A Review of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
A Review of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
A Review of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
Progress in Energy
1. Introduction
The use of moving water in rivers to provide useful energy has been practiced for millennia. Since the 1880s,
hydroelectricity has been a major component of global electricity production. In 2019, global installed
hydroelectric power capacity reached 1310 Gigawatts (GW) [1]. Energy production from hydro in 2018 was
4300 Terawatt-hours (TWh) which represents 17% of global electricity production [2].
Hydroelectricity is valuable in an electricity system because it is easily capable of following variable load
by varying the flow of water through the turbine. This minimizes the need for slow-response coal-fired and
nuclear power systems to follow electricity demand as it rises and falls.
China has the largest amount of hydropower capacity followed by the European Union, Brazil and the
United States of America (figure 1).
When normalized for population, mountainous countries including Iceland, Norway, Bhutan, Canada
and Switzerland head the list (figure 2). The rapid response capability of hydro can be used to help balance
electrical supply and demand. A premium is normally paid for flexible, rapid response hydro energy, and
some countries earn substantial income by exporting hydroelectricity.
Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) has been in use for more than a century to assist with load
balancing in the electricity industry. PHES entails pumping water from a lower reservoir to a nearby upper
reservoir when there is spare power generation capacity (for example, on windy and sunny days) and
allowing the water to return to the lower reservoir through a turbine to generate electricity when there is a
supply shortfall (for example, during the evening).
PHES comprises about 96% of global storage power capacity and 99% of global storage energy volume
[3]. Some countries have substantial PHES capacity to help balance supply and demand (figure 3). For
Figure 1. Hydropower capacity (Gigawatts) for selected countries and regions in 2019 [1].
Figure 2. Hydropower capacity [1] per person (Watts person−1 ) for selected countries and regions in 2019.
example, Japan’s PHES capacity was constructed to help follow varying power demand, allowing its nuclear
and fossil fuel fleet to operate at nearly constant power output.
Batteries occupy most of the balance of the electricity storage market. Battery storage includes utility,
home and electric vehicle batteries. Batteries are rapidly falling in price and can compete with PHES for
short-term storage (minutes to hours). PHES is much cheaper for large-scale energy storage (overnight or
several days) and has much longer technical lifetime (50–100 years). All prices in this article are in United
States dollars.
The global electricity system is rapidly transitioning away from fossil fuel power systems and towards
renewable energy (figure 4) [4]. About two thirds of net global annual generation power capacity additions
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Figure 4. Net global annual generation nominal power capacity additions [1, 4–9]. Reproduced from [4]. CC BY 4.0.
are solar photovoltaics (PV) (figure 5) and wind (figure 6). This is because of rapid declines in the cost of PV
and wind.
Construction of new hydroelectric systems is declining. Reasons for this include competition from solar
and wind; opposition on environmental and social grounds; and many of the good sites have already been
developed. Hydro generation is fundamentally limited by availability of suitable rivers, whereas wind and
solar have effectively unlimited resources in most regions.
Solar and wind are variable electricity sources, with power output rising and falling according to the
availability of sunshine and wind. Terawatts (TW) of solar and wind will be deployed as part of deep
renewable electrification [4] of the global energy system.
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Substantial storage will be needed to support PV and wind, which provides a large opportunity for
pumped hydro storage.
For low penetration of solar and wind in an electricity grid (typically less than about one quarter),
existing conventional generators (mostly coal, gas and hydro) can adequately balance supply and demand.
However, as the penetration of wind and solar increases, the need for additional storage eventually becomes
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Figure 7. Per capita installed nominal power capacity and deployment rate for solar and wind in selected countries (average of
2018 and 2019) [1].
In some countries, the amount of variable wind and solar electricity is already rising rapidly. This
enhances the need for additional storage. The amount of storage needed is generally smaller if both PV and
wind are deployed, since they often generate electricity at different times. Strong interconnection over large
areas (million square kilometers) using high voltage transmission greatly reduces the amount of required
storage because sunny or windy weather in one place can offset lack of generation in another place where it is
cloudy and still.
Large-scale storage is needed sooner in regions where solar and wind penetration is higher and where
there are weak or absent transmission links to neighboring regions or countries. Figure 7 illustrates the solar
PV and wind industries in terms of installed nominal power capacity per person and the deployment rate per
person in selected countries and regions.
