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Rolls - Royce, B35-40 V12AG (5100 KW)

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Technical data: 835:40 V12AG

' :eI type:

Stationary power plant
Drawing No.:
Project No.:
Engine No.:
ffi Rctls-Royce
*.. -.,.conditions: 100 m /35"C Yard./Power Shun Shi Power
Engine data: Cooling water data:
Number of cylinders t2 Two-stage charge air cooler:
Cylinder bore mm 350 -Low temp. stage:
Piston stroke mm 400 -temp. at inlet, max "c 46
Rated site power, engine kw 52so -water flowrate, normal m3/h 108
Rated power (ISO), engine kw 5250 -water flowrate, max m3/h 140
Rated active power, generator kw s100 -High temp. stage:
Generator efliciency 0.9'11 -water flowrate, normal m3Ar 54
Rated outPut, electric Jacket water system:.
with COS(Phi) = 0,9 kvA 5665 -pump capacity m3/h 108
Mean effective site pressure bar 18,2 -normal stop/shut-down barg 2.0
Mean effective pressure (ISO) bar 18,2 -water quantity, engine block I 150
Rated speed RPM 750 -Temp. at engine outlet
Mean piston speed m,/s 10 -nomal "C 90,
Displabement I 462 -alarm, temp. high 95
Gas data:
Ttsg -shut-down, temp. high
-temp. rise in engine, max
"C 5,8 -t
Specifi c energy consumption kJ/kwh 7550 -incl. high temp. ca-cooler OC
10,3 v.1
Gas coirsumption at MCR m3n/h 1100 -Expansion tank:
Gas consumption at MCR ks/h 880 - -vo1um, single-engined I 300 C\
.:,i Minimtrm gas feed at MCR: -volum, multi-engined I 500
'.'' r -at engine inlet barg
*#"+ i {o press. control module barg
-height above engine m 3-l 0
Air data:
Start air data: Turbocharger type ABB TPS-61E-VTG
Start aii pressure, max./min. barg 30i15 Charge air cooler type - RR66-132-V12 5C---'
Air corisumption pei. start m3n li Air consumption m3n/h 21200 a''
No of starts, 15001 receiver -J Air consumption kgA 27500 c (-
Lubrica{ion data:
Charge air pressuie
Charge air temperature:
Lubrication oil ' - sAE40 -normal 55
Main p{mp capacity m3/h 86 -derating l5Vo/30Vo, temp high "c ,58/60 C\
frimiu(numf capacity
Lub. oillpressure
m3lh 13 -norntal stop/shutdown "c 62/64
Air press, in engine room, min mmWG 5
burg ul-$
-alarm, [rressure low barg
2,5 Exhaust data:
\e ll

-shutdgwn, pressure low barg L,7 Mass flow kslh ?8300

Lub. oililgrnP engine inlet Volume flow, after turbin m3/h 55800
-no@al 65
\ Temp, after cylinder "c 505
-Deratinf, l1Vol30Vo, temp high "c 67169 Temp, afler rurbine "c 415
-norma! stop/shut-down "c 'lll73 Back pressure, max
mmWG 400
Spec. lub. oil consumption 8/kwh 0,4 Emission at MCR
Lub. oil:i:onsumption ks/h 2,1 NOx - emission at 5Vo 02 mglmln 500
Crankcase, Iub. oil volume CO - emission at 5Va 02 mg/m3n 650
-high lei,el L 3430 NMHC - emission at5Vo 02 mglrn1n 130
-low levpl I 2750
Rocker arm system Heat dissipation:
-normal pressure ba.g 0,5 Lubrication data:
-alarmo pressure low barg 0.2-0.3 I-ub. oil .cooler MJ/h 2t45
Cooling water data:
Low temp. stage Ml/h t635
High temp. stage MI/h 2035
Jacket water cooler:
-Heat tiissipation, engine MJ/h 2635
-incl. high temp. ca-cooler MJIh 46'70
Ventilation data:
Radiation engine MJ/h r055
Radiation generator (IP23) MJ/h 540

Engine power definition is according to ISO 3046-1 and ISO 8528-l Specific energy consumption is according to ISO 3046-f and is given at firll load(MCR),
However the engine ratings are valid for the following reference conditions: running on NATURAL GAS with a lower heating value of 36.0 MJ/m1o and
Airinlet temperature max. + 35 "C two engine-driven pumps.
Air inlet temperature min. + 5'C Methane no. min 70, according to AYL calculation
Heat dissipation. +25"C
, Charge air low temp. cooling water inlet temp. max. +46oC Spec. lub. oil consumption is for guidance only
--._ Site altitude atlove sea level max. 100 m
humidity 60Vo NOTE! Due to continuous developmen! some data may change

