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Student Book 1

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Nqomi Simmons

Goodbye. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. What's your name? My nomeS
HdIb[ p# Hetlo. ...

Starfer: Howoldareyou? I,m... Numbersl -10 Doysoftheweek colorsoffheroinbow

Reoding: o descriPlion
Llstenlng: idenliffing objecls
Speoklng: What's this? It's ...
It's a pen.
Wrltlng: counting words in o sentence, wriling
oboul my school things (Workbook)

R: o poem:"My fovorile things"

my /your L: identifring fovorite things
Is this your teddy bear? S: What3 your favorite . . .?
Yes, it is.
W: dividing sentences inlo words,
No,it isn't. wriling obout myfovorire toys (WB)

R: inslructions
orm / orms l; idenrlfuing different onimols
This is ... S: describing on onimol's feolures
These are .., W: identifoing full senlences, writing obout my
body (WB)

Inhlol sounds:
R: on outobiogrophY
She's / He\ ateacher. mnoP L: identifoing peoPle bYiheir jobs
Is she / he o teacher? Mm: morn
StIs he a doaor?
Yes, she is. Nn: nurse
W: copitol letters ond periods, wrifing obout my
No, he isn't. Oo:,orange

Iniliol sounds:
qrstu R: o puzzle fexl
Qq: queen k identifoing objects bY locotion
Where's the ball?
The pork Rr: rabbit SzWhere'sthe kite?
in/on/under W: copitol lefters of ihe slori of nomes, wriling
5s: sofa
Ttitiger oboutlhe pork (WB)

Inillol sounds:
vwxvz R: o coption sfory
Vv:.von L: dislinguishing deroils
Myfomily Possessive 3 Ww:window StWho'sthis?
Xx box W: queslion morks, writing oboul my fomily's
Yy:yo-yo things (WB)

R: o copfion sfory
This is her / hisT-shirt.
L: identifuing clothes
Are these his socks?
St What color ore these ponts?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
W: controcfions: t writing obout my fovorife
clothes (WB)

Is she in the kirchen? R: informolion on o webpoge

Yes, she is. No, she isn't. L: lisfening for locolion
Where are Dad and BillyT S: Where are the bedrooms?
Are they in the yard? W: identifoing vowels, writing obout my home
No,they aren't. (WB)

R: informolion texls
I have two sandwiches,
L: idenlifoing key words
I don't hove my lunchbox.
SzI have a banana and a pear ..,
an apple
W: using d ond dn, writing obouf my lunchbox
(an + a, e, i, o, u)

R: o descriptive letter
He / She has ...
L: idenrifoing differenf friends
He / She doesn't have ,,.
S: She has blond hair. Who is it?
It hos ...
W: controclions: 's /'ve, writing oboul my friend
It doesn't have . ..

R: o poem:"Whot om I?"
I like monkeys.
L: identifying preferences
I dont like elephants.
Sz It has four legs. It's black and orange.
They're big.
W: identifoing odjeciveq writing obout onimols
fm little.
I like (WB)

Doyou like carrots? R: informofion texts

Yes, I do. L: idenrifoing food preferences
No,I don't. StWhotdoyou like?
Whatdoyou like? W: negotive conlroctions: n'1, wrifing oboul food
I like yogurt. I like (WB)

R: o descriptive letter
L: distinguishing detoils
S: Where ore the shoes?
There are . ..
W: queslion mork ond periods,
writing oboul my bedroom (WB)

R: descriplions
He can / can't fly.
L: identifoing onimols
Can he tolk?
S: It can run.It's brown ond big,
Yes, he con.
No, he cant.
W: conlroclions: cont writing obout whot I con
do (wB)

R: o poslcord
L: disringuishing deloils
S: Let3 play ball!
W: idenliffing verbs, writing oboutthe beoch (WB)

Listen, point, ond repeqt. i'o--t .1

'. --r<

/ r \\

Listen ond sing. €,,, i,.

Listen ond reod. (i o;

My name's Rosy.

And my name'sTim.

He's Billy.

Hi, eilly. now old areyou? Coodbye!

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Ask qnd qnswer.

t.llo. what's youi namez

My name's Jon.

3 Listen qnd sing your nome. @ o*

Lef'r sing!
Hello, hello!
Helfo, hello,
How are you?
I'm ftne, thankyou.
I'm ftne, thankyou.

Hello, hello,
what's your name?
My name's
That's my name.

coodbye, goodbye,

What's your nome? Storfer 5

Listen, point, ond repeot. Listen ond check (y'). ,' '",

Look of the picture ogoin. Point, osk, ond onswer.

How old are you? l'm seven.

Listen ond poinl. Listen ond chont.

Lesson Four

ffi I@
2 Listen qnd chqnt. @ o, 3 Chqnt qnd do.

Lef's chonf!

Chonr o roinbow!
ned and yellow,
And pink and green,
Purple and orange,

I can chant a rainbow,

Chant a rainbow,
Chant a rainbow, too.

uI ,

t "r*s. I @ t pinn fiu'pb I f bl,"-l fs-.* I f-t-,'"- I
Colors Storter

One Words
Listen, point, ond repeot. @

,o 2 Listen ond chont. C'o r'

3 Listen ond reod. G) ,,
took at the train, Rosy. They're my school things.
Look, what's thisZ

It's a pen.
A train? Oh, Billy!

And what's this? Can I have my school

things, please?


OK, here you are ... Your pencil,

It's an eraser. pen, and eraser.
1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Look qnd soy.

Whot's rhis?
It's o pen.

Whot's = Whot is
Il's - It is

3 Write.

Whot's this? Whot's this? Whot's this? Whot's this?

It's o pen. on eroser. o pencil. o ruler.

+ Point, osk, ond onswer. pen pencil eroser ruler book

\ \ wtrat's this?,-/)

Whot's this? lt's o ... Unit I 9

Lesson Three Song

Listen, point, o nd repeat.@

2 Listen qnd sing. @., 3 Sing qnd do.

Lef's sing!
Open fhe book!
what's this?
what's this?
It's a book.
Open the book.
Cfose the book.

What's thisz
what's this?
It's a door ...

What's this?
What's this?
ft's o bag ...

What's this?
What's thisZ
It's a window .. .

10 Unir I Schoolthings
Lesson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ rt

Ao Bb Cc Dd

2 Listen ond chont. @ tu

rhis is an apple, a, a, apple.

rhis is a bird, b, b, bird.
rhis is a cat, c, c, cat.
rhis is a dog, d, d, dog.

Listen to the sounds qnd join lhe lelters.@',,

Whot does the dog hove?

-o b )c lb
\d ,o d
b c
+ Reqd ond circle the soun ds o, b, c, d of the sfort of the words.

The @t Iikes birds.

The dog likes opptes.
Here's the cat with the btrd.
Here's the dog with the appl,e.

lnitiolrounds Unir I
sflrb .:|: .:

1 Point to four school things. Soy the words.

2 Listen ond reod. @,"

1 2 \

My nome's Emmo. This This is my pencil cose.


is my school bog.
t t If's green. I

And this is my pencil.

This is my blue pen.

And this is my pink pen.

Look ot this! It's on eroser.

Con I see your bog?

3 Reqd ogoin. Write r' or x.

1 pencil r' 2 pen
3 book tl folder
5 door 6 eroser
Unir I Reoding: o description
:a. .. = ". ,

lerson Six

1 Listen qnd check (/) the correct picture. @ r"

A r+

2 Open your bqg. Ask ond onswer.
't, what's this? l

3 Count lhe words in eoch sentence.

This is my bog. 4
This is my pen. 2 Look ot this.

Thonk you. tl Close the door.

This is o blue folder. 6 Open the window.

Lirtening, speoking, writing Unit I

&;d ', _

l1r, Flirl l-J0t',,' orr: \'oLil jri't il l"Or'," i jl{, \ L)t1

t'm fine, thcirl<> l' :n ltnc, thrlrlis.

Wotch o nd listen. Number"

* t"." . lrl 'ts.;; 1., ,r

i l

dFF''i'- ;tltl
; 't€i *n' qdIl
ts ;*S.,-;Iiil' i*;Lcltr'*
".-# r t-;Jlg ,a'ilir
& {t ,l

.., Y c:

J'* fe r
Ask ond onswer.

lJovv ri r( \roLt ?

l'rtr finr:, Ihruihs. flotv rit-r'V')u )

t'v, f,int'. /

,,1 $
1 Wqtch the story ogoin. Act. ffi|
2 Moke q fqce mosk.

t LLrt out tha masK Lut oLtt ihe a1as. 2 D:z\'l and co\or a face.


