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Harmonic Planning Levels for Australian Distribution Systems

V.J. Gosbell1, V.W. Smith1, D. Robinson1 and W. Miller2

Integral Energy Power Quality Centre, University of Wollongong
Standards Australia
A modelling technique is developed for determining the harmonic voltage distribution across a
distribution system when there is an equitable distribution of harmonic emission. The harmonic
voltages at the 132kV and 415V levels are fixed to values based on IEC Compatibility and
Planning Levels and the intermediate voltages determined. Studies are made of six systems, typical
of Australian distribution practice, to examine the effect of choice of voltage level and system
parameters over the harmonic range of 2-40. Based on the study, harmonic Planning Levels are
recommended for application to Australian distribution systems.

1. INTRODUCTION there is no voltage drop and therefore no harmonic

current between the two voltage levels. Furthermore,
The Australian standard for the control of harmonic no values are given for LV systems although they
levels in MV distribution systems, can be expected to be slightly less than the
AS/NZS 61000.3.6 [1], is a slightly modified form of Compatibility Levels of Table I.
International Electrotechnical Standard
IEC 61000-3-6. This standard gives Utility In a system where the harmonic load is distributed
obligations as regards voltage levels and Customer across all voltage levels, one would normally expect
obligations as regards harmonic current emission that voltage levels would be highest at the extremity
levels. The scope of the standard is harmonics 2-40. of LV distributors and decrease at each successive
higher voltage level. Planning Levels need to be
The fundamental concept in the standard is a profiled similarly, and should correspond to the
Compatibility Level. This is a harmonic voltage level preferred distribution of harmonic emission across
which can be thought of a boundary between what is the system.
permitted on the supply and the immunity level of
equipment (see Table 1). Utilities are given some The Integral Power Quality Centre was asked by
scope for choosing their own harmonic limits Standards Australia to determine appropriate
depending on local conditions - these values are Planning Level values for typical Australian
given the name Planning Levels. distribution systems. This paper will discuss the
methodology which was developed to determine
Table I - Compatibility Levels for Harmonic suitable values.
Voltages (in per cent of nominal voltage) in LV and
MV power systems ([1] Table 1) 2. OVERVIEW OF APPROACH

A generic system was chosen for the study. The

system extended from a 132kV level to 415V as
shown in Figure 1. The voltages 33kV and 11kV are
shown as example voltages. 22kV is also used and in
some systems there may be only one intermediate
voltage level between sub-transmission and LV. The
many branch circuits connected to the 33kV, 11kV
and 415V busbars are indicated by the dashed lines.
Parameter values were sought from several utilities
to ensure that a wide range of planning and
construction practices were allowed for. Key
parameters included fault levels, substation loadings,
number of lines, line lengths and impedances and
Some indicative values for Planning Levels are given load values and distribution.
in the standard, but it would be unsatisfactory to
adopt them in Australia. One problem is that all MV A preferred harmonic loading needs to be defined.
levels are given the same values. Where there are two The loading is due to two load types subject to
MV levels in the chain of supply, as in most parts of different standards. LV equipment has current
Australia, identical harmonic voltages would mean distortion limits set for four generic equipment
Transmission Zone Distribution
substation substation substation

132kV 33kV 33kV 11kV 11kV 415V 415V

From Bulk
supply point

MV feeder loads LV distributor loads

Figure 1: Test system topology
types [2]. Assumptions need to be made about the The relationship between the harmonic currents from
make-up of a typical domestic installation in order to each of these components and the corresponding
determine corresponding LV customer current voltages are given by simple single-phase circuit
distortion levels. MV loads have current limits theory techniques. However the relationship between
allocated by utilities in order for Planning Levels to the component and resultant voltages do not obey the
be met, following some broad principles in [1]. A Superposition Law and cannot be given by a circuit
key concept in this standard is that MV customers of theory approach because of the use of the 95%
equal maximum demand should have equal harmonic values. The Standard recommends two approaches,
allocation. This corresponds closely to all MV of which the Second Summation Law is more
customers in a particular subsystem being allocated general. This law uses an exponent α varying with
equal current distortion as a percentage of maximum the harmonic order as shown in Table II. If sources 1
demand current, with a slight complication due to the and 2 have 95% voltage values of V1 and V2, the
Second Summation Law to be described. The MV 95% of their combined voltage is
and LV load fundamental components are assumed α α α
to be equal as stated in [3]. V= V1 + V2 (1)

