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(WH) The Witch

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The document provides information on a witch character class for Dungeons and Dragons including spells and rituals.

The document provides details on playing a witch character in Dungeons and Dragons, including class features, spells, and rituals.

Several new spells are introduced including Share Pain, Watch Totem, and spells for other classes like Guiding Light.


Designer: Walrock Homebrew Special Thanks: The Discord of Many Things, Diana Nock, @Izzy,
DM’s Guild: walrockhomebrew.com /r/unearthedarcana, /r/dndnext, /u/skybug12, /u/Smyris, and all
Patreon: patreon.com/walrockhomebrew our backers on Patreon!
Twitter: @WalrockHomebrew
Blog: walrock-homebrew.blogspot.com Legal: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
Commissioned Illustrator: Diana Nock Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
Twitter: @jinxville their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in
Portfolio: diananock.artstation.com the USA and other countries.
Patreon: patreon.com/diananock
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast
Illustrators via Adobe Stock License: Grafik Art, grandfailure, and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under
Scarlet Heath, hellokisdottir, Jumpingsack, Alexandra Petrok, the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Thana Wong
Illustrators via DM’s Guild Licence: Eva Widermann All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Walrock
Illustrators via Individual Licence: Enmanuel ‘Lema’ Martinez Homebrew and published under the Community Content Agree-
Illustrators via Public Domain: William Holbrook Beard, George ment for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Cattermole, Joseph Farquharson, Caspar David Friedrich


Diana Nock paints an evening scene at a witch’s cottage, over-

grown but far from neglected. Passed down through generations
of witches, the cottage has elements from several former owners,
as well as a haphazard mushroom garden containing at least a few
non-poisonous fungi.


Our archetypal witch, named Nathilda Pickingill, also illustrated in

detail by Diana Nock. Nathilda wears practical clothes, pairing a
set of heavy workboots and a dress (with pockets!) with her riding
cloak, clasped with a simple brooch representing moon phases. At
her side is her ever-curious and playful familiar, Malefelies, toying
with a token of his mistress’s power.

V ersion 1.2
Disclaimer: Walrock Homebrew is not responsible for any contractual stipulations or unintended consequences from brokering deals for ancient magical power with the nameless shadows that have existed before time. Using
said power to place curses upon yourself, others, or (accidentally or intentionally) fellow party-members is permitted, and such curses are the sole property and responsibility of their curse-holders. Be also aware that putting a
hut on chicken legs and imbuing it with a limited sentience is likely to decrease property value, cause all manner of zoning violations, and (obviously) be really, really fun.
Witch................................................ 4 Warding Moonlight.........................13 2nd Level...........................................22
Acolytes of the First Magic................4 Light of the Full Moon....................13 3rd Level...........................................22
Devoted to the Craft............................5 Coven of the Half Moon.....................13 4th Level............................................23
Creating a Witch..................................5 Half Moon Spells.............................13 5th Level............................................23
Quick Build........................................6 Moonlight Illusionist.......................14 6th Level............................................23
Class Features................................. 6 Disguise Familiar............................14 7th Level............................................23
Hit Points...........................................6 Hidden Spellcraft............................14 8th Level............................................24
Proficiencies......................................6 Figments...........................................14 9th Level............................................24
Equipment.........................................6 Coven of the Crescent Moon............15 Additional Spells............................ 24
Spellcasting...........................................6 Crescent Moon Spells....................15 Animate Hair....................................24
Cantrips..............................................6 Battle Witchcraft.............................15 Animate Hut.....................................25
Spell Slots..........................................6 Crescent Strike................................16 Cackle................................................25
Spells Known of 1st Extra Attack......................................16 Combine Potions.............................25
Level and Higher..............................6 Walk the Crescent Path.................16 Conjure Effigy..................................26
Spellcasting Ability..........................6 Hastened Arcana.............................16 Curse of Craving..............................27
Ritual Casting...................................7 Coven of the Eclipse...........................16 Enlarge Familiar..............................27
Spellcasting Focus...........................7 Eclipse Spells...................................16 Evil Eye..............................................27
Occult Familiar.....................................7 Fiendish Affinity...............................17 Guiding Light...................................28
Jinx..........................................................8 Sanguine Rain.................................17 Rite.....................................................28
Witch’s Coven........................................9 Hellish Influence..............................17 Share Pain........................................29
Brewcraft...............................................9 Hagform............................................17 Watch Totem.....................................29
Imbue Potion........................................9 Coven of the Gibbous Moon.............17
Enchant Broom...................................10 Gibbous Moon Spells.....................17
Fine Fettle.............................................11 Read the Entrails.............................18
Grand Olde Wytch..............................11 Psychopomp.....................................18
Witch’s Covens............................... 11 Fortune Telling.................................18
Coven of the Dark Moon....................11 Guide of Fates..................................20
Dark Moon Spells...........................11 Coven of the Lost Moon.....................20
Midnight’s Own................................11 Lost Moon Spells............................20
Minions of the Dark Moon............12 Starlight Seeker...............................21
W illiam H olbrook B eard

Orb of Night......................................12 Familiar Nexus.................................21

Create Scarecrow...........................12 Witchwarp.........................................21
Coven of the Full Moon......................12 Lost Knowledge...............................21
Full Moon Spells.............................12 Witch Spells.................................... 21
Abundant Health.............................13 Cantrips (0 Level)............................21
Familiar’s Solace.............................13 1st Level............................................21

olding a wand in a loose grip,
a young human with tousled red
hair and a sheepish grin faces
down a furious orc warrior nearly
three times his size. With a word
and a gesture, the boy’s red hair suddenly
erupts into a flurry of long, vicious, living tendrils
that wrap themselves around the legs and throat of
the orc, dragging the shocked warrior off his feet
and holding him aloft.
Sitting atop a floating broom, a wood elf with
glowing green eyes gently directs it to pass by
the royal palace and idle next to an open window
overlooking the throne room. She spies, through
the window, the king of all the realm holding court on
his throne. The elf gingerly reaches into her sleeve and magics, from a time when the arcane and the natural
retrieves a rudimentary straw doll, fashioned with a tiny were studied as one. Eschewing the more esoteric
gold crown upon its head, and a gleaming silver pin. magics studied by some of their peers, witches prefer
A single pinprick strikes through the heart of the doll, practical magic with a variety of potential uses. Witches
and the king doubles over clutching his chest in pain, draw upon the power inherent in the night and the land
sending his courtiers into a blind panic. The wood elf to breathe life into fallen comrades, brew mystical
watches, satisfied. potions and poisons mighty enough to fell a dragon, and
Pounding a handful of herbs into powder with her weave terrible curses that may plague an individual for
trusty mortar and pestle, an elderly tiefling in a flowing the rest of their life.
grey robe tosses them into her cauldron, already raised
D iana N ock

to a boil over an open flame. As she does so, the caul- Acolytes of the First Magic
dron exudes a noxious green cloud and begins to froth When the world was young and the mortal races existed
wildly. In just a handful of days, the tiefling will begin entirely at the mercy of primordials, gods, and monsters,
the distillation process, creating a new vial of eldritch there were beings in the darkness that took a surprising
poison to seep life from the world. mercy on those lesser creatures struggling to survive.
Witches are learned practitioners of the earliest of Whether these beings were spirits, specific gods, or

T he W itch
Proficiency Jinxes Cantrips Spells —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level Bonus Known Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 — Spellcasting, Occult Familiar 3 3 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 2 Jinx (1/rest), Witch’s Coven 3 4 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 2 Brewcraft, Imbue Potion 3 5 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 2 Ability Score Increase 4 6 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 2 Jinx (2/rest) 4 7 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 2 Witch’s Coven feature 4 8 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 3 Enchant Broom 4 9 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 3 Ability Score Improvement 4 10 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 3 — 4 11 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 3 Witch’s Coven feature 5 12 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 3 Fine Fettle 5 13 4 3 3 3 3 1 — — —
12th +4 3 Ability Score Improvement 5 14 4 3 3 3 3 1 — — —
13th +5 4 — 5 15 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 — —
14th +5 4 Witch’s Coven feature 5 16 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 — —
15th +5 4 Jinx (3/rest) 5 17 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 —
16th +5 4 Ability Score Improvement 5 18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 —
17th +6 4 — 5 19 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
18th +6 5 — 5 19 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 5 Ability Score Improvement 5 20 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 5 Grand Old Wytch 5 20 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

something more sinister, no two tales agree, but the that knows how to bind wounds has likely done so on
bargains they struck ushered the first inklings of mortal many occasions, while a witch skilled in the arts of
magic into the world. Witches hold as tradition that it cursing may have lived a life full of revenge and spite.
was these magics that gave mortals a fighting chance,
while others more suspicious of witchcraft tell that Creating a Witch
this was the first interference of malicious entities into When you create your witch character, consider strongly
mortal affairs, and an affront to the pure will of the gods. their morals and personal leanings. Witches always
Witches are always deeply individualistic, and in the hold opinions of the world that they are willing to act
present era have been divided by coven and practice. upon, making them a dynamic and decisive force. How
Though all witches learn from the writings of and do these attitudes shape your magic, and how has your
words spoken by their elders, some study the ancient magic shaped them, in turn?
ways as an evolving historical and scholastic pursuit, Who was the witch that introduced you to magic? Did
while others practice their magics wild and with full you stumble upon an occult ritual deep in the woods,
communion of the old beings who laid the path of natu- or did you enroll in a prestigious institute of witchcraft?
ral arcana before them. An endlessly diverse group of What values do those witches close to you hold, and
practitioners, witches rarely agree how best to use their how have they colored your personality and ideals?
magic, even within the same coven. Finally, what has made you choose the life of a
wandering witch? Are you searching for untold secrets,
Devoted to the Craft
Though not all witches wander far and wide, no witch W itchcraft and G ender
lives what could be considered a normal life. The In many worlds, witchcraft as a magical practice is closely
C aspar D avid F riedrich

reputation of witches as curse-binders and worse often aligned with magic users that identify as female. For whatever
precedes them, and even the best of witches often face reason, the magics that the witches of these worlds practice are
at least an inkling of suspicion or fear from those they primarily (or exclusively) the domain of a single gender.
attempt to help. However, the witch as presented historically in D&D does not
Nevertheless, witches are always dedicated to learn- by default align with one gender or another. Members of any
ing the intricacies of their craft, though many witches do gender identification can be a witch, though cultural and social
dabble. The specifics of the craft a witch learns are mores around gender and witchcraft likely still vary dramatically
usually the product of the life that witch has led. A witch from setting to setting.
running from your status as a pariah, or seeking a land • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
and place to call your own? In any case, your motiva- • A spellbook
tions are your own, and very little will stop you from
If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the
achieving them.
items offered by your background, you start with 2d4 ×
10 gp to buy your equipment.
Quick Build
You can make a witch quickly by following these sugges-
tions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, Whichever magical tradition you hail from, you have an
select the hermit background. Third, select the Coven of innate talent for spellcraft. Some attribute this to
the Dark Moon as your Witch’s Coven. Fourth, choose birthright, others to practice, but only with training and
the acid splash, druidcraft, and poison spray cantrips, dedication will it grow stronger. See chapter 10 in the
along with the following 1st-level spells: animal friend- Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcast-
ship, detect magic, and witch bolt. Finally, add the spells ing. The witch spell list is included here, at the end of
riteand speak with animals to your ritual book. this supplement.

