Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of Weekly Test
different listening strategies to of grammatical structures of the elements of literary and sentences and paragraphs in
comprehend texts English to be able to expository texts for creative expressing ideas
communicate effectively in interpretation
oral and written forms
demonstrates understanding of
demonstrates understanding punctuation marks, rhythm,
of punctuation marks, rhythm, pacing, intonation and vocal
pacing, intonation and vocal patterns as guide for fluent
patterns as guide for fluent reading and speaking
reading and speaking
B. Performance Standards uses information from texts viewed shows proficiency in uses information derived from composes three-to-five sentence
or listened to in preparing logs and constructing grammatically texts in presenting varied oral paragraph
journals correct sentences in varied and written activities accurately
theme-based oral and written and fluently reads aloud literary
activities accurately and and informational texts
fluently reads aloud literary
and informational texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Activate prior knowledge based on Uses Descriptive adjectives Distinguish fact from opinion Use appropriate punctuation
Objectives new knowledge EN3GS-IIIb- EN3RC-IIIa 2.13 marks
( Write the LC code for each) EN3LC-IIIa-j-1.1 EN3WC-IIId-e-2.6
Read aloud from familiar Read aloud from familiar prose
prose and poetry and poetry
Consisting of Consisting of
Long vowel words with Long vowel words with fluency,
fluency, appropriate rhythm, appropriate rhythm, pacing and
pacing and intonation intonation
EN3F-IIIa-j-1.10.1 EN3F-IIIa-j-1.10.1
A Learning Experience for Malou Using Descriptive Adjectives Fact and Opinion Writing Sentence and
CONTENT Words and Sentence with Punctuation Marks
( Subject Matter) /au/ and /aw/ diphthongs
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 244-248 244-248 244-248 244-248
2. Learners Material Pages 240-248 240-248 240-248 240-248
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing past lesson Unlocking of Difficulty. Checking of Assignment. Checking of Assignment. Checking of Assignment.
or Presenting the new Use picture that shows freedom,
lesson patriotic, symbol.
B. Establishing a purpose Show Philippine Flag, Answer Activity 208 on Answer Activity 211 on LM Show different punctuation
of the new lesson Ask “What do you know about Lmp.241. p.245. marks. ( ., ?, ! )
Philippine Flag ? “
C. Presenting Examples/ Present the story “ A Learning Present the following Present the ff sentences on Present ff sentences.
instances of the new Experience for Malou “ sentences. board. 1. The boy is crying.
lesson Ask: What do you think is the story 1. Almira has a square bag. 1. The Philippine Flag is made up 2. What is your name?
about? 2. The Philippine flag has of three colors. 3. Wow! Fabulous.
Original File Submitted and yellow stars. 2.There are three major islands
Formatted by DepEd Club Member - 3. Blue,red and white are the in our country.
visit for more three colors of our flag. 3.Fr.Cruz believes that
4. The Philippine flag is Philippines is a peaceful country.
5.The white part of our flag is
D. Discussing new Read aloud the story “ A Learning Ask the pupils to underline Ask: What do you notice with What are the four kinds of
concepts and practicing Experience for Malou. descriptive words. the sentences? sentences?
new skills no.1.
Discussing new Comprehension Check about the What are adjectives? Discuss difference between Fact Discuss Punctuation Marks and
concepts and story. and opinion. when to use it.
practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery Answer Activity 207 on Lm p.240. Answer Activity 209 on LM Ask pupils to give examples of Answer Activity 214 on LMp.248.
(Leads to Formative Assessment p.241. fact and opinion.
J. Additional activities for Answer Activity 207 on Lm Letter C Answer Activity 210 letter B Answer Activity 213 on LM Answer Activity 214 Letter C on
application and p.241. on LMp.210. p.247. LMp.248.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?