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Bruker: RXC Service Manual

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Service Manual

Version 003

The information in this manual may be altered without notice.

BRUKER accepts no responsibility for actions taken as a result

of use of this manual. BRUKER accepts no liability for any mis-
takes contained in the manual, leading to coincidental damage,
whether during installation or operation of the instrument. Un-
authorised reproduction of manual contents, without written
permission from the publishers, or translation into another lan-
guage, either in full or in part, is forbidden.

This manual was written by

C. Gosteli, A. Schwilch
© September 16, 1994 - Spectrospin AG

Fällanden, Switzerland

Updated for BASH 2.0 by UR - December 1996

P/N: Z31190
DWG-Nr: 861 003


1 General Description .............................................. 1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.2 Features ............................................................................. 1
1.3 Installation .......................................................................... 2
1.4 RXC Connector Pin Assignment (Sub-D, female, 25 Pin to
SE451) 4
1.5 SBS Bus (RS485) Connector Pin Assignment ..................... 4
1.6 Jumper Settings (ECL00) .................................................... 6
1.7 Jumper Settings (ECL01 or later) ........................................ 6

2 Technical Data ...................................................... 9

2.1 DC Specifications ............................................................... 9
2.2 Soft- and Hardware Specifications digital uP Part ................ 9

3 Function Description .......................................... 11

3.1 RXC Controller Section ...................................................... 11
Microcontroller ...............................................................11
Address Decoder ...........................................................11
Non volatile Code Memory .............................................12
RS-485 Interface ............................................................13
I2C Interface ..................................................................13
Reset and Power uP Logic .............................................14
Clock Oscillator ..............................................................14
LEDs .............................................................................15

4 RXC Service Tool ............................................... 17

4.1 SE451 Transmitter Fx module Filter Structure .................... 17
4.2 SE451 Receiver Gain ........................................................ 17
4.3 I2C AQR Functions ............................................................ 17
4.4 Autodownload .................................................................... 17
4.5 3 Channel SE451 Interface ................................................ 18
Submenu Service ...........................................................19
BBIS Bruker Board Information System ..........................19
Debug Bitpattern DRG0..DRG7 ......................................20
Debug Bitpattern DRG8..DRG15 ....................................20
Debug Bitpattern DRG16..DRG23 ..................................20
Submenu Gain functions ................................................20
Submenu Diagnostic: .....................................................20

5 ECL-Information .................................................. 21

6 RXC Software Release Note ............................... 23

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6.1 AD-Release 940614 .......................................................... 23

7 Test Equipement .................................................. 25

7.1 HF-Case Test-Extension .................................................... 25

8 RXC Error Messages ........................................... 27

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ii BRUKER Book Title Version 000



Address Decoder ................................................................................................ 11

AD-Release......................................................................................................... 23
Application Software ........................................................................................... 21
application software ............................................................................................ 12

BBIS ................................................................................................................ 1, 11
Boot Software...................................................................................................... 21
boot software....................................................................................................... 11
Bruker Board Information System ....................................................................... 12
Bugs .................................................................................................................... 23

Clock Oscillator ................................................................................................... 14

Config.................................................................................................................. 19
Controller Section................................................................................................ 11
Current .................................................................................................................. 9

DC Specifications.................................................................................................. 9
Debug.................................................................................................................. 17
Download ............................................................................................................ 19
download............................................................................................................. 11

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Book Title Version 000 BRUKER 1 (35)


ECL00 ................................................................................................................. 21
ECL01 ................................................................................................................. 21
ECL-Information .................................................................................................. 21
EP ....................................................................................................................... 15
EP_HPPR ........................................................................................................... 21
EP_SE451........................................................................................................... 21
Error 11 ............................................................................................................... 27
Error 13 ............................................................................................................... 27
Error 20 ............................................................................................................... 27
Error 200 ............................................................................................................. 29
Error 201 ............................................................................................................. 29
Error 204 ............................................................................................................. 29
Error 205 ............................................................................................................. 30
Error 206 ............................................................................................................. 30
Error 207 ............................................................................................................. 30
Error 208 ............................................................................................................. 30
Error 30 ............................................................................................................... 27
Error 31 ............................................................................................................... 27
Error 32 ............................................................................................................... 28
Error 33 ............................................................................................................... 28
Error 34 ............................................................................................................... 28
Error 36 ............................................................................................................... 28
Error 37 ............................................................................................................... 28
Error 38 ............................................................................................................... 29
Error 39 ............................................................................................................... 29
Error 40 ............................................................................................................... 29
Error 41 ............................................................................................................... 29
Error 42 ............................................................................................................... 29
Error Meassages ................................................................................................. 27

