873304-Theantiquarian1 6 PDF
873304-Theantiquarian1 6 PDF
873304-Theantiquarian1 6 PDF
Lvl Prof. Features Cantrips Effective Esoterica
Bonus Known Spell Level Known
1 +2 OId Magic 2 1st 2
2 +2 Expertise, Nimble 2 1st 2
3 +2 Acquisitive Archetype Ability 2 2nd 3
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 2nd 3
5 +3 - 3 3rd 4
6 +3 Expertise 3 3rd 4
7 +3 Acquisitive Archetype Ability 3 4th 5
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4th 5
9 +4 - 4 5th 6
10 +4 Wards and Wyrds 4 5th 6
11 +4 - 4 6th 7
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 6th 7
13 +5 - 5 7th 8
14 +5 Acquisitive Archetype Ability 5 7th 8
15 +5 Reading the Room 5 8th 9
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 8th 9
17 +6 - 6 9th 10
18 +6 Acquisitive Archetype Ability 6 9th 10
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 9th 11
20 +6 Worker of Wonders 7 9th 11
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand
Tools: One set of your choice
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four from Arcana, History,
Investigation, Nature, Perception, Religion,
Sleight of Hand
OLD MAGIC Effective Level. As you gain levels in
this class, your cantrips (and spell like
As an antiquarian, you frequently come effects generated by esoterica) are treated
into contact with odds and ends of magic as spells for the purposes of spells and
from all manner of sources. These spells abilities that interact with them, such as
and formulas are old magic, powerful dispel magic. These cantrips and spells are
magic, but magic that you don’t entirely treated as being cast at the level indicated
understand (whether or not you admit it). in the Effective Spell Level column of the
Your grasp of the arcane, whilst broad, Antiquarian table.
is less powerful than those who have
dedicated their lives to its practice. Esoterica
At 1st level, you gain two Esoterica of your
Spellcasting Ability choice. Your Esoterica options are detailed
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for at the end of the class description. When
your antiquarian spells, since the power you gain certain antiquarian levels, you
of your magic relies on your ability to gain additional Esoterica of your choice,
decipher and remember strange magics. as shown in the Esoterica known column
You use your Intelligence whenever a of the Antiquarian table. These Esoterica
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In advance and adapt the magic you know,
addition, you use your Intelligence modifier making it more powerful, flexible and
when setting the saving throw DC for useful.
an antiquarian spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one. When you select an esoterica from this
list, you must allocate it to an item on your
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency character’s person, the artefact from which
bonus + your Intelligence modifier your character learned this secret. This
object functions as a component for the
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency esoterica – without it in hand, the esoterica
bonus + your Intelligence modifier cannot be called on. You may withdraw an
esoterica from your packs as part of the
Spellcasting Focus Cast a Spell action.
You can use an arcane focus (see the
Adventuring Gear section) as a spellcasting If an Esoterica has prerequisites, you must
focus for your antiquarian spells. meet them to learn it. You can learn the
esoterica at the same time that you meet
Cantrips its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers
to your level in this class.
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your
choice from the following list:
Blade ward, guidance, light, mage hand,
mending, produce flame, resistance, spare
the dying, chill touch, dancing lights,
true strike, gust*, control flames*, control
water*, mold earth*, infestation, magic
stone*, message, shillelagh, druidcraft,
You learn additional cantrips from this list
at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips
Known column of the Antiquarian table.
When you select a cantrip from this list,
you must allocate it to an item on your
character’s person, the artefact from
which your character learned this secret.
This object functions as an additional
component for the spell – without it on
your person, the spell cannot be cast.
*These spells can be found in the official Elemental Evil Player’s Com-
4 panion (5e) by Wizards of the Coast available on DMsguild
At 1st level, your long experience as a At 15th level, your long experience
dabbler in the historical arts has given you dealing with charlatans, merchants
an eye for the unusual. and archaeologists has left you with an
instinctive sense as to when you are being
• You can touch a nonmagical art object misled. You are always aware whenever you
and ascertain its value in gold pieces hear a direct, intentional lie. This feature
where applicable does not detect falsehood by omission, or
• You can use an action to scrutinize an half-truths.
item within 10 feet of you, and discern if
it is a magical item. WORKER OF WONDERS
At 20th level, your ability to wield esoterica
EXPERTISE is unrivalled. You can concentrate on up to
At 2nd level, choose two of your skill three cantrips at any one time.
proficiencies, or one of your skill
proficiencies and your proficiency with a
tool set. Your proficiency bonus is doubled
for any ability check you make that uses
either of the chosen proficiencies.
