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Monday (Punching Combinations, Power + Core Exercises) : Exercise 1 - Long Distance Combinations: First Set

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Monday (punching combinations, power + core exercises)

Exercise 1 - Long distance combinations:

First set:

• Jab-> Jab-Cross (x5)

• Jab-> Jab-Cross-Lead Hook (x5)
• Jab-> Jab-Cross-Lead Hook-Rear Hook (x5)
• Rest - 60 - 90 seconds

Second set:

• Jab-> Jab-Cross-Lead Hook-Rear Hook (x5)

• Jab-> Jab-Cross-Lead Hook (x5)
• Jab-> Jab-Cross (x5)

Exercise 2 - power right cross:

Get in a proper boxing stance. Get at the right distance to land a right cross (or left cross, if
you're a southpaw). Throw it with full power, like you're trying to knock someone out and try to
land it at the height of your chin. Then quickly get your hand back on your cheek. After you do
that, make 2-3 small steps to your right or to left (like when fighting and circling around the
opponent), then stop and throw another powerful cross. Do this for 2 minutes. Then rest for 40
seconds. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 3 - Body uppercuts:

1. Get in your stance and get closer to the bag

2. Keep your hands up - do a high guard
3. Keep your knees slightly bend and use them when punching to add more power to the
4. Get close to the bag. This time we're going to fight from the inside - close to our
5. Throw combinations of powerful left and right uppercuts. You can alternate or throw
double left or right uppercuts
6. Bob and weave and slip punches all the time - imagine your opponent trying to counter
every attack
7. Keep the right hand up when throwing left uppercuts and vice versa
8. Circle around the bag between the combinations

Do 3 sets of this exercise for 2 minutes each and rest for 40 seconds between the sets.

Exercise 4 - Core:

• 30 seconds sit-ups
• 30 seconds leg raises
• 30 seconds mountain climbing
• 30 seconds plank on forearms
• Rest 40 seconds

Repeat the same thing 2 more times, and rest 40 seconds between the sets.

Exercise 5 - Warming down

• Jumping rope (200 times)

Tuesday - (sparring / circuit training

+ core conditioning)
Today you've got two options - to do a circuit boxing workout for conditioning, power, hand
speed, and accuracy or to do sparring workout - free sparing plus some blocking and counter
punching techniques.

1) Conditioning workout

Warm up:

• 100 rope jumps

• 20 burpees


We are going to do each exercise for 2 minutes with 40 seconds rest between the different
exercises. And also we're going to repeat the whole set 3 times. First set:

Exercise 1 - Free heavy bag work (2 min)

Rest (40 sec)

Exercise 2 - Shadowboxing with weights (2 min)

Rest (40 sec)

Exercise 3 - Medicine ball throwing (2 min) - This exercise is great for increasing the power of
your punches. You simply need to get a medicine ball, no matter what type it is (if it's big or
small). If you're a guy I recommend using 12-14 lbs ball (or more, depending on your strength).
And if you're a lady 6-8 lbs is just fine.
Pick the ball up, get in your boxing stance and start throwing it against a wall. Throw the ball
straight forward, imagine throwing a straight punch. Start with your right hand. Then switch the
hands (and also switch your stances as you do so).

Rest (40 sec)

Exercise 4 - Plank on forearms (1 minute) + Burpees (1 minute) - Don't rest between these
two exercises

Exercise 5 - Double end bag work (2 minutes)

Exercise 6 - Jumping rope (2 minutes)

*This is just the first set. After you're done with it, rest for 2 minutes, and then do it 2 more times
- Do all the exercises from 1 to 6 again. Make no mistake about it, it can be really hard the first
time, especially if you aren't trained.

Exercise 7 - core conditioning

You can use a medicine ball to condition your body. All you need to do is to lay on the ground
and throw it up, so it falls on your stomach. This exercise may look weird but is actually very
effective. You can start by throwing the ball lightly and increase the height each time.

Start with 3 sets of 10 throws, with 40-sec rest between them.

After that, without resting, do 100 sit-ups and 100 leg raises.

2) Sparring workout

Warm up:

• 100 rope jumps

• 20 burpees


We're going to do 2-minute sparring rounds with 40-sec rest between them.

Exercise 1 - Free sparring:

Do 3 rounds (with 40 seconds rest). If you're a group of people, you can switch the partners after
each round. Rest for 2 minutes after you're done.

Exercise 2 - Blocking/parrying drills:

1) Parry a jab -> return a jab (2 minutes) - As you parry the jab from your opponent, throw
your own jab, to his head.

Do it 5 times then switch roles - now you throw a jab and your opponent counters.

2) 10 Burpees

3) Rest for 40 seconds

4) Block a hook -> return a hook (2 min) - Again, get in your boxing stance and face your
sparring partner. Now we're going to block punches. Throw a left hook. Your sparring partner
should block it with his right glove by bringing it on the side of his head and then to throw a
counter right hook. After you block his hook, throw right hook this time, which your opponent
should block with his left hand.