Features ................................................................................................................ 1
FLASH memory................................................................................................... 11

Gain settings ....................................................................................................... 15

galvanic isolated.................................................................................................. 13
galvanic isolation ................................................................................................. 21

I2c ................................................................................................................. 17, 29

I2C Interface........................................................................................................ 13

Jumper Settings .................................................................................................... 6

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2 (35) BRUKER Book Title Version 000



LED ..................................................................................................................... 27
LEDs ................................................................................................................... 15

Microcontroller..................................................................................................... 11

Power up Logic ................................................................................................... 14

Print Index ........................................................................................................... 21
Prototype............................................................................................................. 21

Release Note ...................................................................................................... 23

Reset................................................................................................................... 14
reset .................................................................................................................... 13
RS-485 Interface ................................................................................................. 13

save config .......................................................................................................... 12

SE451 Gain......................................................................................................... 17
Service Tool ........................................................................................................ 17
Software ........................................................................................................ 21, 23
Software Specifications......................................................................................... 9
Specifications ........................................................................................................ 9

Technical Data ...................................................................................................... 9

wakeup line ......................................................................................................... 13

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4 (35) BRUKER Book Title Version 000


General Description 1
Introduction 1.1
The RXC applies for DMX and DSX Spectrometers.
The RXC is just an interface for controlling the SE451 gains and the filter. It’s real-
ized as a variant placement of the RX22-Receiver. The same board is used, but
only the control-, I/O- and power supply-section are placed and no HF case is
With this board the SE451 gain can be set via the RS485 interface.
Calibration and production datas, known as the BBIS are stored in a flash
EPROM direct on the board.
The RXC handles a serial I2C Interface for controlling other boards like the 3-
Channel SE451.

Features 1.2
-6dB Gain Steps
-RS485 Interface
-I2C Interface

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 1 (35)

General Description

Installation 1.3

2 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


Figure 1.1. Installation RXC




D-Sub OUTPUT to SE451

25 Pins Gain Settings and Filter

EP~ Input from RCU

(If no RADC in AQR)




D-Sub J14 RS485 (SBS-Bus)

15 Pins


RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 3 (35)

General Description
RXC Connector Pin Assignment (Sub-D, female, 25 Pin to SE451) 1.4

Figure 1.2. RXC to SE451 Connector D-SUB 25 Pin Assignment

D-Sub, female, 25 Pins to SE451
(Front View)

to SE-Burndy CC, Pin 1 HP/!LP1 Pin 14 DRG0 (LSB), to SE-Burndy A

Receiver Gain

to SE-Burndy D, Pin 2 DRG1

Pin 15 DRG 2, to SE-Burndy E
to SE-Burndy N, Pin 3 DRG3
Pin 16 DRG 4, to SE-Burndy P
to SE-Burndy T, Pin 4 DRG5
Pin 17 DRG 6 (Reserve)
to SE-Burndy HH, Pin 5 GND
Pin 18
Pin 6
Pin 19
Pin 7
Pin 20
Pin 8
Pin 21
Pin 9
Pin 22 HP/!LP2
Pin 10 HP/!LP3

Pin 23
Pin 11 SDA
Pin 24 SCL
Pin12 I2GND
Pin 25 VDD +15V
Pin 13 AGND

HP/!LP1..3: Filter Settings for SE451

SBS Bus (RS485) Connector Pin Assignment 1.5

Figure 1.3. RS485 Connector Pin Assignment

D-Sub, male, 15 Pins, RS485 (SBS-Bus)

(Front View)

Pin 1
Pin 9 TXD_N
Pin 2 TXD_P
Pin 10
Pin 3 WUP~
Pin 11 RXD_N
Pin 4 RXD_P
Pin 12
Pin 5
Pin 13
Pin 6 RS485_GND
Pin 14 RS485_12V
Pin 15 RS485_12V Pin 7 RS485_GND
Pin 8

4 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α

SBS Bus (RS485) Connector Pin Assignment


RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 5 (35)

General Description
Jumper Settings (ECL00) 1.6
Board Z4P2953:
- Ju15 and Ju16 switch different supply voltages to the RS interface. They must be
in the same position.
If they are placed closer to the front panel (Position A) than the RS interface is
supplied with an external RS485_12V supply voltage. This voltage is connected to
the RS485 plug on pin14,15 positive 12V and pin 6,7 GND.
If they are placed closer to the back plane (Position B) then the internal digital +5V
Voltage supplies the RS interface section. (Caution no galvanic isolation)
- Ju7 and Ju8 select the RS input channel. They must be in the same position.
If the position of both jumpers is closer to the front panel (Position A) than the
RXC serves a RS485 interface on the RS485 plug .
If the position of both jumpers is closer to the back plain (Position B) than the RXC
serves a RS232 interface on the RS232 pin plug.