At 6th level, you can choose two more of
your proficiencies (in skills or tools) to gain
this benefit.
Starting at 2nd level, you can take a bonus
action on each of your turns in combat.
This action can be used only to take the
Use an Object, Dodge or Disengage actions.
At 3rd level, you choose an archetype
that you emulate in the exercise of your
antiquarian abilities: Disenchanter,
Curator and Infernal Trader. Your
archetype choice grants you features at 3rd
level and then again at 7th, 14th, and 18th
At 6th level, choose two more of your skill
proficiencies, or one more of your skill
proficiencies and your proficiency with any
tool set. Your proficiency bonus is doubled
for any ability check you make that uses
either of the chosen proficiencies.
At 14th level, when a curse proves beyond
Your specialism is curses. Old curses, your power to remove, you can shift it
new curses, bad curses, good curses, from one valid target to another. You must
you’ve seen them all. These days, you’re be able to touch both targets to use this
more surprised when a musty old item ability. If the target you are trying to shift
comes along which doesn’t have some the curse to is unwilling, they can attempt
dire enchantment attached to it. Still, a a Charisma saving throw against your
little polish, and most bad magic comes spellcasting DC to resist this ability. You
right off. The rest is just a peril of the must finish a short rest before using this
occupation. feature again.
Breaker of Curses Limited Spell Immunity
At 3rd level, you learn the remove curse At 18th level, your ability to abjure dark
spell, which you can cast a number of magic settles over you like a shroud. You
times each day equal to your intelligence are immune to the effects of curses, and
modifier. This version of the spell has a cannot be affected by spells from the
range of 30 feet and targets an item or enchantment or transmutation schools of
creature you can see within range. If a magic unless you wish to be.
curse proves impossible to remove, you
learn the conditions by which it can be
Shatterspell Incantation
At 7th level, you become acutely
aware when your mind is being
influenced. You are always aware
when you are under the effects of a
mind-influencing ability such as the
Charmed condition or the dominate
person spell, and you can use a
bonus action to break any such
effect. You must finish a short rest
before using this ability again.
Cur ator
CURATOR Conjuring
At 14th level, you gain the ability to
No-one really appreciates art like you do. summon objects from your collection at
You understand the pieces you acquire, your convenience. As an action, you can
and carefully store away where people can’t touch an object weighing 10 pounds or less
hurt them anymore. Your focus is retrieval whose longest dimension is 6 feet or less.
and preservation at any cost – after all, if The spell leaves an invisible mark on its
you don’t look after these treasures for the surface and inscribes the name of the item
future, then who will? on your skin in runes.
Curiosity Cabinet At any time thereafter, you can use your
At 3rd level, you learn the leomund’s secret bonus action to speak the item’s name.
chest spell, which you can cast at-will. The item instantly appears in your hand
When you cast this spell, it summons a regardless of physical or planar distances.
spectral (but otherwise fully tangible and If another creature is holding or carrying
opaque) chest from the ethereal plane the item, this ability doesn’t transport the
rather than using a physical chest. The item to you, but instead you learn who
chest can contain up to 12 cubic feet of the creature possessing the object is and
material, living or nonliving. If a living roughly where that creature is located at
creature is trapped inside the chest, once that moment.
every 30 days, the bound creature can
make a DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check. Manyfold Manifold
On a success, the creature breaks free and At 18th level, your affinity with objects
destroys the chest. The creature appears and curios reaches new heights. You can
in the closest empty space available near attune to up to four magic items at any one
to you and all other items kept inside time.
the chest at the time of breaking are lost
Otherworldly Emporium
At 7th level, you gain access to an
extradimensional space in which to store
your spoils. You can open a portal to this
space through a 1 minute minor ritual, the
details of which are up to you. When this
ritual is complete, you create a shadowy
door on a flat solid surface that you can
see within range. The door is large enough
to allow Medium creatures to pass through
unhindered. When opened, the door
leads to a demiplane room 30 feet in each
dimension, made of wood or stone and
filled with shelves that suit your needs.
