Key Performance Indicators (Kpi) For The Medical Officer (Reg/Con) (Name DR B Suresh Babu) of PHC Parumanchala For The Month of
Key Performance Indicators (Kpi) For The Medical Officer (Reg/Con) (Name DR B Suresh Babu) of PHC Parumanchala For The Month of
Key Performance Indicators (Kpi) For The Medical Officer (Reg/Con) (Name DR B Suresh Babu) of PHC Parumanchala For The Month of
District: Kurnool
Weightage% KPI Value Monthly Target
S.No Performance Area KPI Construction of KPI weightage based on
@ $ @
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I Curative Work (15)
Total no. of OPD cases attended by MO in a month 1864/30=73
1 OPD Services Average number of OPD cases attended by MO per day No. of Working days in a month. 5
No. of High Risk pregnancies identified & tracked & Birth planning 6/8*100=75
done--9- X 100
5 High Risk Pregnancies 5
Total No. of ANCs registered during the month
No. of Mother & Child issued NTR Baby Kit--0-- -- X 100 9/9*100=100
10 NTR Baby Kit Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month 2.5
No. of Mother & Child transported through Talli Bidda Express 8/9*100=88
11 Talli Bidda Express --0-- -- X 100 2.5
Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month
No. of sterilizations conducted by the MO during the month 3/10*100=30
Family Welfare Percentage of target sterilizations conducted by the MO during
12 --- X 100 No. of sterilizations targeted for the month(10) 2
Services the month
Total No. of ANCs provided second dose of TT during the month--27-- 70/76*100=92
Percentage of target ANCs administered second dose of TT
13 -- X 100 Total No. of ANCs targetedfor second dose TT during the 5
during the month
Immunization No. of <1 yr infants fully immunized 65/70*100=92
Services (no, of cases given measles vaccine as per schedule)
14 Percentage of target infants fully immunized during the month --47---- X 100 5
No. of eligible infants to be immunized duting the month
Malaria Slide Positivity No. of blood samples +ve for Malaria for the month 2/600*100=0.3
15 --0--- X 100 Total No. of blood samples collected 2.5
24 4 4
HMIS Uploading of HMIS Data Completion of uploading of HMIS data on 1st of the month
25 4
HDS Conducting of monthly HDS meetings Review of ATR on previous month minutes.
If there are 2 MOs in a PHC, the targets are shared equally among the MOs. In case of one MO PHC, PHC target is MO target.
Verification signature by the DMHO with date Verification signature of Director of Health with date
* It is specific to each Medical officer. $ : is to be filled in by the Medical Officer @: will be revised