Class Features At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from
As a witch, you gain the following class features. the witch spell list. You learn additional witch cantrips
of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips
Hit Points Known column of the Witch table.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per witch level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Spell Slots
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitu- The Witch table shows how many spell slots you have
tion modifier per witch level after 1st to cast your witch spells of 1st level and higher. To cast
one of these witch spells, you must expend a slot of the
Proficiencies spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
Armor: None when you finish a long rest.
Weapons: Blowguns, daggers, quarterstaffs, sickles For example, if you know the 1st-level spell witch bolt
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies, the herbalism kit, and the and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available,
poisoner’s kit you can cast witch bolt using either slot.

Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana, You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the
History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Religion, witch spell list.
Stealth, and Survival You learn an additional witch spell of your choice at
each level. Each of these spells must be of a level for
Equipment which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach
You start with the following equipment, in addition to 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st
the equipment granted by your background: or 2nd level.
• (a) a dagger or (b) a sickle Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you
• (a) a component pouch, (b) an arcane focus, or (c) can choose one of the witch spells you know and replace
a druidic focus it with another spell from the witch spell list, which also
• a set of alchemist’s supplies, an herbalism kit, and a must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
poisoner’s kit
Spellcasting Ability
O ptional R ule : M ulticlassing Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for witch spells,
representing the deep study of natural arcana required
If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the
for witchcraft. You use Intelligence whenever a spell
Player’s Handbook (p. 163), here’s what you need to know if you
choose witch as one of your classes.
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw
must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in DC for a witch spell you cast and when making an
this class. attack roll with one.
Proficiencies Gained. If witch isn’t your initial class, here are
the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
witch: blowguns, daggers, quarterstaffs, sickles, alchemist’s your Intelligence modifier
supplies, herbalism kit, poisoner’s kit. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Spell Slots. Add all your levels in the witch class to the appro-
your Intelligence modifier
priate levels from other classes to determine your available
spell slots.
Ritual Casting symbols and sources of their magical power. Historical-
You also have a spellbook known as a ritual book. Your ly, familiars have acted as messengers between witches
ritual book does not contain the witch spells you know, and the unknowable entities that taught them the ways
which are instead fixed in your memory. Rather, the of the arcane, but in modern times familiars mostly
ritual book contains your choice of two 1st-level spells serve as companions and foils to their chosen witch.
that have the ritual tag from the witch spell list. The You know the spell find familiar, which counts as a
spells that are in your ritual book don’t count against witch spell and does not count against the total spells
the number of spells you know. You can’t cast the witch you can know. You are able to cast find familiar without
spells in your ritual book except as rituals, unless expending a spell slot or any materials costs. Familiars
you’ve learned them by some other means. You can you conjure with find familiar gain a number of addi-
also cast any witch spell you know as a ritual if it has tional benefits:
the ritual tag. • The familiar’s Charisma and Intelligence scores
Adding Ritual Spells. On your adventures, you can become 12, unless they are already higher.
add other witch ritual spells to your ritual book. When • The familiar can speak, read, and understand all
you find such a spell, you can add it to your ritual book languages you know.
if the spell’s level is equal to or less than half your witch • The familiar’s movement does not provoke oppor-
level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to tran- tunity attacks.
scribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcrip- • The familiar adds your witch level to its hit
tion process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare point maximum.
inks needed to inscribe it. • If the familiar succeeds on a saving throw and would
Replacing the Book. You can copy a ritual spell from take half damage, it instead takes no damage.
your ritual book into another book — for example, if you
want to make a backup copy of your ritual book. This is
just like copying a new ritual spell into your ritual book,
but faster and easier, since you understand your own
notation and already know how to cast the spell. You
need spend only 1 hour and 10 gp for each level of the
copied ritual spell.
If you lose your ritual book and do not have a replace-
ment, you can instead attempt to replicate each ritual
spell in the lost book, writing each spell in turn into a
new book. This has the same cost in time and currency
as duplicating a book, above, but after scribing a spell
you must roll an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC
of 8 + twice the ritual spell’s level, to determine whether
or not you have recalled it correctly. On a success, the
ritual spell is added to your book, but on a failure the
spell is incorrect and forgotten, and must be found
again. To avoid this, most witches keep an extra ritual
book hidden away in a secure location.

O ptional R ule : R ituals W hile L eveling

If your DM does not want to include spells as potential loot
items, they may consider allowing your witch character to add
ritual spells to your ritual book at certain character levels.
If your DM uses this optional rule, add one spell with the
ritual tag to your ritual book at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th level
in the witch class, instead of finding spells in the wider world.

Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus or
a druidic focus as a spellcasting
D iana N ock

focus for your witch spells.

Occult Familiar
Since time immemorial, witches
have formed bonds with familiar
spirits, which stand as

d6 Flaw
R oleplaying a F amiliar
4 I’m an unrepentant coward. Let my master fight for me,
Familiars gifted with the power of speech often carry their own
force of personality, and, like witches, have very strong opinions I’m staying out of it!
on what goes on around them. A familiar can be roleplayed a 5 I hoard shiny objects in all my master’s pockets when
number of ways, such as being a foil to the witch they are paired they’re asleep.
with, a steadfast support, or an inquisitive trickster that always 6 Everyone except my master is expendable to me, and I
seems to find trouble.
make sure they know.
Whether the witch’s player or the DM roleplays a familiar
is left intentionally vague, and should be discussed with your
group, though the player is expected to control the familiar in Jinx
combat. As a further option, many familiars are content to be
At 2nd level, you harness the power of jinxes, which
passive observers, only commenting if necessary, should role-
are subtle ways to twist your spellcraft, derived from
playing a familiar prove too disruptive to the flow of gameplay.
the blending of natural and arcane magics. Learn
Should you wish to further define your familiar’s identity,
two jinxes of your choice from the following list. You
however, you can roll on the tables included here for your famil-
iar’s personality, ideal, and flaw. A familiar’s bond is always, “I
learn one additional jinx of your choice at 7th, 13th,
must protect my master and ensure their success.” and 18th level.
Once on each of your turns in which a creature within
120 feet of you that you can see has failed a saving
throw against one of your spells or has been hit by one
d8 Personality Trait
of your attacks, you can use a bonus action to target one
1 I’m endlessly optimistic, and determined to find the best such creature of your choice with a jinx of your choice,
in everything! out of those jinxes that you know. If multiple such crea-
2 I’m polite, refined, and distinguished at all times. tures exist, still target only one of them. A jinx’s effects
3 I show my love through relentless sarcasm. last until the start of your next turn, unless the effects
4 Magic fascinates me. My master must learn more of it! would end earlier. Jinxes are inherently magical, and
do not function in the area of an antimagic field spell or
5 I’m very shy. Strangers must first earn my trust.
similar effects.
6 I have a voracious appetite, and am always looking for You can use this feature once before you must finish
new snacks. a short or long rest to regain its usage. At 5th level, you
7 I worry that my master isn’t good enough, so I constantly can use this feature twice between rests. At 15th, this
nudge them towards greatness. increases to three times between rests.
The jinxes you can learn are as follows. If a jinx has
8 I’m frustrated with my lack of thumbs and often try new
prerequisites, you must meet them before you can
techniques to compensate for this.
learn the jinx. Whenever you gain a witch level, you can
replace one jinx you know with a different jinx on this
d6 Ideal list that you meet the prerequisites for.
1 Knowledge. We must know everything there is to know! Beguiling. Pull the creature 15 feet towards you in a
(Neutral) straight line. This movement does not provoke oppor-
2 Secrets. The more hidden something is, the greater its tunity attacks.
Crippling. The creature’s movement speeds are
worth. (Neutral)
reduced by 20 feet.
3 Obedience. Like it or not, my master makes the rules Draining (Requires 7th Level). The creature cannot
here. (Lawful) regain hit points.
4 Freedom. I do what I want, and I may or may not apolo- Dulled Reflexes. The creature cannot take oppor-
gise later. (Chaotic) tunity attacks.
5 Greed. When I find something I want, I have to have it! Fumbling (Requires 7th Level). The creature drops
one item it is holding, of your choice. The item lands at
the creature’s feet.
6 Respect. All should respect my master’s ability, and by Misfortune. The next attack the creature makes is
extension myself. (Lawful) made with disadvantage.
Repelling. Push the creature 15 feet directly away
d6 Flaw from you in a straight line. This movement does not
1 I always watch my master to see what they are doing provoke opportunity attacks.
wrong. I voice my disapproval in little, subtle ways.
Silenced (Requires 7th Level). The creature cannot
talk and is unable to cast spells.
2 My curiosity is completely out of check.
Supplication (Requires 7th Level). The creature
3 I feel as if I’m four sizes greater than I am, and am bold must make a Strength saving throw against your spell
to a fault. save DC. If it fails, it becomes prone, and can recover
from this condition as normal.
Wytchfire. The creature casts dim light in a 10-foot These bonuses also apply to any mundane items you
radius. The next attack made against the creature could create with alchemist’s supplies or the poisoner’s
has advantage. kit, such as antitoxin, acid, alchemist’s fire, ale, basic
poison, or any of the poisons listed in the Dungeon
Witch’s Coven Master’s Guide (p. 257-258).
Also at 2nd level, you align yourself with a witch’s coven, Your DM may decide that certain potions or poisons
a secretive society of witches that closely guards their (purple worm poison, as an example) are uncraftable to
magical secrets from those outside. you unless you uncover specific rare ingredients first.
Select a coven from one of the following options: Should you acquire them, subtract the price of these
Coven of the Dark Moon, Coven of the Full Moon, Coven rare ingredients from the crafting cost accordingly.
of the Half Moon, Coven of the Crescent Moon, Coven of H erbal F oraging
the Eclipse, Coven of the Gibbous Moon, or Coven of the Result Item Worth Examples
Lost Moon. These are detailed later in this class option. 10-14 3d4 lb. of common 5 sp / lb. mint, sage
15-24 2d4 lb. of uncommon 5 gp / lb. horsetail, comfrey
Natural magic and arcane magic are not separate enti- herbs
ties to a witch. Because of this, witches are masters
25-29 1d4 lb. of rare herbs 50 gp / lb. devilroot, embertear
of unlocking the arcane potential hidden in common
herbs and plants. 30+ 1 lb. of very rare 500 gp / lb. starspine, voidweave
Starting at 3rd level, ff you craft a magic item in the herbs
G eorge C attermole

