Overhauling Report Unit#2 2020 Final
Overhauling Report Unit#2 2020 Final
Overhauling Report Unit#2 2020 Final
Prepared By:
Rakesh Kumar Meena
Sr. Manager(Operation)
Sr No Details Page
1 Major Activities/Milestones Timelines 3
2 (A) Recommissioning Team 4
3 (B) Documentation Work 5
4 (C) Achievements/Accomplishments 6-7
5 (D) Learnings 8-9
6 (E) Surprises/Problems 10
7 (F) Pending jobs of O/H 11
8 (G) Details of Major Jobs Undertaken 12
(G.A.) Boiler 13-17
(G.B.) Offsite 18
(G.C.) Turbine 19-23
(G.D.) Generator & Electrical System 24-25
(G.E.) C&I 26
9 (H) Annexure- Protocols 27
(H.A.) Boiler
(H.B.) Offsite NA *
(H.C.) Turbine
(H.D.) Generator & Electrical System
(H.E.) C&I NA *
*Note: Offsite, C&I and other protocols in multiple volumes are available
separately for reference at AGM(O) office, and being voluminous data, have not
been included in this report.
To complete all the activities timely with efficiency and efficacy, in line with overall
schedule and system requirement, Re-commissioning team was constituted under guidance of
Sh. Charanjeet Singh, AGM (Operation). Operation General team and running shifts
supported in enabling activities as and when required.
As a team, each one contributed in all activities with focus on specific sections.
Crucial help was provided by Sh Manish Mohan (Operation-G) in enabling activities
and in Hydrogen/Co2 Purge out/Purge in activities.
Helping hand was always there from shift operation people for odd hour activities.
1) O/H General PTW register – maintained system wise separately for SG/TG/Electrical
System/Hot WP/Confine Space Permit/Work at Height Permit.
2) Safety register maintained and kept in CCR for overhauling related safety issues. Any
deviations or concerns were recorded in this register and were communicated to
concerned departments. This was open to all plant executives to record their concerns.
3) Job safety analysis (JSA)- JSA forms filled before issuing PTW to concerned
department and safety analysis (Confined space/ Work at Height/ Hot work/ Electrical
SWGR room/ Switch Yard) done before carrying out maintenance job
4) Overhauling Learning Register- Learning/Observation register was kept in CCR for
recording learning’s during overhauling. This will act as stimulus for system
improvement and database for next overhauling’s.
5) Overhauling Communication Register – maintained for each communication and
acknowledgement of the communication. These written communications help a lot in
avoiding any confusion.
6) Protocols – Prepared in the spiral book form and jointly signed with respective
departments for all inspections and testing carried out – ducts, SG side coolers hydro,
SG equipment’s lube oil tanks inspection, condenser inspection, MOT inspection and
Boiler drum inspection etc.
7) Valve and Dampers Checklist – Prepared in the book form with the separate list for
hydro related valves. Clearance for valve and dampers by the concerned department
recorded with name and sign in clearance register.
8) Equipment Clearance List – Prepared in the spiral book form with all department
entries with name and sign of the person giving clearance recorded in clearance
9) Equipment Checklist – It is also prepared in the spiral book form and maintained for
recording decoupled and coupled trial run data of the equipment.
10) Protection, Interlock of Boiler, Turbine, all equipment’s, electrical supply system,
LVS alarm testing was exhaustively done.
1) BCW-A IR value was running Low; BCW-A motor was replaced in OH.
2) UES dead bus charging from remote was not available earlier. Subsequently logic
modification was done by EMD and operation checked successfully.
3) DG-4 was not coming in Auto on UES-2 under voltage, Problem resolved by EMD,
DG-4 Auto ON operation checked.
4) DG-2 Capacity test was done simulating actual Unit Emergency Bus failure and load
test to the extent possible.
5) 220 V DCDB Incomer and bus coupler Open and Charger-1/2 Fail alarm provided by
EMD to identify any supply failure in DCDB.
6) 3.3 kV UAA/UAB dead bus signal was not available so bus coupler auto closing in
case of any section tripping was not possible earlier, Problem attended by EMD
7) TDBFP-A and B turbine solo actual over speed test completed successfully.
