Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Social Literacy
Module Lessons:
Lesson 1: Social Cognition and Social Skills
Lesson 2: Emotional Intelligence
Lesson 3: People Skill
Lesson 4: Social Media Ethics
Lesson 5: Integration of Social Literacy to Teaching and Learning
Welcome to one of the extremely important literacies, Social Literacy. This module
contains five lessons that will help understand why this 21st century skill must be
acquired. A student's successful performance and understanding of social Skills,
organizational skills, and communication skills are the major concerns of this literacy. It is
the students ability to connect effectively with those around them. Social literacy spans
across interacting with peers, family, coworkers, teachers, and even people we may not
have met face to face.
MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the module, you should be able to.
Welcome to the world of Social Literacy. It is a soft skill that equips individuals to
be able to harmoniously live in a particular environment. It is necessary that this should
be possessed by learners in order to survive in this fast- changing world. The lessons are
presented in a simple manner for students’ appreciation. Engaging activities follow!
ACTIVITY: Affirmation!
Write three positive statements about the following people:
1. Mother
2. Teachers
3. Classmates
4. President
5. Friends
Social literacy ability is a person’s capability to integrate in implementing all
knowledge, skills, including attitudes and values that he believes in social life. Social
literacy involves the process of learning about a range of social skills as well as the
development of social knowledge to understand and interpret various social problems that
must be faced in life (Arthur & Davison,2000). Social literacy ability is a person’s capacity
to connect with people around including social, intellectual, even emotional intelligence
(Lgleysteen,2018). To sum it up, social literacy is a capability that can be used by a person
to live in a community and contribute to society, which involves various skills such as:
intellectual skills, social skills, cooperative skills, and attitudes and values.
People often had difficulty with skills such as listening, waiting for their turn in
conversation, staying on topic, sharing materials, understanding another person’s
feelings, getting along with others, resolving conflict, and appropriately expressing their
own feelings. To remedy these difficulties,peers and schools play a formative role on the
social skills development of children.
The Big Five model provides a general outline of how these skills should be
organized. Social and emotional skills in this model are arranged hierarchically, with five
general skill categories that can be split into narrower, lower-order skills. The broad
categories of the Big Five are:
2. In the “ Big Five Domains”, which do you lack the most? How will you improve on
3. If you were an employer, which among the “ Big Five Domains” will you look for in
an applicant to become part of the company?
Lessons in this module present emotional intelligence as a necessary skill to be
acquired. Grasp the gist of the lesson through simple explanations and comparisons
between IQ and EQ.
Read quietly and reflect on the poem.
In a 2017 report by WHO, the age-standardized suicide rate in the Philippines is
5.8 for male,1.9 for females, and 3.8 for both sexes. The rate is based on the number of
cases affected per sample size of 100,000 people. According to the WHO fact sheet for
2017, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds, and 78
percent of global suicides occur in low and middle-income countries. The most common
methods of suicide globally are ingestion of pesticides, hanging, and firearms.
Success and happiness come in life if we handle our emotions and others’
emotions, too. The term “Emotional intelligence” was popularized as a result of Daniel
Goleman’s (1995) work. The understanding of intelligence is important for success in life.
Emotional intelligence is key to relating well with others and achieving goals because the
human world is all about relationships. Thus, we can say that to be successful, one needs
to have effective awareness, control and management of one’s own emotions, and
awareness and understanding of other people.
When emotional intelligence is developed, one can become more productive and
successful at what he does, and help others become more productive and successful,
too. The outcomes of emotional intelligence development contain many elements known
to reduce stress—for individuals and the organizations—by moderating conflict,
promoting understanding and relationships, and fostering stability, continuity, and
harmony. It links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality.
2. Self-awareness – knowing own emotions and how they affect the thoughts and
behavior; knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses, and self-confidence.
3. Social awareness – having empathy. One can understand the emotions, needs, and
concerns of other people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and
recognize the culture in a group or organization.
It is not the smartest or brightest people who are the most successful or the most
fulfilled in life. People who are academically brilliant and yet are socially inept mostly are
unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual ability or intelligence
quotient (IQ) isn’t enough on its own to achieve success in life. IQ can help people get
into college, but it’s the EQ that will help manage the stress and emotions when facing
final exams. IQ and EQ exist in tandem and are most effective when they build up one
Emotional intelligence affects:
School or work performance. People with high emotional intelligence can help
explore the social challenges of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in
one’s career. Companies are now rating job candidates’ emotional intelligence through
EQ testing.
Physical health. People who cannot manage their emotions are probably not
managing stress either. Stress raises blood pressure, suppresses the immune system,
increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, contributes to infertility, and speeds up
the aging process. The first step to improving emotional intelligence is to learn how to
manage stress.
Mental health. Uncontrolled emotions and stress can also impact one’s mental
health making people vulnerable to anxiety and depression. People who cannot manage
their emotions will have a hard time dealing with relationships. This can leave one feeling
lonely and isolated and further suffer any mental health problems.
Relationships. Knowing how to deal with emotions and how to control them, one
can better express how he feels and understands how others are feeling. This will
eventually allow people to communicate more effectively and forge stronger relationships,
both at work and in personal life.
1. Self- Awareness. Describe how you are when you are extremely:
a. Happy _____________________________________________________
b. Sad _____________________________________________________
c. Angry _____________________________________________________
2. Social Awareness. Cite three things that affected the lives of the Filipino people
due to COVID 19.
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
II. Create your own quote on Emotional Intelligence. Refer to the example below.
III. Write a persuasive speech on IQ vs EQ.
A cup of emotional intelligence is a lifetime advantage. Be sure to have it!
Would you want positive relationships with others? Lessons on People Skills will
help you determine how to foster good relationships in whatever environment you are in.