In Australia, solar PV and wind comprise 99% of new generation capacity; the deployment rate of new
renewables is ten times faster per capita than the global average and four times faster per capita than in
Europe, China, Japan or the USA (figure 8).
The fraction of solar and wind electricity supplied to Australia’s National Electricity Market, which was
9% in 2017, increased to 24% in 2020 and will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Solar and wind
reached 70% of the electricity in the state of South Australia and is likely to reach 100% by 2025. Australia is
an industrialized country that is isolated from neighbouring electricity networks, and hence cannot share
electricity across national boundaries. About 85% of Australia’s greenhouse emissions are caused by use of
fossil fuels. Australia is demonstrating that a rapid switch to solar and wind is feasible at low cost, with
consequent reduction in emissions.
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Figure 8. Deployment rate of renewables (principally solar PV and wind) in various regions in terms of Watts person−1 yr−1
[1, 10].
Australia has no prospects for significant additional river-based hydroelectric systems to help balance
demand against supply of solar and wind electricity. It is turning to new Gigawatt-scale long-distance
transmission, PHES and battery storage. About a dozen PHES systems are under serious consideration and
one is under construction (Snowy 2.0, 2 GW, 0.35 TWh [11]). Australia is a pathfinder [4] for the three
quarters of humanity who live in the sunbelt (lower than 35 degrees of latitude) where there is high and
consistent solar insolation throughout the year and no cold winters, and where most of the global growth in
population, energy use and Greenhouse emissions is occurring.
4. Hydro technology
Hydroelectricity production entails diversion of water from a river through a turbine to generate electricity.
Some hydroelectric systems include dams that store large volumes of water. Others are run-of-river which
include small or nearly zero storage, with energy production rising and falling according to day-to-day
rainfall in the river catchment. A run-of-river hydroelectric power station that is downstream of a large dam
takes advantage of storage in that dam to reduce dependence on day-to-day rainfall.
Water is conveyed from the water intake to the turbine and returned to the river through use of tunnels
or pipes (‘penstocks’), sometimes augmented with aqueducts. The pipe/tunnel must withstand large
pressures. Depending on local geology, geography and the head, tunnels are sometimes partially or fully lined
with concrete or steel.
The turbine spins in response to flow of high-pressure water. The turbine is attached to the generator
which spins to produce electricity, which is sent to the switchyard for voltage transformation and
transmission to distant loads. The turbine and generator are housed in the powerhouse, which can be
underground. Multiple pipes are typically used to deliver water to multiple turbines within the powerhouse.
In pumped hydroelectricity storage systems, the turbine can become a pump: instead of the generator
producing electricity, electricity can be supplied to the generator which causes the generator and turbine to
spin in the reverse direction and pump water from a lower to an upper reservoir. Sometimes the pump and
the turbine are separate items of equipment, but more commonly they are combined.
The power capacity of a hydroelectric system refers to the maximum rate of energy production. It is
typically measured in Megawatts (MW) or GW where 1 GW equals 1000 MW.
The energy of a hydroelectric system refers to the amount of energy stored as potential energy in the
upper reservoir. It is typically measured in Gigawatt-hours (GWh). A reservoir with 10 GWh of storage could
operate with power of 1 GW for 10 h.
The head refers to the altitude difference between the water intake and the water egress. Since the cost of
most components is largely independent of the head, a larger head will generally allow cheaper electricity
generation and storage on a per-unit basis. Typical heads are in the range 100–800 m, although larger and
smaller heads are sometimes used. The electrical power generated by the water as it passes through the
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turbine is equal to the product of the head (in metres), the water flow rate (in l s−1 ), the gravitational
constant (9.8 m s−1 ) and the generation efficiency.
The efficiency of generation is about 90%. This means that 10% of the energy stored in an upper
reservoir is lost when the water passes through the turbine to produce electricity. In a complete PHES cycle,
water is pumped from a lower to an upper reservoir and at a later time returns to the lower reservoir, with a
round-trip efficiency of about 80%. In other words, about 20% of the electricity is lost in a complete
pumping/generation cycle.
For example, a flow of 100 m3 of water per second through a turbine/generator operating at 90%
efficiency in a system with a head of 570 m will yield electrical power of 500 MW.
Hydroelectric systems that include large reservoirs can offer seasonal storage. Sufficient water is harvested
from a river during the wet season and stored to allow significant electricity generation for many
months.Large reservoirs can store thousands of GWh of energy.