8) Passing of CW inlet and outlet valves was arrested after CW duct was isolated and
drained by closing CW interconnection valve of unit-2.
9) Condenser Flood Test was done for Tube leakage identification and Condenser
External as well as Vacuum Connected Equipment’s. Multiple leakages were
identified in external system which were subsequently attended by concerned
department leading to desired results.
10) There was acute problem of AC JOP not developing pressure and taking high current
at barring speed, the problem was overlooked in OH and this issue aroused again
when TG was taken on barring after OH as AC JOP was tripped on overload.
Subsequently PTW was issued on AC JOP and Pump was replaced by TMD and
problem resolved.
14) Gate and Damper Erection work done at ID Fan Outlet Duct for FGD
15) All mill HAG’s/HAD’s and CAG’s/CAD’s re-commissioning to ensure its smooth
operation from full open to full close position. Seal replacement was undertaken by
BMD and jointly checked with EEMG. Passing in full close position was attended in
all the gates and dampers.
16) SADC including BOFA Dampers recommissioning to achieve desired wind box
pressure at full load as well as partial load operation. Fine tuning is still in progress in
view of combustion modification jointly by C&I and OES.
17) Joint Inspection/checking of all ducts, dampers and gates in FG and air circuit during
overhauling was done. No Major abnormalities except a few were observed in
Gates/Dampers during stabilization period.
18) ERV’s recommissioned and operation checking done.
19) Mill Inerting valves from Aux PRDS to each mill servicing done and made operative.
20) APH Fire water valves were serviced by BMD in view of multiple problems faced
earlier. All valves were extensively checked.
21) MS Line drain valves MS-401/402 manual valve approach was not proper, Line
rerouting done and approach provided by BMD.
22) PAPH-A/B Support bearing oil level indicator was not having proper approach
which was resolved by BMD.
23) Exhaustive Protection/Interlock checking was done in co-ordination with C&I/EMD.
Multiple exceptions/defects were identified and subsequently rectified by concerned
D1. General
1) Planned OH PTW schedule may be prepared and kept ready beforehand to save time.
MTP to plan schedule in line with overall planning in consultation with concerned
2) Recommissioning team to be constituted at least 10 days prior to start of O/H so that
they can identify defects and plan for PTW schedule in consultation with MTP and
concerned departments, and get the pre overhauling activities completed.
3) Pre OH internal training may be organized for operation and maintenance engineers
for use of PTW system, Job Specific JSA, clearance booklets and various enabling
documentation in proper way.
4) Sufficient time to be ensured for recommissioning activities and P&I checking.
1) Essential Boards for O/H works like Boiler ACDB, Welding DB and Lighting DB
PM/Overhauling jobs to be completed in Pre-Overhauling works. MTP to plan
schedule accordingly.
2) TVDC/BVDC Ptw to be issued in initial stages after stoppage of systems in TG/SG as
valves operation availability is required in later stages of OH.
3) Necessary lighting and common supply looping to be provide by EMD and to be
ensured by operation before giving PTW on particular board so as to avoid supply
4) 3.3 kV and 11 kV BUS equipments cabinet may be locked with shutter locks
for facilitating BUS overhauling while individual equipments are under permit.
D3. TG
1) ACW system charging should be ensured before Boiler Hydro test as without ACW
system it is very hard to control MDBFP bearing temperatures at such high Pressure.
2) MDBFP/TDBFP’s water charging to be done with minimum deaerator level as in case
of Main suction valve leakage, Deaerator need to be drained fully.
3) During Refilling MOT from COT, sufficient level to be maintained in MOT (+700
mm) as during cooler charging and lube oil flushing MOT level drops very fast
leading to Fire protection activation.
4) There was delay in FCNRV operation and FB checking due to approach problem,
Approach can be made available in Pre OH activities.
D4. SG
1) During PTW preparation for APH/Ducts for BMD-Rotary parts works, All
Dampers/Gates need to be isolated in open condition.
