Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler
The Legends
Legends of
of Bodybuilding
Jay Cutler
For a Wicked Chest
Get a Grip and GROW!
Massive Muscles In 30 Minutes or Less
Page 234
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The TEG winter mass machine is shifting into high gear.
Here’s how you, too, can grow in the snow.
Magnus Samuelsson, MUSCLE TRAINING
page 188 Christopher Pennington shows you
how to build more solid size in 30
minutes or less. Jay Cutler appears on
this month’s cover. Photo
by Michael Neveux. Inset
172 X FILES photo of Nikki Warner by
Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson Bill Dobbins.
explain the less-training-big-gaining
page 234
Randall Strossen, Ph.D., explores the Swedish
strongman’s training and propensity for power.
Champ Training
Eric Broser shows you how to set up for a quick size hit—
Analysis, upper-pec pounder included.
page 214
Steve Holman dissects Jay Cutler’s Olympia-assault
Nikki Warner’s fit, photogenic physique. Phew!
Steve Holman discusses the squat and its X spot,
hardgainer hoaxes and the carb-stacking diet.
John Hansen’s advice on countering the outer-pecs hex.
Branched-chain aminos to foil fat, tips for building on a
budget and Atkins for exercisers.
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Squat Pad
Nearly all bodybuilding programs suggest that you and back, in one workout is just too hard.
start your workout with exercises for larger muscle What I found was that I got a good workout training
groups and finish with smaller ones. The rationale is that the initial large muscle group—legs or back—but I had
larger muscle groups require more energy and working little or no energy left to effectively train the smaller mus-
them after smaller muscle groups may lead to fewer cle groups. By the time I got to biceps after training back,
muscle gains. I hardly felt the curls. The same was true of training chest
A recent study examined the effects of exercise se- after thighs.
quence in the performance of repetitions and perceived From a practical standpoint, as this study shows, the
exertion, or how difficult the workout felt.1 The subjects final exercise in any muscle group will be limited by cu-
were 14 men and four women, average age 20, with at mulative fatigue. So it’s logical to use a lighter isolation
least six months of training experience. They engaged in exercise as the final exercise. Arnold Schwarzenegger
two different upper-body workouts, with each workout realized that during his competitive days. When training
separated by 48 hours of rest. In the first workout they his biceps, he always finished off with some form of
began with larger muscle groups and finished with small- dumbbell concentration curl, usually in a standing, bent-
er muscle groups. The second workout reversed the over position. Arnold almost never used more than 40
exercise sequence, starting with smaller muscle groups pounds on the exercise, instead focusing on form and
and ending with larger. They did each exercise for three feel.
sets of 10 reps, resting two minutes between sets. Thus, if you attempt to do three large-muscle-group
The experiment showed that whether you train large exercises in one workout, the third exercise will promote
or small muscle areas first, by the third set you’re consid- little added muscle size. Better to finish off with a lighter
erably weaker, as measured in number of reps complet- isolation exercise and just go for the pump and feel, as
ed. Exercises done in the middle part of the workout, Arnold did. —Jerry Brainum
however, weren’t affected in either workout. Past studies
show that by the fourth set of any exercise, you’re 12.8 1 Siamao, R., et al. (2005). Influence of exercise order
to 58.2 percent weaker than you were during the first set. on the number of repetitions performed and perceived
Most of the subjects said that the workout was con- exertion during resistance training. J Strength Con Res.
siderably harder when they trained larger muscle groups 19:152-56.
first. That makes sense, since training larger muscle
areas requires more energy and produces more fatigue
than training smaller muscle areas. Working legs fatigues
the average bodybuilder far more than training biceps.
For that reason nearly all bodybuilders train larger muscle
groups first in any particular workout.
In some cases training a larger muscle area first is so
fatiguing that you simply can’t effectively train smaller
muscle groups afterward. I found that to be true when I
tried to use the popular push-pull sequence of exercises,
in which you work pushing muscles, such as chest and
triceps, one day, followed by pulling muscles, such as
back and biceps, the following day. Legs are usually
Balik \ Model: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Super Gripper
Editor’s note: John Rowley owned the gym where the movie “Pump-
ing Iron” was filmed, and he was one of the youngest senior vice presi-
dents of any major real estate company in Manhattan. His passion is
teaching people—and companies—about goal setting, staying motivated
and adding a fitness lifestyle to their already busy lives so they’ll have the
energy to pursue their dreams. You can contact him at Jrowley@nc.rr.com.
Seated Row
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Fact: A static grip can limit muscle action and growth.
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Rotator Cuff Problems and Shoulder Pain
This column began in the May formed by internally rotating and then
1989 issue of IRONMAN by ad- elevating the shoulder. That motion
dressing shoulder pain that primar- drives the ball (head of the humerus)
ily arises from the rotator cuff, a set into the roof (acromion), which creates
of four muscles that originate, or the impingement. Full front raises can
attach, on the shoulder blade and cause impingement against the front
insert into the top of the upper-arm edge of the roof.
bone, or humerus, specifically into Overtraining can also cause prob-
bony prominences known as the lems. Maybe you’re on a six-day train-
greater and lesser tuberosities. ing program, with the first and fourth
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In my 20-plus years of training I’ve tried many methods, Eventually, I had to face the fact that I was overtraining.
always keeping an open mind. A couple of months ago I Despite having a very flexible schedule that lets me eat when-
decided to break from my usual four-day split and train my ever I have to and even take the occasional afternoon nap, plus
body over five days. The schedule looked like this: access to plenty of supplements like postworkout shakes and
L-glutamine to maximize recovery, I couldn’t sustain five con-
Monday: Arms (my weak point and highest priority) secutive days of intense weight training, no matter how little
Tuesday: Quads overlap there was between bodyparts from day to day. As soon
Wednesday: Chest as I reverted to my normal schedule of training on Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, I started feeling better and was
Thursday: Back
certainly more enthusiastic about going to the gym.
Friday: Shoulders and hamstrings A lot of the pros these days train five or sometimes even six
days a week, which leads aspiring bodybuilders to emulate
On paper the new split seemed ideal. Arms got their own
their programs. Most of them are aware that the pros usually
training day so I could focus on catching them up, and the
make use of anabolic steroids to speed up the recovery pro-
leg training was split over two days so that both quads and
cess, but they may not know that the pros are typically capable
hams could get plenty of attention without one detracting
of more training than the average man or woman in the first
from the other. And for about a month, I thrived on the five-
place, naturally. That’s a quality shared by most elite athletes.
day split. I looked and felt better than ever, and most of my
Those of you who follow the Olympics know that many of the
lifts were up as well. Then it all started crashing down.
athletes in the Athens Games trained as much as 10 hours a
By chest day on Wednesday I’d feel a little tired. By Thurs-
day, seven days a week, preparing to go for the gold. The
day it was a struggle to keep up the intensity throughout the
average bodybuilder, who’s not using steroids and not geneti-
Even isolation
exercises take a
heavy toll on your
recovery if you
train a number of
days in a row.
simultane- imbalance.
ously. From a —Jerry Brainum
point of view, 1 Munn, J., et al. (2005). Training with unilateral resis-
the brain tance exercise increases contralateral strength. J Appl
supplies the Physiol. In press.
Coleman DVD
Squat and
incline dumbbell presses (what a pump!). Is that a
bad technique? Don’t your muscles generate the
most force at maximum stretch?
A: Thanks for the kind words regarding our UMW e-
the X Spot
book and X Reps. We’re getting tremendous feedback from
X-Reppers everywhere. As for your question, yes, on ma-
chine squats (hack or Smith) you should do X Reps near
the bottom. We pulse from below parallel up to just above
it. If you’re familiar with Positions of Flexion, you’ll realize
that the low point of a squat isn’t the full-stretch position
for the quads. We call it the semistretched position. A full
Q: I’m very impressed with The Ultimate Mass
stretch is the bottom of a sissy squat, knees forward of the
Workout [e-book]. I’ve been using X Rep religiously, feet and thighs and torso on the same plane.
and I’ve been very pleased with the results. I like to
The semistretched position is actually where the muscle
do full squats on the Smith machine, and, to get
generates the most force—not at full stretch. That means
more stretch in my quads, I go below parallel. When
near the bottom of a full squat, as you discovered. X Reps
I can’t get another full rep, I lower into a full squat
are impossible with a free bar at that low point. We discuss
and then execute my torturous X Reps down low—
that in UMW and suggest pulsing above the middle of the
that’s possible on a Smith machine but not when
stroke instead of below the parallel position if you use
using a free bar. I prefer the pulses at the bottom
free-bar squats. That’s necessary because of a leverage
part of the squat due to the stretch I get in my
shift on that particular exercise. It doesn’t happen on
quads. In the e-book you recommend X Reps on
Smith-machine squats or hack squats, so you can do your
squats be performed more in the middle to top of
X Reps near the bottom, semistretched position, which is
the range of motion. I admit that X-Rep pulses at the
ideal, as you discovered.
parallel point of the squat are even harder than at
That also means you should do your Xes near the bot-
the very bottom, but after pushing a set to exhaus-
tom of incline presses, as you said you’re doing. Scientists
tion, it’s too tough to do X Reps near the middle—
say that a muscle loses some force production at full
and I prefer the quad stretch I get when I pulse in
stretch, so you want to be just out of it for your X-Rep
the lowest range. I’ve been doing all of my X Reps
pulses. We like to move the bar
from about the midpoint down to
a few inches off the chest.
Q: For losing bodyfat and
retaining muscle while diet-
ing, the most effective eating
plan for me is the Carb Stack-
ing diet that you outline in
your X-treme Lean e-book
[and Train, Eat, Grow book].
For my bulking phase I was
wondering if it would make
sense to go on a higher-calorie
version of that diet in order to
achieve a better ratio of lean
mass with less fat gain. For
instance, taking in larger
quantities of carbs during the
breakfast and postworkout
meals and for the rest of the
day eating mostly protein and
good fats with few carbs.
A: If you can stick to it most of
the time, yes, I think that’s a great
plan for building more muscle
without adding a lot of fat—as long
as your total calorie intake isn’t too
Neveux \ Model: Derik Farnsworth
This 55-
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must be 18
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purchase it. Bodybuilding Beauties
The Outer-
and keep your elbows pulled back to effectively hit your
outer pecs. Grabbing the bar with a closer grip will work
the inner pecs and the triceps more than the outer chest.
You can also target your outer pecs by doing cable
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Q: I’m a natural-for-life bodybuilder and have
Try partials, or X Reps, at the end of your competed in nine shows, all of which were natural.
basic exercises once you reach failure. You’ll You mentioned that you used X Reps in your work-
attack more muscle fibers on any set. out program. I’ve been working out now for 18 years
and never heard of them. Is that when you’re doing
a set and at the end of the forced reps you continue
doing partial reps through about 30 percent of the
range of motion?
