APP - A1 Application Form For Registration As A Professional Engineer
APP - A1 Application Form For Registration As A Professional Engineer
APP - A1 Application Form For Registration As A Professional Engineer
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Form No.:
21 August 2020
Rev no: 1
Form AN1.1
NB: Please consult the Information Sheets (Sheets AN1.1 & AN1.2) before completing this Application.
1. General Information:
Surname: Title and First Names:
Please paste -
Date of Birth: Identity No: do not staple)
Or Passport No.
Country Passport: Alternatively,
*Race Group Asian: Black: Gender Male Country of normal electronically in
Please tick the Please tick residence: JPEG or similar
the format
applicable block
Coloured: White: applicable Female
Tel. No. (Work): (include area codes) Fax No.: (include area codes)
*Completion of this section is necessary to accurately reflect equity statistics in terms of Government Policy. Please cross applicable blocks.
2. Qualifications: (All qualifications at tertiary level) (List of subjects to be provided on Form AN1.3 AR)
Attendance Date of final Office
Educational Institution Qualification from to examination use
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
NB: Kindly initial this page in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths / Justice of Peace.
Commissioner Of Oaths/
Applicant: …………………………. Justice Of Peace: ………………………………………
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Form AN1.2
3. Previous / Current Registration or Application Details: (eg. Candidate Engineering Technologist)
Type Category Number Date
Previous Registration:
Current Registration:
Previous Application:
6. Referees:
(1) (2)
E-mail: E-mail:
Tel No: Tel No:
NB: Kindly initial this page in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths / Justice of Peace.
Commissioner of Oaths/
Applicant: …………………………. Justice Of Peace:……………………..
7. Declaration:
I am cognisant of the fact that should the provisions referred to above as depicted under Section
19(3)(a) of the ACT be contrary, Council may refuse my application.
I solemnly declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information contained in my application is
true and correct.
Signature: ______________________________
I hereby certify that the Applicant has acknowledged that he/she knows and understands the
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
SIGNATURE (Commissioner’s stamp)
Form AN1.3 AR
Academic Record
Detailed information on
Name of Applicant:
Name of Qualification:
Year Marks obtained
All subjects passed Obtained (if available)
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Total Credits
_____________________________________ __________________
Signature of Applicant Date
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Sheet AN1.1
Information Sheet for Applicants applying for
Registration as a Professional Engineer
A. General:
Your application for registration as a Professional Engineer will be considered only if the following
documents are submitted:
Please note also that it is your responsibility to ensure that all reports reach Council’s offices timeously.
1. General Information: Ensure that all personal details are correct. A recent passport-type photograph of
the applicant is required.
2. Qualifications:
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
This should specifically include your first engineering degree. Ensure that copies of all qualification
documents are certified. Copies of a certified copy are not acceptable.
Applicants with non-accredited educational qualifications or foreign educational qualifications, except those
recognised under the Washington Accord, and who are not registered as a candidate engineer, are required
to apply for an Evaluation of Educational Qualification prior to applying for registration as a professional
Sheet AN1.2
3. Previous/Current Registration or Application Details:
If you have previously applied for registration in any category, or were previously registered but your registration
was cancelled for any reason, please provide category and previous registration number in the relevant block. If
you are currently registered in another category, also complete the appropriate block.
6. Referees:
Each applicant must, with the permission of the persons concerned, supply the Council with the names and
addresses of two referees, who have personal knowledge of the applicant’s professional performance and
engineering experience. Referees must be registered with ECSA as a Professional Engineer, Professional
Engineering Technologist or Professional Certificated Engineer, of which at least one must be a registered
Professional Engineer. Under certain circumstances, the foreign equivalents to the above categories may be
Referees may be chosen in the following order of preference:
If you trained under a C&U, one referee report must be from your Mentor, who is registered against the C&U.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Use Form AN5 for formal correspondence with each referee, and enclose copies of the referee report (Form
AN6.1 & AN6.2), a copy of R-02-PE/PT/PCE/PN, the guideline for referees (Sheet AN6), a copy of the Discipline-
specific Training Guideline for Candidate Engineers (R-05-Disc-PE) and a copy of Form AN2.3. It is suggested
that you provide each referee with an addressed envelope with prepaid postage for the referee to forward the
report direct to the Council.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
7. Declaration:
Section 19(3)(a) of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000) reads:
(i) if the applicant has been removed from an office of trust on account of improper conduct;
(ii) has been convicted of an offence in the Republic, other than an offence committed prior to 27 April 1994
associated with political objectives, and was sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the
case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or both;
(iii)if the applicant has, subject to paragraph (b), been convicted of an offence in a foreign country and was
sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or
(iv)if the applicant is declared by the High Court to be of unsound mind or mentally disordered, or is detained
under the Mental Health Act, 1973;
(v) for as long as the applicant is disqualified from registration as a result of any punishment imposed on him or
her under this Act;
(vi)if the applicant is an unrehabilitated insolvent whose insolvency was caused by his or her negligence or
incompetence in performing work falling within the scope of the category in respect of which he or she is
applying for registration.”