Creatures gain no benefit from resting in
the Otherworldly Emporium, and the door
remains open until you leave, at which
point all creatures inside are ejected to the
nearest location possible outside.
INFERNAL TRADER Friends and Relations
At 7th level, you can perform a 1 minute
You make deals with devils. No, not the ritual to summon a devil from the Nine
kind you’d think. Avernus needs more than Hells. You choose the devil’s type, which
just souls, you know. You acquire things must be one of challenge rating equal to
that the devils need, and they provide half your level or lower. The devil appears
you with things in return – tit for tat, and in an unoccupied space that you can see
all that. This makes you quite the useful within range. The devil disappears when
fellow to have around, but as you’re fond of it drops to 0 hit points, or when 24 hours
reminding your companions – everything pass.
has a price.
The devil is friendly toward you, but not
necessarily your companions. In combat,
roll initiative for the devil, which has
its own turns. It is under the Dungeon
Master’s control and acts according to its
nature on each of its turns, which might
result in its attacking your allies if it
doesn’t like them, or trying to tempt you
to undertake an evil act in exchange for
limited service. The DM has the creature’s
statistics. If you use this ability whilst you
have a devil extant, it fails.
Avernian Ward
At 14th level, you can resistance to fire and
cold damage. You can travel comfortably in
extreme heat or extreme cold.
PROFESSOR Acute Analysis
Starting at 7th
You are an academic. At least, that’s what level, if you spend
you tell yourself when you’re barricading a at least 1 minute observing an object
door against goblins, or running away from outside of combat, you can learn certain
a rolling boulder trap clutching the gilded information about it.
crux of your next thesis. Your talents lie in
quick analysis, and a deep, burning need The DM tells you two of the following
to answer the world’s questions. characteristics of your choice:
A Useful Fact
Starting at 18th level, you can apply your
academic knowledge in situations where
they wouldn’t usually apply. Choose three
skills from the following list: Acrobatics,
Athletics, Medicine, Sleight of Hand,
Stealth, Survival. When making an ability
check based in any of your chosen skills,
you always add double your proficiency
bonus to the check as if it fell underneath
the purview of your Expertise feature.
NUMISMATIST You can also use this ability to create spell
scrolls from the Wizard spell list instead of
Gold. The world runs on gold. It’s funny spell components, up to a maximum of 3rd
the power a simple disc of metal can have level.
in the right hands - and the right hands
are yours. Spell Level Cost
Cantrip 15gp
Invested Coin 1st 25gp
At 3rd level, you can spend 1 minute 2nd 250gp
in concentration to enchant a coin or
medallion. Thereafter, any creature that 3rd 500gp
holds this coin can have a telepathic
conversation with you, provided you are Accumulated Dividends
both are on the same plane of existence At 14th level, you can dissolve into a pile
and within 10 miles of each other. The of coins as an action. While in this form,
holder of the coin can hear only your voice, the your only method of movement is a
not those of any other creatures or any ground speed of 10 feet. You can enter and
ambient noise around you, and vice versa. occupy the space of another creature. You
have resistance to nonmagical damage,
You can have a number of coins active at and it advantage on Strength, Dexterity,
any one time equal to your intelligence and Constitution saving throws. You target
modifier. You can instantly deactivate can pass through small holes, narrow
coins at any distance (no action required), openings, and even mere cracks, though
whereupon the coin vanishes. you sink in water and can’t climb.
Exchange Rate While in the form of a pile of coins, you
At 7th level, you are able to magically can’t talk or manipulate objects, and any
convert currency into components. At objects you were carrying or holding can’t
the end of a long rest, you can convert a be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted
number of gold pieces on your person into with. You target can’t attack or cast spells.
a spell component of the same value. A You can end this effect as a bonus action,
spell component without a value listed next or if reduced to 0 hit points.
to it costs 1gp to create, You can create a If any coins are removed from your pile,
number of these components equal to your you gain a level of exhaustion on returning
Intelligence modifier - if a spell component to your normal form. You must finish a
created in this manner would be expended short rest before using this ability again.
on casting the spell, it instead dissolves
back into the coins used to create it. Frozen Assets
At 18th level you llearn flesh into stone,
which you can cast a number of times each
long rest equal to your inteligence modifier.
Creatures petrified by this effect are turned
into solid gold statues instead of stone.
