Disperse Dye
Disperse Dye
Disperse Dye
Disperse dyes:
The term “disperse dye” have been applied to the organic colouring substances which are free from
ionizing groups, are of low water solubility and are suitable for dyeing hydrophobic fibres. The dye
has derived its name for its insoluble aqueous properties and the need to apply it from an aqueous
dispersion. Of all the dyes, they are of the smallest molecular size. Disperse dyes have substantivity
for one or more hydrophobic fibres e.g. cellulose acetate, nylon, polyester, acrylic and other
synthetic fibres.
Disperse dyes are nonionic dyes. So, they are free from ionizing group.
They are ready made dyes and are insoluble in water or have very low water solubility.
They are organic coloring substances which are suitable for dyeing hydrophobic fibres.
Disperse dyes are used for dyeing man made cellulose ester and synthetic fibres specially
acetate and polyester fibres and sometimes nylon and acrylic fibres.
Disperse dyes have fair to good light fastness with rating about 4-5.
The wash fastness of these dyes is moderate to good with rating about 3-4.
Of all dyestuffs disperse dyes are of smallest molecular size.
Generally disperse dyes are derivatives of azo, anthroquinone, nitro and quinine groups.
Dispersing Agent:
Disperse dyes are insoluble in water and form aqueous dispersion in water. Since they are water
insoluble, they will give uneven dyeing if they are directly used in dye bath. So, to ensure uniform
and trouble free dyeing the dye should be present in dye bath in a uniform and very fine form and
should give a stable dispersion. This is the reason for which a special chemical is used in dye bath
named dispersing agent. They should be effective under dyeing conditions, stable to hard water,
high temperature and other dyeing assistants. For example, alkali sulphates, alkyl aryl sulphonates
etc. are some surface active agents which are recommended as dispersing agents in disperse dyeing.
Reduction Cleaning:
In case of dark shade dyeing, we have to use more amounts of dye and chemicals. But, these
chemicals should be removed from fabric after dyeing. For this reason, a special process is used in
case of disperse dyeing. This cleaning process is called reduction cleaning. By reduction cleaning,
surface dye molecules or unfixed dye molecules are stripped and this in turn results in level dyeing.
Reduction cleaning also improves wash fastness property of textile material.
It has been established that certain hydrocarbons, phenols, amino acids, amides, alcohols, esters,
ketones, nitriles etc. accelerate the rate of dyeing polyester fibre with disperse dyes from aqueous
medium at temperature up to 100°C. These dyeing assistants alter the dispersing properties of the
dyes and the physical characteristics of the fibre so that more dye can be transferred from the dye
bath to the fibre. These are called carriers and are necessary for dyeing polyester fibres at the
normal pressure and temperature below 100°C to increase the dyeing rate and to permit dye
migration within the fibre.
The extreme crystalline nature of polyester fibres creates problems in obtaining dark shades by
conventional dyeing methods even at high temperature. The carriers are found to assist the disperse