7 ?uI on tha string 4 hlaar lour masK €;r P*

Use your mosk ond soy.

tli, 1ack. How are you? -

I'm fine, thanks. How are you?

l'm fine, thankyou.

, .aaa--;:. .-


Lessnn One lltvvo ro5

r i

i Listen, point, ond repeqt. io zt 2 Listen ond chont. (o) ,'

3 Listen ond reod. 'o ) zq

ls this your teddy bear?

rhis your doll.
And this is your ball.

Where's my No, it isn't.

teddy bear? rhis is my pencil case.


Look, Tim! Here's my teddy bear.

It's in my bag.


/'/o' 6--)
No, it isn't. lt's my bag.

16 unit 2 Toys
Lesron Two Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd sqy.

Is this your teddy Is this your teddy

beor? No, it isn'|. beor? Yes, it is.

3 Write. my your

This is Uour boll. This is bog. This is cor. This is puzzle.

Write. Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

fs this your teddy bear? fs this your teddy bear? ls this your teddy bear?

lt isn't.

my / your ls this ... ? Unir 2

Lesron Three Song

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ ,t

2 Listen qnd sing. @ ru 3 Sing ond do.

Toys, |oys. toysl

Toys, toys, toys, toys,
Toys, toys, toys!

rhis is my big, red kite,

My big, red kite,
nty big, red kite.
This is my big, red kite,
I love toys!

Toys, toys, toys, toys, ...

rhis is my big, blue bike, ...

Toys, toys, toys, toys, ...

This is my big, green train, ...

18 Unit 2 Toys
Lerson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ r,

Ee Ff Hh


2 Listen ond chqnt. @ rt

I have an egg, e, e, egg.
I have a fig,f ,f , fig.
I have a goat, g, g, goat.
I have a hat, h, h, hat.

Listen to the sounds ond join the letters.@ r,

Whot does the goot hove?

t'." g e hg e f h
\-f ff I ffi

h h f
Reod qnd circle lhe sounds e, f, g, h of the stqrt of the words.

\-\ There's an@gg with o gettow hot
l. . .' 1

t-:- ,-----f

\U i;:'; Jl;,lo';"l,i
a (( '
{- "t"
Initiol sounds Unir 2
1 Point to qn qnimql ond o toy. Soy the words.
2 Reqd qnd listen to the poem. @ to

My favorito ...
\rlhot's m1 fcvorite to1?
M1 fovorile one of oll.
ts it m1 ecoole? ls it m1 dotl?
No, it'6 m1 oronga batl.

ulhct's m1 fovorito color?

uthot do 1ou thinr?
te it lellow? ls it \{hite?
No, it'6 Iho color pinK.

$lhat's m1 fovorite animal?

Try to guo6b tho word.
ls it o wbrd? le it a cdQ
No, it'o d pretty bird.
Holl1, agv 1 .

XU \-
3 Reod ogoin ond write.
My fovorite toy is o batt
My fovorite color is
My fovorite is o bird.

Unir2 Reoding:opoem
\ ,
nrL I


2 Ask ond qnswer qbout you.
toy?, ft's a ...

your favorite color?

\What's ,,

3 Circle the words.

l Thisismyteddybeor. Thisisyourscooter.

3It'syourredbike. + It'smyyellowboll.
5It'smygome. 6 Closethedoor.

Lisfening, speoking. writing

il a I

Topic: Addition i
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ t

2 Listen ond reqd. @ tt

How many

what's five
plus three?

rive plusthree
equals eight-

3 Sqy. Mqtch the words to the oddition problems.

1 Four plus two equols six. E---.' o 3+3-6
2 Three plus three equols six. Diu\_6 9+1=10
3 Six plus three equols nine.
lt Nine plus one equols
D 4+2-6
len. 6+3=9
@[p'Whor's rhree plus four?
Whot's four plus five?
1 Listen ond write the number.@ t*
\\ \4 '1F\ \

2 Project. Moke q mqth boqrd gqme.

Drow picture oddition problems. Write oddition problems.

Soy the oddition problems. Ploy the gome with friends.

Tolk obout your project.

There are five pencils

and three balls.
I Five plus three equals

Lessol:O:": I9!:)
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. t5 2 Listen ond chont. (z', .,0
r\1 1')
\ --<1
f' . -. ,-)
--.---- sl-
/, \=/
.,2 .-.vZ__\

3 Listen ond reqd. ft) :z

o Let's put on sunscreen.

Now, flty nose.
First, my arms. rhis is my nose.

These are my arms.

That's right.

Put it on your arms, your nose, Look, Rosy!
your face, and your legs.

1 )r' '\
w/ O l-

Unit 3 My body
Lerson Two Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look ond soy.

3 Write. This is These ore

@ my foce.

@ my nose.
These are my legs. my orms. my eors.

+ Circle.

@,"n orm /orms legs / leg orms / srm

lesson Three Song
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ tt

Listen qnd sing. @ t 3 Sing ond do.

Lef's sing!

Ten fingers on my honds

ten fingers on my hands,
On my hands.

Ten fingers on my hands,

On my hands.

Two eyes, one nose,

e,ll on my face.

ren fingers on my hands,

On my hands.

Unit 3 My body
Leson Four Phonics
Listen, point, ond repeot. @ *o

ri Jj KK

2 Listen qnd chont. @ *,

took at the ink, i, i, ink.
took ot the jelly, j, j, jelly.
Look at the kite, k, k, kite.
took at the lion,l, l, lion.

Listen to the sounds qnd join lhe letters.@ *,

Whot does the lion hove?
I I ,

kj ki k

+ Reod ond circle the sounds i j, k, lot the stort of the words.
The Qion has some jel,l,g.
The [ion has some ink.
Look! Here ls o kite.
Oopsf The lion [s a mess.
lnitiolsounds Unit 3 27


1 Poinf to ports of the body. Soy the words. 2 Listen ond reod. @ *'

Ifl ,i-:-i :#
s lE
|}owz t lr,

&bs I Fold the toil.

a"b-l- f*", t'* b.d, Cut out the body. Fold the foce.
ond the legs. Then color
Now cut the foce. ,

the pows ond toil, too.


Cut out the four legs Glue the pows on the legs.
ond pows. Fold the legs. Glue the legs on the body. Look! It's o lion.

3 Reod ogoin. Number the pictures in the correct order.

-.: f:-l 1

Unit 3 Reoding: instructions

;. " l
. I art
Le'ton >rx

1 Listen qnd num6sr. if ++

2 Look ot the pictures ogoin. Ask ond onswer.

It's brown. lt has black

It's a dog.
eyebrows. What is itz

3 Circle eoch sentence. Then count.

I'm Tom. This is my poper toy.
This is my poper toy. It's o lion. Color the body.
Fold the foce ond the toil. Cut out the four legs.
Glue on the legs ond the pows.

How mqny sentences?

,vr':iril{ Unrf 3
Review I

Circle the odd-one-out. Write.

t-e€"cil l ['"lef eight

@ shoulders tl'oin I teddy beor


ra @

g "r^

1 Whot's this? tr o I'm ten.
2 Whot's your nome? D b Yes, it is.
3 How old ore you? D c lt's o teddy beor.
T Is this your pencil? D d I'm fine, thonk you.
5 How ore you? D e My nome's Alex.
Review I

Kevrew I

| 3 Write.

This is These ore your my

Reod qnd circle.

1 FCil Is ir o kite? Yes, it is.

2 Is it o rroin? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

^fit Is it o ruler? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

+O Is it o puzzleT Yes, it is. No, it isn't.


/-- \ r
.. t^tt
J ,w
-^|.I -

e6o lj t beo jgk cde
6 Reqd ond color.

My work a
In Unirs l, 2, ond 3 is
{ ms i **'i Good
OoK \.'\
.J .i

",.',".!,J '..$ O

Review I


Listen, point, qnd repeot. Listen ond chont.

\:, ) ,\,
I :'

-' ttl''' i'

Listen ond reod.

Yes, he is. And tirm is a student.

Coming ... Lool< at crandpa.

ts he a firefighter?

1:r, ilqlr ":lli:lli*l

Lesson Tho Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd soy.

Is she o teocher? Is he o teocher?

No, she isn'|. Yes, he is.

she's = she is
he's = he is
3 Write. He's She's

He's o teocher. o pilot. o student. o firefighter.

+ Soy ond qnswer.

' r She's a student ( Number 2. ,\

ls he o teocher? Yes. he is. Unit $

'g : r-1 :i 'j*',,
' . 'l1:,r,,, SOng

Listen, point, ond repeqt. @ut

Listen ond sing. @ u, i Sing qnd do.

