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(2nd Review) (SIMS)

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Second Review

An Institute Management System
For Sumantra Technologies

Final Project By

Shahin R Krishna


Submitted On

April 07, 2011

Sumantra - Institute Management System


1. About the firm

Sumantra Technologies is the advanced technology training division of Orionis

Technologies & Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Sumantra Technologies provides continuous
professional training to Corporate Organizations, Professionals, and Students to
maintain their skill sets on par with the latest in technology.
Their major activities are :
 On Job Training
 Academic Projects
 Advanced Career Training
 Curriculum Based Training for Schools and Colleges
 Corporate Training
 Placement Assistance

2. About the project

Even though Sumantra Technologies is an technology division of a known software

development firm, most of the institute management process is accomplished
In order to fasten the process, so as the growth of the firm, a management system that
automates the manual institute management process can contribute a very well
determined role.
Institute Management System (IMS) for Sumantra Technologies is an
application that is expected to be capable of performing the functions that are
considered essential for such an institute’s management.
IMS focuses on automating various departments’ functions in such a way that it
would be easier to accumulate and manage data, analyze data, generate reports, etc...

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 Administrator
Administrator has full control over the system. Admin manages the user accounts.
Admin registers each and every user of the system. Admin can generate report to assess the
performance to the institute so far.

 Security
A username, password & department combination is used as the authentication
credentials to the system. This information, when provided, cross matched with information
stored in the database. The login credentials are kept in database encrypted. And any data
related to the password is also encrypted. The department is used as criteria to create
various access level with in the system.

 Programs Registration
A new program offered by Sumantra Tech. is added to their “Courses offered Profile”
so as to support the Enquiry & Registration Management. The various Programs currently
offered by Sumantra Tech. are
 On Job Training
 Academic Projects
 Advanced Career Training
 Curriculum Based Training for Schools and Colleges
 Corporate Training
 Placement Assistance

 Object Oriented Analysis and Design

 Oracle (SQL and PL/SQL, DBA, Performance Tuning)
 Microsoft SQL Server
 J2EE and related areas
 .NET (VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, etc.)
 C, C++ ,VC++
 Scripting Languages.

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 Enquiry & Registration

This module handles the enquiries and registration requests. This module is meant to
collect the client information as well as the college/company information where they belong
to. The information is stored in the database in various tables, so that every
college/company will have a profile in the IMS. This helps the departments to make
marketing strategies, etc…

 Fee Management
Fee schemes, collection, Receipts, Due notification, Offering Discounts, Generating
monthly and annual reports are performed by this module.

 Lab Scheduling
This module focuses on managing scheduling of the lab. Those students have a
personal laptop can do their work without using the lab facilities, so that the free systems
can be allotted to those who are running out of schedule and require more lab time. It also
manages the instructor workload by allotting more lab assistants at peak periods.

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 Application Management Module

 Administrator Module
ᴥ User Accounts Management

 HR Management Module
ᴥ Sumantra Courses Management Module

 Register/Remove courses

 Register/Update Fee structure

ᴥ Sumantra Training Programs Management Module

 Register/Remove training programs

ᴥ Enquiry Management Module

 Recording Enquiry Information

 Keeping College/Organization Information

 Tracking dead enquiries

 Generating reports

ᴥ Student Registration Management Module

 Registering student

 Generating reports

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 Application Management Module
ᴥ Application’s overall management is intending to be performed by this module. This
module is implemented to handle application’s control routing and to ensure
authorized access to various modules of the application. It logs every login events
and modules accessed by the user. These logs can be accessed by the Administrator
from logs section, by logging in to the application with his/her administrator account
 Administrator Module
ᴥ User Accounts Management
User accounts are generated by the Administrator. Administrator creates user
accounts that belong to a department. These user accounts can be used to access the
respective application modules, i.e. a user account created for HR department can
have access only to the HR Management Module of the application.
Administrator is only person having authority to create, remove, or modify a
user account. User accounts information is kept in table Table_UserAccounts. The
table keeps the information such as UserID, Username, Password, Department, and
Active. UserID is unique and act as primary key for the table. Username and
password used to login to the application. An active user account will have a status
value ‘true’ (1) for the field Active.
 HR Management Module
ᴥ Sumantra Courses & training Programs management module
Information regarding courses offered by Sumantra Technologies are kept in the tables
Table_SumantraCourses and Table_TrainingPrograms. This module will be handling the
insertion, updation, and deletion on these two tables. Deleting an entry from the table
means setting the value of the field Active in the table to 1 (true).
ᴥ Enquiry and Registration management module
Enquiry information is collected, categorized and stored in various tables. Basic information
such as student name, communication address, contact details, and reference to
college/organization table are kept in Table_Enquiry. Referral information, mode of enquiry,
and remarks are kept in Table_EnquiryDetails. College or organization information are
separated from the enquiry form and stored in Table_college or Table_organization. For a
student, HOD contact details are kept in the table Table_CourseCollegeDdetails.