Dams for hydroelectric systems are variously constructed of earth, rock and concrete and include a layer
that is impervious to water such as concrete, asphalt, clay, plastic or steel. Structural integrity of a dam is
usually by the Earth’s gravity holding dam materials in place against the horizontal force exerted by the
impounded water. Walls that curve into the reservoir can take advantage of the principle of the arch in
combination with gravity. Dams constructed mostly of earth and rock can use local materials sourced from
within the reservoir-to-be to minimize transport costs.
Dams impounding large amounts of water require particularly careful engineering because of large-scale
adverse consequences of dam failure. Threats include earthquakes, floods overtopping reservoir walls,
internal erosion caused by leaks in impervious layers and deliberate or accidental human actions. A
well-designed and constructed dam can have a service life of a century or more and needs little maintenance.
A substantial part of the cost of a dam on a river is associated with accommodating occasional large
floods. This includes construction of dam walls that are higher and stronger than required for everyday river
flows, and construction of well-engineered spillways to safely divert flood waters over, through or around the
dam wall.
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Figure 9. Tumut 3 on-river hydroelectric system (Snowy Hydro Ltd). Reproduced with permission from Snowy Hydro Ltd.
days) because weather systems including cloud and wind bands move relatively slowly across the landscape.
Technical failure rates of large numbers of small generators can be predicted statistically with high precision.
Thus, the overall supply of PV and wind energy will be less prone to rapid unpredicted variations than in
fossil or nuclear energy systems which have a small number of large generators, any one of which could fail
However, failure of a high-power transmission line can cause rapid reduction in energy supply in any
grid. Batteries respond very quickly (sub-seconds) to disturbances in frequency by injecting or absorbing
energy, thus providing ‘synthetic inertia’. The capabilities of a grid-scale battery to provide balancing support
in a large system dominated by wind and solar has been demonstrated in South Australia [12].
PHES has characteristics that are well-suited for balancing large amounts of variable, inverter-based wind
and PV. PHES has rapid response (from idle to full output in a time span of 20 s to a few minutes). PHES has
rotational inertia if the generator is spinning, to replace the loss of the rotational inertia associated with
conventional thermal generators when they retire. PHES has black start capability, meaning that an
electricity system can be restarted after complete collapse of supply without the need for electricity supply to
start the generators. Together, batteries and PHES can completely replace the ancillary services hitherto
provided by fossil and nuclear generators [13].
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Figure 10. Google Earth synthetic image of a Gigawatt-rated off-river PHES site at Presenzano in Italy, showing the two reservoirs
(upper right and lower left) with a head of 500 m (vertical scale exaggerated). Map data ©2021 Google.
(‘brownfield’). Off-river PHES utilises conventional hydroelectric technology for construction of reservoirs,
tunnels, pipes, powerhouse, electromechanical equipment, control systems, switchyard and transmission,
but in a novel configuration.
The energy that is stored in an off-river PHES system is usually lower than in a major river-based
hydroelectric dam with similar power rating. For example, a pair of 100 Ha reservoirs with a head of 600 m,
an average depth of 20 m, a usable fraction of water of 90% and a round trip efficiency of 80% can store
18 Gigalitres of water with energy potential of 24 GWh, which means that it could operate at a power of
1 GW for 24 h. This is much smaller than the Three-Gorges Dam in China (23 GW, 87 000 GWh annual
energy production) but much larger than a utility-scale battery such as the Hornsdale Power Reserve in
Australia (0.15 GW, 0.2 GWh) [14].
An off-river PHES system has the advantage that flood mitigation costs are minimal compared with a
river-based PHES system. Heads are generally better than river-based systems because the upper reservoir
can be on a high hill rather than higher in the same valley as the lower reservoir. Environmental costs of
damming rivers are avoided with off-river PHES, which helps with social acceptance. The much greater
number of off-river sites compared with on-river sites allows much wider site choice from environmental,
social, geological, hydrological, logistical and other points of view.
Another advantage is that construction of off-river pumped hydro can be much faster than other storage
methods. Bespoke engineering in mountainous river valleys is unnecessary. Work can proceed in parallel on
the two reservoirs, the water conveyance, the powerhouse and the transmission. Construction timetables of
2–3 years are feasible for 10 GWh storages, although longer periods would be typical. Although an individual
battery can be completed in a few months, it is typically two orders of magnitude smaller than an off-river
pumped hydro system, so the true speed of installation in terms of MW month−1 and Megawatt-hours
(MWh) month−1 are modest.
