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Dokumen : 02
FORM Tgl. Terbit :
UTS - UAS No. Revisi :
Jl. Surya Kencana No. 1, Pamulang
Halaman : 2
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15415


Kurikulum : KKNI/KBK Semester : 03
Fakultas/Prodi : Ekonomi/Manajemen Hari : Sabtu
Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS III Tanggal : 22 Januari 2022
Bobot SKS : 2 SKS Ruangan :
Dosen : Ida Nurlina, S. Pd., M.M. Kelas : 03SMJM030

NamaMahasiswa : ………………………………………….

PetunjukPengisiansoal :
1. Berdoasebelumdansesudahmengerjakansoal
2. Jawabpertanyaandengantepatdanbenar
3. Dahulukanmenjawabsoal yang dianggap paling mudahmenurutAnda

I. Choose the best answer !

1. A : Edwin won’t come to Diana’s party.
   B : Neither will.

a. So will I c. Nether will

b. I don’t either d. I will too

2. A : They have never been to Scotland.

B : Neither have I.

a. I am too c. Neither have I correct

b. So am Iwrong d. I have either

3. A : My brother doesn’t write letters very often.

B : Neither does my sister

a. My sister doesn’t too c. My sister does either

b. So does my sister d. Neither does my sister correct

4. A : Dean isn’t at the office.

    B : I am not either.

a. So am I c. Neither do I
b. I am not eithercorrect d. I am not too wrong

5. A : They have been to Denmark.

     B : I have too

a. So do Iwrong c. Neither have I

b. I have toocorrect d. I haven’t either
6. A : They don’t like cold weather.
    B : Neither do we.

a. Neither do wecorrect c. We don’t like too

b. So do wewrong d. We do either

7. A : Karen was very tired this morning.

B : So was John .

a. John was tired either c. Neither was John

b.John is tired too d. So was John correct

8. A : Lucy can see the mountain from here.

    B : So can I.

a. Neither can I c. So can I correct

b. So do Iwrong d. I can either

9. A : I need a holiday.

    B : So do I.

a. So do Icorrect c. I need do I
b. So did I d. Neither do I

10. A : Jane went to Borobudur last week.

    B : So did I.
a. I am too c. So did I correct
b. So do Iwrong d. Neither did I

II. Fill in Gerund or Infinitives the correct form

1. I don’t mind doing the washing up (do)

2. Irregular verbs are not easy to remember (remember)
3. She is interested in becoming a doctor (become)
4. My father helped me do my homework. (do)
5. I don’t feel like studying English today (study)
6. I pretended to be Asleep (be)
7. She warned him not to be late (not be)
8. Novels about growing up are popular among teenagers (grow up)
9. It is not easy to graduate From University (graduate)
10. The man is strong enough to lift That box (lift)

III.Fill in the correct form of the verb in the brackets in each of the following sentences !
(Conditional Sentences).

1. She would give you the money if she had (have) it.
2. Had my mother arrived at the sale early, she should find (find) a better dress.
3. If you have enough time, please clean (clean) your room before you go to school.
4. They could go for a drive if today had been (be) Sunday.
5. If she Had decided (decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
IV. Make the sentence below into the Passive Voice sentence.
Example : I clean my room every day.
My room is cleaned by me every day.

1. They visited that museum yesterday. that museum was visited by them yesterday
2. He has bought a new car. A new car has been bought by him
3. John is buying some books. Some books are being bought by john
4. How many tickets does Budi buy ? how many tickets are bought by budi?
5. A teacher has explained the lesson too much. the lesson has been explained by a
teacher too much

V. Please write 3 sentences which consist of Obligation and Necessity in The Present !

VI. Please make a conversation about Obligation and Necessity in the Past !

VII. Please make a short composition about describing with Look and Like !

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