2) Mills HAG/CAG need to be ensured mechanically locked before issuing PTW as they
get closed on instrument air isolation.
3) Low Point Drain Header Filling line isolating valve Ptw to be taken separately/issued
by BMD/Operation. Such valves which are connected to existing Units/Station
Systems to be identified, tagged and communicated to respective departments before
4) Burner Tilt Locking may be done before initiation of activities by other departments.
(Mill Maintenance, C&I).
5) Hydro ejector system can be used for removing ash form duct as the existing manual
removal of dry ash is time consuming and hazardous for environment.
D5. Offsite
1) Condenser Water Box & CW Duct draining and subsequent works of TMD were
delayed/affected as Interconnection-2 valve was passing. Interconnection valves
should be checked and defects to be attended on opportunity before overhauling.
1) DRV-51 (Deaerator O/F) was passing leading to rise in Hot Well Tank Level.
Attended by TMD.
2) CDV-27 and CDV-36 valve sheet found damaged, it was causing deaerator overflow
during unit light up and shutdown.
3) Foreign Material and metallic grill found in Hotwell during inspection, which was
removed by TMD.
4) 2/7 Extraction valves (QCNRV) LPH-2&3 were observed to be inoperative during
checking. Problem still pending.
5) Vacuum Pump-B Impeller found damaged. Attended by TMD.
6) TG AC JOP Pump found damaged which was replaced by TMD.
7) UES Dead Bus charging from remote, permissive was not available, Logic
modification done be EMD. Problem resolved.
8) DG-4 was not coming in AUTO in UES Sec-2 under voltage. It was observed that
cable laying was not done for this. Attended by EMD.
9) 220 V DCDB was showing voltage even after isolating Bus coupler and incomer. It
was found that DCDB was back charging from DC Fuse board of ESP and 12.5 Meter
through LT Switchgear DC bus TIE.
10) It was found that there is only one 220V DC supply source from DCDB Sec-1 for 27
meter BMCC switchgear. Alternate source from DCDB Sec-2 is not available,
informed to EMD, matter is under deliberation with EMD for providing alternate
11) Erection time Scaffolding material and cemented boulders found in NDCT-2 RO side
primary duct, Scaffolding material removed by OFS.
12) There is no individual valve in D/A drain line to UFT except a common drain valve to
UFT and LPFT which is not as per design. Need to be taken up on opportunity basis.
1) While checking turbine ATT, only RTS ATT was done, Valves ATT could not be
completed due to time constraint.
2) IP shaft temperature was not available which is to be taken up in Capital OH.
3) TG lube oil temp not increasing beyond 51 deg C. Valve servicing and operation was
checked but the problem still persisting.
4) SGECW tank make up valve servicing was done but passing problem still persisting.
5) RHS Divisional vent valves are manual which are to be made motorized as it is risky
to manually operate them during Boiler light as the valves are near high pressure
steam drain pot. Work could not be taken up in OH.
6) RC Feeder inlet gate have no proper approach; Work was scheduled but couldn’t be
7) MILL- A to J Pyrite Hopper front door and manhole are in damaged condition, Work
couldn’t be taken up in OH.
8) Minor FATT Defects observed in Final FATT were not rectified due to time
constraint and subsequent BLU.
9) During Air Load Test of ESP Pass A/B/C/D, sparking was observed in many field
beyond voltage build up at 600 mA. To be taken up by BMD/EMD on opportunity.
10) BIG Operation through switch could not be undertaken by C&I during O/H. To be
taken up by C&I on opportunity.
11) DG Incomer current/Power is not available in CCR.
12) It was found that there is only one 220V DC supply source from DCDB Sec-1 for 27
meter BMCC switchgear, matter is under deliberation with EMD for providing
alternate source.
13) Additional valve can be provided in Deaerator drain line to UFT as there is no
provision to drain deaerator to Hotwell only bypassing UFT.
14) SAPH-A SCAPH Bypass damper gear box broken, Problem couldn’t be taken up due
to time constraint.
15) PAPH-A and B Air O/L damper gear box broken, Problem couldn’t be taken up due
to time constraint.
