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Q4 - Science 10 - Week 2

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1. Investigate the relationship between volume and temperature at constant

pressure of a gas.
2. Explain the relationships of volume, temperature and pressure using the Kinetic
Molecular Theory.


In the previous lesson, we learned about the relationship of pressure and volume at
a constant temperature of gas. Let us continue to discover how gases behave. There is
another gas law that you will study - Charles’ law or also known as the ‘Law of Volumes’.
It is an experimental gas law that explains how gases tend to expand when exposed to
high temperature. Charles’ Law is an ideal gas law wherein the volume of an ideal gas is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature at constant pressure. This law states
that the volume of a given amount of gas at constant pressure varies directly with kelvin
According to Charles’ law, when the pressure of a gas is held constant, and there is
an increase in its temperature, its volume also increases. Every time we heat a sample of
gas, its particles become more active and energetic so they move rapidly which causes
them to spread out because the volume of the gas is increased as expected.
Here are another examples of situations in which Charles’ Law is at play: If you take
a flat basketball on a bright sunny day, the ball expands as the temperature increases. If
you over inflate a pool float on a hot day, it can swell under the sun and eventually bursts.
The kinetic molecular theory (KMT) tells us that when the temperature is increased,
the kinetic energy (KE) of the gas is also increased. To keep the pressure constant, the
volume of the container must increase. Conversely, if the temperature of a gas is reduced,
the volume of the container must be reduced also in order to maintain the same pressure.
Considering that the volume of a given mass of a gas is directly related to its temperature,
hence the density decreases with the increase in temperature. This is the reason why hot
air balloons are used by the scientists for meteorological purposes.
Charles' Law is a special case of the ideal gas laws. It states that the volume of a
fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature. This law applies to ideal
gases held at a constant pressure, where only the volume and temperature are subjected
to change.

In solving problems involving Charles’ Law, you have to convert temperature from
degrees Celsius to Kelvin, then add 273. Remember that all temperatures used in gas law
calculations must be in Kelvin (K). The standard temperature is 00C or 273 K.

Charles' Law is expressed as:

Vi = initial volume
Ti = initial absolute temperature
V2 = final volume
T2 = final absolute temperature

It is extremely important to remember the temperatures are absolute

temperatures measured in Kelvin, NOT °C or °F.

Let us try it in a sample problem below.

Sample Problem 1
1. A sample of Freon gas at 760 mmHg has a volume of 12.0 L and a temperature
of 44 0C. Find the new volume of the gas after the temperature has been
increased to 85 0C at 760 torr.

Step 1: Since the temperatures are given in degrees Celsius, you must first
change them to Kelvin.

T1 = 44 0C + 273 K = 317 K
T2 = 85 0C + 273 K = 358 K

Step 2: Find the given Initial Condition Final Condition

T1 = 317 K T2 =358 K
V1 = 12.0 L V2 =?

Based on the above examples, an increase in temperature of a gas will also cause an
increase in its volume, while a decrease in volume of a gas will cause also an increase in
its temperature, as the pressure is held constant.
Hot-air balloon works because of Charles’ Law. Through heating the air inside the
balloon with a burner, it becomes lighter than the cooler air on the outside. The mere fact
that the balloon tends to float upward, as if it were in the water. Obviously, if the air is
allowed to cool down, the balloon gradually moves down to the ground.
Did you know that the kinetic energy of the molecules of gas is affected when the air
inside the balloon is exposed to heat? Heat energy, also known as thermal energy, occurs
when the hot air rises which causes the balloon to float.
This relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas, eventually known
as Charles’ Law, provides an explanation of how these hot-air balloons work.

Now, you will investigate the relationship between temperature and volume at a glance
using the graphical representation of raw data given in a data table. Notice how the values
for volume-temperature data on Table 1 (Volume-Temperature Data for a Gas at Constant
Pressure) are plotted on the graph to show the direct relationship of the volume and
temperature of a gas at constant pressure.

Figure 1: The graph of the data from Table 1 shows that volume increases with
At constant pressure, when the volume changes, the volume-temperature relationship
shows a straight line on the graph which indicates a direct proportion to each other.

In this activity, let us try to investigate the relationship between pressure and volume
using a smaller volume of a gas to see if there is a difference between a smaller volume
and bigger volume.
Directions: Plot the data given on the table Pressure-Volume Data on a graph in order to
show the inverse relationship of the pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature.
Let’s get started!


How Does Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) Explain the Charles’ Law?
Kinetic theory explains why the volume of a container must expand when temperature
of the gas inside increases in order to remain constant.

Analysis of a gas when its temperature increases according to KMT:
➢ The molecules of a gas sample will have more kinetic energy when temperature has
increased causing them to move with greater velocity.
➢ The molecules will travel across the container between the walls in less time
(because they are moving faster and covering the same distance between the
containers’ walls) if the container’s dimensions do not change. So, the rate of
collisions will become faster, which would increase the pressure.
➢ The molecules would cover a larger distance thereby maintaining a constant rate of
collisions if the dimensions of the container increased. Thus, maintaining a constant
➢ This is because of the existing relationship between temperature and mean
molecular kinetic energy:

Where E is the kinetic energy, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute
temperature (i.e. temperature in Kelvin)
Because of a greater change in the momentum of the molecules when they collide with
the container’s wall, the tendency of the pressure on the container is to increase as well
as their kinetic energy. However, when their momentum perpendicular to the wall is
reversed, it becomes higher in value. You would need to increase the volume further to
reduce the rate of collisions in order to keep pressure constant due to this effect.
How Does Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) Explain the Boyle’s Law?
When molecule collide they create pressure. When the molecules are held together they
collide more frequently. Hence, less volume, more collisions, more pressure. Because of
the kinetic energy of moving particles, the Kinetic Molecular Theory of gas was discovered.
The kinetic energy of the molecules is directly related to its temperature.
In Boyle’s Law, the temperature is the one being held constant, so the kinetic energy
of the molecules remains the same. The pressure and the volume are inversely
proportional to each other. Whereas, collision of particles (atoms and molecules) with each
other and the container created the pressure inside. The more collisions among the
particles, the more pressure. As the temperature increases, it causes an increase in the
number of collisions causing molecules to have more kinetic energy.
What happens in Boyle’s Law is that the molecules are forced to come closer together.
The more densely-packed the gas molecules are, the more often they collide creating more
pressure. So if the volume is less, the number of collisions and pressure will be greater. If
the volume is greater, the number of collisions and pressure will be less. So the volume
and pressure are inversely related if the temperature and total kinetic energy is kept
The Kinetic Molecular Theory states that gas particles are in constant motion and
exhibit perfectly elastic collision. The average kinetic energy of a collection of gas particles
is directly proportional to absolute temperature only.

Directions: Fill in the missing words that will complete the message which explains how
Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) can explain both Boyle’s law and Charles Law. Choose it
from the boxes below. Let’s enjoy this task….

I have learned that …










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