Lef'r sing!

Two kind docfors

two kind doctors
Meet in a lane.
Hello, hello,
What's your name?

How are you?

How are you?
How areyou, again?

rwo kind police officers ...

rwo kind farmers ...

rwo kind teachers ...

two kind students ...

Lesson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @to

Mm Nn Oo

2 Listen ond chonl.@st

rhis is my mom, m, m, mom.
rhis is my nurse, n, fr,nurse.
This is my orange, o, a, orange.
rhis is my pen, p, p, pen.

Listen to the sounds ond join the letters.@ t

Whot does the nurse hove?

mm n o p o p


n n o m m p o
+ Reod ond circle the soun ds m, rr, o, p st the slort of the words.

She has cn orange and a pen.

She con eat the oronge.
She ccn wrlte with the pen.

lnitiol sounds Unir 4

\ ',/ ,I l,-

Point to the jobs. Soy the words.

Listen ond reod.

My nome's Milly. my dod. This is my mom. =

I'm seven. He's o firefighter. She's o nurse.
This is my fomily.


Th is is my grondpo. This is me with my
He 's o doctor. brother. His nome's Joe. We're o hoppy fomily.

Reod ogoin. Write Yes or No.

1 Is Dod o pilot? 2 Is Mom o nurse?
3 Is Milly seven? + Is Grondpo o former?
Listen ond number.



Point, osk, ond onswer. ls he a doctor? No, he isn't.


64- r Gr" -*-

... doctor?
... nurse? ... student?
#ffi... zookeeper? ... teacher?

Circle the copitol letters ond periods.

This is my fomily.
1 We're students. 2 He's o moilmon.
3 This is my mom. tl She's o nurse.
5 We're o hoppy fomily. 6 This is my uncle.
Wotch ond listen. Reod ond soy. p|

Nice to meetyou.
Nice to meetyou, too.

Wotch ond listen. Write. E nome Her meet N ice too

is Molly.
Hello, Molly.
to you.
Nice to meet

Look ot the people. Point ond soy.

This is Sarah.

Soroh Peter a.* /

Nice to meetyou.
Mr. Smith Miss White

1 Wotch the story ogoin. Act. [fi|
2 Moke o finger puppet.

t Color the puppet.

z hi out and fold tha puppet.

z Glue tha sido. 4 Give tha puppet a namo.

3 Gtmi Use your puppet qnd soy.

I rhis is rviaria. ) rhis is Bobby.


Helfo. trtice
to meetyou.

wice to meet
you, too.
/l iii-,
! i Fi r lren-r:ii/
/ -f : j-J: J J;J-* J:t-i


Listen, point, ond repeot. ,

Listen ond chont.

Listen ond reod.

Cood try, Tim. No, it isn't.

Look! The ball's on the slide.

Oh no! Look at the ball now.

And now it's in the goal!
Lesson Two Grommor

1 Listen lo the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd sqy.

Where's the boll? Where's the boll? Where's the boll?

It's in the gool. It's on the slide. It's under the seesow.

in on un#

under the lree. It's lhe seesow. It's the gool.

+ Point, osk, qnd qnswer.

Where'sthe I 1

N'F\ in / on / under Unit 5 +1

Lesson Three 5 ong
I Listen, point, ond repeot. @ uo

2 Listen ond sing. @ u, 3 Sing ond do.

. Lef'' tt ng!

-l) /;\
Ar rhe pork!
At the park,
It's so much fun.
For you, for me, for everyonel

elay on the seesaw,

elay in the pool.
Eat an ice cream,
ft's nice and cool.

Play with a frisbee,

elay with a ball.
elay on the slide,
It's fun for all.

Atthe park,
ft's so much fun.
For you, for me, for everyonel

t& Unir 5 The pork

Lesson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ u,

Rr Ss Tt Uu

2 Listen ond chqnt. @ u,

Where is the queen? Q, q, queen.

where is the rabbit? R, r, rabbit.
Where is the sofa? S, s, sofa.
where is the tiger? T, t, tiger.
where is the umbrella? U, u, umbrella.

Listen fo the sounds qnd join the letters.@ u*

Whol does the queen hove?

t s q t r r t
s u
t q
+ Reod ond circle the soun dt q, r, s, t, u ol the stort of the words.
r ffi/
The @ueen is on the soJa.
The queen has a rabbtt.
The tiger [s on the soJo.
The ttger has cn umbrel,l,a.
Initiolsounds Unit 5 +3

1 Whqt cqn you see in the pork? Point qnd sqy.

2 Listen, reod, ond point. @ ut

Look!This is o pork. Con you see the boys ond girls in the pork?
Where ore their toys? Con you help?
This is Toby. Her nome is Soro.
His toy is under o tree. Con you see her toy?
Whot is it? It is on the slide.
His nome is Pete. This is Anno.
His toy is in the soccer gool. Her toy is under the swing.
Con you see it? Whot is it?

Reod qgq in. Motch the children qnd toys.


f-don I kite I
I frisbee J

Unit 5 Reoding: o puzzle fext

Lesson 5ix

Listen qnd number. @ uu

2 Ask qnd onswer.

where's the girl? She's under the tree.

3 Circle the copilql letters qt lhe stqrt of the nomes.
Th is is Si m.
1 My nome's Rosy. 2 This is Billy.
3 Look ot Billy ond Rosy. 4 Good Iry, Tim.
5 Billy is two. 6 Rosy is o student.

Listening, rpeoking, writing

-.JJ I


Listen, point, ond repeot. @ u'

Listen ond
@.' $fi
It' art class. Let's make colors. -ft

This is blue paint. ',,.tt',,-

This is yellow paint. This is yellow paint.
Mix blue and yellow. Mix red and yellow. What color is it?
What color is it? lt's green It's orange.
Make light blue.
This is blue paint. Add white paint.
Now it is light blr". ,G
Let's make dark blue.
This is blue paint. Add black paint.
Now it is dark blue.
- €".*,1
Reod ogoin ond complete. yellow block white
1 blue + = green 2 blue f light blue
3red + = Or0nge + blue + dork blue

@@'iA/hot ore two things thot ore green?

Whqt qre lwo things thqt ore oronge?

Listen ond write the number.
la " i.t. ,t ,\,
Ir -

7' '+,.5-i

Project. Mix colors ond moke o roinbow.

Choose colors. Point the colors on the cord in o roinbow.

t I


-r; /

Mix the colors. Write the colors.

Tolk obout your project.

rhis is my rainbow. ,$li*

It has lots of colors.
Can you see the dark
blue and light blue?

.tr i i "J
', i
f i.l

!^ rl I i
J::J J/
J -\v--*J
*J*-. -JJ J


Listen, point, ond repeot. . , Listen ond chont. "'

Listen qnd reod. 1

Look. This is Mom's book.

And this is Billy's teddy bear.


Let's find the others. nnd this is Monn's umbrella.


But where are thev? ice cream for you!


I don't know. Ah, thankyou!

Lesson Two Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin ond repeot. Act.

2 Look ond soy.

[Mom | \

fr Grondmo

Grondpo ---z G,
Possessive i Unit 6
Lerson Three 5on9

1 Listen, point, ond repeol. @rt

2 Listen ond sing. @n 3 Sing ond do.

Lef'r ring!


In my lomily
tn my family,
tn my family,
Lots of fove,
For you and for me.

Mom and dad,

and brothers,
Grandma and grandpa,
Cousins and others.

tn my family,
tn my family,
Lots of love,
For you and for me.

Unit 6 My fcrnily
lesron Four Phonics
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ rt

Vv Ww Xx Zz

2 Listen qnd chont. @ ru

Here is a van, v, v, van.

Here is a window, w,w, window.
Here is a box, x, x, box.
Here is a yo-yo, y,y, yo-yo.
Here is a zebra, z, z, zebra.

3 Listen to the sounds qnd join the letters.@ r,

Whot is in lhe von?

w g z w x z
x v xz w w
g v w gv U x
4 Reqd qnd circle the soun ds v w x, y, z.
Look out oJ the @tndow.
What con gou see?
I can see a zebra [n a vcn.
And a go-go on a box.

Initiol sounds Unir 6 51

\,f l I f [-"
J J,*JJJJ j i*rJ'ri I

Point qnd soy the fomily words. Listen ond reod. @ '.

Hi. I'm Beth. I'm ot the pork with my fomily.

+ My mom throws o boll.

'- No, Grondpo's hot is
It's windy todoy. Oh no! Grondpo's hot is

Where's Grondpo's hot? in the tree! still in the tree.