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Also the application allows registering while enquiry and register later. Both cases the
enquiry form is filled. Registration info is kept in table Table_Registration and project or
course information is kept in Table_ProjectInfo. For table Table_Enquiry Enquiry ID is the
primary key which is used while registering the student. Table_ProjectInfo uses Registration
ID (primary key of Table_Registration) as its unique key. Whenever a new enquiry or
registration happens, the enquiry id or registration id are generated by incrementing the
value kept under the field LASTUSED in table Table_IDInfo. Table_IDInfo will be having fixed
number of tuples where each tuple will be representing primary key field of tables.

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1. Table_Branch
Table that keep information on different branches of the firm.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique id

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of branch

Address nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Address of the specific branch

Phone nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Phone number

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

2. Table_College
Table that keep information of colleges.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name varchar(50) Not Null Name of College

Address varchar(100) Not Null Address

Unique ID of District where college is
DistrictID int Not Null
ContactPerson varchar(50) Not Null College contact person’s name

Phone varchar(50) Allow Nulls Phone number

Email varchar(50) Allow Nulls College’s Email ID

Website varchar(50) Allow Nulls College’s Website URL

Unique ID of university that affiliates
UniversityID int Not Null
the college
Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

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3. Table_Course
Table that keep course’s information. Bachelor Degrees, Diplomas, Master Degrees etc.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Course Name

Flag indicating whether the course is a

PG bit Not Null
bachelor degree or master degree

Description nvarchar(100) Allow Nulls Course description

Flag differentiate active & non active

Active bit Not Null

4. Table_CourseCollegeDetails
Table that keep information on project schedule of each college for specific courses,
Department head’s contact Information, etc.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

CourseID ( FK ) int Not Null Foreign key to Table_Course

CollegeID ( FK ) int Not Null Foreign key to Table_College

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Project starting month for a particular

ProjectStartMonth tinyint Not Null
course in a specific college

Duration tinyint Not Null Duration of academic project

HODName nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of Head of the Department

Phone nvarchar(50) Not Null Phone number

Email nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Email ID

Flag differentiate active & non active

Active bit Not Null

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5. Table_District
Table that keep District/City information. A flag field is set to distinguish the Cities from

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of district

IsDistrict ( FK ) bit Not Null Distinguishes a City from a District

Unique ID of State to which the District
StateID int Not Null
belongs to.
Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

6. Table_Enquiry
Table that keep enquiry information.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID ( Enquiry Number or Enquiry ID )

Date date Not Null Enquiry Date

Flag differentiating a student from a

IsStudent bit Not Null
corporate employee

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name

DoB date Not Null Date of birth

Gender nchar(1) Not Null Gender

CommAddress nvarchar(100) Not Null Communication Address

DistrictID ( FK ) int Not Null Foreign Key to Table_District

Landline nvarchar(30) Allow Nulls Landline number

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Mobile nvarchar(30) Allow Nulls Mobile number

Email nvarchar(50) Not Null Email ID

Foreign Key to Table_College or

CollegeOrgID ( FK ) int Not Null Table_Organization. Depends on the value of
the column IsStudent
Foreign Key to Table_Course, Educational
EduQualification ( FK ) int Allow Nulls
qualification of applicant
Foreign Key to Table_Course, Professional
ProQualification ( FK ) int Allow Nulls
qualification of Applicant
Integer value representing, whether the
AvailFacilities tinyint Not Null applicant is equipped with a laptop or a
desktop or both at home
Foreign Key to Table_Course, Course
CourseID ( FK ) int Not Null
currently pursued by the applicant
Foreign key to table_SumantraCourses, The
SCourseID ( FK ) int Not Null
training program the applicant prefer to join