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Figure 11. Greenfield pumped hydro sites [16]. Image credit: Data61 hosting and Bing Map background.
Figure 12. Greenfield 50 GWh sites in the United States of America. The redder dots are superior sites [16]. Image credit: Data61
hosting and Bing Map background.
The use of efficient computer algorithms [15] is key to searching large areas for good sites. A global
survey of greenfield off-river PHES was undertaken by the Australian National University. A total of 616 000
good sites [16, 17] around the world were found in the latitude range 60◦ N to 56◦ S. Each site comprises a
closely spaced reservoir pair with defined energy storage potential of 2, 5, 15, 50 or 150 GWh. All identified
sites are outside of major urban or protected areas. Each site is categorised into a cost-class (A through E)
according to a cost model described below, with class A costing approximately half as much per unit of
energy storage volume as class E.
For context, to support 100% renewables electricity (90% wind and solar PV, 10% existing hydro and
bio), Australia needs storage [18] energy and storage power of about 500 GWh and 25 GW respectively. This
corresponds to 20 GWh of storage energy and 1 GW of storage power per million people. Australia is an
isolated country, and has high energy use per capita, similar to the aspirations of most countries.
The combined storage potential of the 616 000 identified sites is 23 million GWh (figure 11), which is 150
times more than required to support a 100% renewable global electricity system using Australia as a per
capita benchmark. The identified sites are preferably widely distributed to support regional grids. An Atlas of
off-river PHES sites is available at the Australian Government’s Australian Renewable Energy Mapping
Infrastructure sites at [16]. Users can pan and zoom to see detail of all 616 000 sites (figures 12 and 13).
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Figure 13. Individual greenfield site [16] showing upper reservoir (light blue), lower reservoir (dark blue), connecting tunnel
route and information pop-up. Image credit: Data61 hosting and Bing Map background.
The ANU is now working on expanding this work to a brownfield survey. The aim is to survey the
vicinity of existing reservoirs and mining pits to find out whether there is a possible matching reservoir site
that could be used to form a good pumped hydro pair.
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fixed storage time such as 6 h. This can sometimes be useful when comparing similar systems but is
misleading when comparing different systems such as batteries and pumped hydro. A battery typically has a
storage time of 1 h; i.e. it can operate at full power for one hour. Thus, a 1 h battery with a power of 0.1 GW
has an energy storage of 0.1 GWh. In contrast, a 1 GW off-river pumped hydro system might have 20 h of
storage, equal to 20 GWh.
Planning and approvals are generally easier, quicker, and lower cost for an off-river system compared
with a river-based system.
The cost of storage energy ($ GWh−1 ) primarily relates to the cost of reservoir construction. The cost of
constructing an off-river reservoir includes moving rock to form the walls, a small spillway and a water
intake. Other significant costs could include road access, water access, lining the bottom of the reservoir to
mitigate water leakage and placing evaporation suppressors on the water surface. Forming the walls is usually
the dominant cost and can be approximated by the cost of moving rock ($ m−3 ). The amount of energy
stored in a hydro system is proportional to the head and to the usable water volume of the reservoirs. The
important reservoir metrics are (a) the head and (b) the ratio of water impounded to the rock required to
form the reservoir walls. Doubling the head or doubling the water/rock (W/R) ratio both approximately
halve the effective cost of energy storage ($ GWh−1 ).
The cost of storage power ($ GW−1 ) primarily relates to the cost of the water conveyance and the
powerhouse. Additionally, transmission is sometimes a significant cost depending on distance to a high
voltage powerline.
The expensive component of the water conveyance is the high-pressure pipe or tunnel that spans most of
the altitude difference between the reservoirs. This pipe or tunnel is preferably short and steep. The water
conveyance can include an aqueduct or low-pressure pipeline to minimise the length of expensive
high-pressure pipe or tunnel if the local geography permits. A doubled power rating requires a pipe/tunnel
with larger cross-sectional area to convey double the volume of water per second, but the cost increases less
than proportionally. A doubled head halves the flow of water for a given power rating, thus reducing the cost
of the pipe/tunnel. Thus, large head, large power rating and small effective separation of the reservoirs reduce
the water conveyance cost in terms of $ GW−1 .
