It also
the study of effects, behavior and movement of electrons. Electronics deals with flow of charge
(electron) through non-metal conductors (semiconductors).
The history of electronics is a story of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and of three key
components—the vacuum tube, the transistor, and the integrated circuit. In 1883, Thomas Alva
Edison discovered that electrons flow from one metal conductor to another through a vacuum. This
discovery of conduction became known as the Edison effect. In 1904, John Fleming applied the Edison
effect in inventing a two-element electron tube called a diode, and Lee De Forest followed in 1906 with
the three-element tube, the triode. The first applications of electron tubes were in radio
communications. Guglielmo Marconi pioneered the development of the wireless telegraph in 1896 and
long-distance radio communication in 1901. In 1918, Edwin Armstrong invented the “superheterodyne
receiver” that could select among radio signals or stations and could receive distant signals. Radio
broadcasting grew astronomically in the 1920s as a direct result. Armstrong also invented wide-band
frequency modulation (FM) in 1935; only AM or amplitude modulation had been used from 1920 to
1935. In 1947, a team of engineers from Bell Laboratories invented the transistor. John Bardeen, Walter
Brattain, and William Shockley received a Nobel Prize for their creation, but few could envision how
quickly and dramatically the transistor would change the world.The concept of the integrated circuit was
proposed in 1952 by Geoffrey W. A. Dummer, a British electronics expert with the Royal Radar
Establishment. Throughout the 1950s, transistors were mass produced on single wafers and cut
apart. By 1961, integrated circuits were in full production at a number of firms, and designs of
equipment changed rapidly and in several directions to adapt to the technology. All these radical
changes in all these components led to the introduction of microprocessors in 1969 by Intel. Soon after,
the analog integrated circuits were developed that introduced an operational amplifier for analog signal
Application of Electronics are Industrial Automation and Motion Control, Medical Applications and
Consumer Electronics , etc.
Everyday we are dealing with electronic circuits and other forms of electronic devices such as gadget,
TV, computers,cellphones and many others. Looking back to the past knowing the brief history of
electronics is necessary to revive our minds and to get inspired by the amazing inventions and
discoveries they made up.
Today's world of electronics has made significant gains in a variety of fields, including healthcare, medica
l diagnosis, autos, industries, electronics projects, and so on, convincing everyone that working without
electronics is virtually impossible.