- 'J:Ctarge air cooler heat dissipation will vary with water flowrate and inlpt
L temp., these data to be calc. after receipt of final process data
. I{E - 07.04.2005
fechnical data: 835:40 V12AG
Fuel type: NATURAL GAS
Drawing No.:
Pro.iect No.:
Application: Stationary power plant Engine No.: 17041
Site conditions: 100 m i35"C Yard./Power plant: Shun Shing II (Bangladesh)
;iingine data: Cooling water data:
Number of cylinders
Cylinder bore mm 350
Two-stage charge air cooler:
-Low temp. stage:
Piston stroke rnm 400 -temp. at inlet, max 46
, Rated site power, engine kw 5250 -water flowrate, normal m3/tr 108
Rated power (lSO), engine kw 5250 -water flowrate, max m3/h 140
Rated active power, generator kw 5080 -High temp. stage:
Generator efficiency - 0,96'76 -water fl owrate, norma'l m3/h 54
Rated output, electric Jacket water system:
with COS(phi) = 0,8 kvA .1\*18,,2
6350 ) -pump capacity m3lh 108
Mean effective site pressure bar -normal stop/shut-down ba.g 2.0
Mean effective pressure (ISO) bar 18,2 -water quantity, engine block I 750
Rated speed RPM 750 -Temp. at engine outlet
Mean piston speed m/s 10 -normal OC
Displacement | 462 -alarm, temp. high OC
-shut-down, temp. high 9'1
Gas data: -temp. rise in engine, max 6,8
Specific energy consumption kJtkwh 7550 -incl. high temp. ca-cooler I 1,3
Gas consumption at MCR mh/h 1100 -Expansion tank:
Gas consumption at MCR kg/h 880 -volum, single-engined I 300
Minimum gas feed at MCR: -volum, multi-engined I 500
-at engine inlel barg 3,2 -height above engine m 3-10
J -to press. control module barg 3,5
Air data:
Start air data: Turbocharger type ABB TPS-61E_VTG
Start air pressure, max./min. barg 30/15 Charge air cooler type - RR66-132-yt2
Air consumption?er. starf mtn 11 Air consumption m3n/h 21200
No of stans, 15001 receiver -3 Air consumption kgftr 27500
Charge air pressure barg 2,2
Lulirication data: Charge air temperature:
Lubrication oil - SAE4O -normal oc 55
Main pump capacity m3/h 86 -derating l5%o/30Va, temp high oc 58/60
Priming pump capacity m3ftr 13 -normal stop/shutdown oc 62164
Lub. oil pressure Air press, in engine room, min mmWG 5
-normal barg 4-5
-alarm, pressure low barg 2,5 Exhatut data:
-shut-down, pressure low barg 1,7 Mass flow kg/ir 28300
Lub. oil temp engine inlet Volume flow, after turbin m3/h
oC 54200
-normal oc 65 Temp, after cylinder 505
.-Derating 157a130?o, temp high.
oc 67/69 Temp, after turbine oc 395
-normal stop/shut-down - oc 7t/73 Back pressure, max mmWG 400
Spec. lub. oil consumption g&Wh 0,4 Emission at MCR
Lub- oil consumption kg/h 2,1 NOx - emission at 57a 02 mg/m3n 500
Crankcase, lub. oil volume CO - emission at 57a 02 mg/mln 650
#)/ uve -hish level I 3430 NMHC - emission at57o 02 mg/m1n 130
,{ -low level I 2750
Rocker arm system Heat dissipation:
-normal pressure barg 0,5 Lubrication data:
-alarm, pressure low barg 0.2-0.3 Lub. oil .cooler kw 595
Cooling water data:
Low temp. stage kw 455
High temp. stage kw, 565
Jacket water cooler:
-Heat dissipation, engine kw 845
-incl. high temp. ca-cooler kw 1410
Ventilation data:
Radiation engine kw 345
Radiation generaior (lP:h) ' kw 170

Engine power definition is according to ISO 3046-l and ISO 8528-1 Specific energy consuinption is according to ISO 3046-1 and is given at full load(MCR),
However the engine ratings are valid for the following reference conditions running on NATURAL GAS with a lower heating value of 36.0 MJ/m3n and
Air inlet temperature max. + 35 'C two engine-driven pumps.
Air inlet temperature min. + 5'C Methane no. min 70 , according to AVL calculation
Heat dissipation. +25'C
.fb Charge air low temp. cooling water inlet temp max. +46"C Spec. lub. oil consumption is for guidance only
" '" hltigude above sea level max. 100 m
:t, _-rtive humidity 6o0/o NOTE! Due to continuous development, some data may change