potion category, it takes you a quarter of the normal

time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold. Imbue Potion
When witches are unable to spend great amounts of
O ptional R ule : F oraging for H erbs
time brewing potions, they can imbue a tincture directly
Your DM may allow any character proficient in the herbalism kit
with their arcane power. The result is a potion that is
to spend their downtime foraging for herbs that decrease the
crafting cost of potions, poisons, and other items listed with the
Brewcraft feature.
Whenever such a character has a week of downtime, they can
choose to spend it collecting herbs. After completing this week,
roll an Intelligence check, adding proficiency with the charac-
ter’s herbalism kit if they have one on their person. Make this
check with advantage in a marsh or jungle, or disadvantage in a
city, desert, or tundra.
The character then receives the item associated with the
result of the check they have rolled, as listed on the Herbal
Foraging table. The character can sell these herbs to interested
parties, or use them to reduce the crafting cost of any potion,
poison, or other alchemical item by the worth of the herbs. A
character can use multiple herbs to further reduce the crafting
cost of any relevant item they are creating.

easier and less costly to make, but less stable and with can be detected by a creature holding the item
little longevity. with a successful Intelligence (Arcana) or
Beginning at 3rd level, when you take a short or long Wisdom (Survival) check made against your
rest and have an empty vial on your person, you can spell save DC.
choose one of the following spells you know and can   Spells imparted by this potion last for their
cast with available spell slots: normal durations, listed within the text of
the spells themselves. If a spell conferred
I mbue P otion by this feature requires concentration,
Level Spells
the creature that drank the potion must
maintain concentration on the effect as if
1st animate hair †, charm person, command, cure wounds,
they cast the spell themselves. If a potion
disguise self, detect magic, false life, feather fall, mage armor, would require the creature drinking it to
sleep, speak with animals make a saving throw, that saving throw is
2nd alter self, barkskin, blindness/deafness, detect thoughts, made against your spell save DC.
dragon’s breath*, enhance ability, enlarge/reduce, invisibil-   Active Potions. At any time, you can have
ity, lesser restoration, protection from poison, see invisibility, a number of active potions from this feature
equal to your witch level divided by 3, rounded
spider climb
down. You can also cause any of your potions
3rd catnap*, dispel magic, feign death, gaseous form, nondetec-
from this feature to no longer retain their
tion, protection from energy, remove curse, revivify, tongues, potency with a bonus action, regardless of
vampiric touch, water breathing, water walk how far away from you they may be.
4th charm monster*, death ward, fire shield, freedom of move-
ment, greater invisibility, stoneskin Enchant Broom
5th awaken, commune with nature, contact other plane, domi- At 7th level, you’ve learned the secret ritual
nate person, greater restoration, legend lore, reincarnate, skill required to make a witch’s broom, the
empowerment*, tree stride flying conveyance of any true witch. You
6th curse of craving †, find the path, investiture of flame*, can undertake an hour-long ritual that
investiture of ice*, investiture of stone*, investiture of wind*, prepares one broom (or, with your DM’s
permission, any sufficiently broom-like
true seeing
object) to become your witch’s broom.
* this spell is found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything After this ritual is complete, this
† this spell is found later in this supplement broom counts as a broom of flying
(Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 156),
  Immediately choose any details this spell would have and you choose the command word
you select and expend that spell’s material components needed to activate it. This broom
and a spell slot equal to the spell level you intend the responds only to your use of its
spell to function at. Instead of any targets specified command word, and will refuse
by the spell, the spell’s target becomes the creature to move if anyone else tries to
that drinks the potion. If a creature must have certain ride it while you are not already
attributes to be subject to the spell (such as a specific on it. The broom is still able
creature type), the potion only works on creatures with to move about unoccupied as
those attributes. normal, however.
  At the end of the rest, you then create a potion that is If you perform this ritual on a
able to impart the spell you selected, with the details you second broom while you already
have chosen. The spell slot you have used in the creation have a witch’s broom benefit-
of the potion does not refresh as long as the potion ing from this feature, the first
exists. Once the potion (or an item it is applied to) has witch’s broom returns to its
been used, is destroyed, or otherwise ceases to exist, the initial mundane state, and the
spell slot can refresh as it would normally, but does not new broom becomes your
automatically do so. witch’s broom.
D iana N ock

  Using an Imbued Potion. As an action, a creature

can drink the entire potion, administer it to another
willing creature, or apply it to an item of food or drink.
The potion only confers effects on a creature that drinks
it entirely, or that consumes in entirety the item of food
or drink to which it is applied. Such a creature imme-
diately gains the effects of the spell you selected, with
the specific details you chose when you first created
the potion. An applied potion on a consumable item

Fine Fettle against the total spells you can know.
At 11th level, you are perpetually healthy and resistant D ark M oon S pells
to conditions that could be the death of others. You have Witch Level Spells
resistance to poison damage and are immune to disease 2nd bane, Tasha’s hideous laughter
and the poisoned condition.
3rd blindness/deafness, darkness
Additionally, you age only 1 year for every 5 years you
grow older, are immune to the negative effects of aging, 5th animate dead, bestow curse
and cannot unwillingly die from old age. 7th blight, Evard’s black tentacles
9th contagion, insect plague
Grand Olde Wytch
Once you reach 20th level, you have been honored with Midnight’s Own
the title of Grand Olde Wytch, bestowed on only the When you join this coven at 2nd level, you gain darkvi-
greatest practitioners of witchcraft. After you roll initia- sion out to 30 feet, or increase the range of your existing
tive, you can choose to be able to use your Jinx feature darkvision by 30 feet. Your
freely for the next one minute without expending any of darkvision can see through
its uses. All other restrictions on using Jinx still apply. magical darkness.

Witch’s Covens
When the first witches learned magic from mysterious
entities in the dead of night, they were charged with
finding new practitioners and teaching them the ways
of natural arcana. While this originally took the form of
a band of practitioners bound in ritual by firelight, more
scholastically-oriented witches can treat their covens
similar to a formalized house of students in a presti-
gious academy.
Regardless, covens traditionally exist with members
in multiples of three, a number considered auspi-
cious in the annals of witchcraft. Each coven ensures
its members excel in a particular area of witchcraft, a
legacy that can be dated back to the earliest days of that
coven’s founding.

Coven of the Dark Moon

All witches possess a supernatural tie to the magic of
shadows and the night, but those that band together
under the Coven of the Dark Moon are the most
innately acquainted with this midnight arcana. Known
as dark witches, they are sworn under the darkness of Y our M oons M ay V ary
a new moon to sow curses and discord, disrupting the The magic wielded by witches holds strong thematic ties to the
structures of society, for better or for worse. As such, night, and the covens witches form identify themselves with a
witches of this coven tend to be chaotic in nature, but specific phase of the moon, practicing rituals and dedications
may be good, neutral, or evil depending on their indi- under its auspice.
vidual morals. However, not every setting has a moon. Witches in settings
without a moon tend to identify themselves with constellations
C oven of the D ark M oon F eatures or other celestial bodies, typically those that share a symbology
Witch Level Feature
with what their coven represents. For example, the Coven of the
2nd Dark Moon Spells, Midnight’s Own Full Moon in such a setting could identify with a constellation
6th Minions of the Dark Moon in the shape of a tree or a legendary healer. Likewise, the Coven
10th Orb of Night of the Dark Moon might identify themselves with a dimly-lit
planetoid, fast moving and barely visible in the night sky, that
14th Create Scarecrow
E va W idermann

has taken on the mythological trappings of a particular trick-

ster spirit.
Dark Moon Spells In a world with multiple moons, each coven may consecrate
You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important themselves to one of them, or to a particular celestial arrange-
to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow- ment of moons in the sky. In such a world, the Coven of the
ing list at the witch level associated with them. These Half Moon might hold a binary combination of one full moon
spells count as witch spells for you and do not count and one new moon to be sacred, as an example.