The LV load is set at a constant harmonic level Table II - Summation Law Exponent α
whose value is determined as described in variation with h
Section 4.1. The MV load harmonic emission is Harmonic order α
increased until the 415V.R busbar reaches the 415V h<5 1
Planning Level. The values of the intermediate 5≤ h ≤ 10 1.4
busbar voltages are then taken as the required h > 10 2
intermediate Planning Levels.
The circuit theory calculations are not unduly
To avoid representing the system upstream of the complex. A spreadsheet has served as a convenient
132kV busbar, it is assumed that the whole power means for implementing all the calculations
system is operating at its maximum allowed described in this study, including load modelling,
harmonic emission and the 132kV busbar voltage has converting harmonic currents into voltages, and
reached its Planning Level which has to be combining voltage components.
determined from a preliminary study (Section 5.2).
The selection of the 132kV Planning Level is to It would be time-consuming to apply this approach
some extent arbitrary, however the resulting values for the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and each of
do not have a major impact on the intermediate the 39 harmonics within the scope of [1]. It is also
Planning Levels. The 415V Planning Level is also set questionable if the methodology can be extended
independently, slightly less than the values in simply to all other harmonics. There is also
Table I, as described in Section 5.1. uncertainty in determining LV load emissions at high
harmonics. Single phase models cannot be used to
Harmonics are generally time-varying. The analyse the propagation of triplen harmonics which
maximum value of the harmonic voltage is too short must be unbalanced at the MV level where there is
in duration to give a good measure of its effects. The no neutral connection. The approach is clearly
standard recommends the use of statistical quantities unsuited for a study of THD.
such as the 95% value and this will be used for all
voltages and currents in the discussion below. Instead the method has been applied only to the
original test system at several selected harmonics
The voltages at each busbar are made up of three across the range 2-40. It was found that the change in
components the voltage profile with frequency could be
• 132kV busbar value representing transmission reasonably well approximated by a linear expression.
effects. This frequency-dependent harmonic profile is
• Upstream LV load effects. assumed to be suited to the other sets of power
• Upstream MV loads effects. system data and has been extended to all harmonics
and the THD, enabling Planning Levels to be
determined for all MV levels studied (66kV, 33kV, installations. There are some LV industrial and
22kV, 11kV). commercial installations which produce high
harmonic emissions locally, but it will be assumed
3. TEST SYSTEM that they are a small part of the whole LV load in a
MV subsystem. Table V summarises the harmonic
It is assumed that the system is homogenous, that is current limits for LV equipment as given in AS/NZS
all the parts not shown have the same parameters, 61000.3.2 for the 5th harmonic [2].
topology and loading data as the section shown. Note
the symbols S (Send) and R (Receive) are used to Table V - Summary of AS/NZS 61000.3.2 for 5th
distinguish the busbars at the two ends of the feeder harmonic
and distributor.