The powerhouse cost in terms of $ GW−1 benefits from doubled power rating; although the volume of
water flow per second doubles, the cost of the pump/turbine increases less than proportionally. Doubled
head is desirable because water flow halves for a given power output, allowing a smaller pump/turbine to be
used (albeit with higher pressure rating).
In summary, the energy cost ($ GWh−1 ) is minimized by having large head and large ratio of usable water
volume to volume of rock needed to form the upper and lower reservoirs [17]. The power cost ($ GW−1 ) is
minimized by having large head and large average slope of the pressure pipe or tunnel. As with many
engineering enterprises, systems with larger power and energy are cheaper per unit than smaller systems.
Access to roads, water supply and transmission lines is highly site dependent. Since there is a wide range
of sites to choose between, such costs can be minimized.
Annual operation and maintenance costs plus major refurbishments after 20 and 40 years cost about 1%
of the initial capital cost each year. This corresponds to about 20% of the annualised capital cost assuming
60 year lifetime and 5% real discount rate.
Figure 14 shows the indicative capital cost of 1 GW off-river pumped hydro storage systems [17]. The
importance of large head (500 m and above), large slope and large W/R ratio is illustrated. Systems with large
energy storage volume cost more than smaller systems, but not proportionally so. The capital cost of
high-quality systems with large storage volumes, head, W/R ratio and slope converge to similar numbers
because the 1 GW powerhouse emerges as the dominant cost.
In many countries, no pumped hydro scheme has been constructed for many years (if ever). It is not
unusual in the early stages of an industry for costs to be higher than expected. However, rapid cost reductions
are possible as companies quickly learn to do things better.
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Figure 14. Indicative capital cost of 1 GW off-river pumped hydro systems with combinations of the key cost parameters: energy
storage volume, head, slope and water–rock (W/R) ratio [17].
The discount rate reflects the fact that people value money in the hand more highly than the promise of
future money—which is why interest is charged on money that is loaned. A risky investment uses a higher
discount rate. Almost all the costs of a pumped hydro system are up front, similar to a solar or wind power
station, but unlike a gas power station where most of the costs are for fuel.
A typical real (after subtracting inflation) discount rate for a low-risk investment is 5%. Pumped hydro,
solar and wind energy system costs are sensitive to the discount rate while gas and coal power systems are
sensitive to changes in fuel prices. For a hydro system with a lifetime of 60 years, real discount rates of 1% or
12% approximately halve and double the levelized cost of storage respectively relative to a discount rate
of 5%.
If one system cycles twice as often per year compared with another then the capital cost is spread over
twice the volume of sales and the levelized cost of energy storage is approximately halved.
Figure 15 shows the levelized cost of storage for a range of parameters assuming 5% real discount rate,
60 year operational lifetime and 180 or 360 cycles yr−1 . The levelised cost of storage in this context means the
average difference between the purchase price of energy used to pump water to the upper reservoir (which is
set by the external market and assumed to be $40 MWh−1 in this example calculation) and the required
selling price of the energy from the storage. The required selling price is higher than the purchase price to
cover the capital and operational costs over the system lifetime and the round-trip storage energy losses.
In a real pumped hydro storage income from arbitrage may be highly non-uniform, with a large
proportion coming from very high prices during occasional stress periods for the electricity network, such as
during heat waves (caused by air conditioning) or supply failures elsewhere in the network. Revenue from
ancillary services may also be important, including payments for provision of black start and rapid start
capability, voltage and frequency maintenance, rotational inertia of the generator (to cover sub-second
glitches), and network insurance (maintaining full upper reservoirs over long periods).
7. Environmental impacts
The environmental impact of PHES primarily relates to flooding of land within the reservoirs. If the
reservoirs are located in a river valley then environmental impacts are likely to be more severe than for an
off-river system located away from rivers. Other environmental impacts include construction of roads, pipes
or tunnels for water conveyance, a powerhouse and switchyard, and high voltage transmission lines. Since
there are far more potential off-river than on-river sites it is much easier to choose an off-river site that
minimizes environmental impact.
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Figure 15. Levelised cost of storage for 1 GW off-river pumped hydro systems with combinations of the key parameters: energy
storage volume, head, slope, water–rock (W/R) ratio and cycles yr−1 [17].