5) 10 high knee jumps

6) Rest for 40 seconds

7) Block uppercut to the body -> Return uppercut and cross (2 min) - This exercise is very
similar to the previous two. But this time we're going to include some body shots. And more
specifically - uppercuts to the body.

You need to block an uppercut using your lead elbow (not your forehand). And then to return an
uppercut to the head, followed by a cross to the head.

If you're in an orthodox stance, your opponent should throw right uppercuts to your body and
vice versa if you're a southpaw.

Do this 5 times, then switch roles.

8) 10 squats

9) Rest for 40 sec

10) Throw jab-cross > slip a jab and return a lead uppercut

Throw a jab-cross combination at your sparring partner. He needs to block both punches and
return a quick jab. You need to slip that jab to your left (or to your right if you're a southpaw)
and return a lead uppercut to the body or the head of the other boxer.

He shouldn't know where you're going to land the shot. So, for example, throw it 2 times in a roll
to the head, then 2 times to the body, or alternate.

Exercise 3 - Core conditioning

Keep your hands on your neck and ask your sparring partner to throw some hooks to your body
(with roughly 70-80% of his power) for 30 seconds. Then switch roles. Do this exercise 3-4

Wednesday (cardio day)

Exercise 1 - Spinning

This exercise will help you deal better with the dizziness after a knockdown or a hard punch. To
do it you simply need to step in the ring and to go to one of its corners. Then get to the opposite
corner by spinning in a circle. After that run to the corner where you start (run next to the ropes,
not diagonally) and repeat the same exercise. Do this 4 times - 2 times spin to your left and 2
times to your right.

If there is no ring, you can do it in a room by spinning from corner to corner.

Exercise 2 - Running

1) Jogging - 1 mile (warm up)

2) Sprinting: (600 yards) Do 4-6 intervals of 600 yard sprinting with 60-90 seconds rest
between them. Sprint with roughly 80% of your max speed.

• Sprint 600 yards

• Rest 60-90 sec
• Sprint 600 yards
• Rest 60-90 sec
• Sprint 600 yards
• Rest 60-90 sec
• Sprint 600 yards

3) Very light jogging - 1 mile (warm down)

Thursday (isometric exercises + combinations + head

Warm up:

• 20 push ups
• 20 jump squats

Exercise 1 - Head movement (slipping, bobbing and weaving):

Use a speed bag - hit it, so it starts bouncing and to move your head so it doesn't hit you. Slip to
your left, to your right and also bob and weave.
Do this exercise for 2 minutes. Then rest for 30 sec. Repeat it 4-5 times.

Exercise 2 - Shadowboxing (combinations):

Do every drill for 30 sec, without resting between the different drills:

• Step in -> jab - Make a step forward with your lead foot and throw a jab
• Double Jab
• Step back->cross -
• Jab - step - cross
• Jab - slip - cross
• Bob and weave - lead hook
• Block - check lead hook - pivot away
• Lead uppercut to the body - cross to the head

Exercise 2 - Isometric:

• Plank on forearms (30 sec)

• Left side plank on forearms (30 sec)
• Right side plank on forearms (30 sec)
• Plank in push up position (1 minute)
• Rest for 2 minutes
• Do the set one more time (all the isometric exercises one more time)

Friday (rest day)

Today you can still do some light cardio exercises. You can also go swimming, walk in the park
or do some shadowboxing.

Saturday (footwork + strength)

Warm up:

• Jumping rope (100 times)

Exercise 1 - Footwork drills:

Do each of the following exercises for 2 minutes with 40 seconds rests between them.

• Side steps - take 10 sidesteps to your right and then to your left
• Forward and back moving - Get into your boxing stance and take 10 steps forward and
10 back. Step with your front foot first when going forward and with your back foot first
when going backward
• Circle around an object - Imagine an opponent in front of you. You need to circle
around him, taking small steps. Also, don't circle only in one direction. For example, take
3 steps to the left and then 1 to the right and then two more to the left. Try to trick your
• Pivot - Work on your pivots. Pivot 90 degrees to the left and to the right. Imagine a bull
that is charging you and you're trying to get out of his way, without getting your front
foot off the ground.
• Free footwork drill - 30 seconds of free moving. It's like the shadowboxing but without
punching. If there's a ring where you can do this exercise it would be perfect.

Exercise 2 - Strength:

• Pull-ups - 7 sets 5-10 reps each (depending on your level)

• Push-ups - 3 sets of 10 push-ups (you can do clapping or jumping push-ups if the basic
push-ups are too easy for you)
• Pull-ups for biceps - 5 sets 5-10 reps each
• Dips - 3 sets of 10 reps

You can rest as long as you need, but try to do it no more than 3 minutes between each set.

Sunday (rest day)

After a whole week of hard work, it's time for some resting. But don't forget that you can rest
actively - you can do some light shadowboxing, footwork or light cardio exercises if you want
and have enough energy.

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