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A Detailed Demonstration Lesson Plan Final

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School Rolando R. Andaya Sr.

Year & Section Grade 11

Memorial High School

Teacher Ariane Ignao Lagatic Subject Physical Science

Date February 7,2022 Grading Period Third Quarter


Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. How fast a reaction takes place.

Performance Standard The learners shall be able to propose ways to speed up or slow down chemical reactions.

Learning Competencies  Use simple collision theory to explain the effects of concentration, temperature, and
particle size on the rate of reaction (S11/12PS-IIIf-23)
Specific Objectives 1. Explain collision theory and the factors that affect the rates of chemical reaction.
2. Investigate the effects of the different factors on the rate of a reaction.
3. Reflect on the significance of the factors that affect chemical reaction to our daily
Topic Factors affecting Chemical Reaction

Learning Resources Teachers Guide pages (176-180)

Learners Materials pages (333-334)
Textbook pp. Science Links. Textbook for Scientific and Technological Literacy.2017, p.
358 Integrated Science Textbook.2002. pp. 238-239
Biology (Tarbuck and Lutgens), Science (Thompson and Turk), internet resources,
NASA/IAU/PAS power pointsarbuck, Lutgens, and Tasa. Earth An Introduction to Physical
Geology 11thed, 2014, p 122, activity sheets adopted from:
http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/history-atom-ancient-greeks/,ppt adopted from


 Elicit Facebook React:

A. Reviewing previous The teacher will read five different statement and you will determine if the statement is true
lesson or presenting the or false.
new lesson If the statement is true draw heart react and if the statement is false draw a cry emoji.
You will have 5 seconds to answer honestly.

_____1. Storing food at 20 C or lower helps preserved food by slowing down the chemical
_____2. The bigger the pieces of the ingredients in cooking the faster it cooks.
_____3. Highly concentrated medication will react much quicker in the body.
_____4. Sugar dissolve faster in hot temperature compared to lower temperature.
_____5. Covid-19 need to keep in a cold freezer to prolong its life.

B. Establishing a Presentation of the LESSON OBJECTIVES:

purpose for the lesson 1. Explain the requirements of the collision theory.
2. Investigate the effect of temperature, particle size and concentration of reaction using
household products.
3. Reflect on the significance of collision theory by relating reaction rate to our daily life.

C. Presenting
Examples/ instances of
the new lesson
(Photo credit: Jomar M. Rejalde)
(The teacher may draw at least 2 to 3 pairs to share their
answer in the class)
This picture is your performance task in SHS TVL Bread and Pastry Production. In
this laboratory students and teachers shows their skills in cooking.
Guide Questions:
1. What is your favorite pastry product?
2. Do you know how to prepare it?
3. Have you ever tried cooking your own pastry product?
4. What did you observed?
5. Do you have any idea how to cook pastry product faster?
● Explore FAST TALK
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing 1. Divide the class into 4 groups
new skills #1
2. Explain the activity and guide questions. (Please see attached activity sheet)
3. A member of the group will present their answers after 20 minutes of performing
the activity.
4. The criteria for grading are the following:
● Correctness of Response – 10 points
● Timeliness – 10 points
● Teamwork – 5 points
TOTAL – 25 points
Group 1: Hot vs. Cold
 In this investigation you will confirm that the rate of reaction increases as
the temperature of the reacting materials increase.
 You will use the provided materials to verify this principle.
 Using the procedure records the result as indicated, answer the questions at
the end of the activity and afterwards, demonstrate your activity.

Group 2: “Create some salts”

 In this investigation you will determine the relationship between
concentration and the rate of the reaction.
 Using the procedure record the results as indicated, illustrate your
experiment through drawing and answer the questions at the end of the

Group 3: Big vs. small

What effect will surface area have on the rate of chemical reaction?
 Develop each component of the investigation including hypothesis,
procedures, data analysis, and conclusion.
 Implement your procedure only when it has been approved by your teacher.