Sr No Details Page
1 Boiler Hydro Test 13
2 SADC, Burner Tilt & Combustion Modification 14
3 Boiler Expansions 14
4 Ducts & Dampers 15
5 FATT 15
6 BCW Cavity Flushing 16
7 Mills, Feeders, Bunkers 16
8 Safety Valve , ERV 16
9 Air Preheaters 17
10 Fan’s (ID/FD/PA/SA) 17
G.B. Offsite
1 CW System 18
2 Fire Sprinkler/Mulsifier System 18
1 SG/TG ECW System 19
2 ACW System/SCS 19
3 Main Turbine Lube Oil System 19
4 HP/LP Bypass System 20
5 Condenser Water Box 20
6 Vacuum Pumps 20
7 Condenser Flood Test 20-21
8 TG Side Oil System Coolers 21
9 Governing Characteristics 21
10 APRDS 21
11 TDBFP/Feed water System/Deaerator 22
12 Testing of Safety & Protective Devices (KWU Turbine) 22-23
Boiler hydro test 1st attempt carried out on 04.12.2020. Safety valves were gagged at 120 ksc
and thereafter Boiler drum pressure was raised to 220 ksc. and Then pressure was held for 05
minutes and depressurized to 120 ksc for checking drop rate and further to 80 ksc for internal
inspection. Internal and external inspection was done jointly with concerned departments.
3. Rise in MDBFP Thrust Bearing temp in alarm range (>100 deg C) was observed.
Final hydro test carried out on 09.12.2020. Safety valves were gagged at 120 ksc and
thereafter Boiler drum pressure was raised to 220 ksc. Then pressure was held for 5 minutes
and depressurized to 120 ksc for checking drop rate and further to 80 ksc for internal
6. Drop rate was observed to be 0.4 ksc/min which was within range.
8. Few external exceptions as detailed in Protocols were jointly observed and were
subsequently rectified by BMD/C&I.
9. Rise in MDBFP Thrust Bearing temp in alarm range (>100 deg C) was observed in
first hydro test attempt at test Pressure beyond 195 ksc. ACW system was not available
for secondary cooling.
G.A.2. SADC, BURNER TILT & DeNOx Modification Work:
DeNOx modification work as a part of Combustion modification was carried out during
overhauling in lieu of new environment norms and related compliances. Apart from complete
package supervision by BMD/C&I, following activities were undertaken jointly with
BMD/C&I or BMD/BHEL as detailed in protocols.
1. Burners tilt operation checking was done for freeness checking (Vertical from -28 to + 28
degree) with chain pulley block and in linked condition for remote operation through power
2. Changes as per drawings were done by OEM in burners under combustion modification
work. Visual inspection was done.
3. SADC mechanical freeness was checked with BMD. Blanking/Locking of existing air path
as per drawings was done by OEM under modification work. Visual inspection was done.
Finally, remote operation checking was done with C&I/BMD.
4. BOFA Burner Tilt was manually checked for freeness (Vertical from -30 to + 30 degree,
Horizontal from -20 to + 20 degree). Remote operation through power cylinder (Vertical)
also checked and found satisfactory.
5. BOFA dampers mechanical freeness as well as remote operation was checked with
C&I/BMD. Exceptions in terms of full closure were observed which were subsequently
attended by OEM.
7. Overall, positive results have been observed till now with few exceptions.
Boiler expansion indicators were provided by BMD as detailed in Protocol. Zero markings
were checked and actual readings were recorded after Boiler Light up and further activities.
1) Gate and Damper Erection work done at ID Fan Outlet Duct for FGD
2) All ducts were jointly inspected with BMD/EEMG/Chemistry. All major
exceptions/observations were attended by BMD.
3) All Gates and dampers (Fans/Mills/Feeders/Air Preheaters/ESP) were checked for full
open and full close operation. Defects in operation were subsequently attended by
BMD/C&I except SAPH-A SCAPH Bypass damper and PAPH-A and B Air O/L
4) Burner Isolating Gates (BIG) operation is still not available to Operation
5) Few exceptions in Mills Gates/Dampers as detailed in Protocols are listed for follow
up action on opportunity.