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Gymcom. IM
John Hansen
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Amino-Anabolism Connection
primary source of glycogen in the diet
is carbohydrate.
Glycogen promotes the production Many main-
of substances important in the synthe- stream dietitians
sis of ATP, the immediate source of say that those
energy for muscular contraction. One engaged in
such substance is oxaloacetate. With- weight training
out it the cycle that normally produces don’t require any
ATP just doesn’t function well, leading type of protein
to a drop in energy and training inten- supplement to
sity. promote in-
But an intermediate substance creased muscle
called succinyl coenzyme-A (SCA) gains. They’re not
enhances oxaloacetate availability. shy about insist-
That’s where BCAAs enter the picture, ing that buying
since they directly increase SCA. The such supple-
new study hypothesized that the ments is a waste
energy-promoting effect of BCAAs of money. Stud-
was so potent that it could even over- ies, however,
come the effects of carbohydrate often refute those
depletion. views. One such
The study featured seven men who study involved 20
depleted their existing glycogen stores untrained men
through exercise and lack of food. who were assigned to either a protein-supplement group or a group that got
Then one group took 300 milligrams dextrose, or sugar.1 The protein was a whey-casein-and-leucine combina-
per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of BCAAs, tion. Whey and casein are the two major milk proteins; leucine is a branched-
while the other group got a placebo. chain amino acid vital to muscle protein synthesis.
After that the men rode exercise bikes Both groups trained three times a week for 10 weeks, averaging three
to exhaustion. Those in the BCAA sets of six to eight reps with weights equal to 85 to 90 percent of one-rep
group showed higher blood glucose maximum. Those in the placebo group got three grams of dextrose daily,
levels than the placebo group. The while those in the protein group took a supplement containing 40 grams of
BCAA group also appeared to more protein, five grams of carbs and one gram of fat. On training days both
readily burn fat during exercise. The groups took their supplements one hour before and within one hour after an
increased fat availability, coupled with exercise session. On rest days they took the supplements once with break-
the higher glucose levels, overcame fast.
the normal negative effects of glyco- The results, which included careful measurements of protein synthesis,
gen depletion during exercise. showed that those on the protein supplement made superior gains in thigh-
—Jerry Brainum muscle mass and strength than those in the placebo group.
—Jerry Brainum
1 Adolpho, T., et al. (2005). Influence
of branched-chain amino acid supple- 1 Wilborn, C., et al. (2005). Effects of heavy resistance training and propri-
mentation on free fatty acid oxidation etary whey, casein and leucine protein supplementation on muscle strength
during endurance exercise after mus- and mass and MHC isoform mRNA expression. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2:5.
cle glycogen depletion. Med Sci
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ment. Most meal-replacement supple-
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The Atkins diet, which was developed by the late Dr. Robert
Atkins, is an ultralow-carbohydrate diet that initially permits an
intake of less than 1 percent carbohydrate. The concept be-
hind it and other low-carb diets is that most people who have
excessive bodyfat levels produce too much insulin because all
of that bodyfat has made them insulin insensitive. To compen-
sate, the body oversecretes insulin in response to meals,
especially those containing a lot of carbohydrates. Excess
insulin not only perpetuates obesity but also blunts other
mechanisms that promote the use of fat as fuel.
Atkins believed that by limiting carb intake, you lowered
insulin output and would begin to burn excess bodyfat. Critics
of Atkins often lambasted that concept, noting that without
excess calories insulin itself couldn’t make you fat. They also
voiced alarm over the diet’s high-fat aspects, suggesting that it
was a sure route to cardiovascular problems.
Recent research has confirmed many of Atkins’ ideas.
Compared to other diets, low-carb diets prove superior in several protective cardiovascular risk factors, such as
promoting initial weight loss. Although some of that loss is increased high-density lipoprotein and lowered blood triglyc-
water from glycogen breakdown (glycogen is stored with three erides.
grams of water per gram of glycogen), low-carb diets promote The one aspect of the Atkins diet that hasn’t changed since
greater bodyfat losses, an effect traced to their higher relative its inception in the 1970s is its effect on exercise. In his initial
protein content. Eating lots of protein imparts greater satiety, writing on the diet, Atkins explained that his diet plan might not
which eventually leads to an automatic reduction of total be suitable for those engaged in intense exercise, which relies
caloric intake. Low-carb diets are also superior in promoting on a sufficient store of glycogen in muscle. The primary nutri-
an enhanced thermogenic effect, leading to a greater oxidation ent that replenishes depleted glycogen stores is carbohydrate,
of fat. and Atkins recognized that. A recent study confirmed the
Reports of increased cardiovascular disease due to a higher point.1
fat intake with the Atkins diet have also proved false. Indeed, a Nine people followed the Atkins diet for a week. Their exer-
surprising aspect of the regimen is a clear beneficial effect on cise time was reduced by 56 percent, and their blood glucose
levels went down, but
they all also showed a
loss of bodyweight and
bodyfat. One notable
flaw of the study was
its short duration. It
takes a few weeks for
the body to adjust
from a sugar-burning
to a fat-burning ma-
chine. In addition,
Atkins himself modified
the diet over the years,
calling for a greater
intake of low-glycemic-
index carbs, such as
fruits and vegetables.
That adjustment would
likely permit the benefi-
cial fat-loss effects of
the diet while also
supplying carbs to
replenish glycogen.
Neveux \ Model: Tamer Elshahat
—Jerry Brainum
1 Forbes-Lorman,
R., et al. (2005). The
Atkins diet decreases
exercise capacity. Int
Soc Sports Nutr. 2:10.
I get a lot of e-mail from aspiring young bodybuilders who lecithin and cholesterol
really want to eat right but just can’t afford the optimal foods (which is highly anabolic).
for growth, like steak and chicken breasts. Many of those Though you probably
guys are in college. I totally feel where they are coming from can’t afford chicken
because I was broke as a joke back then too, particularly breasts, chicken thighs are
during my freshman year. I had prepaid access to the dormi- generally half the price or less. They’re fattier, but most
tory’s dining commons, which meant that breakfast, lunch college-age trainees need to pile on the calories anyway.
and dinner were covered. But that also happened to be the As for red meat, filet mignon is out of the question, but
year that I started taking bodybuilding very seriously, and my ground beef is very economical. You rarely hear pork dis-
training went to a higher level of effort and intensity. On top cussed as a viable dietary option for bodybuilders, but it’s an
of that, I was attending the University of California, Santa inexpensive source of protein comparable to chicken thighs.
Barbara, and riding my bike everywhere, probably averaging Of course, you probably also want to have a couple of
10 miles a day. As a result, my metabolism was speeding shakes to take with you to classes, but you just can’t afford
like a runaway train, and I was constantly ravenous. Three whey protein. A low-budget protein shake that will work
hours after dinner my stomach was growling, and I really nearly as well simply consists of powdered milk mixed with
wanted to order a pizza—but rarely did I have the cash to regular milk and flavored with fruit or chocolate powder.
cover it. So for those of you getting your education and Carbs like rice and potatoes are always cheap, so use them
racking up school loans, I’d like to offer my best suggestions to fill out your dinner plate and start piling on the muscle
for how to feed your starving muscles on a limited budget. mass.
For quality proteins your best bets are canned tuna and And when times are tough, remember that in a few years,
eggs in bulk. Many a struggling young bodybuilder has once you’re out in the working world, you’ll be able to afford
made great gains with those two sources as his dietary enough steak and chicken breasts to feed a small village!
base. Eat the whole egg. Don’t throw the yolks away, as —Ron Harris
they’re bursting with many beneficial substances, such as www.RonHarrisMuscle.com
—Jerry Brainum
1 LaBounty, P., et al. (2005). Blood markers of kidney function and dietary
protein intake of resistance trained males. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2:5.
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authors—including Robert
Thoburn, Jim Hafer and John Lit-
tle—set off a firestorm of ideas in
our minds and had us poring over
training research. We discovered
the max-force point, or
semistretched position, and Thanksgiving turkey. shoot high)? Let’s go over our winter
learned why it’s considered the What those fast gains tell us is mass-building strategy for 2006.
sweet spot on an exercise’s stroke: that if we train hard and correctly 1) Recovery-oriented split.
It’s the spot where the target muscle throughout the year, no slacking, We discussed this last month, but it
is strongest and can activate the we should be able to put on more bears repeating, with a little more
most fibers. muscle than we ever have. Can we detail.
“Ah ha,” we thought. “So that’s add another 10 to 20 pounds of
Week 1
where we should do end-of-set X- solid bodyweight? It appears the
Monday: Workout 1A (delts, etc.)
Rep partials once we can’t get any answer is yes—if we use X Reps and
Tuesday: Workout 2 (legs)
more full-range reps!” And our X-Rep hybrid techniques correctly,
Wednesday: Workout 3A (chest,
gains skyrocketed. If you’ve been to don’t abuse them and get enough
www.X-Rep.com and/or seen our recovery time and quality calories.
Thursday: Off
before and after photos from that That last one, quality calories,
Friday: Workout 1B (delts, etc.)
period, you know that X Reps did has been one of our problems in
Weekend: Off (with cardio)
some amazing things for our the past. We were under the mistak-
physiques in only one month. We en notion that we needed to keep Week 2
both got leaner and put on about sight of our abs throughout the Monday: Workout 3B (chest, etc.)
five pounds of muscle in a little winter; however, we’ve come to Tuesday: Workout 2 (legs)
more than 30 days. (Are you starting realize that a surplus of quality Wednesday: Workout 1A (delts,
to see why we think bigger gains calories is absolutely necessary for etc.)
may not be so difficult to produce drug-free bodybuilders to pack on Thursday: Off
after all?) lots of muscle. (We added about Friday: Workout 3A (chest, etc.)
After experimenting the follow- five pounds of muscle over the Weekend: Off (with cardio)
ing winter, we scheduled our 2005 course of 30 days in ’04 on restrict-
Week 3
ripping phase for just before sum- ed calories; imagine what could
Monday: Workout 1B (delts, etc.)
mer, and we included a number of happen if we got an abundance.)