Jumper Settings (ECL01 or later) 1.7


Table 1.1. Jumper Settings:

Jumper Setting A Setting B

J7 RS485 interface RS232 interface (if IC36 is A


J8 RS485 interface RS232 interface (if IC36 is A


J15 True galvanic isolation for No galvanic isolation for B

RS485 interface RS485 interface
(If external 12V for RS485 (If external 12V for RS485
interface is available use set- interface is not available use
ting A) setting B)

J16 True galvanic isolation for No galvanic isolation for B

RS485 interface RS485 interface
(If external 12V for RS485 (If external 12V for RS485
interface is available use set- interface is not available use
ting A) setting B)

J17 EP~ from front panel EP~ from backplane B

J18 Reserved for further options Reseved for further options B

J19 EPA_SE451 and EPA_SE451 and B

EPB_SE451 low active EPB_SE451 high active

J20 EP_HPPR low active EP_HPPR high active B

6 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α

Jumper Settings (ECL01 or later)


Figur 1.4. Jumper Locations

RS485 Connector


RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 7 (35)

General Description

8 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


Technical Data
DC Specifications 2.1

Mean Supply Current (RX_P19V) 100mA

Mean Supply Current (RX_P9V) 250mA

Soft- and Hardware Specifications digital uP Part 2.2

Software boottime from power up to uP ready 10sec
Hardware Reset from EP inactive to uP ready 0.4sec
Hardware Reset from WUP inactive to uP ready 0.4sec
RS-485 Baudrate 9600Baud
RS-485 Startbit 1
RS-485 Stopbit 1
RS-485 parity none
uP Clock Frequency 12MHz
I2c Clock Frequency 90KHz
Current RXC Connector to SE451 VDD +15V Pin25 max. 20mA

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 9 (35)

Technical Data

10 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


Description 3 3

RXC Controller Section 3.1

Microcontroller 3.1.1

The Microcontroller system consists of a 80C535 12MHz Microcontroller, a 32K *

8 Bit Static RAM, a 128K * 8 Bit paged FLASH EEROM and a 12MHz clock gener-
ator. The external bus interface of the 80C535 consists of an 8-bit data bus, a 16-
bit address bus and five control lines. The address latch enable signal (ALE) is
used to demultiplexing address and data of port 0. The program memory is ac-
cessed by the program store enable signal (PSEN~) twice a machine cycle. The
read or write strobe (RD~, WR~) is used for accessing the external data memory.

Address Decoder 3.1.2

The address decoder controls the microcontroller program and data memory ac-
cesses. It enables/disables depending on the address and control signals different
devices. Normally, the uP boots from the lower page of the FLASH memory and
runs its application software from the upper page. The PSEC~ control signal is as-
serted by the uP while the uP downloads new application software or stores new
BBIS or configuration data. This mapes the FLASH memory into the data seg-
ment and the RAM into code segment. The uP accesses now the RAM as it were
a nonvolatile code memory. Therefore, program instructions are copied from the
boot partition of the FLASH memory to the RAM before starting the download pro-
The uP may access several devices as data memory. Its own RAM(Address
0x2000..0x7FFF), the latch for the PAS D/AC(located at 0x8000), the latch for the
phase adjustment D/AC(located at 0x8001), the latch for the gain adjustment
D/AC(located at 0x8002), the I2C master transmit/receive I/O expander (located
at 0x8004, 0x8005), the latch for the RF control signal driver(located at 0x8006)
and the latch for the IF and G2 control signal driver(located at 0x8007).
A special mode allows the download of the boot software into the lower page of
the FLASH memory. The boot software is copied in the test department from an
EPROM to the FLASH. The boot partiton is in normal operation mode protected
from unwanted program and erase operations.

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 11 (35)

Function Description
Figure 3.1. Memory Map

Program Memory Map


Data Memory Map

0x8007 IF-, G2 Settings Latch

Application Software
0x8006 RF-Settings Latch
Insystem programable 0x8005 I2C I/O Expander
0x8002 Gain Adjust Latch

0x8001 Phase Adjust Latch

0x8000 PAS Latch


Calibration Page 2 Regular Data Memory
Contains Data & BBIS
Calibration Page 1
Contains Data & BBIS 0x2000
0x1FFF 0x1FFF
Boot Block, protecded by Reserved as Boot Block while
insystem programing FLASH
0x0000 0x0000

