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Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Hyperthermia r/t A body temperature above Goal: After 8 hrs. of rendering
infection the usual range is called nursing intervention, the client’s The goal for the client was :
pyrexia, body temperature will subside  Met
Interaction/Subjective – hyperthermia, or (in lay and will remain in normal range. As evidenced by patient’s body
“Maiinit ang pakiramdam terms) fever. Objectives: temperature. His temperature
ko.” As verbalized by the Ref: Fundamental of 1. After an hour of health 1. Take an axillary To obtain accurate core subsided from 38.8 C to 37.2 C.
client Nursing teaching and nursing temperature every 1 to 4hrs. temperature
interventions, the client
and family will verbalize
Objective understanding about the
–warm to touch client’s condition. 2. Instruct the client to To help cool the body, and
- febrile increase oral fluid intake. reduce body temperature
-weak in appearance

2. After 4 hrs. of nursing 1. Promote surfaces cooling by To reduce body temperature.

Measurements- independent and means of undressing.
BP- 120/80mmHg dependent intervention,
T-38.8 C patient will remain 2. Provide tepid sponge bath. To reduce body temperature.
P-99bpm afebrile.
3. Wrap the extremities with To minimize shivering.
bath towels.

4.Maintain bed rest. To restore normal body function.

5. Apply cold compress over the To reduce body temperature.


6. Administer antipyretic To reduce body temperature.


7.Adminiter IV fluids. To reduce body temperature.


Assessment Diagnosis Planning/ Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Goal & Objectives
Interaction/Subjective – Hypertermia related to the Goal: After 8 hrs. of rendering
“Maiinit ang pakiramdam infection process nursing intervention, the client’s The goal for the client was :
ko.” As verbalized by the body temperature will subside  Met
client and will remain in normal range. As evidenced by patient’s body
Objectives: temperature. His temperature
1. After an hour of health -Take an axillary temperature To obtain accurate core subsided from 38.8 C to 37C.
Objective teaching and nursing every 1 to 4hrs. temperature
–warm to touch interventions, the client
- febrile and family will verbalize
-weak in appearance understanding about the
client’s condition. -Instruct the client to increase To help cool the body, and
oral fluid intake. reduce body temperature
BP- 120/80mmHg
T-38.8 C
P-99bpm 2. After 4 hrs. of nursing -Promote surfaces cooling by To reduce body temperature.
R-22cpm independent and means of undressing.
dependent intervention,
patient will remain -Provide tepid sponge bath. To reduce body temperature.

-Wrap the extremities with bath To minimize shivering.


-Maintain bed rest. To restore normal body function.

- Apply cold compress over the To reduce body temperature.


- Administer antipyretic To reduce body temperature.

medication as ordered.

-Adminiter IV fluids as ordered. To reduce body temperature.

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