Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Cover page 1
Table of Contents 2
Course Overview 3
Course Map 4
Module 1 Introduction to Principles of High Quality
And Authentic Assessment
Overview 5
The Lessons 5
Module 2 Process Oriented Performanced-Based Assessment
Overview 26
The Lessons 26
Module 3 Product Oriented Performanced-Based Assessment
Overview 40
The Lessons 41
Module 4 Assessment in the Affective Domain
Overview 51
The Lessons 52
Module 5 Portfolio Assessment
Overview 71
The Lessons 72
Module 6 Educational Evaluation
Overview 89
The Lessons 89
Module 7 Grading and Reporting
Overview 113
The Lessons 113
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Module Writers:
Team Leader : Dr. Nelia R. Pacaña - Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Members : Dr. Celedonia C. Coquilla - Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Cristian Camanan -Cor Jesu College
Pedro Raymunde Jr. - Compostela Valley State College Joey
C, Oliveros - University of Mindanao
Maria Kristine Joy Anter - UM Digos College
Mervin Osic - UM Tagum College
Eddelyn Gupeteo - Ateneo de Davao University
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
MODULE Introduction to Principles of High Quality
This part of the module will orient the students about their learning outcomes and its sources,
characteristics of good learning outcomes, the different levels of cognitive domains
introduced by Bloom, classification of learning outcomes, and the authentic assessment.
In this module, students are expected to:
give meaning using their own understanding about Student Learning Outcomes
identify the sources of expected student learning outcomes.
explain the characteristics of good learning outcomes
distinguish from each other the different levels of cognitive domains introduced by
give reason/s why the three classification of learning outcomes must be given
emphasis in learning assessment course
write samples student learning outcomes in the cognitive, psychomotor, and
affective domains
give the meaning and discuss the characteristics, of authentic assessment
demonstrate understanding of authentic assessment by adapting authentic
assessment tools
Welcome students! This is the first lesson for this module. In this lesson,
we have to remind that in every course/ subject or learning activity there
Introduction must be a definite guide about what behaviors are expected to be achieved
by every students during the learning activity and are therefore supposed
to attain success. Thus, all assessment and evaluation activities
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
should start with the identification and clarification of the student
learning outcome (SLO).
Write 2 examples of student learning outcomes derived from each of the
following sources:
1. Your subject or field of specialization (ask from your major
subject teacher).
2. Five (5) General education basic competencies (accessible from
the internet—CMO-No.20-2013.pdf)
3. Your school’s mission
(Activity) 4. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Student learning outcomes are statements of the knowledge, skills and
abilities individual students should possess and can demonstrate upon
completion of a learning experience or sequence of learning experiences.
For example, for BS-Math program, the Commission on Higher Education
provided eight (8) learning outcomes which is expected from the BS-Math
graduates (e.g. develop an enhanced perception of the vitality and
importance of mathematics in the modern world including inter-
relationships and demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving by solving
and creating routine and non-routine problems with different levels of
within math and its connection to other discipline.)
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
6. It will be enriching if the identified competencies and
expectations of students integrate the basic general education
competencies such as the following competencies by the
Montgomery College:
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Policies, Standards and Guidelines on teacher education and
DepEd’s K to 12 Law Enhanced Basic Education in the
For K to 12 Grades 3-10 Reading, Mathematics, Language, Science.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
concepts and
Introduction Welcome back! You are now in your second module. In this lesson, it
is emphasized that learning can be achieved in different forms. In order
to cater the different forms of learning, Benjamin Bloom and a
committee of colleague in 1956 identified three domains of
educational activities namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
This three terms found to be generic or too technical for practicing
teacher and so the domains were translated to simpler terms commonly
used by teacher: knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA).
Let’s get Started! Bloom together with his colleague, emphasized the three educational
objectives or domains in order to cater the different types of
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
learning. These are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Considering the activity in your first module, (Write 2 examples of
student learning outcomes derived from each of the following
sources), try to distinguish what domain is being highlighted from
the given student learning outcomes. Fill in the template (table) that
is presented below.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Direction: Using the indicated topic or subject matter, write learning
outcomes for each of the three domains arranged from the simplest
to the most complex level or category.
Introduction You are now in the third lesson of Module 1 in the Assessment of Learning
2 course. You will study about authentic assessment and its characteristics.
In addition, you will identify the phases that an authentic assessment goes
through. And lastly, you will compare authentic
assessment form the traditional one.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Give five different forms of assessment made by your teacher just
to test how well you have understood the lesson.
Make a short description on how the given assessment were
performed or done. Fill in the table below
Form of Assessment
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
therefore students are required to demonstrate their knowledge,
skills or competencies in appropriate situations. Authentic
assessment does not rely on ability to recall facts or memorize
details, instead students are asked to demonstrate skills and
concepts they have learned
5. Authentic Assessment encourages both teacher and students to
determine their rate of progress in cooperatively attaining the
desired student learning outcomes.
6. Authentic Assessment does not encourage rote learning and
passive taking of test; instead, students are required to demonstrate
analytical skills, ability to integrate what they learn, creativity, and
ability to work in group, skills in oral and written communications.
In brief, authentic assessment values not only the finished products
which are the learning outcomes, but also the process of learning.
