Lectronic Preadsheet: Objectives
Lectronic Preadsheet: Objectives
Lectronic Preadsheet: Objectives
A spreadsheet is defined as a large sheet which contains data and
information arranged in rows and columns. There are different spreadsheet
programs available; some are proprietary, like Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123,
etc., others are free/open source like, Gnome Office Spreadsheet Gnumeric,
KOffice KSpread, OpenOffic.org Calc. Spreadsheets, also known as
worksheets, allow us to perform detailed analysis on numerical data.
Data is entered in a cell, which represents the intersection of a row and a
column. The most powerful feature of a spreadsheet is that it automatically
recalculates the result of mathematical formulas if the source data changes.
A spreadsheet can help us quickly record and manipulate a large amount
of numerical information and share it with others in a wide variety of
forms. Since MS-Excel, an integral
Title bar Standard Toolbar Formatting
component of MS-Office, is one of the
programs which has all these features
and many more we have taken it as a
spreadsheet program.
Active Cell
To start follow the steps given below:
total number of columns are 256. Columns are named from A to IV.
The rows are numbered from 1 to 65536.
A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell is identified
by an address that consists of the column name followed by the row
number. For example, the first cell is referred to as A1, which indicates
that it lies at the intersection of the column A and row 1. This is the
active cell. The active cell is ready for accepting any action or input. A
small group of contiguous cells is defined as a range. The range is
referred to by writing the starting address of the cell in the range:
Ending address of the cell in a range or vice versa. For example A1:A10
(can also be referred as A10 : A1).
The cursor keys, mouse and the scroll bar can be used to navigate
through the worksheet. However, navigating through the 65,536 rows
and 256 columns using these techniques is very inefficient. To move to
any cell directly without scrolling through the entire worksheet, use
any of the following shortcut methods:
Method 1 : Using key combinations
Icon Movement
1. Click on the destination cell i.e. the cell in which the result is to be
2. Click on the AutoSum button, which is located on the Standard
toolbar. The cells containing the numbers to be added automatically
should now be highlighted.
3. Press Enter to see the result in the destination cell.
This has a set of prewritten formulas called functions. Functions are
special programs that accept data and return a value after processing
the data. Functions differ from regular formulas because they accept
values and not the operators, such as +, -, *, or /. For example, the
SUM function can be used to add numbers in place of the ‘+’ operator.
When using a function, remember the following :
• Use an equal to sign (=) to begin a formula.
• Specify the function name.
• Enclose arguments (data accepted by a function) within parentheses.
• Use a comma to separate arguments.
Some commonly used Functions are listed in Table representing
some commonly used Functions (Appendix 4.1)
2. Choose the Delete option from the Edit menu or right click and
select Delete option from the pop-up menus.
3. Click anywhere in the spreadsheet to remove the selection.
4. Click on OK button.
Deleting a Cell
1. Click on the cell which is to be deleted.
2. Choose the Delete option from the Edit menu.
The Delete dialog box is displayed as shown
in figure 4.10.
3. Choose the appropriate option. The result of
each option is explained as under:
(a) Shift cells left – the cells to the right of
the deleted cell are moved left.
(b) Shift cells up – the cells below the deleted
cell are moved up.
(c) Entire row – deletes the entire row and
moves the row below upwards.
(d) Entire column – deletes the entire column
and moves the row to the right leftwards.
Fiugre 4.10 : Delete dialog box
4. Click on OK button.
Note: If there is any data at the extreme right or at the end of the worksheet, it
does not allow us to insert cells or rows. This is because, it does not delete
existing contents from the worksheet while inserting cells. For example, if there 105
is data in row number 16,384, then inserting a row will result in an error.
Computers and Communication Technology
Figure 4.11 : Clear data using Edit Menu • All – to delete all formats, contents and
• Formats – to delete formats only.
• Contents – to delete contents only.
• Comments – to delete comments only.
Icon Effect
110088 Note : To make the line of data fit evenly within the height of a cell,
choose the justify option.
Electronic Spreadsheet
Modifying Styles
The worksheet allows users to
create, store and use individual
formatting styles. A style can be
defined as a collection of formats
such as font size, patterns, and
alignment that can be defined and
saved as a group. To add or modify
styles perform the following steps :
1. Choose Style option from the
Format menu.
Figure 4.14 : Style option dialog box 2. In the Style name box, type a
name for a new style (Figure 4.14).
3. To change formats for an existing style, click the style you want to change.
4. Click Modify.
5. On any of the tabs in the dialog box, select the formats you want,
and then click OK.
6. Clear the check box for any type of formats that are not to be included
in the style.