Note that your application must be sworn to or affirmed before a Commissioner of Oaths or a Justice of Peace. Your
attention is drawn to the initialling required at the bottom of the first page of the Application Form.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Consult the enclosed Information Sheet (Sheet AN2) before completing this report.
Period No: Date from: to: No of Position held: Degree of
weeks: responsibility
Employer’s Name and address: Did you train under a Commitment Yes
and Undertaking (CU)?
If yes, provide number of CU No:
No: ___________
Supervisor’s Name and address: Supervisor’s
ECSA Registration No:
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Consult the enclosed Information Sheet (Sheet AN2) before completing this report.
Period No: Date from: to: No of Position held: Degree of
weeks: responsibility
Employer’s Name and address: Did you train under a Commitment Yes
and Undertaking (CU)?
If yes, provide number of CU No:
No: ___________
Supervisor’s Name and address: Supervisor’s
ECSA Registration No:
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Total Weeks:
Signature of Applicant: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version is published on ECSA website.
Sheet AN2
Information Sheet
for completion of the
Training / Experience Report
Your application for registration as a Professional Engineer must be accompanied by the Training/Experience Report
(Forms AN2.1) in which your engineering experience from the date of obtaining the first engineering degree to the date
of application is recorded in chronological order and typed or printed in black ink.
Use a separate form for each training/experience period.
Number the periods in chronological order, which may not overlap.
Cover the period from graduation to date of application.
The training/experience periods and periods of interruption must also be noted in the Summary of Training/Experience
Reports (Form AN2.3). Ensure that each Form AN2.1 is signed (verified) by your relevant supervisor or employer and
signed by yourself. If you cannot obtain the supervisor's signature, please annotate accordingly in the appropriate block
and submit an affidavit to the effect that the information provided is true and correct, and the reasons why you could not
contact the supervisor. If supporting documentation is appended, sign each document and indicate to which
training/experience period it refers.
In the Training/Experience Report you should write in the 1st person and for each period you are expected to show:
Organogram showing supervisor(s), co-workers and those you supervised (if any). Show two levels above
and below, if these exist. Give names, positions and registration (if any)
Nature of training or experience
Nature of problem(s) addressed in this period; method of analysis, developing solution and evaluation
Documentation, reports, presentations prepared
Management of materials, machines, manpower, methods or money, contracts
Interaction with clients, stakeholders and other disciplines
Health and safety considerations; hazards and environmental considerations; other legislation
Completion of any courses relevant to your professional development
For the Degree of Responsibility block, use the scale A-E defined in Table 4 of R-03-PRO.
Describe the work you did. Do not just list tasks and projects but explain your role – to what degree you were exposed
or actually responsible for the work done. Do not spend more than one paragraph describing the project you worked on.
Mature applicants: i.e those with at least 10 years of post-graduate experience, need not hand in lengthy experience
reports (Form AN2.1) in respect of the earlier years of their career. The applicant must report at least three years at
degree of engineering responsibility E (Performing) in detail in the TER format that are signed by the supervisor. Such
periods need not include the last period(s) in the applicant’s TES if the degree of responsibility is not E. Such an
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
applicant may submit Training and Experience Outlines (TEO) for the remaining periods or groups of related periods.
See also Table 3 of R-03-PRO.
The Council’s requirements for registration as set out in Competency Standard R-02-PE/PT/PCE/PN remain the basic
requirements for registration.
The total Training/Experience Report should not exceed 2000 words.
Form AN3 ER
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
Sheet AN3
1. This is a report in which the applicant reflects on his or her engineering development and proficiency achieved as
exemplified by work completed. Work completed is not necessarily in a single project.
2. Write the report in conventional prose form, using the first person singular when describing your actions or
3. The report should cover each competency required for registration as a professional engineer, competency by
competency, and should reflect by cross reference to TERs how this competency was developed. Sufficient
evidence must be provided beyond what is given in short in the TERs to demonstrate that the applicant has
acquired the competency concerned.
This information is very important, and forms not complying to this, will not be assessed and will be returned to
the applicant and can considerably delay your application.
4. Observe the length limits of 6 000 words maximum. Insert the word count (main column only) in the space
provided. Diagrams, tables, design calculations and other illustrations may be inserted in the main column to
demonstrate competency but must not exceed a total of more than four page heights. In the case of Mechanical
applicants, they are advised that it is in their best interest to submit design calculations, limited to four pages as
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
mentioned above. These are not included in the word count. The length limit (text and illustrations) will be strictly
5. In the holistic self-evaluation block, state in 200 words or less, why the information given above demonstrates that
you are sufficiently competent to be registered as a Professional Engineer.