6) Mill-J HAG Top seal air leakage observed in ATT which was attended.
7) Corrosion observed on Ducts at multiple locations. Leakages were identified and
8) Beam and Bracings in FG duct were found eroded which were subsequently replaced
by BMD.
9) SAPH-A SCAPH Bypass damper gear box broken, Problem couldn’t be taken up due
to time constraint.
10) PAPH-A and B Air O/L damper gear box broken, Problem couldn’t be taken up due
to time constraint.
FATT was conducted on 12/12/2020. All the leakage points were jointly checked and
defect list provided to the concerned departments. Major leakages rectification was attempted
by BMD. Exceptions as detailed in Protocols are listed for follow up action on opportunity.
FATT is to be reattempted on opportunity.
1. BCW-A Motor IR valve was running low. Motor was replaced in presence of OEM
representative by EMD.
2. BCW pumps A/B/C cavity purging and filling done with DM water.
3. IR Values were observed after fill/purge activity as, BCW-A: 83.4 G Ohm, BCW-B: 13.7
G Ohm, BCW-C: 18.7 G Ohm.
1. Bunker Inspection was not carried out as Bunkers could not be emptied prior to O/H. Unit
was under Reserve S/D prior to O/H.
2. All mill Inerting manual valves servicing done, jamming cleared by BMD and operation
5. All Mills Lube oil tanks cleaning done by BMD, Inspection done with Chemistry.
1. Drum safety valves- Trevi setting of all the six safety valves done and actual floating of
one safety valve (SV-2) done.
2. Super heater safety valves- Trevi setting of both safety valves done and actual floating of
one safety valve (SV-7) done.
3. CRH / HRH safety valves- Trevi setting of all the four safety valves done.
1. All 04 APH oil carry over probe provided jointly checked and major defects attended.
3. All APH guide and support bearing lube oil tanks cleaned and inspected with BMD.
4. All APH coolers hydro test was done and jointly checked with BMD and FQA.
5. All APH soot blower inspection and operation jointly checked with BMD/C&I/EEMG.
Soot Blower system timers were introduced by C&I.
6. APH Fire water valves were serviced by BMD in view of multiple problems faced earlier.
All valves were extensively checked.
1. All fans (FD/ID/PA) lube oil tanks were cleaned and inspected with BMD/FQA.
2. All fans (FD/ID/PA) lube oil coolers were cleaned by BMD and inspected.
3. All fans (FD/ID/PA) cooler hydro test was done and jointly checked with BMD and
4. PA Fan-A Blade pitch assembly found damaged which was replaced by BMD.
5. FD/PA Blade Pitch Operation and inspection was done.
6. All Fans Motor servicing/overhauling was done by EMD.
7. Exceptions as observed during No Load/Load Trials were rectified by concerned
8. Seal Air Fan Dynavane Filter was inspected after cleaning by BMD.
9. AC Scanner Air Fan was having vibrations in critical range, which were arrested and
came in alert range. AC Scanner Air fan taken in service after clearance from BMD.
10. Seal Air Fan-B discharge damper was getting closed while fan was in service, Solenoid
port servicing done by C&I. Issue resolved.
3. NDCT-2 Basin and associated systems were cleaned by MM-Offsite. Joint inspection done
with EEMG/Chemistry/TMD.
4. Erection time Scaffolding material and cemented boulders found in NDCT-2 RO side
primary duct, Scaffolding material removed by OFS.
5. NDCT-2 modification work done by Gammon India to improve efficiency. Bottom area
between fins and CT wall was covered by sheets restricting the air getting bypassed through
this area.
1. GT, UT, UATs, DG -2/4, ST-2, MOT and Seal oil system Mulsifier systems were checked.
Mulsifier system was actually operated by breaking the quartz bulb using fire.
2. Choked nozzles were cleaned and any other defects were attended jointly by MM-Offsite
and C&I.
3. Detailed protocols are attached. Defects of Gong bells were also attended by MM-Offsite
in post overhauling period.