Tuesday: Workout 2 (legs)
hybrid X-Rep techniques, like Dou- That means dealing with some
Wednesday: Workout 3B (chest,
ble-X Overload, X/Pause and X excess baggage, but we now realize
Fade, in our pre-photo-shoot pro- that it’s what signals the body that
Thursday: Off
gram. The gains were immediate, starvation is not looming and it’s
Friday: Workout 1A (delts, etc.)
just as they’d been the summer okay to jack up muscle size to ex-
Weekend: Off (with cardio)
before, but this time they seemed to treme levels. (Remember, extreme
come even faster. In fact, we did our muscle size is a luxury, not a neces- Week 4
photo shoot three weeks earlier sity, and your body will do every- Monday: Workout 3A (chest, etc.)
than in ’04, and we were both five thing it can to stay the same unless Tuesday: Workout 2 (legs)
Model: Jonathan Lawson
to 10 pounds heavier in ripped it has positive reinforcement that Wednesday: Workout 1B (delts,
shape. Steve’s bodyweight was sustenance is plentiful.) etc.)
hovering around 200, a number he So what’s our game plan for 20 Thursday: Off
usually only sees during the win- pounds of extra muscle (hey, we Friday: Workout 3B (chest, etc.)
ter—or when he’s holding a gotta prime the motivation and Weekend: Off (with cardio)
of flexion, but over two workouts. (titrated creatine). That’s got every- by the end of your workout (and you
That provides a lot of variety, unique thing we need to take full advantage thought it was best to work your
stress and more recovery, since you of the after-training anabolic win- weakest bodypart first). The solu-
don’t have to work all three posi- dow (for more info see page 169); tion is to drink as you train.
tions at every workout. It’s really an however, there’s also research that Our recipe? We’re going to mix
ingenious way to train when you’re says you should feed your muscles about a scoop of RecoverX, about a
after optimal recovery. while you train. That makes sense half scoop of CreaSol and a scoop of
3) Muscle feed. Recovery is also because the bodyparts you train GAKIC together in a water bottle
about nutrition and getting the right last get the most from your post- and sip it throughout our workouts,
compounds in sufficient quantities workout drink. Think about it. The trying to down most of it early on.
to fuel intense workouts and provide bodypart you train first has to wait The RecoverX and CreaSol will feed
a surplus for growth. Yes, we’re still almost an hour or longer for refuel- and refuel the muscles as we blast
depending on our X Stack postwork- ing. In reality the first bodypart’s them, especially those that get hit
out combo—RecoverX plus CreaSol anabolic window is almost closed early in the (continued on page 90)
(continued from page 86) session. have to learn to accept some excess www.Beyond-X.com. Our new pho-
GAKIC, a MuscleTech product, is an baggage as a necessary evil if we tos are there too, with onfo on the
ammonia buffer that has given us want to pack on the most muscle new e-book Beyond X-Rep Muscle
some amazing strength increases possible over the winter. Building.]
[see IM Research Team in the 4) Continuous variation. We As you can see, our winter mega-
November ’05 issue]. The problem is mentioned that the split-positions mass program is built on a surplus
that when we took it before the approach will keep the stress on our of quality calories, optimum recov-
workout, it wore off about two- muscles fresh, but we also discov- ery, variety, overload and intensity.
thirds of the way through. With ered a number of X-Rep hybrid Follow us into the growth zone in
continuous fueling as we train, we techniques that helped us add more this series and by checking our X-
should be able to sustain the high- muscle very quickly during our ’05 Blog at www.X-Rep.com for daily
powered results we’ve been experi- ripping phase. They should work training updates. Can we (and you)
encing in our early sets with no drop even better during the winter, when add another 20 pounds of muscle
off. we won’t be restricting calories. We before next summer? Stay tuned.
Along those same muscle-feed plan to rotate them—X-centric Editor’s note: For the latest on
lines, we’re also going to have one or training, X/Pause, X Fade, staged the X-Rep muscle-building method,
two scoops of Pro-Fusion protein sets and Double-X Overload—on including X Q&As, X Files (past e-
powder before bed. That should give most of our exercises, especially the newsletters), our before and after
our resting muscles more recovery big midrange movements that stay photos and the new X-Blog training
and growth-promoting building constant. For example, we’ll use journal, visit www.X-Rep.com. For
blocks as we sleep. We’ve never done Smith-machine incline presses at more information on Positions-of-
that because of the fear of excess every upper-chest workout, but we Flexion training videos and Size
calories making us fat. Now we real- may do standard X reps at the end of Surge programs, see page 69. To
ize that it’s necessary to prevent a set at one session and one set with order the new Positions-of-Flexion
catabolic actions during the sleep- X Reps and the second with X/Pause training manual Train, Eat, Grow,
ing/fasting phase of the day in order at the next, and so on. [For more on call (800) 447-0008, visit www.home-
to max out muscle growth. We just X-Rep hybrid techniques, visit gym.com, or see the ad below. IM
TEG book
Just Say No
and Canada has shown that prolonged endurance training
makes fast-twitch fibers take on contractile properties of
slow-twitch fibers. It also appears that neural adaptations
are biased to slower velocities of contraction, which, again,
to Cardio
lessens the power output of slow-twitch fibers. What hap-
pens with prolonged endurance work is that the brain
arranges contraction patterns to slow rhythmic ones in-
stead of the ballistic ones required for weightlifting. That’s
why doing aerobic work for the upper body worsens your
vertical jump.
Q: I’m thinking about adding cardiovascular work Other issues arise from doing aerobic work concurrent
to my strength training to help me drop to 7 percent with strength training. One of them is that recovery from
bodyfat. Do you think that’s the best approach for aerobic work and strength training requires amino acids.
me to take? When you’re doing both, optimal recovery is
A: No. Definitely no. Especially if you’re interested in compromised, as some of the amino acids that would be
strength training and increasing your poundages. There’s used for the synthesis of contractile proteins are diverted
plenty of evidence that aerobic exercise interferes with to the biological adaptations associated with aerobic train-
strength development, particularly when you’re looking for ing.
power (fast strength). In other words, aerobic training is Furthermore, aerobic training is associated with in-
more harmful to the Olympic lifter or shot putter than it is creased cortisol production, which is catabolic in nature
to the powerlifter. Powerlifter is, ironically, a misnomer, as and linked to increased storage of central-trunk bodyfat.
the powerlifter expresses strength very slowly. On top of that, anytime you increase your cortisol output,
Would damage result from your aerobic work? Damage you’re stealing some pregnenolone, a hormone precursor
would be too strong a word. Geek adaptation would be a of testosterone, from the DHEA pathway, further decreas-
ing the anabolic status of your body.
Plus, sitting on a bike doing aerobic
work is damaging to the testes with
pressure and heat.
One of the first things clients who
come into any of the Poliquin Per-
formance Centers do is to submit
Neveux \ Model: Dan Decker
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Charles Poliquin’s
Smart Training
You don’t have to change your workout at
every session. In fact, too much variety can
impair your bodybuilding and strength-training
For example, I have yet to see a the quality of your restorative sleep.
bodybuilder who reports to one of my The brief list above is bound to
centers with normal magnesium levels eliminate 80 percent of the health
and a good antioxidant profile. A complaints that bodybuilders have.
simple trick: Put colors you haven’t Missing five days of training because
seen in a while into your food cart. of a cold is detrimental to your results,
Instead of just eating raisins and ba- but so is going light because of recur-
nanas, try kiwis, raspberries, rent joint paint caused by an omega-3
kumquats and so on. The same goes deficiency.
for animal protein. Bodybuilders
would make far more progress if they Editor’s note: Charles Poliquin is
included buffalo, ostrich and venison
in their diets.
recognized as one of the world’s most
successful strength coaches, having
The most common element missing coached Olympic medalists in 12
from bodybuilders’ regimens is veg- different sports, including the U.S.
etables. That explains why they usual- women’s track-and-field team for the
ly exhibit poor antioxidant protection 2000 Olympics. He’s spent years re-
and very low levels of trace minerals. searching European journals (he’s
4) They do not support their fluent in English, French and Ger-
general health. Countless times I man) and speaking with other coach-
overhear bodybuilders pissing and es and scientists in his quest to
moaning between sets about how optimize training methods. For more
their sleep sucks, they’re recovering on his books, seminars and methods,
from a flu, their joints hurt and so on. visit www.CharlesPoliquin.net. Also,
Why? Their diets and supplement see his ad on page 149. IM
programs are very poor. Bodybuilders
should, at a bare minimum, take
the following:
•a well-balanced multivitamin
that contains a broad base of
•fish oil at every meal, to ensure
better concentration, more fat
burning and greater protein
•gamma-E tocopherols with
mixed in tocopherols, not the
straight d-alpha tocopherols that
only work in rats
•extra magnesium. Bodybuilders
tend to be very low in this miner-
al. Muscular work increases
mention strength on a
number of key exercises.
Very few work their fore-
arms directly. They do
maybe 12 to 15 sets each
for biceps and triceps and
then throw in a measly
three sets of wrist curls,
and then they wonder why
their forearms aren’t better
Forearms and calves are similar in
composition, made up mostly of red
muscle fibers, tendons and liga-
ments. They both respond best to
high repetitions, in the 15-to-25
range. That means it’s painful to
train them, although the pain of
developing the calves is worse than
that of training the forearms. In both
cases muscles have to be engorged
with blood and pumped like bal-
loons. In terms of structure, you
might say that the calves are to the
thighs as the forearms are to the
upper arms. They’re two muscle
groups that are impossible to
DECEMBER 2005 99
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Building a Gorilla Grip and Freaky Forearms
Another way the forearms and (Brisbois had the most impressive Sergio Oliva, Chuck Sipes, Bill Pearl,
calves are similar is that both are forearms I’ve ever seen. In some Larry Scott, Lou Ferrigno, Jusup
highly influenced by genetics. Just poses they actually looked bigger Wilkosz, Dorian Yates, Arnold
as some people are born with great than his upper arms.) Schwarzenegger and just about any
calves and never have to train Other top bodybuilders, past or of today’s top bodybuilders. You
them, some fortunate athletes have present, noted for their great fore- don’t fare well in pro competition
gotten fantastic forearm develop- arms are Dave Draper, Casey Viator, with poor forearm development—
ment just from gripping the bar
when performing chins, bent-over
rows, T-bar rows, shrugs, cleans,
upright rows, barbell and dumbbell
curls, preacher curls and other
upper-body exercises.
Several bodybuilders come to
mind in that regard: Mike Mentzer
of Heavy Duty fame never had to
train forearms directly, and neither
did his brother Ray. Mohammed
Makkawy and Steve Brisbois, both
world champions and top pros, had
incredible forearms that were al-
most as big as their upper arms.
Huge, Powerful Lower Arms
Some fortunate
athletes have
gotten fantastic
development just
from gripping
Model: Steve Brisbois
the bar on
various exercises.
