This document contains the weekly lesson plan for a 10th grade mathematics class at Islamabad College for Boys. Over seven weeks, the plan outlines the chapters to be covered including projection of a side of a triangle, chords of a circle, tangents to a circle, chords and arcs, angle in a segment of a circle, quadratic equations, and parallelograms and triangles. Each week defines the chapter, topics, learning links and tasks which involve understanding definitions, examples, exercises and corollaries for each topic.
This document contains the weekly lesson plan for a 10th grade mathematics class at Islamabad College for Boys. Over seven weeks, the plan outlines the chapters to be covered including projection of a side of a triangle, chords of a circle, tangents to a circle, chords and arcs, angle in a segment of a circle, quadratic equations, and parallelograms and triangles. Each week defines the chapter, topics, learning links and tasks which involve understanding definitions, examples, exercises and corollaries for each topic.
This document contains the weekly lesson plan for a 10th grade mathematics class at Islamabad College for Boys. Over seven weeks, the plan outlines the chapters to be covered including projection of a side of a triangle, chords of a circle, tangents to a circle, chords and arcs, angle in a segment of a circle, quadratic equations, and parallelograms and triangles. Each week defines the chapter, topics, learning links and tasks which involve understanding definitions, examples, exercises and corollaries for each topic.
This document contains the weekly lesson plan for a 10th grade mathematics class at Islamabad College for Boys. Over seven weeks, the plan outlines the chapters to be covered including projection of a side of a triangle, chords of a circle, tangents to a circle, chords and arcs, angle in a segment of a circle, quadratic equations, and parallelograms and triangles. Each week defines the chapter, topics, learning links and tasks which involve understanding definitions, examples, exercises and corollaries for each topic.
Class X Week 1 (28-06-2020 to 03-07-2020) Mathematics
Name of Chapter Chapter No. 8 Projection of a Side of a Triangle All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples along Name of Topic with each exercise Theorem 1 , Ex 8.1, Theorem 2 , Theorem 3 , Ex 8.2 Link 1. Link 2. Task 1: Miscellaneous Exercise 8, Example 1 and 2 Week 2 (06-07-2020 to 10-07-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 9 Chords of a Circle All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples along with each exercise Name of Topic Theorem 1, Theorem 2 , Theorem 3 , Ex 9.1 Theorem 4, Theorem 5, Ex9.2 Link 1. Link 2. Task 1:- Examples and Corollaries of Chap. 9 Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Week 3 (13-07-2020 to 17-07-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 10 Tangent to a Circle All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples along with each exercise Name of Topic Theorem 1, Theorem 2 , Theorem 3 , Ex 10.1 Theorem 4(A), Ex 10.2, Theorem 4(B), Ex 10.3 Link 1. Link 2. Link 3. Task:- Examples and Corollaries of Chap. 10 Miscellaneous Exercise 10 Week 4 (20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 11 Chords and Arcs All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples along with each exercise Name of Topic Theorem 1, Theorem 2 , Theorem 3 , Theorem 4, Ex 11.1 Link 1. Link 2. Tasks :- Examples and Corollaries of Chap. 11 Miscellaneous Exercise 11 Week 5 (27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 12 Angle in a Segment of a Circle All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples along with each exercise Name of Topic Theorem 1, Theorem 2 , Theorem 3 , Theorem 4, Ex 12.1 Link 1. Link 2. circle/exercise- 12-theorem-no-1.aspx Tasks:- Examples and Corollaries of Chap. 12 Miscellaneous Exercise 12 Week 6 (03-08-2020 to 07-08-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 1 Quadratic Equations All Definitions must be well understood and solve also Examples Name of Topic along with each exercise EX.1.1, EX. 1.2 Links 1. Link 2. Tasks Examples of Ex 1.1 Proof of Quadratic formula Examples of Ex 1.2 Week 7 (10-08-2020 to 14-08-2020) Name of Chapter Chapter No. 11 Parallelograms and Triangles Name of Topic Ex. 1.3, Ex. 1.4 Link 1. Tasks Example of Ex.1.3 and Ex 1.4 Miscellaneous Exercise 1