-" 5

My dod jumps. No, My brother gets g:


Grondpo's hot is f;i on Dod's shoulders. I Yes, he con! Here's Grondpo

still in the tree. Con he get the hot? with his hot. He's hoppy now.

Reod ogoin. Write f (true) or F (folse).

1 The fomily is ot the pork. 2 The hot is in the gool.
3 It is Beth's hot. tt Beth's grondpo is hoppy now.
Listen ond number the correct picture. .

Point, osk, ond onswer. who's this? It's Beth's dad.

Vx \p
\ AV^
.^6 d\

Circle the question morks qnd underline the sentences.

Whot's your nome? My nome's Beth.
1 How old ore you? I'm seven. 2 Who's this? It's Beth's ount.

3 How ore you? I'm fine. tl Whqt's this? It's o bird.

5 Where's the kite? It's in the tree. 6 Where's Beth? She's ot )

the pork.
Review 2

Circle the odd-on e-out. Write.

'@ tl*sel @ (ro're. goal,

2 t-'*i"tl tzookeeper
,oot.eepel [Ceso* I Frid"-l
3 t-"""1 I t u"clel (-b.frh*-l t *hite-l
{ (mo'l Gfirefighter moilmon fejlot

s FEbc-] ( ormbonds (-pool


2 Number the picture.

tr -sis+er
tr dod
tr grondmo
tr grondpo
tr ount
@ uncle

a brother

tr cousin
tr mom
1 Is Rosie o teocher? o It's in lhe gool.
2 Nice to meet you. b Yes, he is.
3 Where's Tim? c No, she isn't.

$ Where's lhe boll? d He's ot school.

5 Is he o former? e Nice to meet you, too.
Review 2
+ Write. He's She's

1 He's o doctor. o nurse. o firefighter. + o student.

5 Look ot the picture ogoin ond write.

1 Where's the boll? Itt in the toy box.
2 Where's the doll? It',s the toy box.
3 Where's the ruler? Il',s the bog.
{ Where's the teddy beor? It's the bog.


6b s wsz tlo


7 Reod ond color.

My work in Unifs {, 5, ond 6 is

OoK OOGood OOOExcerfent

Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @
2 Listen qnd chont. @
3 Listen ond reqd. @ r,

Uelp! rhe clothes. ls this eif ly's t-shirtZ

Look, this is Rosy's dress.

/ .a'"*
Are these her socks?

Yes, they are.

Are these his pants? No, they aren't his pants.

They're my shorts!

Unit 7 My clothes
lerson Two Grommqr
1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Look ond soy.

This is These ore Are lhese her socks? Are these his
her dress. his shorts. Yes, they ore. ponts?
No, they oren't.

3 Write. his her

These ore her socks. This is T-shirt. This is dress.

Point, osk, qnd qnswer. Are these her pants?

--\ ... her pants?

his shorts? )
= \--..

---it Are these his / her socks? Yes, they are. Unit 7
Lerson Three 5on9

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @tt

2 Listen qnd sing. @"* 3 Sing ond do.

Lef's sing!
Every doyt
Every day,
t put on my shoes,
t put on my shoes,
rvery day.

Every day,
t put on my shoes,
I put on my coat,
Every day.

Every day,
I put on my shoes,
t put on my coat,
t put on my hat,
tvery day.

coodbye, Mom!

58 Unit 7 My clothes
Lesson Four Phonics

1 Listen ond point. Listen qnd sing. @"t

I know my ABCs, please sing alang with me ...

I know my ABCI, please sing along with me.

Write the letters.

3 Look ot the pictures. Write the letters.

t 1- k c r s hlmvzu

The olphobef Unit 7

1 Point to the clothes. Soy the words. 2 Listen ond reod. @tu

l'l t I fike these pants, Mom.

Look at these panR, Max.

oh Max.They're orange.
And this coat. They're nice.
All your pants are orange.

Max, try on this blueT-shirt and

these green pants. glue and
green are nice cofors, too.

3 Reod ogoin. Circle the wrong word qnd write the correct word.
1 Mox is oOirl.)':t


2 All Mox's sweoters ore oronge. -boa

3 Mox's fqvorite color is green.
Unir 7 Reoding: o coption rtory
1 Listen qnd number.@ ",

rl- rr I t_l

2 Look ot fhe pictures ogoin. Point, osk, qnd onswer.

What color are these pants? They're pink.

/-- ------
What coloris this coat?

3 Circle 3 ond mqlch.

Where's = Where is It',s = It is
Whot's = Whot is He's = He is

r WhorQthis? o Where is my trocksuit?

2 Where's my trocksuit? n b She is eight.

3 It's under the seesow. D c He is my brother.

It She's eight. D d Whot is fhis?

5 He's my brother. D e It is under the seesow.

Which letter is missing? E=

Lirtening, speoking, writing Unit 7
Everydoy Englirh
1 Wotch ond listen. Reod ond soy. @|

i*, i

2 Wotch ond listen. Number ffi| o

Look ot the pork objects. Ask ond onswer.

Can I go on the seesaw, please?

W,ffi €:

'. r'
,\1i 6
Look, t'm on the slide!
1 !1.
That's good.

62 \,
1 Wqtch the story qgoin. Act. ffi|
2 Moke q pork poster.
-*e* '
) ,

, Tl
..!:.: ,


6o\or iha
z Color and cuI oui tha


z G\uY tha picturob on tho postar.

Draw lourso\f and flnish the postar.

Tolk obout your poster. Ask ond qnswer.

rhis is my park.
Look, I'm on the swingl

That's good. Can l go

on the slide, please?

Yes, OK. ee careful

of the ball.

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ ro 2 Listen ond chqnt. @ r,

3 Lisfen qnd reod. @ r,

tookt t have a certificate.

'11 '

very good, Rosy.

Co and show your family.

Are Dad and eilly

in the living room?
coodjob, Rosy.

Thank you!
No, they aren't.

Unit 8 My house
lerson Two Grommor
1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Look ond sqy.


Where's Grondmo? Is she in Where ore Dod Are they in the

She's in the the kitchen? ond Billy? living room?
dining room. No, she isn't. They're in the No, they oren't.
dining room, too.

3 Write. Is Are

ls Billy in the Mom ond Dod

bedroom? in the yord?
Yes, he is. No, they oren't.

Rosy's ount ond Rosy in the

uncle in the dining room? bothroom?
tlt Yes, they ore. No, she isn't.

+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Point, qslq ond qnswer.

\ \-Where are Rosy's aunt and uncle? I Thev're in the dinina room. \

Are they in the living room? Unir 8

Lesson Three 5ong

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @rt

Listen qnd sing. @w 3 Sing qnd do.

Let's sing! lF \^
Come info my house
come into my house.
what can you see?
U pstairs and dow nsta irs,
come, follow me.

Go through the door.

Co upstairs.
What's in my bedroom?
rour teddy bears.
Go through the door.
Go downstairs.
what's in the dining room?
Table and chairs.

come into my house ...

66 Unit 8 My house
Leson Four Phonics
Lislen, point, qnd repeot. @ rt


2 Listen ond chont. @ru

@i rley's shoe s are red,

Her T-shirt is blue.
She has a toy sheep,
And a toy fish, too.
the sheep is white,
rhe fish is blue.
Shirley wants to play,
with me and with you.

3 Reod the chqnt ogoin. Circle lhe sh sounds.

+ Look qt the picture ond circle the correct sound.

h s sh h s

sh h s h s

-sh Digrophs sh Unir 8 6'

1 Point to the rooms. Soy lhe words. 2 Listen qnd reod. @ r,

Andy's My friends

Here is the dining room.

Mg nome's Andg. It is tittle but the toble is There ore three bedrooms.
This is o photo of mg big. The kitchen is next The big bedroom is for
fomil.g in our oportment. door. It is geltow ond white mU mom ond dod.
We ore in the living room.
And this is the
bolcong. Look, Con gou see mU
sister in o photo?
uou con see mu
fovorite tree.

This is mg bedroom. Next
door is mg sister's bedroom. W
3 Reod ogoin ond write.
bedroom .op€rtrrrtrl living room dining room

1 There ore photos of Andy's oportment . 2 The sofo is in the

3 is little. { One is big.

Unir 8 Reoding: o description

1 Listen qnd number.@ ,"

2 Look qt the picture ogoin. Ask ond qnswer.

living room bothrooms dining room bedrooms kitchen

Where are the bedrooms? They're upstairs.

where's the kitchen?