Additionally, by using a bonus action on your turn you Creating a new scarecrow while you have 4 active
can reduce the light level in a 10 foot radius centered scarecrows causes a randomly-chosen active scarecrow
on your choice of either yourself of your familiar, lower- to burst into flames and be reduced to ash. The statis-
ing it from bright light to dim light, or from dim light to tics for a scarecrow can be found on page 268 of the
darkness. This lasts for up to 1 minute, until you use Monster Manual.
this ability again, or until the creature the darkness is Scarecrows have none of the memories of their mortal
centered on moves or takes damage. souls, but occasionally retain quirks and mannerisms.
Your DM may decide to roll or choose one of the options
Minions of the Dark Moon on the following table, if they wish to add character to
At 6th level, you have an almost reflexive grasp on the your scarecrows. It is recommended that no more than
dark energies at your command, and can use them to two of your scarecrows develop a quirk, however, to
create minions at a moment’s notice. If a Medium or avoid disruption to the flow of gameplay.
Small humanoid dies while within 10 feet of you or your
familiar, you can use a reaction to instantly animate its d10 Scarecrow Quirk
corpse as your choice of either a skeleton or a zombie 1 Bows respectfully to anyone it considers of importance.
(Player’s Handbook, p. 310-311) with a hit point 2 Often becomes lost staring at itself in a mirror or reflec-
maximum of 1. tive surface.
This creature lasts for up to one hour or until it is
3 When left idle, makes stitched dolls that resemble its
destroyed, after which it disintegrates into dust. You can
use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelli- mortal form.
gence modifier (minimum once), after which you require 4 Dances silently by itself when it thinks no one is looking.
a long rest to refresh its uses. 5 Tries on spare articles of clothing it finds, unless told
Additionally, any skeleton or zombie you create with a specifically not to.
witch spell (but not this feature) has its hit point maxi-
6 Attempts to secretly collect one specific type of item, such
mum increased by half your witch level. Further, any
as forks or bells.
skeleton or zombie you create, regardless of source,
adds half your proficiency bonus to its rolls to hit 7 Favors one type of gaming set, and will attempt to join
with attacks. any games of that type it sees.
8 Sometimes attempts to eat objects, despite not having a
Orb of Night functional mouth.
Beginning at 10th level, you can use an action to conjure 9 Writes letters and even books, though the writing appears
an orb of night, which is a 5-foot diameter sphere of
to be gibberish.
magical darkness centered on a point you can see within
60 feet of you. A creature that starts its turn within or 10 Gathers flowers and tries to give them to children it sees.
adjacent to the orb of night takes 3d10 necrotic damage
and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against Coven of the Full Moon
your spell save DC or become blinded until the start of
Though the night may be dark, it is not without life,
its next turn.
compassion, and mercy. The light of the full moon is
While the orb exists, you can use a bonus action on
a beacon to those that travel by night, assuaging their
each of your turns to cause it to move up to 15 feet in a
fears and lending them hope in the darkness. So, too,
direction of your choosing. The damage dealt by the orb
do the witches sworn to the Coven of the Full Moon give
of night increases to 5d10 at 14th level.
hope and healing, both to their allies and to the domains
This orb lasts for up to one minute or until you
of nature. Witches of this coven are known as white
dismiss it with no additional action. Once you use this
witches and are often neutral or good, very rarely having
ability, you must finish a short or long rest before you
any reason to stray towards evil, though they may be as
can use it again.
lawful or chaotic as they see fit.
Create Scarecrow C oven of the F ull M oon F eatures
Starting at 14th level, you discover the terrifying secret Witch Level Feature
to creating scarecrow servators, golems of thatch, 2nd Full Moon Spells, Abundant Health
weaving, and wood that each contain a humanoid soul. 6th Familiar’s Solace
Creating a scarecrow requires an hour long ritual involv-
10th Warding Moonlight
ing a humanoid either killed within the past hour, or
14th Light of the Full Moon
restrained for the duration of the ritual, during which
you construct the scarecrow’s body from available
materials and imbue it with the humanoid’s soul. If the Full Moon Spells
humanoid is alive during this ritual, they die upon the You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
ritual’s completion. to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
A scarecrow lasts until it is destroyed, and you can ing list at the witch level associated with them. These
have no more than 4 scarecrows active at any time. spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
against the total spells you can know. The first time a creature is affected by this ability,
you can cause it to regain 1 hit point. After a creature
F ull M oon S pells regains a hit point in this way, it cannot regain hit points
Witch Level Spells
from this feature again until it has finished a long rest.
2nd cure wounds, healing word
3rd calm emotions, lesser restoration Warding Moonlight
5th remove curse, revivify Beginning at 10th level, when a creature within 5 feet of
7th aura of purity, death ward you or your familiar takes damage, you can use a reac-
9th dispel evil and good, greater restoration
tion to weave a defense out of moonbeams. After taking
damage, that creature then gains temporary hit points
equal to your witch level + your Intelligence modifier,
Abundant Health which last for up to one minute.
When you join this coven at 2nd level, your healing Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or
magic carries with it the abundance of nature. If a witch long rest before you can use it again.
spell or ability you use heals a target to its hit point
maximum, any healing the spell or ability would do in Light of the Full Moon
excess of this amount instead becomes temporary hit Starting at 14th level, you can use an action and choose
points for the target, which last for up to one minute. one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, imbuing
that creature with the radiance of the full moon for one
Familiar’s Solace minute. During this time, the creature emits dim light in
At 6th level, your familiar’s ties to your magic can save a 30 foot radius.
those around them from the specter of death. On your A creature subject to this effect cannot be charmed,
turn, you can use a bonus action to stabilize any number frightened, poisoned, or have its hit point maximum
of creatures of your choice that are at 0 hit points and reduced, and is immune to disease for the duration.
within 5 feet of your familiar. Additionally, the creature can use a bonus action on its
turn to draw power from the moonlight, healing itself for
an amount of hit points equal to your Intelligence modi-
fier + half your witch level.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until
you have finished a long rest.

Coven of the Half Moon

Notorious for playing tricks on mortal eyes, moonlight
casts strange shadows, making things appear to be
other than they are. When the moon is perfectly half-
lit and half covered in shadow, the dim light it casts
clouds the truth of all things, in equal part revealing and
creating lies and deceptions. Witches of the Coven of
the Half Moon are experts at crafting moonlight to their
will, using it to both expose and author new treacheries.
These grey witches (as they are known) trend towards
being neutral, though many good and evil grey witches
A lexandra P etruk

exist. Though many grey witches are chaotic, some few

are lawful, using their deceptions and trickery to rein-
force the order of society and civilization.
C oven of the H alf M oon F eatures
Witch Level Feature
2nd Half Moon Spells, Moonlight Illusionist
6th Disguise Familiar
10th Hidden Spellcraft
14th Figments

Half Moon Spells

You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
ing list at the witch level associated with them. These
spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
against the total spells you can know.
H alf M oon S pells adjust the appearance of this illusion by using an action
Witch Level Spells on your respective turns. Reapplying this spell does not
2nd disguise self, silent image
require expending a spell slot.
Further, this spell can be used to make your familiar
3rd mirror image, phantasmal force
appear to be size Medium or smaller, and can be made
5th hypnotic pattern, major image to appear to give your familiar a humanoid body shape.
7th greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain Your familiar still retains its normal configuration of
9th mislead, seeming limbs, however, and cannot physically interact with any
object that requires hands.
If the illusion has a humanoid appearance, the illu-
Moonlight Illusionist
sion does not behave exactly as your familiar does.
When you join this coven at 2nd level, you have advan-
Rather, it follows the general idea of what your familiar
tage on any Investigation checks made to discern the
is doing. Thus, an illusion of a halfling placed on top
true nature of an illusion or whether or not a creature
of a cat familiar does not walk on four legs as a cat
is in its true form. You learn the minor illusion cantrip if
does, but rather walks on two, as would be normal
you do not already know it, and you can cast it using a
for a humanoid.
bonus action or an action.
If you already have knowledge of this cantrip, you
Hidden Spellcraft
instead gain knowledge of one additional cantrip from
Beginning at 10th level, when you cast a spell that has
the witch spell list.
an area of effect and a duration of 1 round or greater,
you can choose to use illusion magic to make the effects
Disguise Familiar
of that spell invisible. Creatures are still affected by the
At 6th level, your familiar is under the effects of a
spell, as normal, and can see the spell’s effects on other
permanent disguise self spell, which uses your spell save
creatures, but cannot see the spell itself, making its loca-
DC. You and your familiar can both dismiss, reapply, or
tion hard for them to determine.
If a creature suspects there is an invisible spell
present, it can use its action to make an Intelligence
(Investigation) check against your spell save DC. On a
success, the creature perceives a translucent outline of
the spell itself, and knows the spell’s location as if the
spell was visible.
Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to craft potent
illusory curses. You can touch a creature and use an
action, forcing it to make a Charisma saving throw
against your spell save DC. If it fails, it is subject to one
of the following curses of your choice.
You decide the parameters of the curse when you
first inflict it, and it lasts until a remove curse spell or
similar magic is cast on the target, or until you take a
long rest. Once a creature fails its saving throw against
this ability, you cannot use this feature again until you
finish a long rest.
Alternatively, when this curse would expire on a
creature after you’ve finished a long rest, you can choose
for it to instead persist until your next long rest (or until
it is dispelled). If you choose to extend this curse, you
do not regain the use of this feature after completing
the long rest.
The curses you can select from are as follows:
S carlet H eath

False Face. The target is affected by an illusion that

makes them (and their clothing, armor, weapons, and
other belongings on their person) look different in a
method of your choosing. They can seem up to 1 foot
shorter or taller, be visibly heavier or lighter, but must
have the same basic arrangement of limbs.
This illusion is powerful enough to hold up to physi-
cal inspection, seeming real to the touch, modifying the
target’s voice and other sounds they would produce, and Battle Witchcraft
even emitting convincing smells. A creature can discern When you join this coven at 2nd level, you are trained
that the target is under an illusion, but must first use an to be more adept at melee combat. You gain profi-
action to inspect the target and succeed on an Intelli- ciency with the scimitar, shortsword, and rapier. When
gence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. you hold a sickle, it has the finesse property in addi-
Wrongsight. You change how one facet of the world tion to its regular properties and deals 1d6 slashing
appears to the target, substituting reality with what you damage on a hit.
wish the target to see. You could, as examples, dictate Further, you add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus
that all doors appear open to the target, or that all to rolls for initiative and on any Constitution saving
humans appear to be orcs. You cannot change how the throws you make to maintain concentration on a spell.
entire world appears to the target; you cannot choose for
the target to perceive the world to be made of lava, but
you can specify that the target sees the floor of any given
room as lava.
If the target suspects a facet of the world is not what
it seems, it can use an action to make an Intelligence
(Investigation) check with disadvantage against your
spell save DC. On a success it knows the target for
what it really is, though their incorrect perception of the
target does not change. Over time, the target may begin
to assume certain things are illusions and act as such,
but the target most likely will not always be correct.

