Department of Eie: SRM University
Department of Eie: SRM University
Department of Eie: SRM University
Faculty Details:
Name of the staff Slot Staff room Office Hours Mail ID
1512, vasanthakumar.s@ktr.srmuniv.a
Mr. S.Vasanthakumar D1 Tech Park 08.00AM- 5. 00 PM
1. Deshpande. Pm,and Ash, “Elements of Computer Control System” ISAPress, USA, 1998.
2. Lennart Ljung “System Identification Theory for the user” PTR Printice HallInformation and
system sciences Series, NJ, 1999.
1. Richard. H, Middleton and Graham. C, Goodwin “Digital Control andEstimation A Unified
Approach” Printice Hall NJ, 1990.
2. Dale Seborg. E, Thomas. F, Edgar, Duncan. A, Mellichamp, “ProcessDynamics and Control”
Willey India, 2006.
3. Astrom .K. J, Bjorn Wittenmark, “Adaptive Control”, Second Edition, PrenticeHall of India.
1. To understand the basics of Z transform and modified Z transform of sampleddata system.
2. To have knowledge in modelling and identification of process.
3. To understand the control algorithm and its implementation.
4. To have a knowledge in multivariable control system.
5. To understand the concept of adaptive control and its design.
Test Portions:
Cycle Test-I : Unit I and Unit II
Cycle Test-II : Unit –III and Unit IV
Model Examination : All five units
Assessment details:
¾ Control algorithms and its implementation D: The student will have a broad knowledge in
Multivariable control system.
¾ Frequency domain analysis