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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction, Quarter 2, Week 7


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

The learners are able to:
• discuss differently community-based practices for managing disaster risk to
specific hazards (DRR11/12-Iig-h-44)
• develop a community preparedness plan (DRR11/12-Iig-h-45)

Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. identify the four themes in disaster risk reduction management framework that will
help them in creating their own community preparedness plans;
2. make an infographic about Disaster Preparedness Plan by integrating the four (4)
thematic area of DRRR management; and
3. appreciate the importance of creating a Disaster Preparedness Plan.

Key Concepts:
Lesson 1: Best Practices
Good Practices for DRR

In this lecture, two (2) initiatives done in different parts of the world are presented. These are
considered good practices, they provide an indication of the success achieved so far and an idea
of what could be achieved in the future.

Two projects in promoting prevention.

1. Children Assess their Own Vulnerabilities, Plan Risk Reduction (Philippines)
2. Annual “Earthquake and Safety” Drills in all Schools across the Country


More than half of the population at risk in the Philippines
is children, yet their specific vulnerabilities, needs and
capacities have not been addressed, nor has their
potential role in disaster risk reduction (DRR) been
recognized. To address this, a project called “Child-
Participatory Risk Assessment and Planning” (COPRAP)
was implemented. The project promoted disaster
planning for children through development of tools that
help children identify their own needs, vulnerabilities
Image source:
and capacities. Subsequently, the community adopted
DRR measures that benefited both the children and the
rest of the community. More importantly, the Project
paved the way for local-level initiatives towards an
integrated and sustainable approach to development.

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
• The project was sustainable and it paved • Children can play specific roles before, during
the way for local level initiatives toward an and after a disaster such as preparation of
integrated and sustainable approach to supplies or other basic needs
development. • In addition to food and clothing, children have a
• It debunked the notion that disaster primary need for educational material such as
management is solely the responsibility of books, bags, pencils and notebooks.
adults • Questionnaires and activities help understand
the needs of a community before, during and after
a disaster.


Iran has sought to educate children and youngsters
on disaster preparedness at all school levels on a
national scale, in both urban and rural areas.
“Earthquake and Safety” programs have been carried
out in the country since 1991 by the Iran-based
International Institute of Earthquake Engineering
and Seismology (IIEES), and school safety programs
have been under way since 1996. The Initiative, called
“Earthquake and Safety Drills in Schools”, is part of a
series of activities aimed at protecting people,
especially children, from the impacts of future
earthquakes. The Initiative also involves developing
Image source: https://www.philstar.com/the-
and implementing a comprehensive program that
freeman/cebu- addresses all groups in society.


• The drills have helped expand a seismic • Education plays a key role in promoting safety
safety culture, spread the “drill” experience measures against earthquakes and spreading
to non-school areas, and make them in the society.
“Earthquake and Safety” a national activity. • A major challenge initially was to secure the
• Promotes a culture of safety at all levels of cooperation of many institutions and
society organizations such as mass media. This was
• Increase children’s knowledge, and share overcome through persistent advocacy and
this knowledge with their families, friends continuous follow-up to secure cooperation of
and community. many institutions.

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
Lesson 2: Development of Community Preparedness Plan

Four (4) themes in disaster risk reduction management framework.

Image source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/5295723/




Disaster risk reduction in national

and local plans and programs.
Hazard and risk mapping.
Activities related to ensuring the
(a) people are prepared and
(b) response will be carried out
efficiently and effectively
Restoration of life lines and basic
infrastructure. Early recovery
Long term recovery and prevention
and mitigation – “building back better

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph

DEPARTMENT OF GOAL: Avoid hazards and mitigate their potential impacts by

SCIENCE AND reducing vulnerabilities and exposure and enhancing capacities
TECHNOLOGY of communities
• Reduce vulnerabilities and exposure of communities to health
• Enhance capacities of communities to reduce their own risks
and cope with the impacts of all hazards


GOAL: Establish and strengthen capacities of communities to

anticipate, cope and recover from the negative impacts of
DEPARTMENT OF THE emergency occurrences and disasters
INTERIOR AND LOCAL • Increase level of awareness of the community to threats and
GOVERNMENT impacts of all hazards
• Equip the community with necessary skills to cope with the
negative impacts of a disaster
• Increase the capacity of a community
• Develop and implement disaster preparedness policies and
• Strengthen partnership among all key stakeholders