Active bit Not Null Flag differentiate active & non active entries

7. Table_EnquiryDetails
Table that keep additional enquiry information like mode of enquiry, referrals, remarks, etc.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

EnquiryID int Not Null Foreign key to Table_Enquiry

AttendedBy nvarchar(50) Not Null Describes person who made an enquiry

Mode nvarchar(30) Allow Nulls Mode of enquiry

ReferralType int Not Null Type of referrals

ReferralID int Not Null ID of referral

Remarks nvarchar(50) Not Null Remarks

Flag differentiate active & non active

Active bit Not Null

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8. Table_IDInfo
Table that keep information on primary key values allotted to each table. Keeps last used
primary key value, minimum and maximum value for a primary key field, active ids.etc.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of Unique ID/table

MinValue int Not Null Minimum value

MaxValue int Not Null Maximum value

LastUsed int Not Null Last used value

Description nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls description

Active bit Not Null Flag differentiate active & non active entries

9. Table_Organization
Table that keep Organization’s data

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name varchar(50) Not Null Name of organization

Address varchar(100) Not Null Address

DistrictID int Not Null Foreign Key to Table_District

ContactPerson varchar(50) Not Null Contact person

Phone varchar(50) Allow Nulls Phone number

Email varchar(50) Allow Nulls Email ID

Website varchar(50) Allow Nulls Website URL of Organization

Active bit Not Null Flag differentiate active & non active entries

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10. Table_ProjectInfo
Table that keep project schedule information.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

RegistrationID int Not Null Foreign Key to Table_Regsitration

SCourseID int Not Null Foreign key to table_SumantraCourses

TechnologyID int Not Null Foreign key to Table_Training programs

TeamSize tinyint Not Null Size of project team

ProjectTitle nvarchar(50) Not Null Title of the project

ProjectStartDate date Not Null Expected start date of project

ProjectEndDate date Not Null Expected end date o project

TeamID int Allow Nulls Team ID

IsCompleted bit Not Null Flag indicating a completed project

CompletedOn date Allow Nulls Project completion date

Remarks nvarchar(100) Allow Nulls remarks

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

11. Table_Registration
Table that keep registration information

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID or Registration ID/Number

EnquiryID int Not Null Foreign key to Table_Enquiry

BranchID int Not Null Foreign Key to Table_Branch

Date date Not Null Date of registration

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Guardian nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Name of Guardian

Relation nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Guardian’s relation to applicant

PermAddress nvarchar(100) Allow Nulls Permanent Address

DistrictID int Not Null Foreign Key to Table_District

Religion nvarchar(10) Allow Nulls Religion

Flag indicating applicant’s marital

Married bit Not Null

Photo image Allow Nulls Applicant’s Photo

Flag differentiate active & non active

Active bit Not Null

12. Table_State
Table that keep information on states.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of the State

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

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13. Table_SumantraCourses
Table that keep information on Courses offered by the institution

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Course Name

Code nchar(10) Not Null Sumantra Course Code

Description nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Description

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

14. Table_TrainingPrograms
Table that keep information on technology training programs offered by the Institution.

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of Training programs

Code nchar(10) Not Null Program Code

Description nvarchar(50) Allow Nulls Description

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

15. Table_University
Table that keeps information on universities

Column Name Data Type Null Constraint Description

ID ( PK ) int Not Null Unique ID

Name nvarchar(50) Not Null Name of university

StateID int Not Null Foreign key to Table_State

Flag differentiate active & non active
Active bit Not Null

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Level 2 DFD - HR & CR Management

Table_University Table_CourseCollegeInfo

Course-College Data

Enquiry Data Management Enquiry Number /Status


Table_Enquiry Table_IDInfo

Registration Data Applicant

Registration Registration ID/Status
Registration ID

Table_ProjectInfo Table_Registration



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