Group 4:
 Using the listed materials for each part of the experiment.
 Design your own procedure on how to determine the effect of the
catalyst in a chemical reaction.
 After that, come-up with observation, discussion and conclusion based from
experiment. Answer the questions provided by your teacher.
 You can use different references in the development of your procedure.

 Explain Each group will report their answers to the class through a video presentation for 2-3
F. Developing mastery minutes each only.
Answer these following guide questions:
A. The teacher will explain the concepts using the student’s previous knowledge.
Discuss the questions and let the students answer the activity in the activity.
1. Based from the activity, what are the factors affecting the rate of reaction?
2. How does this factor affect the chemical reaction?
3. Which reaction had the fastest rate?
4. Which reaction has the lowest rate?
5. What is catalyst?
6. How do catalyst use in the reaction?

B. Observed this picture Why are some reactions are faster than others?

 The energetics, mechanism, and rate of a chemical reaction are explained by the
collision theory.
 According to this theory, for a chemical reaction to proceed, there should be an
effective collision between the reactant particles. For this to happen, two
requirements should be met.
 For chemical reaction to proceed, there should be an effective collision between the
reactant particles.
 Two requirements should be met.
1.Reactants must be in their proper orientation
2. Molecules must possess enough energy to initiate a reaction.

● Elaborate Q and A
G. Finding practical
applications of 1.Why do we keep most foods in the refrigerator?
concepts and skills in
daily living.

2. Why do covid Vaccine need to keep in a cold freezer?

3. Why highly concentrated medications can be deadly?


5.Which of the following cooks faster?

H. Making Think-pair-Share
generalizations and Students will think of one word acrostic to summarize the lesson for today.
abstractions about the
 Evaluate Quiz bee
I. Evaluating Learning 1.What factor affect the slow cooking of the barbecue?


a. Temperature b. size
c. concentration d. catalyst
. What factors affect the putting off fire?
a. Temperature b. size
c. concentration d. catalyst

3. Why do drinking highly concentrated medications can be deadly?

a. Medicine will react much quicker in the body.
b. Your body may not be able to handle.
c. Higher concentration of medicine may result to faster reaction
d. all of these
4. Which condition will increase the rate of a chemical reaction?
a. Increased temperature and decreased concentration of reactants
b. Increased temperature and increased concentration of reactants
c. Decreased temperature and decreased concentration of reactants
d. Decreased temperature and increased concentration of reactants

5. A collision model can only happen when two molecules collide just right?
a. True
b. False

6. In terms of collision theory, a chemical reaction occurs only when ...

a. two reactant molecules collide with each other.
b. reactants collide with sufficient energy to form new bonds.
c. reactants collide with sufficient energy to break bonds in the reactants.
d. chemical bonds are broken by a catalyst.
7. Why we keep covid-19 vaccine in refrigerator?
a. mRNA vaccines are fragile and unstable at regular temperatures
b. Vaccine kept at low temperatures will have low particle movement and the decay process
will be delayed
c. both and b
d. a only
8-10. What is the significance of the factors that affect chemical reaction to our daily life?

 Extend Your proposal

J. Additional activities
for application or A. Proposed ways on how to slow down the chemical reaction by watching the video.
remediation Examine two glows in the dark sticks. Place one in iced water and one in hot water. Teacher
should prompt students to make an observation and hypothesize why the glow stick is
different in each case. Student will respond using their prior knowledge of particle
movement and collision theory. If students do not comprehend the information the visual
should be provided utilizing freezeray.com or let the student view the video in

B. 1. Give at least 3 examples of metabolic enzymes that process biological reactions.

2. Write the chemical equation involving the catalysts for the following chemical reactions:
a. Haber process in the production of fertilizer.
b. Conversion of SO2 to SO3 in the production of sulfuric acid
c. Ostwald process in nitric acid production
3. Write at least 5 chemical changes that you observe in your household and community.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Reviewed by:



Noted by:


[Pick the date]
Group 1: Hot vs. Cold (Temperature)

I. Objectives:
1. Investigate the effect of the temperature factors on the rate of a reaction.
2. Observe safety precautions in doing an investigation.