3 Soy the vowel letters. Circle the vowels in fhe words.

oetou r rr$s $s m y hOO'6.
1 Th is is o f ront door. 2 She's in the kitchen.
3 Where's Grondmo? It Good job, Rosy.

5 Here ore two 6 The bothroom is

bedrooms. upstoirs.
Listening, speoking, writing
Topic: tobs
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ ,,

2 Listen ond reod. @ rco ...+

JockWollis is o firefighter.This is his uniform.

helmet is yellow ond red.

Jock works ot the fire stotion. The
firefighters ore upstoirs. The fire
truck is downstoirs. The firefighters go
down the pole so they con be fost.
This is Jock's fire truck.Ir's red ond
white. It's very big ond very fost.
A lodder is on the truck. Jock goes
up the lodder to fight fire. Jock's
4 uniform helps keep him
sofe from the fire.

3 Reodln-ilmf.ffi&EP.
Jock's uniform is dork blue ond is yellow ond red.
Yellqw. is on the fire truck.
The fire truck is

+ @@'Whot color ore your clofhes?

Listen ond write the number.

Project. Moke o pop-up book.

'"., .

::-i.i$i1 \

Fold ond cut the cord. Find pictures or drow. Cut ond glue.

rr$. I
^, r.

s ,. e.,l
.' o

S.a $
Drow ond write. Glue the poges together.

Tolk obout your project.

This is a nurse's uniform. iG

B5: Ar.

Her top is blue. ner pants .!f.;

are blue.
;; tlf rl i
r.# tf
Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @',o, 2 Listen qnd chont. @,ot

#ffinffiO &@
I r----l ,

3 Listen ond reqd. @rct

o @ I have Nvo sandwiches and

It's lunchtime. ;>
two drinks. Here you are.

oh nol t don't have my lunchbox. rhank you, Tim.

l have an apple. Look! Now I have ten sandwiches and six

nnd t have a banana. Choose one. drinks. Please have some of my luncht

I ff'l f',,1

thanks. the apple, please.

Unir 9 My lunchbox
1 Listen to the story ogoin ond repeot. Act.
2 Look qnd sqy.

I hove two I don't hove my

sondwiches. lunchbox.

3 Write. I hove I don't hqve


I don't have o drink.

o lunchbox.

o sondwich.

o bonono. two drinks. on opple.

t+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Soy ond onswer.

o sondwich on oronge o drink o lunchbox on opple q bonono

"' - | have two drink.

I hove / I don't hove ... Unir 9 73

Lesson Three Song

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @,0'

Listen qnd sing. @rco 3 Sing ond do.

Lef's sing!
Open my funchbox!
open my lunchbox.
What can you see?
I have a sandwich,
You can share with me.

I have a tomato.
N I have a pear.
And I have some grapes,
t'm happy to share.

Unir 9 My lunchbox
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ rct


2 Listen qnd chqnt. @',oa

My nam.', 6hJo rlie.

rh is is my teacher.
she's on a chair.
She has a little chick.
Chirp, chirp, chirp, soys the ch ick.
chirp, chirp, chirp, says the chick.
My teacher's on a chair.
She has a f ittfe chick.

3 Reod the chont qgqin. Circle the ch sounds.

h c 'frf
+ Look qt the picture ond circle the correct sound.

c k ch

ch c h s c ch
Digrophs ch Unir 9 75
dl i *i I i * q;-J :

J-i*)::; : i-J--::

Point to the food. Soy the words.

Listen ond reod.

ln my lunchbox l have a cheese sandwich

and a banana. I have an oranae.
--l I don't have a cookie. l don't have a drink today. l

r lunchbox t have a cheese and tomato sandwich.

I don't have a banana, but t have an apple.
t have a drink todav. l-'

.:F ,rF I have a pear and a cool<ie in my lunchbox.

have Eruo egg sandwiches. My drink is water.
t don't have an apple today.


Reod ogoin. Wrile A, B, or C.

r ;a *;- 'i

n, {*,

Her lunchbox is Her lunchbox is His lunchbox is

1 Listen qnd check (r').@ no

# qt
,.,' ,;,1r4 ;-* '.

d 6 w
'l r' r' r'

2 Look qt the pictures ogoin. Ask qnd onswer.

o sondwich on egg on opple o peor
o drink on oronge eight gropes three cherries

I have an egg. I have a pear. What color is my lunchbox? i

3 Write a or qn.
qn + o, €, i, o, u This is on orqnge. This is o peor.

1 This is a cookie. 2 I hove opple.

3 I hove umbrello. { This is hot.

5 It',s sondwich. 6 I don't hqve egg.

Listening, speoking. writing

Review 3

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. _--_:

t Ljo.kt_J lshorts I (=F|msl-| | coot I

2 fntur""ppt"-l
pineopple f"p*til"tl
oportment f;r*s" I t t"r"t"-l
3 Frc-r door I Fi-J-rj
front door r""r I [b"droor
living room bedroom I tl"ddt-l

2 Write. Where's Where ore He's She's They're

Where's Billy ?

He's in the bedroom.

Mom ond Dod?

in the kitchen.

Rosy's ount ond uncle?

in lhe dining room.

in the dining room, too.

3 Look qnd write. seesqw -ffi cqreful slide

I go on the _ , please?

Look, I'm on
of the frisbee.
Review 3

4 Write. His Her

1 Her socks ore white.

2 shorts ore oronge.
3 T-shirt is green ond oronge.
+ socks ore blue.
5 ponfs ore green.

5 Write lhe letters.





ch sh



ch sh

Reod qnd color.

l{ly work in Units 7, 8, ond 9 ir

OoK OOGood OOOExcenenr

Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ r',, 2 Listen ond chont. @',,2

3 Listen ond reod. @ ut

t have a new friend. Yes. And she has blue eyes.

Look, this is Alice with her teddy bear.

My new friend is ndam.

He has curly hair, too.
But he doesn't have blue eyes.

Look over there. lt's Adam. Are you friends?

we're brother and sister.


we're cousins.
He's with Alice.
And now we're all friends.

Unir lO My friends
Lerson Two Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd soy.

He hos shorl hoir. She hos blue eyes. It hos block eyes.
He doesn't hove She doesn't hove It doesn't hove
stroight hoir. brown eyes. long hoir.

3 Write. hos doesn't hove

He has blond hoir. She stroight hoir.

It blue eyes. He curly hoir.

l+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Soy ond qnswer.

-\ - She has straight hair.

He / 1he / lt hos / It doesn't have ... Unit lO

Lesson Three 5ong

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @r''*

Listen qnd sing. @ u' 3 Sing ond do.

Lef's sing!

h's o squore!
It has four sides.
They're all the same.
It has four sides.
They're all the same.
It's a squarel

It doesn't have sides.

It's smooth and round ... I
It's a circlel

It has three sides.

Just one, two, three ...
It's a trianglel

82 Unir lO Shoper
lerson Four Phonics
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ rru


2 Listen qnd chont. @r'

saby@.o'r in the bath,

One, two, three.
saby Theo counts his teeth,
One, two, three.

3 Reod the chqnf ogoin. Circle the fh sounds.

+ Look qf fhe picture ond circle the correct sound.

hth t th

th tr ssh
Digrophs th Unir lO
1 How mony friends cqn you see? Point ond sqy.
2 Listen ond reod. @ rra

Dear bdh,

is o photo qf me with m1 four friends.
\rle are o! 4 roundabout of tha p4rK,_All
m1 friends a?c qrvdI.
6mil1 is m1 bost friend.6ha has brown
hair. lt's long and cqrly. ()tarlie is Emily's
little brothvr.Ae)e five. He's verl short and
hs hog short, blacK hair.
teabel is a qood friand, too. 6ho's tall and
rhe hos long,- blond hqir. Her elee arv bluv.
Donq i$ my couain. He's in tho photo.-too. Ha's tatl and hehae brown hoir
and brown 9.1r'4. hn yo.u tee him? Ha has a blus shirt.
l'm in tha Bholg, tqo. lhave vary long...atroight hair and brown u1w. cr,nlou
soe mQ
Do 1ou have a photo of pu ond lour friands? Tlease write soon,


3 Reqd ogoin. Write the nomes.



Unit lO Reoding: o descriplive letfer

1 Listen ond number. @ nt

2 Look qt the picture ogoin. Ask qnd qnswer.

she has blond hair. who is it? It's number 1.

3 Circle n'f qnd mqfch.

I hove blue eyes. = I d@hove blue eyes.
She hos block hoir. - She Ooe@hove block hoir.
1 She hos brown eyes. D o I don't hove two sisters.