Coven of the Crescent Moon

Witches are practical and pragmatic by nature, and
many know full well the limits of spellcraft. The green
witches of the Coven of the Crescent Moon train with
both blade and spell, and style themselves as the protec-
tors of witchcraft, both within and without, and tend
to be lawful in nature. Should a witch-hunter make too
much headway or a spellcaster delve too deeply into
the darkest secrets of magic, the green witches will be
there, fighting to restore the balance.
C oven of the C rescent M oon F eatures
Witch Level Feature
2nd Crescent Moon Spells, Battle Witchcraft, Crescent
6th Extra Attack
10th Walk the Crescent Path
14th Hastened Arcana

Crescent Moon Spells

You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
ing list at the witch level associated with them. These
spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
against the total spells you can know.
C rescent M oon S pells
Witch Level Spells
J umpingsack

2nd false life, shield

3rd cloud of daggers, shadow blade*
5th elemental weapon, protection from energy
7th fire shield, stoneskin
9th destructive wave, steel wind strike*
* these spells are found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

In addition, add half your Intelligence modifier (round Hastened Arcana
up) to your Armor Class when you are not wearing Starting at 14th level, you can concentrate to channel
armor or using an Unarmored Defense class feature your magical ability even as you strike. On a turn in
(or similar). which you use the Attack action, you can use a bonus
action to cast one witch cantrip you know that would
Crescent Strike normally require an action.
Also at 2nd level, once on your turn when you hit a
target with a melee attack while you are holding a weap- Coven of the Eclipse
on, you can choose to have your familiar use its reaction
All witches know fully well there are magics they are
to roll a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5
forbidden to study, forgotten secrets that, if dabbled
feet of it, adding your proficiency bonus and your choice
with, can easily be the end of the world. Though exceed-
of either your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier in
ingly rare, these red witches fall within the Coven of the
place of its own statistics. On a hit, this attack deals 1d6
Eclipse, dedicating themselves to their craft under the
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice).
auspice of a lunar eclipse. Such witches can easily be
This damage dealt by your familiar is magical for the
evil malefactors obsessed with power, or they can simply
purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.
be chaotic seekers of truth, willing to go to any length to
The damage this feature deals increases by 1d6 at
understand the origins of their abilities.
6th level (2d6), 10th level (3d6), 14th level (4d6), and
18th level (5d6). C oven of the E clipse F eatures
Witch Level Feature
Extra Attack 2nd Eclipse Spells, Fiendish Affinity
Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of 6th Sanguine Rain
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
10th Hellish Influence
Walk the Crescent Path 14th Hagform
At 10th level, you and your familiar know well the twist-
ing dance of battle. Once on your turn, immediately Eclipse Spells
before or after any attack taken as a part of the Attack You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
action, you or your familiar can teleport up to 10 feet. to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
ing list at the witch level associated with them. These

spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
against the total spells you can know.

E clipse S pells your spell save DC. On a failure, it follows the fiend’s
Witch Level Spells directions to the best of its ability. On a success, the
2nd arms of Hadar, dissonant whispers
fiend is expelled, the target becomes aware of its pres-
ence, and this effect ends. Creatures immune to being
3rd crown of madness, flaming sphere
charmed automatically succeed on this saving throw.
5th hunger of Hadar, summon lesser demons* You can give the target directions in this way more
7th phantasmal killer, summon greater demon* than once, but the target has advantage on every saving
9th immolation*, infernal calling* throw it makes after the first.
* these spells are found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Once you use an action to summon a fiend with
this ability, you cannot do so again until you have
finished a long rest.
Fiendish Affinity
When you join this coven at 2nd level, you learn the Hagform
languages Infernal and Abyssal. Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to let
Additionally, the dark powers behind your magic your fiendish power overtake you and transform into
entrust you with one of their own. When you cast find a night hag, a blue skinned, horned demonic creature,
familiar, you can choose to have your familiar be an imp many of whom are the progenitors of this coven. This
or a quasit. Should you select one of these familiars, you form lasts for up to a minute, until you are rendered
cannot choose for it to be any type other than a fiend. unconscious, or until you dismiss it with another bonus
When a creature adjacent to your imp or quasit famil- action. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again
iar reaches 0 hit points and dies, you can use a reaction until you have completed a long rest.
to have your familiar consume a portion of its soul. If While in this form, you gain the following:
you do, your choice of either you or your familiar gains
temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier • Your type is fiend, instead of any other type.
+ half your witch level, which last for up to one minute. • Darkvision out to 120 feet.
Once your familiar consumes a portion of a soul in this • Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
way, it can’t do so again until you have finished a short damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered.
or long rest. • As an action, you can cast the spell etherealness
at-will as a 7th level spell without expending a spell
Sanguine Rain slot. When cast in this way, the spell ends when you
At 6th level, you can use an action to call down a rain return to your original form.
of blood in a cylinder with a 15-foot radius and a height • Damage dealt by your cantrips uses the highest
of 60 feet, centered on a point you can see within 120 possible number on each die, instead of rolling.
feet of you. You and any fiends you choose attack with
advantage while within this rain of blood. The rain of Coven of the Gibbous Moon
blood also confers half cover on you and any fiends you Fate is written in both the stars and blood, for those
choose, and a number of additional creatures up to your who look with careful eye. Witches of the Coven of the
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Gibbous Moon consider themselves to be the arbiters of
Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or destiny, reading fate and either averting it or ensuring
long rest before you can use it again. its completion. These indigo witches also act as spirit
guides, bringing the souls of the dead to their final place
Hellish Influence of rest through rite and ritual. Witches in this coven are
At 10th level you can use an action to invisibly summon often neutral, respecting the forces of death and fate in
a particularly insidious fiend, which takes root in the the broader cosmos, and knowing their place as but a
mind of a humanoid you can see within 120 feet of you. servant to each.
This fiend is active for 24 hours, during which time it
psychically reports back to you as long as you are on the C oven of the G ibbous M oon F eatures
same plane of existence, making you aware of anything Witch Level Feature
the target sees or does. 2nd Gibbous Moon Spells, Read the Entrails
Additionally, you can use an action to instruct the 6th Psychopomp
fiend to influence its humanoid host. This takes the form 10th Fortune Telling
of a sentence or two of directions you tell the fiend to 14th Guide of Fates
pass on to the target. The fiend does its best to make
the course of action sound reasonable to the target, but
cannot convince the target to harm itself in an obvious Gibbous Moon Spells
way. The fiend will also attempt to word the directions You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
in a way that is both true to the letter of what you have to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
requested, but also in service to whatever nebulous ing list at the witch level associated with them. These
agenda the fiend may have. spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against against the total spells you can know.

G ibbous M oon S pells in this form, your familiar gains the following addi-
Witch Level Spells tional benefits:
2nd chaos bolt*, guiding bolt • A flying speed of 30 feet with the hover property
3rd augury, gentle repose (unless it has a faster flying speed)
5th speak with dead, spirit guardians • The ability to become invisible until the end of its next
turn by using an action
7th divination, Mordenkainen’s faithful hound
• The ability to pass through solid surfaces other than
9th scrying, Rary’s telepathic bond those made of lead. If your familiar ends its turn
* this spell is found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything within a surface, it takes 2d10 force damage, which
cannot be reduced or ignored, and is expelled to the
Read the Entrails nearest available location.
When you join this coven at 2nd level, you learn how • Resistance to all damage other than psychic; radiant;
to read the secret signs hidden in a creature’s viscera. and bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage from
When a creature that is not an undead, elemental, ooze, magical or silvered weapons
or construct is reduced to 0 hit points and dies within Additionally, when your familiar shares a space with
10 feet of you or your familiar, you can use a reaction to a creature, you can cause your familiar to use its reac-
read fate in the substance of its death. tion to share one of these benefits of your choice with
If you do, roll twice on the Revelations table, selecting that creature. The creature receives the chosen benefit
one of these two results and then choosing a creature until the beginning of your next turn. Once you share a
within 30 feet of you. That creature gains the effect you benefit in this way, you cannot do so again until you have
selected, which lasts until its stated duration or until you finished a short or long rest.
take a short or long rest, whichever is first.
Once you use this ability, you require a short or long Fortune Telling
rest before you can use it again. At 10th level, you know the secrets to true fortune tell-
R evelations ing. As a 10-minute ritual, you conjure a tarokka deck
d10 Revelation and tell the fortune of a willing creature besides yourself
1 Inspiring Insight. The chosen creature gains a point of within 5 feet of you for the duration of the ritual.
This creature must share a language with you, and
must have a CR or level of at least 1 to have a destiny
2 Fortuitous. The creature has advantage on the next saving significant enough for this reading. Roll three times
throw it makes. on the Fortune Telling table, or, if you have a physical
3 Narrow Escape. The selected creature can immediately tarokka deck, shuffle together the high deck with the
move a distance up to its movement speed, which does
not provoke opportunity attacks.
4 Turning Point. The creature has advantage on the next
attack it makes.

E nmanuel “L ema ” M artinez

5 Downfall. The creature has disadvantage on the next
saving throw it makes.
6 Deficiency. The creature has disadvantage on the next
attack it makes.
7 Weakness. The creature becomes vulnerable to a damage
type of your choice, until it takes damage of that type
8 Hidden Might. The creature’s next attack that hits deals
an extra 1d8 damage.
9 Forgotten Curio. The creature finds a new mundane item
of your choice on its person, which is worth 5 gp or less.
10 Fatesight. The creature is aware of the exact location of all
other creatures within 30 feet of it until the beginning of
your next turn, including creatures that are invisible or in
the Ethereal plane.

