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Chase D. Vidamo Grade-11 Favila General Mathematics, Module 1, Lesson 1 Week 1

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Chase D.


Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 1, Lesson 1

Week 1

We said that for a relation to become a function, the value of the domain must correspond to a
single value of the range. There is the input and the output relationship. So, let’s read the
following situations that show function and in your own words explain how each scenario
depicts function.
1. Mark went to 8-12 store to buy some soda. He puts money, punches a specific button, then the
soda drops from the slot machine. What is the function rule?
The money used by Mark to buy some soda and the button selected is the domain or the input.
Meanwhile, the soda dropped from the slot machine is the range or the product. The function rule
in this situation is the price of the product. This illustrates a one-to-one relation wherein a
distinct amount corresponds to a certain product.
2. Mr. Marquez, a Mathematics teacher asked his students to measure the diameter and
circumference of several round containers or lids and record that data in a table. What do you
think they would discover and what is the function rule?
In this example, the diameter is the input while the circumference is the output. This is a function
because all circumferences divided by its diameter will produce the same value regardless of
radius which is the rough approximation of pi. The result will always be a constant ratio.
3. Margareth is being paid ₱ 50.00 per hour in doing a certain job. Working 5 days a week for 8
hours per day, she’s able to received ₱ 2,000 per week. How do you the situation illustrate a
The function here shows a situation wherein Margareth was being paid for her doing a specific
job. The hourly pay rate corresponds to the number of hours worked which is the function of her
weekly salary. Moreover, this indicates a many-to-one relationship because the domain which
are the employees including Margareth is getting the same amount of salary or also called the
4. To measure the height of a Narra tree, a group of Senior High School students measure its
shadow using a meter stick. How do you think functions can be applied in the situation?
The Senior High School students measuring the height of the Narra tree is also an application of
a function. This is because the length of the shadow of the tree which they determined is a
function of its height and the time of day they did the experiment.
Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 1, Lesson 1

Week 1

A. Read and analyze the following statements. If

you think the statement suggests an incorrect idea, rewrite it on the given space, otherwise leave
it blank.
1. A relation is a set of ordered pairs where the first element is called the range while the second
element is the domain.
A relation is a set of ordered pairs where the first element is called the domain while the second
element is the range.
2. A function can be classified as one-to-one correspondence, one-to-many correspondence and
many-to-one correspondence.
A function can be classified as one-to-one correspondence and one-to-many correspondence.
3. In a function machine, the input represents the independent variable while the output is the
dependent variable.

B. In three to five sentences, write the significance of function in showing real-life situations.
Function is a great concept in showing real-life situations because it presents the relationship
between two elements. It determines the input and the output in a given situation. By using the
function rule, we can find an unknown value with the help of what we know. Therefore, we can
use it to simulate ideas and perceive how things interact with one another.
C. In your own words, discuss when a piecewise function is being used.
We use piecewise functions to illustrate situations in which a rule or relationship varies as the
input value crosses certain “boundaries” which affects the overall output. This occurs when
certain functions behave differently according to changes that can happen within the domain. For
example, when we encounter situations in business for which the cost per piece of a certain item
is discounted once the number ordered exceeds a specific value.
Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 1, Lesson 1

Week 1

At home or in your community, look for at least three (3)

situations that could represent functions. From the identified situations, write a sample problem
and its corresponding function equation.
Situation: The monthly cost of the internet service is a function of the connection time.
Problem: Vidamo Family has an internet service that currently has a monthly access fee of ₱999
and a connection fee of ¢0.50 per hour. Represent their monthly cost (f) as a function of
connection time (x) in an fhour.
Function: f (x)=999+0.50 x

Situation: The cost of the tilapia is a function of the total number of kilograms bought.
Problem: Aling Myrna is going to the supermarket to buy tilapia. A kilogram of tilapia is ₱50
but if she buys 4 or more kilograms, it'll only be ₱40 per kg. Create a piecewise function to
represent the cost (f) in terms of the number of kilograms of tilapias (x) bought.

Function: f (x)= {
50 x if x < 4
40 x if x ≥ 4

Situation: The price of the ordered teacups is a function of the number of pieces bought.
Problem: Lisa is ordering teacups from Shopee for her tea party. For orders of 20 or fewer cups,
the price is ₱57 per cup plus ₱20 shipping fee. For orders of more than 20 cups, the price is ₱42
per cup plus ₱30 shipping fee. Illustrate a piecewise function to describe the price of cups (f) in
terms of the number of pieces (x) bought.
Function: f (x)= {
57 x +20 if x ≤ 20
42 x+ 30if x >20

Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 2, Lesson 1

Week 1

A. Complete the following statements to share

your understanding about the different types of functions. Answer using your own words.
1. A polynomial function is a function that involves only non-negative integer powers or only
positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation like the quadratic equation, cubic
equation, etc. For example, 2x+5 is a polynomial that has exponent equal to 1.
2. An exponential function is defined as a function with a positive constant other than 1 raised to
a variable exponent. In an exponential function, the independent variable, or x-value, is the
exponent, while the base is a constant. A simple example is the function f(x) = 2x.
3. A rational function is defined as the quotient of polynomials in which the denominator has a
degree of at least 1. In other words, there must be a variable in the denominator. For example, the
excluded value of the function y=2/x + 3 is –3. That is, when x=−3, the value of y is undefined.
So, the domain of this function is set of all real numbers except −3.
4. An absolute value function is a function that contains an algebraic expression within absolute
value symbols. It is an equation in which the unknown variable appears in absolute value bars.
For example, |x|=4, |2x−1|=3, |5x+2|−4=9.
5. A greatest integer function is a function that returns a constant value for each specific interval.
These functions are normally represented by an open and closed bracket, [ ]. The equation f(x) =
[-5.678] is an example.

B. Fill in the blanks to show how we evaluate functions.

Evaluating function is the process of determining the value of the function at the number
assigned to a given variable. Just like in evaluating algebraic expressions, you just need to
substitute the variable in the expression with the assigned value, then calculate the given in the
expression using the correct order of operations. Don’t forget to simplify your answer.
Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 2, Lesson 1

Week 1

In this part of the module, you will apply your knowledge on evaluating functions in solving
real-life situations. Write your complete answer on the given space.

1. Mark charges ₱100.00 for an encoding work. In addition, he charges ₱5.00 per page of printed
a. Find a function f(x) where x represents the number page of printed out.
 f(x) = 5x + 100
b. How much will Mark charge for 55-page encoding and printing work?
 Php. 375

2. Under certain circumstances, a virus spreads according to the function:

P (t)= −0.3 t
Where P(t) is the proportion of the population that has the virus and (t) represents the days after
the acquisition of virus. Find P(4) and P(10) and interpret the results.
P ( 4 )= =0.14

P ( 10 )= =0.38
The rate of the spreading of the virus increases as the days after the acquisition also increases.

Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 3, Lesson 1

Week 1

Complete the worksheet below with what have

you learned regarding operations on functions. Write your own definition and steps on
performing each functions operation. You may give your own example to better illustrate your
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Composition
We can add two We can subtract We can multiply We can multiply We can do
functions by two functions by two functions by two functions by composition by:
solving for each solving for each solving for each solving for each
individual function individual function individual function individual function Example:
first and then first and then first and then first and then f(x) = 3x – 4 and
adding the like subtracting the like simplifying the simplifying the g(x) = x2.
terms: terms: polynomials: polynomials: Find (f  ○ g)(x) and
(g  ○  f)(x).
(f  ○  g)(x) = f(g(x))
(f + g)(x) = f(x) + (f – g)(x) = f(x) – (f•g)(x) = f(x)•g(x) (f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x)
g(x) g(x)
f(x2) = 3x2 – 4
Example: Example: (g  ○f)(x) = g(f(x))
Example: Example: f(x) = 3x – 5 and f(x) = 3x2 + 4x – 3
f(x) = 2x2 + 3x – 4 f(x) = 2x2 + 3x – 4 g(x) = x and g(x) = x
and g(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 2x + 3 (f/g)(x) = (3x2 + 4x – g(3x – 4) = (3x – 4)2
(f + g)(x) = (2x2 + 3x (f – g)(x) = (2x2 + 3x 3)/x
– 4) + (2x + 3) – 4) – (2x + 3) (f•g)(x) = (3x – = 3x + 4 – 3/x
= 2x2 + 5x – 1 = 2x2 + x – 7 5)•(x)

= 3x2 – 5x
Chase D. Vidamo

Grade-11 Favila

General Mathematics, Module 4, Lesson 1

Week 1

You wanted to join a booth fair, and you are aiming to get a
profit that is twice as your capital. Your starting capital is ₱15,000.00. Make a financial plan for
the booth that you will set up and the product that you will sell. You may use the sample plan

Product: Milk Tea

Description of product: Milk tea is a refreshing flavored iced tea with tapioca balls at the
bottom. Milk is mixed with a tea base, fruits, and flavored syrups, and later, the tapioca balls
are added.
Goal: sell 450 cups of milk tea in under one week.
Capital: ₱15,000.00
Fixed Cost (Labor, Machineries, Expenses for the booth etc): Php 6000
Variable Cost (Materials, Ingredients, etc): Php 9000
Profit function: f(x) = x(n) – 15,000
Prove that profit function will yield an amount that is twice the capital
x = 100 n = 450
f(x) = x(n) – 15,000
f(x) = 100(450) – 15,000
f(x) = 45,000 – 15,000
f(x) = Php 30,000

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