100 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
you’re lucky, see them in person—
to realize how impressive big, mus-
cular and vascular forearms are. It
looks as if they could rip steel bars
in half. Old-time strong men always
did more work for their forearms
than their biceps because they did
so many lifting feats that required
strong gripping power and powerful
Unfortunately, genetics can work
against you. Some people have
Models: Quincy Taylor, Ernie Taylor and Ahmad Haidar
what are sometimes called Indian
club forearms, in which all of the
mass is at the top, near the biceps
and brachialis, while the lower
forearms and wrists are small and
underdeveloped. There’s not much
you can do with that type of fore-
arms because there are very few
muscle fibers in the lower area to
develop. All you can do is work your
forearms intensely and make them
as big and as muscular as you can.
not if you’re standing next to the Albert Beckles, the ageless wonder
likes of Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, of the ’80s, had Indian club fore-
Kevin Levrone, Lee Priest and Craig arms, and it didn’t prevent him
Titus, all of whom have great fore- from winning many pro contests.
arms. If you happen to be one of those
All you have to do is see a good lucky devils who have naturally AD
photograph of these men—or, if large forearms, or whose forearms
Reverse curls on a
preacher bench are
difficult but can
give your grip
strength and lower-
arm development a
new dimension.
(continued from page 106) between could use 100-pound dumbbells for
the development of his wrists and six reps on the preacher bench
forearms and the development of supersetted with barbell preachers The stronger your
his biceps. In short, the stronger his with 150 pounds for six reps, which
wrists and forearms were, the heav- he says would have been impossi-
wrists and forearms,
ier the weights he could use on his
biceps exercises, especially the
ble for him if his grip and forearm
strength had been lacking. He could
the heavier you’ll be
barbell preacher curls and the also do reverse barbell preacher able to go on biceps
dumbbell preacher curls—a.k.a. curls with 130 pounds for six reps.
Scott curls— he masochistically In his book Loaded Guns, Larry exercises.
savors so much. In his prime Larry says the key to using heavy weights
es, then letting his biceps take over. pletely by forearm work.” made significant differences in how
Whereas it’s often impossible to To get that kind of power, you his forearms responded to training.
complete a full repetition of must train your forearms just as Although he briefly experimented
preacher curls because you get intensely as your biceps—or even with performing wrist curls on a
stuck at the very bottom of the rep regular flat bench, he found that
with the bar fully descended, it is
possible, if your wrists are strong
Larry Scott prefers such benches weren’t padded
enough, which caused pain in his
enough, to wrist-curl the bar to get
it moving.
to do his wrist curls wrists, and that they were too high,
so the body was not in an optimal
Says Larry, “If we can get our on a special low place for stressing the forearms.
wrists curled, we can go deep into Larry had a forearm bench built
the movement, where all the trea- bench that allows just like Bill Pearl’s—12 by 12 by 14.
sure is buried, with a heavier A bench of that height enables you
weight. To do this, we need raw his hips to be lower to use an Olympic bar without
power in the forearms, power that
can curl wrists holding weights that
than his forearms. having the 45-pound plates hit the
floor when your wrists are fully
112 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Building a Gorilla Grip and Freaky Forearms
on the same side as your fingers, on the undersides of his forearms. Larry Scott uses
using a thumbless grip. That helps On one side of the forearm bench
you to use heavier weights. For he places a 250-pound barbell. On a heavy/light
Larry, forearm development is all in
the details—plus tremendous effort
the other side he places a 100-
pound barbell. He then does back-
superset attack
and a hearty lust for pain.
And, says Larry, “It’s almost im-
to-back sets of heavy and light wrist
curls, taking as little rest as possible
when training his
possible to overtrain your fore- between sets. forearms.
arms.” If you think about it, you use Starting with the 250, Larry holds
your forearms every day. You use the bar with a thumbless grip and
them in every upper-body move- shoots for 20 repetitions. But here’s pound bar. Again he shoots for 20
ment and even on leg days, when a key point. On the heavy wrist or more repetitions, but these he
you have to load and unload squat curls he does not perform full repe- does very strictly and to full exten-
bars, leg press machines and hack titions. He does three-fifths of a sion of the wrists. By that Larry
squat machines. repetition, and on the final reps he doesn’t mean just lowering the bar
Most people like to do their fore- might only get half reps followed by down as far as your wrists bend. He
arm work after they’ve trained a few burns, where the bar is hardly means letting the bar roll down to
biceps because biceps curls also moving. That’s not important to your fingertips, forcing it back into
work the forearms to some degree him. What’s important is stressing your palms and then wrist-curling
and it gets the pump started. You the wrists and forearms with very it back to your starting point. Larry
can also train forearms after back heavy weights to build power, then does his first 10 reps that way, but
for the same reason. immediately training them with a on his final 10 he stays strict but
Larry Scott uses a heavy/light lighter weight for pump and blood doesn’t allow the bar to roll down to
superset attack when training his engorgement. his fingertips.
forearms. He begins his assault by Once Larry completes the heavy After three supersets of
targeting the five extensor muscles bar reps, he hurries to the 100- heavy/light wrist curls he shifts
Make a conscious
effort to grip bars and
handles hard during
your workouts to
build neuromuscular
Huge, Powerful Lower Arms
by Ron Harris
Models: Markus Reinhardt and Hubert Morandell
the magazines.”
“I was afraid of that.” I
paused. “Dump her.”
“Get rid of her, and find
a girl who at least goes to
the gym and tries to eat
right. Believe me, having a
woman who shares your
fitness lifestyle will make
everything so much easier.
My wife, Janet, supports
what I do. Other guys have
wives nagging them con-
stantly about all the train-
ing and eating, and it
makes reaching your goals
10 times harder. It always
Photo Illustration by Christian Martinez
It’s jam-packed
with sensational
re-edited footage,
much of it way too
erotic to publish in
the magazine.
152 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Pay for the swell muscle cells. Combining Re-
coverX, a postworkout mix of fast
e-book with your carbs (60 grams) and fast protein
(40 grams), with CreaSol titrated
credit card, creatine (five grams per serving)
cranks on the muscle-refueling and
download it and mass-building ignition. We call
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burn it to a CD from ents your muscles crave for more
your computer. growth right at that critical window.
It’s time to ignite the anabolic surge
That gives you an you deserve for your intense efforts
in the gym and make the 20-
instant gift in about pounds-of-muscle New Year’s reso-
lution come true before summer.
15 minutes. With the X Stack you get three
three-pound-plus canisters of Re-
coverX and one bottle of CreaSol
(40 servings) all for only $99.95
(that’s a $50 savings off the retail
X-citing E-books
What’s cool about these e-books,
aside from the
training info on
X Reps they
include, is that
they provide
instant gratifi-
cation. You go to the Web site,
www.X-Rep.com, pay for the e-
book with your credit card, down-
load it and burn it to a CD from
your computer. That gives you an
instant gift in about 15 minutes.
Heck, you can even print out the
Web page with the cover of the e-
book you’re giving, cut it out and
put it inside the CD case to make it
look customized. Choose from
these four bodybuilding best-sell-
ers: The Ultimate Mass Workout—
Featuring the X-Rep
Muscle-Building Method, $29.95;
X-treme Lean—Fat-Burning and
Nutrition Guide, $29.95; X-traordi-
nary Abs—Etching a Ripped, Rugged
Midsection With X Reps, $19.95;
and Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building,
$29.95. Merry X-Mas!
Building More Mass and
Strength in 30 Minutes or Less
by Christopher Pennington
Photography by Michael Neveux
t’s generally believed In actuality, someone may have and are meticulous about their
that abbreviated bad genetics but other factors diets. The take-home message is,
contribute to the situation. For you should not compare yourself to
training was originally example, we’ve all known people the pros, period.
developed for lifters who say they eat and eat and follow What’s more, with so many inno-
known as hardgainers, a strict training schedule but can- vative advances in nutrition, sup-
not gain an inch—which they plementation and training
a term used to blame on bad genetics. When you information—most of which you
describe people who hear those stories, however, you can read about in IRON MAN every
have difficulty gaining need to question whether they’re month—we can not pinpoint the
really true. Are they really eating cause of lack of training gains as a
muscle. The biggest reason enough calories and using an effec- deficiency in one of those three
for their lack of training suc- tive training program? In those very areas. If you take a step back and
cess, according to many rare cases when the answer to both analyze those three factors in your
questions is yes, the person is a own regimen, you’ll be able to
hardgainers, was self-diag- true hardgainer. discover where you’re lacking and
nosed bad genetics. That The problem with the word can start making some improve-
included poor recovery abil- hardgainer is that it’s relative. De- ments.
pending on whom you compare Blaming genetics is a safe, easy
ity. In essence, abbreviated yourself to, anyone could be con- excuse. The truth is that it does no
training grew out of that sidered a hardgainer. For example, good to worry about your genetics.
mind-set: that those who comparing your progress to that of You can’t change them, so you may
a top bodybuilder would cause you as well focus on what you can in-
had limited recovery abili- to quickly conclude that you have fluence, namely how you train and
ties and could not tolerate bad genetics when in fact you’re what you eat. When you focus your
Model: Dan Decker
normal bodybuilding split using an unrealistic yardstick. Top efforts on what you can change
bodybuilders have the absolute and improve, without getting upset
training needed to train dif- best of the best genetics. They also over what you can’t, the gains will
ferently. adhere to rigid workout schedules come.
Weighted dips 2 x 15-20
Bent-over rows 2 x 15-20
Model: David Dorsey
Bench presses 2 x 15-20
Close-grip pulldowns 2 x 15-20
Seated dumbbell presses 2 x 15-20
Deadlifts 2 x 20
focuses on a limited
Model: Lee Apperson
number of multi-
joint, or compound,
The reason I discussed the ori-
gins and applications of this tech-
nique is to help you determine how
you might want to use it. Whether
you’re a hardgainer, you’re under
time constraints or simply want a
change in workout stimulus, it’s a
good program to try. The above
routine uses a common abbreviat-
ed workout scheme. Now it’s time
to discuss a new variation that you
can use in specific situations.
I developed this method out of
necessity recently, when I fell into a
Try an abbreviated-train-
ing routine for three weeks,
and you may grow as never
before. $G
should be almost
impossible—so you
can’t help but grow!
Photo Illustration by Christian Martinez \ Model: King Kamali
www.ironmanmagazine.com \ DECEMBER 2005 175
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
have implications for growth hor- the same overtraining spiral that Your muscle gains will stop dead in
mone surge as well as ties to hyper- occurs with volume training). Don’t their tracks, and your size may even
plasia, or fiber splitting, which we let that happen. A good rule of start to regress. Once that happens,
explain at www thumb is to back off for a week after it’s a deep hole to try to dig out of.