Non volatile Code Memory 3.1.3

The RXC SE451 interface controller uses a new FLASH technology, a 128K * 8
block wide erase/programmable non volatile Memory. The address space is sepa-
rated into four blocks, each block is insystem erase-, and programmable. Data in
the boot block is protected from unwanted erase/program operations if jumper
JU2 is not placed
(normal operation).
Parameterblock 1 and 2 contain BBIS(Bruker Board Information System) dataand
values stored with the “save config“ command. Only one parameterblock is valid
at a time, the other is erased and will be written with the next save config or up-
date BBIS data command.
The uP software manages which parameter block is actual valid.
The application or main block contains the application software. It is possible to
make an insystem update of the interface controller software version. The down-
load software is stored in the boot block and copied to the low page of the RAM
before a download starts. The uP will then disable PSEC (Program SECurity) and
while PSEC is low access the RAM as code memory and the FLASH as data
memory (address decoder).

12 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α

RXC Controller Section

RS-485 Interface 3.1.4

Communication to the RXC SE451 interface controller is achieved via the RS485
interface. The RS485 is a full duplex differential interface which allows to connect
several transceivers to the same wires. The interface is realized by seperate
transmit and receive lines. A extra wakeup line may activate a hardware reset on
the RXC. This line is driven from the RS485 master.
All signals in the RS interface are galvanic isolated with optocoupler circuits. The
supply voltage for the galvanic isolation delivers the RS485 Master. A voltage reg-
ulator placed in the interface section generates +5V Vcc out of the 12V on the
RS485 plug. Data collisions in a network with several slaves is avoided with the
TX_EN signal. The uP switches its transmit outputs into tristate (high impedance
mode) after the end of each data transmission.
The default baud rate is set to 9600 Baud. One startbitt, no parity, one stopbit

Figure 3.2. RS485- Transmission


Pin 2

Pin 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I2C Interface 3.1.5

The RXC I2c interface is not any longer connected to the I2c bus in the AQR rack.
The hardware change is made to avoid I2c bus collisions in the AQR. This change
is valid from RXC with ECL02.
The RXC drives the SE451 BBIS with an I2C bus defined by Philips. Up to eigth
devices may be connected to this bus. The different I2c Components can be se-
lected individually by a unique address identifier. The following hardware address-
es of the RXC I2c bus are occupied:

RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 13 (35)

Function Description
Table 3.1. RXC I2c addresses

I2c hardware
I2c Device address Device

0x00 0xA0/0xA1 3 Chanal SE451 BBIS EEPROM

The I2c bus of the RXC must be disconnected from the AQR I2c bus. This is done
by cutting the four I2c plug contacts on the back plane plug.

Reset and Power uP Logic 3.1.6

A supply voltage controller monitors the digital supply voltage (+5V). If the supply
voltage drops below 4.5V a hardware reset automatically takes place. When
switching on the power supply, the voltage monitor releases the RESET~ signal
after a time delay. This allows the quartz oscillator building-up the 12MHz system
Different reset sources drive the RESET~ signal after the power up. The regular
reset switch placed on the board for manual resets, the RS_WUP~ (RS485 Wake
up) and a EP~. All those sources may initiate a hardware reset. The Controller is
because of disturbance reasons held in a reset state during the whole acquisition
of NMR data(EP~ active).
The uP system boots after each reset. While the uP boots, the RXC does not
serve the serial interface. Any data received on the serial RS485 interface is ig-
The boot time must be considered by any application or testing software.
The boottime consists of two separates time delaies. The hardware delay caused
by the Power monitor ~15msec and the boot time of the uP system software.

For exact boot time see Soft- and Hardware Specifications digital uP Part on page

Clock Oscillator 3.1.7

The uP is driven from a 12MHz oscillator. Two possible circuits may be used. If
R158 and R194 are placed on the board, the uP uses its internal timing circuits.
The uP makes it possible to turn off the clock with a software instruction. Leaving
this deep power down mode is achieved with a hardware reset.
If R101, R106 and R108 are placed on the board, the uP uses the external clock
oscillator. This oscillator turns off while EP~ is active low. Leaving this mode is
achieved with the positive state of the EP~ and a resulting hardware reset through
EP~. A special software mode disables the EP~ reset and clock turning off.

14 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α

RXC Controller Section

Figure 3.3. uP Clock

uP Clock
EP_RX~ 1


1. A Acquisition activates EP_RX~. EP_RX~ triggers a hardware reset in the reset
logic and switches the clock oscillator off.
2. Disabling EP_RX~ releases the clock oscillator, the clock oscillator starts build-
ing up the 12MHz clock frequency.
3. Disabling EP_RX~ releases the reset logic input, the reset logic pulls RESET~
high after a certain time delay.
4. The uP switches EP_BNK(EP_BlaNK) on. An EP_RX~ does not result anything
in the uP system. This mode is entered for phase- and gain adjustment only.