At 7th level you gain the abilty to re-unite
Necromancer is an ugly word. You study the soul of a creature with its body. You
the noble art of arcane taxidermy - far less learn the raise dead spell, which you
messy, and less likely to get you sanctioned can cast as a ritual requiring no material
by the ethics committee. components. Once you have cast the spell
in this way, you must finish a long rest
Preservative Fluids before doing so again.
At 3rd level, you learn the gentle repose
spell and can cast it at-will. Anthropoid Resources
At 14th level, you can use your Embalmed
Embalmed Companion Companion feature on humanoid corpses,
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to magically which gain the statistics of a mummy
embalm and reanimate the corpses of instead of those they possessed in life.
dead beasts, turning them into your
faithful companions. This process can Eternal Youth
only be enacted on beasts with a CR of 0, At 18th level, you learn to use your arts to
and takes 1 hour, at the end of which the assume undeath, preserving your organic
corpse becomes an undead creature under tissues against the ravages of time.
your control which is protected from decay.
They otherwise possess the statistics they • You gain the undead creature type
did in life.
• You gain vulnerability to fire damage
You can have a number of Embalmed
Companions equal to your intelligence • You no longer require require air, food,
modifier. On each of your turns, you can drink, or sleep
use a bonus action to mentally command • You cannot die of old age, and your
any creature you made with this spell if suffer none of the decreptitudes of
the creature is within 60 feet of you (if ageing. Your looks remain frozen the
you control multiple creatures, you can way they did when you gained this
command any or all of them at the same ability
time, issuing the same command to each
one). You decide what action the creature
will take and where it will move during
its next turn, or you can issue a general
command, such as to guard a particular
chamber or corridor. If you issue no
commands, the creature only defends itself
against hostile creatures. Once given an
order, the creature continues to follow it
until its task is complete.
Prerequisite: professor
When you cast the comprehend languages spell, it affects every
creature within 10 feet of you able to speak at least one language.
Prerequisite: guidance cantrip
When you cast the guidance cantrip, the target gains
the benefits of an augury spell. You know any results
discerned from this spell if you cast it on a creature
other than yourself. The bonus gained from your
guidance spell is increased to 1d6.
Prerequisite: magic stone, 5th level
When using stones enchanted by the magic stone cantrip to
make an attack you can throw up to three magic pebbles in
one action. All stones must target the same creature.
Prerequisite: gust, 7th level
You can use a bonus action to generate a warding wind effect
which swirls around you until you end it, which you can do
at any time, not requiring an action. Alternatively, you can
cast whirlwind once using this feature, but if you do so you
cannot use either ability again until you have finished a long
Prerequisite: control flames
When you cast control flames, you can affect flames
within 120ft and which fit within a 30ft cube. Whenever
you use control flames (or conjure flames using any other
ability) the fire turns a distinctive unusual colour until
the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: light cantrip
You can use an action to temporarily increase the
intensity of your light cantrip, causing it to blind nearby
creatures in a flash of radiance. Creatures that can see
the light must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
against your spellcasting DC or become blinded for 1
minute. Affected creatures may attempt another saving
throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect
on a success. Undead creatures have disadvantage on
saving throws against this effect. You can use this ability
a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Uses of this ability reset on a short rest.
Prerequisite: druidcraft
When you cast druidcraft, you can instantaneously cause
a seed in your hand to blossom into a twig blight, which
obeys your verbal commands for as long as you maintain
concentration on this effect. When you end concentration
on this effect, the blight becomes hostile.
You can expend this ability to instead cast plant growth, but
if you do so you cannot use it again until you finish a long
Prerequisitie: blade ward, 5th level
Your blade ward spell grants you a damage threshold
of 15 for the duration. A creature with a damage
threshold has immunity to all damage unless it
takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than
its damage threshold value, in which case it takes
damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or
exceed the creature’s damage threshold is considered
superficial and doesn’t reduce the creature’s hit
Prerequisite: chill touch, spare the dying, 11th level
You can use an action to touch a humanoid corpse
that died in the last minute and reanimate it as a
zombie under your control. This zombie remembers
hints of who it was in life, and retains fragments
of that personality to an extent. The zombie will
not fight for you, but in all other ways acts as your
obedient servant. You must finish a short rest
before using this ability again.