.X-Rep.com.) six to eight weeks of X-Rep work- Of course, the high-set approach
Notwithstanding the benefits, outs. You can use the same weights also puts you in that peril. Doing so
there’s a caveat to using such a on all of your exercises; simply stop many sets takes a severe toll on
powerful mass-building technique: just short of failure on all work your nervous system as well (unless
cumulative nervous system drain. sets—and, obviously, no X Reps you’re really lazy and just going
Sure, training beyond positive fail- allowed. That will give your nervous through the motions or you’re on
ure with X Reps is a faster, more system a chance to regenerate steroids), so no matter which ap-
efficient route to muscle mass than because the stress is reduced. Some proach you use, phase in a low-
doing excessive sets, but you’re trainees may even want to take four intensity, low-set week for the best
tossing around dynamite. You want to six days off from the gym—yep, a gains possible. You won’t lose any
to avoid the gain-killing explosion complete layoff. (That’s very hard size and strength, and you’ll proba-
that can be set off if you abuse X for the extremely motivated to do, bly come back bigger and stronger
Reps’ power. but it may be necessary if the mass- every time.
Basically, if you use the tech- building process is going to contin- We use that approach when we
nique on too many sets and/or for ue.) train for our annual photo shoot.
too many months at a time without If you keep hammering away Last year, during our X-Rep experi-
a break, you could spin into an without a break, you’ll eventually ment, we hammered hard on our
overtraining downward spiral (yes, burn out. What does that mean? reduced-volume X-Rep program
[listed in The Ultimate Mass Work-
out e-book] for five weeks. Then we
Motivation backed off five days before our
can be a shoot, coasting in the gym so our
muscles could supercompensate
double-edged from the fiber-firing sessions. It
sword. Yes, worked. Our physiques looked
you have to better than ever thanks to short,
power-packed X-Rep workouts
train hard, but followed by a brief phase of lower-
you also have intensity supercompensation.
to fight the This year we honed our system
even more, ramping up the intensi-
urge to keep ty with new X-Rep hybrid tech-
pushing to niques like X/Pause, X-centric
the limit training, Double-X Overload and X
Fades and then backing off about
continuously. six days before the shoot. The re-
Periodic sult: We put on even more muscle
medium- with a harder, more shredded look.
We ended up about 10 pounds
intensity heavier and just as ripped (some of
phases are a our new photos are posted at www
must. .Beyond-X.com).
True, you have to train hard, but
you’ve also gotta fight the urge to
keep pushing to the limit continu-
ously. Believe us, it works, big time.
Try it, and then just set your phaser
on “grow.”
Duty The Art of Enhancing
Muscular Definition by John Little
right up until the day of the contest weight training simply to burn
and cut your calories to a below- calories isn’t a good idea. The rea-
maintenance level to lose bodyfat. son is that oxygen must be present
As you gain muscle, your metab- for fat to be metabolized for energy.
olism goes up, and you burn more The demands for energy imposed
calories over a greater period of by anaerobic activity—such as
time. If you need to lose bodyfat weight training or sprinting—are so
more quickly, however, you might great and immediate that oxygen
need to include aerobic activity to can’t be supplied rapidly enough to
hasten the process. And while it’s metabolize fat for that energy. Only
true that increased levels of physi- the sugar stored within a muscle—
cal activity burn more calories and called glycogen—can be metabo-
lead to faster weight loss, using lized in the absence of oxygen.
your pecs a squared-off look? Can
you grab fat in the nipple area, or is
the skin tight and close to the mus-
cle? What about the area around
your navel? Does it jiggle, or is it
tight, with no visible roll of fat? One
area that provides an excellent
indication of your overall condition
is the lower back, right above the
hips on either side of your spine. If
you can grab an inch or more of fat
in that area, you’ll probably need
up to 10 weeks of rigid dieting to get
Before a competition Mike would
frequently pinch the skin around
his navel to see if it was thinning
out. If it was, and his muscle size
and strength levels were intact, he
knew it was okay to continue what
he’d been doing. If not, he’d make
the necessary adjustments in diet
and/or aerobic activity. According
to Mike:
“Five or six weeks should be the
minimum length of time allocated
for contest prep, while anything
more than 10 to 12 weeks becomes
too taxing on both mind and body.
Look at fat loss logically: Even on
the most severe diet the maximum
amount of fat you can possibly lose
in one week is three pounds. At that
rate you’d lose 18 pounds in six
weeks, allowing no time for error or
backsliding. Losing two pounds of
fat a week is a more realistic goal,
and it reduces the probability of
losing muscle mass. If you try to
lose fat too fast, you’ll inevitably
burn some muscle for energy.”
Day 2: Legs
Front squats: Magnus says,
“This is the key for practical
strength in strongman events—
from Conan’s wheel to the truck
pull; I do doubles or triples to fail-
ure and always squat down to the
absolute bottom.”
Leg presses: either three sets of
five to six reps or one set of about
10 to 12 reps that is absolutely all
out (“I see stars”). Magnus prefers
the latter, and he says he makes a
contest out of it, trying to beat
whatever he did in the previous
Day 5: Back
1) Deadlifts: the main exercise.
Magnus alternates between a heavy
week and a light week. Heavy dead-
lifts follow the workouts when he
does push presses for shoulders,
and lighter deadlifts follow the
workouts when he does power
cleans and push presses/jerks for
2) Seated rows or chins.
3) Bent-over rows.
Grip Training
Magnus does it on leg and back
days, and it consists of three move-
1) Grippers: He warms up with
the No. 2 Captains of Crush gripper
and then moves to the No. 3. When Strongman Team Event (in Harden- “You need to have this belief that
he’s feeling strong, he goes on to the berg, Netherlands), Magnus said, you can succeed, that nothing is
No. 4. Magnus is one of five men in “Hey, Randy, watch this.” Click, impossible. You need to have this
the world who have officially closed click—Magnus tapped the handles belief in yourself, that if you just do
the No. 4 Captains of Crush gripper on a No. 3 Captains of Crush grip- your best, then you can win. You
and at this writing is thought to be per, both right-handed and left- must believe that you have this gift,
the only man in the world capable handed, as easily as if they were that you can beat everybody if you
of closing the gripper starting with plastic castanets, and at the 2004 just do your best.”
the handles spread wide enough to World’s Strongest Man contest, Looking at Magnus Samuelsson,
let a credit card fit between them, Magnus’ brother Torbjorn told me you can see that he must have, and
rather than using “a deep set” to that closing the No. 4 Captains of it must be true, because he did.
start. Crush gripper has become a regular Editor’s note: Randall J.
2) Wrist roller: He uses the thing for Magnus—an amazing Strossen, Ph.D., author of five books
sleeve on an Olympic bar as a wrist statement about his hand strength. and more than 200 articles, is the
roller and does three sets. Magnus is also a past world-record founder and president of IronMind
3) Finger curls with a straight holder on the Rolling Thunder (a Enterprises, Inc., known worldwide
bar: Standing with his arms hang- popular test of hand strength), and for products that are designed for
ing straight down, Magnus lets the he seems capable of resetting the and used by the strongest people
bar roll down to the tips of his fin- world record almost at will. on earth. You can see the full range
gers. Then he curls it back up, using Sometimes it’s easy to think that of IronMind products, including
just his finger strength. the importance of a positive mental Magnus Samuelsson’s two DVDs,
Magnus says he “used to train outlook is the stuff only of fairy “Swedish Power!” and “The World’s
loads of grip” in his arm-wrestling tales or pencil-necked armchair Strongest Arms,” in IronMind’s on-
days, and his hand strength is experts, but listen to what this 330- line store. For details visit
something that makes people gasp pound 1998 World’s Strongest Man www.ironmind.com or call (530)
in amazement. At the 1998 World winner says: 265-6725. IM
200 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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=ƒ H ∂x • n d S
∂ƒdS Δ•n=-H
Pe Set Up to Size Up
by Eric Broser
Photography by Michael Neveux
lthough I pride myself on having a balanced
physique, I’d have to say that my pecs are my stand-
out bodypart. In the off-season I generally wear a
size 54 jacket, but the waist of my pants is only
34. My jacket size is mostly due to the mass and thickness of
my chest more than anything else (which makes me wonder
what size jacket Ronnie Coleman or Marcus Ruhl must
wear—Wow!). Whenever people see me with my shirt off,
their questions and comments are mostly in regards to my
pecs: “How much do you bench?” “How do you find shirts?”
“Wow, your chest is bigger than my wife’s—and she has im-
plants!” But I digress.
The interesting thing about the fact that my chest is now my
best bodypart is that when I started training, it was probably
my worst. While I weighed a paltry 125 pounds at a height
Model: Peter Putman
When I started, I So how did I get my chest to go Nope. I used the same old whey,
from minuscule to massive, tiny to casein and egg powders that every-
looked like an ironing titanic, pathetic to powerful? Did I one else uses.
Set Up to Size Up
have a secret exercise taught to me The secret? It’s all about position-
board with nipples. So by aliens from the planet ing.
how did I get my chest Schwarzeneggeron? Nope. I just did Let me illustrate by telling you
the basics—like bench presses, about a friend I used to train with
to go from minuscule to incline presses, flyes, dips and years ago. Every time we went
massive, pathetic to pullovers. Did I have access to an through an intense chest workout,
experimental protein powder devel- doing the same exercises, sets and
powerful? It’s all about oped by Eastern-bloc scientists that reps, he’d say that his shoulders and
positioning. causes site-specific protein synthe- triceps had gotten a tremendous
sis in the pecs’ fast-twitch fibers? pump but that his chest felt as if it
During his
first chest
workout done
he could feel
a pump and
burn in his
Model: Lee Apperson
chest as
Model: Michael Ryan
never before.
Decline Flyes
www.ironmanmagazine.com \ DECEMBER 2005 205
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Positioning for Pecs
Incline Flyes
Those same directions apply
to dips and crossovers as well as
seated press and flye machines.
(The part about lying back does
not apply to the machine exer-
cises, but you do want to plant
your feet firmly on the floor.)