2 It hos block eyebrows. D b She doesn't hove brown eyes.

3 I hove two sisters. D c He doesn't hove o toy troin.

t[ troin d It doesn't hove block eyebrows.
He hos o toy D
Which tetter is missing? E =r |
Iistening, speoking. writing
Everyday English
1 Wotch ond listen. Reqd ond sqy. [f[| @',,0

Sorry l'm late.

take off your hat, please.
Yes, Mrs. Smith.

2 Wqtch ond listen. Write. [ffl @',2', pfeose on W Sorry toke off

Oh, I hove my hat !

____, Mom!

Look qt the clothes. Ask ond onswer.
Hurry up, please.
Put on your hat.


8# ro'i" oll yiur hart.
1 Wotch the story ogoin. Act. ffi|
2 Mqke o clothes cube.


2 \tlrita tha words: sweater, hat, coaf.
t Lo\or in tha c\oihos Picturas
;i*1i::i::!ii o

--t E-

7 LuI oui 'fha cubo thaoo 4 Fo\d and g\ue ths c\o'ihae cubo'


Cet dressed. Hurrv

up, please.


Put on your coat,

please.lt's cold.

Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @",22 2 Listen ond chont. @ ,r'

-A =_E
----.' -E ?is* -r
w! @

flI @


3 Listen ond reod. @ n+

o The zoo. Great! t like animals. took at the giraffes.

Look atthe elephants, Billy.

oh no! | don't like elephants. Ahh! | don't like giraffes.

They're bigl They're tallt

eilly, you like animals. I like monkeys! | like monkeys!

Butyou don't like elephants. They're little and t'm little, too.
And you don't like giraffes.

Yes. They're funny and

Look over therel you're funny, too!

Unit ll The zoo / odjectives

Lerson Two Grommor

1 Listen to the story ogoin ond repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd soy.

They're big.
I'm little.

Write. like don't like

tike lions. elephonts.

+ Soy ond qnswer.

fe monkeys.

big little toll block brown yellow white

\ rtrey'rebig.')

I like / don't like ... Unit ll

Lerson Three 5on9

1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ns

2 Listen qnd sing. @ ''zo 3 Sing ond do.

Let's sing!
Lef's go to fhe zoo!
Hear the tigers growl, growl,
Growl, growl, growl, growl.
Hear the tigers growl, growl.
Hip, hip, hip hooray!

Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

what aboutyou, you, you? /
You can come too, too, too.
Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Hear the snakes hiss, hiss, ...

Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo ...

Hear the parrots squawk, squawk, ...

Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo ... \

q0 Unir ll The zoo

Lerson Four Phonics

1 Lislen, point, ond repeot. @ nt

2 Listen ond chqnt. @na

rhe c@t nas a hat.

the cat has a hat.
a, a, a, a, a.
the man has a f an.
The man has a f an.
a, a, a, a, a.

3 Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the a in the middle of the words.

+ Write.


CVC words o Unir ll

1 Look qt the pictures. Tqlk qbout the qnimols.
2 Reod qnd listen to the poem. @

3 Reqd ogoin. Write f (true) or F (folse).

1 The onimol is toll. T 2 The onimol hos two honds.
3 The onimol is block ond white. + The onimol hos two eors.
Unir ll Reoding: o poem
1 Listen qnd number. @",to

2 Look qt the pictures ogoin. Ask qnd onswer.

snoke polor beor elephont monkey lion seol

It's gray. ft has big ears. What is it?

odjectives = describing words

3 Circle the odjectives.

It', o@snoke. It', o@monkey.-
1 It's o white polor beor. 2lt's o green snoke.
3 This is o brown monkey. + They're toll giroffes.
5It's on orctnge ond block tiger. 6lt's o blue porrot.
Listening, speoking. writing
--lr-1-1\-r JJ\-,U j JJJJ*J

Topic, Animofs
1 Listen, point, ond repeot.

W *

2 Listen ond reod. 'o, i;:

3 Reqd ogqin ond complete.

This lrttle animal is Yellow

It doesn't have six legs. This animal has iwo
and black. lt has six legs'
It's an insect. All insects
It has four. lt's big and it wings lt isn't big. lt has
has short fur on its body, feathers on its body
have six legs. lt has two
and long fur on its mane. It has two legs and two
eyes, and it has two
It's a lion. eyes. lt's yellow, white,
wings. lt's a honeY bee.
and black. lt's a bird.

,+ q@'Whot ore two onimqls thot hove fur?

Whot ore three onimols thot hove wings?

Listen ond check (y) the things you heor.
'r' s q .ffr i}.",{}l@;"
"1 P i,t-t€'*'*
2 Projecf. Moke onimol cords.


I -,f"\ Vgli
\ {r1
Cut out five cords. Choose five onimols.

*"-ft /,

Drow or glue the pictures of Write.

onimols onto the cords. ;'4,]..a*t:... . -

Tolk obout your project.


This is a bear. lt has brown /aF G

fur. tt has four legs and {
{il- }
two eyes. t like bears.
I t,

Lerson One Words

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @",'* 2 Listen qnd chont. @ ''tt

9@&R ffi€
3 Listen qnd reod. @ no

Rice, meat, and carrots for what do you like, aillyz

Bif fy. Do you like carrots, Billy? Do you like yogurt?

Yes, I dol

OK. First your carrots

No, I don't. No carrots for mel and then a yogurt.


Cood boy.
Here's your yogurt.

Mmm. l like yogurt.


Unir | 2 Food
lesson Two Grommor
1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Look ond soy.


Do you like yogurt? Do you like corrots? Whot do you like?

Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like yogurt.

don't = do nof

3 Write. Yes, I do. No, I don'i.

Do you like yogurt? Do you like breod? Do you like fish? Do you like corrots?
Yes. I do.

+ Point, qsk, qnd onswer.

meot rice ice creom yogurt breod tomotoes

ii iii tnii iian-'

Yes, I do.
'Qo t'::g

Do you like corrots? Yes, I do. Unir | 2
Lesson Three Song
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @,t,

\ tr+:l/
| 1::: :;l


I -.r:i I I

i;gE&l /
l.J---:J L.J:J

2 Listen ond sing. @'," 3 Sing qnd do.

Lef's sing!
Drink your milk!
Eatyour eggs and drinkyour milk,
orinkyour milk,
Drankyour milk.
Eatyour eggs and drinkyour milk.
Don't be late for schoof t

Eat your bread and drink your iuice, ...

Here's your water, here's your bag, ...

Unir | 2 Drinks
1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @',2,

2 Listen qnd chont. @uo

t@n has a pen,

Pen, pen, pen.
Ken's pen is red,
Red, red, red.
Where's Ken's pen?
Pen, pen, pen.
ft's on Ken's bed,
Bed, bed, bed.

3 Reod the chont ogoin. Circle the e in fhe middle of the words.
l+ Mqtch the words thot rhyme.

CVC words e Unir | 2 qq
1 Whqt food do you like? Point qnd soy. 2 Listen ond reqd. (c; r';r

I'm hungry. Let's look ot the menu. I like meot ond rice.
I like corrots, too. I don't like fish or eggs. I like ice creom.
I like opple juice, but I don't like milk. Whot do you like, Emmo?

I like ice creom, too. And I like fish ond eggs. I like
rice, but I don't like corrots. I like bononos, but I don't
like gropes. I like milk, but I don't like opple juice.

3 Reod ogoin. Whot do Solly ond Emmo like? Write r' or x.

ffi -Z

\ r{tW! "/
-I N*
'r --if*


Unir l2 Reoding: informotion text5

1 Listen qnd drqw O or @. @',*z
1 3

U % 6:)

a Gli-..,


\_/ o
2 Look ql the menu on pqge 100. Ask qnd qnswer.
'':-- whot do you likez

3 Circle n'f qnd mqtch.

isn't = is not don't = do nof oren't = ore not
1 I don't like teo. D o They ore not my shofis.
2 It isn't o bonono. u b I do not like teo.
3 They oren't my shorts. D c She is not my sister.

T She isn't my sister. D d It is not o bonono.

Whot letter is missing? @ = h -_- t

Listening. rpeoking, writing

Review T

1 Circle the odd-one-ouf. Wrife.

-F.^ mo"ne
t mone ll diomond

[rjr"f6=l rectongle t-t""i I [rjj*-l

tu'|k--l [*"tt--l hot chocolote [Cothe'-]
monkey polor beor
( snok€--l [y"s"tt
2 Write. It hqs It doesn't hove

This onimol is toll. f t has o long neck.

four legs. big eors.

This onimol is big.

fur. fingers.

This onimol is little.

four wings. two wings.

This onimol is longJ'

legs. two eyes.