Six sets of parameters were chosen to represent the

range of distribution data obtained from utilities as
shown in Table III. The key differences are given in
the two right hand columns, showing that System The major contributions to household harmonic
Numbers 3 and 5 are weaker than the others at the distortion are shown in Table VI. The major
MV level while System Numbers 1-4 are weaker at harmonic emitting equipment is an inverter-type air-
the LV level. Most numerical values used, for conditioner present in 1 in 5 houses. Although
example those in Figure 2, are from System personal computers draw a lower current, they are
Number 1. assumed to be present in every house and hence their
average contribution/house is more. TV units draw
Table III - Summary of test systems even less current but are even more prevalent and
Table VI shows that they are the major contributor in
terms of Amperes/household. The estimation of 1.5
TV/house is expected to allow for the use of VCRs as
well. Stereos are considered not be operating at the
same time as TVs and to have a similar harmonic
current. It is thought that there is unlikely to be a
Loads distributed along feeders (11kV) and significant number of dishwashers operating
distributors (415V) are replaced by equal lumped simultaneously at the peak period. Most other
loads at the ends of the lines. All loads have been residential harmonic loads are of small power and
converted to per unit on a 1MVA base which is well unlikely to make a significant contribution.
suited to distribution system calculations. Line
resistance is ignored as usual in harmonic Table VI – Expected 5th harmonic current/household
calculations of this type. It is assumed that lines are for major appliances
sufficiently short that shunt capacitance can be
ignored. The 11kV and 415V line fundamental
reactances can be shown by well known methods to
be 0.020pu and 0.711pu respectively for the lengths
given in Figure 2. Other reactances can be
Using the Second Summation Law gives I5 = 1.2A.
determined from fault level data and are shown,
Assuming 5kVA house demand (21A at 240V) gives
again for System Number 1, in Table IV.
the percentage 5th harmonic current as 6%. Some
households might be expected to have larger
Table IV – Lumped load and fundamental upstream
installations of harmonic equipment, but their
reactance at each busbar – typical data
Busbar 132 33.S 33.R 11.S 11.R 415.S 415.R maximum demand is likely to be larger giving a
Lumped load (MVA)
PU fundamental reactance (1MVA
similar percentage of 5th harmonic current relative to
the maximum demand current.
4. LOAD MODELLING It is assumed that every 5kVA of single phase LV
load has 6% 5th harmonic current. Taking three such
4.1 LV loads households distributed across the three phases gives a
15kVA three phase LV load with 6% of 5th harmonic
It will be assumed that most LV loads are domestic current. Using a 1MVA base, 1.2A is 0.000864pu.
132kV 33kV.S 33kV.R 11kV.S 11kV.R 415V.S 415V.R

3000MVA 1000MVA 500MVA 150MVA 7 feeders @ 7km, 12MVA 2 distributors @

Load 100MVA Load 25MVA 0.35Ω/km Load 400kVA 350m, 0.35Ω/km
Figure 2: Test system data – Fault levels shown in italics
Now consider an LV load of SLV distributed across IMVh = kMVhSMV1/α (5)
three phases. The number of 15kVA blocks is
N = SLV/0.015 (2) where α is the Second Summation Law exponent and
kMVh is the allocation constant. As part of the
Using the Second Summation Law, the 5th harmonic procedure for determining Planning Levels, kMVh will
current of SLV is be increased until harmonic voltages at the end of the
ILV5 = 0.000864×N1/α = 0.000864×(SLV/0.015)1/α 415V distributor in the test system reach the LV
Planning Level value. SMV should be the design
Hence ILV5 = 0.017SLV1/α (3) maximum demand taking into account planned load
In general ILVh = kLVhSLV1/α (4)
It is assumed that the limits in LV equipment 132kV AND 415V SYSTEMS
standards have been determined to give household
contributions to harmonic voltages which fall off at 5.1 LV Planning Levels
higher frequencies in the same way as the
Compatibility Levels. Hence kLVh can be determined The Standard gives identical Compatibility Levels
for other values of h by scaling depending on the for LV and MV systems (Table I). Table 2 in [1]
ratio of Compatibility Levels for the hth and 5th gives Indicative Planning Levels for MV systems
harmonics. which are 80-90% of the Compatibility Levels. The
LV Planning Levels will need to be larger than these
For a 400kVA pole-top transformer, the model given values but not higher than the Compatibility Levels.
by eqn(3) predicts a 5th harmonic current is 12A or They have been chosen to be the average of the LV
2% of the load fundamental current. This is Compatibility Levels and the Indicative MV
consistent with readings taken by the Integral Energy Planning Levels as shown in Table VII.
Power Quality Centre at one such transformer.
5.2 132kV Planning Levels
Since several questionable assumptions have to be
made to deduce values for kLVh, a sensitivity study The Standard gives indicative Planning Levels for
was made which demonstrated that the harmonic HV-EHV which look broadly suitable for applying to
voltage profile across the study system was not very Australian 132kV systems. However, not all the
sensitive to values of this constant. values are well thought out. For example, the values
are equal to the LV Compatibility Levels at the 4th
4.2 MV loads harmonic and many higher harmonics. If 132kV
systems were loaded to these levels, there would be
The preferred harmonic allocation given in the no scope for harmonic emission at MV or LV levels
Standard is a harmonic current which increases with at the harmonic frequencies involved.
load maximum demand SMV. It is shown, because of
the use of the Second Summation Law, that the It is noted that, at the important harmonic orders of 5,
mathematical treatment is simplified if the allocation 7, 11, 13, the HV-EHV indicative Planning Level is
follows the form 36%, 44%, 46% and 55% of the LV Planning Level