Solar PV and wind energy comprise two thirds of net new generation being constructed around the
world. In some countries they comprise nearly 100% of generation power capacity additions. They are both
variable energy sources, with power output rising and falling in response to the sun and the wind. When
small amounts of PV and wind are added to an electricity system, the existing storage and fast-response gas
generators can ensure that the system remains stable. As more and more PV and wind are added, additional
measures will eventually be required.
Methods of ensuring that energy supply and demand in an electricity system is balanced on every time
scale from sub-seconds to months include the addition of storage; the addition of high voltage transmission
to smooth out local weather and demand fluctuations by importing and exporting electricity; and
management of demand to reduce peak demands and respond quickly to supply interruptions.
A recent study [18] examined the amount of storage required to support a 100% renewable electricity
system in Australia which derives 90% of its energy from variable wind and solar and 10% from existing
hydro and bioenergy sources. The analysis matched historical supply and demand for every hour of the year
over many years by including sufficient solar and wind generation, storage and transmission. Australia is an
industrialized country with high per-capita consumption of electricity by world standards
(10 MWh person−1 yr−1 ). It is isolated from its neighbors, has good solar and wind resources, and is
installing solar and wind faster per capita than any other country. It is a global pathfinder [4] for adapting its
electricity network accordingly.
Australia lies mostly in the sunbelt (lower than 35 degrees of latitude) where there is low seasonal
variation of the solar resource and no cold winter. About three quarters of the global population lives in the
sunbelt, including countries in which most of the growth in population, energy consumption and
Greenhouse emissions is occurring. Australia represents a state that much of the world’s population might
aspire to and reach over the next few decades.
Australia’s National Electricity Market spans about 1 million km2 in the eastern and south eastern parts
of the continent. Strong long-distance transmission was found to minimize the amount of required storage.
Broadly speaking, the study concluded that the required storage power and storage energy are 1 GW and
20 GWh per million people respectively. The amount of energy storage required is similar to the average daily
electricity consumption (27 GWh d−1 per million people).
The storage requirements for a particular country would need to be determined by detailed calculations.
An approximate rule of thumb for the amount of storage needed to support a large-area electricity network
with high levels of variable solar and wind is 1 d (24 h) of energy consumption. This allows the day-night
cycle of solar energy output to be accommodated. This storage could be a combination of pumped hydro and
batteries. Demand management is equivalent to storage and can also contribute. Furthermore, occasional
spillage of solar or wind electricity on sunny and windy days when storages are full is economically preferable
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to overbuilding storage to absorb all the generated energy. Typical spillage of solar and wind electricity in
optimized hourly-resolution modelling studies is 5%–25% [18].
8. Future energy
Pumped hydro provides storage for hours to weeks [22, 23] and is overwhelmingly dominant in terms of
both existing storage power capacity and storage energy volume. However, a range of storage technologies
are under development [24].
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The use of home batteries is rapidly increasing, although the small size of home batteries means that they
will have modest impact at a grid scale.
Utility-scale (100 Megawatt) batteries are being widely deployed in many places to provide storage of
electrical energy for sub-seconds to a few hours. These batteries provide far faster, more reliable and more
accurate response to disturbances of frequency and voltage in the grid than traditional techniques such as gas
generators [12].
Demand management is akin to storage in many respects. Demand management can include paying
people to reduce air conditioning loads during a stress period, avoiding charging electric vehicles during
evening peak periods, moving water heating to daytime, switching off aluminium smelters for a few hours, or
even paying some factories to have a holiday if an occasional wet windless week in winter is forecast.
Deep electrification of most energy functions through the use of solar and wind energy can drive all gas,
oil and coal out of the global economy. Emissions reductions of three quarters or more [4] would result.
Roughly speaking, electricity demand needs to triple [25] in order to electrify transport (via electric
vehicles), heating (via electric heat pumps and electric furnaces) and chemical synthesis. The latter includes
the production of low-emission iron and steel, ammonia, plastics and synthetic fuels. Production of these
materials usually requires hydrogen (which can be produced by water splitting) and carbon (for which the
most likely long-term large-scale sustainable source is air capture of carbon dioxide). Electricity is highly
likely to be the main energy form for production of sustainable hydrogen, carbon and derivative chemicals.