At 6th level, when you summon your familiar, you can
have it manifest as a spectral version of itself. While

masters of swords, stars, coins, and glyphs, and deal out be used within that time. A creature cannot have its
three cards. fortune read by this ritual more than once every 30 days.
The creature must then select one of these cards, When a creature is selecting a card, it is to know noth-
which it keeps. If the card is not specified to be used ing about the fortune it chooses other than the name of
immediately, the creature can use the card with no the card and its appearance. Any hints as to the nature
action on its turn. The card’s magic fades once 24 hours of the fortune bestowed by a card (by either any charac-
have passed after the completion of the ritual, so it must ter or any player) invalidate the ritual, causing the spell
F ortune T elling
d20 Card Effects
1 Artifact After reducing an enemy creature to 0 hit points, the creature that drew this card can use the card to find an appropri-
ate valuable item or treasure on their possession worth 100 gp.
2 Beast This card is used immediately. Within the next 24 hours, the creature that drew this card has disadvantage on all
Charisma checks that are not Intimidate checks, but has advantage on all Intimidate checks.
3 Broken One This card is used immediately. Within the next 24 hours, the creature that drew this card will lose something or some-
one of significance.
4 Darklord This card is used immediately. The creature that drew this card must name another creature considered to be its
enemy, then gaining a valuable insight into its enemy’s motivations or goals that it did not already know. If the crea-
ture that drew this card knows of no such enemies, this card provides it with knowledge of one.
5 Donjon The creature that drew this card can use the card while within a ruin or dungeon. While in that location, the creature
that drew this card has advantage on any checks made to find objects, rooms, or traps for the next 24 hours.
6 Ghost This card is used immediately. Within the next 24 hours, the creature that drew this card will be confronted by either
the ghost of a foe it felled, or the serious consequences of its own actions.
7 Executioner When an attack made by the creature that drew this card hits, that creature can use this card to make that attack a
critical hit.
8 Horseman This card is used immediately. Within the next 24 hours, the DM can decide to have one attack that hits the creature
that drew this card become a critical hit.
9 Innocent This card is used immediately. Within the next 24 hours, someone the creature that drew this card knows and cares
for will be placed in serious peril.
10 Marionette This card is used immediately. The creature that drew this card instantly knows of another creature that would be
sympathetic to its cause, and that would have means to help it in a significant way.
11 Mists The creature that drew this card can use this card to cast the fog cloud spell as a 2nd-level spell centered on them-
selves, without using an action or expending a spell slot.
12 Raven The creature that drew this card can use this card to gain automatic success on one Intelligence check or save of its
13 Seer The creature that drew this card can use this card to gain automatic success on one Wisdom check or save of its
14 Tempter The creature that drew this card can use this card to gain automatic success on one Charisma check or save of its
15 Warrior This card is used immediately. For the next 24 hours, any weapon held by the creature that drew this card is treated as
(Master of a magic weapon with a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half that creature’s proficiency bonus (round up)
Swords) for as long as the creature holds it.
16 Wizard The creature that drew this card can use the card instead of expending a spell slot for one spell they would otherwise
(Master of be able to cast. The creature must still use an action of the appropriate type to cast the spell.
17 Rogue The creature that drew this card can touch one other creature and use this card, magically transporting the most valu-
(Master of able item that creature has on its person to a location on the creature that drew this card’s person.
18 Priest The creature that drew this card can use the card to regain hit points equal to 1/3 of their hit point maximum.
(Master of
19 Redraw – 1 Reroll the entire draw, with two cards instead of three. Reroll any results that would have you redraw.
20 Redraw + 1 Reroll the entire draw, with four cards instead of three. Reroll any results that would have you redraw.

slot to be expended with no result. Once the creature for what happened to the missing celestial object, as
has selected a card, however, it knows fully the effects of well as the answers to other strange permutations of
the card chosen. existence. These starlight witches, clad in silver, can
A creature cannot receive the same fortune twice. If find themselves as ardent members of any alignment, as
you draw a card that the creature has previously chosen, each witch is likely to stumble upon their own poignant,
reroll it or discard it and draw again. If it is impossible individual truth.
to draw three cards without turning up one which the
creature has already selected, this ritual no longer
C oven of the L ost M oon F eatures
Witch Level Feature
works for that creature.
Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so 2nd Lost Moon Spells, Starlight Seeker
again until you have completed a long rest. 6th Familiar Nexus
10th Witchwarp
Guide of Fates 14th Lost Knowledge
Starting at 14th level, when you use your Read the
Entrails feature, you can roll 3 times on the Revelation
Lost Moon Spells
table, still selecting only one result. You can use your
You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important
Read the Entrails feature twice between rests.
to your coven. You learn each of the spells on the follow-
In addition, while using your Psychopomp feature,
ing list at the witch level associated with them. These
your familiar can share two of the feature’s benefits
spells count as witch spells for you and do not count
instead of one with a single creature.
against the total spells you can know.
Coven of the Lost Moon L ost M oon S pells
Legends and star charts of old tell of how, long ago, Witch Level Spells
one additional moon hung in the night sky. Whether by 2nd longstrider, Tenser’s floating disk
magic, cataclysm, or something stranger still, this moon 3rd rope trick, see invisibility
has vanished, leaving the witches under its auspice in 5th haste, thunder step*
a precarious position. Naming themselves the Coven
7th banishment, dimension door

T hana W ong
of the Lost Moon, these witches scour the multiverse
9th far step*, teleportation circle
* these spells are found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

T he L ost M oon and Y ou

In many ways, the Coven of the Lost Moon is designed as an
archetype with an evolving story built into it. Who were these
witches before the moon was lost? What happened to the moon
they consecrated themselves under? And importantly, who do
they see themselves as now?
Young witches that join this coven do so because they are
seeking answers to their own questions, and the search of the
Lost Moon coven resonates with them. What truths do you
seek, as a Lost Moon witch, and where in the multiverse do you
hope to find them?

Starlight Seeker
When you join this coven at 2nd level, you have profi-
Witch Spells
ciency with the Investigation skill, and add double your This section includes all spells available to the witch
proficiency bonus to checks made with it. class, other than those determined by choice of Witch’s
Additionally, as a ritual that takes 10 minutes, you can Coven. Spells found in a location other than the Player’s
cast your choice of either find traps, locate animals or Handbook carry a symbol denoting their source. An
plants, or locate object without expending a spell slot or index for these symbols can be found below.
material components. At 5th level, this list also includes
Symbol Source
locate creature.
Once you cast a spell using this ability, you must finish None Player’s Handbook
a short or long rest before you can use it again. * Elemental Evil Player’s Companion
† Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Familiar Nexus ‡ Codex of Waves (DM’s Guild)
At 6th level, your understanding of the complex nature § Acquisitions Incorporated
of the multiverse allows you to more effectively utilize
|| Lost Laboratory of Kwalish (DM’s Guild)
the unique bond between you and your familiar. Your
familiar can be used to deliver spells with any range, ¶ Codex of Technomancy (DM’s Guild)
rather than just those with a range of touch. ◊ Later in this supplement
Additionally, you always know the distance and direc-
tion of any planar portals within 1 mile of you. Cantrips (0 Level)
Acid Splash (Conjuration)
Witchwarp Chill Touch (Necromancy)
When you reach 10th level, you know how to exploit
Control Flames (Transmutation) *†
the connection between your familiar and yourself,
Create Bonfire (Conjuration) *†
effortlessly transporting to each other’s locations. As a
bonus action, you and your familiar teleport, each of you Dancing Lights (Evocation)
appearing at the other’s previous location. Druidcraft (Transmutation)
Additionally, you can choose for one creature adjacent Friends (Enchantment)
to either you or your familiar to be teleported as well, Frostbite (Evocation) *†
appearing in a space of your choosing within 5 feet of Guidance (Divination)
either your familiar or yourself. After you have teleported Gust (Transmutation) *†
another creature besides yourself or your familiar, you
Infestation (Conjuration) †
must finish a short or long rest before you can teleport
Mage Hand (Conjuration)
an additional creature in this way again.
Magic Stone (Transmutation) *†
Lost Knowledge Mending (Transmutation)
Starting at 14th level, you’ve discovered much in your Message (Transmutation)
searchings, and have a prodigious grasp of magic. As Minor Illusion (Illusion)
a bonus action on your turn, you can gain knowledge Mold Earth (Transmutation) *†
of one spell from any class’s spell list. You must have Poison Spray (Conjuration)
at least one spell slot available that can be used to cast Prestidigitation (Transmutation)
the spell, which must be expended if you cast it. While
Primal Savagery (Transmutation) †
you know the spell, it counts as a witch spell for you,
and doesn’t count against the number of spells you can Produce Flame (Conjuration)
know. The spell fades from your mind after you cast it or Ray of Frost (Evocation)
at the end of your current turn, and you lose knowledge Ripple (Conjuration) ‡
of it at that time. Shape Water (Transmutation) *
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again Spare the Dying (Necromancy)
until you finish a long rest. Thaumaturgy (Transmutation)
Thorn Whip (Transmutation)
Toll the Dead (Necromancy) †
Watch Totem (Divination) ◊

1st Level
Alarm (Abjuration, ritual)
Animal Friendship (Enchantment)
Animate Hair (Transmutation) ◊
Beast Bond (Divination) *†

Cackle (Enchantment) ◊ Hold Person (Enchantment)
Catapult (Transmutation) *† Invisibility (Illusion)
Cause Fear (Necromancy) † Knock (Transmutation)
Charm Person (Enchantment) Locate Animals or Plants (Divination, ritual)
Command (Enchantment) Locate Object (Divination)
Comprehend Languages (Divination) Magic Mouth (Illusion, ritual)
Create or Destroy Water (Transmutation) Melf’s Acid Arrow (Evocation)
Detect Evil and Good (Divination) Misty Step (Conjuration)
Detect Magic (Divination, ritual) Moonbeam (Evocation)
Detect Poison and Disease (Divination, ritual) Nystul’s Magic Aura (Illusion)
Distort Value (Illusion) § Protection from Poison (Abjuration)
Earth Tremor (Evocation) *† Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy)
Entangle (Conjuration) See Invisibility (Divination)
Faerie Fire (Evocation) Silence (Illusion, ritual)
Feather Fall (Transmutation) Sink (Transmutation ‡
Fog Cloud (Conjuration) Skywrite (Transmutation, ritual) *†
Goodberry (Transmutation) Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm (Evocation) *†
Guiding Light (Illusion) ◊ Spider Climb (Transmutation)
Ice Knife (Conjuration) *† Spike Growth (Transmutation)
Identify (Divination, ritual) Suggestion (Enchantment)
Illusory Script (Illusion, ritual) Urchin’s Spines (Transmutation) ‡
Luck of the Sea (Transmutation, ritual) ‡ Warding Wind (Evocation) *†
Mage Armor (Abjuration) Web (Conjuration)
Protection from Evil and Good (Abjuration) Zone of Truth (Enchantment)
Purify Food and Drink (Transmutation, ritual)
Ray of Sickness (Necromancy)
3rd Level
Rite (Abjuration, ritual) ◊ Catnap (Enchantment) †
Sleep (Enchantment) Clairvoyance (Divination)
Snare (Abjuration) † Conjure Animals (Conjuration)
Speak with Animals (Divination, ritual) Conjure Effigy (Conjuration) ◊
Unseen Servant (Conjuration, ritual) Counterspell (Abjuration)
Witch Bolt (Evocation) Create Food and Water (Conjuration)
Dispel Magic (Abjuration)
2nd Level Enemies Abound (Enchantment) †
Alter Self (Transmutation) Enlarge Familiar (Transmutation) ◊
Animal Messenger (Enchantment, ritual) Erupting Earth (Transmutation)
Augury (Divination, ritual) Fast Friends (Enchantment) §
Awaken Machine Spirit (Conjuration, ritual) ¶ Fear (Illusion)
Barkskin (Transmutation) Feign Death (Necromancy, ritual)
Beast Sense (Divination, ritual) Gaseous Form (Transmutation)
Bigby’s Blistering Barnacles (Conjuration) ‡ Glyph of Warding (Abjuration)
Conjure Trap (Conjuration) ¶ Incite Greed (Enchantment) §
Detect Thoughts (Divination) Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Evocation, ritual)
Dragon’s Breath (Transmutation) † Life Transference (Necromancy)
Dust Devil (Conjuration) *† Magic Circle (Abjuration)
Earthbind (Transmutation) *†
Enhance Ability (Transmutation)
Enlarge/Reduce (Transmutation)
D iana N ock