Prerequisite: magic stone, 11th level
When you cast the magic stone ability, you can choose to
augment the affected stones. Augmented stones increase
their thrown weapon range to 600/2,400 ft. When you launch
any affected stone, it increases in density expontentially
during flight, dealing (8d10) bludgeoning damage on a hit.
Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before
doing so again.
Prerequisite: spare the dying, produce flame, 7th level
When you cast the spare the dying cantrip, you can use it to
immediately restore a number of hit points equal to 4 (1d8)
times your level in this class. The healing leaves an ugly and
indelible scar on the target. You must finish a short rest to use
this ability again.
Prerequisite: dancing lights
When you cast dancing lights, instead of the usual effect
you can choose to conjure a miniature armillary sphere
composed of glowing lights which hovers in front of you
for 1 minute. As an action, you can use the sphere to
determine any of the following pieces of information, where
• The current time and date
• The current phase of the moon
• All four cardinal direction relative to you
• What plane of existence you are on
Prerequisite: control flames, guidance, 11th level
You can cast the scrying spell at-will, but only to target open fires or
flames (including any creatures which are made of flame, such as a fire
Prerequisite: resistance
When you cast the resistance cantrip, you can affect a number of
creatures equal to your intelligence modifier. When you use this
ability your words float in front of your face in glowing sigils legible
in deep speech or primordial, remaining for 1 minute before fading.
Prerequisite: mage hand, 11th level
When you cast mage hand, you can choose to cast bigby’s hand
instead. If you have the esoterica master of many hands, you can
summon a number of hands equal to half your proficiency bonus,
and command them all by expending your action. You must finish
a short rest before using this esoterica again.
Prerequisite: true strike
When you cast the true strike spell, you can do so as a bonus action
and it does not require concentration.
Prerequisite: control flames, 11th level
When you cast control flames on a fire at
least 10 feet in radius, you can conjure
a fire elemental with it as per conjure
elemental. The elemental has the undead
creature type, and bears a passing
resemblance to you. Using this ability
extinguishes the fire you cast the spell on.
You must finish a long rest before using
this ability again.
Prerequisite: produce flame, gust, 3rd level
You can use your action to create a line of fire 15 feet
long and 5 feet wide extending from you in a direction
you choose. Each creature in the line must make
a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 fire
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. Once you have used this ability, roll
a d6. On a 6, you must finish a long rest before using
this ability again.
Prerequisite: mage hand
When you cast the mage hand cantrip, it can perform all tasks
you would be able to if it were your real hand. Attacks with the
mage hand still take your action as usual and are made with a
spell attack roll instead of any other attribute.
Prerequisite: control water, blade ward, 11th level
When you cast blade ward, you gain the Petrified condition and
becoming immune to nonmagical damage for the duration. You
must finish a short rest before using this feature again. Fire
damage affects you normally and ends this effect immediately. If
you are killed whilst in this state, you shatter into pieces.
Prerequisite: dancing lights, guidance
When you cast the dancing lights spell, you can choose to conjure
a single Followlight instead, which acts for most purposes as a
single dancing light. As an action you can describe or name an
object that is familiar to you (as per the terms of locate object), and
the Followlight will drift towards the object by the fastest direct
route at a rate of 30 feet a round as long as that object is on the
same plane of existence.
Prerequisite: mending cantrip
When you cast the mending spell, it takes only a single action to cast
and instantly repairs all damage to the object. You can heal breaks,
tears, burns and other damage in this way, but you cannot restore
missing parts that encompass more than a 1/3 of the object’s total
Prerequisite: chill touch, guidance
When you perceive a humanoid corpse, you can instantly
recognise how long ago it died. You can recognise creatures
on sight that have been raised from the dead, including
how many times that creature has returned from death.
You can use an action to touch a dead creature, or an
undead creature, and perceive through its senses until the
end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the
same plane of existence as you, you can use your action on
subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending
the duration until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: light
When you cast the light cantrip, you are the only creature that can see
the illumination shed by the spell.
Prerequisite: 14th level, produce flame
When you cast produce flame, it deals an addition 4 (1d8)
fire damage for each successive round you have cast it in
a row after the first. Eg. on the first round it deals normal
damage on the second round it deals an extra 1d8, on
the third an extra 2d8 on the fourth an extra 3d8, to a
maximum of 5d8 extra damage. Whenever you deal extra
damage in this way, you take 1 fire damage.