Now you’re in position to
achieve maximum pectoral
recruitment with far less delt
and triceps interference. The
Dumbbell Pullovers
206 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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Positioning for Pecs
The shoulder-
lifted position
was making
his chest
concave at
the point of
In addition,
he was
locking out
very hard at
the top—not
good for
guidance or contest-
prep coaching, contact
Eric Broser at
bodyfx2@aol.com. IM
f you’re a bodybuilder struggling productive at packing on mass. ways to jack up the effectiveness of
to put on more muscle, you no Both Coleman and Cutler use a our own workouts. Let’s uncover
doubt look to the biggest bodies lot of semistretched-position over- some of Cutler’s mega-mass secrets.
in the business for answers. Guys load and partial reps. Each has a
like Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler slightly different style, but you can :RUNRXW
just have to know something the bet your biceps they’ve discovered
rest of us don’t—because they’re how to hit their muscles with the Quads. Jay starts by warming up
eye-ball-popping huge! Is it genet- precise stress that triggers tremen- on an exercise bike for 15 minutes
ics? Is it pharmaceutical enhance- dous increases in hypertrophy— and then it’s on to Smith-machine
ment? Is it sheer willpower? Yes, to a and maybe even fiber squats. He does two sets of light
degree, on all of those counts, but if splitting—and you’re about to read nonlock squats, going deep—and
you watch them train, you’ll notice exactly how Cutler does it, as docu- the vascularity materializes almost
something more—a big part of their mented by Mitsuru Okabe on the immediately, streaking down his
secret to extreme muscle size. It’s “Ripped to Shreds” two-disc DVD quads like surgical tubing. Why a
something you can start using set. Thanks to Mits, we can watch nonlock style? Occlusion. Blocking
immediately to make your work- the best bodybuilders train, analyze blood flow to the target muscle
outs three, four or five times more what they do and come up with during a set chokes off oxygen and
All training photos are from “Jay Cutler Ripped to Shreds” DVD ©2005 Mitsuru Okabe Co. All World Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
Ameri- battle between Garrett Allin, Stan wrestling designed on a napkin more than
cans. McQuay, Tricky Jackson and 30 years ago, is once again avail-
star, body- able for purchase.
Anthony “Guns” Watkins. And builder,
throw USA champ Jamie Ibone artist, producer, stuntman and then some, de-
and runner-up Sam Bakhtiar in the mix too. signed the logo on a napkin in Zucky’s Deli in
Will Jose Raymond try to three-peat in the welterweight class (USA, Santa Monica in 1973, a time when he was often
Team Universe to date)? Will Perry McRae finally get a pro card? Tell the training partner of the guy who went on to
you what—get your fanny to Atlanta and find out firsthand who’s the best become governor of Kauli-fornia.
in the land. Or log on to www.GraphicMuscle.com, the best contest Web Drasin did the emblem as a favor and never
site going, for up-to-date event coverage, featuring my audio reports and received a dime for his creation. Yes, Irene,
the always sublime stage shots of Bill “Big Daddy” Comstock. justice can be served; after more than three
decades Gold’s teamed up with Drasin this past
summer to bring the design back as a collector’s
item, with Ric’s signature back right next to the
foot, where it all began in the ’70s.
Since Drasin owns the rights to the original
logo, he will now have the opportunity to get a
share of the income Gold’s has generated with
the logo by way of its 600 gyms and 10 million
members worldwide. (Better late than never, eh,
Contest photography by Bill Comstock
Tricky Jackson here
(left) or Anthony with Bill
Watkins could
make it in the Pearl,
middles. created
the logo
For information on tickets to the NPC National Bodybuilding and as a
Fitness Championships, write to pambetz@aol.com. favor.
Liberman knows
just how far De- Reeves and was one of
mented Dave will the industry’s premier
go to get your physique artists 15 years
signed check. When
Liberman’s high ago, finishing sixth in the
school classmate, ’90 Olympia, seventh in
Devo lead singer ’91. Earlier that year Fran-
Mark Mothersbaugh, cis had placed seventh at
played the Cleve-
land Scene Pavil-
ion in August, Liberman did what he does contest, to my
best—badgered helpless Mark until he donated his recollection, was
check from the concert to Dave’s Natural North- the ’92 Mr. O,
ern Ohio Championships, which will be held
in April in Westlake. Whip it, Dave. where he finished
Whip it good. 15th—but he beat a guy
named Ronnie Coleman
that day, so it wasn’t all bad.
Fast-forward 13 years. Benfatto, now 47, got Mirror, mirror on the wall, who
the bug to step onstage again after getting in prime shape for an exhibition had the prettiest physique of
them all? Francis Benfatto cer-
at the IFBB South African Championships last year. The occasion for the tainly has to make the first
appearance: to promote his Francis Benfatto Signature Series supplement callout in that round.
line, which is being manufactured by the South American company Mus-
clescience (www.MuscleScience.com).
“I had some pictures taken at the exhibition and since then have not stopped progressing,” says Francis. “This has inspired me
to get back to the pro stage.
“I will bring a new dimension to the science of training by conditioning myself to reach the best level I can without sacrificing my
health and to be in better shape at 47 than I was at 30. I can say, with confidence, that I have not yet reached my full potential and
would achieve this by following my goal with a comeback onstage. Competing at the ’06 IRON MAN would be a dream come true.”
Look for more on fabulous Francis—and one of the classiest physiques of all time—in upcoming issues of IRON MAN.
class. The event was held
five weeks after
Haley’s disappointment at
the USA, where he won the su-
perheavyweight class but watched as overall L.T. predicts that North American
champs Marcus Haley and Kim Perez
champ Phil Heath and light-heavyweight winner Fakhri (far left) will more than hold their own
on the flex-for-pay circuit.
Mubarak got the nod to move on to the next level.
The Tampa, Florida, resident has been a pro in waiting for some time now, and he kept punch-
ing away until he got there. Thumbs-up, Marcus. See you at the IRON MAN?
Arizona Championships
Phoenix • July 9
champ Mary
Lila Nance.
Wile E. Coyot
e’s replacem
looked like
trouble for th ent
roadrunner. e pesky
Southern States Championships
Fort Lauderdale, Florida • August 4–5
Overall bodybuilding champions Bran-
Kneeling: Debi Laszewski and Darin Page, don Lowe and Tina Chandler.
overall bodybuilding champs. Standing (from
left) Peter W. Potter,
promoter, and top
trophy winners
Alison Cosentino
(over-30 bodybuild-
ing), Jazmany Castel-
lanos (teen), Ava
Cowan (figure),
Megan Davies (teen
figure and fitness)
and Nardo Dean
IAJE Photography
3803 &L5&8067$1&(
More tales
New York State of Mind from the road
The journey that began at but the big news for 2005 was
the USA Championships in that for the first time in several
Las Vegas on July 29 included years the men’s team would
a side trip to visit family in actually be going to the Worlds.
Pittsburgh and a mind-mellow- Arriving at Penn Station in
ing train ride through the lush rush hour on Thursday, August
Pennsylvania countryside for 4, I was flooded with nostalgia
this reporter. For the athletes as I schlepped my suitcase and
who competed during Team laptop up the escalator to 31st
Universe weekend in New Street. My first New York body-
York on August 5 and 6 it was building trip had taken place on
a journey to a pro card, a spot that very block, at the venue that
on the so-called Universe was then called the Felt Forum
team, a place in the Olympia of Madison Square Garden: the
lineup—or not. These days ’86 Ms. Olympia. Back in the
Team U weekend includes a day women’s bodybuilding drew
whole lotta buff bodies battling Men’s story. Jose Raymond, coming off a class win at 4,800 fans at that fabled audito-
it out: the T.U. Bodybuilding the USA, was heavily favored to do some damage in rium. Of course you knew that.
and Fitness Championships, the men’s division, and he didn’t disappoint, becoming Also that the ’86 Ms. O was won
the National Figure Champi- the first America welterweight to win an overall title. It by Cory Everson.
onships and the IFBB New remains to be seen whether Raymond, who turned In the taxi, inching downtown,
York Pro Figure event. All of down a pro card after winning the lightweights at the I reflected on how New York cab
them except the pro show are ’01 Nationals, will take the plunge this time. The su- fares have grown in the almost
perbly symmetrical men’s posedown included (from
drug-tested and are used to 20 years since my first pro any-
left): Dietrich Horsey, heavyweight; Ron Hackaspker,
pick the teams that will go to bantamweight; Orlando Smith, light heavyweight; Ray- thing competition—almost as
the IFBB Men’s and Women’s mond; Andre Ewing, middleweight; and Kelly Pettiford, much as the women’s
World Amateur lightweight. physiques—and wondered
Championships, which are whether there would be more or
scheduled for China and Spain, respectively. The NPC would fewer figure competitors than there’d been at the USA. For the
again be giving pro cards to the overall bodybuilding winners, answer to that and other penetrating ponderings, read on.
Clockwise from
upper left: Chan-
Luciana Bell missed out on a
dra Coffey, pro card by a single point in
Monica Guerra,
Jane Awad and the tall class. Dang. I love how
Tracey Green-
wood. that girl moves.
No Seer Here
Though the big Charlotte Pro weekend, with shows in all four sports, was still
to come as this issue went to bed, the back end of the ’05 season had already
seen an interesting array of athletes elevated to the status of Olympia invitee.
Figurewise, that list included Jennifer Searles and Chandra Coffey, who
took second and third at the New York Pro, where sitting Olympia champ Da-
vana Medina scored an easy win. A month later in Cleveland, at the North
American Pro, Jane Awad, third at the Toronto qualifier in the spring, picked
up her first pro win. Searles was second again, while the winner in the O-invite
derby was vet Melissa Frabbiele, who took third.
On the subject of really big shows, big Betty—and Eddie—Pariso’s Europa
Pro on September 17 in Dallas brought good news, Olympiawise, to bodybuild-
ing class winners Tonia Williams and Bonny Priest, with Priest taking the
overall for the second year running. Tracey Greenwood picked up a big 53-
point win in the fitness event, with two acclaimed performers, Stacy Simons
and Mindi O’Brien, filling out the top three and ensuring that the fitness round
at the O would be a total talent rotation. The figure event brought three promis-
ing new faces to the fore. Recently graduated pros Amanda Savell and Va-
lerie Waugman finished first and second, respectively, while the shapely
Monica Guerra, in third, earned her first ticket to the O.
The figure hopefuls had a contest almost every weekend leading up to the
big finale. On September 24 at the Anaheim Pro it was Christine Pomponio-
But if I was a betting woman and I saw the
Pate in the winner’s circle with Savell in second, Guerra in third and fourth- name of Maya Stone, light-heavy winner at
placer Anna Larson getting the sliding invite. To find out if these late-season the recent North American Championships,
entries left Las Vegas with anything in their pockets (like prize money), consult on the competitor list for the Nationals,
the colossal Olympia coverage online at IRON MAN’s GraphicMuscle.com. I might be inclined to put up a buck or two.
it was worth their while lightweights on the stage
to come to New York before us, I couldn’t help
and vie for a pro card The bikini wax is throw down. You can help prove once in for all whether starting up another round
and a chance to com- the figure athletes look like bodybuilders. of the same old, same old.
pete in Spain if you won Much later that morning,
your class. As opposed to 56 women at the USA, where one as we contemplated the 130 amateur figure contenders—
pro card—and no trip to Spain—was given. which brought up a fresh round of the half-these-girls-look-like-
Despite remarks made in the item on page 229, 130 entries lightweight-bodybuilders same old, same old—a lightbulb
is a good thing, so thanks to figure, the Team U promoters can ignited.
afford to keep staging the event, however many women body- “Too bad more of them don’t enter the bodybuilding show,” I
builders show up, but still: Why hasn’t this show done better in blurted out. “That would be a heck of a contest.”
recent years? After all, the odds are better than in Vegas, and People thought I was kidding, but I put it to you, ladies: Why
you are encouraged to have a drug-free physique. For cynics limit yourself to a few seconds of turning around when you can
who might suggest that the drug test is what keeps the com- be posing center stage all by yourself, showing off all your hard
work in the gym? Given the NPC’s campaign to
encourage a more-feminine standard for women
Odds ’n’ Ends bodybuilders, you just might actually stand a
chance—and you don’t have to wear heels.