Enthrall (Enchantment)
Flowsight (Divination) ‡
Gentle Repose (Necromancy, ritual)
Gift of Gab (Enchantment) §
Gust of Wind (Evocation)

Meld into Stone (Evocation, ritual) Legend Lore (Divination)
Nondetection (Abjuration) Modify Memory (Enchantment)
Phantom Steed (Illusion, ritual) Passwall (Transmutation)
Plant Growth (Transmutation) Planar Binding (Abjuration)
Sending (Evocation) Reincarnate (Transmutation)
Sleet Storm (Conjuration) Scrying (Divination)
Slow (Transmutation) Skill Empowerment (Transmutation) †
Speak with Dead (Necromancy) Telekinesis (Transmutation)
Speak with Plants (Transmutation) Teleportation Circle (Conjuration)
Stinking Cloud (Conjuration) Transmute Rock (Transmutation)
Tidal Wave (Conjuration) Tree Stride (Conjuration)
Tiny Servant (Transmutation) † Wall of Stone (Evocation)
Tongues (Divination) Wrath of Nature (Evocation) †
Vampiric Touch (Necromancy)
6th Level
Water Breathing (Transmutation, ritual)
Water Walk (Transmutation, ritual) Animate Hut (Transmutation) ◊
Bones of the Earth (Transmutation) *†
4th Level Circle of Death (Necromancy)
Arcane Eye (Divination) Conjure Fey (Conjuration)
Banishment (Abjuration) Create Homunculus (Transmutation) †
Charm Monster (Enchantment) † Create Undead (Necromancy)
Compulsion (Enchantment) Curse of Craving (Enchantment) ◊
Confusion (Enchantment) Eyebite (Necromancy)
Conjure Minor Elementals (Conjuration) Find the Path (Divination)
Conjure Woodland Beings (Conjuration) Flesh to Stone (Transmutation)
Control Water (Transmutation) Guards and Wards (Abjuration)
Deconstruct (Transmutation) ¶ Investiture of Flame (Transmutation) *†
Dominate Beast (Enchantment) Investiture of Ice (Transmutation) *†
Fabricate (Transmutation) Investiture of Stone (Transmutation) *†
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) Investiture of Wind (Transmutation) *†
Galder’s Speedy Courier (Conjuration) || Magic Jar (Necromancy)
Giant Insect (Transmutation) Mass Suggestion (Enchantment)
Grasping Vine (Conjuration) Mental Prison (Illusion) †
Guardian of Nature (Transmutation) † Mordenkainen’s Capable Caravel (Conjuration, ritual) ‡
Ice Storm (Evocation) Move Earth (Transmutation)
Locate Creature (Divination) Otto’s Irresistible Dance (Enchantment)
Polymorph (Transmutation) Planar Ally (Conjuration)
Share Pain (Enchantment) ◊ Soul Cage (Necromancy) †
Stone Shape (Transmutation) Transport via Plants (Conjuration)
True Seeing (Divination)
5th Level Wall of Thorns (Conjuration)
Animate Objects (Transmutation)
Awaken (Transmutation) 7th Level
Combine Potions (Transmutation) ◊ Etherealness (Transmutation)
Commune with Nature (Divination, ritual) Finger of Death (Necromancy)
Conjure Elemental (Conjuration) Forcecage (Evocation)
Contact Other Plane (Divination, ritual) Mirage Arcane (Illusion)
Control Winds (Transmutation) * Plane Shift (Conjuration)
Dominate Person (Enchantment) Power Word Pain (Enchantment) †
Dream (Illusion) Project Image (Illusion)
Geas (Enchantment) Sequester (Transmutation)
Glyph of Misfortune (Enchantment) ◊ Simulacrum (Illusion)
Hallow (Evocation) Symbol (Abjuration)
Hold Monster (Enchantment) Whirlwind (Evocation) *†
you make. Your hair can grapple up to four creatures
8th Level separately, as each tendril counts as an open hand for
Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting (Necromancy) *† this purpose.
Animal Shapes (Transmutation) Your hair can hold weapons and shields as it would
Antimagic Field (Abjuration) any other item, but cannot use them to make attacks or
Antipathy/Sympathy (Enchantment)
confer any bonuses. Your hair does not innately grant
you any extra attacks, but if you have the Extra Attack
Control Weather (Transmutation)
feature (or similar) you can make your normal assort-
Dominate Monster (Enchantment) ment of additional attacks using your hair.
Earthquake (Evocation) When this spell ends, your hair resumes its previous
Feeblemind (Enchantment) length and appearance, and drops any objects or crea-
Illusory Dragon (Illusion) † tures it may be holding.
Maddening Darkness (Evocation) †
Mind Blank (Abjuration)
Power Word Stun (Enchantment)

9th Level
Astral Projection (Necromancy)
Foresight (Divination)
Gate (Conjuration)
Imprisonment (Abjuration)
Mass Polymorph (Transmutation) †
Power Word Kill (Enchantment)
Psychic Scream (Enchantment)
Shapechange (Transmutation)
Storm of Vengeance (Conjuration)
True Polymorph (Transmutation)
Weird (Illusion)

Additional Spells
The following spells are added to the class spell
list for witches.

Animate Hair
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: S, M (a silver comb)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Your hair grows to a length of five feet and begins to
undulate, forming four large, living tendrils. While under
the effects of this spell, you can use your hair to make
attacks or lift small items. Items lifted by your hair can
weigh collectively up to 20 pounds, or up to four objects
(one per tendril) of 5 pounds or lighter. You are able to
manipulate these objects with your hair as you would
your hands, unless otherwise specified.
You can attack with your hair by making a melee spell
attack using the Attack action, and your hair is consid-
ered to have a reach of 10 feet. On a hit, your hair deals
D iana N ock

bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting

ability modifier.
You can also use your hair to perform a grapple
against any creature within its reach. Use a check
with your spellcasting ability modifier in place of any
Strength (Athletics) checks the grapple would have

Animate Hut Cackle
6th-level transmutation 1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 hour Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chicken foot, 500 gp of herbs Components: V
which the spell consumes) Duration: 1 round
Duration: Permanent
You elicit a wicked cackle, unnerving to those nearby.
You can animate a hovel, hut, or small house that you Each creature within range cannot target you with
touch as part of the casting of this spell, causing it to opportunity attacks for the duration, and must make a
grow two to eight legs that can be organic or inorganic Wisdom saving throw. A creature that fails this saving
in appearance. throw takes 3d4 psychic damage.
This animated hut is a construct immune to disease, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
poison damage, and being frightened, poisoned, or spell slot of 2nd level or higher, increase the psychic
charmed, and has an AC of 16, 100 hit points, a speed damage by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
of 50 feet, 26 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 18 Constitution, a
4 in all other statistics, and is considered to be Gargan- Combine Potions
tuan in size. If the owner of this hut does not consent 5th-level transmutation
to this spell taking place, the spell slot will be expended
Casting Time: 10 minutes
with no effect. If the hut is reduced to 0 hit points, it
Range: Touch
returns to its inanimate state, but may suffer some struc-
Components: S, M (alchemist’s supplies, two vials or
tural damage in doing so.
bottles of potions or poison)
While you are within this hut, you can expend
Duration: Permanent
an action to cause the hut to move in a direction
of your choice. As a part of this action, you can You attempt to combine two potions or poisons you
cause the hut to take either the Dash or Dodge have on your person into a single item with the effects
action. If you are not within the hut but on the same of both. The potions or poisons you’re combining can be
plane as it, you can call it to move to you (taking the mundane, magical, or created with class features that
Dash action) as a continuous ritual that lasts until the allow the imbuing of spells (as with the Witch’s Imbue
hut arrives, which requires you to stay within the same
location for the ritual’s duration.
In either case, the hut is semi-intelligent and will
avoid obvious pitfalls and hazardous terrain. If the hut
cannot find a way forward (if it is too large for a path,
for example), you instinctively know that something is
blocking it. The hut is unable to attack, and will actively
avoid harming creatures or destroying terrain in the
course of its movement.
If you cast this spell while you already have an animat-
ed hut, the first hut returns to its inanimate state, and
the new hut becomes your animated hut.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
a spell slot of 9th level, you can instead cause the hut
to grow wings and fly, granting it a flying speed of
100 feet with the hover quality instead of its normal
movement speed.

W itch ’ s M oving S tronghold

If you desire, the Animate Hut jinx can be used with a struc-
ture granted by the Fortresses, Temples, and Strongholds
supplement, also available from Walrock Homebrew on the
DM’s Guild.

If you choose to do so, Animate Hut can make ambulatory

any structure with 2 or less room points. Built rooms continue
to function mostly as normal, though it may be easier or harder
for traders to use your trade-specific rooms depending on the
structure’s location. Use sidebar rules found in The Invisible
Hand at Work on the Traders and Merchants page, if your struc-
ture ends up in a favorable or unfavorable location for trade.

