Reference: K to 12 Our World of Mapeh (Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health)
Hazel P. Cospiano
Emilio S. Jacinto Jr
Materials: Lyrics songs of “Are you sleeping”, “Row, row, your boat” and “Far health and
A. Preliminary Activities
Please lead the prayer Louie In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit…Amen.
Before you take your seat please pick
up the pieces of paper under your
Very good!
How many tones do we have in There are five tones in pentatonic scale
pentatonic scale, Shiela?
Very good!
Very good!
B. Developmental Activity
Very good!
How about in eight notes, Christy Joy? There is also one syllable in eight notes.
Very good!
How many syllables in half notes, The same as quarter and eight notes.
Very good!
C. Application
D. Generalization
1. La
2. Mi
3. So
4. Re
5. Do
Very good!
Very good!
IV. Evaluation
Get one whole sheet of paper and answer the statement below.
Directions: Match the Column A with Column B. Write the letter on the space provided
before the number.
Column A Column B
______4. It is the singing or playing of two or more tones at the same time. D. tone
Read and study Unit III expressive elements of music on page 54.