Some of these energy demands have large-scale inherent storage, including the batteries in millions of
electric vehicles (typically 50 GWh per million vehicles), hot water in storage tanks, and stored hydrogen and
carbon in a chemical synthesis plant.
The storage needs of electricity grids supplied mostly by variable solar and wind generation are likely to
be met through a combination of many methods as described above.
Many studies model large-scale renewable energy systems based on variable solar and wind energy, some
of which are summarized in [4]. Large-scale storage is an integral component of the models, to ensure that
generation and demand are balanced on all time scales. The identification of off-river PHES as a very large
scale, very mature, low-cost storage method for which reliable cost estimates can be readily determined is
important because it allows an upper bound to be placed on the cost of storage. If batteries or some other
method undercuts pumped hydro in the future, then costs of balancing a renewable electricity system based
on solar and wind will fall below the upper bound established by pumped hydro.
Importantly, the upper bound on the cost of storage provided by pumped hydro is a relatively small
number compared with the cost of generation. For example, the cost of the storage required to support a
100% renewable electricity grid in Australia is about $7 MWh−1 [18] assuming that all the storage is pumped
hydro. The cost of additional transmission and periodic spillage of solar and wind energy when the storages
are full brings the balancing cost to about $18 MWh−1 . This can be compared with the current and expected
cost of solar and wind energy of $30–50 MWh−1 and $15–25 MWh−1 [26] in 2020 and 2030 respectively. In
summary, storage is not expensive.
No one can reliably predict future energy consumption and storage requirements. However, it is useful to
gain some idea of prospective scale. Major economies including Europe, China, Japan and the USA are
committing to reach zero emissions by 2050–2060. It is likely that solar and wind will be the dominant
methods used to drive all fossil fuels out of the global economy because their cost and annual deployment
scale are much more advantageous than other low emissions technologies.
Per capita electricity consumption in advanced economies is in the range of 5–10 MWh person−1 yr−1 .
Complete elimination of fossil fuels from the economy entails an approximate tripling of electricity
production [25]. Thus, global electricity production may reach about 20 MWh person−1 yr−1 .
The global population is expected to reach about 10 billion in mid-century. When developing countries
catch up to per capita energy consumption in today’s advanced economies, then global electricity production
of about 200 000 TWh yr−1 will be required. Assuming that electricity is produced by deployment of a
combination of solar (60%), wind (30%) and other methods (10%), a total of 81 TW of solar and 17 TW of
wind power will be required (assuming average system capacity factors of 17% and 40% respectively).
Deployment rates of solar and wind need to grow by a factor of 20 to eliminate fossil fuels by 2050.
If we assume that one day of energy storage is required, with sufficient storage power capacity to be
delivered over 24 h, then storage energy and power of about 500 TWh and 20 TW will be needed, which is
more than an order of magnitude larger than at present, but much smaller than the available off-river
pumped hydro energy storage resource (23 000 TWh).
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10. Conclusion
The key driver for a renaissance in pumped hydro storage is the rapid rise of variable PV and wind. Once
many countries achieve solar and wind penetration of 50% or more, large amounts of storage will be
Electricity consumption in sunbelt countries is likely to rise rapidly in coming decades as economic
development proceeds. Since the cost of new-build solar and wind is below the cost of new-build fossil,
nuclear or renewable energy alternatives, most of the new generation will be provided by solar and wind.
This means that large increases in the amount of storage will be required to balance variable solar and wind.
Pumped hydro and batteries are complementary storage technologies and are best suited for longer and
shorter storage periods respectively.
In this paper we explored the technology, siting opportunities and market prospects for PHES in a world
in which most electricity is produced by variable solar and wind. Vast numbers of potential off-river pumped
hydro sites were identified in most regions of the world, far exceeding the number required to support 100%
variable renewable electricity systems. Off river PHES is likely to have low environmental impact and low
water consumption.
Importantly, the known cost of pumped hydro storage allows an upper bound to be placed on the cost of
balancing 100% variable renewable electricity systems. The all-in cost of fully balanced 100% solar and wind
electricity systems is below the cost of an equivalent fossil fuel system for most of the world.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to Roger Fulton who generously shared his extensive knowledge of hydro
with us. Thank you also to the anonymous reviewers. Our work has been supported by the Australian
Government through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). Responsibility for the views,
information or advice expressed herein is not accepted by the Australian Government.”
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