Prerequisite: infestation, 5th level
When you cast infestation, instead of its usual effects you can choose
to summon ten huge insects as if by a casting of the giant insect spell.
These insects have the face of the closest creature to them when they
were summoned, use the statistics of giant centipedes and explode in
a gory mess when they are reduced to 0 hit points.
Prerequisite: the old ways
You can cast spare the dying on creatures that have been dead for
less than 1 minute. When you do so, make a spellcasting ability
check against the level of the character. On a success, the character
returns to life with 1 hit point. You must finish a short rest before
using this ability again.
Prerequisite: infestation
When you cast infestation, you can instead cast a
special version of arcane eye, with the following
• The sensor is a visible and audible swarm of
insects under your control.
• The swarm disappears if you enter combat, lose
concentration or if it is reduced to 0 hit points.
Prerequisite: prestidigitation
When you cast prestidigitation, you can reach into your any item of
clothing on your person to pull out a small fuzzy object and throw
it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it transforms into a docile
rabbit (tiny noncombatant)
Prerequisite: prestidigitation
When you cast prestidigitation, you can conjure up to three
different simultaneous effects in a single casting. You can
dismiss ongoing effects as a free action.
Prerequisite: mold earth, 5th level
You can use an action to summon a 5ft wide, 10ft tall pillar
of earth in an unoccupied space adjacent to you. The pillar is
immobile, has an AC of 10, 27 hit points and falls apart after
1 minute. You can use this ability to cast pillars of the earth,
but if you do so you cannot use this ability again until you
have finished a long rest.
Prerequisite: message, 7th level
When you cast message, instead of the usual effects you
can choose to place a planar beacon at any point you
can see within range. When you place a planar beacon,
choose a creature type from the following list: aberration,
celestial, fiend. Within 1 hour, a creature of the selected
type chosen by the DM manifests on the planar beacon.
If you know a creature’s true name, you can attempt
to summon that specific creature instead, which must
succeed on a saving throw against your Spell Save DC or
heed the call.
Prerequisite: blade ward, 11th level
When you cast blade ward, it grants immunity to nonmagical
bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage instead of resistance.
Prerequisite: remove curse
You can use your magic to purge the body of impurities. When you
cast remove curse, instead of its usual effects you can remove one
poison or disease currently affecting the target.
Prerequisite: shilllelagh
Any weapon on which you cast your shillelagh can be transformed
into the shape of a different melee weapon as part of casting the
spell, with which you are considered proficient until the spell
ends. The damage die of the weapon remains d8, but the weapon
gains all other properties of its new form.
Prerequisite: mending cantrip
When you cast the mending spell, you can affect magic
items with it. Additionally, when you cast mending on an
object, you immediately discern its true nature as if through
an identify spell. Your DM may decide that any given item
is too difficult to fix in this way, but they must then tell you
the means by which it is possible to repair it.
Prerequisitie: light cantrip, guidance cantrip, 11th level
Your light cantrip shows creatures for what they truly are.
Creatures which are not in their true form are revealed once
they enter the radius of the light, their true forms appearing
as a hazy shadow beside them. This ability does not actually
transform any creature back into their true form.
Prerequisite: true strike, 7th level
When you cast the true strike spell you can choose any creature
within 30 feet to benefit from the effects of the spell instead of
Prerequisite: shilllelagh, 7th level
When you cast shillelagh, you can transform a simple
wooden weapon you are holding into a ballista (with
three heavy bolts), a ram or a trebuchet (see DMG,
Chapter 8: Running the Game). You cannot use this
esoterica if there is no space for the weapon to expand
into. Once you have used this esoterica, you must finish
a long rest before doing so again.
Prerequisite: message
When you cast message, you can instead cast a special version of
the animal messenger spell. This version of the spell conjures a
CR 0 creature of your choice made of ink with the construct type
which bears the message for you.
Prerequisite: infernal trader
You learn the find familiar spell, which you can only use to summon
an imp.
Prerequisite: resistance, spare the dying
When you cast the spare the dying cantrip, the stabilised creature
is immune to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage until it
regains consciousness.
Prerequisite: gust, guidance
You always know accurately what the weather is outside,
and can accurately predict it in an area up to 1 mile wide
for the next 7 days. Additionally, you are immune to difficult
terrain or exhaustion caused by the environment, and can
see clearly in any obscurement caused by wind, fog or rain.
