Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goal & Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Hyperthermia r/t A body temperature above Goal: After 8 hrs. of rendering
infection the usual range is called nursing intervention, the client’s The goal for the client was :
pyrexia, body temperature will subside Met
Interaction/Subjective – hyperthermia, or (in lay and will remain in normal range. As evidenced by patient’s body
“Maiinit ang pakiramdam terms) fever. Objectives: temperature. His temperature
ko.” As verbalized by the Ref: Fundamental of 1. After an hour of health 1. Take an axillary To obtain accurate core subsided from 38.8 C to 37.2 C.
client Nursing teaching and nursing temperature every 1 to 4hrs. temperature
interventions, the client
and family will verbalize
Objective understanding about the
–warm to touch client’s condition. 2. Instruct the client to To help cool the body, and
- febrile increase oral fluid intake. reduce body temperature
-weak in appearance