“I’ll show you a pair of T.U. trophies!”
Jessica Booth injured her shoulder while
doing her very cute fitness routine at the
To contact Lonnie Teper about
judging and didn’t get to perform at the
material possibly pertinent to
finals. Not to worry, the judges liked her News & Views, write to 1613
5’ 5 3/4” physique so much, she smoked Chelsea Road, #266, San
the competition in the body rounds and Marino, CA 91108; fax to (626)
earned the runner-up pro card. In fact, 289-7949; or send e-mail to
Figure ironwman@aol.com.
T by Gene Mozée
he world of bodybuilding lost bodybuilding contests for decades.
another of its most renowned He was also one of the founders of
physique photographers and GraphicMuscle.com and was re-
contributors when Joe Valdez died sponsible for the Today’s Birthdays
in his sleep at 5:54 on Wednesday, feature that appears daily at GM.
August 16, 2005, at the Motion “Joe really did have an idiot sa-
Picture & Television Fund Home in vant’s knowledge of bodybuilder’s
Woodland Hills, California. Born in birthdays and could remember the
Omaha, Nebraska, on May 1, 1932, date of anybody’s he jotted down,
Joe was one of the best photogra- which he never stopped doing,”
phers in the iron game, with 400 recalls Bill Comstock. “He’d go up to
magazine covers—many for foreign complete strangers, anywhere he
bodybuilding magazines—to his would see a bodybuilder, and with-
credit. In addition to his prolific out introducing or explaining him-
photography, he was involved in self ask, ‘When is your birthday?’ I
organizing the National Physique was with him many times when
Committee in Southern California bodybuilders didn’t react kindly to
and was its first district chairman. his birthday solicitations. More
He was also a prominent physique $WKRPHZLWKKLVIDPLO\ than once I thought he was going to
contest judge for more than 30 get himself killed.”
years. Joe was one of the most beloved
I first met Joe in 1965 at the AAU personalities in our sport. He
Mr. America contest, which was helped many up-and-coming body-
held in Los Angeles. He approached builders succeed. He always took
me and introduced himself by say- three photos of each pose during a
ing that he worked in the photogra- photo shoot: one for the subject,
phy department at Warner Bros. one for publication and one for
Studios and wanted to learn himself. He never charged his mod-
physique photography. I set up a els and always gave them free pho-
photo session with several of the tos. Almost all of his magazine
contestants for the next day and covers were given to publishers for
invited Joe to observe. From that free—he only wanted to help body-
day forward he shot physique pho-
:LWK5R\/HLGHOPH\HU builders get the recognition that
tos, and within a few years he be- they deserved.
came one of the best in the $IHZRIWKH Joe photographed rising young
business PDQ\FRYHUV stars like Rory Leidelmeyer, Robby
Joe’s background as a second 9DOGH]VKRW Robinson, Bob Paris, Rich Gaspari,
assistant cameraman speeded his Shawn Ray, Danny Hester, Manny
mastery of physique photography. Molina, Stan McQuay, David Johns,
He worked on every Aaron Spelling John Brown, Richard Jones and
TV production, including many others, often giving them the
“Dynasty,” one of the top-rated first publicity that helped propel
series of its time. His likable per- them to worldwide recognition and
sonality made him very popular fame. He also claimed that he per-
with all the stars he met in Holly- suaded Vince Taylor to become a
wood. Joan Collins mentions him a bodybuilder after meeting him on a
few times in her biography. Joe was 'DYLG photo shoot with John Brown.
very close to Academy Award win- -RKQV In recent years, despite his failing
ner Barbara Stanwyck, who affec- health, Joe attended almost every
tionately called him “Santa,” and he contest in Southern California—in
was friendly with Charlton Heston his wheelchair and with an oxygen
and Angie Dickinson. bottle. He truly loved bodybuilding,
Joe was a hard-working person 6HUJH and the same can be said about
with a sharp wit. While at Gordon 1XEUHW him by the many friends who
Photography by Joe Valdez
Age: 27
Workout schedule: Monday, legs; Tuesday, arms; Wednesday, rest; Thursday, chest
and shoulders; Friday, rest; Saturday, back; Sunday, rest. Trains abs and calves two
times per week.
Sample bodypart workout (legs): Squats, 3 x 10-12; leg presses or hack squats,
3 x 10-12; lunges, 3-4 sets; leg extensions, 3 x 8-10; stiff-
legged deadlifts, 2-3 x 12; leg curls, 3 x 10-12
’ve said that the best way to introduce isotonic-
isometrics into your strength program was to insert a
few positions throughout the week as you continue
your regular routine. That enables you to learn how
to perform isos. As I’ve mentioned, even though the
system is extremely simple to understand, it involves
a great deal of technique. The more you do isos, the
more proficient you’ll become, which means they’ll be
more productive.
After a month or so of doing two or three isos a week,
you should feel confident about your form. At some point
you’ll be able to tell for sure that you’re putting forth
maximum effort. Of course, no one can actually contract
his muscles 100 percent. That occurs only in extreme situ-
ations of fright—you know, the lady who lifts a car off
her trapped child. You can do contractions in the 75-to-
80 percent range, however, and that’s sufficient for your
purpose, which is to improve your strength.
244 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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Only the Strong Shall Survive
Your dynamic
squats will get
a big boost
from isometric
work. You’ll get
new strength
Complete Iso Program
What often happens when ath- want to give isos priority for the isos throughout the year. During
letes become familiar with this next two months and use free- the off-season, from late June to
system of strength training and weight exercises as complementary September, we’d shift to workouts
discover that the positions they’ve movements. that featured more iso than free-
been using have had a positive That’s exactly what many of the weight work. The change paid divi-
effect on certain lifts is that they Olympic lifters at the York Barbell dends in a number of areas. Doing
want to do more than just a few Club did in the 1960s. Almost all of less heavy pressing, cleaning and
positions during the week. They them—including me—did some squatting gave our abused joints a
much-needed rest. Not having to plenty of time, and we did our best Olympic weightlifters, the first
worry about moving big numbers in to do more aerobics: We knew that program is for them. Keep in mind
preparation for an upcoming con- having a strong endurance base that the military press was part of
test was a huge mental relief. Since was most useful. Some of the meets official competition at the time, so
the isos were enabling us to gain would go on until the wee hours of the routine puts more emphasis on
strength, we could concentrate on the following morning. At the Philly the jerk. I include pressing posi-
honing our technique with lighter Open one year, Barski was clean tions, however, because I think they
poundages. It was also an ideal and jerking at 2 a.m., and his class improve strength in the arms,
opportunity to deal with weaker had started lifting at 6 p.m. We also shoulders and back, which is direct-
areas and improve our endurance realized that a better aerobics base ly transferable to the jerk. In addi-
base. would help us train harder and tion, shoulder strength benefits
The relatively quick iso sessions faster. That was a plus when you from both the clean and snatch. It’s
and lighter-weight workouts left us ended up following yourself on a five-day-a-week program.
with plenty of extra energy to ex- platform, and it happened often to
pend on our aerobic condition- lifters like March, Tony Garcy and
ing—plus, we had more time to do Barski because no one else was Isotonic-Isometric
so. During the season we’d lift al- handling nearly as much weight as
most every Saturday or at least they were. Program for Olympic
every other week, with demonstra-
tions thrown in for good measure.
So there were plenty of positive
reasons for us to give isos prece-
Hoffman insisted on exposure, and dence in our off-season strength Monday, Wednesday and Friday
we all learned how to deal with work. When we resumed our regu- will be all isos. Tuesday and Thurs-
competing frequently. Then there lar Olympic lifting regimen and day will be free-weight exercises.
was work. Everyone had a job. No relegated the rack work to an auxil-
one got a free pass, though that was iary role, we were more physically Monday
Complete Iso Program
often the conception about York fit, free of old injuries, stronger and
lifters. Bill Bednarski, Bill March eager to get back into competition. Three press positions: start,
and Roman Mielec worked in the I’ve received a number of letters eye level and lockout.
warehouse, Tommy Suggs and I put from readers—for example, a foot- Three pulling positions
out Strength & Health, Garcy was a ball player, an Olympic lifter, two using a clean grip: start, below
schoolteacher, and Gary Glenney, powerlifters and three from older the knees and high top pull on
Fred West and Homer Brannum men who wanted to use isos to help your toes.
worked in town. Tommy and I tried them maintain a high level of
to get to the YMCA at least once a strength fitness—requesting that I Two front-squat positions:
week to play racquetball or volley- present sample programs for build- deep bottom, as low as you can
ball, but as everyone knows, an hour ing a routine around isotonic-iso- squeeze under the bar and still
hold your position, and midpoint.
a week isn’t going to help much. metric exercises. As Dr. John Ziegler
In the summer, though, we had designed the system specifically for Calf raises.
248 DECEMBER 2005 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
all your reps with minimal flaws is
your goal.
If you think you need to handle
some heavy weights on the two
quick lifts during the week, as many
of the York lifters did, add a Satur-
day or Sunday session. Meanwhile,
the two exercises in the program
that you do want to lean on are
good mornings and inclines.
The inclines aid your quest for
more overhead strength, and the
good mornings ensure that your
lower back is getting plenty of di-
Warm up with rect work. I felt that the isos weren’t
lighter full- hitting my lumbar to the same
range work degree as they were the other parts
to prepare of my back, so I always included
Three pulling positions:
slightly below where you start
your deadlift, just below your
knees and midthigh.
Three bench press positions:
start, midpoint and lockout.