Prerequisite: gust
When an enemy would hit you with a ranged weapon attack made with
a projectile weapon (such as an arrow or crossbow bolt), you can use
your reaction to cause the missile to miss.
Prerequisitie: taxidermist
You can use an action to extend your sense of touch
remotely through a creature animated by your Embalmed
Companion feature. This ability lets you feel anything the
creature is currently feeling for as long as you continue to
concentrate on the effect, as if concentrating on a spell.
Prerequisite: guidance cantrip, 11th level
When you cast the guidance cantrip, the creature affected
is affected by a divination spell. The bonus gained from your
guidance spell is increased to 1d8.
Prerequisite: curator
Your attunement to magical items is not broken by distance or
time. You are tethered to any attuned items by an invisible cord
only which links you to the item wherever it is, even across planar
boundaries. Creatures that can see invisible objects perceive the
tether as a silver cord instead.
Prerequisite: true strike, 11th level
When you make an attack augmented by true strike and miss, the
targeted creature must succeed on a saving throw against your
spell save DC or be hit by the attack anyway.
Prerequisite: mending, 5th level
You can use an action to touch an object you have repaired with
the mending spell in the last 10 days. Any repairs you made to
that object are immediately reversed.
Prerequisite: produce flame, control flames
When you cast produce flame, immediately after resolving the
spell you can cast control flames as a bonus action.
Prerequisitie: light cantrip, 5th level
Your light cantrip holds the power to keep creature of
darkness at bay. The radius of your light spell is treated
as if it were a magic circle spell warding out a single
creature type of your choice from the following list,
selected when you choose this esoterica: aberration,
celestial, fey, fiend, undead.
Prerequisite: mold earth, spare the dying
You can use the mold earth cantrip to conjure 1d4
small molelike creatures (use the statistics for rats)
made of soil. You can cast spare the dying (or any
derived esoterica) on a creature carrying a watchmole
as a bonus action as long as you can see that creature.
Thic causes the watchmole to crumble. You must finish
a short rest before using this esoterica again.
Prerequisite: chill touch, control water, guidance, 5th level
As an action, you can touch the body of a creature dead
less than 24 hours to conjure a water weird from the
remains. This creature answers your questions as per a
speak with dead spell, after which it becomes free-willed
and can act as it pleases.
Prerequisite: control water
As a bonus action you create a whip of water that snares or
trips your foes. A creature that you can see that is within 30
feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, the creature is knocked prone.
Prerequisite: druidcraft, stormteller, 11th level
When would you cast druidcraft, you can instead cast control
weather, but only affecting the weather 24 hours on from the point
when you cast the spell.
Prerequisite: blade ward
When you cast blade ward, you can choose up to five creatures you
can see within 30 feet of you. Each of those creatures also benefits
from the spell for its duration.
Cantrip Esoterica
Blade Ward Bulwark, Puissant Ward, Whispering Ward
Chill Touch Breath of Life, Gravesight, Water Memory
Control Flames Blazewyrd, Embersight, Flamegeist
Control Water Water Memory, Water Whip
Dancing Lights Constellation, Followlight, The Flaming Eye
Druidcraft Bloom, Speaker to the Small Things
Guidance Aye or Nay, Embersight, Followlight, Gravesight, Revealing Light, Gust, Terrible
Secrets, Water Memory
Gust Billowing Fury, Stormteller
Infestation Lepidopteran Spies, Insectopia
Light Blinding Light, Hidden Light, Revealing Light, Warding Light
Mage Hand Engorged Hand, Flexible Hand, Master of Many Hands
Magic Stone Barrage, Cannon Ball
Mending Furbisher, Reach into History, Restorer, The Sinister Truth, Unmend
Message Signature Monogram, Planar Beacon
Mold Earth Pillar, Watchmoles
Prestidigitation Magician, Magical Hat
Produce Flame Cauterize, Flamethrower, Incandescent Sursurration, The Flaming Eye, Velocig-
Resistance Encouraging Words, Fortify the Soul
Shillelagh Quicksilver Fang, Siege Warfare
Spare the Dying Breath of Life, Cauterize, The Old Ways, Jumpstart, Stasis, The Sinister Truth,
True Strike Falcon’s Eye, Shared Sight, Unavoidable Invective