DEPARTMENT OF GOAL: Provide life preservation and meet the basic subsistence
SOCIAL WELFARE AND needs of affected population based in acceptable standards
DEVELOPMENT during or immediately after a disaster
1. Decrease the number of preventable deaths and injuries
2. Provide basic subsistence needs of affected population
3. Immediately restore basic social services


NATIONAL ECONOMIC GOAL: Restore and improve facilities, livelihood and living
AND DEVELOPMENT conditions and organization capacities of affected
AUTHORITY communities, and reduce disaster risks in accordance with the
”build back better” principle
1. Restore people’s means of livelihood and continuity of
economic activities
2. Restore shelter and other installations
3. Reconstruct infrastructure and other public utilities
4. Assist in the physical and psychological rehabilitation of
persons who suffered from the effects of disaster

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
Activity 1. Survey time.
What you need: Separate sheet of paper, sample survey questionnaires, pen
What to do: Conduct a survey and use the guide survey questions below to gather
information and data from your community/barangay about their Disaster Preparedness
Best-Practices. The data gathered will be used for the next activity.
Survey Questionnaires.

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
Activity 2. Have a Collab!
What you need: separate sheet of paper, Sample survey questionnaires, pen
What to do: Based on the survey, collaborate with your classmate through text or call on the
best-practices of their barangay in terms of Disaster Preparedness.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the best-practices you have learned from the other community? _________________
2. Based on your sharing, how would you improve the DRRM practices in your community?
3. How does COVID-19 pandemic affects the disaster preparedness practices of the
communities? __________________________________________________________________________

Activity 3. Infographic Disaster Preparedness Plan.

What you need: separate sheet of paper, pen
What to do: With the thematic areas in mind, formulate an Infographic Disaster Plan in your
community/barangay by thinking an activity in each thematic area (Preparedness,
Prevention & Mitigation, Response and Rehabilitation & Recovery) that can be locally
done for a common hazard. Make use of available materials and resources that can be found
in your home. Below are examples of Infographics about disaster plan. Dimension is 8.5
inches by 13 inches portrait or equivalent to a long bond paper.

Image source: Image source:

https://www.allstatenewsroom.com/ https://in.pinterest.com/pin/105271710014126579/ 6

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
Rubric in Assessing Activity 2: Infographic Disaster Plan
4 3 2 1 0
Lay out is
organized Layout could
Layout is
and uses use
Generally good disorganized,
consistent improvement. No layout or
Design layout. Has no obvious
style. Color Two or more scheme –
(Layout, minor organization.
scheme has inconsistent just random
Color inconsistency or Layout
visual appeal elements. elements,
Scheme, one distracting distracts
and works Hard to read colors and
Fonts) element. Color from content.
with content. fonts. Layout fonts.
scheme clashes Color scheme
Fonts are distracts from
is confusing.
legible and content.
One or two Not enough
thematic areas application of
Content application of Lacking in
used incorrectly the four (4)
(Application the four (4) application of
or without thematic
of the DRRR the content.
explanation. areas. Data is
thematic thematic Not enough No real data
Adequate sparse. Data
areas, areas. More facts or data. of facts are
amount of data. might not
Quality of than enough Data is from present
Data demonstrate
Data, data to make poor or
demonstrate the trend or
Quantity of claims. Data questionable
trend, claim. claim. Data
Data from good source.
Data from good from good
sources. sources.
Claim and
main idea is
obvious and
easy to
Clarity Claim, main Claim, main
understand. Infographic
(Makes a idea is idea is made.
No makes a poor Claim, main
claim, understandable. Some
unnecessary initial idea is
Efficiency, No unnecessary graphics or
graphic or impression. missing
Makes clear graphics or visuals are
visuals. Confusing
impression visuals unneeded
makes a good

Give the importance of creating a disaster preparedness plan in your own home. Write your
5-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper.


3 – Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts, and

has no misconception
2 - Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts, but
with minimal misconception
1 - Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts, but
with misconception
0 – No discussion

Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph
Commission on Higher Education (CHED). 2016 Disaster Risk Reduction Management.
Quezon City. Commission on Higher Education.


Author: Ma. Isabel Katrina N. Borja

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address: maisabelkatrina.borja@deped.gov.ph

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