Table VII - Recommended Planning Levels (Voltages given in percent of nominal)

Voltage level Voltage level
h 132KV 66kV 33kV 22kV 11kV 415V h 132KV 66kV 33kV 22kV 11kV 415V
2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.8 22 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
3 2.0 2.6 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.5 23 0.70 0.77 0.79 1.18 1.18 1.35
4 0.60 0.70 0.73 0.96 0.96 1.00 24 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
5 2.0 2.8 3.1 5.1 5.1 5.5 25 0.51 0.54 0.55 0.76 0.76 0.85
6 0.30 0.35 0.36 0.48 0.48 0.50 26 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
7 2.0 2.6 2.7 4.2 4.2 4.5 27 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
8 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.43 0.43 0.45 28 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
9 0.81 0.92 0.95 1.27 1.27 1.35 29 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.67 0.67 0.76
10 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.42 0.42 0.45 30 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
11 1.5 1.8 1.9 3.0 3.0 3.3 31 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.63 0.63 0.73
12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.20 32 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
13 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.5 2.5 2.8 33 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
14 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.20 34 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
15 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.30 35 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.57 0.57 0.67
16 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.20 36 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
17 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.8 37 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.54 0.54 0.64
18 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20 38 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
19 0.81 0.88 0.90 1.23 1.23 1.35 39 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
20 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20 40 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20
21 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20 THD 3.0 4.1 4.4 6.6 6.6 7.3
recommended here. It is recommended that the HV- Based on these criterion, the ratios given in the
EHV Planning Level should not exceed 60% at any bottom row of Table VIII are recommended for the
harmonic frequency to give adequate scope for 5th harmonic voltage.
harmonic loading at lower voltage levels. Because of
the use of a summation law with α =2 at higher 7. VARIATION OF PLANNING LEVELS
frequencies, this will allow MV and LV loads to WITH HARMONIC FREQUENCY
contribute about 80% of the 132kV harmonic voltage
level. The recommended values shown in Table VII There would be a large effort required to perform the
are the minimum of the indicative Planning Levels analysis of Section 6 for all harmonics in the range
from [1] Table 2 and 60% of the recommended LV 2-40 for the six test systems. This effort would not
Planning Level. have much value at the higher frequencies where the
accuracy of system reactance and LV load modelling
6. 5TH HARMONIC PROFILES are suspect. Instead the voltage profile is examined
for System Number 1 only since it is the weakest (see
The aim of the study to find a compromise voltage the value of kMV in the right hand column of
profile that can be applied to all the test systems Table VIII) for several frequencies in the range. The
without undue loss of harmonic absorption aim of the study is to check if the ratios in the bottom
capability. The value of kMVh from eqn(5) was row of Table VIII can be applied at all harmonic
increased until the 415V Planning Level was met and frequencies.
the voltages at the intermediate MV buses then
determined. Simulations have been made at the 5th, 7th, 11th, 19th,
29th and 37h harmonics. The 5th and 7th harmonics
The voltages were then expressed in terms of their were chosen because they are dominant harmonics in
percentage span between the HV Planning Level and practice. The other harmonics were chosen as being
the LV Planning Level. For example, if the HV the important harmonics (those of the form 6k±1)
Planning Level is 1% and the LV Planning Level is with value closest to 10, 20, 30 and 40. The different
5%, a harmonic voltage of 2% is expressed as 25% harmonic voltage ratios are shown plotted in
since it is 25% of distance between 1% and 5%. This Figure 3.
method was chosen with the aim of finding a
standard set of ratios which could be applied to the Linear regression has been applied to find a straight-
HV and LV Planning Levels for all harmonics. The line approximation. In forming the sum of the errors
value determined in this way is called a “voltage squared, a higher weighting is applied to the lower
ratio”. frequency values where more accuracy is required.
The variation of harmonic voltage ratio with
The above six systems gave voltage ratios for the 5th harmonic order was found to be
harmonic as shown in Table VIII. The table also Voltage_Ratio11kV(h) =
shows the MV allocation constant as a measure of Voltage _Ratio11kV (5)×(1.1 – 0.01h) (6)
the system’s harmonic absorption capacity. Larger
values indicate a system which can absorb a larger Voltage_Ratio33kV (h)
harmonic current for a given maximum demand. = Voltage _Ratio33kV (5)×(1.1 – 0.03h) (7)

