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Learning Episode 2 Fs 2

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Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

Learning Episode 2:

Teachers play a great role in the lives of their students. Great teachers inspire
their learners to perform and to excel. Most often, teachers serve as the students’ role
model not only in school but even in their real life. The characteristic of the teachers
in the classroom depends on how they accept and view teaching. Some consider it as
profession while others take it as a vocation.
What q ualities and skills do good te achers possess?



At the end of this Episode, you must be able to:

 Describe the qualities of good teachers,

 Enumerate the skills a teacher must possess, and
 Assess yourself in relation to the qualities and skills a good teacher
should possess.

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

For a period of 15 years, Robert Walker compiled his students’ writing

assignments and discussions about the teacher who had a great impact on
their life. His study revealed the following first 12 qualities of teachers most
learners described to have impact on their lives (found also in Module 2 of The

1. Prepared — come to class each day ready to teach

2. Positive — have optimistic attitudes about teaching and about students
3. Hold high expectations — set no limits on students and believe everyone can
be successful
4. Creative — are resourceful and inventive in how they teach their classes
5. Fair — handle students and grading fairly
6. Display a personal touch — approachable -
7. Cultivate a sense of belonging — have a way to make students feel welcome and
comfortable-in their classrooms
8. Compassionate — are concerned about students' personal problems and can
relate to them and their problems
9. Have a sense of humor — make learning fun and do not take everything

10. Respect students — do not deliberately embarrass students; teachers who give
the highest respect get the highest respect
11. Forgiving — do not hold grudges
12. Admit mistakes — quick to admit being wrong
13. Self – Reflective – reflects on their own strengths, weaknesses and
characteristics as a teacher and does something to improve

B. As a professional individual, the teacher is expected to abide by the Code of

Ethics for Professional Teachers described in Article XI, to wit:

Section 1. A teacher shall live with dignity at all times.

Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-respect and self-

discipline as the principle of personal behavior in all relationships
with others and in all situations.

Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which

could serve as model worthy of emulation by learners, peers, and

Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God or being as

guide of his own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.

The Code of Ethics for public school teachers adopted in Section 7 of Republic
Act 4670 cites integrity as one essential trait of a professional teacher.
Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

C. Skills of teachers
Successful teachers are found to have the following skills:
a. Suspension of Bias
b. Patience
c. Creativity
d. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving.
e. Oral/Written Communications.
f. Teamwork/Collaboration.
g. Information Technology Application.
h. Leadership.
i. Strong Work Ethic.
j. Organization
k. Adaptability/Flexibility

D. For further readings and inspirations, please go to the following

1. https://wabisabilearning.com/blogs/mindfulness-wellbeing/4-stories-great-teachers

2. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/12/global-teacher-prize-education-
3. https://cnnphilippines.com/life/culture/2019/9/10/four-

Observe 3 teachers from each level and take note of the

necessary information as required below. Please observe Privacy Act,
wear mask and face shield, and observe a 1-m distance from
someone you want to talk to. If the teacher does not want her/his
name or personal information printed, record them in a personal note
so you will not forget them. Still, you have to record your
observations in this journal.

Resource Teacher: ___Emily Van Camp______ Teacher’s Signature: _________ School:
Grade Level: ______________ Subject Area: ____________ Date: ______________

Resource Teacher: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________ School: __________
Grade Level: ______________ Subject Area: ____________ Date: ______________

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

High School:
Resource Teacher: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________ School: __________
Grade Level: ______________ Subject Area: ____________ Date: ______________

A. Qualities of Teachers

You will observe 3 Resource Teachers handling different levels of

learners and you will describe the qualities that each teacher possesses.
Check on the table below the qualities that you observed. Not all qualities
may be observed in one teacher, checked only those that apply.
Qualities Pre-school Elementary High

1. Prepared   
2. Optimistic   
3. Hold high expectations  
4. Creative  
5. Fair   
6. approachable   
7. Cultivate a sense of belonging   
8. Compassionate   
9. Have a sense of humor
10. Respect students   
11. Forgiving   
12. Admit mistakes/Humility   

13. Self - Reflective 

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

B. Skills of Teachers

Skills Pre-school Elementary High

1. Patience 
2. Creativity 
3. Suspension of Bias   
4. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving.   
5. Oral/Written Communications.   