LEDs 3.1.8

Some LED’s on the front panel of the board signal the state of the RXC. Two
LED’s display the uP status, one LED monitor the supply voltage.
Possible combinations of the READY and ERROR LED are described in table
LED Description on page 15.
The +5V LED monitors the digital +5V supply. The LED is on when the observed
+5V voltage is correct.

Table 3.2. LED Description

Error LED Ready LED

red green

off off - power supply not on

off on - Normal operating mode

- ready for operation

off single, short-time - Communication LED.

flickering The board has received a command from the
RS485 bus master. The LED switches to off as
soon as the RXC acknowledges the command.

RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 15 (35)

Function Description
Error LED Ready LED
red green

blinking on The uP disabled the EP reset logic. (tuning,

matching and gs procedure)
Caution: NMR experiments are not possible in
this mode due to disturbances of the uP sys-

on off Error state.

The firmware triggered an error. The error
must be acknowledged by the Master. The
RXC refuses further operation until the error is

on on - The board was powered up.

- An active EP disables any uP operations, the
uP system is always in a reset state.
Check the polarity of the connected EP pulse

16 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


RXC Service Tool

A service tool running under UNIX supports some RXC functions. This tool can
be started by typing rxc under UNIX or by opening a shell(term) and typing rxc un-
der openwindows. This tool supports user, service and testing function.


SE451 Transmitter Fx module Filter Structure 4.1

The RXC SE451 interface controls an adjustable low-/highpass filter in the SE451
Fx transmitter module. Writing 0 sets the filter structure to lowpass, 1 to highpass.
Please note: use the proper command in the 3 channel SE451 interface Submenu
when a new 3 channel SE451 is connected to the RXC. All three filters may be set
independent for all connected transmitter modules in this Submenu.

SE451 Receiver Gain 4.2

The RXC sets a new SE451 Receiver gain. The valid gain range is 1.0..32768.0.
The RXC controls the SE451 gain via a plug placed in the front panal of the board.

I2C AQR Functions 4.3

The RXC does not support any AQR I2c functions.

Autodownload 4.4

The firmware software on the RXC board is automatically checked and if neces-
sary downloaded with the latest firmware version. Dependencies between
firmware and hardware are controlled by the tool software. Do always execute an
autodownload after receiving a new firmware tape.

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 17 (35)

RXC Service Tool
3 Channel SE451 Interface 4.5

SE-451 Filter Structure 1 Transmitter:
The RXC drives the filter structure in the first transmit module.
Writing 0 sets the filter structure to lowpass, 1 to highpass. (The filter structure de-
pends on the transmitter frequency.
Normally: lowpass for all modules with frequencies below 400MHz.
highpass for all modules with frequencies above 400MHz.)

SE-451 Filter Structure 2 Transmitter:

The RXC drives the filter structure in the second transmit module.
Writing 0 sets the filter structure to lowpass, 1 to highpass. (The filter structure de-
pends on the transmitter frequency.
Normally: lowpass for all modules with frequencies below 400MHz.
highpass for all modules with frequencies above 400MHz.)

SE-451 Filter Structure 3 Transmitter:

The RXC drives the filter structure in the third transmit module.
Writing 0 sets the filter structure to lowpass, 1 to highpass. (The filter structure de-
pends on the transmitter frequency.
Normally: lowpass for all modules with frequencies below 400MHz.
highpass for all modules with frequencies above 400MHz.)

Measure SE451 Temperature:

The 19“ SE451 has a temperature regulator. The RXC monitors the measured
temperature. This feature requires RXC boards with hardware index Z3P2953D.

Measure SE451 Fan Voltage:

The 19“ SE451 has a temperature regulator. The RXC monitors the Fan voltage.
Calibrate the temperature regulator in the SE451 with this function. (see manual
19“ SE451)
This feature requires RXC boards with hardware index Z3P2953D.

Read BBIS Production Page:

The 19“ SE451 is equipped with an serial EEPROM. The EEPROM contains de-
vice specific data. This functions displays the BBIS production data on the screen.

Read BBIS Service Page:

The 19“ SE451 is equipped with an serial EEPROM. The EEPROM contains de-
vice specific data. This functions displays the BBIS service data on the screen.

Read BBIS Device Page:

The 19“ SE451 is equipped with an serial EEPROM. The EEPROM contains de-
vice specific data. This functions displays the BBIS device data on the screen.
3 Channel SE451 Interface

Read BBIS Application Page:
The 19“ SE451 is equipped with an serial EEPROM. The EEPROM contains de-
vice specific data. This functions displays the BBIS application data on the

Submenu Service 4.5.1

This menu contains various functions like debug-, service- and test department
function. Some function are reserved for authorized persons and can not be ac-
cessed by a regular user.