Lessons are presented as self-help to better equip us with another skill needed in the 21st
1. Suppose you are a judge of a beauty pageant, list five criteria for the Ms.
Congeniality award.
“People skills are the various attributes and competencies that allow one to play
well with others,” explains David Parnell, a legal consultant, communication coach, and
author. People skills may be summed up by notions such as ‘likeability,’ or having a ‘good’
personality. They are the tools used to communicate and interact effectively with others.
Individuals with strong people skills are able to predict behavior, relate to others, and
socialize easily. People skills also are known as soft skills, interpersonal skills, social
skills, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence.
Strong communication skills. Possessing this skill will always put your best foot
forward. It is the most fundamental skill since it encompasses the ability to get along with
other colleagues, persuade others to listen to your ideas, and much more. Being articulate
is highly valued in today’s workplace.
Patience with others. Patience with others can keep a level head in stressful
situations, it will definitely be noticed by management and perceived as an asset. It fosters
harmony instead of trouble in the workplace.
Trusting others. You can only accelerate your career if you’re trustworthy.
Showing empathy. Putting one’s self in the shoes of others is a key skill. It allows
to create relationships with others, provides insights into people’s motives and allows
them to predict responses.
Active listening skills. Hearing someone and actively listening to them are two
different things. When one actively listens, it means to listen without interruption.
Flexibility. Shifting gears when necessary is a skill that is needed in the current
fast- changing world. Bending your own rules and beliefs will not break you.
Negotiation skills. Good negotiating skills are beneficial. Rather than creating
chaos, negotiations can better organizations.
I. Among the mentioned attributes of people skills, cite three that you need to
improve on. How will you work them out?
Part of one’s everyday life is engaging in social media. One cannot escape from
this. This lesson will teach you the common social dilemma and ways on how to maintain
a positive personality in social media.
List down all Social Media platforms you are familiar with or have an account in.
1. Do you vent out your emotions on social media?
2. What do you usually post or share in your social media account?
3. Do you believe that who you are on social media is your true self?
The rise of Online Social Networking resulted in ethical dilemmas that are growing
in number. These include violation of privacy, misrepresentation, bullying, and
creepiness. Non-regulation of social communications is becoming more vulnerable to
fraud. This is the reason why ethics in the use of social media should be observed.
1. Is it too personal? No one likes self- centered people who only talk about
themselves. In social media balance boasting with complimenting.
2. Am I crossing the line? Don’t be too aggressive in reaching out to people.
3. Am I spamming them? Not everything or even the majority of what you post
should ask for something. Don’t make everything self-serving.
4. Am I venting or ranting?Research says that venting and ranting don’t help,
it never presents you in a positive light. Do not post negative comments or
5. Am I being grateful? Respond and thank those who engage with you. People
must not be taken for granted.
6. Is this the right medium for the message? Not all messages must be
channeled through social media. Some may be given in person or other means
of communication.
III. Consider yourself a social media influencer. Create a blog of your chosen topic/
subject that will benefit the society.
Congratulations! Remember to ponder upon the lessons you have learned on
social media literacy.
As preservice teachers, possessing social literacy skills are important things to
consider. However, you should not only keep it to yourself but impart it in the classroom.
The lessons here are practically designed to help bridge the teachers towards their
students in acquiring the said literacy.
List five classroom activities that you like most.
1. Why do you like these activities?
2. How did these help you as a student?
Students today have taken to social networking; yet, there is little social interaction
taking place in many of today’s classrooms from kindergarten through college. What is
happening in most classrooms is a one-way communication wherein the teacher is the
one doing most of the talking. One kindergartener said to his mother after his first day of
school that what teachers do is keep on talking. He said the same thing after his first day
of high school and his first day of college.These observations are not uncommon. As early
as 1984, Goodlad wrote “the data from our observations in more than 1,000 classrooms
support the popular image of a teacher standing in front of a class imparting knowledge
to a group of students” (p. 105). Smith wrote in 1998 that teachers talk 90% of the time in
classrooms. Frey, Fisher, and Allen (2009) observed that “students are expected to sit
hour after hour, taking notes, and answering the occasional question with little interaction
with peers” (p. 70).
When students are the readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers in the
classroom, they shoulder the responsibility for them to become actively engaged and in
social interaction with others (Alvermann & Phelps, 2005; Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011).
Socially interactive learners are engaged learners (Vacca et al., 2011). Routman (2005)
contends “students learn more when they are able to talk to one another and be actively
involved” (p. 207). Social interaction is vital to the learning process.
How to formulate Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) that will promote Social
1. Begin with the end in mind. Since you want students to develop social literacy,
make sure to know how they will end having the said literacy.
2. Make sure students collaborate so they can communicate, interact, or even solve
problems and negotiate within the group.
1. Research ten teaching strategies that will promote social literacy among students.
Cite at least three authors.
2. Formulate five Learning Outcomes (LOs) together with their corresponding
Teaching Learning Activities (TLAs)
Congratulations! Lessons on social literacy have finally ended. You are now set
for another skill to be acquired.
Alverman D. E.(2005) Exemplary instruction in grade 7-12: What counts and who’s
counting? In J.Flood and P.L. Anders (Eds), Literacy Development of Students in Urban
Schools: Research and Policy (pp 187-201).Newark D.E: International Reading
Arthur, J. and Davison, J. (2000) Social Literacy and the School Curriculum. London:
Falmer Press
Judge, T.A., D. Heller and M.K. Mount (2002), “Five-factor model of personality and job
satisfaction“, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 87(3), pp. 530-541,
Stone, Brad. “Facebook.” The New York Times 7 December 2007. 11 November 2008.
Vacca, Vacca, Mraz, (2011). ContentAre Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the