6. Teamwork/Collaboration.   
7. Information Technology Application. 
8. Leadership.   
9. Strong Work Ethic.  -  

10. Organization PRE 

11. Adaptability/Flexibility   

A. Qualities of Teachers

1. What quality(ies) is (are)most often possessed by the teachers in all the

three levels of the educational system? What do you think is the most
For me, the qualities that are most often possessed by the
teachers that I observed in all three levels of education are being
prepared, optimistic, cultivate sense of belonging, compassionate, admit
their mistakes, and forgive.
First, I think teachers should always be prepared. They must be
able handle the pressure of being to teach classes. Yes, being prepared
takes some time. It may be difficult for some to learn some facts that are
new, but it is even more difficult to have knowledge of things one has
already used in class. Learning something new may take a long time, but
if the teacher is not prepared, then class will be problematic for them.
Second, they need to be optimistic. When they walked into a
classroom, they don’t know what will happen. Some students may be
argumentative or disrespectful. These problems may require an optimistic
attitude to overcome. They may be facing a great amount of stress that
nothing seems to help; however, we must remember that teaching is very
rewarding and the stress and problems and the stress and problems will
be easier to handle if teachers are optimistic.
Third, teachers must cultivate a sense of belonging. Although the
school environment may not be very welcoming to some teachers, they
must remember that teaching is a job they have been given. They have
been entrusted by the society to teach the next generation, and thus they
must do their very best to feel a sense of belonging with their students.
Fourth, teachers in all three levels of the educational
system must be compassionate and respectful to their students.
Teachers should treat each student with dignity and respect, no matter
what problem they may have or what issues they may be having with
their family life. Each student is a human being and should be treated as
Lastly, teachers must admit their mistakes and forgive.
They need to be honest and sincere when they make mistakes and
forgive. Although teachers should feel a great amount of stress and
anxiety before and during class, they must remember that if everyone is
honest and sincere, they will be able to overcome any problem they may
face. Teachers should be able to admit their mistakes and be forgiving,
but they must hope that the student will forgive them as well.

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD


Which quality(ies) is/are seldom possessed by the teachers but are

important? Why are they important?
Based on my observation, there are three qualities that are seldom
possessed by the teachers but are important. First is holding high
expectations for pre-school, having a sense of humour for all level, and
self-reflective for both pre-school and elementary.
The first quality that is seldom possessed by pre-school teachers
but important is holding high expectations of what a child can do in the
classroom. It is rarely possessed by pre-school teachers because they
are not usually the only teacher interacting with the children. It is
important because it allows for a variety of learning opportunities. In
addition, it provides a foundation of success. Children who are expected
to succeed will be more likely to make success of their living. Second
quality is the sense of humour for all educational level. It is seldom
possessed because not all teachers are gifted naturally of having sense
of humour. This quality is important for teachers to diffuse tense
situations during class or to help relieve the pressure and tension in
having a naughty children which sometimes are frustrating for them. It
will also help to keep teachers and children happy and keep their mood
up. The last quality is being self-reflective for both pre-school and
elementary. Self-reflection is important because it might be that for
some teachers, they view teaching as profession, practically speaking
and not a vocation. Being self-reflective is important because teachers
will be able to identify their strength and weaknesses.

B. Skills of teachers
1. What skill(s) do you find are most needed by teachers to have? Why?

There are lot of skills but I choose only four. These are patience, suspension of
bias, information technology application, and adaptability. Teachers need to be
very patient in their line of work. The students can be very hard to control
sometimes and the teachers need to keep their cool. This is done so they can
give the best education possible. It might be difficult for a teacher but they need
to try so that the student will learn from them. They also need to be unbiased.
That means a teacher should listen to what the student have to say and try
understand them. They need to be able to not think they know everything and
keep an open mind. A Teacher should listen to the students and their parents so
that they can be the best teachers they can be. Teachers should also have skills
in information technology application to help the students learn. Teachers that
cannot use computers or email will not be able to help the students with their
programs on the computers and grades online. Lastly, the teacher should adapt
to situations. This means that they need to adapt to the students and their
situations. If a student is sick or there is a conflict in the classroom this means
that they must adapt. Teachers need to listen and listen to their students so they
can try and work around the problems.
2. What skill(s) do you find are least needed by teachers to have? Why? I didn’t find
skills least needed by the teachers. Maybe because all skills are important. They are
needed and should be welcomed in the classroom. Teachers cannot choose among
these skills because they are all valuable. Teachers cannot choose which skills to
learn because they need it at some point. Not now but maybe later.

Are skills of teachers in preschool different from those in the elementary and those
from the high school?

Describe each briefly. Some different and some are not let’s have few example.
Pre-school teachers are not easily annoyed with naughty students compared to
elementary and high school teachers. They are also more creative and good in
managing student behavior. While for elementary teachers, skills often need is
organization which means to make sure class is in order and students are following
all the rules. On the other hand, for high school teachers, to be updated with
computer technology application. Majority of high school students are now using
smart phones and tablets, so it is important for teachers not to neglect it.