Potion feature). You cannot combine two potions that Conjure Effigy
were created with features that imbue spells, nor can 3rd-level conjuration
you combine a previously combined potion or poison
with any other item. Casting Time: 1 action
After casting this spell, make two checks with Range: Self
your spellcasting ability modifier, adding your profi- Components: V, S, M (a personal item belonging to the
ciency bonus if you are proficient with alchemist’s target with sentimental value, or a piece of the target’s
supplies. The DC for these checks is 25 – twice the body such as their hair or nail clippings, which the
level of the spell slot you used to cast this spell. On spell consumes)
a success, you have created the combined potion or Duration: 1 hour
poison, and both of the new item’s effects can be applied Choosing one creature you can see within 120 feet of
with a single Use an Object action. you, you conjure in an unoccupied hand a makeshift
If this check fails, however, one of the items you doll of linen, straw, and stuffing that vaguely resembles
attempted to combine is destroyed, chosen at random. the target, binding the personal item used in the
Further, roll once on the Potion Mishaps table, and spell’s casting to the doll. If you lack the material
suffer the result. component for this spell and the target is within 5 feet of
P otion M ishaps you, you can retrieve an inconsequential personal item
d10 Revelation
(such as a hair) from the target as part of this spell’s
casting, which you immediately use as the spell’s mate-
1 The potion fumes turn your skin green. Only a remove
rial component.
curse spell can end this effect. While you hold this doll, damage you inflict upon it
2 A large, unsightly wart grows in a prominent position on harms the creature that the doll resembles. Damage
your body. done with this doll cannot kill a creature, and if a crea-
3 The destroyed potion explodes, catching you on fire and ture is reduced to 0 hit points through usage of this doll,
dealing 1d6 fire damage each turn until you use an action it is rendered unconscious but is immediately stabilized.
After the spell’s duration expires, the doll vanishes,
to render yourself prone and put it out.
and any personal items lose their magical potency and
4 The potion releases a toxic miasma, as if you had cast the cannot be reused.
spell stinking cloud centered on yourself. As part of the action used to conjure the doll, or as a
5 Roll 1d100. This is the percentage of your hair that falls separate action on a later turn while you are holding the
out. doll, you can perform any of the following:
6 The potion ignites in a loud flash and an explosive bang. Pinprick. You pull out a short pin and stab the doll.
Make a spell attack roll against the creature the doll
You are blinded and deafened for one minute.
resembles. On a hit, it takes 3d8 piercing damage.
7 Smoke from the potion deadens your senses. Everything Open Flame. You expose the doll to fire, burning it.
smells and tastes like dirt for 24 hours. The creature the resembles must make a Charisma
8 The potion’s fumes cloud your mind, and you forget all
events that happened within the last hour.
9 Within 20 feet of you, all plants wilt and die, and all food
and milk spoils.
10 One randomly determined item on your person is trans-
ported to the Ethereal Plane.

G rafik A rt

saving throw. If it fails, it takes 5d8 fire damage. If Enlarge Familiar
the target succeeds on its saving throw, it takes half 3rd-level transmutation
this amount. In either case, this destroys the doll, and
the spell ends. Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Throw. You throw the doll up to 10 feet in a direction Range: 120 feet
you choose. The creature it resembles must make a Components: V, S, M (a magnifying glass)
Charisma saving throw. If it fails, it is moved 10 feet in a Duration: 1 minute
direction of your choice other than upwards for every 5 This spell can only target a familiar you have summoned
feet you threw the doll. If the creature fails the save and through the find familiar spell. You use your magic to
if it or the doll collide with any solid objects (other than increase your familiar’s size and strength dramatically,
the floor) during this throw or forced movement, the making them a much more formidable foe. Your familiar
creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage. grows to Medium size, gains an AC of 8 + your profi-
Crush. You throw the doll to the ground and stomp ciency bonus + your spellcasting ability modifier, and it
on it. The creature it resembles must make a Charisma increases its hit point maximum by 10. The Strength,
saving throw. If it fails, it is rendered prone and takes Dexterity, and Constitution scores of your familiar all
2d8 bludgeoning damage. increase to 10 (unless they are greater already), and you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a choose one of these scores to instead increase to 14.
spell slot of 4th level or higher, any damage dealt by the Your familiar also gains an attack which adds your
spell increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd. spellcasting ability modifier and proficiency bonus to its
roll to hit (in place of the familiar’s own statistics), and
Curse of Craving on a hit deals piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing damage
6th-level enchantment (your choice) equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability
Casting Time: 1 action modifier. Your familiar still cannot attack on its own, and
Range: Touch you must use a bonus action to allow it to use an Attack
Components: V, S, M (a dinnerbone picked action, or use a reaction of your own to allow it to make
clean of meat) an opportunity attack.
Duration: Permanent This transformation lasts for up to one minute, until
your familiar is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you end
You touch one humanoid, which must make a Charisma it as no additional action.
saving throw. If it fails, the target suffers your choice of At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
one of the following curses, which can be negated with a spell slot of 5th level or higher, your familiar instead
remove curse spell or similar magic. grows to Large size, and increases its hit point maxi-
Adoration. The target develops a deep admiration mum by an additional 5 hit points for every slot
for a creature of your choice, which you must have seen level above 3rd.
and that knows at least one language. The creature
you choose can be yourself. The target is considered Glyph of Misfortune
charmed by that creature. When the target takes a long 5th-level enchantment
rest, it can repeat the initial saving throw, ending this
effect on a success. Casting Time: 1 action
Starvation. The target has either an unending hunger Range: 30 feet
or thirst (your choice) that no amount of food or water Components: S, M (a drawn glyph)
will satiate. At the end of the day (typically after a long Duration: 1 hour
rest), the target suffers the effects of food or water depri- You impart a vicious curse, draining a creature’s luck.
vation, as listed in the Player’s Handbook (p. 185), as if Choose one creature you can see within range, which
it had consumed no food or water that day. This effect must make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, that crea-
only functions if the target needs to eat food or drink ture is subject to your glyph of misfortune for the spell’s
water to survive. Each day after suffering deprivation in duration, or until the creature is affected by remove
this way, the target may repeat the initial saving throw. curse or similar magic.
If it succeeds, this effect ends, though the target still Whenever a creature under your glyph makes an
suffers the effects of food or water deprivation until they attack, an ability check, or a saving throw, you inherently
are mitigated normally. know, and you can use your reaction to roll 1d20 after
you know the result of the creature’s roll. If your result is
lower than the creature’s roll, substitute the number on
your die for what the creature rolled.

Guiding Light
W itch S pells for O ther C lasses 1st-level illusion
The additional spells included here are intended primarily for
witches, but some of them are by no means limited to this Casting Time: 1 action
class. Other classes also have access to certain spells on this Range: Self
spell list, as listed below: Components: S, M (a silver mirror)
Duration: Instantaneous
Artificer. combine potions
Bard. guiding light, share pain You create a luminous beacon over your head that
Cleric. guiding light, share pain shines with the radiance of the moon. Any number of
Druid. guiding light, rite, watch totem creatures you designate up to your spellcasting abil-
Paladin. guiding light, share pain ity modifier (minimum 1) within 30 feet of you can use
Ranger. guiding light, share pain a reaction to immediately move a distance up to its
Sorcerer. guiding light movement speed closer to you. This movement does not
Warlock. conjure effigy, curse of craving, enlarge familiar, glyph of provoke opportunity attacks.
Wizard. combine potions, curse of craving, enlarge familiar, Rite
share pain 1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (25 gp worth of incense and
herbs, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
You undertake a magical rite, intended to denote a time
of change in life. When you cast this spell, choose one of
the following effects, the targets of which must remain
within 10 feet of you during casting.
Coming of Age. You touch one willing young adult
humanoid, who then chooses 3 skills. For the next 24
hours, the target is proficient in those 3 skills if they are
not already, and has advantage on checks made with the
chosen skills. A creature can only benefit from this once.
Funeral. You touch the corpse of one creature. For the
next 7 days, the creature cannot be made undead by any
means, aside from a wish spell.
Hunt. You touch up to 5 humanoids, which can
include yourself. For the next 24 hours, beasts have
disadvantage on any Perception checks to locate a
creature affected by this rite, and a creature under this
rite has advantage on any Survival checks made to
locate a beast.
Induction. You touch one willing humanoid who
wishes to become a member of your circle or coven.
For the next 24 hours, that creature has advantage on
Insight checks and Wisdom and Intelligence saving
throws, as long as at least one member of your circle
or coven is within 30 feet of them. A creature can only
benefit from this once.
Sacrifice. You touch one creature with a CR or level
less than your total character level. This creature cannot
be a construct or undead, and must be conscious and
restrained or immobilized for the duration of the ritual.
J oseph F arquharson

Upon completion of the ritual the creature dies, and you

and up to 5 creatures you designate who were within
10 feet of the ritual during its casting gain temporary
hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier + the
creature’s CR or level, which last for up to 24 hours. A
creature can only benefit from this once every 30 days.
Wedding. You touch a number of adult humanoids
willing to be bonded in marriage. For the next 7 days,
each of these creatures gains a point of inspiration
whenever they spend a short or long rest in the company
of at least one of their spouses. A creature cannot gain
this benefit again for 300 days, nor can it be gained a
second time by the same coupling of creatures.

Share Pain
4th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you or a
creature you can see within 60 feet of you are hit by an
attack made by a creature within range
Range: 60 feet
Components: M (a thorned vine tied in a knot)
Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to transfer some of the triggering attack’s
damage back to the attacking creature. Reduce the
damage the creature hit with the attack receives by half
(round up), and the attacking creature must make a
Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it takes the same
amount of damage received by the target of its attack, up
to a maximum of 10 hit points of damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the maximum damage
this spell can deal increases by 10 hit points for every
slot level above 4th.

Watch Totem
Divination cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: S, M (a tiny stick, stone, or other natural
object, carved with runes)
Duration: 24 hours
You place the object used as a material component of
this spell on a horizontal surface within range. For the
duration of this spell, as long as you are on the same
plane as the object, you can use an action at any time to
see from the object’s location for up to one minute. You
can only see in a 60-foot radius around the object, your
normal senses are considered blinded during this time,
and this spell does not allow you to hear sounds near
the object. Special vision-based senses you may have,
such as darkvision, function normally with this spell.
This vision ends after one minute, or if you take an
action to end it early. After this vision ends, when the
spell’s duration expires, if the object takes damage, or
if the object is affected by dispel magic or similar, the
object crumbles to dust and can no longer be used.
Only one watch totem can be active at any time.
Casting this spell while an object created by this spell
already exists destroys that original object, allowing a
newly-created object to function.


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