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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S...

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FAULT CODE 731 (ISB/QSB Automotive and Industrial,

ISC/QSC/ISL/QSL Automotive, Industrial, or Marine)
Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and
Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment


Fault Code: 731 Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Engine will run
PID: S064 Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical System derated. Excessive
SPN: 723 Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment. smoke, hard start,
FMI: 7/7 Mechanical misalignment between the and rough idle
LAMP: Amber crankshaft and camshaft engine speed sensors. possible.

Engine Speed Sensor and Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit

Circuit Description

The engine speed sensor and camshaft position sensor provide an engine speed and
position signal to the electronic control module (ECM) through the engine harness.

Component Location

Refer to Procedure 100-002 for a detailed component location view.

Shop Talk

This fault will become active anytime the ECM receives a signal from both the primary EPS
(crankshaft sensor) and the backup EPS (camshaft sensor), and the ECM determines that
the camshaft and crankshaft signals are not in the correct phase. If this fault code is active
immediately following a repair that includes camshaft removal, it is likely that the camshaft
gear was installed incorrectly and is not timed correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps

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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S... Page 2 of 6

STEP 1. Inspect the tone wheels and
speed/position sensors.
STEP 1A. Inspect the engine Any defects?
speed and position sensors for
STEP 1B. Inspect the tone wheels Any defects?
for any defects.
STEP 2. Check for correct engine static
STEP 2A. Check static timing. Is the camshaft and crankshaft gear
properly installed?
STEP 3. Inspect the engine and vehicle
STEP 3A. Inspect the engine Are all grounds present, properly
block, starter, alternator, chassis, grounded, free of corrosion, and tight?
and battery grounds.
STEP 4. Clear the fault code.
STEP 4A. Disable the fault code. Fault Code 731 inactive?
STEP 4B. Clear the fault codes. All fault codes cleared?

Guided Step 1 - Inspect the tone wheels and

speed/position sensors.

Guided Step 1A - Inspect the engine speed and position sensors for


z Turn keyswitch OFF.


Inspect for defects.

Inspect the engine and position sensors

for defects.

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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S... Page 3 of 6

Any defects? Any defects?

Replace the position or speed sensor. No Repair
Refer to Procedures 019-363 and 019-365.

Go to 4A Go to 1B

Guided Step 1B - Inspect the tone wheels for any defects.


z Turn keyswitch OFF.


Inspect for defects.

Inspect the crankshaft and camshaft

tone wheels for defects.

Any defects? Any defects?

Replace the tone wheel. Refer to the No Repair
camshaft or crankshaft removal procedure.

Go to 4A Go to 2A

Guided Step 2 - Check for correct engine static timing.

Guided Step 2A - Check static timing.


z Remove the gear cover.

z Rotate the engine to TDC for the
number 1 cylinder and verify that
the camshaft and crankshaft gear
timing marks are properly aligned.
Refer to Procedure 001-008 in

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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S... Page 4 of 6

Troubleshooting and Repair

Manual, ISC, QSC8.3, ISL, QSL9
Series Engines, Bulletin 4021418
or ISBe and ISB (Common Rail
Fuel System) Series Engines,
Bulletin 4021271.


Check the timing.

Inspect the engine static timing.

Is the camshaft and crankshaft gear Is the camshaft and crankshaft gear
properly installed? properly installed?
No Repair Install the camshaft and crankshaft gear

Go to 3A Go to 4A

Guided Step 3 - Inspect the engine and vehicle


Guided Step 3A - Inspect the engine block, starter, alternator, chassis, and
battery grounds.


z Turn keyswitch OFF.


Inspect the engine and vehicle


z Check all engine, starter,

alternator, chassis, and battery
z Verify all grounds are present and
properly grounded.
z Verify all connections are free of
corrosion and tight.

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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S... Page 5 of 6

Are all grounds present, properly Are all grounds present, properly
grounded, free of corrosion, and tight? grounded, free of corrosion, and tight?
None. The removal and installation of the Replace, tighten, or clean the ground wires
connector corrected the failure. or connections.

Go to 4A Go to 4A

Guided Step 4 - Clear the fault code.

Guided Step 4A - Disable the fault code.


z Connect all components.

z Connect INSITE™ electronic
service tool.


Disable the fault code.

z Start the engine and let it idle for

one minute.
z Use INSITE™ electronic service
tool to verify that Fault Code 731 is

Fault Code 731 inactive? Fault Code 731 inactive?

No Repair Return to the troubleshooting steps or
contact your local Cummins Authorized
Repair Location, if all the steps have been
completed and rechecked.

Go to 4B Go to 1A

Guided Step 4B - Clear the fault codes.

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Engine Speed Sensor/Position Camshaft and Crankshaft Misalignment - Mechanical S... Page 6 of 6


z Connect all components.

z Turn keyswitch ON.
z Connect INSITE™ electronic
service tool.


Clear the fault codes.

z Use INSITE™ electronic service

tool to erase the inactive fault

All fault codes cleared? All fault codes cleared?

No Repair No Repair
Repair Complete Appropriate troubleshooting steps

Last Modified: 28-Mar-2005

Copyright© 2005
Cummins, Inc.
All rights reserved

13:37:36 2007-07-20

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