3 Look ond write. Toke Htarrrf Put OK

Hurr\ up, please. off your

on your coat. shoes, please.
Review I
Look qt the pictures. Reod ond circle.

d @

,@t don't like juice and r like I don'tlike fish.
t fike I don't like yogurt.

t like I don'tlikeyogurt and t like I don't like fish.

t like I don't like juice.

5 Look qf the pictures qnd write.

'vq '/ o e
s n. 6E bed

6 Reod qnd color.

My work in Unirs lO, ll, ond l2 is

OoK OOGood OOOExcerfenr
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ ''rt 2 Listen qnd chqnt. @,*,

3 Listen ond reod. @',*t

Look, there's a doll on the rug. Look, Grandma.

There are bools under the bed.

Sorry. I can clean up.

cood girf , Rosy.

Good job.

Now the apaftment is clean. Do you like my hat?

No, it isn't, crandma.

Look in the kitchen.

Unit l3 My bedroom
1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.
2 Look qnd soy.

There qre three books

under the bed.

There's There ore

There's o blonket. three pillows. o cobinet.

two rugs. o shelf.

+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Point, osl$ ond onswer.

There's / There ore ... Unir | 3 qw

0z-Lt rraqunN El rlun
iuaaynol 'uaalJltl1-
'ut pb etoLu oMr
v, idPu ,,'aloulJ olw'eJoLu gMI,,
's(os euo anil eril puv
ihuarrg 'uaeJautN 'peq aLfl w aNatn eto aJaL4I
"' 'paq aql u! uaalqAo etl aJaqr
iuaalt46p 'uaaluetas 'ut pA aJouJ oML
"' 'peq ab\ u! uaalxts aJ9 eJeL4I
,,' atolf,) otw' a,tol.t) gMI,,
iuaalx$'uaa{l 's(os auo atnil aql puv
"' 'paq aqf u! uaaynoJ aJv eJaqr 'paq aLfl w ual aJ9 eJeql
Peg eql u! uel e.rD oreql
l6urs r,lel
'op puD 6u!S g m @ '6uts puo ualstl
OZ bL 8L LL 9L
9L hL gL ZLL L
en@ 'loedal puo'1u;od' ua+srl
6uo5 eerql uorraf
Lesron Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @',ra

2 Lislen ond chqnt. @',*t

A bfu, big pin

And a big, bis fis.
Keep the biq pin.
cive the fig to a pig.

3 Reqd the chqnt ogoin. Circle the i in the middle of the words.
f+ Listen to the sounds qnd join the letters. @''to
Whot does the pig hove?

I ieee I I

e e e e f
CVC words i Unir | 3 107
Whqt's in the bedroom? Point ond soy. 2 Listen ond reod. @ rsr

Deor Junior Mogozine,
This is o picture of my bedroom.
There is o bed in my bedroom.
There ore lots of soccer bolls on my
blonket ond pillow. There is o book shelf.
I hove twelve books on my shelf.
Four books ore obout soccer.
My clothes ore in my cobinet.
My lovorite clothes ore my red shorts ond
red T-shirt for soccer.
I hove lots of toys ond o big toy box.
There is o blue rug next to my bed.
There ore soccer bolls on my rug, too!
I like my bedroom ond
I like soccer!
From Jomie (oge Z)

Write to JUNIOR MAGAZINE, New York, New York U.S.A.

3 Reqd qgqin. Write f (true) or F (fqlse).

1 There ore photos on his blonket. 2 Jomie hos twenty books.
3 He hos lots of toys. + Jomie hos two cobinets.
5 There ore soccer bolls on the rug. 6 He likes his bedroom.
Unit l3 Reoding: o descriptive leffer
lerson Six

1 Listen ond write A or B.@','z

r@ 2D 3D ,+! sD 6D

2 Look qt the pictures ogoin. Ask qnd qnswer.

shoes teddy beor book T-shirt boll bog books
where are the shoes? I rhey're on the rug. ,(

3 Reqd the questions qnd qnswers. Write E ot E

Where's my pillow @ It's on your cobinet Fl

Is it on my cobinet E Yes, it is

1 There is q blqnket on my bed ! 2 Where's the pillow !

3 Is it in the kitchen ! $ Whot's in my bedroom [-_l

5 There qre lots of toys f] 6 His nome's Jomie f]

Listening, rpeoking. writing Unir I 3
. \

Everydoy Engfish
1 Wotch qnd listen. Reod ond sqy. [f[| @w

Would you like salad?

Yes, please. Mmm, this is yummy.
cood. t'm happy you like it.

2 Wqtch ond listen. Number. ffi[| @',r*

Look of the food words. Ask ond onswer.

o sondwich o cookie rice juice teo

Would you like a sandwich?

Would you like juice?

No, thank.
r worchthestoryogoin.Acr. [[| f
2 Moke o plote of food.

I have meat,
carrots, and

z G\ue some of tha food itoms onto the p\ahe. 4 Ta\\ lour partnar about lour p\ate.

3 !f,!!@| Fill your food plote. Ask ond onswer.

would you like tomatoes?

No, thanks.

Would you like pizza?

Yes, please. l like pizza.

Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, ond repeot @rs 2 Listen ond chqnf. @','u

#h. --F w tt?

-1&-- f &
3 Listen qnd reod. @,',

Look at my toy. Look, tim. Action Boy can fly.

His name's Action Boy.

"? Look, Rosy. Action Boy can walk. f+ How old are you, Action BoyT
He can run and he can fly.

You are smart, He can't tafk, Rosy!

Action Boy! He's a toy.

Unir I tl Verbs
1 Listen to the story ogoin ond repeot. Act.
2 Look ond soy.

Con he ploy soccer? Con he tolk?

Yes, he con. No, he cqn't.

3 Write. con con't

This doll can't tolk.

She wolk. swim.

+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Point, qsk, qnd qnswer.

\ \____
can she tafk? )

He con / con't fly. Can he tolk? Unit I T l.$ :ti:
Lesson Three 5ong

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @',t"

Listen qnd sing. @,ta 3 Sing ond do.

Lef's sing!
I con do onyfhing!
I can write my alphabet,
nty alphabet, my alPhabet.
I can write my alPhabet
From A to Z.

I can do anything, anything, anything,

I can do anything, if t trY.

I can draw an elephant, ...

With two big ears.
Dq> I can do anything, ...

I can sing this song to yot't, .

And make you smile.

4, I can do anything, ...

4 )


1il+ Unit l$ Verbs

Lerson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @',oo

2 Listen ond chqnt. @',o,

Look at the f@x.

Hop over the pot.
Look at the f ox.
Hop into the box.

3 Reod the chqnt ogoin. Circle the o in the middle of the words.
+ Motch the words thqt rhyme.

CVC words o Unir ltl

1 Whqt onimqls con you see? Whqt color ore they?
2 Listen ond reod. @ ruz

Beoufifu Animols
This is o very big cot.
It hos oronge ond block stripes.
It con swim.
It con jrtp.
And it con run very fost.

This onimol likes meot.

You con see it ot fhe zoo.
Whof ir ir?

This is o bird.
It is blue, green, red, ond yellow.
It con fly ond it con sing.
It con't reod or write.
But it con tolkl
This onimol likes fruit ond nuts.
It con be o pet in o house.
Whor is ir?

3 Reqd ogo:n qnd check (Y).

tiqer porrot tiger porrot
1 It con fly. r' T It con tolk.
2 It con swim. 5 lt's o bird.
3 It's o big cot. 6 It con sing.
Unir l|| Reoding:descriptions
1 Listen ond number. @',as

2 Look ot the pictures ogoin. Soy ond onswer.

It has four legs. lt can run. lt's brown and big.

;;;, ;
3 Circle n'f ond motch.

cqn't = coohol

1 It con'treod. D o Aclion Boy connot tolk.

2 A seql con't fly. D b It connot reod.

3 Action Boy con'r tolk. tr c I connot swim.

4 I con't swim. n d A seol connot fly.

Whot letter is missing? @ =h t

Listening, speoking. writing
Topic: Vofconc*s
T Listen, point, ond repeot.

Listen ond reod.

j-"f f ):J/)r sl lrrl
/u \--*J f\
J) J-)
Volcqnoes ore very
Volconoes con tu ":;:&rr u,
big ond very toll.
erupf. The lqvo
There is o hole in
comes out ond
the volcono. There
goes down the
is lovo inside lhe
volcono. It is
hole. It is red qnd
beouliful, but
yellow, qnd it is
very dongerous.
very, very hol!