Initialize Default Values:

The RXC SE-451 interface controller initializes itself with default values. New de-
fault values can be obtained by the Save Configuration command(see below). Ex-
ecuting an Initialize command sets the configuration as it was saved with the
“Save Configuration“ command.

Delete Error
Some errors may occur during runtime of the RXC SE-451 interface controller, All
this errors announced by the RXC must be acknowledged. The RXC SE-451 in-
terface controller refuses operation as long as an error is not deleted. This func-
tions deletes one error.

An update of the application software in the RXC SE-451 interface controller is in-
system possible. This function starts the download procedure. Normally the appli-
cation software is loaded in the test department and must not be updated.

Save Configuration:
The RXC SE-451 interface controller stores the current settings as its default into
a non volatile data memory. The RXC SE-451 interface controller sets the default
values after an “Initialize“ command or a power up.

Version Config
This command gets the RXC SE-451 interface controller hard- and software con-
figuration and displays it on the screen.

BBIS Bruker Board Information System 4.5.2

This menupoint contains commands about some board informations. Selecting

this menupoint opens a new menu with the following commands:

Read BBIS to Screen:

The RXC SE-451 interface controller BBIS(Bruker Board Information System)
data is displayed on the screen. BBIS contains production, testing, hard- and soft-
ware versions data.

RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 19 (35)

RXC Service Tool
Read BBIS to File:
The RXC SE-451 interface controller BBIS(Bruker Board Information System)
data is written to a file and may be edited with a normal ASCII editor like vi or
emacs. BBIS contains production, testing, hard- and software versions data.

Write BBIS from File:

The RXC SE-451 interface controller non-volatile data memory is loaded with new
BBIS data. Normally the test department writes valid data to the board after pro-
duction or repair.
Caution: The BBIS data memory may contain non-valid data if an unauthorized
user selects this menupoint. The old data will be irretrievable lost.
For use of authorized persons only!!!

Debug Bitpattern DRG0..DRG7 4.5.3

The user can write a value direct to the latch IC47. This value is in hexadecimal
notation. The set bitpattern is applied to the SE-451 via the DSUB 25 connector
on the front panel of the RXC board

Debug Bitpattern DRG8..DRG15 4.5.4

The user can write a value direct to the latch IC48. This value is in hexadecimal
notation. The set bitpattern is applied to the SE-451 via the DSUB 25 connector
on the front panel of the RXC board

Debug Bitpattern DRG16..DRG23 4.5.5

The user can write a value direct to the latch IC49. This value is in hexadecimal
notation. The setted bitpattern is applied to the SE-451 via the DSUB 25 connec-
tor on the front panel of the RXC board

Submenu Gain functions 4.5.6

Some gain functions are implemented to make the tuning and matching proce-
dure as easy as possible. Some of this functions will not set a new SE-451 gain,
they do just inform the tuning software about the gain table in the RXC. This menu
is for debug reasons only.
The ERROR LED on the frontpanel off the RXC blinks while this submenu is ac-
tive. This is a warning that the acquired spectra may be disturbed by the uP sys-

Submenu Diagnostic: 4.5.7

This submenu contains debug functions for bug fixing. More functions will be im-
plemented with later firmware releases.

Table 5.1. ECL information for RXC

Application Boot
ECL Additional Features Print Index Tool
Software Software

Prototype Z4P2953 rx22ab.hex rxbootab.hex


ECL00 Z4P2953 rx22ab.hex rxbootab.hex


ECL01 -Full galvanic isolation of Z4P2953A rx22ab.hex rxbootab.hex

RS485 interface rx22ac.hex
-Polarity of signal EP_HPPR rx22ad.hex
and EP_SE451 can be
selected by jumpers
- Heat Sink at voltage regula-
- The I2c Bus is separated
from the AQR I2c Bus. The
RXC serves with the I2c the
multi channel SE451.

ECL02 -Incircuit test points imple- Z3P2953B rx22ab.hex rxbootab.hex

mented for testing reasons rx22ac.hex

ECL03 Z3P2953C rx22ab.hex rxbootab.hex


Table 5.2. Firmware Versions

Release Firmware Application Application

Tape Version Version Date Checksum

--- RX22AB 931203 $F67B 82735

--- RX22AC 940222 $B0F0 84021

940614 RX22AD 940531 $5974 90929

Please refer to the specific firmware release note to get full information about the
features and bugs of each release.