Your object on
free-weight day
is to improve
Model:Dan Decker
ing overhead can help the flat
shrug. You do it much faster than a Next month I’ll present more
bench. The isos strengthen the
deadlift, and that’s good because sample iso programs plus an exten-
deltoids and triceps, which play a
the dynamic move builds a differ- sive review of all the subtleties of
major role in bench pressing. The
ent type of strength. the isotonic-isometric system.
added bonus is that overhead isos
The weighted dips are optional. I Meanwhile, here are a few
hit the muscles of the upper back,
think they’re a great shoulder exer- reminders. When you do any iso
and a stronger upper back helps
cise and know for certain that they position, the time you fix the bar
you pull and squat heavier weights.
have a favorable influence on the against the top pins in a maximum
Your objective on the free-weight bench press. Should you feel that by contraction is more important than
day is to improve form. I’d keep the adding them to your program how much weight you’re using. If
reps on the bench fairly high to you’re overworking, however, drop you can’t hold the isometric con-
restrict the amount of weight and to them or do them just once a week. traction for at least eight seconds,
force yourself to pay closer atten- Every three or four weeks, skip use less weight.
tion to small points of execution. the Friday iso session and total out Never do more than three posi-
You should do every rep perfectly— on Saturday. It doesn’t have to be an tions for any bodypart, and change
same for the squats. Notice I said to all-out test, but you need to go the selected positions regularly.
work them hard but not to max. heavy enough so that you can de- Even moving the pins up or down
That may need some clarification. termine which lifts and what posi- one hole is beneficial. Make sure
Let’s say you can handle 405x5. tions require additional attention. the muscle groups you’re about to
While you’re doing the isos three Let’s say your deadlift is stronger put under great stress are
times a week, work only up to than ever except at the finish, thoroughly warmed up. Isos are
385x5. The lesser poundage will which had always been a piece of very concentrated work, and you
help you concentrate better on your cake, and now it’s the weakest link. must prepare your body in order to
technique yet still be heavy enough Remedy: Switch from high pulls to gain the desired results and avoid
Complete Iso Program
to force you to exert yourself. shrugs on Thursdays, and do iso being dinged. Move quickly from
You’ll notice, too, that I haven’t lockouts three times a week until position to position. Finally, keep
put any deadlifts in the routine. You that position gets proportionately accurate records: which holes you
don’t need them. The isos three stronger. What you’re looking for used, the amount of weight you
times a week provide the strength when you max out on all three lifts handled and how long you held the
component, and you’ll also be is weak points and in very specific isometric contraction.
hitting high pulls hard and attack- areas. Try to pinpoint a problem in
ing your lower back with good a lift, and then do isos in the corre- Editor’s note: Bill Starr was a
mornings. What’s important is to sponding range. It’s a never-ending strength and conditioning coach at
establish the same line of pull on process. Improve strength in the Johns Hopkins University from
the high pull that you use when you weakest part of an exercise, deter- 1989 to 2000. He’s the author of The
deadlift. In reality, a high pull is no mine what area takes over that role, Strongest Shall Survive and Defying
more than a deadlift followed by a and then go after it. Gravity. IM
t first glance it would seem the guy was doing everything In the same gym there was another guy whose appearance,
ost of us here at IRON
MAN have been iron ad- erectness of your back by raising or
dicts for years, even lowering the handles, an added
decades. That can make for creaky attraction I had not foreseen in the
and often achy joints (it’s not only inception of the Top Squat but one
the reps but the aging too). Shoul- I’ve come to appreciate.
ders are especially vulnerable, and The action of the squat remains
some of us have the kind of limited true. It’s not altered unless you
movement that prevents us from choose to for lower-back safety,
holding a bar behind our necks for maximum thigh power or improved
squats—and if we do manage to thigh recruitment.
get our hands back there, our tight Within a few sets of thoughtful
shoulders cause the bar to pitch our squatting, I think, you’ll agree the Top
torsos forward. Not good for proper Squat builds strong legs while pro-
form. Well, Dave Draper has come tecting the shoulders and back. If
up with a solution, the Top Squat. your shoulders are troublesome,
We’ll let him take it from here… you’ll jump up and down—as we do
The Top Squat was developed for when we have a spectacular work-
the athlete who loves to squat, out. If your shoulders are healthy,
realizes the important role it plays in unimpaired and without pain, you
strength and muscle building and must be young, invincible or new at
would like an alternative method for the sport. Swell. The chances of
holding the bar in place across the damaging your rotator cuff will be
back. Shoulder problems are no reduced considerably, as supporting
rarity among athletes, especially the bar in the conventional manner
strength and muscle-building ath- while squatting is a tremendous
letes, and securing the bar with outstretched arms can be stress on the vulnerable and overworked shoulder region.
distressing, maybe impossible. The Bomber Top Squat is a Put squats back in your workouts, and start climbing those
powerful apparatus that positions a pair of rugged handles once-impossible mountains again.
sensibly in front of the shoulders for comfort, safety and The thick-line polyurethane-coated Top Squat is 18 3⁄4-
control. inch, 11-gauge, heat-treated-steel tubing coated with dense
I conceived the Top Squat in my late 50s, when I overload- polyurethane. It’s customized to press onto your 1 1/16th-
ed my upper back and shoulders while pursuing some ag- inch bar. The plastic-coated tubular section offers a densely
gressive squat and deadlift training. Humbled and healing, I padded three-inch-diameter support with an indented, cen-
realized I could no longer squat, as my shoulder rotation was trally located vertebra relief for weight distribution and shoul-
limited by the painful and damaging injuries I sustained. Posi- der comfort. Two solid steel one-inch handles extend outward
tioning my hands to control the bar or extending my arms the 16 inches at agreeable angles and with slight end curves for
length of the bar for support was impossible. universal functionality. The unit is slick and rugged at 15
I needed to find a way to balance the bar with a comfort- pounds.
able and powerful placement of my hands and arms before —Dave Draper
me, like two handles protruding from the front of the bar itself.
Voilà, the Top Squat, (GLWRU·VQRWH The Top Squat has won the hearts of shoul-
Hefty enough for gorillas and designed for all levels of der-impaired lifters worldwide for enabling them to squat
fitness advancement, the unit makes squatting possible freely, safely and powerfully. The Top Squat goes for $149
again—no longer retired to the heap of bittersweet memories. and is available from Home Gym Warehouse. Call (800) 447-
Training without squatting is like lightning without thunder. 0008, or visit www.Home-Gym.com.
The bright, instantaneous dance of light is captivating, but
you’ve got to feel the earth move under your feet and hear
the great rumbling down the length of your back.
The Top Squat is as simple as squatting, not the easiest :HEDOHUW For more from Dave Draper,
exercise in the lifter’s repertoire but possibly the most effec- visit www.davedraper.com and sign up for
tive. You center the unit on your standard 1 1/16th-inch bar
his free newsletter. You can also check out
and press it into place. Secure the beast to the bar with the
his amazing Top Squat training tool, classic
pair of nylon and Velcro safety straps provided, and you’re
ready for action. After a few hard workouts you’ll probably
photos, workout Q&A and forum.
forgo the safety straps, as the unit remains sufficiently in
poolside populace was entranced.
And for good reason. The man was a
work of art, every muscle developed in to show the mere mortals what was
perfect harmony with the others. possible for the male physique? None
One coed who was sitting nearby of the men there that day ever found
turned to her friend and said, “The out. You see, no self-respecting male
$G scenery just improved 100 percent. was going to put his body into com-
Look at that chest.” parison range of an Adonis just to ask
In fact, it was a perfect chest—with him a few questions. That would have
deep lines etching the lower portions been like giving the women around
from delt to sternum, a split separat- the pool the choice between T-bone
ing the upper and lower pecs that steak and a corn dog. Many of the
jumped into view every time he moved women, however, got to know him
his arms and a fireworks display of quite well over the next few days.
striations that exploded all the way up —Steve Holman
to his clavicles. What was really amaz- Train, Eat, Grow
ing was how his chest development
was so perfectly balanced—high, full (GLWRU·VQRWH Train, Eat, Grow—
pecs that brought Steve Reeves to The Positions-of-Flexion Muscle-
mind. Training Manual is available from
So who was this guy? Was he Mr. Home Gym Warehouse for $19.95.
America or Mr. Universe, or had the Call (800) 447-0008, or visit
gods sent him down from the heavens www.Home-Gym.com to order.
Body Building
Clean Teeth, Healthier Heart
Did you know that the same bacteria
that causes gum disease can also elicit
plaque and inflammation in your arter-
ies? One more reason to brush and
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time for a professional cleaning by your
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You can subscribe to our e-zine
free at our home page. As for
occlusion, we’re just beginning
I’m pleased that the IFBB is finally taking steps (suppos- to understand its impact on
edly) to control some of the judging standards in body- muscle growth. There’s more
building contests. It’s long overdue. The argument of discussion at www.X-Rep.com
symmetry vs. size has gone on in bodybuilding circles since and in the X-traordinary Abs e-
the very beginning, but the current problem goes a little book, Chapter 4, Bloodbath
deeper. In today’s bodybuilding world many of the competi- Aftermath, available at
tors have gotten away from bodybuilding ideals to some that Web site.
degree. In addition to the bloated bellies and those unsight-
ly synthol lumps (is anyone fooled by them?), physiques are
also being corrupted by overdeveloped glutes, hips and
upper thighs. In my opinion, not every bodypart should be After I saw Federi-
bulked to the absolute maximum. Sure, a bodybuilder ca Belli, the Hard-
needs development in all areas, but a man’s physique body in the October
should have a V-taper, not the shape of a cinder block. ’05 IRON MAN, I
I don’t put the blame for current bodybuilding trends had to write. Yes,
entirely on the competitors. The majority of the blame goes yes, yes, she is Federica
to the judges and the fans. When Rich Gaspari popularized absolutely your Belli.
striated glutes back in the late ’80s, fans started demanding hottest Hardbody
more and more rear-end development. That’s just one ever! We have to see
example of trends that have spilled over into judging and more of her in a
become commonplace in bodybuilding. future issue. Please!
As an artist with a keen eye for anatomy, I can see when a Her physique is the
bodybuilder’s symmetry is severely skewed, but I realize perfect combination
that recognition isn’t inherent in all fans. That’s why I feel of toned muscles and
the judges definitely have to take more responsibility in this feminine curves. Wow!
area. Sam Pennington
I’m a bodybuilding fan at heart, and I know we all want to via Internet
see freaky development; however, I think we can have freaks
and still adhere to bodybuilding ideals. I think Ronnie Cole- Editor’s note: We’ll see
man is a great champion, but I liked his physique better what we can do about
when he won his first couple of Olympia titles. To my eye, getting her back in the
the majority of his recent weight gain was in his glutes, studio. In the mean-
upper thighs and waist. I also felt Dorian Yates represented time, here’s another
an excellent combination of freakiness, size and symmetry photo of Federica to
during his first two years as Mr. Olympia. keep you going.
Much of my inspiration for the IRON MAN Legends
poster series stems from the fact that many of the earlier
champions represented a closer adherence to aesthetics
and symmetry. Perhaps by bringing attention to these great 9RO1R ,5210$1,661LVSXEOLVKHGPRQWKO\E\ ,5210$1 3XE
champions and viewing them through an artist’s eye, we OLVKLQJ,YHV$YH2[QDUG&$3HULRGLFDO0DLOLVSDLGDW2[QDUG&$DQGDWDG