Table VIII - Harmonic voltage ratios for different test 100

systems at 5th harmonic
Harmonic voltage ratio

11kV voltage ratio



33kV voltage ratio

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
In determining ratios which can be applied to all -20
systems, the following need to be considered h

(i) Since the choice of a ratio different to that

found in the table will reduce the harmonic
absorption of the system, the weaker Figure 3- Voltage ratio variation with harmonic order
systems 1-2 should be given greater weight. (solid line: from computed results;
(ii) 11kV and 22kV Planning Levels should be dashed line: linear approximation)
chosen too low rather than too high, else the
LV harmonic voltages might be excessive. The first law has been applied to the 11kV and 22kV
recommended ratios in Table VIII while the second
has been applied to the 33kV and 66kV ratios.
Triplen harmonics cannot be analysed directly by the Compatibility and Planning Levels and the
method described which is based on a single phase intermediate voltages recorded in the form of voltage
network representing positive sequence effects. As ratios. Studies were made of six systems to examine
there appears little scope for a soundly based the effect of choice of voltage level and system
mathematical analysis, it will be assumed that the parameters. Important harmonic orders in the range
triplen harmonic Planning Levels can be allocated 5-37 were studied. A compromise set of harmonic
using the same proportions as for the other ratios, having a simple variation with harmonic
harmonics. order, is recommended as being suitable for typical
distribution systems.
Now let the 415V and 132kV Planning Levels at
harmonic order h be VPLh(415V) and The study requires assumptions regarding
VPLh(132kV). The Planning Levels between 11kV (i) Reactances and loadings of the power
and 66kV for harmonic voltages at any harmonic system
number can be determined from the recommended (ii) Summation of harmonic currents
ratios in Table VIII and the higher harmonic factors (iii) Harmonic emission of LV loads
given in eqns(6) and (7). (iv) Proportion of LV to MV load demand
Let K1(h) = 1.1 – 0.01h (8)
From the investigation, it is recommended that the
K2(h) = 1.1 – 0.03h (9) Planning Levels shown in Table VII be adopted.

Then VPLh(11kV) = VPLh(132kV) 9. REFERENCES

+ 0.85K1(h)(VPLh(415V)-VPLh(132kV)) (10)
1. AS/NZS 61000.3.6 “Limitations of emission of
VPLh(22kV) = VPLh(132kV) harmonic currents for equipments connected to
+ 0.85K1(h)(VPLh(415V)-VPLh(132kV)) (11) medium and high voltage power supply systems”,
Standards Australia 2001.
VPLh(33kV) = VPLh(132kV) 2. AS/NZS 61000.3.2 “Limits for harmonic current
+ 0.32K2(h)(VPLh(415V)-VPLh(132kV)) (12) emissions (equipment input current <=16A per
phase)”, Standards Australia 1998.
VPLh(66kV) = VPLh(132kV) 3. P. Meynaud et al , “Equipment producing
+ 0.25K2(h)(VPLh(415V)-VPLh(132kV)) (13) harmonics and conditions governing their
connection to the mains power supply” CIGRE
The same approach is used to find Planning Levels Working Group 36.05, Electra, No 123, March
for voltage THD. Since THD is dominated by the 5th 1989, pp. 21-37.
harmonic, the recommended voltage ratios from
Table VIII are applied without the frequency 10. LIST OF SYMBOLS
dependent factors in eqns(8) and (9). These values
are shown in Table VII. α Second Summation Law exponent
H Harmonic order
8. CONCLUSION K1,K2 Constants describing changes in voltage
profile with harmonic order in eqns(8, 9)
A modelling technique has been developed for kLVh LV load emission constant
determining the harmonic voltage distribution across kMVh MV load current emission allocation constant
a distribution system for a equitable distribution of S Voltage-amperes
harmonic emission across the different voltage VPL Planning Level for harmonic voltage
levels. The harmonic voltages at the 132kV and
415V levels are fixed to values based on IEC

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