6. The Engineering report should form the basis of the presentation that the applicant makes at the professional
* Compulsory field
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
Form AN5
…………………………………………………………….. …………………………………
Name of Referee Date
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Dear Sir/Madam
I have applied to the Engineering Council of South Africa for Registration as a Professional Engineer and
hereby request you to provide the Council with your evaluation of my experience and capabilities, on the
basis of your personal knowledge thereof.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
Please use the attached Forms AN6.1 & AN6.2 and consult the guideline for referees (Sheet AN6).
In making this request to you I acknowledge that the information which will be supplied by you to ECSA is of a
confidential nature and that I have no right thereto.
Your co-operation and early despatch of the document direct to the Council would be appreciated, as it
would expedite the processing of my application.
Yours faithfully
……………………………………… …………………………………………………………
Signature of Applicant Name of Applicant (Please print)
Address: ………………………………………
Form AN6.1 RR
The Engineering Council of South Africa agrees that it owes a duty of confidence
to all referees in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
2. General Information:
(a) My personal knowledge of the applicant’s engineering training extends from ____________________
(b) My association with the applicant was that of: (Please tick √ appropriate block)
Mentor * Colleague Supervisor Employer Other (Describe)
* If the association with the applicant was that of a mentor, provide the C&U No: _______________
(c) Are you related to the applicant by birth or marriage? Yes ___________ No _________
7: Meet all legal and regulatory requirements and protect the health and safety
of persons in the course of his or her complex engineering activities
Group E: CPD
11: Undertake professional development activities sufficient to maintain and
extend his or her competence
4. Optional: Further comments or additional information on the Applicant’s ability to assume responsibility as a
Professional Engineer, his/her competence, development and limitations:
Viewed Holistically:
The applicant has demonstrated competence to
be registered as a Professional Engineer
6. Declaration by Referee: I hereby confirm that I am conversant with the Council’s requirements for registration
as set out in Competency Standard R-02-PE/PT/PCE/PN, as well as the instructions on this referee report, and
that I am prepared to substantiate my view expressed herein at an interview, should the Council require me to do
so. I also confirm that I submit this information to ECSA on the understanding that it will be treated as
Qualifications: ___________________________________________________________________________
Sheet AN6
for the completion of the Referee Report
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
Professional Engineers
1. AIM
The referee report is a necessary and supplementary document to the applicant's application for registration as a
professional engineer with ECSA. The aim is to convey to the Council, on a confidential basis, the personal
knowledge which the referee or the employer has of the applicant and in the process to make a reasoned
evaluation of the applicant's competence.
A professional responsibility rests on the professional engineer to provide guidance to the applicant during
his/her professional development. This task also includes the correct and accurate completion of the report.
The Council attaches great value to the information that is supplied by the referee. There is no reason why
internal mentors cannot act as referees or give assistance to referees or employers in respect of these aspects
during the applicant's period of training.
The applicant has been advised that referees may be chosen in the following order of preference:
(a) Mentor
(b) Immediate supervisor
(c) Colleague at a higher or the same level, involved with the applicant’s work
(d) Indirect supervisor
(e) Colleague not directly involved with the applicant’s work
(f) Employer
(g) Client
If the applicant trained under a C&U, the registered mentor for the C&U concerned must provide one of the
referee reports. The Referee Report should be returned directly to ECSA by the referee. Referees are
requested to have their assessments typed or to complete the report in legible block letters using black ink to
ensure clear copying, since written assessments are frequently not very legible and to the detriment of the
It is necessary that the referee or employer be able clearly and strongly to motivate his/her opinion in respect of
the applicant's readiness for registration. The referee must, when supplying reasons, consider the minimum
registration requirements, in other words the referee, himself/herself must be familiar with the content of the
Council's Competency Standard R-02-PE/PT/PCE/PN.
The level of competency required for registration as a professional Engineer is defined in the Competency
Standards, document R-02-PE/PT/PCE/PN. Competency is defined in terms of eleven outcomes and two
level definitions, namely complex engineering problems and complex engineering activities. The applicant is
expected to have demonstrated performance at a degree of responsibility appropriate to a Professional
Engineer for at least one year.
As a referee, you are asked to rate the applicant against the outcomes as well as make a holistic evaluation.
Please use the following scale:
CDC: The applicant consistently demonstrates competence
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
X: I am unable to comment
Please enter your comments in the third column, giving your reasons for assigning the particular rating.
Where a rating CDI, CNDD, or CND is given, please clearly state the reason(s) for assigning this rating.
ECSA undertakes to protect the confidentiality of all the information received from the referee
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
Disability is defined as: “Persons with disabilities including those who have long-term physical,
intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and
effective participation in society on an equal basis with others”.
Do you
Registration Number: ___________________________________________
Yes No
NB: Completion of this form is necessary in order to accurately reflect disability statistics in terms
of Government Policy .
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest version is used. The latest version will be published on Masters.