7. To define and apply the style to the selected cells, click OK.
8. To define the style without applying it, click Add, and then click Close.
Additional Formatting Options
Special Cell Borders
Another formatting feature, which can improve the readability of a
spreadsheet, is to add borders around cells. This is especially useful if
spreadsheet needs to be printed, because, by default, the light grey
cell gridlines don’t appear when a spreadsheet document is printed.
To set borders, the steps are:
1. First select the cells on which you want to put borders.
Electronic Spreadsheet
111122 Figure 4.20 : Applying different colours to different sheets using Format Tab Color
Electronic Spreadsheet
Let us explore it by ourselves creating a worksheet and using different Chart Options.
• A spreadsheet, also known as a worksheet, is a row and column arrangement of data
and the formulas to manipulate the data.
• A spreadsheet can be used for a variety of applications like business forecasts, inventory
control and accounting.
• Every Excel file is a workbook that can contain more than one worksheet.
• Cell is defined as the space where a specified row and a column intersect.
• A range is a group of cells referenced with a name. The range reference consists of the
first and last cell addresses separated by a colon.
• The AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar adds numbers automatically and also
suggests the range of numbers to be added.
• Formulas and functions are automatically updated with a change in the source cell or
position of the formula.
• In Relative referencing, the reference is adjusted relative to the new location of the formula.
• In Absolute referencing, the cell reference does not change but remains fixed while pasting
• Functions are pre-written formulas which must begin with an “=” sign.
• Cell comments are additional explanatory notes which can be attached to a cell in a
• Charts are an excellent tool to present data graphically and also help in analysing and
comparing data.
• The most powerful feature of a spreadsheet package is the “What-if analysis”. Using this
feature, we can change values and immediately see the effect as the entire worksheet is
automatically updated, based on the change in the values.
1. Define spreadsheet. Name any two spreadsheet software.
9. How many function categories and functions are there in Excel? What do you
understand by automatic recalculation feature of a spreadsheet?
10. Differentiate between relative and absolute cell referencing with the help of
suitable examples.
11. Explain the uses of any two inbuilt mathematical functions in Excel.
Prepare an analytical result report of Second Monday Test Round Exam of your class in the
format given below.
3 Name English Maths Science S. Science Computer Lang Total
II Marks
4 Ankit 78 65 77 88 76 54
5 Achala 77 98 90 66 99 76
6 Himanshu 67 78 87 56 84 92
7 Paarth 81 91 98 77 100 78
8 Total
10 Highest M.
11 Lowest M.
• Calculate the total marks obtained by each student in column I.
• Calculate the highest and lowest marks obtained in each subject in row 9 and 10
• Also calculate the aggregate/percentage marks obtained by each student in column J
• Give the number of students appearing for each subject in row11.
• Find the subject-wise average marks and display them in the row 8. 119
Computers and Communication Technology
Prepare a score sheet of an inter-house cricket match in your school:
India vs. Pakistan
Gurman Singh 61 7 3 23
Harinder Singh 12 2 4 2
Gaurav Sachdeva 17 4 5 7
Ishwaq Ahmed 23 3 3 6
• Calculate the total runs obtained by each student in column E.
( Total = No. of sixes x 6 + No. of fours x 4 + No. of Singles)
• Calculate the Strike Rate of each batsman in column F.
• Draw the pie chart to compare the strike rate of each batsman.
Prepare a personal expenditure report of last financial year in the format as below.
1 Pocket -Money Expenditure Report 2008-09
3 Month Mobile Travel Hobby Dinner Dates Savings Total
4 April 1200 900 500 1000
5 May 1440 788 700 1500
6 June 1320 1110 700 1200
• Assume that you are given a monthly pocket-money of Rs. 6000.
• Calculate the savings made by you every month.
• Calculate the total expenditure in each month.
• Calculate the highest and lowest expenditure made.
• Calculate the total savings after the three months
112200 • Draw the bar graph to compare the expenditure of various months.
Electronic Spreadsheet
Prepare a report on purchase and sale of any 10 items of a shop over a week depicting the
profit/loss in the format specified below.
Our School Canteen
1 Weekly Purchase/Sale Report of Items
2 Weekly Investment Weekly Sale
3 Item Name Qty. Made Cost Price (Rs.) Qty. Sold Selling Price (Rs.)
4 Samosa 250 2 245 3
5 Sandwitch 150 4 139 5
6 Fried Rice 300 7 300 10
7 Tea 225 2 225 3
• Calculate the total amount invested on each of the items. Total Amount Invested=Qty.
Purchased * Cost price.
• Calculate the total selling price of each of the items. Total Selling Price=Qty. Sold *
Selling Price.
• Calculate the Profit/Loss of each of the items. Profit/Loss =Total Selling Price-Total
Amount Invested.
• Calculate the overall Profit/Loss made by Our School Canteen.
Computers and Communication Technology
Function Description Syntax