Charge air cooler heat dissipation will vary with water flowrate and inlet
temp., these data to be calc. after receipt of final process data HE - 23.01.2006
fechnical data: 835:40 V12AG
Drawing No.:
L 1088/21
ffi Rolls-Royce
Fuel tYPe:
StationarY Power Plant
100 m /35"C
Project No.:
Engine No.: 17173
Yard/Power Plant: Shun Shi
Site conditions:
til Cooling water data:.
Engine data: 12 Two-stage charge atr cooter:
Number of cYlinders 350 -Low temp. stage: .C
mm 44
CYlinder bore -temP. at inlet, max
mm 400 m31h
Piston stt'oke -water flowrate. normal
Rated site Power, engine
kw 5250 m3,/tI 108
kw 50 ,/
s? -water flowrate, max
Rarcd Power r ISOl' engine slool/ -High temP. stage:
kw m3,h 108
.Rrred lctive Power' generator --6.r17 -wlter flowrate. normat
/ Gan"ruto, effrciencY Jacket water sYstem:
m3ftt 108
Rated outPut, electric -PumP caPacitY
with COS(Phi) = 0,8
kvA 6315
-normal stoP/shut-down
barg 2.0

Mean effective site Pressure

bar l8'2
-*ut., qruntitY' engine block 1 750
Mean effective Pressure (ISO)
bar 18,2
-TemP. at engine outlot
Rated sPeed
RPM 750
.C 90

I Mean Piston sPeed

m/s 10
-a1arm, temP. high
"C 95
I 462
-shut-down, temP' high
.C 97
.C o,/-
-temP. rise in engine' max .C lr 5
Gas data: -inci. trigtr temP' ca-cooler
Snecifi c energy consumptton
kJ/kwh 7440
-ExPansion tank:
Gas consumPtion at MCR
m3nftr 1100 I 300
-volum, single-engtned
Gas consumPtion at MCR
ke/h 880
-vo1um, multi-engined
1 500
m 3-10
Mini*u* gas feed at MCR: barg 3,2 -height above engine
-at engine inlet
-to Press. control module
barg 3'8
Air data: ABB TPS.6lE VTG
Ir Start air data:
barg 30/15
Turbocharger tYPe
Charge air cooler t)?e
Start air Pressure, max /min' Air consumPtion
Air consumPtion Per' start
mh 11 kgh 2'1200
_3 Air consumPtion
barg 1/.
No of sta-rts' 15001 receiver Charge air Pressure
Charge air temPerature: .C 55
Lubrication data: -normal
Lubrication oil
- SAE 40
-derating l5%ol3OVo'temP high
.C s8/60
, m3ftr 80 OC 62164
/ Main PumP caPacrty -normal stoP/shutdown
m3/h i3 mmWG 5
/ Priming PumP caPacitY Air Press, in engine room' mln
Lub. oil Pressure
barg 4-5
barg Exhaust data:
-alarm, Pressure low
Mass flow
kg/h 28000
-shut-down, Pressure low
barg 1,7
Volume flow, after turbin
m3/h 54800
.c 485
Lub. oil temP engine inlet oC TemP, after cYlinder .c
65 410
-normal TemP, after turbine
-Deraring l59ol3Oo/o' temP high 'c
't1l'73 Back Pressure, max
mm\G 3s0
-normal stoP/shut-down 0'4 Emission at MCR
Spec. lub. oil consumPtton C/kWh NOx - emission at5Vo OZ
mg/mh 500
Lub. oil consumPtlon
kg/h 2'l
CO - emission at 5Vo 02 mg/mln 750
Crankcase, lub. oil volume NMHC - emission at57o 02
mglm\ 225
-high level
1 3430
r )?50
-low level Heat dissiPation:
Rocker arm system Lubrication data:
-normal Pressure
barg 1
Lub. oil cooler
kw 630
-alarm, Pressure low
barg 0.5
Cooling water data:
Low temP' stage
kw 315

High temP. stage

kw 795

Jacket water cooler:

-Heat dissiPation' engine
kw 7'.]5

-incl. high temP' ca-cooler

kw 1570

Ventilation data:
Radiation engine
kw 345

Radiation generator (IP23)

*y 150

gir"n at tul1 loadolCR)'

to rSO 3046-1 11i:
to ISO 3046-1 and lS-O-8^:18-l
ffi GAs *'th;-1"*;?;;ng value of 36'0 MJ/mh md
. gine powe. definition is according c"Jli"'"it running on NATURAL
, iwevei the engine ratings tt
u-urii io'1t'" rollowing reference two eneine-driven PumPs'
iffi;;;;". -ti 60' u"o'ding.to evL calculation
\ir inlet temPerature min. + 5"C
\ir inlet temperature +25"C is for guidance only
{eat dissiPation- max. +44'C Spec. lub. oil consumptioir
!n-*. ,ii low temp. cooling water inlet temp' max. 100 m some data may changg
,iite ikitude above sea level 601o NOTEI Due to continuous development'
tlelative humiditY
sES - 27.01-2012
' oi final process data
;it tuttl uttt "ttipt

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