This is the biggest

, There ore olso
volcono in lhe
volconoes under the
4*\ . world. It's in Hqwoii,
oceon. They erupf
2fr ond its nome is oll fhe time, but we
ii Mouno Loq. Some
lr con't see them!
volconoes don't

erupt, but Mouno

Loo erupts o lof.
Reod ogoin. Circle f (true) or F (folse).
1 Mouno Loo is o little volcono. T F

2 It is hot inside the volcono. T F

3 Volconoes con't erupt. T F

+ Lovo is red ond yellow. T F

+ @[[l'Are there volconoes in your country?

1 Listen ond write the number. . ,


2 Project. Moke o volcono.


Put o gloss in o poil. Add sond or Put boking sodo into the gloss.
mud ond turn the poil over.

Add dishwoshing liquid ond Add vinegor. See your volcono erupt!
food color.

3 Tqlk obout your project.

rhis is my volcano.
The volcano can erupt.
{ r--t
The lava is red.

't i-
Lesson One Words
1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @ rct 2 Listen ond chqnt. @ rca


3L isten qnd reod. @ rat
o Come on.
Let's play ball, Grandmal

Let's make a sandcastlet

Catch, Grandma!

That's a good idea. wait, aillyt

It's OK. Let's make another

sandcastle togetherl took at our sandcastle now!

Unit l5 The beoch

Lerson Two Grommsr

1 Listen to the story ogoin qnd repeot. Act.

2 Look qnd sqy.

Let's mqke o sqndcostle. Let's ploy boll.

Thot's o good ideo. Greot. OK!

3 Circle qnd write.

Let's moke o sandcastte ndcostld ice creom crob

Let's swim in the house living room oceon

Let'srind o yogurt shells ploy

Let's ploy beoch boll hot

+ Look qt the pictures ogoin. Point ond sqy.

Let's make a sandcastle. i

[et's + verb Unit | 5 l=t
Lesson Three 5on9

1 Listen, point, ond repeot. @,ro

2 Listen qnd sing. @ ''r, 3 Sing ond do.

h's o wonderlul doyl

Hey, heyl
It's a wondefful day.
We are going to the beach today.

Don' t forget your sunscreen,

Don'tforgetyour hat.
Don't forget your frisbee,
or your ball and bat.

Hey, heyt
It's a wonderful day ...

Have some ice cream,

Have a drink.
Have an ice pop,
Yellow or pink.

Hey, heyl
It's a wonderful day ...

x.^ \Y<_

Unir l5 The beoch

1 Listen, point, qnd repeot. @ rn

2 Listen qnd chqnt. @vt

I'm on the ,@g,

Rug, rug, rug.
Look at the bug,
Bug, bug, bug.
Here is the sun,
n, su n, su n.
Let's go and have fun,
Fun, fun, fun.

3 Reqd the chqnt ogoin. Circle rhe u in the middle of the words.
+ Listen to the sounds qnd join the letters. @.,n
Whot does the fox hove?


I u I o I o u o /
g/r{- o

.t .a o o u o u

o o o
I u I u I o u
CVC words u Unit | 5
1 Whql con you see in the picture? Point qnd sqy. 2 Listen qnd reod. @ vs



Ai bon,
I om on vacalion here v,rith m1 eister, mom, and dad.
'flne beach B
grea|. tt is long and sand1. I hcve d nehr
pail and shovsl, 50 \,{e an md1e errndcaslles.lherv are
ohells dnA qabt on the bvach, ioo. I havo a bat ond 9on dones
ball too, so \^re con plol ganrob together.
lne ocean is blue and clean hara. uls con s\Nim in tho lb ?arY Avanue
ocoan and go in o booi. I lire boato, 5o l'm haPPY

about thoi. Naw YorK 6it'{, NY

Our hotol ie raolll nice. I can boo ilhe ocean from m1
bedroom. fnere is o ewimming pool aIilhv hotol.
I con swim hore,Iool,

3 Reqd ogoin. Circle the correct word.

I Robbie is on vocotion with his brofher l@. 2 The oceon is green / blue.
3 Robbie con / con'f see the oceon from his + There ore crqbs / frisbees on
bedroom. the beoch.
5 Robbie likes troins / boots.
Unir l5 Reoding: o posfcord
List en ond write A or B.@"t u

r@ 2D 3! '+D sD 6D

2 Look ot the pictures ogoin. Point qnd soy.

ploy with o bot ond boll find crobs ond shells moke o sondcostle
ploy soccer ploy frisbee put on sunscreen

Let's play soccer. Great. OK!

verbs - doing words

3 Circle lhe verbs.

Let's@ir. Let's@in o boot.

1 Let's swim. 2 Let's wolk.

3 Let's ploy boll. tl Let's find shells.

5 Let's put on sunscreen. 6 Let's moke o sondcostle.

Listening, speoking, writing

Review 5

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write.

2 t-c.b -l
t-shE-l @ shett

sondcostle ft"l.*"-l t-p'r l

3 fToto I thirteen twenty lffiG.-.l
I f-n the oceon Fo*"-l
2 Write f (true) or F (fqlse).
1 There ore two beds. T
2 There's o kite under o bed.
3 There ore books on the cobinel.
T There ore ponts on the rug.-
5 There's o ruler on the shelf.

cqn cqn't

con flv. wolk.

climb. swlm.

+ Look qnd write. pleose D6 thonks wont

neally? Do you
hot chocolate?
Review 5

5 Motch.
'#$"ffi Let'smoke sunscreen.

Let's put on crobs.

'@"ffile'ssoin o boot.

Let's find o sondcostle.

6 Circle the vowel.



o e i o@ oei ou o e io u oerou oeiou

7 Look ot the pictures ogoin qnd write.
TJ e i o u
8 Reod ond color.

My work in Unitr | 3, | {, ond | 5 is

@oK OOGood OOOExcerrenr

trousers/Oleksiy Maksymenko), 77 (apple/Ingram), 95 animal cards (tiger/
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Main character illustrattonsby:Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltas pp.z,4,8,9
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122 ltop\,726,727 ltop\i Dusan Pavlic (Beehive lllustration) pp.36, 37, 38, 62,
86; Lisa Smith (Sylvie Poggio Artists) pp.44, 45, 60; Jo Taylor (Sylvie Poggio
Artists) song illustrations pp.5, 7 (middle), 10, 18 (boftom), 26,34, 42,50, s8,
66, 74, 82, 90, 98, 106, 114.
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The publkher would like to thankthe follovtingfor their permission to reproduce
photographs and other coryight material: /Jalny'. pp.13 (bookcase/Giovanni
Guarino Stock), 21 (elephant puzzle/Judith Couins), 37 (hreman/Paul Doyle),
37 (postman/Alex Segre), 47 (paint and brush/Robert Neumann), 68 (dining
room/Paul Carstairs), 68 (parents' bedroom/colinspics), 70 (fireman going
down pole/Forget Patrick/sagaphoto.com), (fire truck/Photicon), (fireman/
Photostock-Israel), (fire pole/Sheryl Savas), (fireman up a ladder/Susan
Isakson), 77 (carton of pineapple juice/whiteboxmedia limited), 84 (kids on
roundabout/MBI), 86 (Caucasian girfMyrleen Pearson), 94 (feather/George
H.H. Huey), 94 (bee/David Cole), 110 (girl in pink t-shirt/Cultura Creative),
116 (tiger/blickwinkel), (macawplasPix), 118 (volcano hole/aerialarchives.
com), 1 19 (erupting volcano/Douglas Peebles Photography); Corbis p.1 01
(steak/Envision); Fotolia pp.77 (pear/Alexstar), (roll/dhostock), 100 (fried
eggs/IJAVA); cetty pp.22 (school boy/Getty Images),46 (boys painting/Image
Source), 68 (family in living roorn/Clerkenwell), 68 (balcony/Nicho Sodling),
71 (fireman in helmet/Siri Stafford), 94 (eagle/John B R Davies), 108 (boy w.ith
football/Stock4B), 1 18 (underwater volcano/Bob Halstead), 1 19 (underwater
volcano/Bob Halstead), (aerial view/photo by Farley Baricuatro); iStock pp.70
(fire engine/GaryTalton), 77 ($apes/creacart), (cherries on stalks/dionisvero),
86 (boy with black curly hair/Lifesizelmages), 100 (carrotsfielinda), (steak/
joecicak), (bowl ofgrapesfiomboy2290), 101 (sandwich/robynmac), (baguette/
thumb); Oxford Universiry Press pp.21 (teddy bear/Jon Helgason), 37 (nurse/
Flying Colours Ltd), (schoolgirl/India picture), (doctor/lvhite), 61 (pink

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