Process Oriented Performance - Based Assessment: Module Overview
Process Oriented Performance - Based Assessment: Module Overview
Process Oriented Performance - Based Assessment: Module Overview
2 Based Assessment
Module Overview This module will journey you on how to write a process oriented
learning competencies, design a process oriented performance-
based activity coupled with authentic assessment such as scoring
Module Outcomes 1. Formulate process oriented learning competencies.
2. Describe process oriented performance-based assessment.
3. To design a process oriented learning activities and create
a scoring rubrics to evaluate them.
Lessons in the Lesson 1: Process Oriented Learning Competencies
Lesson 2: Task Designing
Lesson 3: Scoring Rubrics
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Process Oriented Learning Competencies Formulation
1. Browse the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and focus on your
2. Identify what grade level and topic to work on.
3. Think about an activity you want your student to do based
on the topic that you’ve chosen in order to develop a
particular skill on them.
4. Determine the processes that your students will have to go
Activity through in order for them to develop their knowledge, skill
and attitude.
5. Try combining those skills in order for your students to
perform a particular task.
6. Write a draft of it.
7. Continue to enhance the first draft of the competency you
want to target for your students.
Questions to build up the activity
1. What’s the salient point of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
based on your chosen discipline?
2. What grade level you chose to work on and what topic?
3. Do you have an activity in mind where in your students
will do in order for them to develop a particular skill?
4. What processes will the students have to go through in
Analysis order to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude?
5. Have you thought of a task or performance for the
development of the skills of students?
Learning entails not only what students know but what they can do
with what they know. It involves knowledge, abilities, values,
Abstraction attitudes and habits of mind that affect academic success and
performance beyond the classroom.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Such behavior range from a “beginner” or novice level up to the
level of expert.
Write a short reflection about your learning on this module.
The skills that you develop in formulating process oriented
learning competencies will be strengthen as we move on with
learning about task designing. Congratulations for working on it!
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
LESSON 2 Tasks Designing
Identify an activity that would entail more or less the same sets
of competencies.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
When designing a task, see to it that what you are trying to
target are the competencies that you set at the beginning of the
lesson through an activity.
For example, if the activity that you want your students to do is
to create a brochure as your learning competency. You need to
identify the researchers of the group who will take charge of the
relevant and correct information to be included in the brochure,
a writer who will be writing articles for the brochure, a lay out
artist for the proper placement of written article, and a designer
for color blending and proper placement of articles and
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
It’s your Turn Activity:
Now after your analysis on the topics you’ve chosen and after
formulating learning competencies based on the topics. You
will now decide what activity to give to your learners.
Make sure that the instruction is clear for every task so each
learner should be guided.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
LESSON 3 Scoring Rubrics
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
After you filled up all the cells in the matrix, its time for you to start
evaluating the chocolates chips using the evaluation tool that you
Use the table below as scaffold in evaluating your chocolate chips.
The chocolate with the highest result will be the winner.
Criteria/Performance A B C
Questions to work on
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Where you able to describe properly each criterion in the
3. Do you find it easy or difficult to describe each criterion and
its level of performance?
4. What makes it easy or difficult?
Analysis 5. What did you learn from the activity?
Assessment purposes
Gauge student needs
Encouraging collaboration and self-direction
Monitoring progress
Checking understanding and encouraging metacognition
Demonstrating understanding
What is Formative assessment?
The kind of assessment that occurs before and during a unit of
study is called formative assessment, because it helps to form an
understanding of learning that is in progress.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
assessment, but may not realize it. It includes, for example,
observing students, having students share their work, or reviewing
student work. Formative assessment may be done by teachers as
well as students for themselves and their peers.
Using Rubrics as a tool for formative assessment
A rubric is a versatile and flexible instrument that can support
assessment for all purposes and can be used with many different
Benefits of rubrics
1. Rubrics can be used for both formative and summative
- students can use rubric as they work on a product or
performance to help them assess their work, and a teacher
can use the same rubric to make a final assessment or grade.
Rubrics of 21st century skills can help students think about
their learning processes while they work projects in order to
reflect and set goals.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Process-oriented assessment is done before, during and after of a
particular activity, which we called assessment timeline. Let’s take
a look in the brochure making activity, the students will have to
start brainstorming about the articles, writings, photos, lay-out that
they are going to make and include in the brochure.
First, is the brainstorming part, you can start using peer and self-
assessment which are considered assessments before the conduct of
an activity.
Criteria Observed
Shared relevant information
during small group sharing
Helped the group develop
good ideas for the brochure.
Gave helpful suggestions
regarding the making of the
Accepted suggestions from
Listened carefully to other
group members during
brainstorming activity.
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Peer Assessment Collaboration Rubric
Criteria/ 4 3 2 1
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Feedback Group Group Group Group member
member member member did not offer
offered offered occasionally constructive or
detailed, constructive offered useful
constructi feedback constructive feedback.
ve when feedback,
feedback appropriate. but
when sometimes
appropriat the
e comments
or not useful.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Third, is after the activity has been done, you have to assess the
output of the students or the group. This is the last part of an
assessment timeline.
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
The brochure The brochure brochure's The brochure
has attractive has some has limited has no
Attractiveness formatting formatting formatting formatting
y attractive
& Organization and well- and and and
organized organized of organization organization
and well-
information. information. of of material.
Use of facts
Use of facts and quantity Use of facts
Use of facts of Use of facts
and the and quantity
and quantity information and quantity
quantity of of
of about the of
information information
information aims and information
Content - about the about the
about the goals of about the
Accuracy/ aims and aims and
aims and mathematics aims and
Quantity goals of goals of
goals of education is goals of
mathematic mathematics
mathematics good but not mathematics
s education education is
education is consistent. education is
is present but
very good. limited.
exceptional. limited.
Brochure has Brochure has Brochure has Brochure has
Writing - has
very good good limited no
Organization exceptional
organization. organization. organization organization
There are
There very There are There are mistakes are
few some several so numerous
Writing - grammatical
grammatical grammatical grammatical that the
Grammar mistakes in
mistakes in mistakes in mistakes in readability of
the brochure. the brochure. the brochure. the brochure
is impaired.
Graphics go Graphics go Graphics go Graphics do
well with well with the well with the not go with
Graphics not
Graphics/ the text and text, but there text, but the
present in the
Pictures there is a are so many there are too accompanyin
good mix of that they few and the g text or
text and distract from brochure appear to be
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
graphics. the text. seems "text- randomly
heavy". chosen.
Careful and
Careful and Careful and
accurate accurate
records are Sources are Sources are
records are records are
kept to not not
kept to kept to
document documented documented
document the document the
Sources the source accurately or accurately or
source of source of
of all of the are not kept are not kept
most of the some of the
facts and on many facts on any facts
facts and facts and
graphics in and graphics. and graphics.
graphics in graphics in
the brochure. the brochure.
Congratulations for creating your own rubric, this simply means
that you now grasp the meaning of authentic assessment and how it
can help maximize the potential of each learner.
References Brochure Grading Rubric
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Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module