Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
Why should you care if the number of organisms is increasing or decreasing?
Populations that are growing or diminishing can be an indicator of potential problems in the
organisms’ environment. The increase in the number of individuals in a population is called
population growth. The maximum population size an environment can support is called its
carrying capacity.
What will happen if population size rises above the carrying capacity? For you to
understand how population of organisms affects biodiversity, the set of activities in the
succeeding pages is set to be accomplished for one week of the third quarter.
MELC: Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying capacity.
(S10LT- IIIi-42)
1. Define population density and carrying capacity.
2. Explain the factors that affect the carrying capacity and population growth.
3. Provide solutions to prevent the reduction of the carrying capacity of an organism.
4. Describe exponential and logistic growth curve.
5. Identify factors that affect population.
6. Analyze the causes of the limiting factors to the population growth and predict
their effect.
ACTIVITY 1 – Look at Me
Direction: Analyze the picture below. Observe the
number of population density in a certain community
and relate the population density
ACTIVITY 3 – Discover Me
1. Look at the 2 boxes below and compare your
Materials: food coloring, dipper, bucket, water
1. Fill the bucket with water and add food coloring so that it will be more visible in a
clear container.
2. Place the empty clear container on top of a table.
3. Pour dipper of water into the container while scooping water out of the clear
container and pour it back to the bucket.
Direction: Analyze the following situations:
While populations would probably continue to grow in size, a population of organisms
cannot grow forever – its growth will be limited or stopped, at some point, and the death rate
will be greater than the birth rate.
Population density refers to the numbers of organisms per unit area. If a population
density is very high, that means there are a lot of organisms crowded into a certain area.
Density-independent limiting factors can stop a population from growing such as
natural disaster, temperature, sunlight and human activities while Density-dependent limiting
factors come into play when a population reaches a certain number of organisms like when a
population reaches a certain size, there won’t be enough resources like food, shelter and
water for all the organisms. This could cause the population to stop growing when it reaches
the maximum number of organisms than can be supported or carried by the environment.
This number is known as the POPULATION’S CARRYING CAPACITY in a particular
environment. Each population of organisms has a different carrying capacity depending on
the amount of resources available in the area in which it lives.
Before a population reaches its carrying capacity, it experiences a period of rapid
growth. This period is called exponential population growth resulting in a J – shaped curve.
In logistic growth, population expansion decreases as resources become scarce and it levels
off when the carrying capacity of the environment is reached. The curve is S-shape.
I. Define the following terms:
a. Population f. Logistic growth
b. Population density g Density-dependent limiting factor
c. Carrying capacity h. Density-independent limiting factor
d. Exponential growth
e. Density-independent limiting factor
II. Enumerate at least three (3) factors that affect population growth.
III. Differentiate exponential growth and logistic growth.
I have learned that
o Acosta, Herma D., (2015). The Ups and Down of Population Growth. Science
Learner's Material 10 (pp. 331-333). Rex Bookstore.
o “World Population”. Retrieved May 29, 2020 from
o “Is Global Population Growth a Problem?” Retrieved May 28, 2020 from