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TITLE: Are Young People's Social Skills Declining?
AUTHOR: Marilyn Price-Mitchell Ph.D.
SOURCE: The Moment of Youth
1. What is the a) ISSUE : A debate about the social skills of young b) AUTHOR’S STAND/POV: The author’s point of view is
INTRO overview of people due to the increasing internet usage by young people’s social skills are not declining even
the article? comparing previous and recent studies. though they have been using internet all the time for
What is the The author’s tone is accusatory while stating the previous research has only little evidence to conclude young people's
author’s tone? social skills are declining.
2. What are the 2. No decline in social skills was 3. Study shows no evidence that
(Evaluation key points? 1. Main idea. People are noted by teachers or parents limiting screen time would
of (number of overestimating on the negative from 1998 to 2010 where have meaningful benefit.
tive article) key points consequences of technology not increased in internet activity
depends on only on social skills but other happened.
article – add aspects as well.
more column
if necessary)

Authors say, rather than

What are the Lots of scholars had studied and Teachers’ perceptions of children’s undermining social relationships,
supporting found that internet usage has many social skills remained surprisingly screen time may provide platform
details? positive effects on young people in consistent from 1998 to 2010, as did for children to seek autonomy from
maintaining and building social their evaluation of kid’s self-control. parents. There may be other good
networks. For example, improve the These perceptions continued as reasons to limit screen time, they
quality of existing friendships, children progressed through first, say. For teens, there are surprising
strengthen family ties and expose third, and fifth grades. As a matter of insights from social networking and
children to their true interests. fact, children’s social skills are rated internet usage.
by teachers as slightly higher in 2010
Is there any compared in 1998. Moreover, parents YES: A study in 1998 initially showed a
strong also supported these perceptions as negative relationship between 
evidence YES: Recent research on graphic similar narrative was reported by children's screen time and social skills, 
supporting the animation (GIFs) shows that parents. This involves a rise in anxiety and 
main idea? technology is making different isolation. A follow-up research by 
(Circle NO if changes and advances in young the same scientists in 2002, those 
there is no people’s ability that cannot be YES: Researchers used statistics negative correlations were no longer 
evidence) achieved by doing face-to-face collected by the Early Childhood present in.
communication. Technology is also an Longitudinal Study 1998 and
effective relationship to develop their 2010 as well as the National
skills in a variety of ways. Education Longitudinal Study of

3. Is the article YES: The author explains and conveys her idea clearly with multiple supporting details.
YES: The author included multiple of findings from research and statistics. For example, statistics by the Early Childhood
Is the article Longitudinal Study 1998 and 2010, the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1998, study led by Douglas Downey
well- of Ohio State University and cited the American Journal of Sociology.

Does the YES: The internet may reduce social skills in some ways and promote them in others because kids develop social skills in
author provide much more complex and nonlinear ways.
any counter- There are many other opinion and research that includes surprising insights on the disadvantages of social
arguments? networking and internet usage.

PARAGRAPH 4.5. What is WE AGREE/DISAGREE THAT young people social skills are not declining.
(Personal your
and on
the issue?


What are your 1. They are not losing their ability to 1. Today's young people are in line 1. Learning platform in school and
reasons to socialize, but they are only with the development of the world university are changing to the
agree/ adapting with new changes that which requires skills from the use latest platform which is internet.
disagree? the world has done. of technology. They have been According to UNESCO (2002),
learning how to use email, internet technology and internet are the
2. Children with social anxiety and software which are indeed fundamental aspects of realizing
disorders, who often struggle with useful to the future. This is an 21st century education.
engaging in social interactions in early exposure to hone
real life, may find that social media technological mastery. 2. According to Yalda T. Uhls through
and online communities helpful for her article, Benefits and Costs of
them to develop social skills. 2. These platforms could help them Social Media in Adolescence,
practice social interaction skills individuals may experience less
3. Technology affects the way and gain confidence with social anxiety when interacting online
individuals communicate, learn, communication in a more compared offline.
and think. It helps society and comfortable and relaxing way.
determines how people interact
with each other on a daily basis. 3. Technology has impacted society 3. For example, there are emails,
Technology plays an important through communication, how we social networking, you can
role in society today. talk and we communicate with facetime a person that lives
one another worldwide. on the other side of the
Technology brought many new world, and here’s video
methods of electronic conferencing where you can
communication. have conferences

6.Restate your The author's view is that young people's social skills are not declining even though they've been using the internet all 

stand and the time to communicate than face-to-face communication. Based on the study, we can prove that by using the
write final internet, will not lower the social skills of society but also bring benefits as we live in a new era where reforms are highly
comment. encouraged because modernization leads to progress.

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