Appt Lett Only Sample 2
Appt Lett Only Sample 2
Appt Lett Only Sample 2
We are happy to inform you that you have been selected by us for the
position of ........................ .
We are therefore pleased to appoint you in the employment of this Company
on the following general terms and conditions of employment.
3. Your salary is fixed at Rs. p.m. and other eligibilities will be as per
the enclosure.
6. During your employment with this Company, such rules and regulations
will bind you as applicable at any time and also by such legal
requirements as may be applicable at relevant time. You are expected to
give to the Company your best efforts, attention and commitment. You are
explicitly advised to refrain from any such activity, whether for monetary
or any other considerations, as may become, in our opinion, a hindrance
to your performance.
7. You will be required to work in suitable shifts as may be expedient & your
working hours will be 48 hours per week.
9. During the course of your employment with us you will come in possession
of the knowledge of the trade and methods of the business. It is essential
that you undertake to maintain total secrecy about all the information,
knowledge, or such other matters. You shall not, yourself, by or through
others allow the same to be used in any manner detrimental to this
Company either during your employment or thereafter.
10. Your services are liable to be transferred to any other division, activity or
geographical location of this Company or any of its associates. In such an
eventuality, you will be governed by the terms and conditions and the
remuneration as applicable to such new place to which your services may
be temporarily or permanently transferred and that you will therefore not
be entitled to any additional compensation.
11. You will be eligible to Leave and Holidays only after your services are
confirmed and the provisions of the Services Rules will govern the same.
12. Your appointment and employment will be subject to your being and
remaining medically fit. It is necessary for you to get medically examined
by any Medical Officer desired by the company, as and when required.
13. If at any stage the Company finds you to be unfit upon being medically
examined by a company nominated Registered Medical Practitioner, for
the job currently being done by you, then you are liable to be prematurely
retired on medical grounds.
14. You will automatically retire from the employment of this Company upon
reaching the age of years.
17. Upon separation from the employment with this Company for any reason
whatsoever, you shall not accept employment or association with any
organization engaged in the sale or service & repair of products and
services same or similar to those of this company for a period of three
years from the date of separation.
18. On ceasing to be in the employment of this Company for any reason you
will promptly settle all accounts including the return of all Company
properties, tools, equipment, documents etc. without making or retaining
any copies.
19. Your growth in this company depends, among other factors, primarily
upon contribution, dedication, sincerity and initiative.
You are requested to affix your signature on the duplicate of this letter
confirming your acceptance of the terms and conditions of employment.
We welcome you and look forward to many years of mutually rewarding and
beneficial association.
Yours sincerely,
(Authorized Signatory)