1. Both SGECW and TGECW tank cleaned and joint inspection done with TMD and
3. TG/SG PHE Overhauling done by TMD and pre/post Joint inspection was done.
4. SGECW Tank make up valve passing is still persisting even after valve servicing.
1. All ACW pumps discharge NRV, suction and discharge valves servicing done by TMD.
1. MOT inspection done jointly with Chemistry, TMD before and after cleaning.
2. Lube oil flushing was done in two phases. In first phase bearings 5 and 6 pedestal
flushing was done and rest bearing pedestals were bypassed. After that Seal Oil system
was charged. In second phase oil passed through bearings/pedestal by placing line filters.
After getting clearance from chemistry department, flushing stopped.
3. There was acute problem of AC JOP not developing pressure and taking high current at
barring speed, the problem was overlooked in OH and this issue aroused again when TG
was taken on barring after OH as AC JOP was tripped on overload. Subsequently PTW
was issued on AC JOP and Pump was replaced by TMD and problem resolved.
4. Main Turbine lube oil cooler was not getting bypassed as there was passing suspected
through lube oil temp control valve, valve servicing and limit setting done by TMD/C&I.
But still the problem is persisting, to be taken up on opportunity basis.
5. MOT Coolers cleaning done by TMD.
1. Both HP and LP bypass tank cleaning done and jointly checked with TMD and Chemistry.
2. Governing characteristics of HPBP, LPBP and its spray system checked with C&I,
protocol attached.
1. Condenser CW inlet/outlet valves (Left and Right) pre and post inspection was done with
TMD/EEMG. Seals of both inlet/outlet valves replaced by TMD.
2. Condenser Tubes Bullet cleaning was done, Tubes cleaning Joint inspection done with
3. Joint inspection of outlet pipe screen and ball collecting line in outlet CW pipe done with
1. Vacuum Pump-B Impellers was observed to be damaged, which was attended by TMD.
1. Condenser flood test for tube leakage identification was carried out on 30.12.2020.
Hotwell Filling up to 8.5 meter was done.
2. After completion of condenser tubes cleaning and proper drying, Inspection was done to
check the healthiness of the tubes and leakage points.
3. Tube leakage suspected in Total 6 nos tubes which were plugged by TMD.
4. Following vacuum connected lines leakages were identified and attended.
1. Coolers of HPCF, TG lube oil, MDBFP, TDBFP lube oil and seal oil change over done.
1. Governing characteristics of main turbine and both TDBFPs were checked jointly with
TMD and C&I. Joint protocol signed. Related data is attached.
2.While checking turbine ATT, only RTS ATT was done, Valves ATT could not be
completed due to time constraint.
1) TDBFP-A turbine solo actual over speed and oil injection test conducted successfully.
Oil injection test Pressure was 3.3 ksc @5450 RPM and actual over speed tripping
was observed at 5951 RPM.
2) TDBFP-B turbine solo actual over speed and oil injection test conducted successfully.
Oil injection test Pressure was 3.2 ksc @5450 RPM and actual over speed tripping
was observed at 5860 RPM.
3) Both TDBFP’s bearings inspection and C&I instrument calibration done by
4) All HPH manholes were opened and jointly checked with TMD after cleaning. No
abnormalities observed.
5) Deaerator Pre/Post cleaning joint inspection done with TMD/Chemistry. No
abnormalities observed.
6) There is no individual valve in D/A drain line to UFT except a common drain valve to
UFT and LPFT, which is not as per design. Need to be taken up on opportunity basis.
7) DRV-51 (Deaerator O/F) was passing leading to rise in Hotwell tank level. Attended
by TMD.
In line with LMI on Testing of Safety and Protective Devices (KWU Turbine), checking has
been done as per feasibility and signed Protocols are attached. This is still work in progress as
few are still pending for numerous reasons.
2. Auto start of AOP (AOP-1 @ Oil Pressure < 4.8 ksc, AOP-2 @ <4.5 KSC& DC EOP
(<2.1 ksc) actual operation checked with C&I.
3. Testing of Main Trip Valve (Oil Pressure Drop) actual operation checked with TMD. Main
Trip valve operated at 3.40 ksc. Starting and Load Limiting device position was 99.2 %
during test.
