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DURR NDT CR Workshop ISO 17636-2

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Recommended Techniques

» There are many possible techniques for making good radiographs

using CR.
» Following a defined procedure will simplify technique
development and shorten the time to a good image.
» As an example, we will step through the process using the ISO
17636-2 standard.

DÜRR NDT GmbH & Co. KG September 6, 2017 / V2 2


We want to test a steel weld plate of 18 mm thickness according to

the ISO 17636-2 Class B standard with X-ray.

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ISO 17636-2 General Procedure

» 7 Recommended techniques for making digital radiographs

» 7.2 Choice of tube voltage and radiation source (maximum kV)
» 7.3 Detector systems and metal screens (minimum SNRN)
» 7.6 Source-to-object distance (f) Recommendations

» Annex B: Minimum image quality values (IQI)

» B.1, B.2, B.3
» B.4 Unsharpness (SRb / BSR) Acceptance Criteria

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Step 1 – Physical Technique

» There are many different radiographic techniques:

• Single and double wall exposures
• Elliptical exposures
• Perpendicular technique
• Techniques for flat or curved samples

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7 Recommended techniques for making digital radiographs

In the case of a flat plate, the recommended technique is perpendicular, i.e. the
radiation source in front of the object and the imaging plate on the opposite side.

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Step 2 – Maximum X-ray Voltage

» There are recommended maximum X-ray voltages for different

materials and thicknesses.
» Using the following table, we can determine the maximum X-ray
voltage (in kV).
» For Imaging Plates (IPs) with high structure noise (coarse grained),
a reduction in X-ray voltage of about 20% is recommended.
» Fine-grained IPs can be used with higher X-ray voltages.

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7.2 Choice of tube voltage and radiation source
2) We draw a line from the point of intersection to the y-axis (kV)

Max. 260 kV

1) We have a thickness of 18 mm, so we go up to curve 2 (steel)

w = 18 mm

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Step 3 – Detector systems and metal screens
The minimum required normalized Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNRN) depends on the Inspection
Class (A or B).
• SNRN takes into account the system Basic Spatial Resolution (SRb).
• Class A inspections are lower quality.
• Class B inspections demand higher SNR and have more stringent image quality
• SNR measurements must be made using specific techniques and have defined limits.
Metal screens
• If metal screens are used, ensure that there is intimate contact between the Imaging Plate
(IP) and the metal screen.
• IPs are very sensitive to low-energy backscatter (which must be controlled).
• It is recommended that a Fe or Cu screen be used directly behind the IP (between the IP
and any back lead screens).

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7.3 Detector systems and metal screens

The minimum SNRN we

need is: 100

We are working with 260 kV under 50 mm thickness for Class B

BUT, if you measure the SNRN
in the HAZ*, you must multiply by
100 SNRN x 1.4 = 140 SNRN

We need a minimum
SNRN of 140

* HAZ = Heat Affected Zone

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Step 4 - Source-to-object distance

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7.6 Source-to-object distance • Source-to-object distance can
be most simply determined by
using the nomogram included
in the inspection standard
1) Focal spot size • For our example we will
of this tube is assume:
d = 1 mm – The focal spot of the X-
ray tube is 1mm
– The plate is in direct
contact with the imaging
plate, thus the object-to-
2) The object-to-detector detector distance is the
distance (b) for this same as the plate
test arrangement thickness – 18mm
(from Figure 1) is the The Minimum
same as the plate thickness source-to-object distance
(w =18 mm), so for this example for
b = 18 mm Class B = 105 mm

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Step 5 – Image Quality Measurements

» Image Quality Indicators (IQIs)

• Decide on the type of IQI that will be used:
− Wire IQI
− Step and hole IQI
• Decide whether the IQI is to be placed on the source
side or the detector side of the object.
• Determine the correct IQI for the Inspection Class and
the object thickness from the table in the relevant
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Annex B. Minimum image quality values ( IQI)

This table is for wire IQIs placed on the

source side of the object when using the
single-wall technique.

Since our plate is 18 mm thick, we need

to see at least wire W13 or better

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Step 6 – Unsharpness
» Image Unsharpness (uT) refers to the loss of definition due to
geometric factors (uG) as well as the inherent unsharpness (ui) of
the digital detector system.
» Geometric Unsharpness:
• Is present because the radiation emitter is not a true point source.
• Other factors which affect geometric unsharpness are:
− source focal spot size (d)
− source-to-object distance (f)
− object-to-detector distance (b)

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Annex B. Unsharpness
For this 18 mm plate, the
“Penetrated thickness”
range of 12<w≤40 is used
to determine which Basic
Spatial Resolution (SRb) we

For our example we need a

SRb equal to or better than
100 µm.

Dn refers to the duplex wire

pair that needs to be
resolved, which in this case
is D10.
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Step 7 – Determine Basic Spatial Resolution

» A reference image is required to measure the Basic Spatial

resolution (SRb) of the CR system.
• The inspection target (object) is not used – i.e. the
penetrameter shall be placed directly on the IP.
• The source-to-detector distance shall be 100 cm ± 5 cm.
• The mean gray level in the image shall be >50% of the
system maximum.
• The measured SNR in the image shall be >70 for high-
resolution systems.

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Unsharpness and Basic Spatial Resolution
» Unsharpness can be calculated from the Basic Spatial
Resolution (SRb) via: U = 2 x SRb
» SRb can be measured using the EN 462-5 duplex wire
penetrameter according to ISO 19232-5.
» The Dn in the previous table refers to the duplex wire
pair on the IQI.

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Basic Spatial Resolution Measurement
» Basic Spatial Resolution is measured by evaluating the grey level dip in a line
profile drawn across the duplex IQI wire pairs.
» A dip of >20% in grey level indicates that the wire pair is resolved (example

» The first pair where the dip is <20% determines the SRb of the system.
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Step 8 – Choosing the Exposure Parameters

» To recap the acceptance specifications:

• X-ray maximum voltage = 260 kV
• Minimum SNRN must be 140 (measured in the heat affected
• No lead screens are necessary
• Source-to-object distance (f) should be 105 mm minimum
• We must see contrast sensitivity IQI wire 13 (W13) or better
• We need a SRb of 100 µm (D10) or better

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But we always try to do better than the minimum, so:

» X-ray max voltage = 260 KV

» Minimum SNRN must be 140 (measured in the heat affected
» No lead screens are necessary
» Source-to-object distance will be 500 mm (this may affect the
shot time)
» We must see contrast sensitivity IQI wire 13 (W13) or better
» We will aim for an SRb of 80 µm

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• We can use the DÜRR NDT HCR-IP white imaging plate
as it is capable of up to 63 μm SRb
• The DÜRR NDT HD-CR 35 scanner is then configured
with the following scan parameters:

– Reading Pitch (Scan Resolution): 40 μm

– Laser Spot Size: 50 μm
– Laser Power: 6
– PMT Voltage: 620 V
– Pentaprism Speed: 3000 RPM

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