Kinder 2 Science Module 2
Kinder 2 Science Module 2
Kinder 2 Science Module 2
Valuing this need and to fortify opportunities, Pres. Quirino Treasured Child School, Inc. gives life to
Enhanced Learning Module (ELM). This is our response to the call for quality instructional resources in varying
learning delivery modalities. It features to the non-negotiable attributes of self-learning modules, namely
interactive, self-implementing, self-instructional, and compact. Our ELMs are also complaint to the learning
timeframe recommended in the DepEd Order No. 1, s. 2021.
Moreover, the ELMs are developed based on the K to 12 curriculum guides (2016). They are also
enhanced with resources in digital forms and additional contents that further engage, support, and challenge the
learners. The learning examples and opportunities within the ELMs address the six facets of the Filipino whole
learner: healthy, safe, engaged, supported, challenged and value-oriented.
After completing the discussions, activities, and exercises in the ELMs, it is hoped that the learners
become more creative and critical thinkers, life and career-ready, healthy and holistically developed. An integral
part of our aspiration is that they become lifelong learners while the PQTCS stays true to its mission in creating
quality learning solutions.
The elements of the ELMs are consistent with those stated in the DepEd Self-Learning Modules
Framework. These are as follows:
1. Introduction – Each ELMs starts with an overview of the topic or content to be covered in the module.
2. Pre-Test – This provides test items that check the learner’s prior knowledge of the lessons.
3. Target – This presents the learning objectives that are based on the K-12 learning competencies and standards.
4. Optimize – This allows the learners to review and revisit previously learned concepts.
5. Capture – This provides the learner with activities that jumpstart the discussion.
6. Navigate – This provides clear and concise discussion of the content to sufficiently develop the intended learning
7. Enrich – Learner’s understanding of the concepts and skills are reinforced through guided and independent activities/
8. Focus – This allows the learner to summarize and synthesize key ideas presented in the lessons.
9. Apply – This engages the learner in tasks that will enable him\her to transfer the knowledge and skills learned to real
life situations, issues and problems.
10. Post-Test – This end-of-module assessment evaluates the learner’s level of mastery in achieving the learning targets.
For the learner, the following are some reminders in using this ELM:
We hope that through this ELM, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of
the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you see your eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and
skin? What do you call these body parts?
In this module, you will learn about the sense organs. As you proceed with each
lesson, you will understand and be able to appreciate them as they can help you
observe and name things around you.
How are you feeling at the moment? Before working on this module together
with your parent/guardian, make sure you are rested and have eaten your meal.
Choose a learning area in your home that is well-lighted and well-ventilated. Prepare
your pen, crayon, and notebook. An Internet connection will also help you maximize
your learning.
How much do you know about the sense organs? Look at the picture on the
left. Read the words describing an action. Tell the sense organ needed to carry
out the action. Circle this sense organ in the pictures on the right.
Look at the boy. Can you tell what he is doing in every picture?
Hunt for 3 things that you can see and touch. Draw them in your Science
Move to your living room. What things can you hear? Draw them in your
Science Notebook.
Your eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin are your SENSE ORGANS. They
can help you observe and name the things around you.
Here are the five senses of our body and its corresponding sense organs and
Your eyes are the sense organs for seeing / sight. You use your eyes to see
different things.
Now, your parent/guardian will sing the song to the tune of “My Toes, My Knees.”
Listen, then sing it with your parent/guardian.
Your eyes see different colors. Your eyes see different sizes.
Your nose is the sense organ for smelling. You can use your nose to tell different
smells or odors. Odors can be pleasant or unpleasant.
Now, your parent/guardian will sing the song to the tune of “My Toes, My Knees.”
Listen, then sing it with your parent/guardian.
My nose, my nose,
My nose can smell things
Good smell, bad smell,
Every day I smell things.
I inhale and exhale
Air with my nose
I am thankful with my very useful nose.
Your ears are the sense organ for hearing. You can use your ears to hear
different sounds and sounds can be soft or loud.
Now, your parent/guardian will sing the song to the tune of “I Have Two Hands.”
Listen, then sing it with your parent/guardian.
Here are some ways you can take care of your ears.
Wipe gently the outer part of your ears with a clean cloth.
Avoid putting sharp things into your ears.
Have a regular ear checkup.
Cover your ears when you hear loud sound.
Avoid listening to loud music.
Your tongue is the sense organ for tasting. You can use your tongue to tell the
different flavors or tastes of food. Foods can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and spicy.
Now, your parent/guardian will sing the song to the tune of “My Toes, My Knees.”
Listen, then sing it with your parent/guardian.
Here are some ways you can take care of your tongue.
Brush your tongue also when you brush your teeth.
Avoid licking or poking your tongue with sharp things.
Avoid eating very hot or very cold food quickly.
Avoid eating too much spicy food.
Your skin is the sense organ for touching. Your skin also helps you feel things.
Now, your parent/guardian will sing the song to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star.” Listen, then sing it with your parent/guardian.
My skin helps me feel when I touch all the things, I see around me.
Some are hot, some are col. Some are smooth, some are rough.
Some are soft and some are hard. I am thankful for my skin.
Your skin makes you feel different things. It is important to keep our skin
healthy. Here are some of the ways you can take care of your skin.
Take a bath every day.
Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.
Avoid touching very hot or very cold things.
Avoid poking your skin with sharp or pointed things
Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water every day.
Rub your skin gently when it is itchy.
Let a doctor check your wounds or any skin problems.
Avoid staying too long under the skin.
The Human
Let the rubric below help you assess your work as you move along.
Criteria Beginner (1-2) Capable (3-4) Expert (5)
The presentation
The presentation is The presentation is
needs to be
organized. Most well-organized. All
Presentation organized.
explanations are explanations are
Explanations are
clear. clear.
The content was
The content was The content is
completed but the
Content completed and has completed, stable,
quality needs
few flaws. balanced and clean.
Look at each picture. Then read the sentence. Fill in the blank in the sentence
with the correct sense.