4. Main Turbine Over Speed Bolt Operation (by oil injection) actual operation checked with
TMD/C&I. Bolt-2 & 1 operated at test pressure 1.25 & 1.40 ksc respectively.
6. Checking of speed measurement devices was done with EEMG/TMD.
8. Main Turbine ATT of all valves to be done on next opportunity with TMD/C&I.
10. Main Turbine Stop valves leakage checking to be done on next opportunity
1) SOT and SOST emptied, oil transferred to MOT and cleaning done by TMD/EMD.
2) SOT and SOST inspection done jointly with concerned departments (Chemistry,
TMD and FQA) after cleaning.
3) Hydrogen/Exciter coolers hydro Test done by EMD.
4) LLD checking was done with C&I.
5) Cold Gas temperature control valve servicing done by TMD/C&I.
2. Loss of air rate observed to be 2.20 M3/24 hr. which is in permissible limit. Drop rate in
terms of pressure was 0.002 ksc/hr.
5) 3.3 kV UAA/UAB dead bus signal was not available so bus coupler auto closing in
case of any section tripping was not possible earlier, Problem attended by EMD.
6) DG-4 was not coming in AUTO in UES Sec-2 under voltage, It was observed that
cable laying was not done for this. Attended by EMD.
7) 220 V DCDB was showing voltage even after isolating Bus coupler and incomer. It
was found that DCDB was back charging from DC Fuse board of ESP and 12.5 Meter
through LT Switchgear DC bus TIE.
8) 220 V DCDB Incomer and bus coupler Open and Charger-1/2 Fail alarm provided by
EMD to identify any supply failure in DCDB.
9) It was found that there is only one 220V DC supply source from DCDB Sec-1 for 27
meter BMCC switchgear. Alternate source from DCDB Sec-2 is not available,
informed to EMD, matter is under deliberation with EMD for providing alternate
10) GT/UT & GRP Alarms were jointly checked with EMD/C&I.
1. DG-2 Capacity test was done simulating actual Unit Bus failures and load test to the extent
possible max up to 135 kW.
2. USS to DG Changeover & subsequent normalization was done manually in line with EMD
communication, that DG is not to be synchronized with Grid. Earlier remote normalization
permissive was not available, minor logic modification was done by EMD to enable
remote charging of dead UES bus. Operation checked, found to be OK.
3. Auto starting of DG set-2 & 4 and DG-2 breaker closing on tripping of Unit Emergency
Bus sections was checked jointly with EMD.
Detailed protocols are attached.
1) UPS main and standby and all TG/SG/STN battery capacity tests were conducted by
2) UPS and TG/SG Charger Alarms were checked with C&I
3) UPS-B voltage was not available in CCR, Issue resolved by C&I.
4) 220 V battery Surge Test was not carried out due to time constraint as all equipments
were not available until last day of OH.
G.E. C&I:
1. Interlock Protection Checking was done with C&I-TG/SG/ and EMD. Alarms and SOE
were also checked. Records are available at AGM (O) Office.
2. Exceptions observed were subsequently rectified by C&I. Pending exceptions are detailed
and available separately.
H. ANNEXURE- Protocols
Sr No Details Page
1 Boiler Hydro Test-Ist Attempt 28
2 Boiler Hydro Test-Final 29
3 Freeness Checking of SADC 30
4 Burner Tilt 31
5 Boiler Expansions 32
6 Duct Inspection (Sample Protocol- rest available in AGM(O) 33-35
7 FATT 36-37
8 Air Preheaters Protocols 38-41
H.B. Offsite
1 Fire Sprinkler/Mulsifier System (Available in AGM (O) Office) NA*
1 Condenser Water Box Inspection after tube cleaning 42
2 Deaerator (Before cleaning) 43
3 Deaerator (After cleaning) 44
4 Condenser Flood Test 45
5 Governing Characteristics 46-47
6 Testing of Safety & Protective Devices (KWU Turbine) 48-49
*Detailed Protocols covering all sections are available for reference in AGM(O) Office.