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 21 (35)


22 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


RXC Software
Release Note 6 6

AD-Release 940614 6.1

Fixed Bugs:
1. - None

New Facts:
2. In normal operation, the digital part of the SE451 interface RXC is shoot down
during acquisitions. A special mode is implemented to achieve full operation
also when an EP is active. This special mode was made for tuning and match-
ing procedures. When the RXC switchs to the “Disable EP Logic mode on“,
the ERROR LED on the front panel starts blinking. This is a warning for the us-
er, it reminds him that the uP system is working and that the acquired spectra
may be disturbed by the uP clock oscillator or other frequency products. The
UXNMR enters into the “Disable EP Logic mode“ when a tuning or matching
procedure or the gs mode is activated.
3. The SE451 interface controller RXC supports BBIS I2c functions for the new 3
channel SE451. The 3 channel SE451 is equipped with a serial EEPROM. The
EEPROM contains device specific data for the UXNMR configuration routine.
This software feature requires a hardware upgrade. (The RXC I2c bus must be
disconnected from the AQR I2c bus driven by the SADC/HADC.)
See manual I2C Interface on page 13
4. The SE451 interface controller drives three low-/ highpass filter. All filter may
be set independent with software instructions. The filters are located on each
SE451 transmit module in the new 3 channel SE451.

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 23 (35)

RXC Software Release Note

24 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


Test Equipement
HF-Case Test-Extension 7.1

There is an extension board available if you have to make further hardware meas-
urements. It allows you to check the board out of the Rack. This extension can
also be used for all other boards in a HF case with a c/2-connector (48 pins). It’s a
standard one to one extension.
You may order this extension board at:
Industriestrasse 26
CH-8117 Fällanden
Tel 01/ 825’91’11
as HF-Case Test-Extension, Part Nr.: Z012746

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 25 (35)

Test Equipement

26 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


RXC Error
Messages 8 8
Error are also announced with the two LED placed on the front panel. (see chap-
ter LED’s on page 26

Table 8.1. Error Messages


RXC ROM Error The RXC has no application software downloaded. Ex-
Error 11 ecute a download first. (Tool, Submenu Service, Down-

RXC Power failed The RXC was powered up and not initialized. No com-
Error 13 mands will be accepted before initiation. (Tool, Submen-
us, Initialize Default Values).

RXC Syntax Error The RXC received a undefined command. The syntax is
Error 20 not specified and can therefore not be served. You might
have a inconsistent system. Establish consistency with
the autodownload command.

RXC Error_Startchar The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-

Error 30 ware is a INTEL Hex file. If the starting character of any
line in this file violates the format specifications down-
loading will stop immediately.
Your downloaded file may be damaged, contact your lo-
cal Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 inter-
face controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_Datacount The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-

Error 31 ware is a INTEL Hex file. If the length of any line in this
file violates the format specifications downloading will
stop immediately.
Your downloaded file may be damaged, contact your lo-
cal Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 inter-
face controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Service Manual 861002α BRUKER 27 (35)

RXC Error Messages

RXC Error_Address The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-

Error 32 ware is a INTEL Hex file. If any address in this file is big-
ger than the uController(80C535) serves with its
addressbus(0xFFFF) downloading will stop immediately.
Your download file may be damaged, contact your local
Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 interface
controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_Rec Type The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-
Error 33 ware is a INTEL Hex file. If any line record type specifier
violates the format specifications downloading will stop
Your download file may be damaged, contact your local
Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 interface
controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_Checksum The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-

Error 34 ware is a INTEL Hex file. Every line in this file gets a
checksum. The RXC SE-451 interface controller calcu-
lates for each line its own checksum and compares
them. If a checksum differs from the calculated check-
sum downloading will stop immediately.
Your download file may be damaged, contact your local
Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 interface
controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_Prommer Special algorithems allow an insystem programming of

Error 36 the Flash EPROM. If an erase or program cycle of a
memorylocation fails, downloading will stop immediately.
If this error happens twice, contact your local Bruker
service agent or replace your RXC board.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_Erase Special algorithems allow an insystem programming of

Error 37 the Flash EPROM. If an erase cycle of a memorylocation
fails, downloading will stop immediately. If this error hap-
pens twice, contact your next Bruker service agent or re-
place board your RXC board..
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

28 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α


RXC Error_NoHexChar The RXC SE-451 interface controller application soft-

Error 38 ware is a INTEL Hex file. A stopline indicates the end of
file. If this end of file line violates the file specification
downloading will stop immediately.
Your download file i may be damaged, call your local
Bruker service agent for a correct RXC SE-451 interface
controllerxx.HEX file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC Error_ReCount The RXC SE-451 interface controller boots from a lower
Error 39 page of his Flash memory. The bootroutine stored in this
page must correspond to the downloaded application
software. The downloaded application software conflicts
with the boot block. Restart the download with a correct
rx22xx.hex file.
To restart the download, reset the RXC (Powerdown on
AQR rack or initiate an EP pulse) and clear the RXC SE-
451 interface controller Errormessage #11.