7. Authentic Assessment changes the role of students as passive test
takers into become active and involve participants in assessment
activities that emphasize what they are capable of doing instead test
to measure students’ skills or retained facts has come under
scrutiny because of the limitation encountered in determining the
students’ capability to utilized their knowledge and skills in work
and professional practice.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Basic Difference Between Traditional Assessment and Authentic
1. Action/
options Selecting a response Performing a task
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
3. Submitting report on observations about butterflies in a field trip
4. Interviewing the barangay chairman about the problems of the
community and reporting on the findings
5. Providing answers to a enumeration assignment
Congratulations, you have just finished another lesson. Perhaps, you
have now the idea about the salient features why authentic assessment be
used in assessing students’ learning.
Outcomes Demonstrate understanding of authentic assessment by adapting authentic
assessment tools
You are now in the last lesson of Module 1. You will study and apply the
different tools in an authentic assessment. You will be given examples of
tools that makes use of three modes of assessment namely: observations,
performance samples, and actual performance.
Situation: Assuming that your research students are proposing their study
and you are one of the research panels.
What to do:
Make you own checklist about the researcher’s presentation
(Activity) highlighting certain attributes which you think important (e.g.
clarity of presentation) and with a rating from 1-5. Follow the
template presented below.
Afterwhich, make at least 7 guide questions for your research
proposal interview.
Attributes Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
How do you find the activity?
Do you find difficulty in making your own checklist?
Is there a need to make a checklist every time you grade your
(Analysis) students’ output? Why?
If we want students to develop such competencies as examining,
understanding, creating, and evaluating information, we must be able to
assess the aforementioned skills in appropriate settings and context.
Authentic assessment makes use of three modes of assessment:
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Date: Date: Date:
Bernal, J.
Cruz, R.
Davila, S.
Fernan, G.
Juan, W.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
The Interview sheet is another observation tool which is also called the
conference recording form. Interview sheets consist of a list of questions
the teacher intends to ask and space for recording student’s answers.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
II. Performance Sample Assessment Tools
(a) The teacher can assess the growth and development of the
students at various levels.
(b) Parents are informed of the progress of their children in school.
(c) Instructional supervisors are able to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of the academic program.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Conference note Group reports
Performance Checklist in Solving a Mathematical Problem
1. Identifies the given information
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
2. Identifies what is being asked
3. Uses variables to replace the unknown
4. Formulates the equations
5. Performs algebraic operations
6. Obtains an answer
7. Verifies if the answer is correct
Direction: Explain each of the following by representing an example
1. observation-based assessment tools
2. performance sample assessment tools
(Application) 3. actual performance assessment tools
Congratulations! You have completed the entire module 1. Always
remember that in a teaching-learning process, consider first the student’s
learning outcomes. These outcomes must cater all the three domains of
learning. In order to realize the learning objectives, do not forget to
(Closure) conduct assessment for you to monitor student’s learning progress. I think
you are now ready to proceed to other forms of assessment in the next
(Attached table for Lesson 2)
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
The Categories/Levels of Cognitive Domain Learning Objectives Arranged
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
2.4 adapting: fine tuning the Organize, relax, shorten, Create a modern dance
skill and making minor sketch, write, re-arrange, routine; compose a short
adjustments to attain compose, create, design, song blended with a melody
perfection originate
The affective domain refers to the way in which we deal with situations emotionally such
as feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, values, and attitude. The taxonomy is
ordered into 5 levels as the person progresses towards internalization in which the attitude
or felling consistently guides or controls a person’s behavior.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module
Learning Outcomes
Categories/Levels Outcomes Verbs Statements
3.1 receiving: being aware or Select, point to, sit, choose, Name important qualities of an
sensitive to something and being describe, follow, hold, identify, employee; choose a principle
willing to listen or pay attention name, reply that fits your being
3.2 responding: showing Answer, assist, comply, Write a letter of response to all
commitment to respond in some conform, discuss, greet, help, mining industries about its effect
measure to the idea or perform, practice, read, recite, to environment; participate in
phenomenon report, tell, write class discussions and give
3.3 valuing: showing willingness Complete, demonstrate, Follow religiously the
to be perceived as valuing or differentiate, explain, follow, mathematical steps presented to
favoring certain ideas invite, join, justify, propose, you; justify the decision of a
report, share, study, perform mother (leaving her sons to
3.4 organizing: arranging values Arrange, combine, complete, Organize activities that tightens
into priorities, creating a unique adhere, alter, defend, explain, the bond of the family; relate the
value system by comparing, formulate, integrate, organize, values emphasized in the story
relating and synthesizing values relate, synthesize of “The Prince” to your personal
3.5 internalizing: practicing Act, display, influence, listen, Display self-reliance when
value system that controls one’s discriminate, modify, perform, asking; value people for what
behavior that is consisted revise, solve, verify they are and not for how they
pervasive, predictable and look.
characteristics of the person
The Categories/Levels of Psychomotor Domain Learning Objectives
arranged Hierarchical
*D.R. Krathwohl, B. S Bloom, B. B Masja (1964) Taxonomy of Educational Objetives: Handbook II-
Affective Domain, New York: David Mackay Co.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module