the soil opens up.
o Improves nutrients content as the organic matter contains
o Soil texture is improved making it easier to work on.

5 a) Explain the term population.

b) Discuss factors that cause changes in population.

Reasoning and Answers

a) Population can be defined as: individuals (organism usually)

belonging to the same species with a community.

It can be population of humans, animals or plants of the same

species living in a given area.

Note that population will include: adults, youths and babies both
male and female.

It can be pointed out that population is never evenly distributed,

depending on available economic resource. In towns where
industries are found, population is higher than in rural areas. In
rural areas also population changes from one place to the other.

b) The following factors can cause change in population size

o Birth rate
o Death rate
o Migration

Birth rate / Death rate


- Birth rate is defined as the number of birth in a total population
in one thousand.
- Death rate (mortality) is the number of deaths in a total
population in one thousand.
- When birth rate exceeds death rate, the population tends to
increase. However, if the number of death exceeds the number of
birth rate, population decreases.


- Migrations involves movement of individuals or groups from one

place to another. There are two types of migrations, namely
immigration and emigration.
- Immigration is movement of organisms into the population.
Factors that compel people into the population include:
o Job opportunities
o Amenities (e.g hospitals, schools, markets, food
o Electricity
o Water
o Good road network and other forms of transport i.e rail, air
or boats
- The above increases population.
- Emigration is the moving out of an individual or a group from a
population i.e emigrant. Factors which causes emigration
o Poverty
o Climate change e.g drought
o Disease


o Disasters (earthquakes, floods etc)
o Civil wars
o Lack of space for farming and or grazing

The above are known as push factors and tend to reduce population


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