32 - 3al 42941 Aaaa Tnaaa
32 - 3al 42941 Aaaa Tnaaa
32 - 3al 42941 Aaaa Tnaaa
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1 Function
This subrack has 17 positions for plug-in units and can be equipped with the necessary
units to build 6 complete first order multiplexer system.
2 Front view
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Q2LTS Manage
Alarm Lamp driver ment bus
Cable to Cable to Power cable to
next subrack previous subrack distribution
Test bus extension (option)
3 Subrack equipment
The subrack is equipped as follows :
Remarks :
if the CNCC (in position 16) is not equipped, a redundant ringer/power unit can be
mounted in this position.
in case of channel drop and insert, a slave PCM controller unit can be mounted in any
position if it is addressable by the CNCC : refer to Setting of system addresses.
an integrated line test unit ILTAUS can be mounted in any position if it is addressable
by the CNCC : refer to Setting of system addresses.
auxiliary units, if required, can be placed on any of the remaining places.
if no power distribution (P.S.) is foreseen AC/DC convertors can be used.
In case 1511BA with clock protection a slave PCM controller unit can be mounted:
in position 14 for multiplexer 1
in position 11 or 12 for multiplexer 2
in position 7 for multiplexer 3
in position 5 for multiplexer 4
in position 3 for multiplexer 5
in position 1 for multiplexer 6
2 connectors for the through-connection between subracks of the test bus (daisy-chain
principle) :
01 : Not connected
06 : Not connected
02 : SL3 : Signal 3
07 : Not connected
03 : SL4 : Signal 4
08 : Not connected
04 : Not connected
09 : Not connected
05 : Not connected
Meaning :
TPCM system : Signal 3 - 4 : not connected
SPCM system :
Signal 3 : TBA : test bus A-wire
Signal 4 : TBB : test bus B-wire
This connector can be used with the cable 3AL 42877 AAAA to connect the lamps on top of
the rack.
Q2 interface connector (only if a CNCC is provided in position 16) :
08 : Not connected
15 : Not connected
07 : Not connected
14 : Not connected
06 : Clock in (+)
13 : Clock in (-)
05 : Not connected
12 : Electrical ground
04 : Data out (+)
11 : Data out (-)
03 : Not connected
10 : Electrical ground
02 : Data in (+)
09 : Data in (-)
01 : Safety ground
Power supply connector, connected to the power distribution via a connection cable 3AL
Alarm output connector of power unit
5 Power unit
The power unit is used to :
interrupt the power supply (BAT1 and BAT2) either manually or automatically in case of
provide an EMC filter on BAT1 and BAT2
protect the boards in this subrack from transients and surges on the battery power
give urgent and non-urgent alarm signals.
The alarm contacts of the circuit breakers are combined and are available as urgent or
non-urgent alarm contacts to a common return.
Non-urgent alarm is given when one of both circuit breakers is switched off. Urgent
alarm is given when both circuit breakers are switched off.
The non-urgent alarm closes in a non-urgent alarm condition. The urgent alarm contact
opens in a urgent alarm condition.
Note The addresses can also be set by means of switches on the backpanel of the
subrack : however, this method can only be used on the following conditions :
the CNCC is mounted on the subrack;
there is no need to extend the Q1 bus to other subracks;
the other functionalities of the QEXA unit (access for synchronization clock
input or output, access for auxiliary alarm inputs) are not required.
If the address setting is realized by means of the switches on the QEXA unit, all
ATTENTION switches on the backpanel of the subrack have to be open.
CLK 123
F X264
Master Slave
E S678
S301 S401
D 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
GND 6 6
7 7
Open OUT IN 8 8
S246 ON S402ON
S7001 75Ω 120Ω 120 75Ω S302
S268 Ω
1 1
S286 S262 3
2 2
4 4 B
S285 ON ON
C S222 S524
S221 64K 1200
Value Value
8 1 1 5
24 2 2 6
S302 0 3 3 7 S402
16 4 4 8
Value Value
8 1 1 5
24 2 2 6
S302 0 3 3 7 S402
16 4 4 8
Value Value
8 1 1 5
24 2 2 6
S302 0 3 3 7 S402
16 4 4 8
Take care to select different groups by means of the switches of S301 and
As the switches of S302 can only select addresses below 32, it can be
TIP appropriate to select the addresses above 32 with the switches of S301.
Value Value
8 1 1 5
24 2 2 6
S302 0 3 3 7 S402
16 4 4 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
S702 ON
If the address setting is realized on
the QEXA unit, these switches have 4
to be open (as shown) !! 7