II. Materials and Equipment

a. 3 small sachets of coffee creamer
b. 3 cups of the same size
c. Water at different temperatures – with ice, at room temperature, and hot (from a
thermal flask

III. Procedure
1. In this investigation you will confirm that the rate of reaction increases as the temperature of the reacting
materials increase.
2.You will use the provided materials to verify this principle.
3. Using the procedure records the result and answer the questions at the end of the activity and afterwards,
demonstrate your activity.
4. Prepare 3 beaker of the same size and label with cold water, tap water and hot water.
5. Pour 3 small sachet of coffee creamer simultaneously on the 3 beakers.
6. Observed what happen and demonstrate your activity.

IV. Observation / Results:

(Briefly describe what happened during your experiments)


V. Guide Question
1.What is the factor that affect the rate of reaction in this experiment? _______________________________
2.Which reaction had the fastest rate?
3.Which reaction had the slowest rate?
4.What is your conclusion based from the experiment? _____________________________________________

Group 2: “Create Some Salts” (Concentration)

I. Objectives:
1. Investigate the effects of the concentration on the rate of a reaction.
2. Observe safety precautions in doing an investigation.

II. Materials:
a. 3 tablespoons of baking soda (same amount)
b. 3 cups of the same size
c. 3 sets of different vinegar solutions (vinegar and water) - with 1 tablespoon, with 2
tablespoons, and 3 tablespoons

III. Procedures:
1. Investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of a reaction. Use the different concentrations of vinegar and
baking soda for these reactions.
2. In one cup use pure vinegar (50mL) and place one spoonful of baking soda.
3. In another cup add pure vinegar (25mL) and water (25 mL) before you add the spoon full of baking soda.
4. Make an observation.

IV. Observation / Results: (Briefly describe what happened during your experiments)
V. Guide Questions:
1. What is the factor that affect the rate of reaction in this experiment? _________________________
2. Which reaction had the fastest rate? __________________________________________________
3. Why are high concentration reactions faster than low concentrations? ________________________
4. Explain what could be occurring at the molecular level in each example. (How are the molecules
moving or acting?) ________________________________________________________________

Group 3: Big vs. Small

I. Objectives:
1. Investigate the effects of the surface area on the rate of a reaction.
2. Observe safety precautions in doing an investigation.

II. Materials
Experiment 3:
a. 2 pieces of chalk (one is in whole piece, the other one is pounded to pieces)
b. 2 cups of vinegar (same amount)

III. Procedure
1. Using this question “What effect will surface area have on the rate of chemical reaction?”
2.Develop each component of the investigation including hypothesis, procedures, data analysis, and conclusion
using the materials provided below
3.Write your concept map using the experiment result.
4. Implement your procedure only when it has been approved by your teacher.

Group 4: “Agent of Change”

I. Objectives:
1. Investigate the effects of the catalyst on the rate of a reaction.
2. Observe safety precautions in doing an investigation.

II. Materials:
a. Empty plastic bottle
b. ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide (agua oxinada) and dishwashing soap
c. 1 tablespoon of yeast and 3 tablespoons of warm water (stir for 30 seconds)

III. Procedure
1. Using the listed materials for each part of the experiment.
2. Design your own procedure on how to determine the effect of the catalyst in a chemical reaction.
3. After that, come-up with observation, discussion and conclusion based from experiment. Answer the
questions provided by your teacher.
4. You can use different references in the development of your procedure.
D. Observation / Results: (Briefly describe what happened during your experiments)
E. Discussion (Based on your experiments, what are these factors and how do they
affect the rate of chemical reactions?)
F. Conclusion (Therefore, I conclude that…….)
G. References

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