RXC VDD12 +12V failed The RXC is insystem programmable. Performing this
Error 40 ability requires a positive 12 Volt Voltage. TheRXC ob-
serves this voltage during program/erase operations in
the Flash memory.

RXC Error in Flash Command The RXC is insystem programmable. The erase/pro-
Sequence gramable device (Flase EPROM 28F001) expects a de-
Error 41 fined command sequence for erase and program
commands. This error reports a sequence mismatch.

RXC Page Mismatch, Storing Non volatile data in the Flash memory is protected with
terminated a software key from unwanted program/erase opera-
Error 42 tions. This error appears if the valid data conflicts with
the new program command. The software refuses fur-
ther operations in the data segment as long as it can not
guarantee data validity. Please reset the RXC, sorry...

RXC Device is SE451 inter- The SE-451 interface controller received a command
face, function is for RX22 re- which is not supported in this configuration. The digital
ceiver only part of the board may control either RX22 or RXC appli-
Error 200 cation. Configuration is done with a resistor network.

RXC Device is RX22 Receiver, The RX22 receiver received a command which is not
function is for SE451 interface supported in this configuration. The digital part of the
only board may control either RX22 or RXC application. Con-
Error 201 figuration is done with a resistor network.

RXC No Acknowledge re- The RXC SE-451 interface controller drives a serial I2c
ceived on I2c Bus interface. Every data transfer on the serial I2c bus must
Error 204 be acknowledged. The slave is obligated to generate this
acknowledge. This error appears if either the I2c bus ad-
dress is wrong (no device in the I2c bus corresponds to
this address) or a hardware problem inhibits a proper
transfer on the serial bus (a wrecked I2c device).

RXC Service Manual Version 861002α BRUKER 29 (35)

RXC Error Messages

RXC I2c bus is busy, transmis- The RXC drives a serial I2c interface. The I2c specifi-
sion not possible. cations allow multi-master applications. Bus arbitration is
Error 205 done with the SCL(Serial CLock). This error appears if a
other device initiated a bus request and did not signal the
end of transmission or a device pulls either SDA or SCL
of the I2c Bus permanent low.(broken device)

RXC I2c R/W~ bit protocol vio- The RXC drives a serial I2c interface. The I2c hardware
lation, Bit 2^0 of address must protocol spezifications define bit 2^0 of the device ad-
be 1 dress as Read/Write~ selector. A proper address byte for
Error 206 a read cycle is binary xxxx’xxx1. (eg Deviceaddress is
0x42, this address changes for a read cycle to 0x43)

RXC I2c R/W~ bit protocol vio- The RXC drives a serial I2c interface. The I2c hardware
lation, Bit 2^0 of address must protocol spezifications define bit 2^0 of the device ad-
be 0 dress as Read/Write~ selector. A proper address byte for
Error 207 a write cycle is binary xxxx’xxx0. (eg Deviceaddress is
0x42, the address for a write cycle is 0x42)

RXC Hardware of RXC does Boards with ECL 03 or lower do not support SE451 tem-
not support Temperature perature measurements.
Error 209

30 (35) BRUKER RXC Service Manual 861002α



1 General Description 1
Figure 1.1. Installation RXC .................................................................. 3
Figure 1.2. RXC to SE451 Connector D-SUB 25 Pin Assignment ........... 4
Figure 1.3. RS485 Connector Pin Assignment ....................................... 4

2 Technical Data 9

3 Function Description 11
Figure 3.1. Memory Map ...................................................................... 12
Figure 3.2. RS485- Transmission .......................................................... 13
Figure 3.3. uP Clock ............................................................................. 15

4 RXC Service Tool 17

5 ECL-Information 21

6 RXC Software Release Note 23

7 Test Equipement 25

8 RXC Error Messages 27

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1 General Description 1
Table 1.1. Jumper Settings: ............................................................ 6

2 Technical Data 9

3 Function Description 11
Table 3.1. RXC I2c addresses ........................................................ 14
Table 3.2. LED Description ............................................................. 15

4 RXC Service Tool 17

5 ECL-Information 21
Table 5.1. ECL information for RXC ................................................ 21
Table 5.2. Firmware Versions ........................................................ 21

6 RXC Software Release Note 23

7 Test Equipement 25

8 RXC Error Messages 27

Table 8.1. Error Messages ............................................................ 27

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