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD


Make a brief reflection on …

“How do teachers’ qualities affect their teaching?”
I have gotten to realize’ qualities affect student’s
academic performance. This is because teacher will-
organized and methodically do their job. These brings a
positive impact on students on students’ academic

Describe the difference in performance between a- skillful and a less skillful teacher.

Usually, they differ in performance. A skilful teacher will have students who are more motivated to work, ask more
questions, behave better in class,and comeback for extra help outside the claas. A not successful teacher who are
motivated to word. a not so skilful are less concerned about student performance and may have overlook of their
mistakes or miss ups.

___________________________________________________________________ PRE

ORIGINAL Accomplished Observation Sheet (Preschool, Elementary, and High School)


My Analysis
My Reflection
Snaps hots of observ ations (Place ori gi nal copi es/pictur es in the Portfolio) ____________________________________________________________________ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____
Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Good teachers can identify the individual learning needs of their students and
prepare lesson plans that cater to their academic style. For example, some students

may learn best in a lecture classroom whereas PRINT

otherstudents are
better able to grasp information with hands-on learning opportunities. What quality
of teacher is demonstrated?
Multi tasker

People learn at different rates. A teacher may haveto explain a lesson five times in
five different ways before learners PREgetthe lesson. What skill does the teacher

ORIGINAL Why is good communication skill very important to a

A huge part of teaching is communicating information and seeing to it
the information is understood.
The teacher has to meet the parents of students and form a friendship with them.
The teacher has to deal with the community most of the time.
The teacher has to meet teachers from other subjects and exchange ideas
with them.

How do teachers develop their students to be self reclective?

Allow students to evaluate their own progress for the day and come up
with ways they can do better tomorrow.
Let students watch a film about Self reflection
Let students repeat their work until it becomes perfect.
All of these.

Department of Professional Education 10
Central Mindanao University, 2021
Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

If you will be given enough time to do a rigid research about the qualities
and skills of a teacher, what theme/topics would you like to be clarified with?
Write three possible themes/topics here.





Bilbao, P.P., Corpuz, B.B. Llagas A., G. G.Salandanan, G (2018). The teaching
profession (4th ed.), Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing

Lubeck, S. (1999) Teachers and the Teaching Profession in the United States
Case Study Findings: Educational Systems of USA

Indeed Editorial Team (2021) 8 Qualities of a Good Teacher (and Tips for
How to Develop Them) https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-
development/ qualities-of-a-good-teacher

Nessipbayeva, Olga. (No date). The Competencies of The Modern

Teacher. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED567059.pdf

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

Learning Excellent Above Average Sufficient Minimal Poor %

Episodes 50 40 30 20 10 Weighted
All episodes All or nearly all Nearly all Few activities of the Episodes were
Learning were done with episodes were episodes were episodes were not done; or
outstanding done with high done with done; only few objectives were
Activities quality; work quality acceptable objectives were not met 40%
exceeds quality met

All questions/ Analysis Half of Analysis Few parts of the Analysis were not
episodes were question were questions were Analysis were answered.
answered answered answered. answered.

Analysis completely; in completely.
depth answers; Vaguely related Grammar and
of the
thoroughly Clear to the theories spelling needs
Learning grounded on connections improvement

theories. with theories Grammar and
Exemplary spelling 30%
grammar and Grammar and acceptable
spelling Spelling are
Reflection Reflection Reflection Few reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements contain statements are
profound and clear; but not good and is minimal supports of poor and no
Reflection/ clear; clearly supported by concrete real life personal
Insights supported by supported by experiences experiences as experiences were 10%
experiences experiences from the relevance to the stated as
from the from the learning relevance to the
learning episodes
learning learning episodes learning episodes
episodes episodes
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Few No
complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; documents/proofs/ documentations
well-organized well-organized supporting evidences of the and any other
Learning and all and most documentation learning evidences of
supporting; supporting; are organized experiences from performing the
documentations documentations but are lacking the learning episode
are located in area available episode is presented 10%
sections clearly and logical and presented
designated clearly marked
Submission Submitted Submitted Submitted a Submitted two- Submitted a
of before the on the day after the five days after the week or more 10%
Learning deadline deadline deadline deadline after the
Episodes deadline


Over-all Score Rating: (Base on 3.0 (50-51) 2.0 (70-75)

2.75 ( 52-57) 1.75 (76-81)
transmutation) 2.5 (58-63) 1.5 (82-87)

Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Episode 2 Author: Virgencita B. Caro, PhD

2.25 (64-69) 1.25 (88-93)

1.0 (94-100)



Department of Professional Education 10

Central Mindanao University, 2021

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